Bill Maher on Trump Conceding, COVID, Giuliani in Borat & Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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the last time our first guest was here it was two days before donald trump's inauguration and things have gone great since then you can watch uh season 18 of real time with bill maher friday nights on hbo please welcome bill maher [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] is that still is that a rudy giuliani now or has jeffrey tube and saved him did you see the borat movie i did i saw it i enjoyed it yeah did you see the stills from the movie before you saw the movie you see the movie first i only saw the movie what stills well he released a series of stills before the movie came out and you really didn't know what the hell was right on and then of course you got to see the movie i mean i don't think he was wanking it there in that scene i really don't but he definitely was flirting with that girl sure sure he was which is great [Laughter] i agree i just mean it was great man of his age with the prostate surgery you know so you found it to be inspiring it's very inspiring i'm 64. that's what i took from that um i thought it was fantastic i was watching you this weekend good crowd you have here oh well i wanted to ask you about that how many uh how many people are you allowed to have we're allowed to have because however that's more than i'm allowed to have 20. we're allowed to have 20 people 20. that's a good sound for 20 people um because i got to tell you backstage i remember always coming to your show and bustling and now it's it's funerial back there yeah i know it's lugubrious you can say yeah we have uh yes it is uh different than it was i was watching your show and uh from friday night and i noticed that i noticed a couple of things first of all you got your staff there which is you know we know is a weird thing because you're expecting the people that see you all day and worked with you for many many years to laugh when you make jokes which they don't really do no i mean let's be honest i'm not there we only have like a few people there yeah i think you got a better deal tonight i think your room i think our room's a little like that guy yo you can you guaran can i borrow he is free on friday nights yeah yeah you have beers what happened do you have beers in your show [Laughter] [Applause] yeah beers he's there so here's the thing uh you've got your your audience and i've been wanting to talk to somebody about this because it's just you know it's your staff it's so great just to have any warm body back and that's how we feel about having you here and that's why they're so excited because mostly we're talking over video chat for people you're saying i'm just a warm body you're more than just a warm body you're a hotbed i was i like kissed the ground i mean it was like getting late after a long stretch in prison speaking of long stretches what was the longest amount of time you'd ever gonna segue jimmy before without being in an audience because you can do a stand-up comedy since you're a kid oh how long had it been before this that you'd not appeared in front of an audience forever i mean probably 40 years 40 years see it becomes part of your life it is my life yeah i mean that's the that's been the hardest part of me that's like um i miss it like a dead friend yeah i mean every other weekend basically i was on the road briefly you know i did weekends but it broke up the month i mean i like la i don't like it that much especially when it's on fire halfway yeah right yeah it's nice and being on the road fed my other show also i was in front of a real crowd i mean my studio audience i love them but i fight with them because they're too politically correct whereas the crowd on the road which pays to come they're all in they're all in yeah and they want me to be fully who i am yes no and i am on the show too but that's why i fight with them yeah you do sometimes fight with the audience i like that yeah i enjoy when you fight with them i think when i was i think when i was there you fought with the audience and uh yeah it's nice telling the people how to react i'm not telling them how to react i'm just telling them when they're wrong and they are sometimes you know it's so funny that when i started politically incorrect the show no wait so no what show did you take over for me politically incorrect but you're not on that joe no you took you it was the time slot of politically yeah time slot yeah yeah yeah no i didn't take over that show no how much weed are you smoking there's a um there was a great not a great moment sad moment but also kind of an amazing moment on your show last month uh justice ruth bader ginsburg passed away at the time you were on the air live oh and somebody sent you a message and you you had to talk about it on the spot and what i think was interesting if you go back and look at that clip and i did that today is that you guys were exactly right about what was going to happen i mean with no prep well it's not like her death was a shock well it was and yet it was though really i mean she she was a hundred and had cancer like a million times i mean she was a great justice but she can't even give you a compliment it's impossible well no i i mean it was very walter cronkite it was a flash from dallas i should have taken my glasses off ruth bader ginsburg died at 110. uh but she should have quit you think so of course because then we wouldn't have not so well when should she have quit bef the democratic plan for the supreme court was ruth bader ginsburg doesn't die but they don't know how to do politics i mean obama did have her over to the office yeah you know a few when he was still in office and to hint oh you think that's why he of course we know that's why uh-huh okay he wasn't the sociable kind of guy he there was always a purpose to a meeting with him so it was just like hey boy that supreme court's an important place huh [Laughter] and you're getting up in age and uh you know and that's you know she should have taken the hint i mean as great as she was with many ways that really put us in a bad place because as i keep trying to say on my show power begets power when you lose power you keep losing it it's like when you're in a arm wrestling thing if you're here you can get it back if you're here it's very hard and that's where we are now because we lose presidential elections they appoint justices so now the supreme court is six to three that's going to go on for a very long time if the if the election winds up in the court who do you think they're going to go with we saw what happened with bush versus gore that's what i mean you lose power and then you lose it again you're attracted to losers is that why you bought it i i am trying to get them to be winners yeah but it's a it's a tough road to hoe let's take a break and when we come back uh bill maher will be with us we're right welcome back uh we have bill maher with us tonight uh bill maher show is real time on hbo every friday night and uh you're you have a kind of a different approach you're more would is it fair to say you're in the middle when it comes to how careful we should be careful yeah with what the virus the virus sure no i think we should be careful i just have issue well first of all i have issues with consistency i mean the way it's been handled obviously we expected trump to be bad and he was um but i don't understand for example i was out to dinner the other night have you been out to dinner i have in parking lots or yeah in in the parking lot we eat all of our personal lot there's some restaurants that were actually like the polo lounge it was built for this virus because they have an outdoor section anyway right so i'm not going to eat in the parking lot i've been out in the parking space out in the on the street yeah that's not going to happen but but you go to a restaurant now and you have to wear a mask when you walk in mask when you go to the bathroom as soon as you sit down you're on base like the virus is saying well we're not going to jump in his mouth i mean for god's eating he's with people i mean we're a virus not a monster it's so stupid like planes planes are flying plenty of people you're sitting there breathing in recycled coughs and farts i've never known anyone to fart on a plane i don't know that's got to be less safe than going to a baseball game you know yeah probably but don't they say that the air the circulation system in the plane is actually safer than most places i i guess so look my beef with the medical establishment in this country is that they are cowards they never would say to people that the best way to fight this no i'll wear masks and do whatever we have to do externally but the best way to fight something like this is internally to improve your immune system we one reason why this country has suffered so badly compared to other countries is because we were not in good health to begin with we're not in good metabolic health and if you are i've never been afraid of this virus i don't want to get it no one likes to get sick dying is not popular either but couldn't kill chris christie uh you know i couldn't kill you trump you know how did harvey weinstein he's like he's old he's fat he's stressed out he's in prison i forgot he had it couldn't get him so i'm not saying of course it could get you and so take all the precautions we're distancing and we've got fake arms and masks yeah we have fake arms it's really hard but but my way to handle this the best way to handle it is get yourself in better internal shape because there are pathogens that would scare the heart out of me this is not that one i don't want to get it i don't want anyone else to get it but we should have targeted better to protect the vulnerable and let the people who are not likely to get it lead a more normal life you asked a great question on your show on friday night your guest was an author uh sheehan right uh oh ben shin bench very good he and you asked him when do you think we will know the results of the election well that's true i'm not you know people say you're nervous about the election of course but it's not election night it's november 4th to january 20th and then after because i'm the guy who's been saying forever trump's not going to happen it's impossible to imagine i think trump losing and then saying well we fought the good fight but the best man won and uh i'm telling my staff to graciously allowed biden to no he's never going to do that he's going to lose my prediction now last time i didn't even say hillary was going to win when most people did this time i do think biden's going to win by large numbers popular vote and even the electoral vote and then trump is going to go because that's what he does he doesn't do losing wouldn't it be something other than three marriages three casinos four magazines an airline a football league a charity steaks vodka and a university he's never lost anything so he's not going to go gently into the night that's what i worry about is and he's a master of it isn't written down so i can do it you know there's that phrase in the declaration of independence self-evident we take these truths to be self-evident he doesn't our system is an honor system and he has no honor so everything they thought we didn't have to write down don't keep your business empire going when you're president he does it don't don't use foreign countries to help you win an election if you're with putin side with the country named america little things we didn't think we had right now it's the little things and this is what i call doing a gus because there was this movie gus do you remember this movie oh yeah about the mule disney right it was a disney movie about uh a mule and a football team signs him because he can kick field goals because he's a mule with a powerful leg and when the other teams object they say well we looked at the rule book it doesn't specifically say that you can't have a mule on the team because who wouldn't think about that that's trump you just if you don't write it down he will do it and and we go we don't have direct elections we have the electoral college we've always just assumed that the person who won the popular vote in the state gets all the electors from that state but that's not written down it's not in the constitution hello gus so my guess is he's going to try to game the system with that yeah or something else but he's not just going to go well good luck to everyone sleeping tonight bill you've painted a very rosy picture we'll see i'm glad you did i'm scared now cause you're right almost all the time bill maher everybody real time with bill maher friday's 10 o'clock hbo thanks bill we'll be right back with louie partridge thanks for watching if you liked that video click the subscribe button and if you didn't like it you will you hurt my feelings
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 3,464,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, Bill Maher, real time with bill maher, HBO, Rudy Giuliani, Borat, Stand up comedy, LA, Los Angeles, Politically incorrect, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court, Democratic party, Mets, Politics, Christ Christy, Election results, Electoral college
Id: i6iitbygobQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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