JLI Course: What Is? Class #1- Is The World Real?

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there are fundamental questions of course that we do need to rethink and and they're they're fundamental which means at least necessary fundamental the question whether the world is real which is the first course what's the difference isn't it possible that the world is not real we just imagine that it's real it's all an illusion yeah and if all there is is this illusion and that's all there is so what do you want to do so the question is like pointless yeah it's all an illusion you think you're upset you think you're having fun yeah okay fine so so stop having fun wife but then again it may be real okay so it's real you know a lot of a lot of philosophical issues on discussions are like that right so there's a famous story about as a scientific conference where these great scientists came and they all offered their theories and one guy had a theory that at a certain moment in middle of the night the entire universe doubles in size and everybody got excited about the theory and they were debating it and arguing it and so on and so forth and then at the end of this heavy debate the guy who started it he got up and said excuse me this was just a little joke because if the entire universe doubles what's the difference if it's all still purporting it okay so this is twice the size it was yesterday so is the table so it so so what it's an exercise in futility when it's like nonsense but what if it does double yeah what if it does so what if this whole thing is in illusion well then that's what then that's what life is it's an illusion you know like don't want what are you gonna go if it's all there is that's pretty significant like what choice do you have yeah well I quit oh yeah we go what are you going this is all there is anyway yeah it turns out that the question of whether the universe is real or imaginary is a holic Torah issue and that's the only difference the only reason the question is relevant at all is because the tailor says that you're not allowed to create illusions no magic well but if everything is an illusion you're not allowed to add to the illusion now another thing we need to preface there's a difference between illusion and incorrect I guess a 2 + 2 is 5 is that an illusion no it's just wrong it's not like I imagined that 2 + 2 is 5 no I added it up and it came out 5 so I must be doing something wrong so if I have a wrong opinion that's not the same as an illusion then there's also the effect of the mind on your emotions on your body on on your perception of the world the role that the brain plays in in our and our understanding of the world that's also not an illusion in the strict sense of the word so for example I'm frightened because I think there's a boogeyman under the bed so I break out in a sweat and I get very nervous and I'm trembling that's an illusion there's an illusion that there's a boogeyman under the bed but but the physical symptoms are not an illusion the mind does that to the body when the mind says there is something to be afraid of the body reacts with terror so for example and he uses the example here in the end of text the placebo effect I give you a pill it's nothing but sugar and and you feel better say it's an illusion no it's not an illusion you feel better it's not an illusion that you feel better the illusion is that you think I gave you medicine I didn't they just gave you sugar which is better than medicine but so why do you feel better because your brain is saying okay now we're better so the body calms down or feels better but that's the psychosomatic effect it's not an illusion in fact if we could heal ourselves strictly by placebo we would be the healthiest people in the world so if you can convince yourself that you're healthy you will be healthy not an illusion the trick is I gave you what seems to be medicine and that convinced you that you're getting better story that's supposed to describe silliness and immaturity some guy walks out of a shtetl and he's laughing hysterically and they say what's so funny he says I had the whole town fool I fooled them all I had them all yeah what would you do I told my name is Yankel it's not it's not he had them all fooled so he created an illusion for all of them not an illusion just wrong information so the word illusion that needs to be understood more more precisely ok let's see if we really want to know whether the world is real versus imaginary or illusion ooh illusionary the place to look for an answer of course is restless there are answers in in philosophy and Jewish philosophy but those answers are philosophical which means it still leaves room for debate whereas when classless gives an answer it's an answer it's it's conclusive what do we know about the world so the first thing we know about the world is voracious border aleikum you have that text I think you might know it by heart bodacious bodily chemists are shamayim vasanas if you want to know whether the world is real the tightest ends in the beginning to a broish that created the world so if Taylor says then it's real so I tell you this saying that they burst had created a world say he created something the question is what did he create an illusion that would be a creation who is having this illusion maybe the whole world is an illusion well whose illusion yours you are having an illusion so are you real or are you just the met an imaginary creature imagining that it's having an imagination it's becoming ridiculous so even if you perceive the world as an illusion you are real because you're the perceiver not the perception and you are real but cannot see reality this is so tortured thinking you know so when the tailor says bodacious Bora aleikum it means that he created a heaven and on earth not the illusion of a heaven and on earth however there are so many places in taiga and particularly facet us where we are told the opposite pata her a solid ASCII Hashem who Ellie Kim Ain aid malvada it is such an important concept in Thailand particularly in facilities that there is nothing besides Hashem meaning that the world is not real so the day wish to create a world a real world or is the world not real this is where we we have a significant discussion it's not that the world is imaginary it's that there is no world it's very different because Ain lead means there is nothing else not even an illusion because the whole point is that the a brush that is the only well if there's an illusion well that's not him so there is something besides him so if they brush that created a world that is an illusion that then yes eight not a maid okay now he goes into a discussion of what is the difference between reality and perception [Applause] what would be a good example of an illusion versus reality that is not an illusion no and doesn't know what's gonna happen tomorrow it's really scary mice an illusion it's like it's like you live in California and you're terrified of earthquakes whoa yeah that's not no yeah okay if you have the illusion that there's going to be an earthquake tomorrow that would be an illusion but if you're worried that there might be you're right okay and what would be the reality in contrast to that illusion that there's not gonna be an earthquake tomorrow okay so today is more real than tomorrow yeah so any projection would be an illusion yes any prophecy would be an illusion I guess [Music] you know like dreaming that you live in Hollywood so if you're a legend in your own mind I have an interesting question where does illusion come from what what creates a lute okay there are of course illusions even if the world is real what what is an illusion and where does it come from and what why do we do that why do we have illusions entertain every uh-huh a bad memory or a good memory wishful thinking meaning create something that makes if I can use the word sense to us or helps us through the day that makes a lot of sense if I imagine that I'm safe because I can't stand being insecure makes perfect sense it's my survival instinct but what about the opposite well everything is secure and you're in the under the illusion that everything is not secure and you're cracking up about it why would you do that to yourself if you do it to yourself okay so now tell me what is the difference between imagination and illusion meaning and imagination and you can make the best movies I think the difference might be imagination means I know I'm imagining illusion means I don't know that I'm alluding was such a word like that I'm illusion Inc in other words eat in imagination you know it's imagination when you're under an illusion you think it's real so there's this classical which may be relevant a little further on there's a guy in Russia and the bad days he wanted to get out he was desperate to get out of Russia and there was no way until he hit on a plan there's a train that goes from Moscow to Switzerland and it has a refrigerated car which once they closed they don't open until it arrives in Switzerland because they don't want to they don't want to warm up the car so once they lock it in in Moscow they don't open it until they get all the other cars getting inspected so he decided that he is going to smuggle himself into the refrigerated car the freezer car and get out of Russia he was a scientist so he calculated how long can a person survive in a sealed car there's no air his calculations told him that he could just about make it it'll be difficult he might die but then again he might make it and it's worth the risk anyway he smuggled himself into the car and when they when they arrived in Switzerland they opened the car he was dead but they saw on the Sun the wall of the car where he kept a record of his condition like short of breath hard to breathe can hardly breathe by the hour he checked it off and then by the time they got there he was dead the really strange thing was that he went into the wrong car it was not sealed the car was not sealed there was a year nope all in his mind twelve hours yeah so his brain killed him right is that an illusion I don't know if we could call it an illusion it was a miscalculation given the the assumption that the car is sealed so it wasn't sealed so it's simply a mistake not an illusion so if somebody oh I thought I locked the door I didn't oh I'm sorry uh you had an illusion that you locked the door no you thought you did and you didn't so illusion has to have some element of fantasy or disconnected from from reality but a mistake in reality not an illusion is it you're imagining things no you miscalculated based on his calculation he followed the logic and died because he logically should die so again it's a psychosomatic effect but the brain is not imaginary the brain is real and it has a real effect on your body that's why miss information is rheostat illusion what can be more dangerous so not knowing the reality is more dangerous than having a good imagination because like you said why do we have illusions to protect ourselves from the harshness or the difficulties of life but if you have misinformation you're not protected you're not protecting you're just in trouble because somebody gave you bad information so it's interesting what does it say to say about illusion you're not allowed to mislead a person right with naive elicited missile if somebody asks you which way on the road or which in the fork of the road which road leads to Rome and you give him the wrong one that's illusion but it's not allowed which means the world is not in the illusion because if it was an illusion now what's the difference between I mislead you now I didn't it's all an illusion so if misleading a person is a sin it means that there is a reality and you mislead but if it's all illusion so it's the difference you're not allowed to lie what do you mean the whole thing's a lie there's nothing true so what what do you mean you can't lie our whole existence is a lie so it's another lie okay so about misleading if it's a sin with naive illicit initial organ a Vaz das when you give wrong information its gravis das and it's a sin but why would it be a sin if everything is an illusion anyway so you distorted the truth there is no truth it's called it's all in the Majan asian so you see there is a truth and if you deny it word or or miss miss inform leading people away from the truth that's a sin yeah right so what if in your illusion you give the wrong information what what makes it wrong another thing if the world is an illusion then our morality is also an illusion right and wrong how could you do that do what so an illusion so if the world was an illusion we wouldn't have the right to be morally upset or moral indignation where happening you had the wrong delusion I supposed to have that illusion you're supposed to have this illusion there would be no morality no we wouldn't be able to take it seriously so we would have an illusion of morality that's as getting crazy nonsense all right so what is that what is our definition of reality it means that the world does not really exist I didn't get but it's a good idea to explain it I said this explains that what does it mean created God created the world what does create me we can do this with every word not in the air in the dictionary what does create me great right that's the conflict create means cause to exist an artist creates a work of art that's not boda in fact there's a text for it let's take a look and skipped a little puzzle there with the shadows it's text 7 you have that page 14 yeah yeah text 7 he's quoting from from the Ramban hakadosh baruj Oberoi Cole Han areum May official Miletus Davis that created the world from absolute nothingness the a net sleigh mobile rush not a dish but he saw us I yesh May ayan Ella lotion butter we have no other way to describe creation than to say butter which means something from nothing so when you say bodacious butter God created you have to add as if it's a commentary created something from nothing but really the word bara means something from nothing so what does butter mean caused to exist because before he caused it to exist it didn't exist it's almost like what did God create by a mesh very metallic in me he already here God created light that's not the real meaning of create relations border the key message a man without it waha uhlet's hi so tell you who and the earth was dark the earth which earth when the hashem say let there be on earth or water Viru ecology america fess up Nahum I am where did they wish to say let there be water he said let the water separate but where he saying let there be war so before the ambush the segi he aid there was already earth there was darkness there was water one would one of those things created so the madras says the word bodacious is an instruction for earth and water and a and air and darkness to exist so the real creation was before the a burst has said you hear it so what is he here illuminate what is so you're you're already dealing with what is so what's illuminate turn on the light you have a room it's dark you turn on the light it's not coming out of nowhere let the earth give forth vegetation let the water separate is that you're already dealing with what is the real buzzer is shamayim for 'it's not the details the first day after creation neighbor Schiff said let there be light the second day after creation maybe that's why it says Bill Asia in the beginning not the beginning the beginning was shamayim violence and that came out of nowhere and heaven and that's what bodacious brother SS Shama inverse harlots that's it the world is now created now on the first day after that baby she said you hear it now in the second day he separated the waters and on the third day he made things grow before day one now lets us understand another thing what does it mean he says here a FISA Miletus absolute nothingness if I say nothing do I have to add absolute is nothing not nothing what part of nothing don't turn this to him there was nothing I mean nothing okay I got it nothing now so when the tailor puts an emphasis on something it's not just to be dramatic it was like absolutely Tara doesn't do that there was nothing that's true enough and you don't have to embellish so when it says absolute nothing it's telling you something in addition right so there is for example a chicken has never laid an egg never there are no eggs no egg exists yeah but there's a chicken what is a chicken a chicken is a bird that lays eggs there is no egg but if there's a chicken then in a sense there is an egg just like if there's an egg you know there's a chicken if there's a chicken you know there's an egg he hasn't laid the egg yet but the egg already exists in potential it just hasn't happened in in the physical in them so you can't say there's no such thing as eggs there's only a chicken no if there's a chicken there's an egg in the same way you can't say there is no world nothing was created there is a creator right is it ain't Volvo day there's only him and him as a creator if there's a creator then there's a creation it hasn't happened yet okay so it hasn't happened yet but there is a creation but the creation has not yet presented itself so it exists in potential so it's not nothing potential is a serious issue so if something exists only in potential it it's real it exists but there is no world yet and even if no world will ever be if there is a creator there's a creation in him it's like you know people say about writers the writer says I have a book in me I just haven't written it yet and and it's true right a composer he's got a song in him but otherwise he's not a composer so if you say he's a composer there's got to be a composition somewhere if you're a writer there's got to be a book there somewhere that's why the secret is the a broish that is not a creator that is so important when you say in aid Mill Valley you're saying he is not a creator with a creation waiting to pop out he's not a creator he is the a Burstyn to create it's beneath his dignity it's not a carpenter so you can't say the a bush that is a creator who needs to get the creation out he's carrying around an egg and it's got to be laid but now there is no world in him waiting to come out on the contrary since he is so infinite there can't be a finite world in him somewhere I say it's raucous ten million years old so it's possible if it was created even before she's already I wouldn't help much because they're saying they find bones that are that old yeah it's a little bit off the subject but time was also created so when did that happen so yes it could be that the rocks are billions of years old but it only took a minute they're aged billions of years is not its age it's the state of it's a genocidal very and we say bodacious buzzer aleikum it's really saying the same thing bholaram means out of nowhere out of nowhere means there was no potential world waiting to be created because if it did exist and potential then it's not out of nowhere it went from potential to actual that's not out of nowhere so when we say God created the world out of nothing yesh may ayan ayan means absolute nothing it's not just that it hasn't happened yet there's no reason for it to happen it doesn't already exist in potential there is nothing question is once God does create the world did that change anything or is it still nothing right that's why it's important to know that the a brush that is not a creator you can say he is the creator because he created the world but he is a creator to create as is uncharacteristic of him he created the world in stages first he created the potential out of right and then then from the potential he put it together exactly because create could mean forming shaping putting together that which already exists whereas when you say caused to exist means it did not exist so let me give you the punchline before we go through the whole thing God is not a creator and the world did not exist in potential but then he creates the world now you can look at that two ways one is there was no potential the world had no reason to exist it only exists because he decided to create it and therefore it is nothing it's a whim on God's part but to say that the world is real of course not real it's nothing it started off nothing it remains nothing and you even have the explanation that if you caused something that doesn't exist to exist can it now exist on its own the answer is no because what do you mean it didn't come from nothing it's not an illusion it's for real so if there's a mother then there's a child but but potential is real that's right so it will remain in potential so it will continue to exist as a potential so what is the argument if you create something from nothing can it what's it there's no it there's just the Creator causing but it it is nothing it was nothing it remains nothing so when you say God caused it to exist it means it doesn't have an existence even maybe God gave it and they gave what this you see what I'm saying in other words there's nothing besides him so that's the argument that the world is not because if it wasn't to begin with then there is no it said but God gave it God made it Abel made what Abel if you take a stone and you chip at it until you make a form and you've turned it into a little statue okay it is now a statue yeah point is okay so on the one hand when you say God created the world out of nothing it means that the world will always be nothing on the other hand there was nothing nothing and God created the world then that's something isn't that something so of course the world is not of its own reality but look how real it is if out of nothing God decides to create it so what should we emphasize how invested God is in the world or how meaningless the world is so again the fact that God creates the world out of nothing means that the world is really something or it's nothing both both the world on its own is absolutely nothing but when God creates it it becomes absolutely some a big it becomes God's ultimate purpose you know what that means so it gives the world so much more substance the fact that it came out of nothing that's that's like from what philosophy 101 there's no justice right okay very briefly there's a creation so there's a creator you cannot you can't get around that if there's a creation there's a creator your only option your only choice is to describe what the Creator might be like but no creator is insane it's just ignorant so what a science say there was this particle that contained everything within it and it exploded and all the potential from that article came out and created a world that's not a creator that's your creator and the entire scientific world is looking for that creator they can't find them but they're looking for the Creator all we're saying is we found them we met him thousands of years ago no no no no not that creator all right don't be so picky so really the question is not whether there's a creator the question is whether the creator knows what he's doing or the Creator is just a thing that plotzed but we're both talking about a creator that's not even the issue okay let's let's get to the real [Applause] there's a little piece here from text 8 from San Sampson Rafal Hirsch I'm not sure we need a quote for this but basically what he's saying is Yitzhak was born miraculously why because the point is that the the entire existence of Jewish people is above nature is beyond nature so we can survive anything because our whole existence is supernatural so no matter what nature does or throws at us we're going to survive because we were never subjected to the restrictions of nature in the first place we were born miraculous so here's the point that this chorus is making you have on page 16 you have figure one and a half B there are four models of reality the first is worldly reality and that is the world is not an illusion simply said if you try to walk through a wall you're gonna get hurt so but I imagine there's no wall too bad you can end up in a hospital say but I imagine there was no wall that you can imagine all you want but a wall is a wall and you walked into it in fact there's no really interesting if you really imagine that there was a wall when there wasn't and you walked into it would you get bruised yes and they're a real bruise the guy really died if you could really convince yourself there's a wall there and you walk into it you better get bruised otherwise it'll shatter your illusion so the first model is there are laws of nature and you can't escape you throw a stone into the air it's going to fall back to earth despite all your imaginations that's the first model of course the problem with that we already spoke about that means that there can be there can be no morality what things are what they are and there's nothing you can do about it so that's not really acceptable what's the second possibility the second possibility is creation reality the world is real because God created it the Laois is bud aleikum so religiously or from a Toyota perspective the world is real because because they broish that created it he created it real then there's the third reality and that is a godly reality that if God created it then its existence is godly let's see what that means so we read that the bodacious Buddha they created something from nothing why do we refer to the a --brush that has nothing it's a little insulting isn't it obviously the meaning is the a broish that created the world with nothing to work with you have no raw materials so he created the world from scratch we're not referring to him as nothing we're just saying he was working with nothing but if he but if you if you read the the words literally the world is that he created the world from nothing the world is a something that came from nothing but it came from him or in different words it came from nothing but him so why are you calling it nothing so the answer that the the conventional answer is we're describing him as nothing meaning nothing we can identify he's not a thing so he's a nut nam thing not that he's nothing we're not dismissing him as non-existent we're saying his existence is not like a thing so it's some thing the world is only a thing but it comes from God who is not a thing like you can say anything finite can be called something anything infinite can't be if he's infinite then what is he is he bigger small infinite he's not big he's not small say is he old or young infinite so he's timeless spaceless and therefore not a thing according to this God's involvement in creating the world makes the world insignificant yes he created the world but he is the reality not the world precisely because he is no thing infinite if he is infinite and the world is only finite then then what's the world nothing to talk about it's so insignificant we might as well just talk about God so yes the world is real but only because of him and him is so overwhelming that the world disappears in in in his presence so once we know that something about God all of a sudden the world that he created becomes tiny and and unimportant and insignificant that's called a godly reality so a good example would be the story in the Gemara where the girl lit Shabbos candles thinking that there was oil in the lamp and it turned out that it was vinegar so she was upset because vinegar doesn't burn so her father said to her Misha I'm a lush M&V oddly what why do you think oil burns something about the oil no the a bush that tells oil to burn so today they burster will tell the vinegar to burn and it did a whole shadows because you know once once you're doing miracles I might as well last a whole day the baal shem tov break off an icicle and light it say but that doesn't burn what does burn whatever they brush that says to burn so in other words the reality of the icicle is god from that perspective there's no such thing as a miracle because everything's a miracle when you think oil burns vinegar doesn't a candle will burn an icicle will not now you're seeing the world as a worldly reality the laws of nature but when you're thinking but so so vinegar will burn so the Icicle will burn now you're seeing the world from a godly reality it's all him so why can't he make the vinegar burn God said let there be so there is but it is here we're saying it it's nothing it's all him so let's let's follow the steps again the first thing is the perception that there is a world and it's real so real you can't budget you have to follow the laws of nature cuz that's real what it would mean in practical life what do you mean keep Shabbos my job my work involves working on Shabbos and that's how I make my money so having told we're gonna work on Shabbos can't there was a time of the United States if you didn't show up on Shabbos you're fired so you can't the world says you can't in fact nature says that the Jewish people cannot survive they're a tiny minority everyone is out to get you there's no way you got ten years most and yet but by nature by the rules of the world you can't so what the scientists or historians do they have a wonderful theory that works there is the rise and ab of civilizations it follows certain rules yeah but what about the Jews don't mention Jews because they don't follow the law so the law is still a good law Jews okay they're weird but the law is a good law because you can't you can't include Jews in your calculations because they don't follow the law there's dossei hemella a nomination right someone complained the Jews don't follow laws he meant the laws of nature but by the law of nature we should not exist you can't by the law of nature I said this can't survive under Stalin can't that's true but it did so there so then there's a second reality the second reality is God created the world and if he says don't work on Shabbos then then that's the reality um it's his world like the first Rashi that says we stole the land of Israel God gives it to whoever he wants he takes it away and gives it to somebody else so is it our land it's our land God gave it to us so the second reality is the world is real because God created it so how can it contradict God so if God says I created the world in order for people to keep Shabbos how can the world say no you can't keep Chavez not possible so yes you can keep Shabbos not miraculously naturally the third stage is the world is real as real as God not it's a real world created by God the world is a godly world so how real is it it's as real as God which then means there's nothing besides God so what is the reality of the world its creator that's what he's calling a godly and then there's the fourth stage so let's go back to this yes may I um there are two perspectives according to Exodus take a look at text 9 now now we're actually learning something here we come and this is from the some aesthetic in that of Mitsos aha the ha onion the matter is as follows the sieve kale Deus Hashem God is a God of opinions they ace plural which means that God is complete comprises two opinions howl if the first opinion is had they a shell of Milo who had a shawarma T in the first perception of the first opinion is that he has Shem is the yesh and he created a world which is an eye on something or nothing say he is the something and he created a world that is really nothing the whole Masha LaMotta kill ah Joseph and all that is below the a burster is really as nothing key halacha order by Alma it is merely a shine coming from Hashem Vinay cryin and therefore should be called nothing so what is something from nothing no nothing from something because he is really something and what he creates is just the creation it's nothing a commercial cosa of MIT's were tapped off your giant petty gimel the parish ain't aid etc what does a naive mean so there are two expressions in one place it says n 8 Mill Valley there is nothing besides him and another persecute says n 8 . ain't late Nevada means there's no one like him ain't aid means there's nothing more than that lead means also n it means there isn't even an also it's not like of course there's God and then there's also a world no there's no also there's just him so that's the perspective the way God looks at the world Hobie's the other perspective is Commission little agave han areum what does the world look like to us because we are part of the world so what does the world look like to itself Shannon mill ahem it appears to us shahane bathenosh with over the creation the created beings that's substantial that's real the aiming Shahab really as Mayan and then we say that we who are yesh came may I incur a Salima the meaning of initial the curse who between us iein that God is nothing I'll Shan Shan name moose ugh and we're calling him nothing because we don't understand him the Hanoverian between us yes with a veneer a lion but the creation that we know understand when we can see so that's real but what we can't see is not real not that it doesn't exist but it's ayan it's it's something but we don't know what so there are two perspectives right let's say you want to read the English here the first mind is that God is the true reality and all that is here below is regarded as nothing as it is nothing but a reflection of God's reality it is therefore called nothing as was explained in an earlier discourse regarding the meaning of the verse there is none shouldn't say else this is God's mind it is how it is from God's perspective the second mind is how it appears from the perspective of the creation to them it seems that they are real they are something they describe the creation of the world as something from nothing meaning that godliness is nothing as it is not graspable and the creations are real and something because they are grasped the summary is like this from the perspective of the creation reality we see the world as being created something from nothing the world which is definite intangible was brought into existence by an infinite and intangible God take a look at the store you don't have the story a mystic and a philosopher we're talking the mystic says to the philosopher do you know the difference between you and me a mystic and a philosopher you know the difference between you and me you're always thinking about God and I'm constantly thinking about myself let's change that a little bit a hostage and a miss nugget we're talking and the huset said to them is naga do you know the difference between me and you you're always thinking about God I'm always thinking about myself that makes sense [Applause] the philosopher Miss Nagin was flattered by the compliment then the mystic explained the closet explain you are so certain about yourself and you take yourself for granted I am I'm real I'm here I need I want I did so you end up wondering about God does he really exist is he really there that he really creators they're really good so you're always thinking about God wondering whether he's real you don't have to think about yourself you know you're real as for me the only real is God so I walk around wondering about myself do I really exist am i necessary what's the value of my existence here and the face of God's infinite perfection two perceptions perspectives what do you take for granted and what is news to you from a worldly perspective we take ourselves for granted hey I know I'm real what do I think about God see God is my opinion I have to think about him as a yeah yeah I think yeah I think there's a guy I can't be a hundred percent sure I mean God is not like me I'm real he's [Music] that's like here but classical question the tailor says over and over and over God has limbs his right hand his mouth his eye his head his feet they're all meant to his finger his tongue is not truths but come on he doesn't have any of it right god forbid to think that he has an arm but the Torah says he has an arm don't take it literally he has no arm then why does it say to say he does have an arm it's just a figure of speech if you stop and think about that what exactly is a figure of speech God doesn't have an arm Cyrus says he has an arm anyway just you know a just saying you saying what if he doesn't have an arm how does the tailor say he has an arm with the answer come on you've heard an answer it's a it's a metaphor which means it's nobody knows what a metaphor that's a good word the Rambam says it's only a muscle huh metaphor is a marshal now you see it's an anthropomorphic expression oh right well we attribute an arm to him which basically means an illusion or a fantasy it doesn't really have an R so when the Rambam says it's a muscle he's telling you something very different he's saying of course it's true but it's a muscle not saying it's not true Stata says he has an arm then he has an arm can't say it's not true but it's a muscle what is the marshal mean I'm trying to explain something very important and I'm giving you a muscle to help you understand it so when the tailor says God has an arm and it's only a marshal so what am i understanding if you have a muscle there has to be an inch all right this is an analogy to what to a non-existent arm then it's not a muscle it's a lie let's make believe he has an arm that will help you understand understand what that he doesn't have an arm so it's total confusion our interpretation are exactly yes but a bigger part of the problem he has an army doesn't have an arm who cares but this whole concept also applies to his anger when it says he got angry doesn't get angry Wow now we're on dangerous ground so it doesn't really get angry so when you do a mitzvah he doesn't really get pleasure so when you say he wants you to keep Shabbos did I really want you say he needs the world to become a dealer but he doesn't really need now all of a sudden we have a true nothing he really is nothing he doesn't want he doesn't need he doesn't care he doesn't get angry doesn't get pleasure doesn't that Ward what are we left with here it's all a muscle right so if the arm is a little too human to a tribute to him so isn't anger oh yeah yeah yep yes yes yes but at selim is emotional no it's an image if we can't attribute human features he knows everything he knows come on that human god is smart he can't say he's smart that's human God is kind na kindness is a human trait you can say he's kind so he's not kind he's not smart he doesn't care he doesn't need he doesn't want what do we have another designer like you know they have eyes that don't see and ears that don't hear is that what we just did that today burst what does it mean I'm Marshall the question that who is the Marshall and who is the NIM shell so we we work like I have an arm you want to understand God imagine he has an arm so he's the muscle the truth is the opposite God has an arm you won't understand what his arm is look at a human being two arms one on the right side one on the left side you see God has a right arm and a left arm you're the muscle he's the nipple we were created in His image in other words we're the poor copy of the real thing so what does it mean it's a muscle we are the muscle so when you say arm or mouth concerning the a brush that you think of your mouth but that's just a Marshall a real mouth is quite different than yours but there is some similarity that gives you a little bit of an insight into what his mouth might possibly be like but don't think it's like your mouth exactly creates we just don't see the creamy she's not the literal not the literal meaning yeah but it happens doesn't mean it was created because created means out of nothing whereas this guy tearing the other guy apart right right so a brush that has a real arm literal arm actual on really a real arm an actual arm you mean like mine Pat no yours is not real don't forget who is the muscle and who is the initial so when the tailor says arm and you're told don't take it literally Oh be careful don't take it physically don't think his arm is physical why not cuz a physical arm is not a real arm just like a doll's arm is not a real arm your arm is not any more real it's just a physical thing that he pushed his arm is a real arm so why do we have a themed called an arm because we're created in His image and he really has an arm Oh ran away God is a parable maker his master of both infinity and finiteness what is a parable a Marshall yep when a teacher gives a Marshall what is the purpose why do you need a Marshall you have a concept that is very deep the student is not going to understand it like for example if you take more than you can handle you'll end up with nothing right it's a profound concept you think you're getting a lot but if it's more than you can handle not only you're gonna end up with less you'll end up with nothing let me give you a Marshall a fox broke into a vineyard because he was hungry and he and he squeezed through the crack in the wall and got into the vineyard and ate and ate and ate until he wasn't hungry anymore but then he couldn't fit through the crack to get out so he had to sit and fast until he lost all that weight and then he could get out through the crack when he got out he realized he had gained nothing because he ate too much now the kids go home from class and the mother says what did you learn in class today that foxes shouldn't eat too much grapes the mother calls up the principal and says I I'm paying ten thousand dollars for an education for my kid and you told him that a fox shouldn't eat grapes and the teacher says I told him foxes shouldn't eat grapes why were we talking about foxes I meant on my faxes to the teacher what we talked about foxes were we were talking about taking more than you need now as we were talking about a moral concept oh you mean the Marshall to him what Fox this little fox wasn't the story about a fox what story to him the marshal didn't conceal anything to the child because he couldn't handle the abstract concept of taking more than you neither so the marshal is supposed to help him understand it how does it help by concealing the profound meaning of the make it sound like simple but this kid missed the whole point the marshal didn't work for him he thinks there are foxes they eat too much in the same way God creates the world and the world is emotional our arm is a muscle for him our speech is a martial frame the world even a stone is emotional but sometimes we don't get it we think that's it there's a fox and it eats and grapes and that's it and you shouldn't need too many grapes if you're a fox we missed the whole new mission but suppose we're smart enough we do get the point but we're getting it in a reduced strength dilute it a little bit not so abstract it's a fox and yeah you know Fox got fat we understand these things have to diet lose weight yeah okay fine yeah I like we get it but what's the point the point is don't try to have more than you need because you'll end up with nothing so don't be greedy to the teacher that the mercial diminish or hide the point of course not that's why he used it as a marshal cuz in the marshal he sees the whole point so when God creates the world and restricts our view of him because we can't handle the whole picture it gives us a muscle so all we see is the muscle but is that true of him that's why you get two perspectives Davidge that says here's a Marshall he means here's the neutral we see Oh a Marshall okay now we have a Marshall a good one and we get the point but the point comes out of the Marshall so it's limited on the other hand what's a good Marshall you sometimes you give an example and it's the wrong example it distracts from the point instead of leading to the point I'm a classical story that two philosophers were arguing about first nature versus second nature what's stronger so they made an experiment they trained the cat to deliver food from the kitchen to the dining room that was second nature and they were really well trained but the other philosopher who believed that first nature is stronger brought a mouse to the experiment and as the cat was bringing the food he released the mouse the cat dropped whatever we've got and chased the mouse so the point was that first nature is strong a second nature so this look this professor was delivering this lecture and at the end of the lecture the guy raises his hand and he says so did he catch the mouse the professor said did he catch the mouse there was just a Marshall but the Marshall distracted the students when is it a good marshal not only when the student gets the point in a reduced fashion a good marshal means 20 years from now when you think about that marshal you're going to realize that it contains the entire it's not a reduced version it's like a time-release capsule it's all there it's just coming slowly so for a while you think okay I get the point don't be greedy but then you say you what why did he use a fox as an example oh because the Fox is cunning so now what makes you become greedy because you think you're smart you see now more and more of the nymphal is coming out from the details of the muscle if it's a proper marshal so there was a Magadh famous maggot who had a muscle for everything and it was really brilliant than entertaining and the rebel shop said that only two out of his hundreds of Micheline he got it right the other mashella might they're not you can't just make up a story it's a martial it has to be thoughtful and it has to really contain everything the teacher is trying to say but in time-release fashion so if 30 years from now you don't realize the deeper and you don't get more information out of the muscle and it wasn't really a good muscle so the world being created as a muscle is on the one hand a limited version so you can handle it and on the other hand it has the whole a burster it's all there so in the end this muscle will become venom shell it won't remain a limited version we will not forever be in the image of God we will become godly because in the muscle there is the entire animal that's fine the oneness of the creator and his creation will be complete the whole world but Toyota also comes in a time-release capsule so at first we saw only the commandments then we found that a little bit more about the a Burstyn and as time went on Toyota revealed more and more the same title but now we find the madness in the tail then we found the Cibola within the trailer then we found the facilities within the data so the Toyotas marshal is unfolding and blossoming as we go along until it will become Hashem a HUD sushma a Hajj and the same is true with a marriage a marriage oath is also a time-release capsule at first you're in you're impressed with this with that then you get a little closer to the person who's whose character you're impressed with but you're moving past the character to the person himself and eventually you literally become one
Channel: Chassidus with Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 20,542
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Manis Friedman, Manis Friedman, 11213.org, 11213org, Chabad Chassidus, Chabad, Chassidus, Tanya, Kabbalah, Torah, Daily Study, Judaism, Jewish Thought, Jewish, JLI, What Is?
Id: 2Fsc4XxNPPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 29sec (5369 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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