I Am Moses Pt. 1 | Jimmy Evans | Joni Table Talk | Joni Lamb

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so does god's calling and purpose for your life seem overwhelming and unattainable or maybe you feel like you'll never be able to overcome the problems and trials you're currently facing well god promises to be with us and be our strength when facing the impossible and today's special guest is here to tell us more about that specifically we're going to be talking about moses so you want to stay tuned for that but first joining me around the table is my friend kendra kelly dean how are you doing great this is one of my favorite characters so i'm really excited to dissect this character and talk about this yeah this show but i think a lot of awesome lessons can be learned about him and his surrender to the lord and what god was able to do through him because he said yes lord use me yeah because at first you know moses was like well i can't wait lord i can't i can't i've got a speech impediment i can't speak and and but you know when god calls you and anoints you to do something i think the fact that we have to be dependent on him is even more a testament absolutely to his greatness and goodness in our lives absolutely because he will literally speak through you and let his countenance be upon you as you minister as he's called you to do and your purpose that's right that's right dorothy newton how are you doing great yeah yes you know it reminds me that god equips the call yeah he does yes yes and moses was that for me i always think about that with everything that i do like you know what he's already equipped me to do it everything that i do here i am totally dependent upon god to help me do it and i'm well aware that i'm nothing without him and i think that's important cindy murdock for us to understand really it really is because then we are solely dependent on him and he gets all the glory he gets all the glory and then the neat thing in this too is that god even brought along aaron beside him to even help him so god is so so wonderful in his life jimmy evans we are already telling the story don't go ahead this easiest show i've ever done i love that but there's nobody better than you jimmy does so well we've done i am david we've done i am abraham i am joseph well moses is one of the most beloved leaders in the old testament he's known for his friendship with god his humility and for helping deliver the israelites out of bondage and slavery but before becoming a courageous leader he first had to overcome his personal weaknesses and he had to learn how to depend on god with childlike faith moses is such a great story because it starts with the killing and the annihilation of babies which he was supposed to be one of them right well he's he's a type of christ he's mentioned 767 times in the old testament wow he's mentioned 79 times in the new testament he is the most prominent figure in the old testament for sure he's jewish uh his birth the pharaoh tried to murder him along with other male infants that happened to jesus remember when herod tried to kill him and all the male infants around bethlehem there he was raised in a home with a father that wasn't his not his real father his ministry was born in the wilderness he was rejected by his own people he did signs and wonders and he saved israel with a sacrifice on a pole and jesus said as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so the son of man must be lifted up that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life so moses and jesus are very they parallel one another in fact moses was basically just a shadow of who jesus would later be very prominent figure he lived 120 years he lived exactly 40 years in egypt until pharaoh tried to kill him and he ran away into the wilderness yeah he lived 40 years in the wilderness and then he lived 40 years as the deliverer of israel and that last 40 years was not easy oh man no not at all yeah it was you know trying to deliver god's people out of egypt right it was a trial yeah yeah well and going back to the place where they tried to kill you you know he literally was on the back side of the desert he was as far away from egypt as he could possibly get and you know you know he had to be living in fear but this program this is called god's answer for every problem and so god is calling moses to be the deliverer of of the jews and when he calls him it's a totally negative experience god is coming to him he's comforting him and moses every time god speaks to moses moses throws it back in god's face and so you would think you know hey if god shows up especially in a burning bush exactly god shows up and starts talking to you you kind of want to be polite and so let me let me read the story this is exodus three moses was tending the flock of jethro's father-in-law the priest of midian and he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to horeb the mountain of god and the angel of the lord now that's jesus in the old testament the angel of the lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush so he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire but the bush was not consumed then moses said i will now turn aside to see this great site why the bush does not burn so when the lord saw that he turned aside to look god called him from the midst of the bush and said moses moses and he said here i am i'm skipping down to verse 9. now therefore behold the cry of the children of israel has come to me and i've also seen the oppression with which the egyptians oppress them come now therefore and i will send you to pharaoh that you may bring my people the children of israel out of egypt but moses said to god who am i that i should go to pharaoh and that i should bring the children of israel out of egypt so he said god said i will certainly be with you now this begins the negative uh interaction here and so the first thing that happens is god says something to him that he's going to say over and over over i'll be with you yeah so god's answer to every problem is i'll be with you i'll be with you that's it yeah okay and so moses comes to him and he says hey you know i mean who am i now and this is fear failure fear of rejection it's all of his personal inadequacies that we all fear feel sure and he's saying who in the world am i you know i did not go to college to get a degree in you know delivering the jews from egypt i mean how in the world would i know how to do that yeah and god's saying well i'm going to be with you absolutely zero effect on moses so then we get to the second interaction then moses said to god indeed when i come to the children of israel and say to them the god of your fathers has sent me to you and they say to me what is his name what shall i say to them and god responded i am who i am he said thus you'll you shall say to the children of israel i am has sent me to you now i am is the transcendent name of god and this means the ever-present ever living god of the universe and what he's saying is okay when you go to the children of israel and they say tell us the name of your god his name is i'm here yeah name him emmanuel god is with us and they would recognize wow they would recognize that it's a transcendent name of god when jesus said i am before abraham was i am they picked up stones to kill him because they knew he was calling himself god and so he's saying here well tell them i'm with them too okay when you go to the children this will comfort them and just say the i am god is the god that i'm representing here moses once again throws it back in god's face and so exodus 4 this is the third interaction moses answered and said but suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice suppose they say the lord has not appeared to you now this is fear of the future okay what if this event now understand twice he asked god if he had thought about something wow suppose what if suppose god that god doesn't have to suppose exactly he knows exactly what's going to happen right and if this was going to happen god would have equipped him for it to happen and so he's saying that and so here's god's response the lord said to him what is that in your hand and he said a rod he said cast it on the ground so he cast it on the ground and it became a serpent and moses fled from it then the lord said to moses reach out your hand and take it by the tail and he reached his hand out and caught it and it became a rod in his hand and god said to moses i'll be with you in that rod wherever you go wherever you go just know that i'm going to be with you in that rod again moses said and accept it this is encounter number four moses said to the lord oh my lord i'm not not eloquent neither before nor since you have spoken to your servant but i am slow of speech and slow of tongue this by the way this is a backhanded accusation against god that you did not equip me for this okay so this is exodus 4. this is god's response so the lord said to him who made man's mouth or who makes the mute the death the seeing or the blind have not i the lord now therefore go i'll be with your mouth the same the same answer i'll be with your mouth and i'll teach you what to say so here's here's the point that we all need to understand god always divinely disables us so we will need him he divinely disables us the same he he takes something out so we will need him that we will need him see i've got my magic wand theory my magic wand theory if if i if we handed out magic wands and if you could wave this magic wand over yourself and change anything that you could change when you were finished you wouldn't need god um because what we would fix would be the thing that makes us need god wow because we we'd uh despise that weakness in our self but god loves it because it makes us dependent so god says who made your mouth moses hey dude you know i was i was there i knew when i was making your mouth that this day is going to come but here so he said well why would god why would god send a deliverer to egypt and moses said i'm not quick of speech i'm not an eloquent person why would god send him down there that way okay here's the answer because at the end of the encounter when the jews left god didn't want the egyptians saying do one thing we didn't want those jews to go but he's a slick talker that moses talked us out of three million jesus i mean what an incredibly and persuasive person what god wanted them to say was well moses is not much of a talker but i'll tell you one thing god came through yes yeah god wanted to manifest his glory so in second corinthians 12 the apostle paul is talking about he said you know 14 years ago i don't know if i was in my body or out of my body i was caught in the third heaven and i saw things that were gonna express me said because of the surpassing revelations that were given to me a thorn in the flesh was given to me a messenger of satan to buff at me lest i exalt myself above measure and three times i went to the lord and i said to the lord take this thing away and the lord said my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness and a lot of uh theologians believe that moses had eye problems because in galatians he says to the church of glacier i was with you because i was sick and i know if you would if you could have you'd have plucked your eyes out and given them to me so we don't know exactly what the thorn in the flesh was but it was something he despised and he went to the lord and he says lord take this thing away but he he knew it was there to keep him humble he said lest i exalt myself beyond measure this thorn and the flesh was given to me and so god god comes to us and calls us and divinely disables something in us and let me tell you if you try to fix it you break it wow because we need god we need him he doesn't need our help that's wrong and you said it you know when god calls us that means he's chosen us but it doesn't mean that we're necessarily we're not able we're not able to you know even jesus had to have the power of the holy spirit in him you know and so again moses rejects the call here uh exodus 4 this is the fifth one he said oh my lord please sin by the hand of whomever else you may sin do you think moses also he understood the power of pharaoh that maybe there was some fear there oh absolutely i was approaching him as well as a multitude of people now this is a new pharaoh because in exodus 4 god said to moses all the people that we're trying to kill you're dead because this is a new pharaoh but absolutely the pharaohs were wicked evil people and i think that there was a tremendous fear the fear of reliving your past you know he literally was walking right back into his past and so the fear of not being received by the jews the the fear of being killed by pharaoh or something like that oh yeah you know it's just your worst nightmare because he had been loved in that household of egypt until he recognized the calling that god had upon his life well until he saw a an egyptian killing a hebrew yeah and he killed the egyptian and then they turned on him the the jesus absolutely he was loved he grew up as pharaoh's daughter's child in in that home but it was something that uh for 40 years he'd been the desert and that fear had not gone away so this is something he was living with every day but you know when god comes and calls us to do anything significant it's terrifying sure you know it should be i mean if it's if it's god it's going to call it's going to call you beyond your capacities when the lord when the lord came to me and called me in the ministry when i was 19 uh some of you saw his picture karen and i celebrated our 40th anniversary yesterday so there was a picture of our wedding picture we're going to put it up right now for everybody to see a troubled child so well that's when the lord called me the ministry a week after we got married yeah when i came into the ministry i was absolutely 100 dependent on god every day i had never preached before regularly never taken offering never run the church never never you know had to prepare lessons regularly anything like that and i didn't have any friends in the ministry all my friends were in the business world i didn't have any professors to call or anything like that and then into the time we were charismatic at that time and the city that i lived in um we were thought of as a cult and so there was not one pastor in town that would be seen publicly with me wow and so literally i had and all the people around me were dumb as me so it didn't help you know and so i just literally would go in my office and i would just get before god and i'd say god i just i need you to help and so the lord never ever let me down every single time but i wanted to get to the point where i didn't need him my desire was maybe someday i'll get to the point yeah i'm so confident well i'll be so i'll be so polished and i'll be so experienced and and i'm now 67 years old you know been in the ministry 40 years ago and the exact opposite happens the older and hopefully wiser that you get the more you realize that you need him more than ever right and you get comfortable with it yeah you get comfortable with it yeah and the thing is notice when moses goes to egypt pharaoh never lays a hand on him he succeeds in everything he does because of god's power it was the lord that did all the heavy lifting yeah you know it was moses moses just showed up with a rod and did some talking and uh and so but but here moses tells uh god no okay and so here's god's response well is he ever going to say yes are we getting close to it he's pretty stubborn when his brother aaron goes with him he agrees okay and aaron was the one who fashioned the golden calf and aaron never spoke for moses so you don't see you don't see moses going down to egypt and when it's time to call to talk to pharaoh moses says hey my brother answered aaron come over here and tell pharaoh that he does his own talking and so yes when the when the lord finally lets aaron this is his answer the anger of the lord was kindled against moses and he said is not aaron the levite your brother i know that he can speak well and look he is also coming out to meet you when he sees you his heart will be glad so here here moses just keeps shoving it back in god's face it's just all fear it's just all the natural fear all fear all fear and so let me talk about the presence of god for just a minute because god's answer to every problem is i'll be there hmm that's so good well just think about it i mean what problem can god not solve exactly but this is something fear is reality minus god when the devil can remove the presence of god from your life that's where fear breeds false evidence appearing real false that's right false evidence appearing real and so the presence of god is the answer to fear worry and anxiety and this is psalm 23 yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you're with me your rod and your staff they comfort me so this is david and david is saying you know something when i'm going the worst to the worst times of my life i don't have any fear because i know you're with me it literally is enso in cobid so timely for right now right absolutely look at all what's happening in israel what's happening around the world and you say what's going to happen god's going to be with us in in the worst of the end times in the worst of what we're going through god is going to be with us and if that's where your focus is you'll be okay you know i mean because moses is such a great bible character but i love what i love about the bible jimmy is that you don't have these perfect array of characters right you get to see the warts you get to see their doubts you get to see their fears because we're all human and god is saying if i can do that with moses what can i do with you that's that's the whole point of this and that is when whatever people are going through right now god's with you well i just keep feeling that the fact that moses had to go back it's not always fun to revisit your past it can be very scary and intimidating especially if your past represents a lot of hurt but again god is with you in that and the fact that moses was learning this journey and you talk about what we can experience when the presence of god is with us in our lives and so what did that look like for moses how was the presence of god manifested in his life as he kept going back and what are some of the three truths that you can show us of how god showed his presence with moses well we want moses to accept first the challenge from yeah well that's he's done rejected it about ten times now well he reluctantly accepted it because of aaron okay and so to go by himself he yeah he didn't want to go by himself he was kind of a baby and so he ended up going and so when when moses goes back of course there's the rod which we're going to talk about the next program the secret of the rod and so he goes back and the power of god constantly manifests itself every single time that moses steps out in faith and he obeys god and he confronts pharaoh the past exactly what you said uh god shows up and something powerful happens and that's how they get delivered ultimately but hebrews 13 5 is one of my favorite verses in the bible but this is what i meditate on when i'm the most troubled this is my go-to verse hebrews 13. hebrews 13 5 i will never leave you i will never forsake you therefore i will boldly say the lord is my helper what can people do to me and so whenever i'm really troubled that's what i i literally one night i laid in bed all night and that's all i did because every time i wasn't thinking about that i was thinking about the other you know and it was just really troubling me and i just thought the greatest comfort in my life is he will never physically leave me he will never turn his heart away from me therefore i boldly say the lord is my helper i will not fear what can people do to me and so when you get that in your head when when you're aware of the presence of god so faith is reality plus god yeah okay whenever i have a god filter that i'm looking at my problems through i'm fine the the other thing about the presence of god is people and problems take their the right perspective now when you listen to people talk you can tell their perspective and you can tell how much they focus on what people are doing yeah and what what god is doing you can literally hear the talk so in the story of the children of israel going to the promised land and the 12 spies went in the ten spies came out and they said there we saw the giants the descendants of anac come from the giants and we were like grasshoppers on our own side and so we were in there so what what a ridiculous statement of saying how you look in somebody else's eyes you know that's like what everybody thinks i'm ugly well everybody thinks this well you don't know what everybody's thinking they're they're probably not thinking about you you know you're all up in your head but you know they're not exactly so uh but they come out and they're terrified and they terrify the whole camp and that's the fear of man that's the first oh yeah absolutely and how many people operate with that i think most people the fear of man yeah yeah jeremiah 17 says that uh that whoever trusts in man uh you know the lord is gonna curse him yeah but the fear of the lord the lord will bless you the the fear now the fear of man is something i had to deal with when i came to the ministry especially fear of rejection fear failure fear of man and uh it absolutely stymies your faith and what happened when the ten spies came out and they were afraid of the giants uh the people want to go back they do and they want to go back to egypt this is joshua and caleb joshua the son of nun and caleb the son of jeff you know who are among those who spot out the land tore their clothes they spoke to all the congregation of children of israel saying the land we pass through to spout is an exceedingly good land if the lord delights in us then he will bring us into the land and give it to us a land which flows with milk and honey only do not rebel against the lord nor fear the people of the land for they are our bread their protection has departed from them and the lord is with us do not fear them so here's joshua and caleb they're they're they're looking at the giants through god yeah and they're comparing the giants to god they're just saying these guys they're going to be our bread there nothing does so david shows up to the battle line and you listen to my series i'm david but david shows up to the battle line and he's the only one not afraid and he keeps talking about the fact that goliath is not circumcised and which is kind of a personal issue you know so he and he keeps saying who is that uncircumcised philistine down there like that and his brother turns in shut up you little creep he gets all killed he's not circumcised and you say well what what difference does that make circumcision was the sign of the covenant right and god said when i look down and see these men that are circumcised i will protect you yes i will be with you i will be your god and you will be my people and what david was saying is guys it doesn't matter how big he is he's not circumcised god's not with you because god's not with you and so he took a rock and five stones where he took a slingshot and five stones and wouldn't kill the giant and so what happens is when i have a little god well my perspective of god is that god's not very big and he's gotten every powerful people scare the crud out of you yes you know but when your perspective is my god is an awesome god yes and he's with me and whatever i do you just don't get you don't get bothered you know one of the things you said that i really felt like someone watching would you need to hear this and the enemy has really been bombarding your mind with thoughts that you know are not from god and it's almost like you said jimmy we're all going to go through through things it rains on the just and the unjust as christians we go through things uh but it's important to replace those lies with truth that's right and that's one of the things you did you said you begin to think about hebrews 13 5. for me just the other night there was a bunch of stuff going on and i've been in the ministry now for 38 years i started when i was two but not true but anyway i remember it was just like i couldn't turn my brain off have you ever been like that yes you just got a lot of stuff going on i couldn't turn my brain off and i just i just kept you know hearing these lies and and the lord just said say say the 23rd psalms slow and so i just started saying it slow because you can't say the word of god or even think it in your mind and those other you can't think two things at the same time yeah so how important is it for us to know these scriptures to to know that the i am is with us to know that his presence is with us so then when i got to yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil right for thou art with me and i was just able to go off to sleep that's for somebody i don't know if you have the bible on your phone or if you want to turn on reflections with daystar we've got music and scripture but the lord is saying use my word yes to help calm your mind in in times of turmoil absolutely you know you said it exactly right and that is you can't take a thought out of your mind but you can replace it with a greater thought yes and so you said i can't turn my mind off that's me all the time you know i mean except when i'm asleep my head's just always going right yeah and so i watch sports or i watch something you know on tv or something that distracts me or whatever otherwise i'm thinking and if those thoughts are good that's fine but sometimes they're they're troublesome thoughts and i immediately go to scripture yes because it's going to wear you out it should it just you just get worn out with it and discouraged the word of god is so incredibly encouraging and the it gives literally the the presence of god makes anything possible this is psalm 16 this is david i have set the lord always before me because he's at my right hand i shall not be moved therefore my heart is also glad and my glory rejoices my flesh will also rest in hope how do you set the lord before you the lord's not portable it's not like we can reach over and do this with god yeah setting the lord before you it means you're reminding yourself god's with me whatever i look at today i'm going to look at through the presence of god yeah i'm going to look at through the perspective that god is with me and he says here therefore my heart is glad it makes me happy yes it makes me happy to think whatever i do god's going to be there with me it makes anything possible if i don't think god's with me it just saps you of your strength your hope and everything so we're out of time but today's i am moses is entitled uh god's answer to everything god's answer to everything that he's with you you know some of you need to hear that today and i hope today's program has encouraged you i want you to remember that the key to fulfilling your destiny and overcoming your personal struggles and weaknesses is found in relying completely on god he is your strength and he delights in your childlike faith and dependence upon him and of course whenever you feel discouraged or overwhelmed i want you to know the lord is with you he will sustain you i like that verse when he said i will never leave you yeah i will never forsake you i will go with you till the end of the world okay so you can know that today you're not alone if you're watching today maybe you feel overwhelmed by the trials you're facing maybe you've been shut in maybe you've been sick maybe someone you know has passed and you just are struggling that's why that prayer line number is on the screen we have amazing prayer partners standing by always ready to pray with you 24 hours a day seven days a week you can also go to daystar.com and click on prayer and submit your prayer requests that way and this is again the first part to a series that we're doing on moses so we have two more to come but i want to thank jimmy for joining us at the table for more information on jimmy's amazing ministry and teachings be sure to visit him at xo marriage.com there's a lot of great information and tipping point series end times all of that that you are interested in i tell you what you can go there and find that don't forget of course to join the conversation online by leaving us a comment on facebook instagram or twitter we'd love to know your thoughts about this new series thank you so much for watching and we'll see you tomorrow where we continue our series on moses you
Channel: The Way Of Life Church
Views: 9,202
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: the way of life church, groeschel, lifechurch, life.churchtv, church, god's word, sermon, Christian, bible, God, Joni Lamp, Joni Table Talk, Daystar, I Am Moses, Moses, Jimmy Evans, Jimmy, Israel
Id: 1rxeWO7HF_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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