Basic Training Icebreaker Week 1|| British Army | Pirbright

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it brings a [Music] [Music] so today you're doing foundation stripping conditioning this is going to be the rotate movement the reason why we do this rotation is a key element of going sideways inside sideways movement with that you're going to do just a little regression of a rocky sit and the routier med ball fro I'll go through the rocky sit first so you can take a seat on the ground from the seat on the ground you just gonna raise your legs keep the legs fully straight from the English people have your hands hand over hand you're gonna reach out as far as possible and reach out like so and you're going to carry on that your feet you're not to touch the ground the entire time you're doing the exercise is everything happening we the next exercise is that the med ball rotate bro [Music] [Music] [Music] to one position down in the ready position raise my timing right [Music] good roll free rock as a result of that lesson has anybody going injuries you've got to go to scoff you're going to hydrate and eat the food there's enough salt in that cook house food so you don't need to put any extra on there any questions for me or any other members of staff changing rooms out dog trainers on covered off free racks in your troops outside stop by go yeah guys you didn't know that was awesome you know first of all I wasn't here for that huffing so you have yeah this new Smith group the first weekend so today is the icebreaker that's my main purpose a about guys doing bit and kind of resist it also straighter I have to jump in put my rig on stabilizer good to go I think so yeah got some good footage a I'm just gonna show you a few clip about now [Applause] yes I got few footage F so basically first night out so what the instructor is gonna do is tell him through like the Russian pack shoulder to cook a meal sure to set the punch up and just basic stuff so yeah I'm gonna take you through the journey and see what you do when your first week in pro right icebreaker come on let's go the guys over there doing their come on task to be honest I really don't want to go over there to show you what the task is all about because if I show you it then when it come here do anything for yourself in it so I might show just a little bit of it and I'm just gonna cut the rest out edit out but yeah so that's one of the main thing you do as well when you are you doing an ice breaker you stand out for tonight so you come and do - come on task as well it's pretty much you know just a spoiler it's pretty much the same thing what you do when it come for you assessment yeah so it's not hard you know I mean just just make sure you take part you know so you don't stand out like a great man or woman the instructor might for mixing it if you can stretch it upside but it's not hard but yeah I'm just gonna show a little bit and then I dress when you say can think for yourself can't show you everything [Music] [Music] you know just head over real quick and see what guys I'm up to the right ways so when you get your plunger up your bergen's you'll see a cupboard that beam there goes on a lot all the way down to punch you and that's what makes put a very care Pontarlier that goes on top that's some water please cover so it's a good turnover there's like Han dues if you got up that way with wrong ways that we do fun jisang clicking the green string you got your 10 take take take down the corners like so like I've done yeah eggs full cakes by keiko unique and that's how it should look that's milk cream does anyone think we got going to use it up I'm a little looking now and I'll put them open off and I'll show you our wheel is actually my assistant here my beautiful assistant in the snaggle on in there and he'll show you that again yeah also know the height and applaud - yeah and once there will be Eddie higher than white waist height yeah boy do you recognize yeah we just want a low profile for air you don't want your enemy if you gotta [ __ ] feed your Padres oh yes I'm well known in the way you started about they're going to be nice and low nice concealed yes the winds gonna throw over the top of this yeah all the time I can look for the ground one - Kaiser take that out we'll just release jungle doctors put her on top and in the middle this is the way your kit should be laid out under your pond shoe itself Forbes then once you set your font drop in sight you grow them out on the ground you need to roam at yeah is it keeps you off the ground just a little bit it's like installation support vector then just love hopefully investors if they love your feedback tailored to a stranger and then it's like the feedback you got the sleeping bag yourself the busy fact is very important their equipment is going to help keep the warm inside your sleeping bag yeah and has also waterproof so if it rains and the rain gets in through your want to then you peel back to save you and keep you warm in foot and right any of you look your weapon I got you to webbing is how much space it down it makes it literally doesn't make the perfect hello yeah there's a nice light do you put her in there just a sack be beside you good swallow your 15 perhaps even background is Pete face away in your bag and yeah take down the plunger nice and easy does anyone have any problems I gave you a weapon yeah put that inside your food Bible you don't want no enemy from a long and pinching your weapon of some happy little refuge oh yeah big gnarly they come out you get rid of em all right yeah right yeah right is anyone grab any dramas it up nice and unfortunately for you you'll be living under a two-man shower yeah that's a little luxury one for us right follow on yes that was a quick demo of how to picture poncho you know they always say so when a couple of our question is there anyone gonna struggle with that everyone say no you always say no I don't know why well we will see later or the pitcher poncho and it is gonna be exactly like what a capo just showed him well we will see but I never get it the first time he doesn't ever get it but that's what I heard only it's learning curve but yeah so what the next one is gonna be [Music] yes I was what you just heard cooperatives gave him a quick briefing just now I was gonna take place for later something now down I think roughly an hour to put the evening meal so they're gonna get some Scranton I'm just gonna be interesting as well here the way they're gonna cook that stuff so far with the poncho as I said before eight out of ten most of them is always a learning curve the reason why we do the iceberg to get comfy oh yeah thumbs up not bad [Music] yeah when you cook kitten with your a in everything you do not know so you just say if everything is going on right how's it now outside the sides of it rather because I thought yeah so you had me be defensive rock n roll this house allotments lips [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] alright one thing I would say is get go to pull-ups there's a lot of people there can't do pull-ups and they're roughing they're a big part of PT you need to be able to do 10 at least 10 minimum would say before you were if we start so get cracking off
Channel: Fabziy
Views: 90,369
Rating: 4.9081969 out of 5
Keywords: Fabziy, British, Army, Video, phase 1 training kit, pirbright assault course, fabziy vlogs, pirbright army assessment centre, phase 1 training pirbright kit list, physical training for military, family vlog etc, family vlogs bd, family vloggers channels, icebreaker army, military obstacle course, fabziy youtube, physical exercise interest, military icebreakers, fabziy fitness vlog, military fitness, military fitness test
Id: N1odA3x2F0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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