This is WHY I LEFT the ARMY

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so in this video I'll tell you why join the army why I left it so pretty much I joined because hours I was in college I was I was doing catering level level 2 and I was bored of it not of cheffing but of college I didn't like that kind of you know I was kind of working with kids isn't it so I was like you know I need to do something else here so I was like I joined the army I didn't tell anyone not even my parents so why did so I just assigned up myself and about two days before I had my view I just told everyone I know like what so it was due a surprise but yeah it worked out alright I joined up as a chef because obviously doing college and that's my advice to anyone just you know if you do if you could at some fin do that job role don't let anyone dictate your job role if you like fixing cars obviously join the Remi as a mechanic if you like cooking join us a chef if you like building things doing arre me or Engineers you know it's pretty simple if you like running around if you like carrying weight on your back join the infantry pretty simple that's my advice anyway but lot of you're probably thinking well you're advising people to join the army but you've only done four years and you've just left so it can't be that good well I'll tell you you know I've gotten nothing but to say like really my intention was join up do four years if I really like it stay on simple if it didn't you know I can always get out after four do something else which I'm gonna do so it that was my thought process early I was always gonna do four and I go out I don't think I could ever see myself doing a career in the army you meet some really good people in the army you also meet some idiots but that's just life in general isn't it it's like any job really for adjoined I said to myself what do I want out of this and so I just basically told myself I want to join I want to see the see the world I wanna meet different people various different cultures and just get some valuable life experience and you know you get a lot of discipline being in the army you learn to look after yourself and other people and it just sets you up for life basically this video is not negative for all you know I do recommend if you want to travel if you want life experience and just to see the world join the army honestly it would be great for you if you love them three things do it obviously this negative and positive you just gotta weigh them up and if if the positives outweigh the negatives then it's probably the job for you and like I said if you are thinking of joining make sure you know what job role you want to do don't let anyone when you go to the careers office when you sign up and you have your interview you get like a piece of paper and obviously the grades you get is it's what you can go for so it's like circle if you get bad grades and you can only go for certain jobs if you got good grades you can probably go for all of them so don't let the career officer dictate what kind of job you should go for just knowing your head before you get there and then should be okay but like I was saying before I was a chef so I joined as a chef from college into the army so I already had the level one level one and I was halfway through my level two in catering but I should have finished it really so I wouldn't about to do it in the army but never mind so yeah yeah like like I was saying I did that because it is the best fit for me and I enjoy chef and at the time and I could easily carry over and just learn but you get people I was like I was with people in my training who had no experience they were like 1819 summer 17 no qualifications didn't know how to cook anything so you get the valuable skills you know to be like a basic chef or a basic mechanic accessor so you don't need much experience before joining I'm pretty sure most of you guys probably for this was gonna be like a negative video like something happens to me and that's why I left but now honestly just you know four years now that's me I've seen a lot of people as well on YouTube you know I've seen some real to YouTube who have left the canna wanna rejoin which is a series like what what are you doing because it's a big process getting out with the army you know it takes a year it is it's a long time you can't it's not like a job you can just hand your notes and go it's like a year process so why you'd want to get in I don't really know but you know if you're in the army or if you want to join and you're only thinking about doing a few years like myself just make sure you know what you're doing I definitely know I want to go out the army and that's why I'm I'm out so yeah just that's my advice to you hopefully this video helped and you guys know why I left now so I have a left on bad terms you know all the people I met like especially like chefs they were all great so yeah if you want to support the channel subscribe to it here the bail notification to get notifications every time I upload a go live like leave a comment for me in the sky I've got a screen right now [Music]
Channel: LiamBrown
Views: 120,670
Rating: 4.3612018 out of 5
Keywords: liam brown, british army, army, British army soldier, Liam brown army, joining the army, how to join the british army, army YouTube, military Youtuber, why i left the army, leaving the military
Id: 0BuItmF39ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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