British Army Recruits New Intake | Do's & Don'ts Basic Training

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okay Peninsula troupe in ways of intro this morning I'll be taking you around the gym we're going to go through some do's and don'ts for myself another gym stuff first and most importantly then when I speak to you collectively you will speak back to me as a wanna I want to hear you speak confidently loudly you will respond with things such as yes staff and no staff do you understand me right we're going to work on the volume for that right while you'll hear at a cheaper price very important for you to understand that neither me nor any of the other gym staff have any disliking for you we're working on a very professional tone therefore there can be no familiarities between gym staff and students do you understand that but at the glassed area now there's some blue matted floor it's got small blue circles on it that is the only area that I'd like you to walk around on okay there are closed areas the corridors for example civilians use this suite so I don't want you barging into them so we'll walk with purpose through the corridors everywhere else you will run do you understand that right switch on troops we're going to move into the foyer area now what I'd like to have is as you are in three ranked nice and closed up along the back wall with the disabled toilets are looking into an area called the fishbowl which is just a windowed area with some desks okay are the for a area inside the foyer everyone after that guys yeah so remember we're going to run across this hard standing ground walk on the blue matted flooring with purpose stand by go hand down now so the right-hand man drill is employed guys just rub it to save shouting and confusion first individual comes in smash there and up again that shows what I had man and never buddies going to form up off that right-hand man so one two three or how many rounds are you to get into and then as soon as you can start establishing ranks that individual can put their hand down and you'll follow on with two does everybody understand me jolly good ok so this is the foyer area and I'm bringing this to your attention for a few reasons I'll talk through now in front of you you have an area called the fishbowl okay we're not very imaginative with names but that's what we've got for it the duty PTI will generally be in this area but there are many jobs that individual need to conduct around this building so you may well have to be on great here for a while before you are formally greeted the way that's going to happen then so if you are in the SiC and you're separate from the rest of the troop you may be be formed up here by yourself you will stand in front of the disabled toilets that's no Slough on your injury or prevents you from doing PT it's just the area you stand so in front of disabled toilets and you'll be stood there at ease on that blue board on the left-hand side you can see a set of a three piece of paper there with some stuff on it just there by side candle or you'll then do when you'll call forward by the PTO simply given the word come on forward you'll come forward and then read from that the black and then the red lines is your criteria that you'll put in there okay can everyone see what I'm talking about so the first line being staff I am number two five one nine seven zero two six recruits it was Lee from the Vikings expired puppy from Peninsula troop for example aspiring to join the Vikings battalion happily that guy's obviously with your information so if you are happy I'm going to ask one of you to step forward then please can I have young man a second from the end can you march forward please board okay we're not going to talk into a pane of glass to stand in front of this tripod m8 okay and then just read from the board nice and confidently please [Music] average to poor dress back in young ladies show Matt's Tom Ford yep back okay so it needs to be nice and clear and to the point as it can be guys speak up as well make sure you introduce yourself properly so it's as simple as that guys if you're on the sick forever reason you'll march forward you'll be taught to March on the price we're in the gym we'll just simply bring our arms across the body and then drive the healing padmi slide slide the healing as you come to a home from the window any questions and that procedure so that is for when you are sick or if you become separate from the tune for whatever reason if you were to spin your head 180 round you would see a personality board you can break rank and look if you'd like it's a wooden backboard I think somebody stole a lot of bulbs so it's not very well lit so you can't see the shine of my balls head in the picture however if you are supposed to inappropriately by a PTI or a member of staff here and you want to check out who they are you can quickly familiarize yourself with that board there I don't want to see pictures going up on Instagram or Facebook about silly or possible photos look just a quick browse find the name and regiment perhaps and then you can go and report that person as fit that is literally what that board is for guys there's no need to stand there gawping it boil it everybody happy while we're on that note then we're gonna talk quickly about offenses and my mannerisms if any of you become offended by anything I say please be aware this after the lesson I will break rank finish speaking to you collectively you will come and find me either through a member of staff or just directly to me explain stuff I don't like being called a bald screaming eagle I'll then say sorry or something like that and then we'll part ways as unlikely friends what I don't want to have happen is you leave the PT session marched into the sierra's office and explained or didn't like the way that PT I spoke to me because it will roll down the hill Chinese whispers will occur and there'll be an unnecessary charge you guys have unnecessary awkward conversations with me it's just not the way to go ahead so conduct yourselves using the chain of command either come through nia section commanders or through me I'll attempt to be as human as I can happy if words are offending you now you need to reassess what you're doing what line of work you've chosen do you understand me yes good we'll leave that there further orientation then if you were to go up these stairs you've got a CV suite up there typically when you go on the sick these machines are a bit more leading into you we will go up there on week 7 or the end of your week 6 and you'll get to have a little look at those machines I'll talk you through them and on week 7 you'll be able to use them in your own time we walk in the gym floor we're going to walk with purpose some of you guys bimble din as if you're going into a corner shop I want you guys to walk with purpose going down that corridor the closest thing to running you can do happy backs against up all facing this way okay then as I said you've got a rather large troop and there's a few things to explain you can jerk your heads left and right but what I'll attempt to do is paint you a little picture as you know it gets pretty red is here pretty quick so we're going to move down we will be moving down the corridor in that direction I want you to form up at the very end of the corridor as it turns left we'll go in single file again this will be in front of a large opening that will be gym one has a yellow floor and is roughly older than the other gyms move with purpose guys okay people at the front probably are moving with purpose but we were getting bottlenecks so you need to move quickly down the corridors but at a walking pace any questions for me stand by go right-hand-man on this corner please don't care whose right-hand man and facing this way please face me face me and everybody thump off that man won right carriage of kit this is a bit of a boring one guys we've got to go through it for your health and safety there are various pieces of kitten equipment in the gym I don't care how strong you are you'll pick them up as I've asked you to do so this is a four-man carrier gate so there before individuals carrying this piece of equipment you'll run everywhere in the gym as we've just spoken about but as soon as you pick up a piece of equipment you just walk with purpose happy guys yes now that doesn't mean you start talking about your Sunday roast or what you were doing before you join the army you just move with purpose not a running pace one two three four close in please what we're simply going to do then is grab the corners of this mat and pull it off and Sprite on the floor for me now and then we're going to do is grab a corner reach and then put a little bit and pick up happy days all right that was the worst a lifting technique I've seen how do we pick something up from the floor guys what part of our body do we bend the knees or the leg squat down again put it down please slightly better now the last time these mats we use some idiot used them and didn't put them straight when you put kiss away gentlemen ladies and gentleman part of me I will be able to run a ruler down the side of them because they'll be so straight everyone understand what I've said good okay these mats now or a two-man lift I feel quite silly happen to explain this to you guys one and young man has a point oh you don't huh yep just put your trainers down and come pick up this mat please just a drag out stick on the floor again for me easy money and then put away from police bending at the knees good better we're getting better doing that you'll see that these mats here are stacked up quite tightly as they've done correctly there just make sure they put away neat and tidy if you start to put them on top of each other you get that sort of stacking brick effect it's not good look ourselves away what we're not going to do is turn the face that way please words of command I give you most of them you will repeat okay so when I give you a buzzword you'll then repeat that with a shout everybody will shout it together do you understand nice and loud please okay I've shelters forward so you will repeat that word of command in an echo nice and loud forward happy well give that on the try and you will start moving forward clearly try something else now on drill you'll slam the heel in on PT you'll do things with a jump so with a jump you'll simply turn and face me does everyone understand with us jumped right time we're going to practice that a bit more it hands up yep one two three a view some of you guys already own fresh people that haven't used yet go for yourself I'll be able to used you acts Devon I self middleman yourself at the back left young lady in the middle of voiding our contacts and a great for yourself with ponder over please also we do is drag it away from the wall just a pinch and as you were shown we just skip simply going to pick up guys it takes a bit coordination so between the four of you can you pick that please some slight differences here we go there we go some slight bending of these all right you guys at this end off mints on you why have you got your hands and those recesses when I said to put hand underneath there we go right so assume we're gonna move this way cuz it's a corner over there who's facing the wrong way you guys chaps nearest me turn face this way please as I did in the demonstration I even took the heart apart so get yourself on the corner young man don't worry nobody else does hang around so you get it right good stuff near enough what everyone's facing the darks and they're travelling and you're holding at each corner and it's a four-man carry happy you're that guy's place that back down please bending at the knees okay be very gentle obviously you've got people's fingers under the sides address selves back in what we won't be doing guys is shunting that all the way across the hall and then dragging up all the lines on the hall any questions on the carriage of Kip do we're going to be on the other side of this wall just looking into the gym in three ranks any questions we're going to walk or run that does make sense doesn't it guys I've just explained to you the right hand man good stuff hand back down so again you only need to wait for the first three to form up maybe the second six and then everybody knows where they're going cover yourselves off please okay holidays everyone happy how you carry a bench put it down please yourself at the back please young man you self young lady there you guys dressed back in and you to dress out and just carry the bench - please so lads they're just walking past the gym gentlemen you guys that just walk in there do you guys know what precipice yeah you're going to give me ten press ups what are we doing the gym floor guys yet they had a piece of equipment they walked well done but then there's bimble back in so you two gentlemen give me ten press ups right now hurry up just there yes please no better place than the gym floor Ali days and they run back in good stuff are there any questions about this gym so you've got a variety of kit equipment in here don't worry about it too much in your later lessons you'll be shown while this kit is here the main thing I want to bring to your attention then is firstly the balcony we spoke about earlier on to those stairs that lead up from the fishbowl area go out there and you can see your various cross trainers treadmills and bikes if you look right now or over your right hand shoulder you've got something called the shadow store you've got a lot of key equipment there for your your later lessons so be aware that is where the shadow store is now if you're in the foyer area and you need to get to the shadow store you can cut across gym three because the shadow store is part of gym three if you're in gym two and you need to go to the four eight you can't cut across gym three I don't - keep on labouring that point does everyone understand the struggle we have with the new flooring yes jolly good are there any other questions before we leave you'll then move yourselves outside in front of the gym I'll do a quick normal roll and we'll crack on with today's rft how long do you need to do that troops anybody two seconds five seconds ten seconds would you reckon two minutes two minutes that sounds about right sleeve two minutes sounds about right okay so anybody that's later than two minutes we'll just keep doing press up still arms fall off happy standstill [Music] your dress dates I take it you've not got fitting trainers you have you good right I'll pour yourself please young man it's rising it can you close into me in the stand here please and it's turning face your squad now I'm not picking on you young man it's going to go through your dress date and talk about some of the points that I like and dislike about it so look into young rise trying to say indoor-outdoor trainers the laces will be tired and the ends of your laces will be tucked away okay so the eyelets are sticking out there the lace the lace is certainly done up right now but because it's loose it will come become snagging on potentially could become snagged on something and the laces will come undone so we've always tucked them away socks they are the right stocks aren't they right cool we've got a bit of threat hanging out the back we're clear to get that stowed away or burnt off and the socks will be pulled all the way up to sort of around knee level and then rolled down in forefinger chunks yeah so you've got about four finger talking they're not a drama good right there in these shorts now look like a topographical map so what this gentleman's going to do later on is get hanger stretched out the elastics in his shorts and then get an iron turn up to about a thousand degrees Celsius and then smash all over those shorts okay all of these creases here need to be gotten rid of at once once upon a time pulling about sixty four million years ago there were some creases put down the front there and they're still just about visible like fossils however they need to be starched and put in more thoroughly these shorts are terrible at keeping creases made of a different material from yours but these creases behind this morning and these have not been ironed for quite some time okay so they need to be creased creasing need to be more thoroughly ironed in there olive green top is made of a nylon material and it very easily burns under the iron I do sympathize for that however you can turn the temperature down from a thousand degrees on your iron and you can also put a moist down towel on top of your shirt when you iron it guys so you've got a couple of options there these creases all need to get the riffles though because they're cringing me when you do come to be inspected then I will ask you to form through and ranks which we'll go over later on and you'll then come to ease with your warbot on your left hand with the lid undone like so you'll hold the hydration belt on your hand as well everyone's time I've asked goes from there then as a member of staff comes to you you'll simply slide your healing and bring yourself to attention do that now please and we're simply gonna do as nice and loud shout our name I think the eraser cool yeah it took a bit of thinking there I get that sometimes why they all then SPECT the level of water and your water bottle primarily that's my highest concern and that is it guys provided you haven't got snot hanging out your nose and socks on the outside of your trainers we should get along just fine any questions for me thank you your months that you live back into water bottle and dress back in position as we just discussed law ways out up
Channel: Fabziy
Views: 653,795
Rating: 4.8652072 out of 5
Keywords: Fabziy, Army, british army, army fitness test, new fitness standards, army new test, physical training for military, pirbright army assessment centre, pirbright assessment centre, pirbright army training barracks, pirbright assault course, military pes, basic training army, army physical fitness test, marine corps physical training, 2 km running, 2 km army, 2km military, tips for females in basic training, tips for females joining the army, females in the army, family fitness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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