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so how's it going Justin shaft you're alerted with the same never started yet we didn't think we're all getting married in the next month right thanks Dan one five weeks and I said you haven't started yet simple one two three so you know there's a cloud that the further further we go from her c9 the deeper we have to go so although it's true that this motto had a dais and your daughter is not even thinkable but from the other side when things get further and D and darker and lower the only solution is to go deeper into terror and to have more not less so there's an attitude that today people are not so so willing from the citizen affection for very good so you have to be Mako and you have to in some things that's true but very limited in most things the only solution is not less but more processed more you can't make up and can't make up new you did them more means deeper so in some way we understand Taylor today deeper than previous generations because they didn't need it because we need it we we get more so if we have to go deeper into marriage what it means to be the husband where it means to be a wife where do you look where do you find of course you don't look outside of tighter you know look the secular certain the mayor that you say before the before the husana it's basically about must be and Makabe my SPEA and Makabe are a process that insid this would be called enemies because my spears the theater of the macabre and the macabre was a fear Allah much PL and it's it was all over it's a pre musica process and yet you get married under a hooker which is a market and the ring is a marquise from the circling is a moccasin so you have here a combination of Maki from tamiya and one without the other wouldn't work so let's understand a little bit what is what this means the market part Mac if means the my limit on with us because Tom for das is previous so what is a Mac if my Mac you've means a commitment or feeling that is what my limit on Burgas and it's not it's not rational essentially getting married is what my limit amber does some Salem ATO but let's not say love my limit down to that what does that mean it means that you're doing something which according to your gracious premium you're not capable because if you could do it with your Curtis believe me if you could do it rationally sensibly and reasonably why would you do it unreasonably so reasonably you can't do it so you have to do it with the strength of the mic off' of something higher and so just the very fact that you dedicate your life to somebody for the rest of your life so my limit on with us but that means that you're dedicating your life to something that is much bigger than you not just to someone in other words you're you're dedicating your life to the marriage to the artists the premise part is the mush be amicable part where it's not what my limit down with us it has to follow certain rules you have to be the mush beer and your wife has to be the macabre and there are there are rules that govern this what it means to be much beer how when even why so let's look at it from what is the difference you must be in Macau a real mush VM the way it the way it's used in facilities with the example of a Ravan at Ullman a teacher who is a real mush BIA not that's time a teacher like we like we're familiar with but the ideal teacher what is the ideal teacher two things first of all he gives what is needed he doesn't just give whatever he wants or whatever he has he gives what is what is missing if he's not giving what's missing he's not a mush beer stop to talk about a subject doesn't make you how much beer and even being the expert on the subject and teaching the whole world about the subject it's not a real mush beer so all the all the all the advice on how to be a good mash BIA you have to know the mush bar you have to know your student you have to evaluate the you know the whole lengthy detailed description because if you don't know your student then you're not giving what's missing then you're then like they don't like that they're bad shop rights not only aren't you're helping but you're making it worse you're destroying the talent so rule number one is that a mush bi gives what is needed and rule number two he gives it from the bottom of his heart with every with with every ounce of himself he is completely dedicated to the giving that's his life then is a mush be a part-time mush beer that's just a job so when other Mahavir are thrown that Afghan Laden hava is cursed one of the curses is Ellie Shh Acosta and Odom is not given the same punishment they did the same invader why don't they get the same punishment okay she's gonna she's gonna give birth and pain okay you can't apply that to other but Ellie Shh Chico say so so later Adam can be punished but the opposite she is going to be yearning for for him so he should be your any further unless that's the curse the curse is you'll want him and he won't want you that's that's a curse but that's not correct so what why was she given what does it mean that she is going to yearn for her husband you know that ultimately they're not curses it's a description of life outside of GaN Eden in GaN Eden you weren't missing anything so there was no yearning there was no hunger got everything outside of GaN Eden you don't always have what you need so if you don't have what you need what's the result you're hungry you're yearning so they brush that is telling however outside of GaN Eden you're going to be a lonely gonna be yearning you're gonna be hungry for your husband this is not a curse so we have to understand it as a description of the nature of a woman in GaN Eden things were not so real he was not a man she was not a woman it was very it was vague and that's why they were not ashamed because there was no difference then women what's the difference once they realized who they are there's a difference how how can they believe there's no difference so now they were ashamed so that they were ashamed because of Veda because of something ugly they were ashamed because they didn't realize that they were very different people so before that they lived under this makya of everything is one day broish that created the world it's all day versus creation I make a difference a tree a rock you meet it's all the same and that's why it's called a tenth as they developed the dust which they didn't have beef so now we know what is a woman's hunger she hungers for her husband now we understand what the mush Pia is if a husband is a mush Pia and a mush be as somebody who provides what is missing okay now we know what's missing the hunger already exists and a must be a response to the hunger so we started learning syphilis with a bail it was after years and years of not having any deference for for a beloved for it was wild from the first day when abhi L walked into the classroom it was a whole different experience we were we were shocked we discovered that we are telling them and we discovered what it means to actually learn to actually learn meaning that League yousa to actually learn meaning you're finding out what you always needed to know so it was it was a rush be out of a couple if a mafia would find out that after a year of hash poor everyday for a year if he would find that at the end of the year that the vaca boy was not really interested didn't get it didn't appreciate it if he's a real much beyond he would be devastated they will die from heartache because he put himself into the hash bar so deeply and so completely that to find out that it was not miss Coble that that the students did not get it or did not take it seriously he would be shattered but on the other hand the the Kabul a student who is a real student like the ideal perfect student who comes to the class or to the lesson whatever it is with a completely open mind and just wants to hear and learn and absorb and so on and is not hesitant and is not suspicious and he's not he's not being a hooker and he's not trying to come up with good caches and he just wants to be Makabe imagine if after a year of being so completely trusting and so completely absorbent he absorbed every word he heard imagine if after the year he finds out that the rush B ax was not sincere or the information was not exactly correct how devastated with Authority more than the Mafia more devastated than that than the Mafia when when the Mafia is devastated and why is that although the Mafia gives himself completely every ounce in a demetria nefesh he's completely thoroughly dedicated so I'm sorry he's not as vulnerable as the Talmud who trusts the must be because to be able to trust completely and let yourself dissolve into the into the into the lesson into the learning into the experience you leave yourself so vulnerable you made yourself so that if at the end the fight you find out that you were tricked or that you were whatever it is more devastating than than for the much p.m. so a wife has to be able to completely abandon herself completely not have to take care of herself because she has someone taking care of us I'm not talking about financially look emotional she takes on your name she becomes devoted to you wherever you go wherever your Palazzo takes you she's gonna follow she's giving up her life to be part of your life why would any sensible human being do such other these guys are getting married any woman who's gonna trust me I don't want her ready to do it her why would you do that so although she's being a monk come on the Kabul and the Kabul is a sensible yet you're hungry right so he said get what you need that's the premise the key aspect of the marriage and that is sensible but why would she do it why would she let herself be that vulnerable that's the maquis there's something bigger than her bigger than even her hunger and that's why she'll do it but in order for her to be able to do it she needs to have such total trust she has to be so confident in you she has to be so secure because if you're not secure how can you let go like a person learning to walk after being on crutches they're terrified without the crunch they're gonna fall how do you give such confidence that she would be not willing but able to completely relax and trust you absolutely and give up everything in her life give up herself so that's why it says into my mind that the husband has to provide Korea has to give care to must be asked to give care after the Kabul to be able to be recovered yeah so that's where the confusion comes in you're also a human being you have your own mind your own heart then your own problems so I'll take care of my problems you take care of your problems I'm the Busbee I'm doing a great job you're number Kabul you not do such a good job so if you can't be my Kabul well then you know find the solution if the Makabe can't be in the Makabe that's part of the mush Pierce job so in practical language well what is the must be a do to give Collier the bad deccan at the holiday whatever what does that mean in everyday life it means you have to provide such security that it enables her to completely surrender and not have to have any worrier or reservation that maybe she needs to take care of herself and if she can't give everything away to you that's like like rationally they should have a prenuptial agreement she should save something for herself like some women keep their family maiden name combination good I'll be misses you but also a little bit gonna keep a piece of myself too then then the whole thing doesn't work but that fact that she's not Maccabi you can't be Makabe partially can be half macabre either you are a hundred percent or you're not a hundred percent there's no little bit it can be a little bit macabre so how do you provide that kind of security so the first thing is your wife agrees to marry you because she feels she doesn't know for sure but she feels she could follow you your life your thinking your cereal use your your she's oppressed and she's willing to support you and follow you wherever you go whatever you do the more confidence you give her in what you stand for what you want what you're the more she has to look up to the easier it will be for her to be Lovato herself and to surrender completely and be amicable feel like a woman and that's why every woman wants a guy stronger than her a smarter than her more capable than her because if she's going to give herself away meaning her Spurs seho and her talents and her are going to become secondary or even ignored if necessary because she is there to support you and earth why would she do that because she really respects and admires what you are if she loses that respect it becomes very different because if she loses respect she loses the security but she's not sure why she's doing this and as soon as she's not sure she stops being like oh because the only way you can be macabre is if you're a hundred percent secure so we have to be careful not to disappoint to live up to her expectations that's one of the things that is hardly ever spoken about in all the marriage advice columns and all the books and all the which you should not read it's so how do you vote yeah you should not beat those books but of all the things that they thought about respect hardly ever because the assumption of the philosophy is if you love each other that takes care of everything you need respectful shut up I love you but I need to respect you also the respect is much more important than the love first of all because you don't really love something you don't respect so if the respect goes love those practical how someone can lose their respect know the natural tendency once you're married and you're getting comfortable with each other you kind of slip a little bit thinner so you're not so say not so thoughtful so you're not so polite so married to you she's got to put up with you and listen if you're in a bad mood - you're in a bad mood if you're lazy you're not gonna now you're trying once you're married people get a little sloppy I can't you can't do that and that on the contrary the longer you're together the more the more good things you should find in you not less so you don't you don't become careless or insensitive so you have to think like this ten years from now is she still gonna be impressed with it yeah there'll be some disappointment on him let's let's be realistic she'll be disappointed that you're not this you know bad but the main thing that she respects you you will grow yep that lets her be in the couple can I get you a whole tier values of your whole tier and primarily when it comes to intimacy where it's so easy to get careless and selfish lower your standards if it's neither's and whatever there you have to be really careful Sania's was not invented for girls and basically they think this news was invented for husbands and wives and it's news that we asked that we demand of buckram and those girls that's only Sheila's that's that that's just preparation the main the main importance in the main role excuses between husband and wife so if you lower your standards you're losing something you're losing a little bit of her respect and that's the beginning of a foxy that's a bad news so what happened but let's finish the description I theta says an extra cross session what is that sugar what you want she wants to talk to you she wants you to stay home with her what exactly does she want of course all of those things what is the main because other Mahathir were created as one person softer than a cave above a sea and then they got separated that separation leaves an emptiness a feeling of emptiness and that creates the hunger because the one of the differences between a mushy and the macabre you can be a macabre or there's no much beer in other words you can be hungry when there's no food in fact when there's no food you get hungry you can't be on my spear when there's no McConnell in other words there can be a catcher without a tenant's there can't be a tennis without akasha well what do you answer it so you can't be a mush be aware there's no Makabe so you say I'm a mush beer but there's no one around to Beaver cobble so I'm hungry where much beer what do you how do you get hungry so for the Mafia they got separated from the macabre the experience is not one of yearning or of hunger it's one of uselessness what good am i if I can't be much B at anybody so what was what was a drummer V knows discomfort there was no one around to be much be offensive so he was hungry hungry he felt he felt useless so both the man and the woman suffer from the separation because it's not natural to be separate what's natural is that a human being should be a male and a female should be one person that's why although was created that way the separation left them both missing something but in different ways he is missing like a MASH spear feels without a macabre and she is missing like a macabre feels without a mushroom so part is its desire just not considered chucko it's not a yearning it's a huge difference in the mentality of men and women it's like Adam is feeling what am I doing here why am I in this world it's not a hunger it's not he has a need on the contrary he he doesn't and that feels terrible what am I here for what is that feeling involved that I need nobody needs me it's the opposite feeling when a man starts complaining that he's not getting what he needs his he's identified against a female is he's being fluid in his identity so when our husband says she has needs I also have needs so I have two women that's nice so there's a very different drive the Makabe is real to begin with and is missing something so so there's a hunger the mafia is not real to begin with because house-poor makes no sense when there's no Makabe so you can't you can't be a frustrated mafia I got frustrated there but nobody wants to be as positive see you later' Deborah don't you know take a hint and get and get off the subject you can deliver diameter by just not have to desire to be be a much yeah why because you feel like nothing that I am well however there but we are my the cobbler we're here know if you have Nova cobble but you're a nothing okay it doesn't feel good to be a nothing but that is the artisan mafia is completely see us shreya she brings it out in him yeah how you like differentiate that between atomic people meatiness or overly dependent or oh yeah is that the same so if again if you should ever feel me don't say you're much be really emotionally or whatever whatever it is to your much be a your the Makabe not to your wife maybe that's why era women can say is the bra for that they make they can stay show us on each ear training I am a finished product exactly the way they were still wants now where's my much fear but a man can't say I'm a much beer Sonique it's a night no you're not so you can only say show Lewis on the issue but Irish beer you're not yet to change up the manager there's more to give know the image that didn't make you a much better show a or sunny because when you're not much be is nothing so in a sense you're more you're more dependent on her than she was thank you because she's only dependent for hirschbaum you're dependent for your whole existence you're a total nothing without her so the Nexus Tucker says and it seems love was like a joke but it's such a medley badger says the a bush that said to have Oh Ellie shave trucco say which sounds like a curse because she's gonna desperately run around looking for a husband what happened to play long when men found out that a wife yearns for her husband every man runs looking for a wife so who's more desperate so we see from it that the Makabe hunger of the macabre actually is irresistible to a rush p.m. when men hear that women [Music] but that's true with every a teacher who finds out that a student who really wants to know all of a sudden he becomes a real teacher it opens up all the solution but a teacher walks into a classroom and they're all to cross on they don't want to be there how could he teach so that but I'll leave that yes a bit cool makes a lot of sense how much they said be cool that seems like pick a number for her ten percent thirty percent eighty percent what does it mean yay simply cool it's not more on the percentage from my from I have a term I got 50 percent of it not without the Talmud you're nothing at all so yes and we cool what made me into it into a mash pl my toffee do so the first thing is that when it comes to intimacy you have to be the lush beer which means that at least on the surface you set the tone you make the decisions everything happens because of you the panini is it's all happening because of her but the Gil we begin we you're the man you're in control you're responsible it's your lit so everything's you so you have to be you have to be the man and that's I think where where it's a little bit dangerous because you know when it comes to the appetite when it comes to hunger is there really such a difference between men and women remain as hungry or a woman is hungry do you see a difference so it becomes very easy or very natural for the man to want to become them the macabre as his hunger the truth is its subtle but it's very true there is a difference between the woman's hunger and a man's hooker like for example a mother and the father the father comes in hungry he's hungry a mother is hungry first she makes food for the kids it's a different kind of Hunger the hunger doesn't blind her from others on the contrary when she's hungry she makes food for everybody when a man is hungry it's just give me my food finish me tracking I have no time I have no patience it shouldn't be the other way he should want to give until it comes to his time constant all right when it comes to history almost suddenly he's he's the macabre no suddenly he's needy that's why men have to watch my advice way that women don't have to because what a man heats becomes completely selfish I'm not hungry nobody's hungry whereas with a woman when she's hungry and eats doesn't take away her her sensitivity to other people's hunger so she doesn't have to watch my my thing so what is what is the right attitude of the right I think that a she says that when a husband and wife are together it should be you a coffee shed yeah so people think it means that you should not really want to and you should feel like you're being forced that's not a healthy attitude it's not good for the children I think I think that she says you work off-leash ed means miss Cavell homicide thank you carvanha is that she should have happened that's called the Mafia so the trick is that in in the moment when you have your strongest either don't forget to be the mush beer don't become the mikado and if that's true in the bedroom then it will carry over to everything else in the house you'll be the mushroom if in the bedroom it's not and the roles are lost your identity is confused so what are you supposed to think of the little bit I haven't gone to class kinder which is a little I getting ahead of yourself and I like you lie even married yet you're thinking about the kid that already but that's a much fear thinking about the kids what about the kids so you can see it's it's a time when the when a sultan when you're told well your two is more likely to be accepted so you should be Miss Powell that you should have good kids it's a plan so this what kind of children do you want to have of course everybody wants good kids so they're hoping you should be Miss Powell what my kids should all be good don't lose an opportunity you're getting married there's a plan there's an intention there's a future you're developing well what's the future so under the hopper is not your misspelled for good kids you fought your focus you imagined and you envision in your mind what a good kid is stop good what kind of children do you want and why do you have to do it under the hood because the test to a great extent how the children will turn out is starting now under the hood you say it starts from from when you go to Heder but but practically speaking it's starting now how you're going to make children how you're going to have children will determine what kind of truth are there going to be so you envision good children means to say you're going to do what it takes to have healthy good children and what does it take it takes up much PLM acabo not to recover and not too much beer there's a story that I heard when I was just after Bar Mitzvah that to make a long story short the cuts cadet who was seemed to be completely withdrawn separate didn't come out of his room for many years but lapel he knew has said that very very thoroughly and they was asked him how well do you know your son they saw how well he those accidents they said how well do you know your son so he said my son I know with which thoughts I invited him into this world in other words I know my son from before he was myself that's what happens on the open under the hood man you decide what kind of a father you're going to be and that begins before the child is born so how you behave in the bedroom that's what kind of a father you are and not only when the pregnancy happens it's a it's a it's a general theme so in consideration of having healthy good children the attitude that you're really not interested in being intimate and you're being forced by a shed that would not make a children terrible truth [Music] they say within reason he says why would why was shaver Dhruva but why did they settle outside the village Cicero not humanity so evilly added so that ezel says because when grooving was conceived Yaakov thought that he was with Russell and he was really with Lana so because there was something a little bit off in the mash beyond the couple because the Mafia has to be much beer to the Metabo he was thinking of Russell while he was being much be at the lair so the result was ruling and the result is that there's something lacking obsidian shaver druvan can't be in edit season that's pretty serious huh it's a mystery lover that my look says over oven my wealthy over Haiti I'm a same thing he's govern America saying I can't I can't be perfect I can't be because of in Haloti I cannot look at you sure what'll happen with Russia other kinda what kind of oven same thing he had two wives and the night that dove it was conceived he thought it was the other way so the so the marsh over the intention the awareness of everything every detail in the making of the baby has an effect if if the attention is completely lacking or if the intention is completely wrong the you're gonna see it in the baby so it can't be that you should feel like you're being forced and that's why I'll be dill if you're angry if you're angry at your wife you're not allowed to be into because if a baby should be born it's gonna it's gonna be troubled baby certainly if if a husband intends to divorce his wife decided to divorce his wife he can't he's not allowed to be infinitely very that's why he has to move out of the house immediately because if a child is born the child will be a Bend guru shall live which means a very disturbed kid also not allowed to be intimate if you're not focused you're a little bit tricker if you're half asleep if they're nine nine circumstances where you're not allowed because it's not good for the baby if one of you is Hayden happens very often these days well so why a woman is not allowed to beat available path why that's nice not nice it's much more than that if she has to beat a thereby pair then she becomes the Mafia so she has to let you know that she's Makabe but she can't become too much beer she shouldn't so it's a it's an art it's a talent it's a Televisa how can you be completely available to her Mozgov alejandro saw while at the same time all the laws of sneers and all the men hug him that he was supposed to do before and after ice are you gonna be mechanical and just follow the rules or are you gonna be personal and bhima hvala Hadassah it's a little tricky here and that's why you have to have to prepare that's awesome so I once heard from the US it was said to his nephew at the wedding real little middle our wedding he said to have are you a lot closer there was not you and if you said what myth mahasin are you gonna start preaching to me what are you doing what I'm asking you are you a customer starting is it what does it have to do well the sudden he said because the difference between a faucet and the Messiah is that a mistake it is very serious about the two weeks that you're not allowed to be together of course it is very serious about the two weeks that you are allowed to be together so I'm asking you are you such a difference like what is the difference the two weeks that you're not allowed to be together doesn't take any brains no there's no heart it won't any saiful you don't need this you don't need anything but the two weeks that you are together this is this is a whole disaster after know what you're doing how you doing why are you doing what for that you need a hunger for that you need it okay so it was not get too serious with bring you're not allowed how not allowed that doesn't take any sake but when you are allowed I think the feeder get ever said this one and I miss like it is very good at fasting plus it knows how to eat really need more sales on fasting doesn't take any cycle but when it comes to eating you have to know what to eat how to eat when to eat much to eat so what is the purpose of the intimacy so today this is after other Mahavir were separated the posix says how king yas officious over this you may dove on but each day what are you the boss out what is whole kini if you want to understand what is the attraction of men and women say mm okay because you were once the young person then you got separated that's that's what you're missing that's why you need to be thus an effort because originally you were so what is the purpose what is the the need for the boss at home for the man for the woman we understand which is hungry what's a fair man the man is alkane Yossef ish because what what do you need you're not hungry what you need is to become Ellen again because it's not natural to be separate which tells us another thing if if it's not natural to be separate then the separation is caused by something because if you will left to your nature you would be one like other ones so if there's a separation then something is separated so how do you fix that obviously take away the cause and then you don't have to do anything so if you take away what's separating you then you're automatically one that's I think the meaning a valley of the devil if there's a something that's keeping you from becoming one if you can get to where laid over if you can get past everything well if there's no thing between you then you are one then your net your nature will assert itself and you will be one take away whatever is separating you and you will become like us so what is this thing that is separating them yeah everything everything and that's why I've a shame the three of the daughters this is let me show us had hidden this amid the specifics to get past all things meaning you're not marrying her for something anything including love because that's a thing you can have two people who do love each other people two people who don't love it so the love is a thing so what if you're not marrying for something then why are you marrying to become whatever you're supposed to try to get to this awareness before mine for to drop all the dollars before yeah so again going from being from being separate from from dating to marriage when you're dating all you care about are things every little thing about her and that's correct that's that's what dating is all about otherwise you get married over the telephone hello what's your name let's get married why why you date why do you go out to check all the things and when all the things look good to use a good okay I'm gonna marry so are you marrying things that's what you're marrying like when a husband says I love everything about my wife that's very nice do you love your wife if you asked the average guy say yeah you love everything about your wife what do you love your wife you know what he's gonna say what about her not about her do you love her I love everything about her he doesn't even see the difference between things and her the her you love us our effort means nothing just two people with nothing in between if there's nothing in between the your effort and you can come and it's not this sounds more like not being accepted and this sounds like giving something to her it's not the only way of doing like not you not me because if you ever have one to Europe your hello and you're straining thing titled completely separate people so making the switch here your focus completely on themes and that's why you're marrying her now you're getting married and all things happen so the way to look at it is like this I've actually a bit over means you went out with this girl you like everything about her so you marry all those things that's how I've actually a bit over won't be devoted then there's an average shamefully of the devil that comes after you're married before you marry you can't have it once you're married it's an Amish in the ploy of the government because now all you want is hurt so if in the end all you want is her why'd you check out all those things you made a list this I want that a couple of girls you said no to because she doesn't have this and she didn't have that the way to think about it is I want to check out everything about her because if something about her is really uncomfortable to me I won't be able to get to her I'll be stuck I won't be able to become boss an effort because this thing really annoys me and it could be the smallest baddest guy but if it annoys you it prevents you from becoming busted ever anything so when the buffer calls and says I'm going out with this girl and I'm ashamed to tell you but this little knowledge guide bothers me what should I do go marry oh oh with this knowledge guy yeah but but it's such a petty group any person either if it bothers you it bothers you it shouldn't it shouldn't that you should have thought about 10 years ago it does bother use of a barrier why because you're gonna get stuck on it so the reason you check out all the things and you love everything about your life is so that you could get past all those things and get to her and become but why you hood is a good thing the whole purpose of the hope my cigarette is one platter that's where it has the caffeine safe to create how does the list so to speak effect with the fact that the Zohar is much better he needs to see me kill meets his wife to be as I to be as I those are things why does he need her so you can meet things but not meet but the need for things is not ever the hunger that a woman has for a husband that's her temper that's her a guy wants a card that's him yeah that is constantly washing his car so how do you get past all things I think one of the the main messages of all the specifics which is all of time the image that created the world because although he had everything he was not satisfied with things you want to get past all things and have someone because without that you don't understand why the a Brewster who was already PO y'all and bleed roll inane save and flavors for whistle decay wa and so on and so forth where to create a world so that episodes many often many answers were offered why they create the world a MELAS booyah when did he become a Noah that's not a good explanation in on the level of Malthus in the act of creation the aam becomes important because a Mel of Belaya when did he become a melon or the other the godless famous cafe so all of a sudden has to be makalah to whom to what or what is that there's Gilead there's and there's Helen no there isn't that itself is created why did he create that tavarov what hated without a toy was created it's all part of creation so none of those explanations really tell you why David said there is a creator of the world out of cussin he created it because of acid all over my shaft Olivia say along with me this have been no saint I love the sky initiative in many meters are laughing so he didn't create it for the HESA they didn't create it for the governor he created it with her but why so the outer that bhisma gala this deep dark secret that the real answer is in the medallist that says 'no Sabich of the road so the way to understand that is how does something that is perfect have a thing what's missing so the convenient answer is if I pay the second cut okay the sift answer all right no but that's true that's um yeah but what does it mean it means I don't know they can't know the question is not how can he have a favor the question is what could he possibly have a favor for when he hair it if he is labels of the cola so far the part of his Labor's is that he can even have a title but for what the desert island if you have everything including a diver what is your thing before the answer is for nothing for someone there's a difference between needing wanting something or needing or wanting someone if you need something that's a steal to perfection how can how can sliggoo sliggoo cola be missing something and even if you say I don't know of a time for a concussion it's not an answer [Music] how can he be perfect and want something yeah fingers in caches if that was the answer we would have gotten to that ten years ago and stop learning to this because stuff goes off I don't know this is a thought process for after marriage would say when something comes up something comes up that maybe you don't like but once you focus on to someone you don't cover something anymore yeah it is it is a desperate need but it's not a student to perfection why if I'm perfect and all I need is for you to exist in addition to me imagine if I can't have it no I can't have what am I missing what does it mean that I am missing someone else separated us but when I look if we were get ready existed the odds Missy so if he didn't decide to separate us from him and he wouldn't want us because we were already there so like it was it's the state of the way not one that we were already there we didn't exist so I guess in the narrative of other macabre wasn't that there's an of them created as two and was separate or want to get back but there was only one half so to speak her there was only one met mind no no it doesn't make sense we were we were one and separated but if they were stir well if there's only a verse no so there's no either way of much beyond a common wanting the other it is different of course obviously but then the could that is the a broish there wasn't perfect in himself but he was missing so if I need someone and I can't have that someone what am I missing Jordan is Shaylee is why would I miss you there doesn't make any sense whatsoever oh you're only in potentially so all the descriptions of the a burst of being who live at the who that's the problem that's not that compliment thinking that was the mahkumat serve that he did not like what was missing not what who Paris if you want to ask the question correctly you can't say what did they burst to create the world for you're wrong already he didn't create the world for what he created the world for which now it won't make so much more sense what is the first commentary the first Peters and the word bodacious basu the shrewdest no they're not not what for who for that's your me the media quick variations born for who ha ha you stole the coloration so they wish that didn't create the world for a watt he created the world for you and that's not a student to perfection maybe the opposite the only time you can really care about someone else is when you're perfect because when you're not perfect you still want things if you want things you're not going to connect to her so how do you get past all things you become perfect either the pale blue pale or in your own mind testify that that you're perfect or it means I don't want to be perfect the mayor I'm already perfect if I don't need anything that I'm perfect so sometimes I'm perfect because I don't need anything and sometimes because I don't need anything I'm perfect so once I stop caring about things I'm perfect isn't that a struggle still it's a Manliness like a man doctor which way shows once more that's that gave whispers means he's a mush piya doesn't mean he wants to grab everything he sees no as a spire yeah to take to take responsibility I'm saying we were saying before that he created the world for someone and he was saying that there wasn't just seem so how can you say that all I want is you there is no you so if you say he was just seeing these like he separates himself another is he you it sounds a little like like what sounds nice about if I created the whole world just to have you but there wasn't there you is how does that look at it the other way male if there's a man and a woman the man wants the woman okay she's there sir he wants her she wasn't they forget about her when the a Brewster we weren't even there and he wanted it so badly he actually created us out of nothing so for cared the time as he was stronger the main thing that is I think five minutes Natasha the main thing is the main thing is he was not satisfied being himself so then the question is how do you fix it okay so in the human being you go online you Google somebody my neighbors there you have to actually create it but look create someone else that's what the fear the means why do we have to everything because if we don't have the fear that's that's somebody else and is our Bushido real it's absolutely real so are we really somebody else yeah we're really somebody else but what's the the goal the goal is that this somebody else should become one with you regular busted-up so what is the effective effective additional cash that sounds a little silly I want a car why but that was recommissioned I should just give it a car fragmenting Cassius it's a Taser so it's not my favorite - please it's not little my little bit down so - it's a little matter of the town for that I've had a Mackenzie friggin concussion because you shouldn't have the tyrant cut it out better but then there's a tiger for such a famous recognition can cash it because the time there is bigger than the cash my cash is only up you say four so fine doesn't make it doesn't make sense but the Tigers are tired so it's the my Lovett town for - that LaMotte over Tampa - man so what is the my limit on the does the my limit on the gas is if you're not missing anything and you are perfect versatility is somebody else they need somebody else that doesn't make any sense thus fell deal somebody who's not you you're missing someone who isn't you so in the secular thinking and the veldt issue thinking anything you want is because you need it if you didn't need it that why would you be interested here we're saying that biggest Tyva of all is to have someone who is not you that doesn't make sense that's the way it is and in a sense this is the say say you were a truce what do we know about answers that's that's lamella metalman socialism element I know that he had this title that being perfect is not enough that's a Lucas - Lucas bomber that you are not enough for yourself no matter how perfect you are just shine you ask me that doesn't make sense shiny lots me everything's great I live on an island that's my Island I do what I want more money on me so that that to lure that instinct that even when I want nothing I want someone that's not me and I let a marry your sister why not is the most comfortable the most sensible the most reasonable thing to do you grew up together you understand each other but no DAF gasps stranger so that table doesn't make any sense and I've done that IV there's no crashes and where do we get this from because we are a failure kill it it's the last other bits all may know so we have this tool also but it's it's it's a Lucas it's not human now everything gets turned around once she is your wife and you have become Vasa a-huntin now everything about her becomes important so if a man would say I love my wife and I love everything about her that would be perfect because the reason he loves everything about her is because she's her because of who she is in somebody else he wouldn't care about these things well you shopkins said to this guy have a sugar for you oh but she is not the most beautiful I said that's okay but really you don't care no I'm not marrying her doesn't bother me every woman that walks by bothers me something hey but not if you're my wife so once she is your wife everything becomes important but not because it's a thing but because it's worth so what is a burst of one the investor wants to have you does he care for it's a dick him or bailing him not really once he is patient in hidden now all of a sudden why aren't you attacking that I need Siddiqui in so doctor marketer but you're a Jew of you're a Jew yeah I want you be attack why because you're Miami different so that is looking for sáááty camp is looking for you and what does he want from you everything he wants everything everything about you you're come under your your lack of governor every everything becomes important in Jefferson City what's more important the act of the Mitzvah of the color it's a cute question what's important is they eat and his coven and his act of a mitzvah they were both important but what's really important he's a boy so being casual benka 118 where's that mean it's not about things it's about so you can take the statement Sutton said hey lavell lived every deserter and neighbor she said bang cattle and other other Malakand said no neighbor she said two different we argue they are a bit of a desert not they would have a designer what's a different vein Kahoot banker boy oh so it's okay so okay have a veggie salad no why is it not okay because your injury so what's gonna happen with Michigan's when mushiya comes we're going to discover the time look that the a barista has from you not because of Toyota and not because of maxwell's just because of you in other words we will finally be married when all the focus was on the mixers whether it's a leak or not that was like Davy so boss shelters came along and said loves up a Jewess terrific even I used pushing and you have to love every Jew even to Russia all of a sudden what happened to me 4000 years the focus was he doing it in I doing it the let us know you're not it was it was a revolution they each brush it is precious for what for what he'll do Cheever no no no not for what somebody told me that you know you think the Satmar never was not a Navy slow passenger there was a sacrifice that we gave a lot of money to make kosher meals for people in hospitals we're way back and he came to the dead bird to shop very liberal with a problem that the gun thrilled Jews they see the meals that they bring to the they also won so what'd she do spent money on the South never said he's in the hospital yeah so he's worried he's stopping he's doing trivet nice so the guy says see just like just like the bomber there was a little slight little difference if the guy told you Buffet ders that he's not doing true so what's the difference the difference is is that about something or is it about something the tricky thing is if it's about someone then everything is important so that gets a little confusing so look so things are important they're gonna pick especially when you say that first so who asked who asked this question ritual comes first banish a zip code so I was referring to but that is not speaking about like you referred to his shop says at least it was some hot sauce unless it's like what that's what that means 7:10 yeah Mitzvahs where is the greatness of literacy mitzvahs are fostered it's anatomically butterfly I'm out there why your day everybody so told him then it talks about the shovel the Jew said some of the Jews that image that because where there might even come from all over my show us how a second the difference is if you take a look I remember example in one and one of them it says who are you they ever will have fathers who know who my father who are they a fool there's a very subtle difference whether the the idea comes before the mother the father come before they there but either way it's not versatile but that's talking about in this shop that's not to tighten the TAVR is not from the show me sister beta is for try year which is an ashram of the goof because once you so much talk about in the genre he has division you're saying the tablet wasn't for someone specific because there wasn't there was nothing else besides him right the time it wasn't for someone because there was nothing besides me there wasn't anything other than him so it wasn't for someone it was more for him not to be or a someone for a someone who whoever that happens to be it's like when a bug wants to get married he's not once I just want to get married to her usual circumstance he wants to get married and then that happens have the name and a face and a family and all that it's just that that desire for someone else not someone specific so let me say you saw us looking should we pull the HOD it sounds like there is someone specific there is it you stroll okay if it's that's bad someone than how does that it would be first specific summer that's the same is true of the you are two halves of the same the show huh but not to the man that's all that's all in when you say this they burst it was perfect I listened like okay so I'm so I'm okay who else there's nobody else yeah what nobody if there's got to be somebody else oh sorry it reminds me every time I hear it well at the end of giving out down whatever would always say anybody else he already gave out thousands get that could say so whatever would never say no anybody else to sell the goose some saying it's everybody else there's always an L someone else missing is never enough of someone else doesn't show you that's that's a lady my zoo us that such as my Yogi's who else who else the zoo face I didn't in Sam Mackey never enough of else what else who's Susan Shaw because it's not it wasn't specifically for someone else that's a shovel oh cool hive is either the qivana that it should be cool huh or cool Ahad means soft sauce that would be cool huh but it has to be a full hog with someone else so first there has to be the separation so is it since the Kavala is cooler than bad SEM it is already cool aha again you can say the same thing about marriage all the fellas are really one big neshama so what time in addition to the fact that every everything Sharma gets divided male and female all the summers are one we're all married to each other I will repel in the world of other which is what counts the most so you never want to explain what is it what is it simple summarization except some additional means hunger Hunger he wish to create it a hunger and into that hunger vital calves of the Spirit is a limit some use the same song this tear that he uses is some sort of mastitis say I'd say since his father never told his doctor that symptoms like a vacuum it's under the drawers in other words that symptom is munching the curve so the calf becomes a much beer and it Simpsons The Mikado then what component doesn't recover so welcome pulled it doesn't mean nothing's happening what compounding means so if you want you can call your wife citizen possibly that's the shot that when the world becomes what it's supposed to be is Asia to save us gather the mile of the macabre power of The Mikado because big you Lee it seems like the must be it does everything man does everything it's his house it's a sort of name it's his family it's his Miller gets everything is him and and he and darkly surely sure everything is him that's big you but take that in any spot off huh yep you
Channel: Chassidus with Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 6,478
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Manis Friedman, Manis Friedman, 11213.org, 11213org, Chabad Chassidus, Chabad, Chassidus, Tanya, Kabbalah, Torah, Daily Study, Judaism, Jewish Thought, Jewish
Id: Th91IVcSm50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 52sec (6172 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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