What Does Judaism Say About Life After Life? | Rabbi Manis Friedman

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here's how torah sees the process of life and death when a baby is conceived what's going on the miracle that scientists or doctors marvel at the miracle of conception they're looking at the most at the most external at the most superficial part of the whole process at the moment of conception the the conception whatever you call it at that moment is a complete soul a complete being a human being without a body i mean hardly a body but there's intelligence there's emotions there's awareness there's sensitivity all of that is already there the only thing that is lacking is speech articulation probably because it has no one to talk to so it doesn't really need speech other than that it's a complete human being and this is why the sages have always told us and of course our grandmother's always told us that when a woman is pregnant she has to be careful what she's exposed to what happens around her and even her own thoughts and feelings have to be in consideration of the baby because the baby hears and feels and knows and cares and reacts so what gives a child as you mentioned before a child is born and every mother knows this every child is born with a complete personality where did they get this personality from when did they develop this personality during the nine months and it's shaped by what the mother was experiencing what was going on in the house the sounds in other words the the fetus hears everything but without ears it sees everything but without eyes it understands everything without a brain as the body develops the soul settles into the body and then it doesn't hear so well because it has to use its ears and it doesn't see so well because it has to use its eyes so god forbid a person who can't see born blind the soul can see the eyes don't work and that's why this child can give birth to a seeing child because the ability to see exists in the soul and he can pass it on to his children even though his own eyes don't work so good david melech makes an amazing statement in tehillim and if he writes it in the tehillim it's because we need to know it because it's written about us for us it's not really about him there's a statement hilum that says hashem yasfini my mother and father abandoned me but god gathered me in and the gemara asks when did his mother and father abandon him and why is he talking lash and hara about his parents why is he bad-mouthing his parents in public here's what the gemara says when a soul comes into the body it goes through a trauma that causes it to forget why don't we remember those wonderful months in the womb because of the trauma but sadiq when they come into the world their body is holy so their soul doesn't go into such a trauma such a shock and therefore they forget nothing they remember king david is saying i remember being conceived it was a very scary moment and i looked around to see who's in charge who's taking care of me at this very vulnerable dangerous moment and my father was sleeping my mother is sleeping and i'm all alone and i'm very small at the moment of conception parents are sleeping but i was reassured i was okay because god was there gathering me in bringing me into a body so every soul goes through that every soul that is conceived experiences a moment of fear trauma and survives that trauma because god is there taking care so how do we know that there's a god how do we experience god's presence if you survive conception it's because you trust god he's right there making sure everything ends up right the nose where it belongs you know all the details then david makes another amazing statement even as i go in the valley of the shadow of death god is with me i am not afraid because god is with me and again the gemara asks what is this valley of the shadow and death and was kristen if it's a valley of shadow of death don't go there even when i go there i'm not afraid don't go stay home so the gemara makes another amazing statement king david is describing his birth the trauma of birth now the parents are not sleeping mother is certainly not sleeping father may be fainting but not sleeping the birth process the birth canal is a valley of a shadow of death it's a valley because it's a dip between two wonderful lives life in the womb life outside the womb but there's a valley in between where you're nishtahin you've left the life of the womb and you haven't yet reached or established yourself in life outside the womb so it's a valley and there's a shadow of death it's a dangerous moment how does the fetus survive that trauma that fear and again the answer is i was not afraid because you were with me every fetus born into the world experienced god's presence and that's what allowed it to survive the trauma what's really interesting they say that when a person goes through a near-death experience they see themselves going through a dark tunnel there's a light at the end of the tunnel and there's an angel urging you to come into the light a near-death experience is actually a flashback to birth you remember being born dark tunnel a light at the end of a tunnel and an angel doctor urging you to come out so what happens when people go through a near-death experience they of course experience the trauma but they also experience the comforting presence of god and that's why after a near-death experience everyone becomes a believer where did the belief come from anytime you scare somebody they believe in god is that what it is if you're sufficiently frightened you become a believer it's because of the flashback birth is a near-death experience and what helps you survive it god's presence so when you have a second near-death experience and you have a flashback to your birth you go through the fear but also through the reassuring presence of god problem is that the trauma makes us forget consciously what that experience was so the soul comes into the body it's a complete soul the soul doesn't develop from small to to to adult it's a complete soul everything you say everything you feel everything you hear the child absorbs today since abortion became legal doctors are concerned that the fetus will be aware of the conversation or even the thought when a mother is pregnant and sits down to discuss whether or not they should have the baby at any stage in the pregnancy the baby is aware i had a very interesting experience i dabble a little bit in homeopathic medicines and one of the things that they say is that there's a very good remedy a very simple remedy for grief that gets stuck and you can't grieve it out a person stuck in grief this remedy is amazing it's like magic but they say that a surviving twin parents may not even know there were twins but the surviving twin is born grieving because he lost a sibling best friend the surviving twin won't be able to process that grief because he's not conscious of what he's grieving about or that even that he's grieving and so that grief will be stuck in the child and the child will be frustrated frustrating difficult unhappy for no apparent reason parents won't know what to do with the child you give the child this remedy and you have a new new and improved mentioned this once in a talk in california and a woman came over to me afterwards and said i have an 11 year old boy he's impossible he's in his third school and they're threatening to throw him out and now that you mention it i remember he was he's a surviving twin she gave him the remedy and within days the school called and said what are you doing differently he's cooperating the grief dissolved and he was a happy child again so everything the child hears and sees has an effect today when people discuss abortion the child hears it and the child is born with an attitude about its own life that it's uh negotiable and so they're reckless with their own lives they're a little suicidal so when mrs reagan if you remember mrs reagan said just say no to drugs why why it can kill you the children of today say yes so that's the whole thrill that's not a reason not to do it so there's a certain recklessness carelessness about life that didn't exist before so they're they're they're concerned that that kind of conversation should not happen once there's a pregnancy because even if you decide now that you're not going to have the abortion the child already heard the conversation so his life is negotiable not a good way to start same is true in many other things anger between mother and father uh ugliness between mother and father the child grows up and you say so you want to get married not really it doesn't appeal to me all we're going to do is fight anyway so our sages and our grandmothers were absolutely right a pregnant woman should be protected no surprises no bad news no arguments no fights because the baby is listening and a baby hears everything the same is true on the other end of life let's say a person is really very ill and goes into a coma does he hear does he see is he aware of course he is more than when he wasn't in a coma because when the person is in the coma the soul hears without the ears sees without the eyes thinks without the brain and that's why measuring brain wave activity is not a good indicator because maybe the brain isn't thinking but the soul is if you could bring the soul back into the body the brain will think again so life comes in gradual stages to the body and leaves the body in gradual stages that's why we sit shiven god forbid a person passes away we sit shiver the first three days are very sad the next four days and not so sad the end of seven days complete change get up go back to business but for thirty days slashing there's still a certain amount of grief till the end of the year there's a lesser amount of grief and after that there's the yard site once a year the real meaning of that and you know we fail to notice this the the beauty and the brilliance of it what is what does it mean when torah tells you to grieve for how long to grieve when to grieve can you really dictate that what if you don't want to grieve and what if you want to start next week not the first week the whole grieving process is part of the levia it's part of the funeral in hebrew the word for funeral is to [Music] to to accustom to follow of course technically you follow behind the casket but what it means is escort the soul to its resting place it doesn't end at the funeral after the funeral we continue to escort the soul when the soul is in most pain we share that pain that's the first three days the next four days of the shiva the soul is getting used to its new life and so we ratch it down a little bit keeping up with the soul 30 days the soul is getting accustomed getting settled getting so we feel that discomfort and we accust we continue to follow the soul through its experience so we don't just say goodbye and walk away the adjustment is painful so torah is not telling you how you should feel the torah is telling you what the soul is going through and you empathize and share that and in that way you escort the soul to its rest you don't stop until the soul is really resting and that takes about a year what happens when the soul gets to heaven now if we think materialistically physically we think heaven is up hell is down you're going down to hell or you're going up to heaven that's not exactly the case and what happens in in hell what happens in hell everybody knows what happens in hell you burn you burn in hell what part of you burns in hell your soul how does a soul burn so dante's a picture of the inferno is is ridiculous you're talking about souls it doesn't go down because hell is not a place and it doesn't burn because souls don't burn the only way a soul can experience pain is shame burning in shame yes that's the fire of hell the fire of hell is a burning shame what is the soul ashamed of basically it doesn't fit it's a soul among souls but it doesn't look like a soul it doesn't smell like a soul and it doesn't know how to be a soul because it's gotten so used to being a body so to put it graphically a soul that back to the world of souls that still feels like a body or smells like a body is very embarrassed it's very shameful and it burns with shame now there are some souls they come back to the world of souls and it's as if they never left pick right up where they left off that's heaven how long can a soul maintain an attachment to the body maximum 12 months by the end of 12 months it has moved on it doesn't remember the body anymore we say kaddish for 11 months to help the soul through that painful adjustment 11 months not 12 months because we don't want to suggest that any soul needed the maximum 12 months but also we don't want to we don't want to cheat it out of help if it if it should need help so we go to 11 months and not embarrass the soul more by going to and that's why we're so careful not to say an extra kaddish when the 11 months are up you stop because you're trying to help the soul get over its embarrassment don't add more embarrassment by going beyond the 11 months so where exactly are heaven and hell they're right next to each other you have two souls side by side one is in heaven and the other one is in hell because one of them is comfortable being a soul and the other one is so embarrassed and sitting next to a soul that's comfortable is even more embarrassing because the contrast is so obvious so that's what help means and that's why hell is a a process that uh that cleanses not punishes we call it punishment i think maybe we pick that up from the christians it is a cleansing process preparing the soul to go to heaven it doesn't have to go anywhere physically it goes from being ashamed to being perfectly comfortable now the soul in heaven experiences great pleasure obviously there are no problems there everything is revealed all the puzzles and mysteries that it couldn't figure out and couldn't understand while on earth all become clear the parts of torah that they couldn't understand are explained and the visual picture is souls sit in yeshiva in heaven and study torah without any distraction without any difficulties pretty much like what we're doing here so this is being in heaven but the soul is not content in heaven and that's why the expression unfortunately we we all use it the expression he's in a better place that's not jewish you can even hear it in the tone he's in a better place now see that sounds so christian jews don't talk like that jews will say stop crashing he's in a better place that sounds more jewish you know but that saw that that so you know it's wrong there is no better place there is no better place than on earth there's no better place for a soul than in a body as painful as it might be as frustrating as it might be it's the best place because in a body a soul can actually serve god in heaven the soul is being served for jews that sounds like a retirement home a beautiful retirement home they give you a gold watch three meals a day they teach you they yeah it's it's all fine so it's a much more comfortable place but better no souls in heaven can't wait for mashiach to come so that they can return to their bodies and serve god we would rather work than get paid you know ideally because the job is more precious than the reward to serve is more precious than the pay we get for it so we are not very comfortable being in heaven it's okay for a month two months but enough got to go back to work now what happens when the souls come back into bodies not born again but resurrected the physical body that the soul inhabited during its life on earth is re bill it decomposed now it has to recompose the same body not a new body that's called the resurrection of the dead the soul doesn't need to be resurrected it doesn't die it comes back to a body but the body had decomposed had gone back to the dust now it needs to recompose like running a film backwards the reason is because doing mitzvahs is only possible if you have a body without a body you can't do a mitzvah so to reward the soul in heaven for doing mitzvahs and let the body sleep in the dust that's not justice the real reward for mitzvahs has to include the body in fact the body is primary and that's why the soul must come back to the body to receive its reward the gemara gives an interesting analogy there was a lame guy and a blind guy and they were hungry and they wanted to steal some fruit from an orchard but there was a wall around the orchard so the lame guy couldn't climb the wall and the blind guy couldn't see his way so the blind guy took the lame guy on his shoulders and the lame guy directed the blind guy to the wall and was able to reach over the wall and steal some fruit now they were caught and the judge said who do i punish here because the blind guy couldn't do it without the lame guy and the lame guy couldn't do without the blind guy so the judge decided they both need to be punished but in the way that they sinned so put the lame guy back on the shoulders of the blind guy and punish them as one that's the analogy to the reward how do you reward a body and soul the soul couldn't do the mitzvah without the body the body couldn't do the mitzvah without the soul how do you reward them well put them back together again the way they were when they did the mitzvah and then reward them that's the resurrection there's also reincarnation you have had a few lives so far each life had a body when you come back which body will you come into actually we're not coming back time's up so there's no time for another incarnation so this is it this is our final but those souls who have had past lives and are now going to come back into a body which body will they come into some people suggest that they get to choose their favorite body others suggest you get to choose the best parts of each body like a mr potato head but that's getting away from the truth the truth is everybody did mitzvahs so each of the bodies needs to be rewarded a soul can give life to more than one body so when the resurrection happens the soul will inhabit all the bodies that it lived in in its past lives and like a flame if you light another candle from the flame it doesn't diminish so each soul each body will have a complete soul but the same soul we're going to be one big happy family there is reincarnation but there is no more reincarnation and you're saying that the dead are now going to be resurrected how do you know that's any time too soon how do i know there's a resurrection coming well yeah no more reincarnation now it's time for resurrection these are very big words i read it in the reader's digest no it was one of the serious articles no you don't get to choose you don't get to choose the soul goes into the part of the soul that succeeded in this body will go into that body the part of the soul that succeeded in the other body you know as we succeed at kindness at study at devotion so the thing you excelled in in each body that part of your soul will go into that soul splits up but each part is a complete life is a complete being now what would make you think the reason reincarnation is over is because moshiach has to come before the year six thousand we are now in the year 5774. i don't know how long it takes for a soul to turn around what's the what's it called turn around turn around time but it can't happen immediately so there's no time really for another incarnation so it must be that we are here now for the finishing touches one or two more mitzvahs and we're different done that will take burial or taking care of the dead body like cremation or whatnot so if somebody were to do something like that does that affect them when it comes to the resurrection probably but it doesn't doesn't make it impossible i mean it's not like well god can resurrect dust but not ash whatever it is god will manage right but out of respect for the body we don't do cremation in fact there are a few people in history whose bodies went to heaven with them they were not buried they did not return to the dust uh a few people yahoo the baal shemtiv was given the option his body was holy enough to go to heaven and he was given the option do you want your body in heaven or do you want your body buried back in the earth and he chose to be buried because there's something very powerful about resurrecting the body if you go to heaven with your body you're not resurrected and you're missing something so there's a great virtue to going back to the earth and we could cheat the body out of that if we do a cremation so we don't we don't do that yeah a number of orthodox jewish scholars authorities have indicated that many souls have returned already from before and during the holocaust so the turnaround time was brief and there's that much turnaround time between now and year six thousand so did you mean to say most souls are not coming back but if you might there's there's a little bit of a confusion there we don't really know that souls came back after the after the holocaust we know that the trauma can be re-experienced by uh by people who were not even there i'm not sure that that means reincarnation let me tell you this interesting story you've heard of the duchess of york sarah ferguson she was married to andrew she wrote a book with a very um inventive title it's called sarah the duchess of york and she was she was doing the book tour and came to minnesota her agent called me and said she wants to speak to a rabbi could i find time to talk to her so i went to the hotel where she was staying she had the entire top floor with a lot of security and i'm curious as to you know why would she need to talk to a rabbi there was a lot of a lot of bad press about her that she's a vulgar and she's cheap and she's anyway her question the reason she needed to talk to a rabbi she wanted to know if there really is such a thing as reincarnation so whoa why would you want to know that why are you interested she was the spokesman for weight watchers how does that connect to reincarnation so she tells me the story she went to a holocaust memorial and sitting there i think it was an auschwitz sitting there listening to one of the speakers she suddenly had this really intense experience or feeling she had to leave the room it was overwhelming and she she assumed that that that experience or that feeling was because she was a jew and died in the holocaust and she the memory just came flooding back to her and overwhelmed her so she wants to know if that's correct do we believe in reincarnation so i said you know you're surrounded by priests and ministers why are you asking me why didn't you ask them well she gave me an earful she doesn't trust them as far as you can throw them they are corrupt to the core nothing they say is true in fact she didn't want to get divorced nor did andrew and in their church there is no divorce but because the royal family wanted to break them up the ministers invented some kind of a kakamemi process by which they can dissolve the marriage but as far as she's concerned she's still married and they're raising their children together i said did you move your stuff out of the uh out of the palace she says no i said then you are still married according to jewish law she was thrilled concerning the reincarnation the second crusades when they were coming back defeated from the holy land vented their frustrations on jews everywhere they went they attacked the jewish community and massacred jews there were jews living in the city of york they moved to new york but they lived in york and the crusaders were approaching the city of york the jews went to the duke of york asking for protection the duke said they're much stronger than me there's no way i can fight them i can't protect you but i'll give you a castle barricade yourself in the castle and maybe you'll be able to stand up stand them off so they all gathered in the castle and they they survived for 10 days or two weeks but then the crusaders broke through and when they got to the jews who were huddled in one of the rooms they had all killed themselves like in masada sarah is the duchess of york now it can't be that she was a jew in a past life and a non-jew in this life so that wouldn't work i said maybe the experience you felt was a flashback because you were the duke of york or the duchess of york and you had your own little showa you had your own little tragedy there that bothered you and you couldn't save the jews and that's what you were feeling she said i never heard that story i said well it was in clifford castle and that was very too familiar now she got really anyway the end of the story is she endorsed her book signed the book for me and hands me the book upside down and she says excuse me for the picture there's a picture of her on the cover the cover is completely black she's dressed completely in black from her neck to her ankles very modest i mean you don't see anything it's all black her foot is in color and she's not wearing a shoe and she turned the book upside down and she said excuse me for the picture not such a callous person after all so reincarnation is a return of a soul that needs to have another life but sometimes re-experiencing a trauma reliving something a flashback doesn't necessarily mean reincarnation so the holocaust experience somehow has spread and people have nightmares of being in the holocaust and they weren't jewish they weren't they weren't european they were they have no business having that kind of a nightmare but then again what nightmare do you have a business ghosts under your bed when did you experience that monsters in your closet so there are certain things that haunt us even if we weren't there and didn't experience it yep if it would give the person a sense of comfort to find i don't know if it's against halal the question is if you go to a medium who contacts your departed friend or family member is that against if it gives you comfort it's not against halacha unless you plan your life based on that information in other words predicting the future is forbidden but to find out that your grandmother misses you but can you trust any of these guys that's a different question oh i see someone uh their name begins with an m your father does his name begin with an m no his name is irving the family name begin with on them no jacobson oh mr jacobson i'm getting a message from your cat is there time in heaven yes there there is obviously because your soul experiences its own yard sight the anniversary of its death the soul remaining in touch with with earth with family with experiences time a soul that has never been on earth doesn't doesn't understand time also a soul that has never been born doesn't have a name there are no names in heaven once a soul has been on earth and was given a name that name remains in effect when you say the name the soul reacts like in a crowded room and you hear your name called you react so the soul doesn't have a name before it comes down doesn't experience time before it comes down and doesn't have relationships but once it does the relationship remains time remains and the name remains and that's why when we make a bishop era you mention the name you uh you tap into the energy of that soul by mentioning its name and the rebel once mentioned that just a second the rebel once mentioned how is it that so many people come to shul for yiskar when they wouldn't come to show for any other reason how is that you don't believe in god you don't believe in torah you don't believe in heaven or hell but you got to come say yisker what is that and that ever said it's the parent drags the kid to the synagogue to say yisker because because the soul needs it wants it so the soul is actually having a powerful effect on the child and dragging him off to shu also we have a custom that when we ask the four questions on pesach at the seder we introduce it with tate fair father i'm going to ask you four questions everybody says it not just children and even someone whose father had passed away says and when you do that your father comes to the seder as painful as that may be for the soul so it must be that asking your father the question is so valuable and so meaningful that it justifies the pain that the soul feels having to re-enter the the physical space so they're very much alive very much real yeah there is no there is no conversion out of when a jew becomes a christian he does it like a jew now well if the mother is not yeah yeah if the mother is not jewish the children are never jewish not jewish they're all jewish they're all jewish can't get out you can't you can't send your way out what about non-jewish souls what's the problem well you have rahman this for them what's the question what happens oh what happens to non-jewish souls if the soul was righteous the person was righteous then the soul will gain or acquire eternity and will have a portion in the world to come if it's not righteous it's a mortal soul and it dies it doesn't go to hell hell is a jewish neighborhood it's a jewish ghetto your mother is really watching and doesn't understand why you're not calling [Laughter] yeah i have several questions of all with regarding the holocaust the souls that they died of the holocaust wouldn't they by virtue of being martyrs who have gone directly to god eaten and not needed to reincarnate again you see reincarnation is not a punishment and it's not necessarily a [Music] a repair or rectification moshe was reincarnated into rabia akiva so reincarnation can happen for one of two reasons either because you didn't finish your job so you get another term or because there's more good that you can do that can't be accomplished in one lifetime so it's not necessarily a negative thing to come back to be reincarnated but that doesn't that doesn't prove that people from the holocaust have been reincarnated okay so there's no truth that the a murderer doesn't oh you're they could still wearing a car they don't need to reincarn but they could on their own not on their own but if there's still more good for them to do they could be although reincarnation as we spoke yesterday is really martyrdom is the final touching perfection the crown after that you really don't need anymore you can't get any better than that when a soul like say one one of us our soul if we were to pass away and reincarnate it would only be a spark of the soul it's not really the whole thing so it's never the exact same it's never the whole soul because some part of the soul achieved what it was supposed to achieve in this lifetime that part stays in heaven so when you go to your grandmother's grave there's some part of her that is still there the best part even if she is reincarnated in the person standing next to you so i gotta say two little things two stories um there was this king who had four wives one wife he pampered he pampered her all the time the second wife he would take with him wherever he went to show her off the third wife he would turn to for support and advice and the fourth wife he neglected completely he neglected when it came time for him to die he said to his first wife the one that he pampered will you come with me and she said no you go your way i'll go mine he said to the second wife the one that he always took with him wherever he went will you come with me and she said yeah you always took me around and showed me off wherever you went when you die someone else will take me around and show me off so you go your way and i'll go mine he said to the third wife the one he always turned to for support and advice will you come with me i need you and this wife said uh yeah part of the way till the cemetery but not further he said to his fourth wife the one that he neglected all her life will you come with me and she said yes the first wife the one you pamper is your body we feed our body we take care of our body we worry about our body we run to the doctor for our body we pamper the body when it comes time to die the body says you go your way i'll go mine the second wife is our possessions our wealth we take it with us we show it off the bling when it comes time to die you say come with me no somebody will inherit me and show me off the third wife the one you turn to for advice that's your support system your family and your friends when it comes time to die they'll accompany you till the cemetery but not further the fourth wife that's your soul it will go with you in this life and in the life to come it therefore does not deserve to be neglected so when we do a mitzvah we are nurturing our soul we're paying attention to our soul we're being nice to our soul and that's a good investment there's a beautiful poem by henry wadsworth longfellow it's called the psalm of life it's a long poem but there's this beautiful line there life is real life is earnest and the grave is not its goal from dust you are and to dust returnest was never spoken of the soul so we have within us a little piece of eternity a little piece of holiness a little piece of god if we nurture it we satisfy the purpose for which we were born if we neglect it not so good so every mitzvah we do we're basically tapping into that part of ourselves that is godly that naturally does good naturally does mitzvahs is comfortable with mitzvahs like a princess who marries a peasant and goes to live on the farm and after two weeks as much as she loves the peasant she's unhappy and the peasant wants to make her happy because he's a loyal devoted husband and he of course immediately assumes that the princess is unhappy because there aren't enough potatoes in the house so he brings home more potatoes and the princess is not happier so he thinks not to me not potatoes tomatoes he brings home more tomatoes princess is not happy he thinks no no it's the it's the house the hut it needs new straw so he replaces the straw and the princess is sadder than before he runs out of ideas he doesn't know what to do to make her happy so he confronts her he says what's wrong with you i've given you everything a person could possibly want why are you not happy and the princess says back home in the palace we had royal orchestra playing the most beautiful music in the world and we had the greatest philosophers would come and give lectures it was just amazing and the flowers and the royal garden with the exotic plants it was just beautiful that's what i miss and i see you trying to make me happy with potatoes and with tomatoes and i realize you're a good man but you have no idea what a princess needs the soul is a princess and it comes down into the body and the body is very loyal to the soul and if the soul is not happy the body tries to make it happy by eating by drinking a new house a bigger house new straw more straw and the soul is thinking oh you have no idea you're a good man but you have no idea what a princess needs so what can be the solution the king the father of the princess knowing that this is going to happen sends along to the farm little pieces of the palace so that even living on the farm the princess can feel at home the soul comes down to have to earth from heaven and the torah is given to us from heaven torah those are little pieces of the palace to make the princess comfortable during its life on earth so the torah is there for you it matches your soul it's what your soul really needs to make you happy no jew is happy if he's not a happy jew so every mitzvah you do nourishes your soul makes your soul happier when your soul is happier it's more comfortable with the body when it's more comfortable with the body the body is healthier it's holistic it's holistic and then on a practical note if you want to try this remedy ignatia you just go to a health food store whole foods you get this little tube cost about six dollars you take only three of the pills if you have pent up unprocessed grief it's it'll how do you spell relief ignatia i-g-n-a-t-i-a why are we sad when someone passes away if it's all part of the process even the biggest sadik who knows that he's going straight to heaven with a when a bach seat doesn't want to die because when you go to heaven god will take care of you we would rather take care of him we would rather do mitzvahs than be rewarded for the mitzvahs so the tragedy is can't do mitzvahs anymore yes but it's sad it's a great loss the loss of mitzvos click subscribe to see more exclusive content for the most sought after jewish speakers teachers and thinkers
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Length: 62min 54sec (3774 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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