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well almost any height now any depth and then we get down to basically net height something lost forever hey what's going on over there and you're still digging you don't sleep for so long a dream start intruding on your waking time so you're trying not to sleep but you're dreaming at the same time as being awake so you hallucinate 56 hours with no sleep say everything's taking that little bit longer the only way you can be prepared from childhood for some toilets if you come from Bali background which are they rolling please point out it's amazing how you can still function with saleable fee say little sleep when you're cold when you're wet and they'll be certainly finding out a lot about each other I really wanted to find out before I came here that I was a good person I was the kind of person you put others before myself that I wouldn't jack on anyone that I would be a leader when I was under pressure and under fatigue I don't know whether I'm finding out that that's so we've all discussed what we're doing this weekend he's gonna get away the furthest anything other than this I am going to Assam cocktail bar in London on Saturday night with the bird and then I think it will it obviously P answer about three in the afternoon think there's still definitely that perception that's it's mainly upper class a mainly public school educated mainly young men join and have a good life in them in the officers mess don't really pay too much attention to do the men but it's not like that anymore you know we're an army at war and soldiers you know they don't want the broke you can wear good mole skins and can put the port on him in the mess they want someone who's going to command them and lead them I've always been interested in politics and the democratic system in this country we don't have the romantic debates in the chamber in the House of Commons that we used to have in the 19th century but we still have offices and we still have scientists and if you want to serve your country in that kind of way then this is the place to come I think I'm just going to kick start reading the discussion and say that that Sandhurst British Army on the home particularly the British Army officer corps it's not really an essential part of the army and only is the embodiment of 18th century British class structure what do you think of that I think is probably a comedy out of you like what people say the obstacle is people walking around in red trousers and to be jacket since the parting with issue dogs yeah do you have a tweed jacket you don't what's wrong with you miss Eldridge I do you think that there is a conflict between 18th century values and sort of that conception of the officer and what is required of an officer in a modern conflict in one of the extracts from the anthology it says the regimental colours are not merely a square of embroidered cloth on a pole they are an object of religious veneration a holy relic and officers in the same category their intrinsic worthlessness having no bearing on their enormous symbolic value let's be crazy actually says a gentleman should should seek to serve society through leading it so maybe it's a gentleman's desire would be to join army the British Army is a very peculiar Beast isn't it you do things many things differently from virtually any other Western army if it's ok it's a throwback to the British education system the Army is a product of the society it comes from and just looking at some of the people in the company you can tell that they've gone to school and it's public schools you get a couple like she's saying you they're not conservative in school then I think I love them like a lot the lies an absence the fire of you know would be squaddies if they haven't gone to the careers office earnings I know you've got a degree in summers I always wanted to be in the army in some capacity when I was a kid I don't left office it wasn't like some people if we snowing that they're going to win that Peter I'm not hot fine stretch of the imagination go put off a class or you know but some people here you could tell I mean isn't that I think there's a lawyer George in the other one of the other platoons you supposed to be like the great-grandson of the Prime Minister so I think it's just nice that you're you're around these people and it gives you the ability to you know you can go beagle in if you wanted to and where are you going to get a chance to do that so I think it does open your horizons it opens up and I kind of you all know it's just like as a sort of live heart sounds to say that it's always like a finishing off of an education Queen I'm joining the house low-calorie as confirmed cadet and I received my letter a month before I came confirming it's not only myself in the intake there is also one other confirmed cadet in the household cavalry the household cavalry being in household division there are sort of more traditions and there's a bit more of the past taken into account and the fact that both our fathers were in the regiment I'm sure had some degree you know I think if we hadn't had that connection then maybe we wouldn't have stood out at all you get some of the great military families my father joined the Life Guards my his grandfather joined the Life Guards so I'll join the Life Guards now many of them are great because they they almost inculcated with the values and standards and they're part of a military family so they understand so many of the dimensions of santos before they even get here the dimensions of leadership a few of them very few think it's a pink ticket into the army now I can't sit on my laurels basically as I was told and I've been told to make sure I have a strong performance I hadn't yeah I feel like I got a lot to prove and every time now that I'm seen on a run to not be performing or if I ask a stupid question or all the rest of it I feel like have all that pressure because you know that's not what the regiment would expect I woods probably the weakest in the poutine but he's the commander said he will get leaders legs and taking up to the top of that it's not a big deal they get psyched out Wyatt because the cadets have called it back time he'll they're carrying a little bit more weight but about that much further down they're trading houses / why are you giving up why are you giving up - come on go let it go go over there come on Hilton commander of this is Harbin retreat a man falling you keep seeking the top keep going mother come on let's do that back it needs to dig in every time he stops fax it every single member of the platoon his respect threshold every time he stops dips just a little bit more so he just needs to find a little look within himself okay whether he really wants this and get himself to the top of the hill and there's no time to be catching out really keep going estava come on you got a platoon of men behind you doing a good job so my games now Hobbit you can see the edge to 300 meters away from you or be straighten your back stand up from the fudge but [ __ ] you need from the sides come on Julie you late for the funny there are two sections in the Bergin's three-second on this axis here one axis listen out with the wind he's been putting a command appointment to illustrate to him the issues of not being fit enough cause if anything had happened to the top of that hill he could have done nothing couldn't have influenced the situation at all he was its own little world of hurt and so you know it really hopefully this illustrates to the work he needs to put in from now on oh please learned his lesson should have done he nearly drove the places thrives on masculinity they've been befell grinning that's why everything's about like the guys who you look at the guys who wrote that opportunist the guys who look kinda loud his voice in there you know the the masking in that it's definitely triangle because immediately you get here you're put into a group of thirty could be described as you know we call it opportune somewhere else somewhere in the world I call it a tribe and again that just goes hand in hand with as it tries work together do everything together and so yeah I suppose a bit Neolithic in that sense that and you're not however far away however far we are away from our ancestors in that respect we're not that far away at all that tribal sense brings out that aggression we're far from what we used to do a few thousand years ago but and as you know soldiers job ultimately is to go out and kill the enemy that's quite a support it's a very tribal thing to do I'm still on stag but not a half now it's nobody's come to relieve me oh great great shouldn't always be on stack what yeah I would be down a second brilliant habit if you want to say something you're Jack it means you look after number one and you're you're not committed to the platoon that's not a good thing Jack is probably the opposite of what we're looking for oh but every cadet who comes to Sandhurst at times will find himself in Jack's place we've got to work on your fitness with Harvick at the moment on Saturday you are under review K if you don't do well there the company commander has got to raise you up to college commanders warning how many loaded marches have you taken yourself on early enough water since your place on the way so who did you go with those four I didn't sir you went by yourself so need to run but up every night this week okay running still with weight on your back but just run okay even if you find yourself running really slowly it's still better than better than nothing and hopefully then you'll be able to keep up with the team fitness as I that I still eat your good Blake personal goods have around confer morale so there's leader positives but this just is this one overarching negative aspect we can just need to crack okay I'm sure come Saturday you will I really hope comes out of the he will not sure I hope right it's a good a star but I keep it yeah please do who's next the preacher as I say is in the pudding which we you know Saturday lunchtime oh yes no helmet and my phone is set so you box on TV Santos is a game for sure there's one kind of person who I won't mention who likes to use the phrase dip if you're not cheating you're not time to man half with full kit so webbing de site rifle up over as way 17 kilos in your kit and I was able at mmm so I just removed my body on I came Sanders not wanting to change if I could help it because frankly I'm pervy happy with the person I am copper silver keep grafting Oh skipper what I'm starving he did achieve greatness and then suddenly after the event we weighed his kit and found he was light so it's not surprising he sprinted around of course one of his favourite all the way after we done the assessment which gone well I was underweight soon oh good it was a bit of a crash and burn after put him there voiced son he was expected to have 17 in the only pac-10 it was not up to the required amount many stretch of the imagination there's a hell of a lot you know seven bags of sugar so yeah it says sort of formal notification we know what you've done there big lad and you're going to get punished as a consequence but it was definitely stood a daddy you mean with a little bit of something else tucks in one of the day I'm so here you so I'll select cheddar good batch Oscar huh hot glared slew are you - 5 2 3 2 8 1 9 Oscar then James Henry Sebastian Harvard so ok you are charged as follows JH s harbored contained all in number 1 to our main company routine orders by famed complete the loaded March with 17 kilograms to admit or deny the charge admitted on some having not found the charge against you proved I award you of five days restrictions of privileges because I don't believe you to be deliberately dishonest I think this is a slip-up an aberration of sorts however you must understand as you progress through your military career that these sort of things cannot be allowed to occur do you understand listen the hearings not include mark we type of me keV keV boys by uh Eric daddy bought that for me and this completely though is his elbows in the army he's following his dad's footsteps in the same way that when I worked the neighbors electrician I was doing the same but it's all good natured there are also cities they can come on but it's just yet fundamentally I put a kiln with it notify yourself and get out earlier in the mornings and evenings just to try and place the gathers who exists between me and the rest of the team because as we've all officer the gaps has been maintained so it's just as noticeable as wars the beginning as a confirmed cadet mister Harbert knows that he will gain a commission into the household cavalry if he completes the commissioning course the rest I will work harder Santos hope that their reports gain them an interview for these competitive regiments a lot of people would consider applying for the parachute regiment household cavalry and a number of other other regiment space is a limited for the infantry and the cavalry and you have to work very hard to get into them in an ideal world I'd like to go to the patchy regimen their basic function is so it's closing kill the enemy that's the Infantry's mission statement when you look at it rationally it doesn't seem like the most sensible thing to do but this it's an agent of what scratch really it's selfish it's not selfish and it's the most unselfish thing that you can do and selfish is so much for your ruin to risk life and limb for your country Berlin you know the people that being selfish - or the ones that actually are the ones that you care most about course I want to have kids and I want grow old and I want to do all those things but it's not me that would bear the brunt of it and that's why I find that's the worst bit is that it's the people that you leave behind so I feel bad for my mom and dad and we girlfriend I mean there's times where I think is it worth it am i stringing her along the last couple of weeks if I'd dropping like flies Boni Reardon wicker everyone just getting the job what this place does and we were told this from the beginning I was like now it'd be fine even solid relationships have gone done going down the tube all rips me out love of those of this but this decision I made choice he has impressive applied intelligence and his authority convincing winning command he leads from the front and is liked and respected by his peer group in equal measure essentially here's another gear and I'm certain that you'll make an excellent if not slightly colorful young officer very strongly recommended for both choice farm okay so it's all there you're good fit bloke well like spies peers and actually the company directory staff as well okay so I don't know about the parachute regiment I don't in what and it will come down to you is only only down to you it's got to be a strong performance from you at the interview otherwise otherwise they might well not offer me your heart set on the powers so that's it really let's go outside play yeah please do all of the hard work that you've put into being at Sandhurst up to now is what they're going to get tested on and each regiment already got a set number of places that they can fill each year so they've got a quality line if you don't hit that line then they won't be off in your place certainly the most important job interview though I've ever done I remember being on eight years old and getting a book on the perils in Wars I'm reading it and then I'll have been that big good job for that Beeman and then you know yes I was reading for that same book getting some major regimental history and to think that I'm you know an out way from fulfilling an ambition I had as a little kid that's quite it's quite fulfilling well it will be if I get it by lit so yes when you're a kid and you're playing soldiers you that's what you're pretending to do isn't it then you lead an infantryman in combat it's the biggest challenge that you could take up really is that idea she's been highly motivating them a small team and that's the idea though that helps me that's how the guys feel they want to do as best as they can they want to serve with them quality soldiers and that's what the regiment office is the quality of soldier you're gonna be a bear won't you be a grizzly bear so Elizabeth Eldridge razenoid how do you do that come on in how you enjoying Sandhurst in the member so much yeah I think that there are a lot of characters at Sandhurst a lot of different personalities the right mix bikini good good let me introduce you to team Kelly Yuri Griffiths I have been described by my platoon commander as quirky and by my company commander as unconventional but I don't feel alone you have a you have quite an interesting CV actually quite a lot of it with a political interest and tell me about that how did you get into that well from a very young age I've always been interested in service and service to your country mm-hmm so politics is just a function of that and by representing people in involving yourself and democracy you may in some small way to change things for the better it's part the same stuff that motivates me to be here at sound host as friend of mine who commissioned last year says he was also confirmed but for another regiment when everyone else is being asked the tough questions I said why you want to own the army what have you got to give us why should we take you the hardest question he was asked was tea or coffee say I mean unit if it's if it's gonna be as little cushy as that then I'm happy I find this moment quite an enigma and quite a challenge for me you're a confirmed cadet and therefore we have set quite a lot of confidence and support in in your stock that you'll come through and do very well and you're sitting in the middle third there parts of you which should be dropping you down into the into a lower lower third and that is not really where we would expect someone who's who's seeking a commission in the house or cavalry so when you first get exposed to soldiers they will be quick to work out where the weaknesses are and if they're the weaknesses that give them concern for your future then that would be a big error so you have to sort that out before good commissioned thank you sir you're described in one of your reports is slightly unconventional and do you think that Sandhurst supports the unconventional of course dare to be different okay so if you're going to be different I'm going to send you back in time and you have an opportunity to influence the course of history I wonder off the top of your head if you can conceive of a moment in history why where you might wish to bring some influence to bear and how you might change the course of history Russia 1917 I can make friends with Lenin and I'd make him stick more to Marxist ideology than going off on purges and destroying the idea of communism as it was first conceived why not thank you sir thank you I was upset so good effort technique and yeah I mean the Port Authority burst and I just thought you were a genuine honest plague like the way he grafted you know through your lectures course and they tried to find your feet a little bit and and claim it for the right reason so yeah he didn't you did well you're able to be and I think you'd be surprised with those that she'd have under her command and the things they get up to and what she'd be faced with yeah but I think they would um like what they saw in their young officer she's my kind of different yeah she is she is not conventional but I think that's positive and you're right I think the soldiers will find her very different but I think massive engaged my experience of all of her interesting extracurricular activities is that she is incredibly dynamic and funny enough she will work tirelessly on behalf of her charges that's all about starting point and and I think she'll evolve she's evolving massively what she's a scientist I just think a very risky bet and it could go either way if you see successful could be a complete disaster and for us I just think middle on the list aside perhaps not this time yeah let you go you get it in your favor yeah it's much period well please don't cry come out okay cool you find that yeah my ex-girlfriends I owe a lot to work like support she gave the fact that she gave you the kick up the ass to get here so while he might not work out it might not you know be working out I think you know still she played a massive part me getting here and success say holy boy the juice is already doing the little race which is one of the endurance competitions that they do wash their hair makes it more competitive it's 30 blokes competing against the other proteins trying to get the best time around a three and a half kilometer route there's a good chance they've showed how well they work together as a team when probably yeah it's a clove hitch in the front analysis stop as enough physical worries still whist harder didn't think if he does well today then you'll probably come off as comic-con's warning they have trouble even keeping up with the log he wasn't holding the log he just had trouble running to keep up with it the other day so hey I don't need to not really changed lucy bit of sandpaper already and we got a perfect day for it it's absolutely ideal away I remember wine and I was talking to some guys at the weekend they remember that it's very very clearly so it's a bit of a rite of passage of Santa's I Expendables 2 1 because share will determination of guts it hurts from about and first fifty meters and it will tell you cross the line has no great correlation to any military activity other than just working out how determined and robust there it was this please do very stuff let's keep it going though one of the first things that normally happens of your regiment will be commanders PT and they look out for your officers that's the nature of the business so it's a very quick wing you can achieve rock out you're fit physically fit and you know and your blokes will see that and it's an instant respect threshold so yeah good effort keep flying away but you're off your warning slip back quietly into the ranks after that kind of thing up screaming alright thanks be harder to please please do have a good leap and his respect in his platoon is back which is always important his self-respect is there but he needs to know you know it's something when he has to regimental duty he needs to continue to plow our way out because the blokes like their platoon commanders to be fit we often talk about bad apples what about if it's a bad barrel a waterboy if it's a bad barrel maker that infects the Apple in no time at all you are all going to be barrel makers you're all going to have your own barrel a platoon and you're going to have 30 men and women under your command and your actions and your influences are part of that system and are part of that situation and if you get it wrong it can't be toxic these guys join the army because they think they're going to go to war and kill the Taliban they think they like the idea of going to war have you got dodgy looking character from a mana corner now Tseng has spotted him yeah you can hear him radio any sauce he's told the ops room that he's got suspicious guys got eyes on him so there's a scenario you've got a guy coming toward you you need to stop them far enough away so you can search them make sure they're no threat to you in this situation they fail to stop okay now that doesn't automatically mean they're a threat and therefore we can engage them okay broadsword by its nature throws up a number of surprises there are there are people who you think are doing very well but actually it's their reaction to stress than let them down and suddenly it goes it spirals down very quickly clearly your head will be on the big deliberate ops and you have won tonight pop armadillo will teach them and they'll get better at it but there are some guys who kill you know the reaction to stress is still very poor and at this stage of the course that's that's a massive cause for concern I mean just looking at 3:59 a sort of a good 30 40 percent a really nice charming people that you've probably you know never been in a fight let alone had to turn some aggression on outside of a sports page I like lager for some of them it is like pulling teeth you know something really don't like having to get a physical and get aggressive uh yes Lee one second I'll jet now out but you know needs muscles if this ball goes on out there and you know not just with regards to the Taliban or whatever insurgency it is that that we're facing but also sometimes a local population need a bit of gentle equation as well easy there are a couple of rules and things that break out because I you know sit and say things after drinking some drinks but I was never out uni I didn't get carted off to the roses only thing for such a terrible forms so now I've kind of always been quite a flow I never allowed myself in it's a life or death situation right age could be advised in a large crowd and the outside gate 3 they appear to be stopping people getting in gates 3 over and it comes insurgency environment there's civilian population is show Japs there's detainees there's all kinds of other factors which they've got a things banned they've got to make a quick decision as to whether they're allowed under the law run conflict pull the trigger or or not tonight and tomorrow morning you will embark on your Sanders public order training package which for many of you will be the first time you've been in a fight and for some of you perhaps may well be the first time you've experienced true fear and I think for the majority of you will be the first time you've experienced burning laughter negotiator Carla attic ornament over yeah Oh who's next I'll tell you now gentlemen that was shocking there was people there that didn't even want to get out and start having a strap yeah understand controlled aggression you've got to understand the orchestrations of what we're doing you are better than this every single one is and I know you are which is not working as a team sit for shield not getting the shield straight not clipping the shield back in together all right we need to get it right delay them figure and every time the kikyo you're going back you're going back to you're losing the ground you've just gained I hadn't quite realized how shaken up people were going to be by facing a model the number of times you look around and you see someone breaking and you see them like surge forward from the line or drop back or being slightly reticent about using force I think all of you will feel it keenly that we've just completely capitulated outside mission failure okay that's what it feels like whatever activity you're involved in gain the momentum hold it and maintain it and if you have to fight for it you down well fight for it we lost it and we never even attempted to try and gain it back and as a result we're in here licking our wounds we need to have a stronger type of stance former out there but it's difficult because in preparation has been with rules of engagement law of armed conflict how to operate in an environment where there are civilians and insurgents there and you want to gain popular support win the hearts and minds campaign and then you've got a mob rushing you and I think that the natural reaction is to retreat from the situation because you think aggression will implement we try in the training environment to replicate many of the stresses and strains of operations and that's what makes operations just so challenging they've got understand just how brutal it is via various body parts strewn around no silhouette yourself against windows that war it's the biggest man test isn't it that's what I think is for and it sounds good sounds mental you know but it's just it's the biggest test isn't it yes I want to fight and I want to experience combat yeah you might experience it and then you might you might get your legs blown off you might you know you might end up in a wheelchair mind update I don't want to be one of those people that regrets not doing something yeah PC miss Hubbard okay where's you intend the between headed up north ezza really honestly okay no you're still in bottom thread seven weeks we've got before you join their house recovery and they're a professional out there and they'll have high standards of what they expect from you as will be soldiers so we need to think about a few things what sport you're doing this time early could do you think that's a good sport to be doing for someone who needs to work on their fitness possibly answer so should we change your sport okay so what did you do sport last time ah she's he and then if the stem was evening okay what sport do you think would be better for your general fitness tracker triathlon or cross-country I would say yes okay Oh mr. Halbert doing the jackwagon really just couldnt handle the pace it's not there's no injury it's just not fit enough and the platoon went out really fast and they've caught him I already there was nothing more to do he was going to drop it was really had about another 50 meters before he actually hit the tarmac so better to pull him off there but he's licking his wounds in the wagon as you'd expect and then there'll be a post-mortem and let's hope he survives that because there's not much else Conklin Moses good effort everyone knows that we could hold our heads higher we lost Harvard he was completely a jet he gave it his all probably tired a bit too fast but overall it saved us time to lose him so that's why we lost him I think they gave him permission to quit or be physically weaker than he should have been and his close mates those going to the regimen with him actually should have taken into task on it and said you are embarrassing yourself you're embarrassing potentially us in the future because we're all gonna win same regiment and the platoon as a whole doesn't need to carry you he just never applied himself and his / - never held a taskforce you for that one is that a bit uncomfortable a little if you already gave bread by pressing meal okay what about that one you can't do the exercise for seven days you can exercise the meaty X exercises the first six days for this isn't it like firing we can pretty much you can run run around the range as I know it's all the same but I think we give them or take them up there if it stays as it is at the moment seven days I don't think that cancers successful completion of dynamic victory no so he has to go back do again oh yeah it felt pretty good one day close to every time you take one off sense of it sort of you get pretty close to the end and now it feels like bit of a false hope he's just saying you know prepare to be back terms which obviously no one wants especially I always face to the end in the morning before the deployment for the final exercise it's the last thing you want to hear and definitely feels a lot better now let's go dynamic victory the final hurdle for them are you prepared to take the pain and do what it takes to become an officer in the British Army up to now they've been using blanks on all of the exercises that they've done they were there some yellow da Faison on the ends of the barrels and they're you know the black magazines now they got live rounds hence Y directions star in ho is like think about that yeah - if I can J and I say alright good actually so fire alright was quite spot on there all right that's what I'd like to say okay every be round the target was going down it took three rounds before the target would move okay we've got to be more aggressive okay move it let's go quickly when you combine if you want the blood is particularly clear start showing by the time they finish they will be absolutely stripped out completely nothing up so it's a question of just how hard they push themselves they just they'll think it's gonna be hard work hard growth cause everyone talks about but they'll be halfway through my think they've got nothing more to give yeah they can find it somewhere it's just a question of where they bundle and I'll learn faster managed by them themselves and equally the blokes as well because they'll get a chance to see each other at certain stages it's a good opportunity to win your sight of your mates again you are missing your mission but to begin start go get a move on you understand each other no city girls can get you soon so today your raw aggression legs are gonna go your body's gonna go you might go however aggression will keep switching over I'm not expecting that be great company commanders that comes people hopefully sort of twelve fourteen years down the line but it's interesting it gives you an idea of their capacity at this age push through that rainbow you can move a very welcome starboard stop maybe slow sounds weapons there for now it starts flowing people more if he takes off now sir if you had asked me at the beginning a new way maybe Lizzie or been the number one choice garlic father - right now mr. multi-sided I trouble come on pretty handy on food you're getting a bit tough just on live ranges with some Galloway voiceover into easy please get tough but good god that's why he hasn't recovered money not as what kind of song as if you kill a pathetic pathetic miserable the Gilneas none you're gonna know you got on there got planet open a met no any weapon yep water is one dollar cheap Salvage you can tell mr. fellow if I was a betting man I would say I think you might get your commission okay bizarrely enough because the Commandant has a context that I don't have necessarily so I despite my recommendation I wouldn't don't regard as a done deal at all but I'm afraid you could you and you can anticipate it nervous two hours as a result question is would he have been household cavalry if you hadn't been confirmed cadet not occur Nels Chancellor and his bottom third rating but is it is it old man's HCR yeah do you think he's met this understand regardless of where he's going I think he's a quitter to be honest sir yeah so there's linearity lacks determination things a character thing yeah I would love him to turn around say if I commission I'll I'll go to Brecon for three weeks and I'll work hard to make sure I turn up my rhythm and ready to rock I suspect I'll go to San Tropez or wherever it is oh yeah let's see right tell me what mr. Harvard mr. Halbert sir he has had a number of significant failures on the endurance competition he dropped out on the log race he didn't attach himself the log at any stage he missed the margin shoot he came off the van at range yesterday with an injury but his rejoin training today so probably not a substantial injury given the nature of that you one could argue that he had therefore has a history not only of a possible physical frailty but also possibly mental robustness is even motivated by did the years actually and I'll be honest because his physical shortcomings were clearly identifiable in the first term right yet it wasn't until I'll be 5 when he instigated his own training regime despite our encouragement and he has consistently elected to choose sports which don't require any physical endeavor I just think that's that's poor judgment if you're coming up short you do everything you possibly can to rectify it I don't think he has the issue seems to be he has got the breaking story into a soggy kick-out when it comes to physical and arduous conditions and I think it's more a character flaw I think it overwhelms Ted Todd right mr. Hubbard I ain't you know exactly why you're in here you have passed all the mandatory tests so in theory and purely physical fitness terms we should let you go but we're not going to because this is not a back term for physical fitness it's a back term for determination you're a confirmed cadet going into the hassle carry Richmond so on a hold on to you it's determination in adversity that I want to see it's in there so we're giving you a second chance right look at it positively that's important is there you want to say listen is that fair yes sir all right hold on starboard watch out in order to learn you need to confront failure failure is a great teacher all by himself and so we do make cadets fail quite deliberately so we put them under pressure put them under pressure and make them fail and we do that even to the very best and then we bring them on again and suddenly they surpass where they failed the last time and they say they can do it I understand it I know what it takes so failure is an important part of scientists it is orders and since it's my determination it's called into question perhaps just on my advice and heart it might be strong and it might be tough to be able to endure physical degradation being humiliated visit exhausted physically in pain it also sort of makes you a little bit this this human we all got our berries handed out earlier and then this is like left it pretty Jack's monster variant cigars celebratory Cuban cigar your mind I think you'd be idea I think you'd be upset if we did you have to be so focused on stuff that you reject the wider picture to focus on the you know over here amount getting through centers I don't have a girlfriend anymore I think of what I've lost I've gained massively elsewhere so get to where my room all right hi it is your day enjoy it Tek the atmosphere in lose the grips on horse dream by the left I think I'm harder and harsher but I would rather be the person who's gonna commissioner and the person you walked on the steps until you turn I'm often asked is the one golden rule for leadership as officers you are serving your soldiers someday you may have to lead men into battle it is an extraordinary thing to do you are their servants and you do that through leading them that's how it works you don't understand that you ain't got it that's served to lead go out and love your soldiers this world later tells the story of the 2011 Norway massacre let's tighten eye on bbc2 next leg of the hairy biker's vacation is on way in a moment you
Channel: LA32Clippers
Views: 798,172
Rating: 4.7694268 out of 5
Id: k_mZc3BGZ0g
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Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2013
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.