Your Destiny - John Paul Jackson (2013)

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[Music] [Music] I'll tell you if I was up here I would volunteer I learned a long time ago that that it's in those type of settings God proves he's God and I tell people we kind of pioneered down in the United States 30 years ago or 25 years ago prophetic evangelism and dream evangelism and I mean when we started doing this nobody was being taught like I'm sure Sean you may have experienced I know I have and that is that people wonder why under what are you going to those people you know we would go out to New Age fairs and psychic fairs and and Renaissance Fairs and witch festivals and pagan festivals and and it's like we were the plague from the church because we went out to save people and that the church was ignoring and and I'll tell you what in those settings I learned God was really God I watched him backed me up in things that I thought oh dear if you don't come through it's it's oh here I come Jesus and and he backed he backs you up it's amazing and it's amazing what love does we've had witches just collapse I've had witches collapse in my arms crying weeping snot covering my shirt because they were so touched by love changes transforms you so Shaun didn't know I was going to say this but I neither deny I just am so deeply moved by this type of outreach the changes changes lives changes destinies changes the atmosphere and it is truly truly amazing I'm I'm deeply touched and deeply moved boy I'm hoping to have a little lighter message tonight try it properly people are known for the sternness and I'm really a very happy man I feel like the the guy that you know God says I want to take the weak things to confound the wise I'm going to take the happy man I'm making look Stern you think if you think I look Stern now you ought to see me before my beard turned white I had black eyebrows black hair in a black beard I look just like Sasquatch and if you would turn in your Bibles with me to Genesis chapter 15 I want to talk about destiny tonight I'm going to talk about in a little bit different way than perhaps you may have heard of it before destiny purpose what God has called you to become what lies ahead of you and it's waiting on you that God knows is coming to you but you don't know what's coming to you but for any before any of us get to a destiny there's always things that stand in our way higher purpose higher tests all these things are standing our way and when you take a look at the Word of God you'll find that's true in all the great all the great men and women of God things stood in the way and they had to do something about it whenever you interpret scripture there's about there's four major ways to interpret Scripture you can interpret from the literal standpoint you can interpret it from the allegorical standpoint you can interpret it from the philosophical standpoint and you can then you can interpret from what it's called the mysterious or hard to find hard to to recognize standpoint I'm probably going to hit all of those tonight in in this message all of us have prophecies that were waiting for we're waiting for them to come true I've had prophecies that I'm living I'm living a prophecy right now that that was given to me by another prophetic voice 30 in 1981 and it's just now happening 32 years later it's just now happening that's not long at all compared to Daniel you didn't get that huh Daniel's waited about 3,000 years for his directly parallel to the things that the children of God had to face when they went into their promised land we have to face today and and move by the way did you know I told the the pastors will lunch this there's three ways to measure time there's there's the ad which means after Christ there's the BC before Christ and but then there's the way the Hebrew people measure time and that is from the start of creation from basically the day that Adams sinned they can count time because they know he lived 930 more years from the day he sinned so you kind of count time that way we don't know how old we don't know how long he lived before he sinned he could have lived thousands of years we just don't know but we do know that from the day he sinned he lived 930 years in interestingly enough then if you count that then you find that Abraham was born in 1948 1948 years after Adam came Abraham interesting because in 1948 1948 years after the Jesus came Israel I don't think that's a coincidence so there's things that are parallel the natural things speak of invisible things and there's invisible things that we're going to have to fight that are spoke about the natural things that the children of Israel had to go through in Genesis chapter 15 verses 16 through 21 Abraham is given a promise from God and he's in this promise there's listed ten nations that his descendants are going to have to fight when he doesn't even have one descendant yet here's what it says but in the fourth generation this is Abraham this when the God comes down he's cut the the the sacrifices and - he's got the Dove as well in the in the pigeon as well but in the fourth generation they shall return here your descendants for the iniquity of the amorite is not yet complete and it came to pass when the Sun went down and it was dark behold there were appeared of smoking of it and a burning torch that passed between those pieces on the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram saying to your descendants I have given this land from the river of Egypt to the great river the river Euphrates the Kenites the kinah sites the Cadman heights the Hittites the perizzites the Rafah the AMA writes the Canaanites their girgashites and the jebusites I've given these nations to your descendants they will conquer them ten nations it's interesting you said that the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete there's a lot to say about the iniquity of the MRI it's just from the MRIs that they continued the Rafah een it's from the amur writes that that the Giants came forth in the land good aaaghh don't know exactly how tall I was but we do know this king AAG had a bed that was fourteen and a half feet long made of iron and eight feet wide cuz he was so big that's pretty big boy Giants and from this we learned something else that God waits till iniquity is fulfilled before you overcome something that is mightier than you he waits on them to get stronger before he brings you into the picture and is justified in using you we're gonna see more about that in just a moment well they bruh ham goes on he has children you know Isaac Ishmael Isaac's descendants drove Jacob comes Jacobs descendants grow they end up going to Israel car going down to Egypt because Joseph us down there sold of the slavery and about 70 people eventually go to Joseph's is working for Pharaoh at the time and within 400 years old 70 become including men women and children over 2 million people Abraham's vision is coming to pass he was told when as they were getting ready to come into the land Moses is told when you get to come into the land you are to do certain things you are to drive out get rid of the enemy you are to get rid of their engraved stones you're to tear down their molten images and their high places and drive the inhabitants out of the land and the provision will be there for you to do this allegorically we could say this that that the the engraved stones represent painful memories that we have in our lives that keep us so tied down so paralyzed we don't dare take a chance to do anything molded images are idols that we seek comfort from in times of trouble instead of God that's what an idol is high places things we see first are the first things we feel negative expectations instead of courage and a hope for tomorrow inhabitants mental strongholds that have separated us from God things that dwell in our mind our thoughts our precepts or opinions that grow because we've not yet conquered the ways we used to think we have a desire to get to our destiny have a desire to get to what God wants us to do but we're held back by by these issues well the children misra had two opportunities to go into the promised land they were 11 days away 11 days away when the children of Israel and the ten spies came back how the 12 spies came back 10 of them gave a bad report 12 spies came back 11 days and they could have gone into their promise and here's what I found right before you enter into what God wants you to do there will always be a test to see if you have the courage to do it there will always be a test and it will be a big one it will be directly proportionate to the benefit you're about to receive small test small benefit great test great benefit and we always complain when this happened we always complain in numbers 13 the first time beginning with verse 25 through 13 25 through 14 10 it's important I read this entire passage because there's so many points in it we're going to cover and the return from spying out the land after 40 days now they departed and came back to Moses and Aaron and all the congregation of the children of Israel in the wilderness of Paran a Kadesh and they brought back word to them and to all the congregation as showed them the fruit of the land then they told they told him and said Moses we went to the land where you sent us and truly it flows with milk and honey and this is the fruit nevertheless the people who dwell in the land are strong the cities are fortified and very large moreover we saw the descendants of anak there there's a sense of a knock with the Giants by the way I mean true Giants and the Amalekites dwell there in the land of the South ahead tights and the jebusites and the Amur ice dwell in the mountains and the Canaanites dwell by the sea along the bank of the Jordan you could almost hear their voices getting weaker and weaker then Caleb quieted the people before Moses I love this I love this hailer says great let's go up at once right now and they go they don't want to the men who had gone up with him said we're not able to go up against those people they're stronger than we are and they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they spied out saying the land to which we've gone is as spies as a land that devours its inhabitants and all the people we saw are men of great stature we saw the Giants Midna sentence of a knock and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and we were like grasshoppers in their sight too so all the congregation lifted up their voices and they cried and the people wept on I line are they going on right so hard what is he thinking please I carried my kid all these years you can almost feel their passion and all the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron and the whole congregation said to them it only would died in the land of Egypt if only we had died in this wilderness why has the Lord brought us to this land to fall by the sword why our wives our children to become victims wouldn't that be better for us to return to Egypt so they said to one another let's select another leader and that's returned to Egypt and Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the Assembly of the congregation of the children of Israel but Joshua the son of nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh who were among those who spied out the land tore their clothes and to smoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel saying this land we passed through to spy out of the exceedingly good land if the Lord delights us he will bring us into the land and give it to us it's a land that flows with milk and honey don't rebel against the Lord nor fear the people of the land they are our bread meaning whatever they do will only make us stronger as God conquers them don't fear the people they are our bread their protection has departed from them now see this is incredible conjecture must surely Joshua knew this invisible world and that the demonic forces that protected them if they entered the land they will flee at the presence of the Lord because we are not mere men fighting the Giants of anak we are the representatives of the Most High God Joshua and Caleb knew this the people seemingly forgot this their protection has departed from him and the Lord is with us do not fear them and all the congregation's said to stone them with stones Wow and they probably would have had the glory of the Lord not appeared in the tabernacle of meeting before all the children of Israel here's six signs of a bad report we're not able to do this we can't go up against this people the circumstances are stronger than we are the situation devours anybody who comes near it this is just there's no way we can overcome it the cards are stacked against us the people there are great stature they're ready there they've been prepared for us we're nothing to them they're giants work grasshoppers just squishes bad report six human solutions to a bad report crying cry all night complain against the leadership get if you have a grassroots movement that gets off your body on your side always tell the leadership it would be better for us to serve the enemy than to serve you it's a problem of the leadership so let's get another pastor and all the congregation's at amen stoning 10 godly responses let's go do it now take the possession we're able to overcome them the land is our destiny it's worth the battle if the Lord delights in us there's nothing they can do to stop us he'll conquer the enemy he'll bring us into this land he'll give it to us it flows with milk and honey let's go only don't rebel against the Lord don't fear the people remember they are our bread this situation is only meant to make us stronger let's seize it the Lord is with us their protection has departed our angels are with us do not be afraid Wow easy to say to guys meant it the other ten no one can quote their names today you may find them in the word but nobody has them on the tip of their tongue I've never seen anyone erect a monument to a coward you want to be a champion of God you're gonna have to fight great battles here's the lesson I learned little bitty battles produce little bitty victories and result in a little bit of champions great battles produce great victories and result in great champions we have to make up our mind what do we want well you know that what choice they made forty years went by Moses in his closing discourse the book of Deuteronomy is basically the goodbye message of Moses to the children of Israel and in the end of it he he reminds them hey you could have - you're gonna have to you're gonna have to overcome the nations that God talked Abraham about and oh by the way seven of those ten are mightier than you seven not just one no no seven are mightier than you and the only way you're gonna conquer them is by guess what God doesn't it seem unfair for God to ask us to conquer something greater than us I remember I remember telling my wife when I first won in the ministry 30-plus years ago I said I feel like a nickel sent to do a dollars job you know and those are you that are ministry you know what I'm talking about he's and and the difference that I just didn't have enough sense to do it it was like two waves the guys that really got it at first the early adopters and in the late adopters of wave gonna Coast the second the second row of laughter okay well so the second opportunity this time after forty years it took 40 years to prepare forty thousand men who and Joshua says in Joshua 4:13 were prepared for war forty thousand men who said alright they're our bread their protection has left them we're ready forty thousand for forty years now this is very interesting because when you take a look at those ten tribes and you look at the meaning of the name of the ten tribes you're going to find we're going to see it in just a minute you're gonna find the ten battles you're gonna have to face to reach your destiny they may have flesh and blood but you're gonna find the ten battles so let's put up that the first overhead I think we have it okay good schoo to the next one ah the first one okay these first three are the ones you can conquer all by yourself and here and herein is the test in itself because any time you think you can conquer it the next thing you fight is pride for conquering it and so here's what here's the issue Kenan tonight the Kenites the meaning of the word kin ight means fabricator what is the Fabri what with a fabricate lies false accusations against you lies will be spread about you distortions will be spread about you rumors will be spread about you and the test is will you defend yourself or will you let God because you know you can defend yourself you can overcome this but will you do it or you will let will you let God defend you the second one the kena cites the kena cites the meaning of kena site means possessive that the the trial or just as covetousness what does that mean it means we try to look more spiritual than we are we try to have what others had keeping up with others and this keeps us from becoming what we were created to be because we'll never be what God created us to be if we're trying to be what somebody else is so we have to make our ministries look a certain way we have to make our homes look a certain way we have to drive a certain car we have to do any number of things now I'm not against any of those things but it can't be because we're trying to keep up with somebody so you're going to have to overcome this issue of covetousness and trying to look more spiritual you feel the presence of God around me not around you around me get close to me it'll rub off on you yeah those of you their ministry know these people yeah follow me do what I do the Holy Spirit and I are just like this that's me on top and be I'm exaggerating but not a lot the third one that we can overcome is the Cadman Heights the Cadman Heights mean ancient ways it's what a religious spirit is made from tradition has treated as if it were Scripture and the old wine is good enough we can't change we can't do it that way we've always done it this way what do you mean put lights in here what's wrong with the lights we got 150 years ago I mean change the carpet I don't see the floor yet coming through it a few threads what does that mean the old is good enough hate change the old is good enough tradition what we've always done it this way brother we can't change we've always done it this way you'll never enter your destiny when the old is good enough here's the seven that are stronger than you are the hittites first thing you hit is terror what does that terror in you it's the fear of failure you know what it does it creates paralysis in your life spiritual paralysis you're afraid to do anything because we're not spiritual enough what if we fail what would the people say if we fail people won't think we're spiritual I can't do it it's too big for me I can't take on that project it's too big for me I don't think I've never been to shake the lake if it if y'all never thought about that and on the pastor Peter and Catherine would have dirt have their church if they'd ever thought about that it's too big for me so it keeps you awake at night too big for me I can't handle it can't control it but if there's something I don't know if you're waiting to know everything before you do anything you'll never do anything because there's always something more to learn the next one is parasites parasites means squatter what does that mean means apathy in Texas we have a law and the law is called squatters right and it says this if somebody comes and lives on your land for seven years the land is no longer yours it's theirs because you were apathetic and didn't care to remove them you obviously weren't paying attention to your land and that's why they lived there because you didn't drive them out so it's apathy you're not trying you're not paying attention things have always been this way we can't change things we ignore things we neglect things so why try apathy the church is too big I can't change the pastor won't listen to me I can't change it nobody will will follow me I can't do it apathy it kills churches here's a little secret I found after planting five churches and pastoring three other churches and being on staff at three other churches the church is ranging from slow Pastor Dan and or been on staff at churches ranging from 50 people to 5,000 people and here's what I've learned I've learned that the first people you're going to lose are the people that are apathetic because they won't help you build your vision and God will be sure to remove them God will remove them because he will not help you build your building it will not help you advance the kingdom they will not want to teach Sunday School they will not help with children they won't pick up the trash they won't clean the carpets they won't do parking lot detail all of these are important to the kingdom but apathy who cares that the church grows who cares what the kingdom grows God cares the next one is the Rafah een literally means giant high bytes came from this and the trial is to flee or run away you thought it was God but it's too big and evidently it isn't God because it's really not working like I thought it would work you give up your surrender you think this is too big we made a mistake God really didn't tell us to do this I don't know what I was thinking so you quit so many people quit before the miracle comes so many people quit but see you never need a miracle till you need a miracle and if you quit before the miracle gets there you don't get your miracle and then you say well God's never done anything in my life well when did you quit before he could do it there will always be something too big for you something insurmountable something you don't have any enough to do you know if enough money to do you don't have enough time to dig you don't have enough passion to do you don't have enough knowledge to do there always be something too big the next spirit that you're going to have to conquer to get to your destiny is the amorite spirit or I call it the amorite spirit it's amirite hemorrhoids mean Sayer a Sayer what does a Sayer do a sayers always saying something about you it creates in for your inferiority in your mind in your perceptions it creates self-doubt in your heart and you always have a feeling people are talking about you listening and you're trying to listen to what other people say about you you walk into a room and the conversation stops you go they were talking about me you never think that they may have just finished the conversation they're talking about me and you know that everyone everywhere you go is talking about you how and it's not how good you are it's how bad oh look at how he's dressed look at how she's dressed look at that not a name-brand on those trousers no not look at that blouse Oh ugly color oh man I'm going to wear that to a dog show oh man you know all those wonderful sayings that that people lovingly say that's what you think they're saying about you and they could be saying man I wish I look that good but you don't think that because a Sayer tells you it's not good what they're saying about you and it's all designed to make you feel inferior and create self-doubt because if you feel inferior and you create self-doubt you'll always want to go back to eating engines in Egypt the next one is the Canaanites Canaanite means zealous zealous yeah overs the over too much zeal premature opportunity and so you see an opportunity but you don't wait up a timing of the Lord you're impatient you go after too quickly and nothing works out the way you thought you were so you get dissed you the way you thought it would so you get discouraged when things don't work as quickly as you wanted you get to the town where you're going six months early and you're dangling for six months because you didn't wait on God to say when do you want me to move so you dangle for six months you go go what God where are you since I'm back here or you'll move six months too late and where you're at is filling up the water you're up to your nose you said God you said you'd get me out of this flood and he's back I did but you wouldn't get in the boat so we're too late too early zeal zeal and if you've had a few times of being overzealous you now don't trust your ability to make decisions anymore and then you don't make decisions and then you start looking for someone else to make your decision for you and there'll be plenty of people wanting to make decisions for you follow me I'll I'll show you what to do the next one is girgashite the girgashites this is much more prevalent than you may know it means stranger or you will feel out of place you're frustrated because you don't find you fit in and it may be you've been going to your church for fifteen years and you know I just don't feel a home here out of place I don't fit in they're not like me I'm not like them and the enemy loves to do this because it keeps you from growing roots and without in your roots you have very little fruit fruit production is directly tied to root growth no root no fruit and if the enemy can keep you fruitless then he's neutered you so you can't hurt his kingdom you are neutered you may not help this kingdom but you don't hurt his kingdom and by the way not hurting his kingdom is helping his kingdom because it grows when people don't try to stop it that's a test you're gonna have to face because before sooner or later you're gonna have to come to place is when will I grow roots destiny is tied to roots the final one is a gem you sight Spirit it means downtrodden the name Jeb you sight means downtrod it produces anxiety and depression and it creates a victim mentality and you'll blame others for your lack of success or you'll always feel condemned for not doing enough I'm not doing enough I'm not doing enough I'm not doing enough or you blame others for your lack of success a victim mentality Cain was an evidence of a victim mentality Abel if Abel wasn't here my sacrifice would have been accepted down trodden anxiety depression you're gonna have to overcome that these ten things are ten battles that you will face I don't know anyone has ever become anything that didn't have to overcome these ten issues you're going to fight them and you won't just fight them once there'll be many battles in the war you'll fight them and you think you've conquered it and then you go god I thought I had that taken care of why is it happening again he said because we're going deeper you just you just took care of the corporal's we're going to have you start taking care of some of the sergeant's and by the way there's lieutenants behind them and Colonels behind them so we're going to go pretty deep here but I can't I you what oh okay okay I'm gonna handle this battle yes good job handle this battle I will strengthen you this battle is your bread it will make you stronger for the next battle that will become your bread make you stronger for the next battle that will become your bread make you stronger for the next battle and pretty soon you wouldn't the war and guess how strong you'll be at the end of that war strong enough for the rough aim and the next one but you will be mighty men and women prepared for battle and you'll know this I didn't do it God did I didn't do it you see God has to bring you face to face with issues that are bigger than you so you know God did it I didn't I God did it I didn't God did it I didn't see the real battle is what would you do after everything is done well you say look what I did as Nebuchadnezzar who walked on the walls of his palace palatial grounds looked at all surveyed his kingdom and said look what I built and the next thing you know he's eating grass Abraham was a mighty man he took 318 men and by the way all the one and I Ishmael may not have been there because may have been too young but muscles most of those men were just servants today they were serving bread milking the cows cleaning the tent and tomorrow they're fighting five different kingdoms who took lot and his family 318 men drove away over 20,000 Gideon 300 men drove away 120 thousand three hundred men Guinea's started out with 35,000 that rallied to him and God said oh you're depending on numbers removed twenty-two thousand at one whack simply by saying tell everybody who's afraid to go home twenty-two thousand left that didn't help us fear oh you're still afraid watch how the drink water and if they don't drink water right tell them to go home all of them but three hundred drink water wrong God's always good to bring you face to face with something greater than you so what did you do with Gideon said Gideon I want you to go down to the enemy's camp and there I will strengthen you so Gideon's gone wait a minute you're not even gonna let me have 300 and the Lord said well if you're afraid you can take your servant pura with you and he took pure his servant with him so he didn't die alone he gets to the enemy's camp and here's two so just talking now he's in the midst of the enemy's camp he's here's two soldiers talking and this one so it just says I had a drink no soldier says what was it you just said I saw a loaf of bread on top of the mountain and it came rolling down the hill and gathered great speed and rolled through our tents and destroyed us and the other soldier goes I know what this means it's none other than Gideon now isn't that what you think though for bread Gideon actually there is some logic to because guess what in the beginning of the story were introduced to Gideon as a baker he was grinding wheat so he was a baker so who was the baker in the area Gideon loaf a bread baker comes to Gideon and when that happens when Gideon hears this getting does something very strange for a coward because up to now he was he stands up he says and he he said Gideon hearing the meaning of the dream stood up and worshipped God in the midst of the enemy's camp and he walks back to his 300 men and says 300 is too many so a hundred if you go over there hundred you go over there hundred of you follow me I'll watch me word the coward go you're gonna come face-to-face with your worst fear before you reach your destiny there's not a leader who's worth the salt who has ever walked into his leadership his destiny his purpose for being on earth that he didn't face his worst fear God will not let you get rid of your boss because there will be another boss but he will make you come face to face with your boss and if you allow God to handle it things will be resolved and then you'll never be afraid of your boss again you want to say something you're testifying I love this so those 10 fears and here's what I feel like the Lord has told me tonight that he wants to do he wants you to stand up not yet but he wants you to stand up and volunteer say okay Lord I want to reach my destiny and I want you I'm gonna volunteer for you to begin to remove these things that I'm afraid of so I can walk into it and I know there will be a battle now you may also have to say this I had to say this I had to say Lord listen to me I'm of a sound mind right now and I know that later when you start doing this I'm going to tell you stop it but don't listen to me then listen to me now I will not be of a sound mind then I am of a sound mind now so I'm just letting you know that I know I will do this don't pay attention to me listen now so he may have to kind of say that to God listen now and when I start complaining ignore me ignore me don't listen to me I don't care how much I cry I may cry all night don't listen to me because I want to reach my destiny and I have failed I've looked at the Giants and I've run I've allowed what people say about me to keep me back I will not allow any of these 10 issues to hold me back any longer but I know this I can't do it by myself you have to do it so I'm calling on your name to handle these issues for me so if that's you I want you to stand and we're gonna pray because God will act on your behalf he will act he he didn't put you here to leave you he put you here to accomplish to become what has called you to be so Father in the name of Jesus I ask you to touch this people and their courage to stand right now they've recognized issues in their life that they've faced at before and backed away from the recognized issues that that they've seen ahead and decided they wouldn't even go that far I ask you Father in the name of your son Jesus to give them courage and to make up the difference between their courage and your ability make up the difference oh god there is a difference between our courage and your ability your abilities far higher than even our courage will take us but father we take the stand in Courage and we ask you now make up the difference we can't slay the Giants but you can we can't stop what people say about us but you can and you could at least blind me to what they say and stop my ear so I don't even pay attention I won't even notice it anymore and father if there's anything I've been apathetic to remove my apathy from me if there's anything that I'm terrorized by that's paralyzed me and kept me from doing anything removed that from me and if I'm too zealous in certain areas give me peace and calm me down so I do not take premature opportunity all of these 10 things father help me and I will follow you I know you will strengthen me I know you were strengthened this people and I know that if they are serious Canada will become a different nation because they will teach their children the ways of the Lord and the way of justice and the way of righteousness and you will know them and they will know you and everything will change for your glory and in Jesus name I pray amen [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Frontline Church
Views: 44,387
Rating: 4.9161348 out of 5
Id: jFzKZjao39A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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