Joe Biden’s First 100 Days | The Daily Show

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[Music] today the sun was shining the birds were singing and mcdonald's share price in florida just went way up because america just got a brand new dad please raise your right hand and repeat after me i joseph robinette biden jr do solemnly swear hi joseph robinette biden jr do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states office of president of the united states and will to the best of my ability the world to the best of my ability preserve protect and defend preserve protect and defend the constitution of the united states constitution of the united states so help you god so help me god congratulations mr president i don't know about you but this moment will stay in my memory forever joe biden's middle name is robinette what but that's right as of noon eastern time today america welcomed the fresh young face of joseph r biden as its 46th president and despite the pandemic this inauguration had it all former presidents the youngest inaugural poet an amazing singer wearing her own etsy store an old man on his way to the post office and even a lady whose outfit just called me a broke biden was so committed to unity that he even invited enemies of the state no i'm joking i'm joking guys i'm joking ted cruz didn't try and overthrow the government he just supported the people who did even mike pence attended the inauguration to honor the democratic transition of power kudos to mike pence you can see him there with his mask featuring the vice presidential seal and as tradition dictates once kamala was sworn in he gave that very same mask for her to put on and so with trump finally gone it was time for president biden to get the key from under the mats and settle into the house that they'd spend all day getting ready for him right now the white house resident staff are going around the white house and boxing up anything that the trump family may have left behind trump officials insist that the place is going to be sanitized with particular care and coven 19 in mind part of what is going to be moved in and different in the white house residents is that the bidens will i hear share a bedroom the trumps of course has separate bedrooms so this will be switched all the mattresses will be refreshed we're so used to seeing the new president uh walk up the steps under the north portico into the white house to be greeted by the outgoing president of the united states and there you saw joe biden and the first lady not greeted by anybody outside the front door of the white house in fact the previous president had skipped town before the inauguration so biden uh left there to sort of be a self-greeter in many ways and led himself into the white house into the front door yeah trump wasn't there to greet biden at the white house which is a snub but on the other hand i'm not sure that trump needs to be there now because how would that conversation even go you know what i actually used to work here so you don't need to show me where the situation room is this it's your work room now i know it's inauguration day and everyone wants to throw a party but remember it's also wedding's day which means it's still a work day and so after he got back to the white house president joseph robinette biden went straight to work and let's just say the white house bathrooms aren't the only place biden is looking to wipe out any trace of donald trump just hours after being sworn in president joe biden is already putting the pen to a number of executive orders this is common practice as presidents enter office biden expected to sign roughly a dozen executive orders undoing some of donald trump's most controversial move he will immediately rejoin the paris climate accord reportedly cancel the keystone pipeline and will reverse the so-called muslim travel ban and take the first step in his fight against covid mandating masks on federal lands and extending the pause of student loan payments wow that is a huge reversal of trump's legacy rejoining the paris accords cancelling the keystone pipeline and even repealing the infamous muslim ban although with america's covert rates right now i don't actually think that lost one is going to make much of a difference come on over muslim countries come on to america actually we have zoom now so you guys kind of keep your coughing now this is really good news and i'm glad that america is rejoining the paris accord but you gotta admit this back and forth this must be so weird for other countries because under obama america celebrated the paris accords but then under trump it was like the paris accords let the planet burn and then now into biden it's like all right guys i'm i'm back in the paris accord sorry yeah and i'm also back on my meds sorry about that the inauguration of joseph robin hood biden yesterday after being sworn in on the book that knows when we're all going to die biden became the 46th president of the united states but he can't run the whole country himself so immediately after being sworn in he turned around and administered the oath of office to his new white house staff and hopefully all four thousand people on the zoom were paying attention for new members of the biden administration a virtual swearing-in we have to restore the soul of this country and i'm counting on all of you to be part of that and a stern warning from the new commander-in-chief if you're ever working with me and i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect talk down to someone i promise you i will fire you on the spot on the spot no if ands or buts okay wow that took a turn uh welcome to a new era of kindness and respect and if you're not on board with that i'll rip your nipples off but insisting on respect is just one of the ways that president biden is trying to make a clean break from his predecessor in fact he even redecorated his office to be as untrumpy as possible we're getting new details right now about the inside of president biden's oval office a bust of caesar chavez for example sitting behind the resolute desk along with statues of martin luther king jr and robert f kennedy it is joe biden's stamp on the oval office but some of it is familiar if you see those gold drapes you see the blue corporate on the floor those are in the oval office during the bill clinton presidency the decor is certainly different than it was under president trump okay first question is it really an improvement to switch out trump's carpet for bill clinton's i mean on trump's carpet yes you can catch covet but on clinton's you could get pregnant and look i respect history but at some point it starts getting suspicious this desk was used by president roosevelt whoa and these chairs were set on by president kennedy wow and these drapes were hung by president monroe dude are you broke is that what's going on here but i do think it's cool that no matter what other changes the president makes the bust of martin luther king jr stays behind because no one wants to be the guy who removes the bust of mlk once it enters the room it's there for good if a tornado hit the oval office it would still go around mlk i'm not racist i'm not racist now of course redecorating the oval office is just a symbolic change but even after one day people are already noticing how different biden's presidency will be from donald j trump's you just got president biden's schedule for tomorrow his first full day in office as as president i imagine it's a little bit busier than what we've been reading is the former president's schedule this is a return to normalcy also a return to functioning government the white house press office is now actually sending out press releases that are informative so instead of having the trump administration say trump is making many calls the biden team's actually revealing the calls that's a good sign that's progress president biden is now unveiling a national strategy to tackle covet first of all i i just have to say that it's great that we have somebody that comes out and actually has a plan today felt like a new day i mean the press briefing was boring as hell and that was refreshing how we didn't have to count how many lies jin saki was telling we didn't have to get up there and hear her talking about the largest crowd size yelling at the media yo guys joe biden is so lucky all he has to do is have a vaccine plan and not lie for 10 minutes and he's basically what the next george washington and we all know this is only thanks to donald trump for setting the bar so low it's like getting hired as a babysitter and your predecessor was a roomba covered in knives you gotta be better and there's a useful life lesson here for all of us always follow the worst possible person like if you want to date someone wait until after they've broken up with army hammer baby i promise i will never eat your flesh what a gentleman [Music] president joseph rolex biden he has been in office for less than a week but man he's already putting his stamp on the presidency with a series of eye-catching progressive moves president biden has ended a ban on transgender people in the military mr biden signed an executive order yesterday reversing a policy ordered by then president trump president joe biden plans on making the switch to electric vehicles replacing the government's current vehicle fleet the white house has added a sign language interpreter to its news briefings uh press secretary jensocki says an american sign language interpreter will be a regular part of daily press briefings during the biden administration the treasury department will resume its efforts to put former slave and abolitionist harriet tubman on the 20 bill the plan to replace andrew jackson on the 20 was originally announced during the obama administration but president trump delayed that project damn joe biden coming in hot he's walking into the white house like it's the first day of prison yo who's the locust in here cause i'm about to whip his her or their ass i mean look at those executive orders trans rights electric cars sign language and putting harriet tubman on the 20 bill is back baby which makes sense she went underground for a while but then she came back once it was safe you know how she do although this might be too little too late because no one uses cash anymore it would be safer to incorporate her into the venmo logo but still replacing one of the most racist presidents with a black woman who helped slaves escape is amazing progress i mean if you went back in time and told andrew jackson that joe biden was doing this he would be like wait joe biden that guy who just got elected to the senate and let's be honest the sign language interpreter is way overdue i mean of course trump already had a sign language interpreter for some of his briefings but this is much better and i'm happy about the electric car thing but i will say part of me thinks that it's just so that the government has quieter cause to sneak up on us you know because now you'll never know when they're drunk the pandemic is actually over americans are going to need more help getting through it and the big question of what that help will look like is dominating washington dc right now president biden's pledge of bipartisanship facing its first test tonight the president inviting 10 republican senators to the oval office to pitch their covet relief counter offer their 600 billion proposal is a mere fraction of the president's 1.9 trillion dollar package the gop plan leaves out a minimum wage boost the president includes and whittles down his fourteen hundred dollar direct payments to americans to one thousand dollars still when all was said and done the white house did not appear to be conceding much ground saying the president will not settle for a package that fails to meet the moment this is a sign of this effort from president biden to get bipartisanship here but it also comes as democrats on capitol hill are paving the way to move forward with only democratic votes for this relief package look man i'm not going to lie i get why democrats and republicans are having trouble agreeing on this relief package i mean this is a difference of 1.3 trillion dollars how do you compromise when you're that far apart it's like deciding what you want to get for dinner and you want something nice but your date wants to eat out of the gas station trash can you can't compromise and eat out of a nice trash can but i also do love how republicans suddenly get stingy the second that a democrat comes into office because don't forget during the trump years they were handing out tax cuts with a strip of money gun but now that biden is present suddenly they're trying to hand out covert relief a penny at a time one penny two pennies am i making it rain yet three pennies yes more of a drizzle i agree now a lot of people are upset about the democrats plan to give people fourteen hundred dollars because they say that the democrats promised to give people two thousand dollars but the democrats are arguing that everybody already got the first 600 a month ago and i get the democrats points on this one but at the same time so many people are struggling right now why not just give them 2600 instead i mean you can find the money somewhere just take it from space force trump is gone we don't have to pretend that that's a thing anymore [Music] the coronavirus pandemic it's the reason you keep refreshing vaccine websites like they're selling coachella tickets with over a million americans getting vaccinated every day everyone is anxiously looking forward to a time when they can get back to doing normal things again you know like going out to eat or not thinking about the welfare of the people who deliver their packages and last night president joseph razonet biden gave the country an update on when normal life might happen president biden got a trip to the swing state of wisconsin for a cnn town hall his first trip as president he offered a new timeline on when the vaccine will be available for all americans and a return to something like normal by the end of july we'll have over 600 million doses enough to vaccinate every single american as my mother would say with the grace of god and the good will of the neighbors that by next christmas i think will be in a very different circumstance god willing than we are today wow who would have seen this coming after all that talk from trump it turns out biden is the one who's going to have people saying merry christmas again but that's right biden is predicting that covert 19 will be gone from our lives by the end of this year just in time for covet 21 to kick in the high gear wait no i don't cover 21 and i'm really hopeful that biden is right because if things are normal by christmas that means santa can come down the chimney and put my presents under the tree again unlike last year when he threw them through my living room window you broke that santa [Music] the coronavirus pandemic it's the reason all your sex dreams are now just about going out bowling there's no question that things in the u.s are moving in the right direction more people are getting the vaccine fewer people are getting infected and our masculinity is finally starting to clear up but at the same time things are still very bad and today the country reached a grim milestone to remind all of us of that the coronavirus and the pandemics once unthinkable toll in the u.s more than 500 thousand lives lost in less than one year the first reported fatality came on february 29th three months later it was a hundred thousand dead and then by mid-september the death toll climbed to two hundred thousand and surpassed three hundred thousand by mid-december but then came the deadliest period in the pandemic four hundred thousand deaths on january 19th and now just one month later here we are half a million cova deaths in this country president biden will mark the milestone at the white house with a moment of silence and a candlelighting ceremony that's right people hundred thousand covered deaths a number that nobody wanted to see and as painful as that is you have to admit you have to admit it is nice to see america's president actually take a moment just a moment to recognize the toll that coronavirus has taken i mean the only time the previous president showed any sadness was when he accidentally deleted fox news off of his dvr what a day for americans what a sad day my sweet hannity is gone [Music] the world's biggest real life super villain vladimir putin a newly declassified intelligence report has confirmed that putin personally directed russian meddling in the 2020 presidential election and president joseph robitussin biden isn't happy about it in our world lead a threat from president biden to russian leader vladimir putin on interfering in the 2020 election he will pay a price i we had a long talk he and i so you know vladimir putin you think he's a killer i do so what price must he pay the price he's going to pay well you'll see shortly president putin himself has been asked about his response to joe biden's kind of affirmation that he thinks that president putin's a killer i wish him good health and i'm not joking i mean it but when we judge people or other nations we look into a mirror we see ourselves there when i was a child and we had arguments in the courtyard we were saying it takes one to no one and it's not just a children's saying the meaning is very deep putin is right children's sayings still have a lot of important wisdom for us as adults that's why i still get my yearly boosters for my cootie shots i mean if a girl ever touches me i'm all set but it is funny that putin has to clarify that he's not joking when he wishes biden good health because let's face it the man has killed so many people everyone always just assumes that that's what he means i wouldn't be shocked if this causes a ton of problems for him president putin your cousin is here what would you like me to do ah please take care of him boris understood sir no no boris boris i mean show him a good time ah i know what you mean no no i mean like you know take him to concert or something ah yes performance in the sky right away no no i'm saying like maybe you know what just kill him this is taking too much of my time but clearly people this exchange is the beginning of a much more confrontational relationship between america and russia and that's going to be tricky because on the one hand joe biden is probably right to call out vladimir putin's aggression but on the other hand i'm pretty sure that vladimir putin has all of my passwords so i think he's doing a great job now while biden is fending off putin he's also dealing with a crisis closer to home at the mexican border because even though biden ended some of trump's cruel immigration policies and is trying to return children who trump separated from their families that has not been enough to end the suffering president biden urging migrants not to make the journey to the u.s as the white house works to get a handle on the surge at the southern border nearly 4 300 unaccompanied children were in border patrol custody as of sunday afternoon according to data obtained by nbc news the new figures are a record high nearly 3 000 of those children have been in custody over the 72-hour legal limit in an interview with abc news the president pushing back on criticism migrants are crossing in such large numbers because he has reversed several trump-era immigration policies the idea that joe biden said come because i heard the other day that they're coming because they know i'm a nice guy well here's the deal they're not do you have to say quite clearly don't come yes i can say quite clearly don't come don't leave your town or city or community hmm okay that's worth a shot i guess but the phrase don't come isn't going to prevent immigration any more than it prevented pregnancy on bridgeton because biden is still being way more welcoming than people are used to i mean don't come is basically an engraved invitation compared to you country rapists need to pay for our wall but that's right border crossings are surging right now and the part that's causing the most concern is what to do with the unaccompanied children because under trump they would just be sent back to terrible migrant camps in mexico biden on the other hand wants to send them through the asylum process in the u.s but the problem is the system is too overwhelmed to do it quickly so the kids are languishing entertainment camps here and please let's not forget to have empathy for these migrants because who can blame parents for wanting to give their children a better life i mean there's just so many more opportunities for them in america i mean think about it blue ivy just want a grammy who wouldn't want that for their child [Music] president razon biden he's facing a lot of challenges in his first 100 days the vaccine rollout the crisis at the border what happened to ms frizzle but over the weekend he faced his biggest challenge yet staying upright a white house spokesperson has blamed wind gusts for president biden stumbling three times as he attempted to climb the stairs onto air force one this happened as the commander-in-chief was boarding the aircraft to fly to georgia the same white house spokesperson added that mr biden is doing quote 100 fine and did not require medical attention i'm sorry guys i i honestly can't believe that this happened the president got knocked over by wind this is gonna be the first president where the secret service needs to carry around paperweights hold on sir hold on we got you we got you someone sneezed for real though why why couldn't they just say that he tripped tripping on stairs is a normal thing you don't need to lie about it but saying you got blown over by the wind that is so much weirder it's like if your roommate walked in on you jerking off and instead of just telling him you're like oh no i'm detaching my penis for the night i put it away for safekeeping and by the way people it's not like this just happened to joe biden all right it happens all the time biden tripped obama tripped mike pence tripped and the reason isn't because they're old the reason is because they were running up and down stairs you shouldn't do that that would never happen in africa i mean mostly because our presidents fly commercial and they got to wait for their boarding group to be called but you get what i mean the point is we don't think about it because we use stairs so much right no one thinks about it but stairs are basically an obstacle course you take one wrong step and you're gonna eat and that's one thing one thing that my man trump understood you love him or hate him but you gotta treat stairs with respect he understood that you walk up slowly you hold the banister and you swear to god that if he lets you survive this you'll never walk upstairs ever again [Music] guns the perfect way to win every argument permanently president biden has been trying to push gun reform ever since his friend from college was shot to death by aaron burr and today he took another step to solve it president joe biden this morning announcing his plan to go around congress on the issue of gun control this following several recent mass shootings president biden outlined a series of executive actions on gun violence today the president's executive orders direct the justice department to regulate a gun accessory known as a stabilizing brace which can be used to allow a pistol to operate similarly to a rifle the doj will also be tasked with publishing a template for red flag legislation to be adopted by the states the eos also direct the justice department to a ruling on so-called ghost guns untraceable weapons that can be made at home from parts purchased on the internet the president said he wants those gun kits to be treated as firearms that's right biden wants to regulate ghost guns which are guns that come in kits and you can assemble yourself although if you ask me that should be the only type of gun that you can buy in america i mean because that way people will be forced to breathe before they can act what you say man i'ma shoot you dead now i'm gonna shoot you man let me just once i build this i'ma yo man i'm gonna build this real quick and you go wait hold on hold on they got two of these they need i need one more of you hey man you you got a you got a c8 yeah there's supposed to be two seats i only got one over here man i can't build this without man how about we just talk about this cuz i can't build this gun right now and now look don't get me wrong don't get me wrong i think it's great that biden is taking these steps but you gotta admit it's kind of sad to see what few reforms are available when congress refuses to act i mean regulating stabilizing braces those are just attachments for making guns more accurate basically america is saying it can't stop mass shooters but what if they had slightly worse aim [Music] afghanistan the country that much like the bathroom at a chili cook-off is almost always occupied the united states has now been in afghanistan for nearly 20 years and today president joseph retreat biden said enough is enough president biden announcing he will withdraw all u.s troops from afghanistan by september 11th we cannot continue the cycle of extending or expanding our military presence in afghanistan hoping to create ideal conditions for the withdrawal and expecting a different result i'm now the fourth united states president to preside over american troop presence in afghanistan i will not pass this responsibility onto a fifth i will not pass this responsibility to the next president wow what a nice gift joe biden is giving to dwayne the rock johnson when he becomes president although to be honest i was secretly hoping that the rock would get to end the war in afghanistan yeah because he would have done it instead but yes the war in afghanistan may finally be over and people it's about time it's been what 19 years no war should ever be old enough to serve in itself i will say though i find a little weird that biden is withdrawing on 9 11. i mean first of all breaking up on your anniversary that's just mean and second should he be basing huge decisions like this on the date that just sounds the best we can't let this forever war continue one more moment but let's wait a few more months for some nice symmetry you know it's numbers i believe in numbers now of course all of this is assuming that america actually does leave because don't forget america has been trying to get out of afghanistan for what 10 years now obama said it trump said it hell this guy said it we are leaving in 2014 period to be fair biden didn't know what year it was when he said that now obviously not everyone is celebrating this decision biden is getting a lot of criticism from people who say that if america leaves afghanistan then it will become a failed state and that is a real danger but on the other hand america has been there for 20 years is it supposed to stay there forever because if that's going to be the case then i mean america should at least make afghanistan a u.s state and the good news with that is it would eliminate afghanistan's terrorism problem completely because we all know that once terrorists are american they're not terrorists anymore they're just frustrated citizens who are having a bad day joe biden delivered his first address to congress yes for hundreds of years joe biden has sat and watched other presidents give speeches to congress but now it was his turn and of course thanks to covert things looked a little different than usual last night instead of a full chamber they just had a few people scattered around it looked like the lights just came on in a porno theater but still the big names showed up chuck schumer was there ready to trip any insurrectionist that broke in the second dude was in attendance signalling a runner to steal second base i think and in a historic moment kamala harris and nancy pelosi became the first all-female duo ever to get front row seats to a president's ball spot but of course the star of the night was president joseph roku biden who used the knight to present america with a very ambitious agenda america's moving moving forward but we can't stop now let's raise the minimum wage to 15 let's lower deductibles for working families on the affordable care and affordable care act and let's lower prescription drug costs four additional years of public education for every person in america access to quality affordable child care rebuild trust between law enforcement and the people they serve the country supports immigration reform we should act replacing 100 percent of the nation's lead pipes and service lines made a ban on assault weapons in high-capacity magazines with the plans outlined tonight we have a real chance to root out systemic racism that plagues america let's end cancer as we know it it's within our power it's within our power to do it wow ending racism and cancer biden is dreaming big i mean i huff expected him to go you know what it we're going to mars right now get in get in the rocket everyone this is rocket outside everyone we're going to mars right now and by the way for someone who people think of as a moderate this agenda was hella progressive free college free child care i mean you'd think that bernie was just off screen you know with these fists like don't you dare forget about student that joe biden or i'm gonna shove 99 of this fist up your ass but i guess this is the energy that people always bring to a new job you know joe biden's got that new job enthusiasm which always fades over time you know and right now he's like i'm changing everything and like a year or so from now his top priority top priority is going to be angling his computer monitor so no one can see he's watching outlander [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Views: 485,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, joe biden, biden, kamala harris, kamala, 100 days, democrats, republicans, joint address, progressive, liberal, democrat, republican, fox news, ted cruz
Id: LHYa7NtgNrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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