Johnny Depp on The Ellen DeGeneres Show - FULL INTERVIEW (2012/05/08)

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you may know our first guest is Captain Jack Sparrow Edward Scissorhands or Willy Wonka I know him just as that guy I used to date who's welcome for the first time on the show Johnny Depp I'm good we took into account that there's going to be a lot of that so we accounted for the time I know that you're a pretty private guy pretty quiet guy and most of your off time is spent being very quiet so is this kind of like stimulation overload when you have to promote a movie well it's always I mean it's always a little strange when you you know end up out there in the world I kind of I stay home a lot right and I also stay home a lot but I do this every day so I'm used to it but I would assume for someone like you and this is part of it because a movie set is very different than the press part and the present part is and people love you so they go crazy when they see you so there's a lot of noise but it's a very different thing when you're playing a character you know what I mean as a character you can do virtually anything but as yourself you know when you you cuz you played some really iconic characters and when you read a script and and they're always really these you know fantastical magical characters do you look at it and go I know exactly how I want to look do you start with a look or do you is that where it starts with you something you know generally that can within the first 10 pages of the script something hit some clicks and you feel like there's something that you can add to the to the piece you know that that might not have been done before you write you know so it's pretty much then the the the images start to come there looks what's to come what weren't you ever like going down a trail of like oh this is what this character is going to look like and then gone completely another way or do they all end up like you think they're gonna look pretty much they pretty much all ended up the the the way they were gonna look in the way they were gonna behave you know I mean like the idea behind Willy Wonka certain ingredients you add to these characters and like Willy Wonka for example was I imagined what George Bush would be like incredibly stoned and most of us was born my version of Willy Wonka so the next time I see that movie which I think we're all gonna watch it again now that's what George Bush would look like incredibly stolen I think you may be right and Edward Scissorhands what did you think about with that was a combination it was it was the you know the idea of like a newborn really like a new boy seeing things for the first time and also a dog that I'd had you know basically this sort of dog that I'd had well you know it's unconditional love this this sort of purity in my dog and those was a basic ingredients for me and what a fun way to see the world I mean - which is how we should always see it all we get we get so accustomed to things and everything is just dulled and and so what a wonderful way to remind yourself to play a character like that to look at things anew it was great I mean that that there was something very there was something very safe in being that open to things and then seeing things in in you know as just very new yeah and do all the em and the Captain Jack Sparrow let's talk about that before I asked you humor that you add to all these characters to is just it's I love the humor that you add thank you so is that there or do you do you add that I'm a real sucker for it you know I mean any anywhere that you can find a moment of irreverence or absurdity I I'll stick it right in there sometimes to the dismay of the director probably not though and certainly the studio nobody can really be disappointed in anything you do in a film I mean I think your films have made like seven billion dollars or something crazy like that and I know that your first love really is music more than than anything right you play guitar yeah do you play anything else I mean I can sort of get by on the drums of a tambourine I was gonna say I play Tambourine see I can't play tell me no I can't either it's harder than you think you think you just bang it against your hip but there's something to it yeah all right so so guitar and drums and you play with some pretty incredible people once in a while right I've been very lucky yeah I mean I've been able to play with people like Alice Cooper and Marilyn Manson Oasis there's a Smith guys air supplies are there on the wish list as is Brad yeah i we have to take a break but I want to give you a gift because I've been waiting for you to be on the show to do this I had these made so long ago I know you love jewelry and and so I had these made at the mall and here you go there you go like it yeah can you read it yeah yeah okay to me has been on my my bucket list but I at one point I was leaving out that to work with heart our next guest fits in perfectly with my strict policy today of only talking to insanely attractive people she stars alongside Johnny and the highly anticipated new movie Dark Shadows take a look I mean to be a part of this family again on one condition this promise me that this all of this will remain our secret Serbians partners welcome home Barnabas Collins how are you you look incredibly fantastic you really do but I'm just saying you just look radiant you look great well the audience saw the movie today and loved it and so not only I know that it was manure read that Johnny was on your bucket list to work with and and also you really wanted to remake dark shadows yeah I see I should I've been talking about that because he has been on my my bucket list but I at one point I was leaving out that to work with part and well don't you meant to work with hmm oh wait you're not answering you're sipping yes to work with yeah all right because he and I have now indeed did he did he live up to your expectations of working with Johnny Depp he did he was pretty awesome I got to say you know I think the most surprising thing was that he was he just really put everyone at ease right away and that's always the mark of you know a real icon you know because he's so confident and yes he's like you know he's a guy that everybody loves and talks about and and he really is just a very down-to-earth normal guy and I'm looking at that scene that we just played and really the whole movie there were there times that you just started laughing because I try to be so serious and be those characters and in those and yeah the fingers on the whole cast was so funny and you know the whole the whole tone that we were trying to strike with this was kind of you know it was it was even heightened melodrama and was sort of taking it like melodrama to another level right that's sort of and just tearing on the edge of really horrible acting and I turned to him and I go rotten tomatos he's gonna earn us the rotten tomato award no but it was but I I agree it was like it was it was taking it to that melodramatic acting but it was on purpose that's why I asked if you laugh because he did so so serious and it was a very popular it was in the 60s right the series yeah and the whole cast was so funny I mean not only just in character but individually as as people in the movie yeah yeah yeah and what about the the nails that that you because how did you do anything with those well it took some time certainly did they come off or they stayed on the hold no they stayed on the whole day sometimes like Johnny would give an award at the end of the day if he thought you had had a particularly good day of acting and he would give you one of his fingers I have it still that's really sweet now wait a minute so on all day long how would you Princeton's use the restroom well there were there were a team of somebodies no one of them crossing off their bottomless right there then they out Johnny and I have this what am I supposed to do with this this is Stanley yes and it was sent to me a year ago by a student and I was supposed to take a picture with it and send it back have other people had flat stands of your kids I lost Flat Stanley and I felt really bad and I found Flat Stanley and so a year later I thought we could take a picture with Flat Stanley could we do that yeah my phone yeah would that be cool well we're on TV people see this is gonna be my Christmas card when I first met him I remember I was like you know I got a meeting Johnny Depp and all the way I really love your necklaces what is your range if I'm at 15:15 and no husband he must put those birthing hips to good use it once lest your wound fiddle up and die you're weird what do you think me too weird for a woman of this land you are this I mean Vicky she has the most fertile birthing hips I have ever laid a spawn you wait you will now I've just heard you dance when you came out you danced I heard you don't dance at all I fear it more than anything have you never danced in your life ever that's just sad well I mean we're not doing the film you know when it's choreographed and you're a character it's a it's alright but not just glory for me I'd rather swallow a bag of hair got some hair right here Chloe welcome back to the show and you're fantastic in this movie now summer and now Johnny Depp they must say your friends must think you're the luckiest girl in the world yeah my friends are actually really jealous when I told them that I was doing a movie with Johnny they're like oh my God he's so cute I gots crazy I was like yeah he's pretty cool yeah he is pretty cool right yeah I know well when I when I first met him I remember I was like you know I got a meeting Johnny Depp and I was like wearing some like sweatpants or something and I shook his hand I was like I really love your necklaces that was a good thing to say he has great necklaces and you were excited to work with Michelle as well so excited I can't even like explain it because well I mean obviously Catwoman Catwoman alright Lee and everything else she's done I mean especially on woman I hope you still have that suit I don't I wish I did but it's not what happened to it at the end you know I was so it was really uncomfortable suit and I was sort of I never wanted to see it again and now I foolishly didn't keep but I do have the whip I have something in an auction and they said it was the real thing and I didn't know if it was a real thing that so I wanted to know if you had it you have it I'll tell you that was that was taken last Sunday I was just around the house that's the suit yeah yeah the movie is so much fun and it's a great cast and it's just I'm looking at all the tattoo do you have any tattoos oh yeah do you want to get any tattoos no Michelle do you have any tattoos no I don't either and you have so many and I didn't even realize I hadn't seen this in so long Johnny let's let's show people and just real quick the the tattoo you had let's zoom in on his arm it's so sweet look at that just this morning I remember now all right Dark Shadows opens in theaters this Friday Flo Rida is gonna perform after this we'll be right back
Channel: Lígia Kirsch
Views: 2,760,283
Rating: 4.8640141 out of 5
Keywords: Johnny Depp (Actor), Ellen, Ellen DeGeneres (Comedian), Johnny, Interview, Full interview, Michelle Pfeiffer, Chloë Grace Moretz, Dark Shadows, film
Id: tb74HJXcAAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2013
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