JLI Course: Class #2- Is Time Travel Possible?

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[Music] so the first thing is on page 59 the question for discussion is what are our difficulties with time but my first reaction to this is look at the the name of the drink old man with our glass that's not an old man that's middle age used to be old that's right yep see so times have changed so the first thing we know about time is that they are a-changin okay what what's our problem with time why do we need to understand what time is who has time for this so there are so many frustrations with time like you never have enough time or time passes too quickly or too slowly where'd the time go the main problem is that if I if I did something and I regret it I can't fix it I can't go back in time which almost everybody needs to do I invested in a stock I want to get back I bet on a horse I want to take it back I can't too late that's a real frustration some people are frustrated about the future since we don't know what the future is going to bring it makes us anxious anticipate Auri anxiety I'm not even sure what I'm worried about just the fact that I don't know what's going to happen I can't control so here's here's the main the main issue the serious issue not at the philosophical games I'm not in control of the past or of the future and that's that's uncomfortable scary whatever so we seem to be under the control of time we have no control over time so there is on page 61 and that famous little poem that's also a moribund David song and it basically says her over ayan the past is gone the her acid hidayet the future isn't isn't yet the Haleiwa the present is Kara ayan only lasts a second in cane da gama nyan so what are we worried about suppose do that again the past is gone the future is yet to come and the present is like the blink of an eye so what's to worry you agree with that isn't that exactly what we worried about it right so this is not comforting this is the problem the problem is the past is gone I can't fix it or undo it and the future I don't know and the present it disappears in a second come on it's a lot of anxiety so what's to worry that's to worry so it can go either way how does it go positively the past is gone so what do you what do you want it's done it's finished move on the future it hasn't happened yet what do you have to worry now that's something you know you'll burn your bridges when that when you get there you'll cross that bridge when you get here then you'll then you'll burn your bridge and the present it's only a second so it only will hurt for a second comforting so what's to worry about they both make sense which means it doesn't make any sense at all if you can argue both ways equally then you basically haven't said anything so it could be this and it could be the opposite in other words you haven't said anything we know nothing Aaron so now the question is at least philosophically what is the present what's present in a second it becomes the past so they start with a question how do we know that there is a past maybe everything began just now but I remember yesterday yeah that memory was just created now there was nothing before we are created now with memories that of things that never happened so all reality begins now isn't that a fascinating question no it's it's like splitting hairs unnecessarily if there is no past everything just began now then a minute from now what I'm thinking now is not going to be real anymore so this is just Sooey time is made up of past present and future if there's no past and there's no present if there's no present there's no future you can't have one without the other or two without the third but the question mainly is not about the past we know we had a long life many things happened there's a long history before us that's the past the future can go on forever but what is the present what good is it it's just a second so quoting from the ilium and written English time is something that does not actually exist the past isn't here anymore the future has not yet come into actuality ever and the present is just the now that connects past and future so that now itself is not really a part of time can you call the present time for that moment it is time there's gotta be yeah there has to be although if there wasn't that now how do we move from past to future that's part that's part of the question of the nature of time we'll get to that in a minute so now itself is not really a part of time rather its relationship to time is like the relationship of a point in a line so time doesn't really exist and yet time provides the full existence to everything that exists in time I love this double-talk supposed to be brilliant so what he's saying is that the present is the bridge between so it itself is not time it's interesting thought and and it's going to be relevant later on the present is really timeless because time means change the present means what is not what changes so imagine if time stopped what would we have only the present right time stop means it's not gonna move into the future so what will we be left with the present so after mushiya comes or after TSR mason there's going to be a change in the world and we're gonna live forever why because it will be continual or a perpetual present there will be no future because it's not gonna change so the present although it's only a second is not really time it's what is it's not what's changing the change is from past to future but in between past and future there's stable little second that isn't changing its the present and that's why you should live in the present moment don't live in the past and don't worry about the future because they're just changes the present is the reality although you can also argue as he says here that the present is nothing just a little bridge so again which way do we go is it nothing merely a bridge or is it the reality or the stability of time whereas past and present are are in flux and unstable ok then can anything exist outside of time can there be existence without time can the moon exist without time because so there is who cares what the question was we got the answer stop living in the past can the moon exist without time or in different words can space exist without time outside the world I was thinking like when you asked is there anything else I was thinking before birth and after death there's no time but those those there summers are still in existence even though they weren't there not in this time that's what I was that's a good point is there time in heaven is there a heavenly time obviously it's not an earthy time but is there a spiritual form of time so if time stopped somebody's keeping time up there the celestial clock no it doesn't feel the same because spiritual is different than physical so if time stopped would everything disappear get a cheap watch right time stop reassure the son stop is there time without the son so there was a shift in time like the day lasted longer than the night or something right the son didn't yep okay so you can stop time a things still exist actually he stopped time and time went on so that that little piece of wisdom you have to live in the moment is that because the moment is going to pass quickly or because the moment is all we have so if we had an a moment that lasts a year you should live in that moment right nothing will change for a year and you're okay with that you don't want to be stuck in a bad moment okay yeah so the real issue is free choice that's what makes time valuable after a mushaf comes are after three s amazing they really won't be that kind of free choice they'll be only good so there won't be any change or movement from negative to positive that kind of time will disappear but let's see look at text six that's the benefit of time past present and future that's what we're gonna find out how you say Dharavi the Rambam says the fourth principle that we that we believe in is the fact that God is primordial the belief that God is absolutely primordial and all other existences are not similarly primordial what is primordial mean in English so what is it in Hebrew it's called cab Lane nothing nothing came before there was nothing before God so God's existence yeah but but the point the point of being the first existence is that there was nothing before no no this is a different set of principles [Applause] God is without time right there was no before and there's no after but what exactly is time and how did it begin how does time start Farah so there are there are some philosophers scientists philosophers maybe even Newtons who believe that time isn't as a as a reality in and of itself in time things happen similar to the belief that space is an ether like a like a soup and in that soup there are planets and they move around in the ether there are people who earn Stein said there's no such thing according to Einstein what is outer space what is empty space empty space is the effect that a planet has for some distance around itself it's like the energy that a planet that a mass gives off you take the planet away there's no space so space means the the the vibrations of the presence of a mass it's relative but when you go the MC squared is equation that expresses Einstein's theory that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared mass is convertible to energy when you bring in a factor of the speed of light squared then you can convert mass to energy that is how unfortunately these typical weapons were developed which is one sorry about this but it's all within his mind it was his idea that the whole universe is one so so what is what is the the consequence of his theory of space that the entire universe is finite there are only so many masses or objects when the objects end space ends whereas if you believe that there's some kind of ether into which the planets flow how big is that ether goes on forever then the universe has no shape has no has no end but according to Einstein because space is the product of things and there are only so many things the entire universe is finite so the same can be said of of time is time just an existence and into that existence things happen so things happen in time but time goes on anyway whatever or time is the event itself when something happens that causes a past it already happened it causes the present and since it's moving or it's happening something is going to happen next so is time and independent existence or is time the result of an activity take a look at text 8 God created time when did he create time how long did how much time did it take to create time is God still creating time because time goes on so the first moment where God created time must have been and an almost infinite potential of time he created the first moment and that contains everything all of time and now we're watching as that time unfolds but there was that one moment of like massive time and now we're seeing it play itself out but take a look at text 8 let's read the Hebrew the Torah new - the the atheists argue the in umbria salem concerning creation and they say map named Mally baraha bailey lift knee has man ashab a belly why didn't God create the world before he created 5700 why not 5800 Koharu Shh maken wish AILA's ooh and they considered this a valid question the his feel Allah holwick a sub and they began to ridicule it and they said maybe he created it when he did miss Abbas Hampton huh he was waiting for something a big loud mania sham an ugly or maybe something was stopping him they're really cooling the idea of belief in God but what is the truth Vallejo do they didn't realize she ed somehow Schaller he built the F she they didn't realize that the question itself is nonsense ke--oh no I'mI'm sure who Berta s has man because when you say God created time then you can't ask what happened before that before he created time there was no before a Shabana frozen Cola flavor actually all before and after is what God created Alicia hey Matt Seon shall ye Iselle lift knee has man ha hoo so when you're asking why didn't God create time before time it's a nonsense question text 9 from the Timnath ethic like everything else God created time is a creation has a man who Nevada time is a creation something new brought into being out of nothingness like all creation only God is timeless for God is utterly beyond time even of time as an incalculable expanse rather the whole of time is in the continual present for him and it's all present what we're going to find out is that there are two aspects of time there are the separate distinct moments of time and there is the flow of time just like there's a line you make with your pencil it's a continuous line but if you look under a microscope it's made up of dots you can't just make a line you have to make many many many dots that create the line so an hour is one unit but you can break that hour down to minutes and then seconds and then nanoseconds so here's here's a good question God created space understandable you want to have a world okay you gotta have space why did he create time particularly if after three SMS and when the world becomes perfect there won't be time in the same way so why create it and what is free choice really mean God created the world so that it exists but he had a purpose he had a plan which means he wants something to happen in the world because he wants something to happen that creates time in other words he created grass but not for it to just remain grass he created the grass to feed the animal so something has to change the grass has to become animal he created the animal not just to have animal he created the animal to serve the human to provide for the human and he created the human to actually change the world so where do we see time mentioned in the beginning of creation right so the first word itself bodacious has a so much meaning you can write a whole book on it one of the meanings of bodacious is for a purpose God created the world with a purpose what does it mean a purpose for something to happen that's where time comes in so if God was content with the world as it is there would there would be no need for time he created earth earth is perfect great what do you need time for so time comes as a result of intention or purpose or qivana people get depressed from time no one ever gets depressed from space in fact they're the psychologists say the worst most dangerous condition is when people have free time we don't know how to handle free time that's why during holidays the hospitals are much busier you would think when people go to work they'll be accidents they'll get hurt at the job so the hospital should be more busy during the work day but it's not it's much busier during holiday because people are not good at handling time why is that space doesn't demand choices or activity or changes time demands change a minute went by what did you do why do I have to do anything because time is moving you lost that time so if an hour goes by and you didn't do anything you start to feel guilty subconsciously consciously you're thrilled you can be a couch potato I don't have to do anything I get the whole day off and by the end of the day you're depressed because time went on and you didn't so the whole point of time is change change means progress progress means purpose purpose means fulfilling the reason for which you exist if you're not fulfilling the reason for which you exist but time goes on now you're being you're being harassed by the by the passing of time so again wait a time come from the fact that God has a purpose so again God created space so that there's a world and he created time so that the world would accomplish something well it's the other way around because God wants the world to accomplish something that's why there is time there is before and after God puts that time into our hands in beret shoes where it says be fruitful and multiply Pruitt Ervil mulu s harlots fill the world Vic if shoe ha and master it fill the world means space master the world means time so God gives us time and space and makes it ours our responsibility what should we do it space fill it be fruitful and multiply what should I do with time master it harness the world and make something out of it that's time changes as we will see since God gave us time mothers gave us power over time we can actually affect the past and we can affect the future based on the on the fact that God is creating the world constantly when we realize God is creating the world constantly like in text 10 Omaha - Batu Weber holy and Thummim masa bodacious God didn't create the world once and then set it into perpetual motion he has to create the world constantly and also yeah and by the same by the same token can we really affect the future if I but what if I say tomorrow I will not forget my lunch but I forget my lunch so all I'm changing is the present all I'm affecting I'm effecting the present now I'm thinking yeah now I'm thinking clearly what's gonna be tomorrow uh-huh forget again so do my plans today really affect tomorrow okay so let's so let's change it not not that I intend not to forget I prepared tomorrow's lunch will that affect the future you might yeah you might forget your briefcase but you created food for that day you created food for the future so that's let's take a look text n says God is constantly recreating the world since the world consists of time and space it means God is constantly recreating time what does that do for us look at figure I'm back on page 68 the the name Hawaii youth cave of Cain has the letters of both of all three it was is and will be oh yeah the hey the year and the hey is was passed hey and above Anna hey is Hiva which means present and the whole name together with the youth in the beginning is will be so in the word yet Kayla in the letters youth cave of K you have past present and future and we refer to God by that name saying that he is all three which can mean that he is involved in time or because he's all three he's beyond time it's just a name so what do we gain by understanding that God is creating the world all the time take a look at text delivery it touches the essence but of course a person can exist without a name so it's not the person a nameless person is still the John Doe is still it's not renewed the idea in the simple meaning is he created it but he's creating it again but creation means something new that didn't exist before so it's not describing the creation it's describing the Creator it's like he is doing it again he's acting again he's doing the same thing again but the world that he creates is brand new but let's see text 11 this is from the Shalu shall wash that the letters Shin lammott hey stands for Schnee Lucas hobbies that was the safer which interestingly completely off-topic when when the author named his safer the the Ten Commandments they release a breeze he was held against him how can you call you're safer right and he suffered for it there was another safer where the author named his name was Moshe and he named his say fertilization that was a bit too ambitious and it was held against him and I think even the Rambam called his safe and mission the Taser and that's a again too close to the real things there was one day dienst insults was by dollars I believe and that ever said to him completely on without warning the name stains alts it sounds very harsh stainless stone salts means salt it's hard it's harsh it's you change your name to something more pleasant and obviously he was stunned because the last name the family name is not that meaningful that it makes any difference some people say that ever suggested Friedman or Freidman like a happy person like something positive having us wrong which is a bit of an improvement it's still stone okay so there was there was this everybody was wondering puzzled what's see it turns out he had just translated the Gemara and it was called the stains else Talmud and the deborah was saying you can't take it back so stop being stains out see the other the art scroll was called Mirza called their their translation of a Talmud yeah the Schottenstein additional right it wasn't called the Schottenstein Talmud but this was called stains outs Talmud so anyway that could be the reason so in the shallow he writes like this and by the way part of Tanya Alta Deborah says is based on what I learned and what I read one of the things that he read was the shallow the other is the morale of Prague so he says like this heinous varicella mica people think as follows Hebei Roberta hawkish hawkish my in Hamlet God created everything out of absolute nothing bodacious no Sokka this Brotherhood swash am I am currently a fellow is Lahaina gala and early on God gave the the planets the power to conduct the the earth how I um came in hugging a egg and now the world is following the influence of the of the planets of the okay vehicles OSA yada mayhem and this they assume that God is no longer involved in running the world rock Emily ASA eat them later Liz day Taysom unless on occasion God wants to change something then he interferes the holes man China Machado but as long as he's not interfering Osman he gone back a yahoo Sagwa him to a serbia then the stars what is it called the medical the astrological system the heavenly bodies right are are running the world Amna mamita semana but the truth is Hashem is barri Mahadeva to Weber holy I'm Talmud masturbation's God has to renew everything in creation constantly be carvanha maja Venice chef a a chef a and he is doing it with intention and with purpose the ilium in a Arreaga effort and if he would stop for a second how yaqula lahu you you all that exists would not exist both Elohim at Sears there would be nothing make it so that mistakes that we made this past May notice mistakes yep what what are the consequences what are the consequences of this of this fact if God is creating the world anew every second the first thing that we get from that is we are not enslaved by the past in that poem where it says the past is gone it doesn't exist why because you can't control it no because the world today is an entirely new world it was recreated out of nothing in the new world there are new possibilities you're not enslaved by the past in fact that's exactly what time means time means change what has changed not what was something new otherwise you're not really changing you're just dragging you're just continuing change means that what was is no longer now something different how is it possible for something different for you to be different than you were a moment ago because you were just created it's hard it's hard to imagine but if God is creating the world that every second it also means that the world stops existing every second so it's like stop start stop start so at any second at any moment you can say the world just stopped since it can't exist without being created it has a dual personality it is and it isn't what does it mean it isn't how is it possible for a person to go from being sad to being happy or the opposite how do you go from being happy to being sad and then what happens when a person becomes addicted he can't change he can't move from one condition to another but every healthy person I was very very angry yes or what happened you I moved on so where did the anger go where did it go it never existed I was never really angry and it's about to come back in a second why is that possible what makes it possible to go from one mood to another so if you were it say it's her so if you were in the 8th Sahara how did you get out what does I mean so what so if you see the situation differently it changes the situation so the situation was never real why is that possible you see while you're angry you look at this while you're angry if I would suggest to you you know you don't have to be so angry right I take my wife on my hands so if while you're angry I suggest that you know you don't have to be angry that would not compute at all I am angry it's real so well stop it stop it what anger is not real I'm making myself angry no uh I'm angry say well think positive thoughts how is it that the reality and it really is real I'm I'm into anger okay well enough of that now get happy is it really it does work the question is how come what it implies is that anger has a little bit of humility to it it allows you it allows you to disregard it I'm like saying method allows room for Gura otherwise if you were acid you would be only facet if you were Gura you would be only four how is it possible to go from one to the other or even to have a combination because they each allow the existence of the other and that's called bittle there's a certain humility to the creation itself without that there would be no harmony there'd be no movement from one to the other everything would be rigid and fixed so if you're angry you'll never be happy again and if you're happy you'll be giddy forever there'd be no movement or change from one to the other so in order for movement to be possible there has to be a certain flexibility to creation to reality which is a certain humility that recognizes as if to say I'm not the only thing I'm very angry the anger itself is saying I am anger but I'm not the only thing in the world so if you give me a good reason I'll let you shift to something else where does that humility come from from the fact that God has to recreate at every moment if it exists independently then it has no humility it doesn't recognize a creator if it doesn't recognize a creator it doesn't budge like powder he wouldn't budge he had to be broken with ten plagues in order for him to budge because he did not recognize a power other than his own but in nature say that's a human being with his free choice but in nature there is a natural humility because every second it stops existing so how could it be rigid when it experiences its own recreation out of nothing so a moment ago I was nothing now I'm gonna be rigid now I'm the only thing that exists doesn't so the fact that God is recreating the world every second gives the world the ability to move to be fluid to switch to change to react without that everything would be so arrogant that nothing would ever change that's what happened in the world of chaos until there was a world of chaos it was totally rigid and inflexible and it broke it burst because because it can't there's got to be some flexibility yeah there was no humility in it and it didn't leave room for its opposite so hesed would not allow gura gura would not allow hazard so you can't create a world or an orderly world obviously God is above the the time and for him it's all the same but for us it's not the only change is in us and that's all that he really cares about the change in us now it's interesting that I'm not sure it's necessary for them for our purpose but we just quoted the shall law says if God stops creating everything would stop existing now looked alte Deborah adds one other point which is fascinating the Alta Deborah says if God stopped creating the world it would return to nothingness look at the last sentence of text 12 if the letters of the ten utterances by which the world was created during the six days of creation were to depart from it but for an instant God forbid it would literally revert to not and absolute nothingness which the shallow already said the alte debe adds exactly as before the six days of creation mama SHhhh so first of all that ever says god forbid notice if God would stop creating the world god forbid would it be so terrible if he stopped creating the world I mean really we need this they never said no god forbid the world is important but what does it mean that everything would revert to nothingness exactly as it was before creation well yeah it's nothingness right what do you what is this adding it's adding is something very very significant if if everything stopped the world disappears nothing exists anymore is that like before creation because because now the world doesn't exist anymore before creation it never existed so once you once something is no matter what you do to it it'll never be the same again because it will have existed so it won't have a future and it won't have a present but it'll have a past it existed in the past but you see since time as part of creation if God stops creating there would be no time either so the past would stop existing so the world would not exist exactly as it didn't exist before it was created it wouldn't even have been Oh hard as a little hard to imagine right in other words the the presence the object would disappear but so with time so there would be no past to say well it used to be there would be no used to be there would be no past I don't know I'm feeling like at some point well that's depressing why does that feel right because at some point we're all gonna go back to the original state which was even after machiya comes I broke after and there was phases and it speaks about all those phases and then the whole big idea is that we return to that godly what we become the essence of of God we become we return to his - right if we all have that little spark and this whole world is full with little sparks it's all about revealing to spark then that spark once it's reveal it becomes part of the being that it was let's begin with and what was it to begin with what's wrong with that nothing it does not pass the person to feature in him it's just there's it's him and that's what was before a time before the creation there was known as but you just said it's time as part of his creation so we will become like him we will also be timeless that's not so depressing anymore because the whole idea of time was created for this purpose of creation so what happens to everything that happened in this world all these years when the world cease to exist the way it's the goal that's the goal it's like what happened to the flower in your cake when you put it in there it's no longer flower but it's in the cake and it becomes something different than flower so why did it have to be flower why couldn't it just be cake no no no no no no no why does there have to be golus and then there's guru in the goddess will that purpose ever completely disappear so we read in the Haggadah that we will be telling the story of the egg of utsa metallian even after Messiah comes why because the Alta Deborah says I think that after after Messiah comes we will look back at goals nostalgically because there's something special about goes about thirsting for God compared to not being thirsty so both are valid and that's why the Deborah would sing came back a disguise easy huh when everything is perfect I hope I still feel the way I feel now so when I miss you very much and then you come home is that a step down cuz I don't miss you anymore so I want to retain that even when you're home so it's not a matter of past or present it's a matter of value there's something valuable about this that will continue forever it you know it will also become timeless so the timelessness is not a bad thing it's a good thing and it doesn't mean we'll stop existing okay so let's take a look at text 13 and we'll learn a little aramaic you ready for this okay so you needed a second language here's your second language had BAE shimshi one afternoon yes make sense God is like a HUD Beijing she is like Bane hush mushes one evening and and what is what is the word shimshi come from shemesh sunset right so one sunset has yay he saw who saw a bee Hanina Ben dosa he saw the bratty he saw his daughter bas brought a the have us at Seaver that she was sad Oh Marlo so he said to her BTW when my at sea vase why are you sad umm relay so she said to him kaliesha limits a vessel of vinegar miss Halle flea got confused by me the flea shall chemin with a with a vessel of oil the head Lac team mmol the Shabbos and I used the vinegar to light a candle for Shabbos which means it's gonna go out in a minute on my law so Dhabi Hanina Ben dosa said to his daughter bt my if past law what difference does it make to you why should you care Misha Amala chemin V you'd like he who told oil to burn who lame Allah hi mitzvah you'd like he will tell the vinegar to burn Tana we learned we were told that hoiiday lake that candle burned the haleyss coal hi I'm Cooley not only the night to Friday but it lasted a whole Shabbos watch a hey vo momento por la Abdallah until they used that light for the Havdalah until until after Shabbos what is this telling us not just that a miracle can happen but it explains what exactly a miracle is the daughter was upset because vinegar doesn't burn what her father say to her why does vinegar not burn why does vinegar not burnt why why does oil burn so naturally we would say it is the nature of oil to burn it is not the nature of vinegar to burn but what does that mean when you say it is the nature what do you what do you mean you mean that's the way it is you didn't explain anything why does oil burn oh it's natural which is exactly like saying I don't know right when you say did is nature you're saying I don't know just is which means oil doesn't burn God tells it to burn so it burns so what do we learn from this it's not just that God tells oil to exist it also taught has to tell it what to do so that's like space and time that it exists that space whether it burns or not that's a matter of time at some at an event an event can change its fluid so God tells oil to burn if he doesn't tell it to burn it won't God tells vinegar not to burn if he tells it to burn it'll burn so when the when the vinegar burned was that a miracle so you could either say everything's a miracle or you can say nothing's a miracle so again what makes the vinegar flexible enough it could burn it could not burn depending on what God tells it to do it's because the vinegar itself has a certain humility tell me what to do I'll do it well hey I don't burn i'm vinegar imagine vinegar says me Bert no no I'm vinegar and God says you're nothing no you every second you're nothing and I have to recreate you so listen up and it listens because it senses its own non-existence at every moment so it's not like you know how you get this this video and it kind of stalls you know like it stops for a second starts again you know life is not like that for some people it is but they got problems life is seamless and yet it stops existing and starts existing so you can say well it happens so fast that's a movie the movie real moves so fast that you don't realize that it just stopped and started again because that little black thing between the between the frames you don't see it because it goes so fast life is a little more fluid than that it's not really like for how long does it stop existing before it started before it's recreated for how long tiny tiny tiny second not really it is constantly existing and not existing right because that would be really yeah you know like the people who don't know how to get their foot off the brake when they're driving but just drive nobody can stop so again what does this tell us let's skip 14 because we already said that we at sixteen already okay now text 17 page 78 armory flukish the Gomera says in the name of ray schlocky Goodell achiever how great is true ver how powerful is true ver says Dana's NASA Lakers goalies when you do chuva your intentional sin gets transformed into an unintentional sin it's reduced from an intentional sin to an accidental sin so the Gemara asks the Hamish luckiest but we also heard that they sluggish himself said Goodell Achieva how greatest chuhwa says Dana's nozzoli Kazuki's the power of kuva is that your intentional sin can be transformed into a mitzvah and the Gomera answer is Lloyd Cuccia it's not a contradiction can may a ver con me era when the shloka SH said that the intentional sin turns into an unintentional sin that's the true ver that you do out of fear which is a lower level of children when he said that the intentional sin can become a mitzvah that's if you do to ver out of love either way then the good news is that you can change the past the sin is in the past your chuva can change it from an intentional sin to an unintentional or if it's a greater chuhwa it can actually transform it from an intentional sin which is the worst to a mitzvah which is the best other than intention right okay text 18 what is chuhwa so the Alta Deb explains it in Tonya he says like this this is Coover out of love coming from the depths of the heart with great love and fervour and from a soul passionately desiring to cleave to God and thirsting for God like a parched desert soil thirsts for rain for in as much as his soul had been in a barren wilderness and in the shadow of death which is the other side unholy and infinitely removed from the light of God's presence his soul now thirsts for God more than the souls of tsadikim as our sages say in the place where about chuhwa stands even the perfect Sadiq cannot stand concerning this Chava of such great love the sages have said that the valjoux va's deliberate sins become like virtues because it is through them that he has achieved this great love so what is Alta Deb explaining here what does it mean your sin becomes a mitzvah the nature of a sin is that it brings another sin sin corrupts once you're corrupted you're more likely to do another sin but when you do chuhwa what exactly is happening the sin that you committed yesterday is causing you to desire closeness with God which is usually the effect of a mitzvah because a mitzvah brings a mitzvah here what's happening is that the sin is acting like a mitzvah it's bringing you closer to God so the sin is motivating the chuhwa think we have to send I think it's really I think it's required come on what would life be without sin somebody who decides to sin on purpose because right why is it why is it that if I intend to do chuva when I sin then I then I can't do Chula true Burmese regret I'm not regretting it's all part of the plan that's not regret that's not regret that's just a damper there just takes the fun out of it it's not it's not regret but listen listen listen to this how is it that the sin motivates the truven think think about this for a minute you sinned intentionally cold-bloodedly premeditated which means which means that your connection to God and your love for God is not very strong yep but now your love for God makes you want to be better where was your love for God when you sinned so what's the dynamic how does this work I really am not so committed to God who I love but you know so I go ahead my sin intentionally now I'm regretting well what what's causing that regret your love for God obviously not the love of God that you have didn't stop you from sinning it's not gonna cause you to do chiva so what is what's causing you to do Chula maybe every moment is recreated so the next moment I'm remembering that oh I knew there was a god when I send it didn't stop me if you forgot that it's an unintentional so why weren't you afraid when you so imagine a father and a son perfect perfect father perfect son then the son does something really bad and the father is very angry and even hates his son but then the son apologizes and they make up and now the father loves his son more than before waited more come from it's not like previously he didn't really love him he really loved him so what is more look what what's more because it's a father-son but he actually sees the work and how does he see it where does he see it in other words only because he did something bad does the father love him more how does that work if he had never been bad his father would just love him but because he did something bad his father loves him so that's what I'm saying sinning is necessary but does he love him more where did the moor come from so that was it that was before he said so so what's more so I think I think the real secret is he loved his son maxximum with all the love he had then the son did something terrible now he loves him war where did more come where did he get more love from the anger that he felt and the hurt that he felt has now been transformed into love he has more love than he had before again how can it transform everything is flexible because it has a certain humility to it so it's actually the anger that increases the love and that also elevates anger it gives anger its positive purpose for existing when it gets transformed into positive the same thing is true with chuhwa what makes the bow chuhwa do chuva the sin when he realizes where he is as a result of the sin like you just lost your father's affection that don't feel good and that motivates a return so it's the loss of affection that increases affection so what causes the truven the the painful regret I don't like this I don't want to be here this is like in a wilderness dying of thirst it could be it could be only the godly soul feeling it regardless all that never really wanted to do this in even while you were sinning or it can even be the intelligence of the animal soul your nefesh assiduous so even even physically it doesn't feel good it doesn't feel good to be wrong even to the animal soul if if the animal soul has some sensitivity so how does a person change the past not only in his mind the past should be causing you to sin more because one sin brings another and yet because of something you did now you are changing the the event of the past and now it is causing you to do something positive that's what it means true ver is retroactive like that ever once said that if you hadn't gone to the mikveh and a child was born if you go to the mikveh now after the child was born it will retro actively affect the child as if the child was born with the mikveh here's a way at one way of looking at him there are two kinds of regret there is the regret of what could have been a person regrets he made a decision and it was the wrong decision and it could have been different like for example I invested in the wrong stock I should have invested in the other stock and they told me the other and I didn't listen I really regret that deeply regret them or I could have bought that building for nine dollars Jackie Mason says and they talked me out of it had I bought that building I would now be a millionaire that's one form of regret I regret what could have been there's another kind of regret and that is I regret what should have been I should have been better to my mother I regret it I should have been a better friend to my friend I should have done the Mitzvah and I didn't there are two differences between these regrets the first is if I regret what could have been what do I accomplish I regret very deeply not buying that building so now the building is a little mine nothing changes but I regret it but I wish I had bought that building nothing changes the regret is ineffective all it does is make me miserable but it doesn't change the fact that I did not buy that building all right Jackie Madison says so buy it now Wow now now is too late right but if you regret what should have been you should have been better nicer to your friend doesn't that regret make you nicer it does so the regret for what could have been is just depressing pointless useless the degree they regret for what should have been actually changes the reality you are nicer and what makes you nicer the fact that you weren't nice so the past negative has now turned into a positive through your regret so when you regret what could have been you're not changing anything when you regret what should have been everything changes the regret is what I did before was a negative and corrupt corrupting reality now I've turned it into a positive and productive reality it is it is making me I am now nicer something has changed so the conclusion of the whole thing is this since God is creating the world constantly the world reality is flexible because it's flexible it can change which means I have the ability to change the past I am NOT its victim I master it by the same token I can change the future I can influence the future like it says who whoever prepares before Shabbos has what to eat on Shabbos where's the wisdom in that yeah if you get the child done before Shabbos he'll have told for Shabbos are who wait why do why do we need the Gemara to say that where do we need sages to make that statement misha tarah the head of Shabbos yo yo be Shabbos well yeah and why it's not only Shabbos if you make supper then tonight you'll have what they eat for supper like what ha ha right and they won't have what eat which is what the statement to say that's right so why do you need a sage to say have common sense because some people don't they don't have this up and down and yet there's the Deborah was once crying about that he said yes there is a way for tsadikim to do chuva but it's not the same all right here's the punchline the quote that he brought from from the sitter back in page 69 text n read the sentence and tell me what what it tells you how Maharaj Batu verba whole um Talmud massa bodacious what is it telling you this is an amazing statement what it's saying is that God is creating the world every day why every day why not every second the renewal of creation is visible when the seasons change when the month changes the moon disappears reappears the day you see the day ends the day begins so you see it's being renewed another day you don't see the renewal every second so when when the when the Villa Mella says you renew the world constantly he picks the smallest most costum reap most frequent obvious renewal which is the day but really it's happening every second so take a look at the sentence Wow God renews each day constantly the act of creation that amazing but did you notice the word goodness you see what's going on here he renews the act of creation in his goodness where's that mean God recreates the world constantly that's really not very efficient to have to do it every second again and again and again can't God be a little more efficient and just create a world that functions what you have to keep creating it the argument that the world can't maintain itself because it came out of nothing nothingness can't acquire talent so why doesn't God give nothingness the ability to exist without him you can't give nothingness anything that's the argument God has to recreate the world constantly because it came out of nowhere but even that is part of God's creation this law this rule that nothing can't what God can't make nothing able it can make it exist it can't give it a talent so the argument is logical but but the logic is also created by God so God created a world that cannot exist without being created every second why create a world that can what is the answer in His goodness out of goodness God wants to recreate you every second why the whole purpose of creation is to have this relationship how will it enhance the relationship if I give you independent existence and I don't have to think about you ever again if we really want to get right down to it why this time exists because time is necessary for a relationship it may not be necessary for existence could space exist without time technically no Einstein proved that but that's technical it's the way God created it but why did he have to create it that way he could have created space without time time is necessary because of the nature of a relationship closeness distance we are separate but we are one you are you I am me but can we become one change without change there's no relationship but what happens when the relationship becomes perfect like you're married already now ideally there should be no change it's like an old couple there's no change they don't have to get closer there's no closer they're bonded they've merged and they can't be without each other but there's no need for change or growth because they've achieved it then like after Messiah comes time will stop existing because our relationship will have become complete so let's say this again the reason God created time which means change is so that there's freedom of choice why do we need freedom of choice to engage in a relationship and why do we need this relationship that's why he created the whole world so in order to have a real relationship God had to create time which means change for the worries itself change is not a good thing and that's why the scientist is convinced that because of change we're basically running out we're running down like how much can you change it takes energy all movement takes energy all change involves energy and we're running out of energy so eventually the Sun is gonna die the planets are gonna stop moving because how long can you move already we're running out of energy and it's all gonna collect it's all gonna dry up it's all going to stop existing why do they think that because of time if time would stop it wouldn't wear us out we could exist forever so why does God create time not for the benefit of the universe the universe would be better off without time God creates time for the benefit of a relationship and this relationship justifies time and space because if space could continue endlessly without time so what was the point who needs space the only reason we need space is because we have a relationship that grows and changes and that relea relationship needs a place a diva B Tottenham any questions left to be answered okay now the question is what time is it overtime but that's the question I echo when God asks of them I echo he's saying what time is it what have you changed so far not not where are you in space where are you in time because where he was in space God knew I mean he was talking to him Hennessey but where are you know he knew where he was therefore the question I accor has to be where are you in time what progress have you made what change have you brought positive or negative
Channel: Chassidus with Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 28,857
Rating: 4.8203125 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Manis Friedman, Manis Friedman, 11213.org, 11213org, Chabad Chassidus, Chabad, Chassidus, Tanya, Kabbalah, Torah, Daily Study, Judaism, Jewish Thought, Jewish, JLI, Is Time Travel Possible
Id: jhCn7A2YVW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 4sec (6244 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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