The Year in Jordan Klepper 2021 | The Daily Show

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] last week we saw one of the darkest days in american history and for better or worse i was there it was a day that began with the president holding a rally outside of the white house to push lies about voter fraud and urge his followers to take action to overturn the election excuse me is this edition happening over here is this edition is it over here so we do not consent to be governed nor shall we ever be consented to be governed by an illegal fraudulent election but you elected a guy who also doesn't care much about consent we do not consent will you accept joe biden as president of the united states on the 20th no i will not accept it already no i will not so look what i i've educated myself about this okay i don't know all what's in the constitution have you read it it's pretty short constitution of america yeah i've not read the whole thing no you've read the entire thing yes it's remarkably sure all right i doubt that but it's okay you should read it because you might be committing a seditious act in an hour and a half okay i'm not gonna comment about that if people didn't vote for joe biden though the dominion system voted for joe biden do you think it's possible that hugo chavez uh infiltrated the dominion systems changed the votes orchestrated by joe biden do you think it's possible that a president who never pulled above 50 percent lost the election is sore about it absolutely not that's not possible the one thing you couldn't help but notice was just how many people looked like they were preparing for battle from the tactical vests to the pitchforks this rally fell charged you can tell these people really love america by the number of weapons they brought to hurt other americans looks like we got some proud boy action either that or the cabela's street team [Applause] what's your flag say come and take it come and take it do you have a weapon no no why not did they take it sorry bro i was worried that we were in trouble but then i saw that we got the tyranny response team here and i feel a lot better thanks for all you do and for those supposedly caught off guard claiming they didn't see this violence coming if you paid attention to any of these rallies all you have to do is open your eyes and ears the message isn't exactly subtle make no mistake we have the guns and we are now in the streets we are gonna clean this place out one way or another you look down there i have one million plus people angry very very angry people can i ask why you're carrying a pitchfork well pitchfork is a it's just an iconic representation of how of what people over time have done in this country it feels more like a weapon to be quite honest that's not it's farm equipment and it's legal in this in this in the city are you farming today it's an ico it's it's a representation we're not asking for violence right now i got to tell you from the movies i've seen the the the hordes of people with pitchforks are usually the bad guys how close do you think we are to 1861 are we close oh yeah you are that's the civil war would you would you rather die on your knees than be free aren't you a little bit freaked out about 600 000 americans not i see you're not wearing masks never mind this thing was a powder keg all it took was someone to light the fuse like these human blow torches let's have trial by combat stand up and fight stand up and hold your representatives accountable we're gonna walk down to the capitol because you'll never take back our country with weakness you have to show strength with those orders the crowd of economically anxious insurrectionists advanced so we've been following this protest we headed to the capitol and the trump supporters just broke through the gates and they're now heading into the capital right now people are getting waved up towards the capitol take it back i'm hearing people say let's go keep going who are you with the american people the american people are you military i'm not answering that you're not so you're not military no why are you dressed like military i'm not it's just close is that camouflage it is but you're in an urban environment isn't it sort of the antithetical to camouflage i don't think so are you looking to make an aggressive action right now i'm looking to make a statement what's your statement the election was stolen we want free and fair elections and if we can't have that in this country we don't have anything so what do you plan on doing we're just going to see how it unfolds you can see how it unfolds all right good luck with the paintball tournament can i can i ask you some questions what's your plan what's your plan for what what are you you're you're are you storming the capitol i'm just calling up for checking for somebody this is is this the last stand see it is this looks like the last day are you afraid if you run out of batteries for the last stand then you'll be thwarted good luck i hope you don't run into bumpy terrain or stairs while segue stonewall jackson is laughable on his child's scooter the rioters brought real weapons and committed real atrocities they attacked our democracy our police and even our cameraman i would say you assaulted me trump's fake tough guy military are literally throwing themselves on the ground to perpetuate victimhood if the trump presidency is going to come to an end this this seems fitting a show of aggression ending with a bunch of people screaming at a building without a working understanding of how democracy works america 20 21. [Applause] thunder cannon tear gas let's not wait to find out in the end the crowd didn't stop our democracy let's take heart in that this [ __ ] staying rebellion failed as did my dry january [Music] [Applause] it's impeachment week again so i'm back in washington dc where our capital is a bit different from the last time i was here it is hard to figure out how to get in towards the capitol i want to get to the capitol can i go all the way down the constitution if they're miles and miles of fences did somebody get on parlor or something to figure out how to get in there and the thousands of screaming maga folks is down to two what do you think of the impeachment the sign says it wasn't the president who called the riots what i saw and what there's a lot of evidence showing is that many of the initial people who entered the building violently were leftists to have antifa i was here it seemed like a lot of people were trump supporters a thousand people broke into the capital erected a noose outside and tried to kill the speaker of the house and the vice president i i literally think that you have added the tried to kill all those things and you have ignored i got to show you some videos you want to trade videos because i'd love to share video with you as well i'm not going to give you my email yet the mag of faithful aren't the only ones who want to go to the video house prosecutors plan to quote have a fast-paced cinematic case raskin is aiming for a blockbuster action film this week yes impeachment 2 is bigger and louder and more cinematic than the first one because as we all know when you're dealing with american audiences stunning imagery goes farther than facts what are you doing are you doing the spinning bad boys shot that we always do the bad boy shot stop it i understand the democrats movie making angle but how is this blockbuster approach playing with the few locals we could actually find the first impeachment gets in the weeds feels a little bit more like a complicated spy drama made by a foreign director this new one this new one i think is just so obvious you know it was full of drama and chaos unfortunately murder and sedition you know it has all of the good plot twists of a crime i'm not excited about it because the fact that it had to happen is because something horrible happened in the first place you're not excited for the new impeachment would you say you're getting too old for this [ __ ] i am bruce willis too old for this [ __ ] deadly danny glover you know leave the weapon danny glover i guess bruce willis was getting too old for the die hard series in and of itself uh all i'm saying is somebody needs to say hasta la vista baby am i right as long as there's not a third movie i'll be great i hope you're right although we do have a villain who's never been held accountable in his life it kind of keeps the franchise open i think they had a good opening day with the video and i think jamie raskin did a really good job of explaining that some people were either getting ready to just hide behind their desk or like grab a pair of scissors and go out and screen writing 101 make it personal give us people to care about exactly where's jordan why does ron appeal he should be able to get up here an impeachment manager he's too busy making scary stuff that i only stay through half of because it's both scary and i have certain race guilt issues because of my privilege showing hours and hours of footage of blatant criminality seems like a sound legal tactic so how does the 2020 lead impeachment manager adam schiff feel the sequel stacks up to the original ours might have been more the ken burns documentary this might be more of the hbo mini-series but you know we had to try to bring to life events that were happening half a world away in ukraine here you don't have to imagine anything because the senators were there the house members were there we watched it on our television screens why do you think the impeachment is necessary it's absolutely necessary if he's not disqualified now if the senators don't follow their oath and don't follow the evidence and he's acquitted again and he decides to run again he will put the country through hell again is accountability really america's thing i mean that's we're better at like barbecue and wrap around sunglasses well i think that the lack of priority on accountability over the last several years has been why we're in this predicament there are critics who say congress should go back to doing more important things like stopping the space lasers that are causing all the wildfires should we be focusing on those big important issues uh this points to another huge problem not the lasers the wildfires but the people who believe the people who believe in that kooky crazy batshit conspiracy theory stuff they're members of congress now how do you convince people who are both witnesses and jurors to a crime that a crime actually occurred the republican party needs to be a party of ideas and ideology again at the end of the day what this is really about is can they find the courage to tell their constituents back home that what they were fed by donald trump was a bunch of lies so you're banking on the courage of someone like ted cruz good luck with that i was going to pick on that i would be bankrupt a long time ago i was going to say he won't even stand up for his wife let alone the country so so the final jury is the american people which in like rotten tomatoes it's like the critics score versus the audience score now the first impeachment was great critics loved it audience was so so on it but maybe for this new one the audience score pops right up and there's a conviction well i'm hoping that that the the audience score on the senator's score are in alignment and they both say we never want to see the likes of donald trump in office again so will impeachment 2 don't rush to judgment day move any senate republicans to convict trump as i look around our transform capitol for signs of hope i know no more bad boy shots okay i'm no no last week i traveled to a sweltering arizona where republican state senators are auditing results of the 2020 election in a giant arena next to an actual carnival sure there's already been two audits and a recount and it's 101 goddamn degrees out but there are still men like this ready to throw their support behind election integrity i've been here all week uh and i'll be here until the audit's done is my plan so this what's going on right back here is the most important thing going on in our country right now what do you have there on your hip smith and western 357 magnum there has been word that antifa and blm may be coming in so they're trying to be careful and uh have you seen any signs of antifa you guys have probably heard about the carnival that's going on here there's a little concern about whether or not uh that would provide uh those kind of folks an opportunity to come in and try to infiltrate and get access so there is some fear that blm might meet behind the tilt-a-whirl organize and then bum rush the situation bad people can do bad things i'm not going to say what they may try to do outside of possible antifa carnies which was laid out in official documents outlining potential security threats what's the harm in one more recount i know that it's comical to watch what's happening here in arizona but i think that it is also important to note that this is really dangerous to our democracy and you know what we saw how dangerous the post-election misinformation was this is a group of people who are clearly partisan it is headed by a company that has no auditing or election experience and they're making up the rules as they go along so who's running the audit cyber ninjas did you say cyber ninjas i did say cyber ninja is it run by a 12 year old boy uh it sounds like it right while the cyber ninjas website looks like the invitation to my ninth birthday party we must not judge audit companies by their splash page but you give it to the pros let the pros handle this these are not pros well they're cyber ninjas that takes some amount of training i assume their firm has nothing to do with audits or elections well maybe they're newish to it how many audits have they done none they've never done an audit no well i mean give them a wide berth right first job you want to root sometimes you make some mistakes with your first job i remember my first job i burned a lot of hamburgers you know and i worked in a tj man there are a lot of arizona voters who are very very concerned about this and i don't think they like the idea of their ballots their election being in the hands of these rookies turns out the audit has had some issues in the trust department starting with cyber ninja's conspiracy theorist ceo an auditor who attended the january 6 insurrection and mysterious uv lights used to look for chinese bamboo in paper ballots really to help clear the air i talked to john brakey and ken bennett who are inside working on the audit there's been so many bizarre stories going on through the media you can have some pretty far-fetched ideas on both sides and what we're doing is simply proving or disproving as many of those as we can speaking of somebody on the outside this feels like it's just feeding into conspiratorial thinking we're mythbusters great okay we're doing things we think are foolish but people believe it's real what is this i hear of a uv light there there was a uv light that was being used to supposedly check for water marks in the ballot i want to follow up on this bamboo bizarre huh that's because southeast asia has uses bamboo in their paper supposedly okay we're myth busting but are you looking for traces of bamboo we're looking for everything in there so that's a yes we're looking to disprove that it's not there some people believe that paper from outside of the authentic ballot paper that should have been part of the maricopa audit got introduced into the system and might be the paper on which 40 000 people cast illegitimate votes all chinese ballots are on bamboo yeah is it because soy sauce would be too obviously racist oh my goodness is there a chance people believe this because people add fuel to the fire by elevating this and and therefore letting that be part of the conversation if we validate that something they think might have happened didn't happen then we're not throwing fuel on the fire are you looking into the hungarian vector i didn't know about that one hungary it's a [ __ ] thing i just made up that sounds cool and a little bit spooky i was fortunate enough to see the operation first hand and the people led by the cyber ninjas were definitely counting and observing but there is still one thing that can at least temporarily derail this audit teenagers we've known from the very beginning that there's some high school graduations coming in in two weeks so we'll have to step aside for about a week while the graduations occur you don't have a place to count the ballots in two weeks no just wait one week we're going to shut down we'll secure the ballots and when the graduations are over uh we'll come back and this is not a joke i know it's not a joke but you want us to trust you but you're like we're going to lock the ballots in there and then let a bunch of teenagers not go through for a week and then we'll start counting again now that is not the case at all secure the balance right try it let's get yeah no i got it no that's serious let's be certain it's a very serious very serious okay so it's not a joke it's not a joke let's go back to the bamboo talking but it's not a joke until we settle the very serious bamboo situation you can find me in a place that's run by professionals not attempting to thwart our democracy the other carnival [Music] donald trump has been promising to start up his rallies again but until he does his supporters will have to settle for the next best thing the my pillow guy yes my pillow founder and trump supporter mike lindell put together something he called the maga frank rally so i traveled to new richmond wisconsin to see why thousands of people gathered in a field to see a bunch of right-wing all-stars the ex-president on a jumbotron and obviously bison pillow swag that's an amazing lineup who's your favorite with the lineup um probably michael oh we're just excited to see mike he speaks the same truth that we believe mike is is a true hero you know they they they claim you know the doctors and nurses are that but my own sister's a retired rn and we're not talking right now because of her beliefs so when it comes to heroes there's doctors there's nurses and then there's the pillow guy yeah yeah what have you learned from mike lindell he's a true blue water red working american man which which which color blue and true he's a blue and true red blooded white man that he's you know got them all in there yeah mike lindell has garnered plenty of attention by focusing on one thing when this election when all this fraud is opened up that i already know exists and sure his claims of dead people voted in georgia and vote flipping in michigan have been debunked by various news outlets still these people were eager for more pillow talk what is mike lindell talking about that you agree with well just the whole fraud of the election he's got the proof you know the proof is there what makes you know that trump won his own department of justice says there was no fraud just well you don't trust the department of justice oh no you trust my pillow guy well i wouldn't go quite that far to say you know i trust what he's saying you do you trust what he say yeah oh so you would yeah you would go that far yeah that's exactly where you're at yeah yeah i think that we still need to find out what's going on we still need to look back at what happened haven't we already done that well there's history sometimes we have to go back in history like we do in school it's important to look at historical moments from different perspectives so you have an understanding and a whole picture right we have to so you support critical race theory donald trump no and lindell's newest election claim is his juiciest president trump coming back in 2024 i'm still sticking to august of this year everybody that's my opinion and why do they think of that that would be nice it would be nice but you know i think i think the country is going to go in the pot right now not the country i grew up in what what country did you grow up in the land of the free the united states because of the braves the 60s things were better in the 60s oh yeah 70 60 70. yeah in the 60s we knew which drinking fountain to drink from exactly exactly yeah if trump is reinstated in 2021 do you think that democrats will accept it and allow our nation to heal i think there's going to be a lot of whining still yeah they're just not going to let it go they're gonna be whining in the field months after everything's already decided anyway are you excited about being out here in the field to watch trump on a jumbotron is he gonna be on the jumbotron we don't even know who knows i'll tell you who might know the man who paid for a military plane flyover [Music] they're surprised in the sky here in about uh a minute 30 seconds it's going to happen any minute [Music] are they coming can they see him what's up we're gonna see or right yeah here fine all right all right we're going to start right now with brandon leaders and god bless america so the planes might not be here yet but according to lindell thanks to so-called white hat hackers he already received the evidence that would lead to trump's imminent reinstatement i told the whole country a month and a half ago that donald trump will be back in august you know do you still believe that no absolutely this is the crime of the century you're describing and they came to the my pillow guy no they didn't come to me they came to me on january 9th but i seen the evidence but but still they they still came to you because let me tell you nobody came to me until that day and here's what happened i had my own investigations i had all of my stuff going on and nobody talked about the machines we talked about dead people non-resident all the other stuff i call it the organic throttle drive is this helping mike this is this here is all this this is a i already have the evidence you know what this is doing do you guys get it it's perpetuating anger there's no fear and and attacking by saying that let me tell you something this is a free speech rally okay my platform frank speech for all the individuals whether they're democrat or republican right now if you talk about machines vaccine the border jesus you speak up for anything and youtube and vimeo and people like you guys journalists suppress it cancel us or try and destroy something good that's coming out of this this is a free speech right this isn't a trump rally did you call are you trying to say this on trump rally it says mega is in the title and he's speaking at it no he you know you know what he's speaking he got his picture on the poster mike yeah he got suppressed unproven election fraud claims have caused real problems in our country and just last week we learned that election officials were receiving death threats from angry trump voters have you heard about the death threats not me and secretary of state georgia i'm saying there are people because of the conversations that are happening the the elongation of this process we're now being threatened are you talking about brad rassenberger yes brad rassenberger and brian kemp were in on this are you kidding they're as compromised as they come why are these republicans compromised i don't know ask them i'm asking you because you you apparently are the one that no you need to understand that's a deviation why won't you guys when i was kicked out you either want to be the guy everybody comes to or not the guy everybody comes to because you have answers for being the guy that the cyberpunks come to but you have no other i don't know if august doesn't happen what do you say to these the states are going to all pull it down because they're doing audits in every state pennsylvania wisconsin maricopa will get done everywhere they've done an audit like in new hampshire every place that we've done arts that we've got the machines it's the same thing everyone so there's a plan it's like watching that bigfoot show they don't find bigfoot at the end but if you tune in next week maybe it's gonna happen thank you you guys are horrible [Applause] normally when i'm in search of an angry mob of people screaming anti-science deep state vaccine microchip conspiracy jazz i head to the heartland of america but it turns out i can find those very same people right here in my own backyard in new york city that's right last week outside of mayor bill de blasio's home there was a group protesting his new mandate that customers show proof of vaccination in order to enter restaurants gyms and theaters it was a mix of hardcore anti-vaxxers people who are okay with vaccines but hated the mandate and then of course some people who put together a joker costume once loved the attention so now that's pretty much all they do i'm the only one in my family that hasn't gotten the vaccine it's not approved by fda i don't know what's in that women are miscarrying people are having their dnas wiped out what what do you mean like completely wiped out yeah they're telling women that it's okay for you to get the vaccine what does it mean their dna is wiped out like their their immunity their immunity is getting because they say like wiped out 600 000 dna yes of course you know actually some people have died from the vaccine don't believe me go to the media go to the google or some people have died from covet yes so many more than from the vaccine one thing with me i try not to argue facts i don't believe that suggesting strongly and coming out with mandates for vaccine is a way of medical intervention this is not what i believe in that's a lot of quotes people from both sides of the issue came from far and wide to express their hate or love of vaccines i think you're killing people yeah let me come over here let me cough on you hopefully you know ron desantis and ted cruz have both been vaccinated [ __ ] this is why i love doing interviews in new york you're from pennsylvania yes because we know it's coming to pennsylvania how important is it like that to think ahead to protect something before it gets out of control it's everything it's everything because once it's gone out of control you don't reel it in right like that's why it's important for everybody to get a vaccine squash it before it gets out of control that's why what it's important that we take the vaccine squash oh my god what side are you on are you nuts what were you talking about talking to you what were you talking about i am not for the vaccine are you on your mind well you were just talking about getting ahead of it getting ahead of the mandate the mandate is what's spreading yes we don't want the mandate to come to p.a we don't want to take the vaccine oh why should i you see why i'm confused though clearly putting potentially harmful toxins into your body was something these anti-vaxx mandate health nuts were very concerned about my name is edward cruz i'm running for city council running for new york office as a republican as a republican the science is still new we still have question marks we rush the science we were moving at warp speed well we moved the war speed so donald trump rushed it not correct who rushed it who rushed it uh can i ask how about if you change places and i started attacking you you're the one who's running for public office the republicans of new york were clearly trying to move on from the past and in some cases forgetting it completely my name is vish bhura and i'm the vice president of the new york young republican club this is a protest against the anti-freedom mandates from a petty tyrant like bill de blasio do you think this is something the founding fathers would be would support the founding fathers would support vaccine mandates yeah no i don't believe so george washington had a vaccine mandate well that's okay oh that's okay oh he's a lower founding father i mean i love the lore but at the end of the day we are the ones who have to deal with what is going on in america today what are you going to miss out on if this mandate prevents you from doing i just tried to get some thai i love thai food i just tried to get some thai food around the corner they told me i couldn't sit down and eat i can't go in a restaurant i can't go to a music club fifty percent more people who are not gonna go out to eat doing how are they gonna get food exactly yeah right so maybe they'll go out of state come back who knows if only like the city had a seamless way to get food to their door fresh direct way to get there you know maybe that's if their point is this mandate is a slippery slope that only leads to hyperbole so many don't get it it's 1937. and never again is now do not comply to showing your papers this isn't nazi germany maybe you can help me out i'm seeing signs that say vaccine mandates are fascism and also signs that say vaccine mandates are communism which one is it it's both those are diametrically opposed ideologies i don't think it's community it's more like a dictatorship like we're living in like a nazi germany and the only thing that's missing is the camps and the gas that's what's happening right now yes because you can't go to a concert i can't go to a concert i can't go to a gym do you think that's what it was like in nazi germany people were bitching about not going to a gym regardless of our differences this was still new york a melting pot crammed onto an island then pushed into a subway car with a rat eating pizza you're not left or right you're a new yorker and we're in this together i mean i've heard that we live in a society line a million times and we're over it the we the people thing holds no sway for you no we the people is who are the then who are the people of the we the people that you are willing to support definitely not the illegal immigrants that are bringing cove over our border right now that's for sure i do not believe that vaccine mandates are constitutionally uh supported which is a bummer because the supreme court has upheld it many times it's not my court all right well enjoy i hope you don't get sick good luck to everyone out there and may you get the pad see you our founding fathers said you deserve to eat inside during a global pandemic [Music] [Applause] i'm in johnson county north carolina marching with anti-mass protesters to what has become america's new thunder dome school board meetings north carolina parents are desperate to get their kids back into schools but with packed icus and coveted cases and children four times what they were last year new studies in the cdc are recommending mass as a way to keep in-person learning but pack school board meetings and new stars of the right are upset because putting on a piece of cloth is just too much i'm against all mandates so from there i don't wear its mask where it's vaccinations i'm against it all mass will never protect americans uh masks don't work my child was suffering after wearing his mask for so long what kind of issues has he had he's had acne on his face from you know the mask covering and not letting his skin breathe has he had coping yeah but he has that acne yes so have you had to choose no what's wrong with having children wear masks in school well you're breathing in the toxins that your body is trying to get rid of how do surgeons do it that is a good question there's been some new studies that have come out both by the cdc and by even duke university talking about mass being helpful especially in a school situation i challenge anybody to put a mask on and five minutes later smell that funk and i think it's good so there's science and then there's the smell test and you're going with the smell test yes what are some of the ways kids suffer when they have to wear masks i think breathing i've done a little bit of research about the carbon dioxide that people are saying is an issue now with the mass wearing a mask helps stop the spread of covet in settings like a school but they they still they're outside like right now i mean i mean this is a kind of example there's kids out there playing and stuff well we're outside right now when you go inside isn't it beneficial to wear a mask if you're close to someone uh-uh no no i mean i don't think so the science says it is helpful to wear a mask so it doesn't spread when you're in close proximity indoors the socks yeah yeah i don't think i mean because they're oh i don't know i just yeah i'll edit this i'm sorry so some people are bewildered by science both the practice and the word but maybe scary images like full icus would have an impact wearing a mask what's the heart well for kids the harm is they can't gauge emotional awareness of other kids they don't see the facial expressions do you think not being able to seek people's lower halves of face outweighs the dangers that covid might pose to kids and communities well the dangers aren't what you think they are the icus here are full yeah but how many positive tests in all of north carolina have died how many are sick the ones in the icu are pretty sick yeah i've been in icu's three times in the last year and a half with my wife and have questioned the nurses and doctors you have icus full of people suffering from covid right now is that true are they just being the diagnosis on paper i walk through the hospitals i videotaped inside the hospitals and guess what it's not full of covert patients now i'm worried about covet and security measures at north carolina hospitals like so many of these school board battles it was never about just one thing but more of a general airing of grievances when we've got a governor here that thinks it's okay to have crt in the classroom they need to focus on educating and not indoctrinating our children here in north carolina no crt that's ridiculous we're saving the kids from all that's going on with crt critical race theory here in north carolina they don't need to learn about racism in school no where are they going to learn about racism mostly walking past one of the tobacco fields well no not walking past the tobacco field so you know it's not it's not like that it was hard to sum up the outrage of that afternoon there were many thoughtful political statements being made but looking around it was difficult to miss the real catchphrase of the day i don't co-parent with the government well you don't want to co-parent with the government don't get pregnant in texas there we go right don't get pregnant anywhere your kids go to private school they're enrolled in public schools isn't that kind of co-parenting with the government no it isn't because you know why we have a board of education we also elect who our officials are we get to have a voice right so you work with the government we do in parenting decisions yeah yeah you're in public schools you do kind of co-parent with the government in that regard i guess yeah if you want to pay my taxes pay for that yeah but you're giving about your child tax credit in johnson county 2022 this crowd that was ready to fight for what they believed in was using the power of democracy that was bestowed upon all of us by our founding fathers did you vote for school board no no i don't even vote you don't even vote no you could vote for somebody who reflects your values i could vote you're right yeah but that's a hassle take the time to do it i'm sorry but at the end of the day they saw this as a fight against something much more disturbing than kids face coverings it's terrible for them to wear masks i discovered in my research also that satan is standing six feet apart they wear masks during the rituals who does satan's satanists six rituals that's sick apart wear masks i don't know is it coincidence i don't know satanism is where war would say that how are we doing i think we're winning good finally some good news i have no no fears no fears but a healthy belief in satanism and it's affecting the covenant absolutely [Music] [Applause] i'm back in my first trump rally since january 6 20 21 a day no one will ever forget unless you're a republican member of congress yes trump is gathering people once again so i headed to my favorite iowa state capitol where the crowd was ready to proclaim trump won and trump won and trump won and rides a tank and even though trump won they're hoping he runs again hey the one better place to announce the candidacy than here in hawkeye state are we ready for this i mean the last guy hasn't even conceded yet well i mean i uh i have some choice words for especially our vice president but i'm trying to be civil today so my last trump rally was january 6th uh have you seen any gallows go up anywhere nope no do you think mike pence will show up here today or does he not want to hang on i think he would be afraid to show up here today yeah why is that because he was a coward he didn't do the right thing that's why or because these people tried to kill him yeah well i don't think they would that's i don't think they would try to kill them the maga faithful expressed their support for the former president in all the totally normal ways with confederate flags in iowa and images of trump on a velociraptor with a machine gun you know people say oh trump sir that's a call blah blah blah but i feel like cult is such a negative word we are not a cult we are a group of americans that love our country and we want it fast are there any old hits or things you hope he goes back to um oh gosh i feel like whatever he spews out of his mouth i just love it um i just love it it doesn't matter what he says yeah i love being here we're gonna love hearing what he has to say but this isn't a cult no i don't think so not a cult at all it's not like they would rather almost piss themselves than miss a second of the donald speech but if they're already looking to trump's yet to be announced 2024 campaign what are the big issues i really hope he gets to the topic of the border crisis that's one of the bigger things right now because that's completely being brushed under the rug and you're from iowa i'm from iowa yeah you're worried about people coming from minnesota um trump's potential campaign would also be about healing the broken nation caused by the current biden administration i mean obviously this administration is doing all it can to pit each other against each other every way shape and form they've been trying to divide it yeah it's like this administration is giving the middle finger to happen the whole country if you ask me and that's the whole damn country that's just wrong yeah it's absolutely right we shouldn't be giving the middle finger to half the country right we should be loving one another we should be we should be working together right right it doesn't matter what your opinions are we can still be civil to each other exactly and still be this great country that we are supposed to be or we were at one point in time yeah doing this is childish yes i've had people stop talking to me for my views we should show respect yes what's what's going on your shirts i think they speak for themselves why doesn't someone want to engage with that am i right exactly this is sort of like the trump welcome sign right maybe the most surprising moment of the rally was when i ran into an old friend i thought i'd never see again q's back and there's cute [ __ ] everywhere yes the online conspiracy following a mysterious character known as q was more popular than ever is that a q yeah are you a q supporter certainly wasn't q's whole thing that trump would be reinstated as president he's never left there's no doubt in my mind 150 000 percent that he's still president of the united states really does he still hold the powers of the presidency well he's been flying around the world on air force one it says something i thought joe biden's technically on air force one no so they're they're faking it yeah it's it's not even a presidency who is running the government right now president trump he's running the government and the military and he's running the military so we should blame him for what happened in afghanistan no but it's still his fault it's way beyond my understanding i don't i don't i thank you for talking to me george enjoy seeing president current president trump thank you so q is telling them that trump is still the president and also where to park their cars a lot of characters here today we have a woman directing traffic wearing a q anon shirt i assume she's also inspecting cars for lizard people and make-believe pedophile rings and thanks to online [ __ ] they have a very interesting take on who was behind the january 6th insurrection oh antifa like the corrupt fbi um basically rhinos corrupt politicians the deep state all of that i don't believe it was people like me and people like you see over there in that crowd that did it who who was the ici and tifa were used other other groups like that it seemed like a lot of them were going into the capital to attack nancy pelosi and perhaps hang who who which one the one with the bull horns he's not a trump supporter i don't care what his resume says he's not a trump supporter in fact do you remember the picture of the plane in afghanistan with all the people running next to it that was a balloon plane if you look at the pictures of the real plague and there's pieces that are missing from the real plane to that place so you're saying there's a conspiracy around the afghanistan withdrawal no i'm saying that there was one guy there who reads the only guy who turned to the camera and waved his hands you all remember that everybody remember that he's the guy with the horns on his hat he was in afghanistan yes go look at the pictures i think he's in jail right now no that's what they did who's gonna are we gonna find pictures of like the horn guy in like the background of old civil war photos or in paintings of the revolutionary was telling you the picture looks just like can america's centuries-old democracy survive the 2024 campaign maybe this guy knows [Applause] the discussion around vaccines and mandates tends to pit red state versus blue but i had heard there was vaccine hesitancy and misinformation and the elitist of the elite blue corners of the u.s so i headed to a protest in sunny southern california i came to california curious if the anti-vax mandate crowd would talk to me then i realized i brought a camera and we're in southern california i think i'll be fine is this an anti-vaccination it is not an anti-back so don't go there don't go there please don't are you vaccinated i am not so you're anti-vaxxed i do not want to get the vaccination for coping what do you support um people's freedom of choice don't you benefit from a society that supports that by getting vaccinated you shouldn't be able to force that stuff on people it's step one then it'll be step two uh uh who knows i'm not a conspiracy theorist we have step one with polio he didn't really mandate that the people were docile back in the in the industrial stage that they were more willing to take these shots polio is mandated for students going to school polio has to be because we know what it's done don't we know what kovid's done oh i mean there's 750 000 people who have a pretty good idea take it do you trust the vaccine whatsoever zero like zero percent and because i know what the end rot the end goal is what's the end goal bill gates said in the 2015 if we can get all these health things vaccination we can reduce the population by 10 to 15 what's 15 of 7 billion that's a billion people the vaccine is all about depopulation they've said that so this is just bill gates pet project to depopulate the globe he's probably a puppet of the people above him which are who no clue it's a big claim to say there is a giant plan to kill half the population and not have a thanos to point to so why does the conversation on this socal boardwalk sound like a shonies in lancaster pa i talked to derek barris who's been tracking this coastal elite anti-vaxx movement for years you've had a long anti-vaccine sentiment here specifically in 2017 there was a measles outbreak right over there in brentwood in santa monica where an eradicated disease in america sprung up again this idea of bodily sovereignty has really come about since the pandemic but that has been taught for decades inside of yoga studios in america bodily sovereignty sounds a lot like what i told my parents i was doing freshman year of high school you have pretty liberal parents then yeah this is my body i can do what i want with it as often as i want to do wherever i want in the living room you're still here people hear about anti-vaxx and they think maga world but now we're seeing this wellness which we see maybe more to the left center for countering digital hate identified 12 practitioners in the wellness space that were responsible for something like 70 percent of the vaccine disinformation on social media turns out ignoring the advice of the medical experts and sacrificing the health of the community at large can actually be quite profitable for the wellness business everyone knows about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at this moment the idea that that could help you have meditations that are sold that are supposed to ward off covid you also have different breathing techniques some practitioners including here in los angeles teach breathing workshops because covet is a respiratory illness and so their belief is well if you're breathing properly it won't actually affect you you can breathe your way out of coving absolutely that's a class you can pay for yes that is absolutely a class you could pay for it's like how many smoothies does one have to ingest to get to the point where they can completely disregard the health of the community they live in in los angeles one because they're usually 25 i never knew there's that many parts of honey to ingest and the honey is blessed by a shaman from tibet so you're paying for that as well you have to remember that i wanted to talk to these people so i set up outside of the bougiest health food market in venice beach and i also had a hankering for an activated charcoal bone broth rosehip smoothie cure-all are you vaccinated oh maybe no i'm not you're not no are you fearful of catching coven no no i i think that it's more about the lifestyle versus like vaccinated not vaccinated what is the lifestyle like being healthy like taking care of yourself like your mind your body if you live a lifestyle of wellness then your body should be able to handle coping so what do you recommend for basic public health eating healthy um boosting your immunity system and don't watch the news because it's just brainwashing you with fear and the fear is lowering your frequency i only eat fish and only certain kind of fish like for example i don't eat tuna and i actually found that out when i was trying to feed tuna to my cat and she shook her head and walked off do you often take medical advice from a cat general from nature from nature what do you think of the coven vaccine i don't think it's a vaccine i think it's snapping the dna in half where did you hear this siamese cat you recommend for public health people meditating of course people working out in groups definitely eating healthy definitely covet vaccine no no a coffee enema possibly okay maybe on the coffee enema definite hard no on the cobot vaccine no i'm not a anti-vaxxer per se i'm a staunch and i mandate person can i ask are you both vaccinated sorry we don't want to don't want to put on for the status no i just if you don't want to share your vaccine status that's okay i'm vaccinated and look how i look don't judge me i know everybody in la is judging people i'm an la-5 a new york six in a dc-12 i can tell cold but fair now what say you dude i want to talk about wellness and public health and trust me we'll get to your script later can i ask you are you vaccinated i am do you find that most people in los angeles that you encounter are vaccinated like i'm kind of a new yorker yeah and there there's a sense of like civic duty there isn't so much of that here to be totally honest it's more like well i had to get vaccinated because i'm paying a trip to tulum so if more americans were dangled a trip to tulum we might get that vaccination rate up in the 90s maybe so yeah no matter what part of the anti-vax world they come from there's one comparison they just can't resist making i think what's interesting especially coming from germany i think history is repeating itself right now what what are you saying that what vaccine mended and everything it's like it's turning into a police state and you're equating it to world war ii era germany yes where's your papers where are your papers it's very similar to the hitler times but like jewish people are fleeing poland because they can't get into gyms it's not funny but is that comparison though you just didn't get the point sorry i'm good bye maybe historical dramas aren't big in la but certainly there is commercial viability in saving humanity right we're in la maybe there's an elevator pitch here right so zoom in on a country at war with itself and then a magical cure comes along that helps people take care of the rest of their community by making a choice to help other people would you buy that ticket no no okay [Music] [Applause] vaccination is still going a bit slow in america and we should be past this talk by now but we're not and it's definitely going to come up at your holiday gatherings so that you're prepared for those conversations here is our gift to you these are moments from past rallies we haven't shown before with some truly unique arguments from the vaccine hesitant crowd i haven't seen that it's been life-saving at all i've seen a lot more people in the hospital after they got this vaccine than you know it being helpful right now in north carolina 92 of the people who are in the hospital because of covet are unvaccinated does that worry you no no where nowadays can the unvaccinated congregate basically no way unless they form a group yeah unless it's the icu uh uh what's that what do you mean icu that tends to be where many of the unvaccinated congregate okay yeah okay the icus here are full yeah but in the general scope of things of the entire population of everybody who's been tested what does that weigh out to so in the a full icu is just a full icu kids need to see the lower half of other kids faces that seems like a take i'm not an anti-vaxxer just don't be putting some [ __ ] in my don't be putting some stuff in my body that isn't proven let's not prove it right so your issues that maybe they rushed this through too fast absolutely do you feel like it was an issue that america moved at warp speed yes i do who did you support in the last election do you think he deserves more credit for what he did with the vaccine kills me biden gets in fighting gets the credit for the vaccine oh yeah give me the vaccine sorry trump deserves more credit or less credit i think trump did what he could do would you move the vaccine at warp speed which you were against like a second ago do you have a distrust about some of the narratives that are going on i have a lot of distrust talk to me about that it's too long where are you getting your information about i have a lot of information just like you guys all get your information where do you go for your information from a lot of places specifically what are you gonna miss out on if this mandate prevents you from doing i just tried to get some thai i love thai food i just tried to get some thai food around the corner they told me i couldn't sit down and eat unless uh you know i had a vaccine mandate now i believe things like that were said to martin luther king when he tried to walk into places to eat but they said they had a different reason to make him a second class citizen comparing yourself to mlk are big words for a guy wearing 80s b-boy jeans uh actually these are not 80s b-boys jeans they are new true religions i i know you can't tell because you're a democrat and you can't afford these things all right well enjoy i hope you don't get sick thank you i still haven't yet have you gotten coven i did that sucks too bad for you that's the empathy that the young republicans bring thank you where are you getting your information everywhere everywhere yeah well not everywhere but like uh to those those places internet by word of mouth um here i mean you see uh a nice burrito and it has like farm fresh eggs in it if you got to see the workers at pfizer's make you a vaccine burrito yeah would you trust that no no tens of thousands of people have already died from the vaccine when the flu vaccine came out 75 people died and they stopped it to rework it tens of thousands of people where do you get that stat i get that stat from the um oh gosh the the p a v p e a r the one that puts out the stats let me ask my they are violating bodily autonomy they are creating the same as vaccine passports which is um illegal segregation illegal segregation we are going back to a state in which there are two groups of people you have the vaccinated and the unvaccinated you feel like what's going on right now is is back to 60s america creating that a lot of my friends they concentrate on nazi germany that's a whole other planet that's a whole other country that's a crazy comparison asking people to get a coven vaccine holocaust comparison a little much jim crow feels about right yeah not i mean when someone asks you what they can get you for christmas just tell them to get vaccinated [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Views: 1,511,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, jordan klepper, klepper, daily show jordan klepper, jordan klepper fingers the pulse, vaccine, anti vax, my pillow guy, trump, donald trump, insurrection, january 6th, mandate, mask mandate, vaccine mandate
Id: oI-BoEca2bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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