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okay so before I get into this video I just want to say big thanks for the support in the last video or the last time we won it reached like 11,000 views 350 I'd like so really appreciate it keep up the spot they'll get an interesting girl what it's about basically it's just you guys been asking in the comments to post like other videos about the army and stuff so just chose one of the top rated companies which was on how to pass like a fitness test in the British Army so this is what's going to be okay so as soon as you get to phase one if you wanna check the video out like I said go check it out my previous and you get the issues etc I'm not going to go into detail about it but um you get your PT kit so I'll just show you a segment of what you get it's just going on the PT kit so let's get into it that's the PT kit year showing that so you get a green t-shirt and you get a pair of socks black non socks you don't get them yeah so just like a tight pair of shorts or like coming to see ya see you're in so just like little like a skirt if that's what you got and the magnums they'll get on screen right now but you won't get them you don't get like finest you get magnums on a white pair I've got a name so that's PT k so we've just seen the PT kit and what you get and the trainer's I'll tell your story about them so as soon as a plus phase one that's the day I pass got home wound up hit me up went on the motorway back to where I live and to trends you get the magnums and then there's like a white pair I've got a little cold um I thought to make put yeah and basically I just been straight away I'm not the last time I see you let me use them never ever want to see them again when you get into unit you get issued like the units PT kit it's a lot better a better Finn and you get to use your own trainers so you're not going to be getting like likes these ones I'll show you not going to get in like Luna flying it's that cost like 100 pound getting like magnums which honestly actually research the price like one does in phase one and I think it came to a 60-pound that pair of black trainers came to it I can't believe it shocking okay when you get to phase one like I said you get your kit issued you're settling in process for the next two or three days and after that you do this one five bit five six days of PT each week so yeah Monday to Friday maybe sometimes on Saturday and you get your Sunday off so that's what you do five six days it might change I'm not too sure but yeah you start slowly he goes fastest slowest man that's the phrase in the argues it helps but if you like above the rest of like the guys you probably got a bit worse but you know you all got the same piece which is good so if you're not into fitness get starting right now it helps because you don't want to be like picked on you get to three guys in each site intakes and stare like the scapegoat site you get picked on so much and your standard leaving because they can't take it so don't don't let love you what you actually do in PT is totally up to the PT are the physical training instructor it'll lay your lessons I'll start slow and start building up for your final PFA which is a physic personal fitness assessment yeah personal fitness assessment so you get there the third fourth there you'll do an initial PFA and you'll have a board in your block so you'll have all your names on and what time you got if you press up sit-ups and the run time so you have to pass I think it's ten thirty forty psi you have to get under and you have to get forty four press ups and fifty four sips might sound a lot but if you're just practice beforehand before training you before you actual what a day you think of signing up to the army start your fitness you know get a routine going start slow and then build up and then you reach like a certain standard before you go in and then I build you up even more and when you actually get to Faison that's my best bit of advice so you're like I said if you're not a runner if you don't do press ups ILP's pull ups start them right listen up right after this video get a plan going doesn't have to be too much one two times a week and then start building up that's not the best advice I can give you the question as well you actually get learn to swim even if you know like how to swim etc you get started at the base level and you build your up so you'll have a swimming pool I went Winchester and we had a swimming pool on camp I don't know about the other training camps but something was and you know you can pass a swim test an army swim test movies you do like a few laps of the pool a few lumps and then you have to go on a side so see the pool nice a rectangle you have to hold the side and it gets like yeah he tries you have to do that like twice without falling off if you fall off you have to start again so might sound hard but you get built up like I keep saying it's in place well don't worry about it you'll learn everything that you just have to focus on the fitness side not the actual army side of before phase one as you get me so don't worry reverse the PT I experienced in phase one was so it's classes PT but it's table tactical advanced the bulb where you do by the end of it you do an eight-mile time basically like a fuss march with weight on your back holding a rifle were you equipment and stuff that was cut it's quite bad yet blisters your legs are killing you sprained your ankles all stuff like that we get through it so don't stop don't give up just keep going you'll get told that a lot but it's just true soldier for actually opt the worst bet Petey was hill sprints you never experienced I did it safe a football before the army quite a bit and we did hill sprints like pre-season to get fit and I just before the season started yeah that was that was hard but getting into like the army where you just cannot stop before she have to just do it and do it until you throw that's how you get fit it's how you feel like it might sound bad but right at the end of training you like fit she'll ever be really iconic spoke on expressed up right now I've slowly came down a little bit but you know give them a finish level but I really do wish I was back there because I don't think I'll ever get up Fitness back again some of yous might create like wondering what you eat and stuff kind of link to the PT side but a nutrition side of it you just get your breakfast your lunch and your dinner in between you can go to a shop and get some sandwiches etc but my advice although I do focus on like nutrition and stuff get as much calories Interiors possible you know don't just because it's crap food I chips or you know greasy stuff like that greasy chicken fried chicken just because it's up that's what you'll get served and stuff I on a daily basis but it's probably the best stuff to go forth in my advice because you're going to need them calories because you're busy all through the day and you get people who just go into that nutrition stuff who come in like big hench's field who's about stolen or - by the end of training you know in the back to like come back to me so it's funny so that's my my advice for like eating wise just pile in you get like a milkshake and like a chocolate bar to sit back after every meal so I'd why did I used to take them or I used to get people's who didn't want them store them in my locker and when I was hungry just eat and eat yeah also protein shakes and stuff I'd take them in they don't really like you having them I don't know why make sure it's in form sport which is like tested just to make sure it's got no steroids etc in the army go through in porn sports so my protein e inform sport 34 pounds 35 that's price so if you wondering get get that but yeah that's all you need to know really there's nothing nothing more to know I hope you enjoyed the video hope you find it unhelpful I've quite enjoyed making them twofer because you know you get a lot of memories back in training but if this video can get 50 likes if you don't already go liked it subscribe comment down below and what we'll do for the next video is the next video is it'll be another army one but the top-rated comment will be my next video basically so wherever you want to see me do comment down below if it gets more than you know 10 likes 15 likes whatever like that comment I'll do it so comment down below like this video subscribe etc and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: LiamBrown
Views: 118,309
Rating: 4.945282 out of 5
Keywords: brown label nutrition, fitness videos, joining the british army, everything you need to know, british army, british army phase 1 training, phase 1 training, army what to expect, army training, army fitness test, british army fitness test, army pfa, us marines, SAS, want to join the army, how to pass army training, army training videos, how to get military fit, british army training tips, ATR Winchester, ATR Pirbright, us army, the queens military, british army chef
Id: IdXT8Ex-K2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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