"Obama out:" President Barack Obama's hilarious final White House correspondents' dinner speech
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Channel: Global News
Views: 29,981,265
Rating: 4.7137747 out of 5
Keywords: Barack Obama, White House Correspondents Dinner, President Barack Obama, President Obama, Obama Out, Viral, Best Obama moments, Best Obama videos, Obama's final speech, Political jokes, Obama's best jokes, Best Obama jokes, Global News, CNN, Fox News, ABC News, CBS News, Justin Trudeau jokes, Hillary Clinton jokes, World News, International News, Recommended fo you
Id: NxFkEj7KPC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2016
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Or this...
I know he didn’t write the material but he delivered it perfectly.
He was imperfect.
But damn. Worth a 1000 of that tangerine-hued conman grifter.