Jimmy Kimmel Breaks Down Pence Harris VP Debate

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thanks i'm jimmy i'm the host of the show thank you for joining us after the first and only vice presidential debate between senator kamala harris and magic mike pence this debate is important because one of these people could be our president someday for mike pence the day could be tomorrow safety was a concern leading up to tonight's debate seeing as how the white house is now the new wuhan initially there was resistance to being extra cautious but ultimately the president didn't want to put his vice poodle at additional risk susan thank you and i want to thank the commission and the university of utah for hosting this event and uh senator harris it's privileged to be on the stage yeah now if they could just get him to stop humping trump's leg they'll be set the truth is a lampshade cone would have made more sense than what team pence was fighting for which was nothing they wanted no extra protection they initially said no to a divider made of plexiglass between them kamala wanted it pence's team did not mike pence believes that if you're going to separate a man and a woman it should be from their children at the border of the united states this is my own staff booing me thank you guillermo for just clapping at whatever i say an aide for mike pence said the vice president is looking forward to having a conversation about the market shift left that joe biden wants to take this country so we are not going to let a barrier prevent the vice president from making the case for four more years of donald trump then someone told them the plexiglas is see-through and they went oh okay we'll do it um having a conversation through a glass partition was good practice for mike pence because after january that's how he's gonna have to do it when he visits his former boss at the correctional facility so the plexi went up and the gloves came off i wish kamala would have started the debate by congratulating mike pence on his great work as leader of the covet task force and then just laughed like a maniac for 90 minutes it wasn't the wrestlemania style debate we saw last week but there were some moments for one a lot of people noticed that mike pence had a pink eye which is apparently a symptom of coronavirus which i don't know about that a lot of gerbils have pink eyes but the big star of the debate tonight was a fly that landed quite symbolically on the vice president's head i assume the fly thought he was a light bulb and was attracted to his it stayed on his head for two minutes and three seconds technically that fly is now his running mate but anyway mike pence's fly just became the most popular halloween costume of 2020. there was an unusual amount of focus tonight on the swine flu and fracking my here's the story mike pence loves to say fracking because it's the closest he's allowed uh to you to get to using a curse word so but no one's mind was changed tonight almost none of the questions were answered watching this after the trump biden debate was like falling asleep during a ufc fight and waking up to the great british baking show it was kind of debate donald trump hates it was polite it was reasonable it was orderly it was so even keeled the president couldn't help but jump in american people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country excuse me let me shut you down for a second just for one second there has never been an administration the proud boy in the bubble was bursting at the end seems he could not wait to get back in the mix trump tweeted 40 times in the span of two hours last night and he played all the hits hillary obama comey voter fraud nancy pelosi's hair and then even though we've not been told that he is negative for the virus he went back to work in the oval office which means that's where he watched tv today but there was no official verdict from the president's doctor today that he's not contagious but we did get an update from don jr who offered this unintentionally revealing snippet from his life how is he feeling how's your dad feeling he oh he's doing great and it was sort of amazing even speaking to him on friday or over the weekend uh literally he was rushing to get me off the phone because he had calls he had to make and work he had to do for the american people i mean you know it's sort of amazing you know some things never change he's always been that way for his entire life oh don junior that's not why he was rushing you off the phone where the cat's in the cradle in the city that is one of the saddest things i've i've heard on fox news but daddy donald is very busy um touching himself to lou dobbs for an hour every night making history today as the first u.s president ever to endorse a prescription drug they gave me regeneron and it was like unbelievable i felt good immediately i felt as good three days ago as i do now these i view these and now they call them therapeutic but to me it wasn't therapeutic it just made me better okay i call that a cure well i think that's called therapeutic but this is like an infomercial even chunk woolery wouldn't do talk to your president to find out if regeneron is right for you is one of the side effects of regeneron a burnt umber face because i'd like to compare the color of his face to the color of his hands today put his hands up there yeah that's right it looks like he turned the tanning bed up to extra crispy after months of downplaying the virus trump now now that he has it can't decide if he wants to say it was no big deal or be the powerful hero who beat it so what he's doing is saying both so i think this was the blessing from god that i caught it this was a blessing in disguise i caught it i heard about this drug i said let me take it it was my suggestion i said let me take it and it was incredible the way it worked incredible i bet god takes the call when his son calls him but the most important thing the president wants you to know other than that everything that works is his idea is that this virus this terrible disease that has killed so many people now is not your fault it wasn't your fault that this happened it was china's fault and china is going to pay a big price what they've done to this country china's going to pay a big price what they've done to the world this was china's fault just remember that look at the orange chicken blame in china that is un and by the way about three minutes into the video uh an unidentified flying object came flying out of the president's mouth i walked in i didn't feel good a short 24 hours later i was feeling great did you see that uh a pearl of spittle flew out of his lie hole on a downward trajectory a highly infected glob of covet gravy hurtling toward the white house lawn which is exactly why you wear a mask but he had to make a video to he can't let mike pence have the spotlight to himself he had to get out there to talk about regeneron and of course we mustn't forget the vaccine that will be here very very soon the vaccines that we will come up with very soon we're going to come up we're very close to a vaccine i think we're going to have a vaccine much sooner rather than later i think it will be i think that will be done i'd like to have the cure and or the vaccine and that'll happen i think very soon we're going to have a vaccine soon we're going to have a vaccine very soon once we have the vaccine but i think we're going to have it very soon and i think we're going to have a vaccine very soon too a vaccine i think is going to be announced very soon very very soon it's going to be announced i believe very very soon we're determined to have a vaccine very quickly with it we're going to have something very soon we'll have a vaccine very soon we'll develop a vaccine we're going to have it very soon we're going to have the vaccine soon i think we're going to have a vaccine very soon vaccine is looking very good for pretty soon this is a vaccine that we're going to have very soon very very soon i think the vaccine is going to come very soon it's going to be really soon we're going to have a vaccine very soon there's great vaccine great great vaccine vaccines are coming so we will have a vaccine so soon you won't even believe it we're going to have it very very soon it's going to be very very soon the vaccines are coming momentarily okay all right so but for now sit back relax and enjoy your nightmare but back to the debate tonight we watched a very tough former prosecutor debate a former am radio host a man who is the human equivalent of an unseasoned potato salad kamala harris is half jamaican half indian mike pence is uh just half but in fairness to mike he had the misfortune of trying to defend donald trump who among the many insane things he claims he claims he's done more for the black community than any president with the possible exception of lincoln trump is polling at about 10 percent with black american voters which isn't great and the contrast between these campaigns is particularly stark when you see kamala harris next to a cartoon drawing of a milkman but the trump campaign they're not given up they recently named a new director of african-american outreach his name is marquise jackson and we are interested to have him with us tonight and grateful to have him with us mr jackson uh thank you for joining us on debate tonight well thank you for having me thank you so much you know this is such an important election for black americans and i thought the vice president did a great job tonight explaining why donald trump is the right choice for black people um wait a minute uh you are the new head of black outreach for the administration yeah well i was actually just appointed this morning you're marquis jackson that's me yeah i know that's a pretty unusual name see i was named after the marquis de sade it's a funny story actually my mother was very into sato masochism you know for sex i was gonna look at me i just asked tonight to get received was what off track i'm sorry what how did you get this job oh yes well that's a very interesting story it was a real whirlwind see i sent in my resume this morning and then about an hour later they hired me sight unseen okay yeah that is you know what that's what i would have guessed uh so you never actually met anyone from the administration in person or on video chat uh well no no not yet i was having a little bit trouble with the uh camera and my computer you know the people at zoom they make it so tricky to activate your video you got to go into settings well first you got to figure out where that camera is yeah i know how zoom works um but so what you're saying is they never saw your face no but look hey it's not a beauty contest jimmy this is about galvanizing african-american voters no i get that i just i can't help but wonder uh mr jackson if we don't know please call me marquees marquis um is it possible marquise that the people the person who hired you assumed you were black oh wow you know that never occurred to me that's it you know but now that you mentioned it yeah there were some odd things okay like what kind of odd things well when i talked to them on the phone they just kept saying what's up yes okay that's a red flag for sure that's probably yeah and bringing up the nba championships a whole bunch of times they were asking me if i was into somebody named kanye do you know who that is yes i do of course he's a rapper he's very very famous person oh really because i kept thinking it sounds like pig latin to me you know like oo yay kanye west he's married to kim kardashian yeah well that does not ring a bell either oh uh well let's see you know they did ask if i would make sure to stand behind the president at all of his rallies they wanted me real prominent right behind him of course i said yes you betcha yeah so why would you why would you say anything other than that yeah exactly and then at some point one of them said one of them said to me he said hey is it true what they say and i just said oh yeah you know it is it is totally true wait what is true i have no idea i was just trying to get a job i see okay well all right yeah but i'll tell you this whatever it is apparently president trump has uh like a very little one uh miniature in size all right they were very clear they went into great detail i make a suggestion you might want to get in touch with them to clear this up because it could potentially be an embarrassing thing situation for you yeah well i think you're absolutely right and i will do that right after lunch okay i'm going to call them uh you know what as a matter of fact i have a couple of phone numbers for a couple of guys on this yeah yeah i think well i just touched them as soon as i have someone probably wraps it up so thank you marquis i appreciate you're being part of this no it's my pleasure yeah all right that was almond butter and jelly oh yeah almond butter and jelly even better than peanuts sure that's mark eats jackson our uh the director of do you understand yeah he's the director of black outreach yeah incredible yeah if you like that video click subscribe and we'll be together until one of us dies
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 2,973,196
Rating: 4.4378929 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Monologue, VP Debate, Vice Presidential Debate, Mike Pence, Kamala Harris, Mike pence Fly, Swine Flu, Fracking, Trump Tweets, Twitter, Donald Trump, Trump, 2020 election, DJTJ, Regeneron, Spray Tan, China, facemask, Marquis Jackson, Andy Daly
Id: L7DZwnmJ_T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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