Does G-d Care If We Sin Or Not?

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if a person does an aveda does does it really affect the abuser no 100 100 so let's start from the beginning there's a serious problem in the yeshiva all yeshivas an intelligent buffalo i don't care if i go to ghana should i still do the mitzvah is there any reason for me to do a mitzvah if i don't care about gehenna more about ghanaian you're telling me if i do the mitzvah i'll go to ganaden if i do the aveda i'll go to jahannam so it's for me thank you very much no can't do that why so let's let's really get down to basics yad hashem he doesn't have a yacht a neigh hashem he doesn't have eyes hashem he doesn't talk uh what else yeah so the rambam says all of those expressions they wish they regretted abrashad is jealous that had nachas it's all a martial here's my problem when we make fun of aveda what do we say the same thing about david he doesn't hear he doesn't see he doesn't speak he doesn't care and so what is he oh he's the ibristor in other words he's nothing no he's everything oh he's everything so he has an eye no he has an arm no he really speaks no he gets angry not really but not really you're asking abacha to dedicate his life to give up all the pleasures of the world and dedicate his life to the abrester who doesn't really care and then you wonder why is he having a hard time why are they going off the dark so listen to this my granddaughter is crying her doll broke the arm came off i sit down with her and i say what a rahmanus it must have hurt terribly so she starts to laugh i said what are you laughing she says it didn't hurt i said how could it not hurt the arm came off she said it's not a real arm i said how do you know she said it's plastic right a real arm cannot be made out of plastic a real arm has to have a bone with some skin on it that's a real arm it's a bone with skin on it rambam says that all of those expressions are a muscle it doesn't say they're not true they say it's a marshall no so what's the nimble if you have a muscle there's got to be an initial an arm made out of a bone is a real arm it's a pathetic little thing the abrister has a real arm yet if traders says the abrasives arm then he has an arm don't turn the tight into a into a fairy tale neighbourship has an arm a real arm a literal arm mamish an arm you mean like mine no you don't have a real arm you were created but sell the millikim so you have something like an arm that's why it's a muscle but when you say the abush does that's not the muscle that's the nimsho your arm is the marshal so a person says the abrasive really speaks humans speak humans babble we call it speech to use it as a martial for the abrister's real speech that said you try it say it a hundred times so davis that got angry nah humans get angry humans don't know how to get angry they lose control they blow a fuse that's called angry that's called out of control the abrister gets angry in other words who's real who's real how did we end up being real and he is a figment of our imagination what does it mean to believe in the abrasive what does it mean to have a munna you think that there is an abuse there can't be sure because you know he's not real like like real but you believe that's not what a munna means and munna means he is real whether you believe it or not that's called ammuna if he's only real as a result of yuram munna then he's not real and munna means ms is ms whether i believe it or not and hashem ali kane who is that so you can say to a person do you believe in god no so who created the world god but you don't believe in god no i don't but emma's emma's in other words the abrasive doesn't rise and fall on maya munna if i believe in him he exists if i don't believe in him what kind of nourish cat is that so emunah doesn't mean i think there's a neighbors there because you know whether you think so or not doesn't really make much of a difference nobody's asking you your opinion anyway means if you really want to know ammuna of a jew is zakali whatever he is he's my god is he is he a goddess yeah probably i don't care i don't care whether he's goddamn zac this is my god he is mine as he is i have no conditions for him oh he better be infinite or you know she's not infinite i'm not impressed i don't care if he's infinite i don't even care if he created the world this is my god that's called the munna and munna means i like you the way you are what do you mean you don't care i'm not he's not my god because he created the world so contrast that with the christians believe that god is love oh he's love okay muslims believe he's powerful oh powerful yeah i like that what about him what about him and munna means he whoever he is whatever he is this this is my abrasive well if he's a loser i'm not interested in him that's you something sometimes he's a loser no he created the world for it to be good then look at the world eventually eventually it'll all turn out good but see here's another one yeah so listen to this marriage is the same idea when you choose a wife what what what are you basing your choice on what you can see what you can benefit from my type my style good sense of humor good mid-days good looks nice but you marry her for any of what any one of those reasons and your marriage is going to be in trouble or she marries you because she thinks you're very smart and very capable and very nice turns out you're not so should she divorce you it's like bait and switch looks good but then a man says i love everything about my wife i said really then why does she want a divorce this is not adding up i love everything about my wife yeah but you know your wife complains that she feels all alone in the world i said you love everything about your wife do you love her he says i love everything about her i said no not about her do you love her he says what about her i said not about her just her he said i don't know what you're saying it's impossible to make that decision if you take if you take every so why do we date why do we check out to see if she's good looking if she's huh compatibility means bamas there is nothing about her that disturbs me therefore therefore i can really connect to her if her looks bothered me it would prevent me from connecting to her if her personality bothered me so when you're dating you're not marrying the the miles you're making sure that they are comfortable enough that you can go past them but if you stay stuck if you're married to her looks she'll feel alone in the world because you're not married to her so if a man says i want to marry you for your money she has money i want to marry you for your money why is that offensive for a very simple reason when you say i want to marry you for your money you're actually saying you're actually saying it it's not very hidden or concealed at all what you're saying is can you just give me the money no huh so i have to marry you to get them fine i'll marry you for the money but if you could just give me the money that would be perfect actually the same is true with love i'm marrying you for love so just give me the love and shut up yeah yes give me the love not your opinion i didn't ask for your opinion so can i just have the love without the rest of you no okay i'll put up with it it's so insulting now imagine saying to the abrister i just want to go to garnet just give me the gun aidan you have to make everything so complicated just give me gunadin and everything will be perfect no i have to do mitzvahs okay fine i'll do them it is so insulting and that's why i'll tell you it's so insulting i'm being nice to you so that you'll give me couldn't you just give me you don't have to operate like a human now you can be godly but here's another thing why does the missionary make it such a long drawn-out altitude allah say don't do mitzvahs for the reward what's with this whole auditious see you can't say is but here's the point if you say don't do the mitzvah for the reward it sounds idiotic sounds idiotic there's only one reason to do the mitzvah and that's the reward what are you telling me the only reason to do a mitzvah is because it's good for you so what do you mean because you love hashem what's up before there's anything the only way anybody could possibly understand that is when when your child was born you love them unconditionally they never did anything for you you love them when it comes to a stranger or someone else yeah or or even god that way you're never how are you getting to that point to what point to what point at that point okay one second one second there's a piece missing here hang on imagine a mother says to her son make me tea bring me tea three times a day every day she's british bring me tea three times a day he brings her tea three times a day for 50 years at the end of 50 years he finds out that his mother never drinks tea she doesn't like it she doesn't drink it she doesn't need it she never drinks the tea so he asks her mai hi so she says you think i need tea i wanted to give you an opportunity to get closer to me this is the worst mother in history if if she doesn't drink the tea and he brings her tea is he getting closer to her it's actually evil if i don't want you in my life how do i keep you out of my life i ask you to go run around the corner go do something meaningless stay out of my life if she doesn't drink tea he's not getting closer you can say but he's very obedient see obedience is always from a distance who do you obey somebody you can't get close to you obey the king the general it's the opposite of closeness now if hashem the abrasive does not need your mitzvah like the tea then the mitzvah is not getting you closer you're obedient that's you know you asked i do it i'm not getting any closer because what you asked for you don't need so closeness means like this if i discover that there is something more precious to you than me i'm jealous i want that closeness but if nothing is more precious to you than me i can't get any closer i'm the closest thing or if there's something more precious to you but you won't tell me what it is i can't get any closer this is what the mission is saying you can't just say don't do the mitzvah for the reward then why am i doing it so the mishna has to give you a marshall there is an evid and there's an odding and the ogden needs something which the evid can do for him the avid who knows that he's doing something for the ordained doesn't need any more reward than that but if you start off with the assumption god doesn't need your mitzvahs it's for you and you shouldn't do it for the benefit then what are you doing then what am i doing that doesn't make any sense here's the punch line and we have to work out the the the hezber he needs you more than you need him because you're the muscle he's the nimsha who really gets angry who really needs something i need something that that is such a yates i need something he creates the whole world and i need how did how did you work that out before i existed where's benecia's before there was you and you think it's for you if he created the world so who needs he creates the world and i need he creates me for free and i need it goes higher and higher and higher the need that he has creates the whole world but it just psychologically by the way people are getting sick mom is sick from their own needs like i said we have so many needs that it's making us crazy we're getting depressed from it why not because we can't get what we need the kneading is already sick because i'm under the impression that i need this and i need that and it's not true it's not true it's artificial you what a depressing idea no it's against your will everything's against your will it's not it is so liberating you need to be born you don't you need to live you don't you need to die you don't listen if you ask what is a human need we need to eat i need to eat it's so not true i don't need to eat i need to stop eating and i can't it's not my need it's my handicap and i resent it sometimes i resent the fact that i can't go for hours without food so what does it mean a human being needs to eat an animal needs to eat for a human being is pasta you're a doctor you're a surgeon you're a middle of brain operation you have to stop why i haven't slept it's embarrassing i need to sleep as if it was my idea if i designed myself i wouldn't need to sleep or eat so correctly stated the ambush then needs me to eat i need it like a hole in the head so when i say i need to eat that's your yetzer the a bush that does something and you take credit eating is not your idea it's the abrister's idea so first of all it's not my need second of all it's not a need it's a handicap when we say the abush that needs your mitzvah he really needs it you don't he does in other words the abush that made you need to eat who made him need mitzvahs nobody that's him that's really him his need comes from him and it's not a it's not a handicap by us what we call our needs is number one not ours and number two it's not a need it's a handicap something you would wish you could get rid of what is a valid human need this is really mind blowing the only need that we have is to know what we're needed for right why am i here what's the purpose of life that's the only need a human being has that is human not a handicap it doesn't weaken him it ennobles him and it's uniquely human nobody else has that amalek doesn't care you have a mission send me not only a human being needs to know what am i needed for what can i do for you why am i here so listen to this definition this from the from the fedex he says like this a human being beteva without learning without a human being by his very nature is not content being human that's what separates us from the animal the animal is perfectly content to be an animal just don't bother me like bilum's donkey said to him i'm a donkey i don't mind being a donkey just don't hit me for nothing a human being by his very nature is not content being human why because i was created human what did i contribute so i need to be something more than human otherwise i haven't done anything and here's an interesting punchline what does it mean to eat with shame shamayim to have kavanagh that you're eating in order to be able to no any time you eat it's the shame shamayim because whose idea is that that you should eat so if you stop stealing the ibrahim's ideas and make it sound like it's your idea it's hashem shamai why am i eating because they missed her once it was up to me i wouldn't eat i was speaking to a woman who was anorexic and she started saying i find eating distasteful i said i know it's disgusting i went on but you know mesa mesa i said it's disgusting it's an animal behavior it's another by the way why do we eat with a fork and with a tablecloth and sometimes with a napkin tucked into the yeah because it's so disgusting that we want to make it a little more dignified right a little more elegance to the whole thing but soft console it's a disgusting thing she says you're worse than me i said i'm just i'm just talking the fact so why would the abridged do something like that it's so humiliating so what what choice do we have you swallow your pride and you eat something it took away her problem yes it's very embarrassing to eat it's a disgusting thing oh what are you going to do the abrasive created you like this so be humble accept the humiliation and eat something the point of it is this when we say the ebish that doesn't need anything why do we say that because need sounds human but that's the same as yad he doesn't have an arm because humans have an arm come on that's not a good argument the reason we have an arm is because we're created in his image the reason we have so-called needs because he has the real thing he's more real not less so every time in the toilet where it says caviar right i never understood that word is so you make a statement and then you say cavallo that's like typing a word and then pushing delete the abrister really gets upset when you have when you make make another dessert he gets upset nervous he doesn't get upset so what did you just say what did you just say so i was reading a commentary i think it was an art scroll what was pinchas so he translates it pinch was jealous for my jealousy so i'm jealous and he felt my he expressed my jealousy but whenever when it says the abrasive was jealous it was quotations why because he was jealous for my he was jealous as if i was so so what were you rewarding him for then even a worse thing in perique it says the name on baal malach so the commentary says if you work for a human being could be he won't pay you could be he'll pay you the wrong amount could be it'll take a long time but if the abuse that is your employer you can be absolutely confident that he will pay you but employer is in quotes he's not an employer but if you believe that the abuse that is your employer you can be confident that he will pay you but he's not your employer so he is your employer so he will pay you so where's your confidence once you say kavyacho you've taken away all the confidence he will definitely pay you because he doesn't care what did you just do to yiddish omar hashem it's like i love you that we should understand what that see but that's the problem you tell me a lie and you want me to understand what am i understanding so if you look at it the other way it makes sense cavallo means you think like your arm not like your arm so you're the cavea so wherever it says kavyako it means as if you know what a real arm is as if you know what it means to need something or purpose in life is to figure out what our purpose is how does one figure out what their purpose is that we all have the same purpose generally we all have the same purpose to bring the abrasion down to earth for global purposes i said this to a catholic priest he said i teach my teenagers that it's their job to fix the world i said that's beautiful it's not exactly catholic i don't know what happened to good old catholicism but it's beautiful it's a big improvement i said just add one little detail who needs the tikkun olam yeah it's our job to fix the world who needs the world fixed i worry about the whole world if there's a need for tikkun islam by whom by the creator by the baidu islam he got so excited this guy that is a gala with the collar the whole business he says i knew it i said what what he says all through divinity school they told him that god the father he doesn't care he's his god the son cares it never made sense to me why would the son care more than a father kleptner yes i knew it i knew it god himself wants tikka nylon what does that really mean make the world his kind of world a world that is fitting for he him it he created not only imperfect the lowest possible creation you can't have a lower world than this and it gives us more to do for him but what does it mean the lowest world the lowest world is a world in which you can deny that there's a creator a creation that can deny that there's a creator what would be a lower world than that the lower world would be a world in which you cannot know your creator such a world can't exist has no tacos so the lowest the furthest you can get from him is that you have the bra to not recognize him but you also have the brother to recognize him the next lowest world would be a world without him that can't be so this is the lowest world and this lowest world can become higher than garnet the good muscle is like a circle you start off here and you start going around you're getting further and further and further from the starting point keep getting further and further and suddenly you're getting closer and closer and closer and by the time you get to the end of the circle you're back to where you started from now you've made the whole circuit so you bring the whole circle to a tallest so here's the point and we need to get this into the yeshivas or we're going to continue losing the best bakram he needs you more than you need him because he's real you need first of all you only need for 120 years then you don't need anything and even what you need this year next year you don't need it even what you think you need you don't really need so who who's real one final thought i know what time it is says that they came to arrest him because he converted so they sent a group of soldiers and as they were leading him out he kissed the mezuzah they said what was that he said you have to stand by the door of your king to protect your king our king stands by our door and protects us they all converted they sent another group of soldiers same thing happened he kissed the mezuzah they said what is this he says our king stands by our door to protect us they all converted so they gave up they stopped trying to arrest them what is the meaning of the story they heard something cute and they converted that's it they were soldiers they knew what it meant to stand by the door of the emperor to protect him what is what is the job of the uh of the guard he can't stop the attack but he can die first he can take the first bullet giving the king time to get it to get away when he said to these soldiers when uncle was said to the soldiers our king our god stands by our door to protect us he was saying you know what it feels like any minute now you're going to take a bullet and you do that for your king well the abrish that does that for us they had many gods the romans they never heard god who would take a bullet for you that changed their whole concept of what god means so atlanta they converted to judaism they became frumiyidan their whole concept of god was totally converted they thought you have to appeal to the god so that he'll do for you you he he wants to take a bullet for you so somebody said he doesn't take a bullet he doesn't die so it's not like the soldier the soldier will die let's not get confused the soldier is very loyal to his king he'll even take a bullet but once he takes the bullet his loyalty is finished he's dead the godless of the abyss that is he will take a bullet and he will not die he'll take another bullet so what are you comparing a human being who can only who can only be devoted while he's alive once he dies his devotion is finished you're comparing that to the ibrahim who's forever and ever and ever so really this is a crisis the abrasive has become unreal and irrelevant in the best yeshivas in the yeshiva you are told you have to be a talmud you have to know how to learn you have to be a mosmid you have to come on time you have to answer the question you have to ask the good question you have to you have to you have to at some point the baja turns around and says you know i thought about it and um i don't have to oh so now you're bullying me you're threatening me this is yiddish right so when the bakr says and the russia shiva says daft who's right the book is right i didn't create the world i didn't start the fire but the the message is wrong not you have to you don't have to anything you don't have to be born altogether the abuse then needs you to fulfill his is real yours is not i gotta tell you i talk to people fly nev don't know anything not committed to anything and they even say i don't believe in god and i say to him but you know god created the world because he needs you oh i never heard that you know that i can believe a minute ago he said i don't believe in god it makes sense all of a sudden when you say believe in god you believe in something sitting in heaven that looks at you know the only people who have a hard time with the idea that the ibr if he doesn't need anything where do you think you came from oh no no he's only doing it for you okay so that's what he needs it's still him doing it yeah but he's doing it because he wants to do you a favor okay so let him do you a favor if that's what he needs but how did you become the needy one right that means the ibrush that doesn't need what are you talking about where did you get that he gave us the mitzvahs in order to make us better so that's what he needs where do you get that he doesn't need
Channel: Chassidus with Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 31,909
Rating: 4.7698288 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Manis Friedman, Manis Friedman,, 11213org, Chabad Chassidus, Chabad, Chassidus, Tanya, Kabbalah, Torah, Daily Study, Judaism, Jewish Thought, Jewish
Id: H0MiRZwrLeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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