White People Unnecessarily Calling the Cops on Black People | The Daily Show

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/anhourisenough 📅︎︎ Jul 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sadly It has so few comments. The truth hurts. People can't allow themselves to see it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Statessideredditor 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
are you were any calling the cops about this it's like like this is like these are the police there is a firestorm tonight over what happened three days ago at a Starbucks in Philadelphia where the police were called in and two black men were arrested this video captured by witnesses cell phone shows police talking and later handcuffing the men while they were waiting for a friend the men wanted to use the restroom but the manager said that her store policy they couldn't since they didn't buy anything when they wouldn't leave she called police how crazy is this two men arrested for waiting to meet someone at Starbucks you see this this year this is why black people should always show up late if you're early it's loitering for our safety black people we show up late everywhere we go in fact maybe there's gonna be thinking maybe it's not true that black people are never on time it's just that we only know about the ones who show up late because all the early ones got taken away maybe that's what it is and I know I know I know there were some people saying well why were these guys in Starbucks doing nothing huh why what because that's what Starbucks is for everyone is doing nothing Starbucks Starbucks is basically a bus station with espresso machines that's what it is in fact the only mistake these black guys made was not using the tactics of the white man that's what they did yeah when the manager accused them of doing nothing nothing they should have replied actually I'm writing a screenplay that's what I'm doing but look if I if I can get serious for just a minute here I will say this do you like do you have any idea what it does to a person's dignity to be arrested by bike cops think about this think about this someone calls the cops on you and instead of driving up with sirens wailing Oh badass they're like evening ding-ding-ding and how do they even get you back to the station huh do they throw you on the back of a bicycle built for two and now now you're in custody but you have to help them peddle is just there at the back McMahon there's some [ __ ] man just some [ __ ] we look the door we'll go you look adorable muffled Oh Furillo America clearly has a problem with policing and black people on the one hand you have people calling the police because they see black people as inherently threatening and then you have police who only know how to respond to a call with an arrest or violence so the question is what do we do do we fix society or do we try and fix the police or maybe maybe got us thinking maybe all we need to do is change the people who connect civilians to the police well for years 911 ones been handling calls that turns out aren't actual emergencies they're black people ma'am stay calm I'm scared too the officers are on their way so they came up with the program to help white people decide if their emergency was an actual emergency we hired a black operator I'm on the train and these black people are talking and it's loud and I think there could be a fight okay sir so let me get this straight you called 911 back people we're talking well yeah I guess okay good here's what I need you to do stand up walk to the window and throw your [ __ ] ass off that train [Applause] threatening girl bye a bit unorthodox yes but it's been efficient and she's almost entirely professional almost thing is saying he's a 6-4 african-american male broad shoulders driving a Benz I need you to look closely at him is he wearing a wedding ring no stay right there I'm on my way this year's biggest trend for white ladies is calling 911 it's a scenario that's become all too common we're a minor incident results in a white person calling the police on a black person in this case a nine-year-old black child was accused of sexually assaulting a white woman at a Brooklyn deli she was immediately given a nickname corner store Carolyn I love that now black people are giving white ladies their nicknames on the spot no cuz it used to take a couple of days but now it's instant it's almost like black people are thinking of nicknames for every white lady they see just in case some [ __ ] goes down it's like walking around like okay she would be lower your voice Laura all right that one's bathroom Betty Oh rooftop Rachel actually hope she calls the cops I can use that one so corner store Carolyn joins a whole bachelorette party of white women who have called the cops on black people in 2018 right barbecue Becky permit patty pool Patrol Paula and just like them corner store Caroline was not gonna let anyone talk her out of calling the cops [Music] and I am going home goodbye operator worldstar okay first of all goodbye 9-1-1 operator alright ladies call 9-1-1 so much they just talk to them like they're dating is that what it is Oh 9-1-1 operator you hang up no you hang up okay on three one two three are you still there only two I love you 9-1-1 operator and you know a white lady is going too far when on the white women are trying to stop her [Music] so wait so wait now white ladies are using the term white lady as an insult you cut me off white lady who are you calling a white lady white lady you're about to get a face full of Rosie oh yeah what year 2013 I love that year me too oh my god me too oh my god I totally love it here I love it too but kudos to that other woman for stepping up that's an ally and here's the thing here's the thing if you're an adult and a nine-year-old kid grabs your ass you don't call the cops okay it's a kid kids grab things all the time I've been in the subway and felt a grab and I looked down and it was a kid holding onto my leg yeah I wasn't like aa sexual assault I did what any adult does right I picked him up told him his mom chose me and I took him home you'll call the cops and here's the thing I'm just saying like even if we never knew what really happened she was in the wrong in my opinion except we do know what happened because there's a video and it turns out that kid wasn't grabbing anything the storage surveillance video tells a different story clearly showing the boys backpack accidentally brushed against Cline yes it was a brush by a backpack not a sexual assault by a nine-year-old those two things should be easy to tell apart unless this was the kids backpack they not understand and honestly like we can joke but it's hard to watch the story and not be reminded of Emmett Till way back in 1955 false allegation against a black child by a white lady it's the same ingredients but the one silver lining in this story is this two days later corner store Carolyn went back to that same store and somehow the whole hood was there waiting for her back in Brooklyn last night a dramatic scene client returned to the store and reviewed the footage taunted by a crowd you can put that on worldstar [Music] [Applause] we've heard multiple stories about people getting the cops called on them for being black in public but yesterday's story might be the craziest five women claim that they are victims of racial profiling after they say the owners of a Pennsylvania golf course asked the group to leave the course the women say workers at Grandview Golf Club kicked them out halfway through the game when the workers said that the women were playing too slow northern New York County police confirm authorities were called to the course Saturday afternoon and at that point the cellphone video confirms the club owners were telling the women to leave I'm sorry but this is insane these dudes called the cops because a group of black women were playing golf too slow like black people can't win in America right if you advance on white people you're a threat if you run away from them you're suspicious and now they call the cops on you when you take your time it's golf that's what golf is for like you know what the problem in America is is that why people call the police like they're asking for the manager it's like this is unsound acceptable unacceptable I didn't I demand to see someone who might shoot you come on now luckily in this case the police handled it correctly you know and there were no arrests in fact I like to think the police only showed up because they didn't believe that there were five black women playing golf there like Marty bring the camera this is gonna be insane like I'm glad that nothing happened to the women but I would like to hear the sports cast for that if only there was an announcer who was like okay so they're teeing up and a race war is breaking out on the fourth hole these douchebags have never seen black women before all the cops have let them go very nice [Applause] [Music] this weekend was the first weekend of summer and you know what that means same thing as every weekend white women were calling 9-1-1 on black people this morning a California woman is facing outrage online after a now viral video shows her allegedly calling police on an eight-year-old black girl selling bottles of water with her mother on a sidewalk she called police on an eight-year-old little girl you could hide all you want yeah and illegally selling water without a permit the woman identified as Alison IDO now being dubbed on social media as permit patty this comes after several widely reported instances of white people calling the police on African Americans who are living their everyday lives for more on the story please welcome our very own Dulce Sloan everybody we'll say another story of a white person calling 911 on a black person doing nothing what are your thoughts Trevor I'm so sick of this [ __ ] white people call the cops so often they don't even have to dial nine-one-one anymore they just hit nine the operators like we're on our way you know what Apple needs to make a phone exclusively for white people every time you call the cops it just connects you to yourself say you know a lot of people felt that this example was particularly egregious because this woman was calling the cops on a child yeah but what really made me mad is the way she did it play that video again this woman don't want to let a little girl suck some water she called police on an eight-year-old little girl you hide all you want the whole world don't see you booth okay okay now freeze why is she trying to crouch behind the wall like a white privilige ninja the hell are you doing we just saw you you don't disappear just because you ducked down black people in the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park [Applause] I mean look at her come on she looked like she's popping a squat in a back alley at Mardi Gras oh and wait until you hear how apartment patty makes her money well social media users are calling the woman permit patty her real name is Alison Edel a San Francisco entrepreneur the woman is also the CEO of a company that specializes and cannabis edibles for animals [Applause] Travon a woman sells weed to doll dogs how do the sad songs of dogs like hey I got that kibble I got that bacon we out here come on if you ask me that's the real reason that white lady called the cops this little girl was on her corner now actually Dulce permit pati was interviewed by the San Francisco Chronicle and she said that she didn't actually call the cops yeah she said she was just pretending to call them Trevor that makes it worse because that means she didn't actually care about the permits she wanted to scare an eight year old black girl into thinking that the cops were coming she knows black people are afraid of the cops and she used it as a weapon against them that's [ __ ] up imagine how white people would feel if black people ran around threatening them with gluten [Applause] look I understand why you're upset to say but but I think you'll be glad to know that this story has a happy ending right now this girl was selling water because she was trying to raise money for a trip to Disneyland well guess what after black twitter broke the story somebody bought that girl four tickets to Disneyland yeah look at God look at God oh but whatever she does she better not try to sell water there Disney don't around make it protective [Music] [Applause] Phoenix has also started to become notorious for how bad its police forces with the record 44 police shootings last year yeah more than any other large city in America and now thanks to cell phone video we get to see it for ourselves growing outrage tonight after an extreme reaction from Phoenix police to a little girl swiping a dog cops in Phoenix threatened Aisha Harper a 24 year-old pregnant woman with her two young children by her side the video starts after the family pulls up at their babysitter's in are approached by police with guns drawn Phoenix police officers at times it sounded like hit men sweet Jesus I'm gonna put a cap in your head as well the cop said what happens you protect and serve like I'm sorry everything about that video is wrong not only is the cops screaming like the woman is the one pointing a gun at him what he's talking about busting caps like he's a lost member of NWA there's no there's no excuse for this like there's no excuse unless maybe the cop says he arrests people in the way that he thinks that they speak you know maybe he's like a your black man get your ass on the ground and that's for USA you better stop acting like a pendejo and you Belgian guy I don't know how you speak waffles waffles waffles now what makes this whole thing worse is that this family wasn't robbing a bank or holding people hostage you know this was the cops responding to a call about a four year old who took a Barbie doll out of a dollar store without paying for it yeah and like I'm sorry guys you don't need to show up like SWAT team to rescue a Barbie from a little girl if anything you should be rescuing the little girl from the Bobby should be getting there like little girl watch out that Bobby can give you a warped sense of what a woman's body is supposed to be Barbie please don't do it Barbie think about Ken and your dream house and the new job you just got as a scientist and as traumatic as this experience was thankfully thankfully no one was shot and honestly I don't think it's because of the offices I think it's because of the well-trained civilians who happen to be on the scene the woman behind this cell phone video asking to take the kids the kid even the bystanders you can hear them saying calm down to the police oh sorry calm down in Kazan just like you know defuse a situation here I'm sorry guys but this is ridiculous how does civilians know how to act like the police better than police know how to act like the police because this guy this guy's next to the cop holding his phone but instead of panicking he's trying to calm things down I mean he's even using the language cops are supposed to be thinking about guys let's defuse this situation that's how you know [ __ ] has gone wrong because back in the day the guys holding the phone you should be like oh man you bought a bus a cap in his ass worldstar but now the cop sounds like that puts a cap in your ass the people filming the things sound like trained police you know all right deescalate the situation come on remember to read him his Miranda rights come on and you would think you would think cops cursing at civilians and pointing guns at a four-year-old child would be as bad as the story could get but what makes it even worse is that if we didn't have these videos those cops would have been able to paint a very different picture of how this all went down major difference is emerging between the police report and the video captured by witnesses nowhere in the report does he mention yelling you're going to get effing shot or I'm going to put an effing cap right in your effing head in the video officer Meyer clearly kicks the leg of the handcuffed father in the report though he writes I made him spread his feet you know what's most troubling about this is that it makes you wonder how many people have been arrested and put in jail because everyone assumes the police version of events is always the truth time and time again time and time again cell phone videos contradict the official reports cuz you saw the video he kicks his leg guys not doing anything he kicks his leg but in the report he says I made him spread his feet cops report makes it sound like a peaceful yoga instructor it's like and then I moved him into downward [ __ ] dog namaste and you know what said about this whole story is that as harrowing as it was this family is one of the lucky ones because none of them were shots and calm bystanders recorded the entire thing to back them up and now their lawyer is helping them sue that Police Department for ten million dollars which which won't help erase what happened to them but it will help that little girl buy a shitload of those dolls our 1st brandishing buddy comes to us from Southern California in a misunderstanding brought to you by Mentos and on 30 officer in Southern California is caught on camera pulling his gun on a convenience store customer who he mistakenly thought was stealing this was all over a pack of mentos that the customer had already paid for the man says he tried to explain that he paid but the officer didn't believe him until the convenience store actually had to say he paid for it Wow this cop pulled a gun on a guy because he thought he was stealing Mentos here's my thing even if he was stealing them that's not a reason to pull your gun like maybe if the guy was stealing Mentos and Diet Coke then yeah that's that's a potential bomb threats I get it we know what you can do with that stuff yeah that's dangerous but not from Mentos alone I mean if this cop pulls out his gun four Mentos he'll pull out his gun for anything even when he goes to home after work he's probably like honey what's for dinner whoa whoa I'll open the oven nice and slow nice and slow put the meatloaf where I can see it now give me a kiss no job no dog and also if a guy's willing to go to jail for Mentos I think that's pretty badass in fact it would make a great commercial like the guys would be in jail like hey dude what are you in for be like I blew up a mine what are you in for me I'm in for Mentos the freshmaker now fortunately in that instance no one was hurt but if you're a groundhog who encounters a cop your story might not end so well cause some people in Maryland are upset a police officer shot a groundhog that was apparently trying to block traffic yeah video shows that animal running toward the deputy which made the deputy think that animal was dangerous the sheriff's office declined to comment on camera but sent us a statement explaining the deputy saw traffic stopped on Liberty at White Rock Road investigated and found the groundhog blocking traffic quote he realized that it was not responding as expected for an animal that was not being cornered or trapped gotta here Manor you be serious first of all white people are calling the cops on groundhogs now like what's next sunsets officer please help it's getting so dark everywhere and also this poor groundhog he was just two weeks from retirement and now the worst thing is they they shot him and acting like it was his fault yeah attacking his reputation he was not responding as expected for an animal oh I didn't realize there was some sort of police groundhog protocol like what is he supposed to put his hands up he doesn't have hands and you can tell the poor little groundhog had no idea what was going on like the cop is on one side that is on the other side I wouldn't be shocked if the cop was giving confusing directions like get out on the road don't move don't move get on the ground he's like I am on the ground the users making the ground up see like the bad guy oh he's trying to block the trap next the news will be pulling up that groundhogs Facebook finding every picture way looks like a thug I know how this goes and in response to this incidents the National Association of groundhogs just released a statement saying if this is how humans want to play it fine we're bringing back six more weeks of winter [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 10,654,477
Rating: 4.6869798 out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, daily show trump, trevor noah trump, trump, starbucks, white people, black people, black, 911, 9-1-1, cops, calling cops on black people, dulce sloan, permit patty, karen, corner store karen, racism
Id: uN84HhcdIws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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