Jerma Streams - Deltarune Chapter 2 (Part 1)

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ooh delta roon i got my delta rune hat on my delta root shirt on my delta root clothes on my delta root everything i've got my deltarune uh plushies back here i'm wearing a star wars t-shirt uh never mind i gotta tweet i'll be right back how you doing see in a minute okay so i want to make this really clear this is going to be uh for those of you that haven't played deltaru in chapter one uh there's gonna be a spoiler free play through i can respect the people that haven't done it yet all names will be censored all text will be censored and anytime there's a major major event on the screen i'm gonna cut to uh to auto so i'm just i'm gonna you know make sure you guys understand now i'm ready to go i did run up here though i'm a little winded i always open up so on my phone i'll just take a look at the uh the clock app and the second hand is on the six and it's just going around and i know that it's almost two and i go oh [ __ ] i gotta get up in that room and turn the stream on before the second hand hits the 12 up there i almost made it very close your house has two floors five what are you talking about it takes me about four minutes to run up and down the stairs no i don't live in a five-story house i would never want to live in a five-story house have i talked about my like anxiety with living in a big house or a bigger place it's scary i hate it the bigger your house is the the more places for a murderer to come in and like hide in your eighth bedroom while you're brushing your teeth in bedroom two and you might not even [ __ ] hear them come in nope no thanks i want to be able to be completely aware of every single space in my place of residence if somebody's scratching at the door 20 feet away i want to be able to [ __ ] hear it i'm not going to be in living room 4 and not know what's going on in living room too paranoid that's fine that's all right a set of baby monitors everywhere i don't know i don't want to play five nights at freddy's in my own house no i don't want to do that that's what [ __ ] chicken's going to jump out of my face i'm not why i don't want to do that no i want to be very aware of my surroundings at all times live in a 4x4 house aren't you scared of ovens too i'm not scared of ovens i'm scared of how ovens operate it's weird something about it just freaks me out i don't know why the fact that there is a box in your house that heats up to hundreds of degrees with gas it's just i don't know it uh something about it irrationally is uncomfortable to me i don't know why that's a recycled bit no no these are not recycled bits hey i can recycle a bit when there's way more people that are here than last time i talked about the oven routine okay two years ago when i talked about my fear of ovens like 4 000 of you weren't here so i get to do it again every additional viewer that's added to this stream i get to redo a joke because that person hasn't heard it yet that was a few months ago oh never mind oops you're environmentally conscious with your jokes i gotta i gotta keep my joke carbon footprint down that was definitely more than a few months ago i i don't know i have no idea i wonder how many words i've said on streaming on youtube how many actually single words have i spoken you have to be talking about like tens of millions hundreds of millions of words that have been spoken into a microphone uh i can't keep track of them all of everything i've ever said how am i supposed to do that the oven routine is a recycled bit yeah since the oven routine i have said 745 million words think about that really think about that for a second important somebody has to count it i don't i hope nobody does do that that's way that's way too much work for something so that is not important at all you see all half of your words of filler yeah because i have so much to say that i need my brain has to catch up for a second my left hemisphere my right hemisphere are the tortoise and the hair and they're both they're both competing at the same time like one of them runs real fast the other one takes like 20 minutes to get there play the game it's been seven minutes we'll just get out of it play the game i'm gonna play the game i'm i'm excited about this one impatient andy yeah just chill we're just hanging out vod watchers skip well that's the that's the privilege of being a vod watcher versus a live a viewer watcher right now was able to go like this oven okay so we're gonna play delta rune now uh we're gonna start the game now but you guys are here live you have to you have to put up with me in real time so i'm sorry but that's the way it is i've been waiting for this yeah i'm excited i did my refresher course i remember everything pretty much done i've seen everything i need to see i am refreshed for delta rune chapter two by the way this is chapter two so if you ever if you don't know what this is i don't know if you want to be here but maybe you do you say wait what is it you say one to seven words per second so that's six thousand one hundred twenty words per hour okay so for six hundred so six thousand one hundred twenty words an hour times like five hours talking about like what 30 to 40 000 words uh said on stream per stream times 1 000 is like 350 million words or something i don't know somebody will figure it out i say way more than one or two except no way i say way more than that all right you guys ready for deltarune chapter tip you know i'm i'm [ __ ] up now now i'm gonna try to say more words a second to like bump my score whatever my audio is my audio all right so i played this on different computers so i on my streaming setup is not i don't have the old files so just pretend like it's the same file but i heard i've everything i said you don't have to be playing the same file it's fine he's muted no i'm not how does this work where's my audio oh [ __ ] that's why oops you didn't kill wait hold on make sure everyone who cares you're episode two i can say it okay why am i so concerned about saying this this is you're here at episode two i have to imply that you've seen episode one or played episode one right like what am i talking about and this has been out for a week i'm always the last person on twitch to play these games the new ones that come up so i didn't pl i didn't beat jevel on this save file oh oh well i mean i if you didn't if you don't know i'm i'm one of i think of of six people on twitch or maybe six people in the world that beat jevel on their first try first try no [ __ ] did it first try with nothing no [ __ ] i'm one of six people on in i think in north america from my understanding stream is ruined no spoilers all right let's go let's go i'm ready let me start what was my name in the last save file i don't remember and can anyone look it up what was my name i made this was my name that's such an old joke though that's so old it's been three years are we gonna really go back to like three years ago comedy on twitch hey animose thanks to 20 subs appreciate it 20 community subs recycled joke all right i'm just gonna whatever doesn't really matter these are the controller too i know shut up everybody relax i'm using a controller i know i just like everyone just [ __ ] spit out their dinner relax [Music] joke recycler andy okay how about i'm just gonna do my name whatever who cares [Music] is this your name yes all right here we go so last thing remember chris ripped the [ __ ] heart out put the heart in the cage took a knife out and we went holy smokes what's gonna happen to chapter two let's find out youtuber voice where's honey are you awake wait is that a a knife no wait what the [ __ ] chris did you eat all the pie it is your knife in this empty tin is it not oh i see huh oh chris brightness oh wait you're right this is from the sims if you don't know how [ __ ] lazy of a quote content creator oh content creator i haven't opened obs in eight days you understand like do you you get it i'm sure you guys get it right uh all right well that's fixed looks good uh what do you do i'm a content creator yeah content creator influencer oh nice so you must be like really active well i have yeah i mean i opened the program a we of uh more than a week a week and a half ago i played the sims 3 with some mods and then [ __ ] it i just didn't even open it ever again until the next time 20 minutes before i had to stream next oh man okay your content creator yeah okay let's go oh chris am i going to have to lock the oven again i don't want you to touch the oven because i don't like the oven well hurry out of bed it's time for school yeah so the last chapter you go to school you sit down with one of your classmates uh ends up getting and you end up going into a portal in the class in the supply closet and then you have to fight the dark prince at the in the dark portal and everything and then you come back and okay good we get it play the game no i'm gonna milk this for like seven hours because it's i've been waiting for this it's five dollars in your brother's draw take it i mean it's five dollars it's five dollars i'll put ten back in a week that's the play it's a bird cage when the doors close there's no escape on the computer's desktop is a folder called epic games stuff it's a poorly drawn design for a game seems the last boss is a creature with giant rainbow wings okay it doesn't seem like this game ever saw the light of day oh is this a unreleased game fortnite no there's no time to read books just generally yeah that's like really that's a good point how to draw dragons is at the bottom of the draw the purple character on the cover is dressed immodestly your brother will never return this book door is locked oh by the way i got to say this really really importantly the backseat policy on this stream is as follows if i request help specifically if i request help if i say i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing somebody help me you're free to spam whatever you want the chat that has anything to do with what i asked if you say a spoiler of this game in the chat room you are going to get just nuked by the mods if there's like a spoiling chat gone and you're gone too and you're never coming back okay uh so where the [ __ ] do i go where do i where do i go i have no idea what the [ __ ] i'm doing where do i go from here [Laughter] i'm in one of those [ __ ] woods today yes i am good luck it's a landline phone but you are already have a cell phone okay it's the tv looks like it's plugged in but it's dusty this is a crack stream it might be it's cheryl the beloved living room chair well shall we go to school right yeah chris there you are even susie showed up before you he [Music] hey chris if i knew you were going to be late i would have i wouldn't showed up on time susie please don't kick your desk treat school property like you treat people okay next time i'll aim for the vitals [Music] that's not that's not what i in any case good morning class we have a lot to go over today first we're starting the reading from page 142 any volunteers [Music] um i i guess i could read the ah trouble yourself not oil i will valiantly take this blow of humiliation [Music] uh that's okay i i can page 142 it was the best of times it was the worst of times times are pretty good times are pretty bad mediocre times iffy times show show times listening to this your eyes begin to close automatically three voices omega low band that guy for a week listen to this that's been to close have a nice day everyone and please remember your group projects oh um chris are you okay you were um sleeping all class don't worry i i'm not mad just concerned usually you only sleep through the start good luck in the and rest well tonight okay slept through class how many voices you got that's always such a stupid thing oh yeah how many can you do i'm not trying to do them right oh you think i'm so bad at that what what do you have i don't know i don't i'm not doing the thing you're doing i'm a [ __ ] doctor dude you're an e clown and you have three voices when you come in for a checkup at the doctor's appointment i don't stick the thing up your nose and then tell you to leave and then say you have nose hairs i got i've got like 10 things i can diagnose on you actually they do wait i'm supposed to be the reverse [ __ ] i [ __ ] it up specialists are doctors that like there's a nose doctor right and all he does is look at your nose i said it completely backwards it was completely backwards i made it the other way i've ruined everything i actually meant to say it the other way if there's a nose doctor that looks only at your nose so if you only do the nose doctor routine it's fine so if i can do one two three voices really good that's fine because i can do them really good i [ __ ] up the whole routine oh you didn't lose sleepover did you lostly from being susie's partner actually my sleep quality increased who is he talking to you uh what should i which one should i do the first one actually my sleep quality increase i'm going to say lost sleep from i'll be actually my sleep my sleep quality increased chris that's um good i think so maybe you were just staying up late talking to azrael online again oh wait you can't do that right i hope the internet gets fixed soon the internet doesn't work i don't want to revert into my primal form wait oh wait oh okay what does that mean well look who it is the school zombie you're sleeping like a corpse all class what's the matter i had trouble going to beddie bye last night me too chris like i could sleep after yesterday just waiting for today felt like years did all that stuff really happen lancer rousey everyone are they are they uh look i've been wondering the same thing right come on already so do we just go back into the supply where's the portal show up moment of truth everything we've been waiting for is just behind this we uh open this and there's nothing inside will we still be screw it let's just open it already [Music] um susie [Music] well hey what the hell are you doing here [Music] um so sorry to bother you but um i well i just bertley and i were going to the library to do some research for our group projects and if it's okay um would you uh would you want to come too [Music] oh chris you can come too i mean uh i mean like uh busy with um help me what do we do what do i do i'm hanging out alone in the closet we were doing crime [Music] uh [Music] both of these okay um i'm gonna say we were doing i don't i'm gonna say we're doing crime you know just uh committing crimes he's gonna do some crimes and go to jail forever it sucks that's funny but oh well that sounds uh just have fun you two i'll be at the library if you could bring her by later it would mean a lot to me [Music] wait chris what the hell was that why would noel ask me to do homework with her dad wish much does she want to fail wait a second wait a second did you notice how nervous she was and like blushing and stuff of course you don't think that she uh is onto our secret identities you know this dark world stuff uh damn we gotta keep this under wraps chris this is our thing you know anyway enough waiting already right let's go so this is just here still here cool all right and ladies and gentlemen welcome to deltarune chapter 2. i'm your host for the festivities german 985 i'm looking forward to it hey chris uh you really want to walk everywhere so slowly i know you're kind of uh taking it in but you can run you know you remembered something about the b button oh right he said shut up man what's the over under of me ruining the delta rune and undertale for half the people here i hope it's not that high because i love this franchise just like you just like you here we are chris susie it's been ever so long yeah it's been what a day oh that is short isn't it it's just that i've never had friends before so i've never waited so long to see them again either fine i guess we'll try not to let you die of loneliness i bet lancer wants to see us too right hey wait a second where is the lancer where's everybody uh i worry not susie you'll see them in a moment uh just wait here all right aaron okay hey this better not be some kind of prank or something first i have something to ask you i need you to return to the light world and go to the old classroom to the east of the closet doors inside gather everything on the ground uh and bring it back here could you [Music] go to the lightweight way i just got here [Music] it does not listen wait this is a safe point you look upon the castle you first saw yesterday you're filled with the power of immediate nostalgia save here we are file saved all right so uh should i just listen [Music] okay go to the east of the closet door and pick up stuff i'm just gonna do it whatever i'm gonna listen [Music] are you level two i don't know okay east of the closet door door is locked oops [ __ ] i live on the west coast of the united states guys i don't know it's it's i know listen i told you i got the two hemispheres like the tortoise is the one that processes information and the hair is the one that makes all the stupid [ __ ] voices you hear every day right all like the dumb things that i say is the hair running as fast as you can the tortoise needs like extra time to even process what's happening on the screen they're constantly in conflict with each other he got the junk off the floor turned into a giant dusty ball okay what's in here managed to cram everything into the closet even the rug light chalkboard door is locked what am i talking about well you weren't here okay that person was when you if you get people are saying what are you talking about weren't here 10 minutes ago you can't jump halfway into like infinity war and ask who thanos is hey chris so where is every one hey there he is guess who's back clowns lancer i remember the voices i did but i'll i'll try hey chris don't know what you did but hell yeah everyone's here what happened to lancers castle all gone gone right when chris sealed the fountain that dark world disappeared and turned back into a normal classroom where's lancer going to live now don't worry susie will conquer roslie's rousey's browse fleas i can't say this word in this place rousey's castle as our own [Music] friendlies chris as you bring dark world denizens back here power of our fountain will transform this town more and more now on the enemies we spare will be recruited to our town so let's keep sparing enemies okay anyhow why don't we all have a look around we can head north towards the castle i have a special surprise to show you there not if i surprised myself first last one there is a fresh and fragrant egg come on chris you're gonna let him beat us he beat us i thought you were racing yeah i want to be the egg the castle town is transformed from the power of friendship you're filled with the power of friendship-based architecture recruits [Music] is recruits now okay it's a manual read a topic recruits i'm curious if you spare or pacify enough enemies of the same type they will be recruited recruits will appear in your town wonder what happens if you get them all you can check the area's recruit status at save points certain bosses are excluded [Music] okay interesting can i go in the cafe [Music] mama amoeba i wanted to run the bakery but someone is already working there a cafe that serves pastries what a disgrace what sort of humiliating thing will happen next check recruits [Music] um a real dust bunny known to play dirty but loves to play clean dislikes vacuums likes dusty places did these people join the party these are the enemies from last chapter yeah but so i can place oh they just hang out here [Music] that's cool place okay all right who do i want [Music] i kind of like rudin uh i definitely like rabbit [Music] it blocks her [Music] okay on man level three how's palm in level three oh it doesn't matter okay and uh i like jigsaw yeah i like this group can we talk to them looks like it wants to be dabbed with rubbing alcohol i'm an aide please everything tastes better with a normally shaped body hey boss i'll have a dark candy star fate okay cool so this is gonna hang out here what are your thoughts on the mario movie uh it'll have a it'll have a it'll have an 81 on rotten tomatoes [Music] uh all right well the bakery oh wait this is um yeah this is the bad guy but he wasn't ah that has to transplant to death us to thine castle town and truly a magnificent town of caso's dart but ho something art flacking it feels could it thou guys perhaps bring an evil ruler or something [Music] cool hearty dojo wait i didn't even go in here [Music] oh wait i'm ava welcome to top bakery our special chefs spin baked goods at the top of their class for you seems like cathy likes this place she hopes you'll like it too [Music] i go in the party dojo i can't oh cool all right this is cool [Music] it's a bed for three people or one three-headed person oh our house is a dojo makes me want to fight can we go to sleep he looks like fighting wasn't in the cards for us lucky for you just hope you don't meet my friends [Music] finally a dodge of people that are normal shaped i will train myself for the tournament hey boss boss hey i'm so glad to have a nice boss i could shed a tear but i won't i'm on the job i'll cry at home with the kids boss you're so strong but there's always time to learn the next step after tutorials is training so me and the boys got you together a dojo complete our battle challenges and get some fabulous prizes meanwhile you might get a little bit of tougher we're gonna make you the strongest boss um learn how to spare like a champ jigsaw joe grey's challenge one or clover rematch jigsaw joe joe's life savings boss okay you can act and spare on the same turn if you know chris's act will give an enemy 100 mercy spare them on the same turn with susie or rousey you saw joe jigson okay so this is chris uh we're going to jigsaw joe uh act pixar joe shave we saw joe jigson okay and then spare jigsaw joe okay and then what about you magic or sliced rice beer see what happens shave jigsaw joe stubble suzy spare jigsaw joe rousey spare jigsaw joe oh boss you're sparing me wait a second i got something else to remind you of boss it works the same with making an enemy tired if an act will make an enemy tired use rousey's pacify right away force pacifies magic so you'll need tp spend to turn defending the game tp if you have to boss okay it looks like you could use a bedtime story so we're uh we're gonna do act or we saw joe sleepy story so joe looks like he could use a bedtime story and then we're gonna do um pacifier right oh wait no okay now back up back up back up there bend defend oh no no then defend we don't need tp to do that oh it shouldn't act okay i thought we need to tp for some reason all right we're good all right cam came tired and then rousey cast pacify and you're done if you manage to spare enemies right away battles will go a lot faster okay here's your reward my entire life savings one dollar [Music] all right let's see should i do another one raise challenge one get 100 tp without getting hit uh these are like challenges we're gonna do this later i'm battles master asked me about battles raising hitbox nothing i think i remember a lot of this stuff the grazing is if a projectile comes really close but doesn't touch you you get like something for it right tp or something it's whole we failed to hit our funding goal i will not talk about our whole [Music] okay what spots aren't always as they appear the bigger they are the less to fear you'll only get hurt a little inside take your pride and learn the size somebody said you're going to get 12 hours out of this at your pace i'm not like hey when shots aim directly try to move slow yeah because if it almost hits you move it bit by bit you'll gain tp that's what it is i'm taking i'm gonna take my time i'm excited for this [Music] i love undertale it was a great series it's a really cool game so and i like delta in the first chapter so i'm going to enjoy the second chapter that means i'm not going to a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a to get through this as fast as i can i'm going to talk to townspeople i'm sorry that's how it is i'm just a block welcome travelers andy that's a heel dark burger amber card armored defensive charm spooky sword okay cool let's talk so we are now in the castle town well now it makes no difference to me as long as i stay in my shop these walls won't change you don't have your jevel item no i don't well in a way i suppose it's just a little bit amusing to see you again i'm sure you three will have an interesting journey me i'll just be here offering the same old junk as you find stronger treasure i'm sure he'll have a little reason to return here if you have some time i'll offer you a biscuit and a hint i have a hint the little prince has something to show you in his castle well now are you going to turn down a royal invitation [Music] me again [Music] okay cool i talked to you i talked to you ah wow transplanted this to the fine castle town i already talked to you already this way oh it's quite a wonderful town really thank you so why am i alone here a bit of self-reflection i suppose i do realize i was quite a coward before so i wanted to say well i still am my cards i cannot handle society now i'll be living at the top of this cliff and i'm ready to meet society again i will be back thank you thank you for the wonderful home i will not use it there's a hole in the wall there's nothing inside [Music] okay [Music] what about this side [Music] i love this character this character right here i want to recruit this person mr society left didn't he hmm i reckon i knew this would happen it's not a no fault of yours i'll be back one day [Music] without trees i must gain nutrients by eating clothes such as the way of the worm looks like the clothes are nibbled take a bite yes you put your mouth against the mannequin's cheek chris don't bother it tastes awful aunt susie did it too [Music] i like being like this don't tell anybody this seems to be locked it may never open again oh this is okay i know that is that's my favorite character all right i explored the town a little bit let's save it let's go continue on a dragged out playthrough of delta rune chapter two look i'm gonna screw up a few times whatever i'll learn we'll do we'll just get back in the swing of things here all right here we go who's this a bit scary moving to a new place but as a ball there's nothing to fear except sphere itself i missed the bakery i tried to go i thought i tried to go in the bakery can i go in there [Music] yeah i i i'm gonna i'm gonna have to get very upset with chat here for a second if i said that if we just saw the ball character and i said there's nothing to spear but sphere itself half of you would want me to turn the stream off that's not fair oh i am chef lancer try my delicious handful of cookies they're free for a price what's the price zero dollars i'll take a cookie i now pronounce you cookie and wife lancer cookie was added to your items okay well well welcome to top bakery i am this bakery smith mallius i do not know what any of these strange tools are for using my skills i can fuse items to create new ones fix us [Music] ed double dark burger the dd the double dark bouncing bunker burger okay this is two dark burgers to make a double d burger two amber cards is a silver card all right so i just gotta let's just let's go i'm ready fix us your body is a weapon too you must take care of it from time to time haha sorry i could do better aha let's feel my technique there you go somehow everyone's hp was restored well well don't you feel better after a nice massage ah that hurts i'm not doing it again lancer cookies want one i already took a cookie wait i'm still regenerating from the last one i don't know why he's talking like that but that's what is that's what i decided he was gonna talk like okay let's go [Music] you can't fix germa all right so let's go prince rousey i will keep your hat erect until you need it that's a cool character too [Music] just wanted to show off your huge house huh now what i want to show you is upstairs oh i nearly forgot this is where i cook cook everything in a giant witch's pot are you pronouncing rousey wrong what is it give me it phonetically in the chat rousley rosalie rousey [Music] rail say rousey ralph say of course cauldron cooking is very convenient here chris susie have a cake a little thick on the frosting that was for sharing anyone was free to make an interception all right that's true second floor living quarters okay well no let's not do that yet door is locked okay come on over here what is this bottom floor living quarters for bad guys wait it's violently protecting the jail we're still behind bars for some reason but it's okay we we're going to love this hellish place where we dress as animals we decided to dress as kings as cultural exchange it's disgusting it and they're not even big crazy burps either that's the most embarrassing you know how many times i've actually squelched those and you haven't heard them at all if they were like people would be like holy [ __ ] bro but there's like little mouse burps like oh [Music] ah the lightness have you come to humiliate me no mr king the the lightners returned everyone here safely if you're willing to reconsider then i live in a kingdom ruled by you lightness little patsy staying in this cell is far less humiliating if you'll excuse me a giant hamster wheel is getting cold [Music] by the way is my son happy like you care you were gonna throw him off a cliff i your friends made my bluff too effective i see besides even if i threw him he would just bounce my son is bouncy little pumpkin oh cute we have nothing to discuss okay all right go upstairs what do you what i want to show you is up here i have a surprise for you too i made rooms for you in the castle rooms so you can stay here whenever you want uh i'd be happy if this place could be like a second home to you a place that you can go no matter what's happening outside [Music] well we'll take a look uh please tell me i get the rocco's modern life door that better be my room [Music] this is your room okay um i tried to make it something you'd like but you can put anything else you want to hear too i really hope you like it [Music] my own room huh guess that's pretty cool my own room like this how long did it uh take you to do all this well eric since i last saw you two i am ow supposed to be in my mouth you punched me in my mouth i'm bleeding yeah you're a real weenie you know that i think she likes it chris uh jealous i got the cool room look chris what does my room look like oh spike bed now i can stab myself during the night finally some convenience damn there's everything in here pinecones chalk moss jars of salsa pieces of ice black crumbs from the toaster jawbreakers oh and like actual food too a clothes drawer full of spiky and dangerous clothing all the clothes are ripping each other up into shreds hell yeah jealous chris [Music] susie you didn't get to read the manual so i put it over here for you cool i'll read it before bed that'll put me to sleep let's go i want to see my room [Music] it's your bed feels incredibly soft like sleeping on a dream it's a stand for your manual i thought you might want to keep it here in case you want to read it this other manual [Music] okay it's a shelf all sorts of keepsakes could be but they might be hidden items here it's a wardrobe full of all sorts of different clothes wear whatever you want [Music] nice i think that deserves a coffee chug [Music] pool this is lancer's room lancer you aren't going to believe how sick my room is rumor sick is yours i want to see i'll keep digging holes until i reach your room it's got a door you know door wow peach boy you went all out wow it's better than i remember i even have my own bed now now i don't have to sleep in a hole anymore [Music] i thought you already had a bed no that was for the the bike made recreationally is goofy change his voice changed no more goofy don't do goofy anymore i have to change do you know is it not canonically in your head it's not like a kind of low but goofy kind of voice we hate this voice is it it's bad it's terrible lancer is a child oh right okay let me see what i can do i love that my floor is full of holes better hey rousey what's up here uh oh just more rooms i'm renovating so is your room up there uh yes i still i haven't dusted it though yeah like we need to see your nerdy glasses collection anyway what didn't you say what do you want to show me was upstairs sorry work in progress but otherwise i want to show you something upstairs oh is that that's what you want to do okay feel free to explore the town until you're ready to leave we're gonna leave now right chris you are upstairs oh you wanted to show me the rooms imagine how rude that would be oh i want to show you guys something upstairs oh okay cool so here are your rooms this is your room i spent like two months doing all this [ __ ] i hired the construction team you all you're on separate rooms oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yep so what did you want to show us up here that's [ __ ] so rude [Music] uh the [ __ ] cool rooms i made all three of you yeah right it was cool i don't know why i thought it was gonna be an item or something oh like i don't know [Music] i think i've explored enough i get the gist of what's going on here it's time to leave [Music] wait chris we're leaving but we just got here [Music] i don't want to go do our group project oh you two have homework oh well chris you ought to do it right away school's important i banish you from this kingdom until you start your project fine i'll do it geez suzy don't worry i'll go and help you too you know what lancer perhaps you shouldn't oops wrong voice too late kind boy friendship form [Music] lancer was added to your key items where'd you go don't worry i just entered your inventory i'll just be hanging out in chris's pocket i don't know what that means but okay [Music] fear not i too shall assist uh we're good quiet we as a team are good roxels became a key item even though no one wanted that [Music] oh all right enough already let's get going good luck today chris see you soon see you soon [Music] well damn guess we got to do our project psy at least we got lancer right answer where are you is he skipped out after all huh so what where should we do this the library oh well all right so when we go to the like that the dark world right that's the only place they're allowed to exist they don't exist here in like the other world okay maybe they do all of junk and cards okay i don't have anything stat oh no i don't have anything okay interesting we're gonna go to the library but not quite yet the locker is locked locker is locked the lock's locker is locked the locker's locks locker is locked computer wallpaper is updated the buff embracing heroes are now edited to be four inches apart this dialogue about proper distancing at the school dance you wonder if your mother had some influence on this change it's a bunch of roses looks like motivational quotes from various literature try your best astral wolf even in your darkest hour that one seems to be from a video game you ran the water fountain it's lukewarm walker it's locked oh i'm wearing this this used to be your brother's locker this used to be your brother's locker [ __ ] it's locked okay wait a minute what's all this this toriel is written in cursive on the dry erase board seems like it hasn't been erased in a very long time you uncap the scented green marker it's almost dry but that gives it a refined aged apple bouquet the poster has several basic shapes circle oval square hyper dos chadron kids books some of them used to be yours marker sniffer it's an orange it's unknown if it's safe for teachers to eat this throne of the gods it grows higher is this hubris okay cool what's on the computer computer wallpaper is updated uh wait wait wait wait wait do it again i missed it picture of your brother and you playing video games your brother is using the knockoff controller yep yep that was me but here's the one thing about that knockoff controller that us little brothers in the chat will remember uh some of those had a turbo feature and uh yeah being able to shoot whatever the weapon i was shooting at five million miles a second while my brother was kind of annoyed by it turned out okay to me turn the turbo on hold x turn the turbo and hold y it was a little switch on the front or back of the controller wait hold on are you ready for the sadie hawkman's dance at this dance all the chaperones wear giant hawk heads and screech at any students that make contact while dancing okay let's go i check everything i know this is how i play rpgs there's so much to see the band practice this is this is what it sounds like right before a band starts to play oh well okay damn i was just directing traffic as normal when a little dog drove one of these toy cars into the middle of the street and started doing donuts in the chaos all the cars in town got jammed up thankfully no one was hurt but ordinary citizens like you gotta get out of here i've got some heavy lifting to do every time i see that face i have to do a different i have to get a little weird don't interrupt me when i'm lifting i heard a dog was doing donuts so i sped over here but i just learned donuts is actually the name of a special attack for cars is my life stuck in a loop of doughy disappointment traffic's moving at a snail's pace i love snails could they get any better looks like a car looks like a car well i can't go anywhere all right we're here school goddamn project looks god damn crazy about them hey chris where the hell is everybody something seems kind of off screw it let's just go play space pinball in the computer lab is another one of these huh it's like the inside of the closet you don't think this could be [Music] another dark world [Music] well i guess this means we can't start our project unless you know chris if there's a dark fountain in there you can seal it and it'll turn back into the computer lab right so what's it gonna be chris let's go let's go we can just use the computer in my house [Music] i mean this one's the that's the boring answer [Music] let's go let's do i have to say it let's say the way like loud [Music] okay a lot do you want me to say it like 12 year old xbox live loud or 36 year old man loud which one [Music] oh okay 12 12 i'm seeing a lot all right let's go [Music] yeah let's just drop the act our last adventure was great right i couldn't stop thinking about having another [Music] i don't know what's in there but i can't live if we don't find out right come on chris so is this gonna be the same place or is it gonna be like a different multiverse or something i wonder this is new this is new so what the heck's going on here oh [ __ ] wait inspect inspect that oh this the wires the wires you're right hey all right i get it don't plug anything in oh [ __ ] ow oh they're there again everyone was everyone else has been save us she's going to somebody help me somebody please susie cool that you're here just uh get out of here before it's too late noel [ __ ] that [Music] hell of a study session who the hell are you i am known as serial number q5u for ex7y2 what you foolish children they call me [Music] queen like you're gonna call you queen hugh five uh three i don't know queen [Music] well look queen we're not children teens are merely big children and adults are even bigger children doesn't that make you a child too then [Music] no i am a computer smart computer well thank you for the stimuli but i must leave now goodbye hey wait where you going why'd you capture noel oh i would have captured you too but i ran out of cages by the capturing so that she may become my willing peon in my quest for world domination also maybe i will make her face into a robot one who knows i could wait why she's cool oh forget it dude nobody's turning anyone's face into a robot could that be a statement of animus dissension huh you to fight loser yes yes already yes [Music] oh then bye wait what wait a second i have no time for such privileges and would kick your ass in a second but perhaps someone else could entertain you enjoy your assimilation where wires swung in okay they're tired but they're already tired so can i do row wire jiggle jiggle i might try to pull the wire off the head bro what toss chris to free wire yeah what the [ __ ] press why to throw an aim for the weak point oh i can get them both the wire greatly loosened okay cool that's 50 all right almost there [Music] all right oh i was gonna say don't act like i don't know what to do all right let's do it again okay uh throw wire let's try this again so are they ready that's 50 right all right spare you're ready to go and can we spare them both probably not no no we can only spare them just one spare that where recruit oh i recruit right right right susie spared where wire but its name wasn't yellow try using x oh [ __ ] yeah god gamer alert those of you that by the way i have to really make this really really really important note to everybody here i'm bad at a lot of things very bad um you put me in like call of duty whatever i'm gonna get like [ __ ] zero and 20 during the game right sometimes i get lost i don't know east from west but you watch this [ __ ] and after this [ __ ] stream i want to hear you talk about how i what i can and cannot do okay good i want to hear what what do you think i can and cannot do after this after that well after this part he can't reach the cookie jar [ __ ] ban that guy zero what are you talking about oh my god all right that's that was [Music] i'm fine i'm just not gonna hit [Music] all right act let's go oh my god i just okay i'm not throwing i'm not tilted i just it's weird it's different okay now i'm [ __ ] up now you got me [ __ ] up you got me [ __ ] up you do this is why you never call a home run i don't know how people did that [ __ ] like when babe ruth used to like get his eyes ass up to the plate and like hold the bat up it's like holy [ __ ] dude what if you strike out right now you look at [ __ ] i'll get it right now imagine calling a home run and the picture like just strikes you out in three pitches that probably happened all the time there was no there was no television to see that how could people don't do that anymore don't anything to be funny i would be all over sportscenter all right i got stuff [ __ ] around spare you won got 188 d dollars nice fighting again after so long now let's go catch up to the queen or not wait they calm down i just used my pacify spell to put them into sleep mode rousey you're here uh i felt a dark presence and hurried over it seems that a new dark fountain has appeared rousey they got noel damn what was she thinking messing in our dark world we don't do something she might be hurry not susie all we have to do is seal the fountain yeah yeah yeah he'd be mad about another adventure right come on chris [Music] pup what's this what's going on do i have to touch those touch them i thought it was a guitar hero game whatever what do i do am i doing this right [Music] whoa green field extends before you and in the distance the city shines brightly filled with power of a new adventure [Music] very cool cool cyber world turn it up uh it's already pretty loud isn't it [Music] i'll turn up the music stuff [Music] very cool all right nice whoa okay where why are swung in okay so now we have can um did rousey do anything rousey has magic pacifier right it's very tired foe all right are they already tired they already are tired aren't they [Music] i believe they are but whatever we're gonna go for it just depend [ __ ] all right same deal and then you uh we're gonna pacify you [ __ ] sorry rousey cast pacify just one that's fine easy [Music] i can just wait can i pass by giggle the wire but i like doing the aim uh downside [Music] you opened the chestertrust inside was a glow wrist low wrist was added to your armrest [Music] who is it for cuteness [Music] amber card then square charm that sticks to you increases defense what about what's it glow glowers who should have the defense probably chris everyone else just has that wait white ribbon crinkly hair ribbon that slightly increases your defense is amber card better no that is so behind compared to the stream refresh really all right i don't want to miss anything there's that let's go this way i'm gonna go all the way to oh what's that queen rules [Music] that's living five minutes in the past whoa all right went out what what do i have to do i have to match the oh hold on i don't know i don't get it oh yeah i do okay i thought i had to collect them with different characters all right well here we go here comes a good good you know what it is [Music] go oops [ __ ] i get this but i don't get it somehow at the same time certain characters have to touch them because they're different colored book oh chris it's a free edible cyberpedia i'll add an entry wow rousey wrote an article about losing recruits would you like to read it sir now on defeating enemies with violence will make them lost lost enemies can't become recruits ever again but the bones you break may make you stronger all right so if you kill people they're gone i'm gonna try to spare as many people as i can [Music] lightners i haven't seen many of you recently if you didn't know an evil ruler is taking over this world i don't really like politics so i have no opinion on this have you tried it to oh i said something i've missed that we will have no choice but to cross swords [Music] well i'm gonna say it again if you try to talk to me about politics we'll have no choice but to cross swords [Music] oh [ __ ] haskies crossed your path all right we got check petting soft voice or roar check check and root buster no check and defend don't want to swing the sword okay here we go um acify i can't do that he'll pray all right we're gonna defend this stray cat is in need of some management okay so it needs management how about um soft voice roar all right we're gonna roar who's these roared the enemies became tired oh [ __ ] here we go who's king of the jungle now it's just a cat all right let's uh we can't spare but we can act let's do another roar it's burping all right pacify does he roar then he's becoming tired again rousey cast pacify tired um maybe you should pet all right what if i pet you pet ask it liked that and then pacified okay he won we didn't have to hurt anything i could check up here leave no stone untouched recently something called internet is having an outage some say it was the secret to queen's know-how since then it seems like she's become quite extreme [Music] unturned not untouched whatever noah honey become my willing peon and i will free you all you have to do is hit yes on the peon release form scared oh have you never signed a form before no it's everything else that's scary please import your sadness protocol i told you being a peon will be cool [Music] noel susie chris don't worry we won't let your face get roboticized that's something they're gonna do oh whoops i i thought you knew that oh dear that was supposed to be a surprise oh well [Music] wait it is quite troubling a peon must be willing to assist me in world domination if only she had fellow peons to encourage her so so like you guys hey are you like doing anything right now we aren't going to help you understood mind-changing protocol necessitated [Music] what the hell [Music] giant arcade game i shall humiliate you at a simple children's diversion with your self-esteem eradicated there will be no choice but to serve me the hell i've never played this one before chris it's quite good at games chris is quite good at games aren't they oh yeah chris forgot you were a nerd show her [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm not ready it's hard to perform in front of people when you're not ready oh chris congratulations on losing horribly i advanced my internal clock to when i've already won also happy birthday susie happy birthday it's not my birthday [Music] okay you tried to use the arcade machine you weren't tall or strong enough to use the controls [Music] that's why self-esteem eradication complete running laughing protocol [Laughter] uh it's okay chris uh i'm short too [Music] chris wait i have an idea because if we can combine our powers then look i'll show you what i've been practicing [Music] magical stool form are jesus okay now we're talking all right chris leave it to me um everybody get over here so i can stand on them put your arms out [Music] our beast form s move your arms and help move them with you let's go oh my [ __ ] god incredible your transformation is combining all your weak points self-esteem crushing deficiency 300 and rising virtual combat wait we're gonna play like street fighter [Music] round one fight what the hell press a or b if you dare shut up it's punched out i'm so good to punch out you have no idea should i let him win sorry is this this pacifist if i do it in a video game [Music] oh duck oh [ __ ] i don't have to do it more than once i'm so gonna punch out you have no idea [Music] yeah i thought you could beat us [Music] [Laughter] oh my that was actually quite amusing new life forms have exceeded my expectations i will offer you a new exceedingly benevolent compromise assimilated to my cyber army and there is only a 50 chance i will reprogram your face please select your choice perish in the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bottom of my hellish rain wait we we can be just join the bad guys what do i do isn't but isn't parish fight i wonder if it's ready to do this i think this is oh let's fight all right let's i don't want to fight let's go for it [Music] it means we shitty what it means we are helping you understood preference setting set to perish [Music] come on let's go after [Music] the game is wrecked you're filled with the power of video game violence i want to go back to the city but the way is blocked i'm no country boy let me out of cyber field i heard there's a rebel team resisting queen so far all i found are overpriced bagels yo snicker it's hard work being queen's minion ain't it why don't you take a break and grab a snack grab a snickers can i i gotta talk about this really quickly um so you know like like it snickers right it's like oh yeah it was hungry you need a snickers i can't remember the last time i got hungry and wanted to eat a [ __ ] candy bar why do they do that ad campaign i don't understand old material don't care [Music] you said this before i don't care i'm i don't get hungry and want to oh you know what let me go to a convenience store and get go to the candy aisle and who carries around a king-size snickers in their cursor pocket or something nobody does that i i'm not gonna eat that [Music] do you carry around a full bar snickers in your pocket they always seem to have one on them oh thank god somebody had a full king size snickers in their pocket what why don't you take a break and grab a snack ultra cd cd bagels only 400 each it's the peanuts but why don't you eat peanuts then peanuts are easier to carry they can fit in a little bag they're dry you just eat peanuts you don't need to eat the chocolate nougat and whatever junk they put in there have trail mix in your pocket why would you eat a snickers when you're hungry all right uh how much money 500 did i buy one of these it's a bagel i'm gonna buy it as you're doing business with you have a snickers cd bagel was added to your items [Music] want to buy a bagel only 80. okay no it's 400. got it i want to buy 400 bagels only 80 oh [ __ ] yes you were crushed under the weight of 400 bagels and defeated instantly wait what not really you just can't carry that man one bagel eighty dollars four hundred bagels eighty dollars [Laughter] i'll take one bagel please can i have one two you're selling them oh i got scammed whoops what is it what are they oh [ __ ] bagel with a reflective inside makes music with each bite oh god damn it i did get scammed [Music] that game looked fun let me be the stool next he tried to call on the cell phone [Music] i missed an area what the [ __ ] was that it's nothing but garbage noise [Music] cuisine is so unrefined out here in the sticks [Music] in this room oh [ __ ] this guy [Music] i can't tell you how many of these i've cleaned up not so bad i like cleaning all right so i missed a door where i didn't miss anything he's talking about oh up this way okay apple chris i think you should handle this puzzle apple a e [Music] i want to say it so bad i'm going to say so bad b a b i had to do it i'm sorry what that was like not even a bad meme what are you talking about it was funny i liked it what's wrong with it looks like you got past neubert's force field uber doesn't know how that force field got there but it's newberg's force field i surprise have luber's treasure uber doesn't know what's inside newbert will give it to you i love maneuver you open the treasure chest inside was fiber scarf fibers covers added to your weapons [Music] a scarf made of soft microfiber balances attack and magic it's pretty good it's pretty good anything else to say new bird that's smooth treasure remember you're just borrowing it forever [Music] that's funny i like that guy okay oh what do you have to say recently something called internet is happening oh yeah internet [Music] wait so the queen's been using the internet too much and and that now she's gone crazy or something [Music] the internet is down right so i'm going to let me go down down her up i'm going down first she lost the internet i can't go this way it looks like i get dumped out this way hey this is a slide i'm the hacker i'm going after the blue check marks find three in the cyber field ahead and i'll join your city you just look like the kind of folks who have a cool city according to cyber you found zero blue check marks out of three zero a bad for a beginner your checks quest is only beginning okay you go to find three blue check parts like here i'll go down from here stupid hey all right we're good [Music] uh they're they're not tired yet no so we're gonna do soft voice and you're gonna defend rousey talked in a soft voice to the enemies there there it's okay little kitty that worked [Music] all right let's bear spare three to five four to five you won [Music] i love this song this song is great ooh you opened the treasure chest inside was below wrist blowers was added to your armrest nice all right so who who has you have a glow wrist you're gonna have two glow wrists on but we're gonna give you one to everybody if we can what's going on here seems to be stuck can i help i don't think i can help if you don't finish this today you're going to finish it tomorrow yes plan was if this didn't take me too long i was going to play the umbrella game but if i'm just kind of pacing myself for the game we'll do it tomorrow [Music] this is blocked off it appears to be some kind of force field [Music] check take care check and defend uh vero verocon this sick virus needs affordable health care i'm the fifa i'm the chill okay sweating suspiciously i act take care x or take care i will take care x everyone treated the enemy with tender loving care all the enemies felt great kindness is contagious okay it looks healthy is that it it is sweet [Music] am i gonna play the outer wilds expansion oh yeah that's right agree to all oh [ __ ] this is another puzzle you do it oh [Music] [Music] oh wait hold on three so how do i do this agree to all diaper brain it's been 30 seconds it's a puzzle let me do it so agree oh i know [ __ ] how do i do this [Music] [ __ ] okay wait hold on [Music] win i win i win you typed agree to all thank you for agreeing to this peon release form now you are all legally my minions and i can use your likeness for funny but we just don't do what you say in that case i would be forced to use another guy probably i better get started on that then okay but i'm still going to use your likeness what did i get for that where's my trinket am i gonna trinket where's my trinkets i didn't get anything for that what i just agree to all well [ __ ] [Music] i want to recruit you got a check mark oh oh okay i see you mean [Music] oh [ __ ] that hurt oh no he didn't yet yes i did no oh no he didn't all right so four out of four you won so what is it i got four or four [Music] all right well what if i go up here there's a whole other area i did not explore so hold on how does this work good luck figuring out which ride to take [Music] it's right right is the right one [Music] [Music] the analog i'm using i'm using a controller oh i'm gonna get i'm using an analog controller it's weird guess i kind of stuck i got it just everyone relax [Music] yep oh a blue check mark how can only one of them be right is there a chest on every one of them oh [ __ ] no i want to do the other one [Music] it's probably chest wait what i don't this progression that other one goes up i'm going this way we're getting back seated uh oh didn't do it right he didn't do it right jesus fell from rare this is gonna be [ __ ] all day g okay g i a s was s from here it's above me what's above me f [Music] okay hold on g i a f e l oh wait i have to go this way wait i can go let me try this way e-i-a oh my god [Music] look at how to fry the first time [Music] i can't there's another g there's only two g's that's the only two possible entries r-e-h h-b-e-r [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] h oh my god there was a b i thought i don't know why my brain thought that was an eight [Music] oh i got it i go uh thank you so that's three check marks let's go turn it in found three check marks eat elite i will now live in your city maybe our cyberpath will cybercross once more in queens mansion in the meantime let me show you the pop-up of the blue check marks wow you made fireworks oh pretty beautiful you got verified on twitter very nice i just wanted to make a cool demo scene for you now that i finished this i can show up all sorts of places [Music] okay [Music] very nice oh thanks all right this one this place i didn't go i didn't go up here i feel like i didn't go somewhere over here too i did okay oh can i go up from there it appears to be some kind of force field now i don't want to fight you oh wait i gotta go up in there and then progression is the one on the left right on the right [Music] [Music] okay i don't like that he's gonna drop something on me we're gonna drop the cages on us i told you [Music] this is gonna be wild [Music] you guys want a tip always stand in the middle whoops i didn't do my own tip there's more this is bigger oh [ __ ] did that end all right what's the deal twerp who's a twerp the name sweet oh like sweet like sweets don't tell me you haven't heard of the sweet captain cakes doesn't ring a bell i guess our act's still a bit underground sweet captain cakes not only are we cyberfield's best musical trio we're also the last resistance against the big bad queen and all her crew that starts with zu what we're fighting the queen too captain saw you help her kidnap some girl hey hey hey yeah we won't let anyone lay a finger onto mad morsels except us that's not the point captain it's like half the point 60 55 we're rebels not players we're rebels that play we don't play we don't play that's it okay get over here okay i don't who's this okay are we players i'm a cd player [Music] wait they're getting away sweet chill there'll be other bad guys oh this is our chance are you ready let's fight [Music] okay yeah play some battle music okay sweet cap and cakes blocks your way okay not dancing all right sweet kk and captain not currently dancing i'm gonna have to say let's go sweet let's should we check maybe just start dancing alright let's do dancex everyone danced with sweet they're totally lost in the groove i love this song ring-a-ding-dong isn't this mix shui okay perhaps if we can get them all dance we can win all right so that is the sweets dancing let's just do the same thing let's do like ak dance everyone dance with kk they're totally lost in the group all right all right all right all right all right dance dance everybody dance hey i love this song [Music] watch over the baseballs up top all right sweet snapped out of the dance oh oh [ __ ] wait wait i can't dance with bad guys [Music] all right so we have to do just the regular dance because then yeah [Music] no not rude damage [Music] [ __ ] because once somebody has it the other one breaks out [Music] let's see what happens if i do the regular game you dance sweet got lost in the groove dance dance dance do they pay the venue fee oh [ __ ] okay snapped out of it wait i can't dance with bad guys i got my next dance moves okay so nobody's dancing [Music] [ __ ] all right maybe making one of them dance will make the other ones dance let's try that let's do the captain dance extreme everyone dance with captain they're totally lost in the groove wait you want to see my move [Music] hey is this really working maybe if chris um maybe if we tried ballroom dancing instead hey why the hell do we need chris to act because that's um chris's unique talent so you think i'm too stupid to dance by myself susie learned s action she can act from her magic menu okay susie i don't think you should [Music] happy feet dumbass was he made rousey learn our action even though he didn't want to oh it's charlie brown dance i'm sorry chris okay so now they can actually do it [Music] so sweet dance magic s action dance and then magic our action dance there we are okay everybody's dancing now everyone is dancing [Music] battle one all right feel the beat watch my moves dance dance hey losers wrap it up battle's over over in other type words we lost does that mean we can be friends okay no fighting's not really my style anyways yeah because you're a coward i mean it was fun dancing but sweet don't worry i think our dancing beat them eat them yeah all mercy like see when we dance with them and convince them we're cool now they're on our side yes hey you three welcome to the good side we are the good side just go with it let's rendezvous at our junk shop we jammed the door shut but we'll kick it open all right everybody let's go very cool very cool gotta watch out probably yep well why are they still doing this we're friends oh no we're fine oh the hacker is hacking the fireworks i'm not going to run through this i'm going to wait just cute irma says very cool like he's trying to placate a giant beast what what oh very cool very cool very cool what what's that tweet that uh that thing that somebody said before like a year or two ago this stream is just me it's as if i'm talking to like a groom full of just angry chimpanzees that at the turn of a moment could just lash out and try to attack and kill me what is it what was it that's like this whole stream or something it's like i'm trying desperately to like calm a bunch of like angry chimpanzees [Music] was it called somebody's got it somewhere [Music] i want i want the whole paragraph [Music] snarl that's pretty much it just keep standing there hey somebody pull up a two-year-old tweet right now oh no links are banned right forever oh here it is okay germa talks to his chat like they're apes with a very loose grasp on human language and if he fails they will rip him to shreds remember talks to his chat like they're apes with a very loose grasp of human language [Music] [Laughter] that's so funny [Music] all right is this the shop it's a lone door frame but for some reason you can't see through it oh here's the shop i heard this unassuming store is the rebel base but i realized i don't really know how i would help them [Music] i'm sitting here going okay guys look at me look at me guys so i was at the store yesterday and uh i got it i got a dunkin donuts large iced coffee and dude i'm telling you it was [ __ ] gross it was the grossest coffee i've ever had in my life it was disgusting i don't i don't know where um i don't know i can't see the thing on the screen i have no idea where it is i'm not going to do that though i i don't know where it is i'm not going to do it i'm going to move on [Laughter] i i'm going to move on i'm not going to do it i don't know where it is on the screen i can't see it uh so i'm just going to be done all right around going back i'll go back i'll go back i don't know where is it where is it okay i can't see it i have no idea where the [ __ ] it is you guys are [ __ ] gaslighting the [ __ ] out of me stop i'm not i don't care i'm not gonna do it i'll do it right now i'll do it [Laughter] [Music] tear apart no i i told you i was going to go back i couldn't see what you were looking at get off there's so many of you hold on ah this is important oh hey guys hey you ever you ever pick up the phone and somebody it's it's a wrong number and you say oh hey wrong number hey screw you buddy you know what i mean like that's a plus two i wonder if your neighbors can hear you monkey laugh track [Music] yo what's up hey [Music] neighbors why is this person doing this for more than 10 seconds that's way too long to do a monkey like chimpanzee impression right that's way too long i did it like two or three straight minutes [Music] okay whatever that's i got my i got my laugh track ready no hold on it's got to be better like you guys got to get we got this is gonna be accurate we got two that are fine right all right so that that one's a good one so we'll we have to have a really really like a really angry one [Music] that's good and this one no that's bad this one is good no no i got better this is good [Laughter] so now if i see a bunch of minus twos i know what to press i see a lot of plus twos i know it's pressed [Laughter] and then it's if you don't like if you don't think it's funny okay play the game all right yeah yeah we go okay i'm all right right [Music] it's monkey friday that's enough okay let's go okay about yourselves i'm sweet the ladies call me captain hey we used to work the sound in this town until queen came around kk is short for cakes she made music against the law unless you make a song she likes but the only junk she enjoys are reverse diss tracks where the vocalist puts themselves down and praises the queen [Music] [Laughter] or noise music but even if queenie tries to put a limiter on us you can't stop the music hear that we'll just go underground crash boom bang [Music] that's why we made this junk shop we'll fund our musical rebellion and we make noise music too okay performance you want to see what we got can you handle this hold on to your antennas how was that how was that how was that i liked it that was good all our songs are only four seconds long okay a queen wasn't always so harsh no she was she just got worse somehow it was until that dark fountain showed up she started going into overdrive [Music] night this night that fountain that like what does that night even have going for it that i can't and i don't come on gwen zoomer tick-tock musicians [Music] but like i said she wasn't always so bad she used to give me sweets for being so sweet oh i never got candy i kept calling her a hot mama cap yeah is that wrong she looks like a mom and tends to overheat kk help me out here oh what do you think me i like candy yeah you're right kk we gotta focus on what's important if the band fights we'll get out of tune anyone have any lemon drops junk work our main gig is making scrap into machines our clients are sometimes a bit off-key though they smell off-key too like some little weird guy he wanted us to sneak into queen's mansion we're just rebels we don't want to get in trouble recently we got a real high-class client a man of taste he had a way with words i couldn't even understand him i blew my voice out doing the [ __ ] champions league [ __ ] like i it's gone i'm only two hours in now all we gotta do is follow the blueprints right it'll be our big time break yeah it's gonna break apart big time [Music] ah i need some i need some more water all right so now we can buy cd bagel you got to make it cheaper than that what the hell mecca saber all right i have a question this is a backseat question for all you guys um if i'm gonna try to just do the kind of passivist run should i even buy the weapons is there even a reason to buy them if i don't plan on swinging the sword once there's no point right okay well i should probably buy a couple things here why because i only let's buy no goodbye i'm gonna buy another one all right all right all right all right what can i sell sell pocket items you got nothing sell armor it's all the amber cards right because i don't need these [Music] don't sell them should i sell them oh no okay i did that's like okay sell weapons no sell items no you can craft okay yeah yeah you're right all right uh cool thanks guys see ya spell ya there is a terrific noise coming from the building nearby you're filled with the power of noise music okay do i have full hp i do whoa i should fight these guys because i want to have a recruit five out of five right oh wait hold on smorgasbord two all right so we need to uh you're already tired so i'm gonna pacify you so we might as well uh you we're gonna do a roar on you and then we're gonna do a wait oh [ __ ] i hit the wrong button all right roar on oh whoa whoa whoa our action bare wire wait no [ __ ] i wanted to pacify wait what oh no no no i'm stupid okay loosened up a little bit yep yep i like screamed out all my energy you know i can't belie honestly let's think of like like chimpanzees in the [ __ ] wild holy [ __ ] how are you not sleeping 20 hours a day just like screaming i i would i'm ready to go sleep okay so where chris i'm gonna act everybody's tired so we're gonna go ahead i'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna jiggle the wire then we're gonna go ahead and s-action you wait one oh i'm so dumb okay s action standard no no no no no let's just depend and then you're going to do a pacify on anybody probably you i can't imagine screaming for like 15 straight hours okay so that means now let's do i'll just defend i mean they're gonna as well might as well so once they're tired my brain is clogged right now can i just keep doing that until i cannot listen for instance can i just like keep jiggle jiggle and then not necessarily pass by will that take it off no okay so they have to be pacified once they're tired they just stay tired i got the three check marks yeah i did they can only be spared of a yellow test yes tension bit that is items tension bit [Music] raises tp by 32 in a battle okay um i need to do something if i can do it i'm going to try to controls yes confirm is going to be all right cancel let me change this to b [Music] menu x yeah that's fine uh i i don't want it to be i'm i keep pressing the wrong button that's like confirm in my brain it's where that is on the xbox controller [Music] he's actually insane no i'm not like b like b to my brain is where a is on the xbox controller b on the xbox controller is a in my brain because of super nintendo so everyone bullying okay i don't know down ee shall i help you save no i shouldn't i haven't the faintest idea what that is that feels way better yeah now i actually can play the game correctly did i miss anything what's your opinion on chili dogs eh not really i can't touch this thing it's too much it's too messy i like the flavor why do i say bombs oh if they hit that they they explode test oh what [Music] revive mint nice and more of those they have to hit the arrow has to hit it nice what else is up here wait i suppose it's something down here i didn't that just opened the ability to go up or was there like something over here [Music] okay why does this sound like a mario party song this is kind of mario party like isn't it oh come on move all right i gotta i gotta i gotta do arrow keys and [ __ ] [Music] jesus jesus 63 i can do better than that go back for the d-pad d-pad actually probably work too 63 that's not good hey what the hell are these things looks like if we ride them they might bring us over to the fountain really then let's get on i am just getting just flashbacks of that stupid-ass [ __ ] battletoads level that was impossible without a game a game shark or game genie remember that dumb level where you had to ride the thing and it was impossible you crashed into everything [Music] enough you okay hold on excuse me enough you foolish children i have been merciful to you thus far but now it's time for your unwillful imprisonment capture [Music] drop the capturing cap's house uh you missed that was not a miss it was a tactical calibration [Music] are you going to try it again no i only have like four cages okay wait i have a small plot twist for you come forward my eon [Music] um sorry i just couldn't say no oh well hi suzy um how are you [Music] uh okay i guess is everybody writing laughing my ass off m lmao why are you doing that your um roller coaster is um i i like it [Music] uh yours too [Music] thanks okay this isn't working bring in the next guy uh uh fear not my beloved loyal this valiant warrior of brave intelligence will be your knight in glow in the dark armor birdly you asked birdly to be on your team i did not ask him i did not ask him i did not ask him as lord birdly to you simpletons and soon super lord berkeley the hell does that mean i have no damn clue just go with it you see thanks to our wondrous queen we will soon rule the world and this and our turn this land of fools into smurtopia a true scientocracy where the geniuses of the world had bathed freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia by the way this is something to think about ambrosia is supposed to be like the thing the gods ate right oh they they and they shipped on ambrosia why did that turn into like a dis like disgusting [ __ ] dessert [Music] that ambrosia is gross [Music] that's what we say ambrosia is what is it's like chunks of marshmallow and like potato salad this is what the gods apparently ate oh what that sucks what a shitty [ __ ] dessert [Music] it's because you're immortal [Music] no what is it okay i'm serious like i've had ambrosia like once and i was like this like sucks is actually in it it's yeah this stuff is [ __ ] gross like macaroni salad and like fruit salad combined there's like was it mayonnaise in this oh the absolute the fruit the delectable of the gods of course what would be in it besides fruit salad and gross cheap marshmallow cubes ah yes yes bring me yes peon bring me my ambrosia i'll take that whipped cream out of the can mini marshmallows and fruits [Music] it's as if a three-year-old sat down and made their own recipe bring it to me on a platter on silver [Music] [Music] [Laughter] thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] he's immortal no it's [ __ ] why that's not like the dessert of the gods the dessert of the gods is baklava i'm telling you right now that's what ambrosia is ambrosia was baklava okay look it up it had to be [ __ ] ambrosia no it's either chocolate ice cream or it's baklava pick one [Music] no longer held back by protozoans like you [Music] and the key to that is us noel and i our power the light nerd's power [Music] the lightners [Music] oh no queen said like nerds oh i actually did thirdly queen's just manipulating you [Music] that's what she said you'd say to me i actually did that now chris must admit i feel pity for you unlike susie i always saw some potential in you join our side and i might let you scrub our royal toilet [Music] what don't say it so incredulously well if you're dead set on proving your inferiority allow me to assist you early rides in we got check bump bump x check depend defend early go use your roller coaster cars to play bump of chicken chris i get why you're getting in my way you're jealous aren't you okay birdly gives the secret sign but queen is busy with a coloring book all right so let's bump bump x everyone rides poster the whole gang will attempt to bump into birdley's car chris you're tired of being the class number three gazing distantly at noel and eyes fruited figures early shows queen his card collection queen escaped successfully uh was gonna keep doing this bump into burley's car so rather than ever studying you didn't list susie to take us down oh that little pieces come out interesting early show's queen his card collection queen escaped successfully is it 36 mercy i'm gonna keep doing it chris you are truly depraved playing in the mud with the class eliot i have so much magic right now all right i should probably heal all right chris you just normal bump susie i would like for you to bump birdly but rousey i would like for you to use major on music uh chris i am a kind and brave hero if you come to our side you may be a slightly less distant number three slightly a plus what the [ __ ] is going on in this game like talking about studying in class that we're in is that this is weird i want answers uh let's go for another bump but my car is breaking fools this is smart smoke it means my car is getting stronger go ahead bump me you bump berrians i'll show you bumper cars as a game of intellect not skill [Music] burley's coaster car thing looks sick not quite all right i need to heal regular bump regular bump and heal yourself partake chris the cipher of punishment [Music] uh car thing looks sick 96 now okay didn't play tsa no i didn't so you're right uh let's just let's knock the car down my coaster oh what that's not fair my q my queen save me in a minute dear hello everyone i have some news updates this roller coaster is not actually finished yet what does that mean a pain [Laughter] looks like this trash saved us come on oh who's king of the trash pile now good reflexes there good reflexes very good reflexes susie are you all right it's nothing i just oh ow sure you don't want me to look look at what i'm fine what are you doing uh feel better feel better after you just came up and i acting the acting oh it doesn't feel worse i guess how do you do that anyway healing thingy oh healing magic it's simple uh sushi anyone can do it i could even teach you if you're interested ask me again when it's like blood explosion magic but if you wanted i guess i could learn it and you wouldn't you know have to annoy me with it anymore sure susie next time we have a break just go already chris you like an oscar the grouch in here you dug through the trash and found a dark candy our candy was added to your items it's a trash bag that looks like an eggplant i was gonna say cash register okay oh boy oh boy i'm trashy do you know about adjusting your inventory trash cans like me can hold all sorts of things just like your storage if you get more than 12 items uh yeah not now dude sort of an emotional moment oh oh that's okay oh hell is that newbert over there [Laughter] oh new birds here sorry trash can guy this is an eggplant i'm new bird everybody loves me that's why i live in this trash no time for this guy all right so should i go up it's a lone doorframe but for some reason you can't see through it that's my man that's my man newbert by the way chris i just remembered although you can only carry 12 items around your storage will hold any extra items you pick up yeah you can access it where you check recruits enemies you spare get recruited to our town remember these are pretty useful information it is there's a fork in the path chris it seems like it might be advantageous if we split up who do you want to go with uh well rousey has the heel so i'm going to go with rousey that's i'm just basing this on how i feel with i'm i'm going to go with rousey because i susie does not have a heel right now and i'm going with rousey that's my decision that's what i've decided if anybody wants to call me cringe like i just saw five people said cringe that's fine i'm apparently i'm cringe i'm going with rousey hey why does chris get to choose all the time rousey you're going with me okay i'm gonna explain the joke i didn't do the joke i'm gonna explain it though shut down sit down not yet um i was gonna just do like a fart sound like and then go man i've been holding that in for like three hours thank god i'm alone all right all right somebody liked it somebody liked that somebody thought that was funny i'm clearing that we're not doing that again the rest of the stream i just cleared it that that voice is not happening anymore we're done [Music] i cleared it i cleared it from the xlr i don't know can i do anything else oh [ __ ] i can go this way what's that his trash house the door is locked is that just is that trashy's house i would assume probably is don't look sad you're never alone you got new bird you can hold a lot more of your storage you know but you won't be able to use it during battle check it and make sure you have what you need it's what i wanted to say but i already said it i think what don't shush me welcome to the city i just thought they were just back there [Music] if neither fluffy boys nor mean girls with you now reluctantly you are filled with the power from the cat sign [Music] hey [Music] i heard the roller coasters are undergoing maintenance that's a pain because it's our only form of public transit [Music] welcome to cyber city pedestrians need to press the switch to cross traffic [Music] oh okay about how mad would you be you're in a car and you said somebody like just press the button and the walk sign happened everybody stopped and they just don't move and then they press it again by the way can somebody correct me here i need to know this i've been told like three different things about how that system works does that actually do anything i've been told that when you press the the button it actually is just a placebo it doesn't actually do anything is that accurate [Music] some of them do some of them some do nothing it depends depends on the city so i have it to give the pedestrians something to do to make it feel like they're doing something is it placebo effect it depends on where but most actually do something okay i've heard conflicting information over the years cool oh god this is um donkey kong country the dog donkey country we have to jump and hit the lights and keep the lights on whatever it is the stop thing oh [Music] oh [Music] nice that level was brutal it really was it was horrible [Music] what are we cleaning up for you ask we don't know a parade perhaps possibly hey how about my peas i i have to switch out this thing i think when i say like oh like a peter uh peter piper picked a pick of pickled peppers right it kind of sucks right you get are you getting the uh the pops because i feel like sometimes it happens is it good [Music] i swear to god i feel like it happens a lot i think i have to get a new pop filter [Music] a large event is going to happen in the streets later we were told to make room for something big what trash dug through the trayish found 20 20 dark dollars was added to your money hole they're making room for your ass good one whoa pop-ups popped up i kind of want to kill the pop-ups all right pop-up click or bl block click i'm gonna click the pop-up you unconsciously clicked on an ad for a video about making knives out of spaghetti that made another one click here click air click click oh that sucks pop-up is preening it's weird rubbery flesh all right block why repeatedly block the ads walk 10 ads happy oh now i can see okay it's fair it's easy with no ads now click it again no [Music] i don't want to click the add again i clicked it once cd bagel nice okay what are you doing here who are you and what are you doing here chris what are you doing oh no hell sweetie don't let her find me noel sweetie darling honey where are you we're a team now remember you still have to be my willing minion chris it appears our comrades have pressed the escape key on us so it has come to this in order to find our teams [Music] we must form an uneasy truce [Music] queen of my splendid queen where are you oh no don't let him fight me [Music] ah chris not the life form i was looking for where's the rest of the c plus squad don't tell me you've got abandoned [Music] that's what you get for trusting susie huh well clean they're just they're just busy retro gaming somewhere i bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen listening to strangely groovy music [Music] oh it's come to this in order to find our respective teams it appears we must form an uneasy truce [Music] said you could double truces [Music] huh did you hear something [Music] oh hong kong no it's just the sounds of the city oh okay well i'll be ahead don't be late [Music] as part of our truce better one keep distracting birdly and find a well oh you see ah birdly he's okay there's nothing wrong with him he's just annoying toodles yes i um if it's okay got anyone for another truce no triple truces yeah we can we can have another truce i think yeah like from this would have been triple truesies no triple truces that's no i'm saying of course thanks chris well join the party what is the sugar form so um any idea where susie is well i'm just asking it's a normal question i don't know i don't know i have no idea where susie is that what's that what's that what is that what's this what's that what's that what is this um mouse sorry chris could you deal with them maybe you can get them in the other mouse hole annoying mouse room okay well i [Music] so they come out they bounce hold on how do they bounce all right so we gotta go like this i use these but i know i know i didn't what does that do no not quite i'm gonna move it over here [Music] yep uh [Music] wait mice will rotate 90 degrees when they collide with the block yeah yeah yeah i figured it out [Music] why [Music] i've already uh recruited all these what does noel do what's going on what are we doing hey what are you telling me to do act can someone please explain what's going on boy is this your first time in a battle uh well yes oh boy and vero verocon explained how battles work to noel i get it it's kind of like dragon blazers and if we're nice to you we can win through mercy yeah the way i have to do that is dressing up in a weird costume yeah you and noel show the enemy tender loving care nice ah spare okay bye what am i buying [Music] this is a new enemy envieu lances beeped towards you hospitality well acted warmly towards ambulance needles aren't scary medicine's important you know this girl's so sweet let's give her free bullets okay what the [ __ ] making siren noises with its mouth [Music] you won all right so we go let's check this guy out is good we are addison all we do is advertise this is an advertisement too advertisements now only 9.99 don't like advertisements block ads for only 9.99 change your mind bring them back for only 9.99 [Music] i was just going to run that but i don't want to like delete a third of the audience here like advertisers block ads oh same thing wait up or should i go right go right first [Music] let's go up first [Music] whoa so susie she's right there i i can't get the courage to say anything who's that person she's with anyway it's kind of like oh they're looking over here let's go how come they get to have fun at the carnival [Music] watch out for the cars stop what [Music] what's up with the cars what hey hey hey hey we did it can't even cross the street without getting my ass kicked i love this city as everyone else got plugged they're a lot more agreeable it's nice plugged [Music] jesus [Music] your cousin from boston why did you say that now you got me all [ __ ] up why did you say that [Music] your um from boston uh can i do what can i even do to you they're all offered a cold compress yeah i'm home free i love those commercials really just made it seem like everybody from boston just carries around a six-pack everywhere even to the [ __ ] doctor just a six-pack in your hand in the waiting room and in the doctor's office and [ __ ] oh can't do it quite yet aren't they the green monster yeah jeremy's from vegas now he doesn't count anymore what do you mean he's an advertisement for a giant ferris wheel gosh that's amazing makes the one at the festival look like a toy i wonder if susie would want to uh gosh who am i kidding i will ride with you [Music] no i think she would i think susie i think suzy would really you really think so i think so coming from susie expert chris [Music] hey chris how'd you become the susie expert oh two young beings together on a school night but i interest you in some brand new dating shoes um no you've got it totally wrong chris and i are just um friends [Music] this has been my neighbor forever we've been through so much sometimes it feels like we know each other better than anyone it's somehow it's hard to say we're exactly friends [Music] i i mean we're that's this is i'm no we're friends that's right we're friends we're friends it's surprisingly nice just hearing your yeah we're just friends friends ah you two don't look together can i interest you in some brand new divorcing shoes [Music] look who is this guy hey funny way to deal with crushing existential dread asking for a friend friend that looks and sounds exactly like me you're talking about me [Music] [Laughter] uh that's best that's best joke of the game so far [Music] without a doubt that was definitely the best uh routine so far [Music] oh leave me alone i just gotta move [Music] i go down oh i go down oh hey looks like you need to hold it down yeah can you stand over here you keep standing on this one i'll stand on this one and now you come over here nice teamwork yeah that was nice teamwork [Music] the game lost in the craftsmanship of the boxes [Music] [Applause] oh it's the queen she's right over there did you distract her somehow oh i'm laughing my ass off you're here sorry chris well i've been looking for noel i've had like four of these all ages appropriate glasses of pure battery acid [Music] don't worry that was my throwing glass it's safe look chris crisscross applesauce now that we are true sees i feel like we are on the same uh mathematical wavelength and you get me chris you do not do you you do not do crazy things like have opinions or scream when i capture you or tell me horrible plans for smart boy theme park i just cannot compute it why everyone else is so ungrateful i learned that from master shake whoops that was my extra dangerous glass chris [Music] i just want to make everyone smile and if i become an evil villain to accomplish that is that bad [Music] it's okay you do not have to answer you would be wrong but chris well we're still truces maybe we could make the most of it we could play that game again wasn't that fun chris [Music] just you and me having a good time no one else to get in the way [Music] queen i've been looking everywhere to show you this a monument to our greatness together [Music] oh um i i oh oh oh oh oh how do i put this very smart so smart you are i love tolerating you i knew you'd be enamored such perfect taste very cool statues i did not know you had uh nipples i will soon in our ideal world chris feel free to admire our artisanship queen and i have plans to consider oh yes sir oh good looking forward to that [Music] yeah let's go uh burglary [Music] keep going i'm right behind you [Music] lowering the volume baby sorry chris i must all tab out of here wow cool face cool face looks like my disguise worked it's silly looking but it beats hiding let's get going krish look it's you oh oh i can't see anything huh i guess i'll try not to wear it unless i have to okay let's go for real this time [Music] what is this that's a big laugh that's like a [ __ ] you chris can you stop looking at this [Music] you became lost in the craftsmanship why do we have to look at it twice because there's so much to look at here chris it's a work of art what part are you looking at if i say i like it will you stop looking at it isn't this thing just the best the statue seems to suck bad chris there's no reason to look at this there's no reason to look at this anymore there's no reason [Music] oh it's our friends [Music] energetic music buffs from the boxes filled with the power of musical bagels [Music] oh i hope you didn't hear that i think the music was covering it but like a frog sound came out of my mouth because i you know what i mean i internally burped what'll it be chief i got cd bagels 80 pop [Music] uh let's just talk who is that uh mad moiselle leave her alone cap nice radio antenna you got there those are antlers cap huh oh let's play her a song [Music] i was waiting how's it hanging we're making some extra money by selling in the city we gotta make those bucks somehow gotta buy new gear gotta get new kicks i wanna be a car good thinking kk gotta have a way to get around honk honk [Music] you like the big statue building it sucked took a lot of scrap the other job we did was way better it was big it's gonna blow your mind it was big i don't think i need any items but all they have is bagels okay i'm gonna buy [Music] i'm gonna buy two bagels [Music] because i don't think i have a heel right [Music] i feel like there's probably a boss coming on here what kind of bagels do you like uh i like everything bagels one problem with everything bagels though is you are going to have to clean your counter it's about how careful you are doesn't matter what you use for a plate or a thing to hold it um a little like bird seed is gonna be all over your entire counter and it's a pain absolute ass [Music] you take a bite out of an everything bagel it's like being at the beach like sand just gets in your underwear but it's worth it welcome to cyber shoes 2. free samples would you like one sure you got a small shoe with a toothpick through it [Music] i like that [Music] wait can i get another free sample that means i have two shoes [Music] these i'm begging you these voices are cringe what do you want me to do this is the hottest tea shop hot hot hot 50 off for a hundred dollars choose your own flavor sure okay choose your own flavor what me okay here you go chris t was added to your items what its own flavored tea the flavor just says crisp okay here you go lt was added to your items all right i'm running a room click on lancer oh thanks for the free sample i couldn't eat another bite [Music] all right wait um i don't want to fight you i don't want to fight you don't hey what they're already tired stop doing the [ __ ] boston guy thing all right so how do i do this if i don't have pacified oh noel can do it okay oh sleep missed spare tired okay i see oh it's all good i think i can actually spare it should work oh i thought it was gonna be yellow the first one was yellow i did that only one time why was it not yellow this time [ __ ] and now you're no you're not all right but whatever sleekness [Music] i just oh it's i thought they were in front of me not above me [Music] honest tea shop okay yeah let's go over to the right no but if you don't choose a flavor who will sleep miss will spirit all ooh cool it's a mannequin with a dress on it [Music] clothing store sale sale we're selling this for 75 off only 300 dark dollars great doing business with you just add it to your armories [Music] where is it [Music] that's your armors [Music] i don't see it where is it oh mannequin it's a mannequin with the clothes permanently oh [Music] you [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] bye bye bye we're sold out whatever oh [ __ ] all right wait how do i get over there [Music] wait did you have to go up oh god okay whoa oh no oh all right here we go ready [Music] three two one go [Music] go like another electric wall [Music] this hole is a switch inside oh [ __ ] it's gonna be horrible that's something inside what do you think it's a hole for mice to enter into [Music] left right wait a minute [Music] oh goodness okay well [Music] i didn't even what are you doing [Music] [Music] make him come out how do they come out oh okay sorry my iced coffee is okay listen listen my iced coffee is huge it's here right in front of my monitor on the bottom right side of my monitor and it's [ __ ] enormous and it's covering that text so okay i get it this is like a 32 ounce tall starbucks cup it's gigantic [Music] [ __ ] what do i do can't move oh god i killed them [Music] okay so they have to go oh [ __ ] all right so wait a minute i gotta get the first part right [Music] it's not right [Music] it's not right [Music] all right that's not right all right it's not right [Music] not right that's right okay [Music] [Music] huh the force field's still up why did we miss something hello oh do it again gary just you're gonna get scared over it [Music] i can't believe you made those mice do that huh i guess landing on the switch turned off the force field let's go [Music] not yet [Music] um what am i doing [Music] i mean i looked at chat and chad said i need to go down and i'm cheating so what i said no back seating what are you guys doing i saw somebody in chat saying you have to go down what did you do [Music] [ __ ] [Music] well that yeah they made me do this i didn't do it okay here we go whoa all right [Music] go go why i want to go down what the [ __ ] what go down oh my god go [Music] [Laughter] okay so what the what do i understand what am i doing down here [Music] why did i do this [Music] or further down what [Music] more down here [Music] what are you guys talking about let's do it on the yellow side oh [Music] i'm pulling my hair out leave your hair in it's fine [Music] what the [ __ ] dude [Music] i keep getting stuck on [ __ ] this is [ __ ] hard man this is hard i keep getting stuck [Music] oh there it is no this blockages i it's like a maze okay wait [Music] it's like left right left down i'm not that's over [Music] you have to go it's like weird this blockage is down there [Music] oh my [ __ ] god i don't get it [Music] one two one two oh my [ __ ] [Music] oh i think i got it come on you got it [Music] what i do all this for okay wait oh that's what i came down here for it's a dumpster seems like there's a pillow inside okay [Music] room between there is a room between it was not worth it not really no [Music] it was worth it i mean it was kind of worth it [Music] oh [ __ ] i have to get back up can i go down even more [Music] go left huh [Music] fun you found them whoa why did they look so pleased what is it [Music] is it in storage [Music] now it was worth it yeah all right powers [Music] act heal no where is it leave this room again and answer it no look at your title those are the titles let's say delta runes second chapter what it sucks right well remember i haven't i don't i didn't like remember much of this [ __ ] from the first time i played this i played three years ago and i don't know what happens in this game so i can't make like a funny title to reference the game because it's been a while yeah i did a refresher course but i didn't think of any funny material to put here [Music] this i think that so far i think that's fine what what's wrong with it is there like a typo [Music] delta rune second chapter that's not what i mean the type the title in game turbo what [Music] [Music] in-game title what are you talking about just ignore them okay i don't get it i don't get it i don't understand [Music] [Music] in i don't have an inju what your character class is now moss finder um all right okay wait the citizens duty to properly rotate and release mice using the traffic signs engage and disengage okay yeah yeah yeah [Music] cheese free cheese [Music] chris you aren't going to touch that cheese are you i'm going to touch the cheese you rub the cheese down like a beloved pet suddenly uh mouse blocked away i love maz crap all [ __ ] i want it tired of being pushed around i was just thinking about overly elaborate machines all right let's get it [ __ ] you think you're the big cheese the enemy one to three you won do i get cheese i never want to see cheese ever again jeez was destroyed in the heat of battle feels like you lost sight of what was important [Music] wait there's a chest over [Music] here chris [Music] oh if you touch the cheese it's like operation i'm glad i did this though because i wanna i wanna recruit free left right left right this way that way this way that way is there a mouse on the screen oh okay i get it all right nice nice bear created three oh [ __ ] it's like you lost sight of what was important damn it this just feels too easy just to get it right you open the chest it was a cd bagel i should i probably should eat one of these yeah i'm gonna eat one use a cd bagel [Music] [Music] deer the dead end one of these [Music] hi switch didn't seem to work oh the platform's falling help me [Music] come on oh sorry chris you just saved me didn't you oh my god this one's falling too [Music] yeah who the [ __ ] is this ah chris stuck on this potholizer i thought i heard noel calling for help but i get that sound i get what that sound was now okay i can't the brain must i can't read both you you read it talk on a puzzle just like this one he's put a powerless adult without my help [Music] what i love i love moe i love mo i love moo mouse i love mouse you love mouses [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i love mouse uh how did you uh how did you solve that uh even a broken clock is right once a day uh and chris if anyone asks uh i solved the puzzle not fair for you to get extra credit for a fluke get it but no one think otherwise especially susie you know she just lord it over me gosh no i don't think i'm afraid of mice anymore actually i think they might be kind of cute let's keep going the well is now immune to mice that's good [Music] let me go to storage for a second all right i have a dog dollar [Music] revive man heals a fallen ally to max hp okay i just store these tees [Music] dog doll a dollar with a certain dog on it it's value decreases each chapter okay um what do i do with this thing [Music] i'm going to keep the teas [Music] [Music] you dug through the trash and found twenty dollars [Music] you dug through the trash and found eighty dollars ah pop-up and mouse appeared well cheered rightly i don't like the mouse i'll tell you why the mouse is the one that's hitting me the most it's just the spiders from binding of isaac something about that movement pattern they'll like move pause pause move pause move nope i hate it it follows you i know it repeats your movements [Music] cd bagel actually i'm gonna eat one now what oh well what are you doing with chris i um we have a truce uh a truce with chris that's impossible that would be double truces huh worry not my dearest noel i know what you really want to say you do uh going along with all this you feel forced don't you that's why you're not with queen right now birdly you get it yes i do chris is forcing you to be on their side kidnapper chris our truce is over uh well it's my heart let's help you [Music] wait just listen eat thirdly blocks away all right what do we got birdly uh play smart let's check birdly for fun and defend usually only gets this mad when you play games together chris i get it your head's gotten big from solving that puzzle by dumb luck oh this is tricky okay okay i gotta get to get the pattern out all right let's do uh play dumb play dumb play dumb and i need to heal i shuck you look acted like you were an idiot next to burley's genius chris a shame i must have beats episode lowly i really liked that [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] well tried to talk to birdly birdly i'm glad you're trying to help me i need to thank me dearest noel accidentally complimented guess what chris i have one or two more things you'll never have behold comrades all right i need to play smart you encourage noel to use her mind her magic increased birdly found her smarts appealing that's right chris unlike you i have a loving team behind me and you'll never beat us fighting alone somebody said please kill birdly um hey hold on um no i can't [ __ ] all right act i gotta get rid of these guys so i'm gonna heal her and she's gonna do the mist sweetness bye my allies are gone they're probably just helping queen search for me okay early crushes his smart scouter out of frustration hey smart the occasional these are mine her magic increased early found her smarts appealing summon more guys i don't need to do that just wait the original ones are going to come back any minute now there you go again almost there are you hitting me don't worry it's part of my calculations [ __ ] in my pants come on all right how is he at now i gotta check holy halberd grant me strength all right let me see spare you're at 76 all right let's do that one more time play smart you're encouraging well to use her mind i could smart partake chris the zephyr of punishment see that 92 all right i just have to do that one more time so i'm gonna heal and she's gonna yeah sadie bagel myself and then have her do her thing and action standard now we should be 100 time to uh do pacify oh i don't even need to [Music] damn it early are you okay first maybe we should have gone easier on him oh easier [Laughter] the only one going easy mode was me you look exhausted i'm only tired of holding back my true power [Music] it'll be too simple to save you now chris go ahead and train your strength values try hard and maybe someday you'll be a worthy rival sometimes i can't believe how cool i am if he would just listen after defeating birdly a certain scent hangs in the air you're filled with the power of chicken nuggets what he smells like chicken nuggets now i want that now that's what i want interesting all right are they all going to move or i'm kind of concerned about this no we're good noel honey where are you oh no here she comes oh welcome home i made you a battery action pie [Music] oh chris perfect timing have you seen oh my luxurious queen oh my circuit's chris get in the car [Music] my queen where are you i baked you a gamer's delight she's not here gamer gamer's delight that was close [Music] chris who is your friend my face recognition software does not compute them [Music] and yet something about them seems cool robotic even [Music] chris we must drive to find a well everyone get in the car [Music] there's press directional buttons to steer first don't hit the cars [Music] so much traffic isn't it wonderful lighteners love traffic they look it up all the time poor noel i can't look i can't read that [Music] stop everything first get the banana stop why potassium [Music] stop everything here comes a crossing to get ready to stop i can i oh my circuits it's a traffic jam a dog must have wandered in the road again chris be a dear and go press the walk button it's just over on the other side of the road um i'll go too no you must stay until you hear all of my mixtape oh okay first hurry up please [Music] next up is my cd of vintage hard disk noises first please hurry buy queen clean the most popular cleaning flavors clean clean made of 100 acid hey every it's me everybody's favorite number one rated salesman 1997. thank you that's not [Music] hey looks like you're all alone on a late night all your friends are abandoning you for the slime yeah you are tails gone down that uh drain the drain let me get a goddamn garbage can oh i've got a special deal for lonely hearts like you if you've lost control of your life then you're just gonna grab it by those silly strings oh why be the little sponge who hates the trough 109 life when you could be a big shot big shot a big shot that's right now's your chance to be a big shot and i have jet the thing you need that's [Music] hyperlink blocked you want it you want it blocked don't you want it well i have i got a deal for you all you have to do is show me your heart-shaped object you're a lightner are you a lighter you've got the light why don't you uh as what is everybody showing me shortly don't you wanna be a big shot [Music] okay check spamton he wants to make a deal but don't give him your money frederick kroger there's nothing wrong with having a nice splurge every once in a while okay don't make a deal hey i've never seen a heart-shaped object like that before my eyes are burning like dvds of any movie are that right i have a very special deal for you kid tell me more not interested wrong answer wrong wrong try again eat local singles straight from my [Music] there's nothing wrong there's nothing wrong [ __ ] oh i didn't come into this prepared at all did i oh [Music] big and win wild prizes congratulations you are the 100th visitor click here to die okay let's make a deal hidden business you need to say you're interested all right tell me more that's the attitude you little slime heels like this only come once in your ant size rapidly shrinking life get big and win stanton flash is an award-losing smile heal deal what oh i can he can i do deal again deal believe it or i used to be a big shot the biggest shot but now i need a little generosity didn't say don't give him money it said don't give him money that's right and i don't mean money i'm a salesman i was never ready for the money enlarge yourself okay and i was like what's he at 40 all right deal i was only ever in it for the freedom make your own deals to call your own shots and sometimes in the morning a little hyperlink blocked again sounds good as a kid don't you want to be just like your old pal take the deal take the deal i don't think i i don't think i would no i'm going to take the deal take the deal now that's what i'm talking about you got guts killed that's discomfort and abdominal pain in my guts and we can win wild prices oh all right i get it where's he at sixty percent i gotta heal if i heal deal i heal sixty deal and heal sixty let's do it don't worry kid i will give you deal insurance only for low low price of a thousand kromer an awesome price an absolutely terrifying price which is so low everyone everyone i know is dead [Music] i'm not going to buy the insurance what you don't have enough wacky snacks kid you're killing me [Laughter] please stop killing me i'll give you another deal press f1 for help okay congratulations what all right he's at 80 percent all right deal don't worry kids i'm an honest man i just need your account details and the number on the back of the card and you can enjoy a thousand feet over i refuse what you don't need it that's a real big shot move kid you're like me desperate we know what we want don't we wild prizes hot single 100 customer and most of all will you take the final deal remember this is up to you i won't force you i'll take and a deal's a deal pleasure doing business with you kid oh he took 24 dollars now on to the next step i'll be waiting at my homemade storefront site in the trash area closed for repairs come alone and don't forget to like and subscribe for he's in the trash house yeah he's in the trash house we gotta go to the trash house now don't we it's a dumpster it looks like there's a pillow inside the poster is torn revealing a faded one underneath big shot autos take a ride around town and are special the rest is cut off cool should i go there now i'm assuming i'll get access to like the actual hub world again right i loved that guy that guy was that guy was awesome oh right i forgot about this [Music] first we have to drive to find noel turn on the high beams when she sees the queen's signal she will come running why does he need to find noel so badly what are you saying the city is dangerous imagine poor noel clipping into a wall somewhere wasting away from potassium deficiency you're actually worried about her it would be if i wasn't going to find her but why her wait let me guess is it because she's weak enough to make it and you can make me and make the person into a peony oh no just the opposite it's because she's strong what huh chris stop the car what's wrong with it phew i was just concerned because it hadn't exploded yet looks like we'll have to split up on foot she's such a weirdo chris if you see noel tell her my knowledge of her preferences is absolute and if she needs proof use this queen's mixtape was thrown into your key items phew somehow i feel like we're almost out of here let's go chris check on lancer hey thanks for the tape i was hungry push my tummy to hear a cool song [Music] that's it [Music] so [Music] nice gosh that was close wasn't it chris this strange world this big city it's so wild it kind of makes my head spin looks like another puzzle maybe if i go down here hey e e i said the city makes my head spin i didn't mean in a bad way you know i was wanting to go someplace new you know eec and des always told me she'd take me somewhere like this somewhere with shining lights d-e-c e c why don't you miss exploring chris back when the four of us were kids gosh remember that night we explored the forest behind the graveyard december i know we never found anything interesting back there i mostly remember crying because i was scared december for some reason i feel nostalgic thinking about it yes yes wiping away my tears with the warm sleeves that smell like cinnamon i guess i didn't mind being scared if it meant someone would comfort me december chris is the only one who knows how weird i am it's not fair you know everyone knows how weird you are december we got deals the ball throwing game prizes are seated under the counter [Music] ball throwing game prizes under the counter it's a ball throwing game prizes seated under the counter right a lot of all throwing games does this matter does placement of this stuff matter i feel like it's i feel like it does why [Music] oh no she's coming back i'll hide in that stall [Music] hey check this out sweet right where's my prize oh um here nice wait i actually don't want this [Music] nobody does how was that susie you're not supposed to attack people with it oh yeah watch me chris there you are first check out my new attack lost two healing you felt slightly healed how's that meet the new healing master chris oh yes she is a real master at it chris god teaching you sarcasm was a mistake oh chris what's that you have there is that a gift for someone give you birdly give to noel give to rousey give to susie give to birdly who do i want to give this to i think i want to give this to birdly uh chris have you seen oh chris we took a break from trucing for one second and you're already back with susie uh should have expected this you couldn't keep up with my puzzle solving skills here of me with nipples um i guess i'll forgive you for now see you chris all right why the hell did you give it to burleigh why did you give it to birdly what ex unexpected kindness let's just get the hell out of here wait oh well the hell were you doing in there that's cheating i um i'm i'm glad you're okay though since that stupid queen took you i was kind of worried uh yeah i don't thump thump that's the foot tap wait aren't you on their side huh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait uh i i chris help me she is our enemy now we have a truce that's right we have a truce chris said i could be on your team oh really well if chris said so i guess didn't really want to kill you anyway so get in line already oh okay chris also said i should be behind susie uh well chris said so let's go already uh guess i'll join too but only for this room [Laughter] yeah our party is complete it's funny oh save point um i should probably go pee yeah let's go all right let me take a break i'm gonna get some water and we'll take a quick brb i'll be back in like two or three minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi uh i'm back but i am crunching on some almonds good gamer snack so give me one second [Music] [Music] i'm going to go on a limb here and say that just like roasted almonds like salted roasted almonds that's the best gamer snack it's quick you don't need to eat very many of them peanuts too but especially almonds they're calorie dense nutrient dense very crunchy they're very crunchy as you can tell that was larry i was just doing larry david very crunchy very no they're crushing crunchy [Music] all right let's go [Music] chat monkey mode engage all right should i go up all right status report update [Music] those of you that have played this how many more hours from now until i've received the completion of chapter two's completion [Music] okay about two to three hours at this pace about three or four hours okay okay okay you're exactly halfway through really [Music] about two or three okay okay [Music] so what here's what's probably gonna happen [Music] we're gonna go for a little longer probably like another hour i'd say [Music] and then tomorrow we're going to open with this i'm going to complete it and then we'll move on to the umbrella game [Music] because don't i don't like blow through this [Music] you know i mean i don't want to just like do a seven hour stream and like eight hours from blow throughs and just forget it tomorrow [Music] you also have to do the secret boss i'll try all right so we'll go for like another hour let's go take the stairs the teacups what's the point of that [Music] um [Music] wait i know um to turn off that force field just stay standing on this switch huh [Music] well see you later wait what okay [Music] the treasure of air where three are one place one two three perhaps it means we all have to enter one teacup i don't like doing it but it works okay [Music] [Music] you're reading a tuna melt i wish for a split second and i mean like one full second i could snap my fingers and just be you for one second right when you take a bite like you bite down i'm i'm you now i'm not you i just you know what i mean god i just want to be you for one second i was like i want to eat that delicious [ __ ] tuna milk okay you want to possess somebody no i wait what happened it worked why you you're so high no i what are you talking about [Music] well do we have tuna haters in the chat right here let's do a tuna fish sandwich [Music] we don't right [Music] nothing in here [Music] all for nothing is good [Music] first don't take too long okay wait one [Music] more silence [Music] it is amazing [Music] well let me rephrase that i like tuna i hold on sorry let me redo that i like tuna but it has to be hooked all the way through i'm talking to him from the can [Music] let me show you my ultimate healing move get hit avoid lucy told you to avoid getting hit by the ambulances okay it smells like ice cream isopropyl alcohol it is amazing from the can yeah that's how i like it like that you take it out of the can mush it up with a fork get it to i don't know this might sound gross but it's not you get it to a paste consistency slightly chunky don't go too crazy so it's not like like baby puke i mean [Music] cat food yeah okay sure [Music] so um why are you all riding a tea cup together [Music] nuclear bunker andy no you have no idea going to school opening up my lunch and i had a tuna sandwich in there that was a big deal it's like wait mom what's in there what's the sandwich usually it would be just like bologna and american cheese right oh man what if it was two and a fish we were eating that day it was amazing if that was in there i would eat it so fast too fast we were eating fast that day [Music] wait oh where'd they all go oh wait didn't the hacker do this [Music] you're being invaded hey i don't want to pop the balloons no i want to keep the balloons [Music] oh no jeez all right can i get all three of them uh we'll do that [Music] alright being pushed around okay inspired well now let's actually act rap all spare get all right i got two gamble time i'm doing a scratch off ticket if i win money i'll gift subs let's bet how much i'll win if you get it right you get 30 of when i win um here's what's gonna happen you are going to scratch off let's say that there's eight slots eight slots right you're gonna win on every single one of them you're gonna win on all eight you're gonna match eight of your numbers you're gonna be freaking out and you're gonna go to the bottom to see what you won and it's gonna be two dollars for each slot now that's the worst [Music] but you know this time this time here's what i want to hope happens oh this time you get one just instant win you don't have to match any numbers or anything done with the match and it's like a hundred thousand dollars i hope that happens to you and i don't want you to give me any of it goals in the chat what's up job what's going on i just what he just you don't have to like he's just watching he's just hanging out i hope you won a hundred thousand michael do i like the game yeah i think it's really good it's really fun really funny what the [ __ ] are you doing i'm gonna hang out sometime we still have like the the first um part of the second half of the tutorial in uh halo infinite so i mean if you're on [Music] oh i always i don't like the spiders and finding isaac are the worst there we go hey susie the hell you blaming me for you made the trap what oh it tricked me i don't like this one i'm very hard with this one she ate the cheese is this the time that you played halo on impossible difficulty and hated it yes the only time i've ever played halo in my life we played it on impossible and we didn't even make it out of the tutorial and i never played it again and i hate the series that's so [ __ ] up oh wait a second where's noel [Music] sorry i just never seen fireworks up close before [ __ ] you for that what those bullets what you scared uh um i guess so maybe that's why i couldn't stop watching [Music] [ __ ] you for doing that hero to catch mice okay oh how do we you put the mice in the hole ah okay i get it [Music] wait i need a mouse how do i get him out oh okay you have to let him go [Music] what do i think about the final smash dlc fighter i don't even know who it is wait i don't think they even announced it yet aren't they announcing that like next week 20 more maybe if we um split up the world i wonder who it's going to be i'll be here honestly because this is the last smash character ever right i don't know are they gonna make another smash brothers they kind of can't if they make another smash brothers they can't who they're going to add for characters like mr clean how are they going to do this again make a prediction okay i'm going to make a prediction um yeah and unless they start adding serial mascots there's no way there's going to be another smash brothers i'm going to say because okay they're either going to do one of two things the first thing they're going to do is they're going to do some incredibly iconic video game character that is not there yet like i don't know like the doom guy right i've i saw that floating around before and that would make a little bit of sense like oh doom like gaming history right but what they probably are going to do it's probably going to be crash bandicoot because that would be the ultimate nintendo microsoft a collaboration between every third party it's probably going to be crash bandicoot it probably will it's like playstation sony sega microsoft i'll tell you oh all right if all right here's what prediction i'll make that will make me really upset it better not be a fire emblem character right that would be like you can't do that for the final character if it wasn't gonna be crash bandicoot or i don't know i should shinkara miyamoto can i say like that i don't know that might that would be actually that could happen it's not going to be waluigi no that that that unless it's what is it april 1st i hope they put mario in phoenix wright i don't know phoenix wright's gonna be the last character i'm trying to think of anybody else that i think would actually be in the final slot i don't know i'm sorry i don't play the gameplay i know give me one more second crash bandicoot doomguy sugar miyamoto or i'll give you one like the top four um i don't [ __ ] ronald mcdonald i don't know that'd be awesome okay let me ask you would you be upset if ronald mcdonald was the last character no you'd be you'd be so happy everybody would go crazy i've said this before but i'll tell you where they really messed up is not putting scrooge mcduck in the game because that was a classic nintendo game he has a move set that makes perfect sense he's got the pogo he's got the gems he's got the golf swing it was a mistake then i'll put him in there and you already have disney [ __ ] in the game with the uh you go wait did they have do they have disney [ __ ] in the game is there disney [ __ ] in the game [ __ ] it's gonna be sora no it's not nobody cares about kingdom hearts right now that should have been like a year ago no it's not gonna be sora now okay i would have agreed with sora if this was like 2019 or like early 2020 nope too late rayman would be cool i'll release the mice susie will break the balloons when they reach the top chrono from chrono trigger no oh they don't give a [ __ ] about that franchise susie will break the balloons when they reach the top and chris you catch them okay they picked the characters in november 2019. oh that's you know that's right that's actually correct it really might be sora but don't you think you would do that not as the last character oops all right hold on because honestly if you had okay the final character of the dlc should be banjo-kazooie right unless you got somebody better than that think about it who have they put in the game so far that has like a huge impact on all of video games i'm very bad at this i'm saying like who could it be possibly that's more ridiculous than banjo minecraft steve yeah but then who would the final person be it's not gonna be sora if it was gonna be sora sora would have been announced where banjo was announced and banjo would be the last character you see what i'm saying because kingdom hearts 3 was relevant back then not now master chief i don't know about that hell yeah take that you stupid mice i seeing you enjoy puzzles suzy there aren't awful if you do them like that not bad now well that was kind of smart maybe a tetris block yeah i mean nobody really thought that piranha plant was going to be in the game but that kind of just came out of nowhere can i okay let's i'm going to pay attention to the game but you have my thoughts crash bandicoot doom guy miyamoto uh a regular nintendo nes where the controllers are your arms and like two nes light guns or your legs is also i don't know maybe a possibility [Music] i need one [Music] he's so high oh look we're finally close to the fountain it's queen's mansion what why did we come here [Music] chris you brought noel right to me i knew artruce was the best but unfortunately that means true seas are over well get over here but i noelle i will only say it one time infinitely get over here get over here get over here get over here get over here get over here i noelle are you hesitating let me if then this for you how about if you don't listen then a certain bird might take a ride in the acid river birdly [Music] that's right he was just with us we must have captured him and we weren't looking i'm sorry chris susie i i wish i could have stayed with you longer i can't let birdly get hurt you know [Music] don't be sad noel honey all that remains is the final step uh a splendorous queen there you are sorry i thought i saw you in a used game store and uh oh noel are you okay you look a little funny okay plan b captured huh what are you doing i see now her will must be unleashed by force perhaps if i make her face into a robot one uh well you said you wouldn't do that if i variable lying set to true uh we were going to be smart together that's not fair understood fairness activated hey good thing i calibrated those cages you said i could trust you how do you know how do i know i could trust you you said you were a gamer birdly i only play mobile games no one of you is going to help me with my plan and it's going to be noel the rest of you go to your rooms i only play mobile games not a real gamer what are you going to do with me oh damn you're still here i only paid four cages i literally don't know how do you like your new room units as you can see they are perfectly suited to your interests which i gleaned from your internet search results i estimate you will have no desire to leave please tantalize yourself with your surroundings and wait patiently while i dominate the world chris hey can you hear me looks like there's some way to communicate between rooms convenient isn't it i've really thought of everything shut up anyway let's think of some way to get out of here rousey you got any bright ideas uh hey where the hell's rousey damn that's soft yet tender screaming chris that's gotta be him quick we gotta think of some way to get out anything you smuggled in that might help us lancer i take the lancer cookie maybe he'll come out and help oh it's me lancer release me and i will release you miss me because i miss you lancer not you i thought you ditched us no i love ditches but i never did you i was simply relaxing in christmas spacious pants oh pocket yes and i saw it oh pants then various items a wild mom puts you in some shark cages uh yeah or a trap so uh hey wait did you see us on the roller coaster yes it was amazing my first coaster ride ever i left getting nauseous with friends hey hey you should probably uh free us oh right yes you can always rely on friendly me i always swallowed it i was choked in my own life you're free [Music] i have no idea how to use this request new item for room that sounds good i should request shuffle quantity let's say uh 999 oh it worked let's go blue person whose name i know jelly in the shape of various knives from search query sharpest kitchen knife jello it's a calendar with college vacations circled from search query summer vacation college when jungler's book on jongling and other tricks from search query how to use magic it's two pixelated tutorials playing the piano search video game piano tutorial i'll get out of here it's a vhs explaining how to install video game piano from search query video game piano tutorial use the communication device yes you put your whole head inside and honked chris what the hell are you doing trying to fit your head okay yeah me too hey we don't have time for this it's dozens and dozens of bath bombs from search prairie diy bath bomb all right let's go chris hey man lancer you're the best come on noelle and rousey are waiting yes let's put the pedal on the battle what hey lance are you okay i i'm fine i'm just very cold hey what the hell are you okay dude here let me help you [Music] thanks susie but i no it's not strong enough quick chris let's find rousey maybe he can heal him [Music] uh wait wait you two aren't going to leave without me are you uh yeah we are uh apart noel my damsel in distress she must be in distress uh i if i cannot help person okay fine come with us shut up the nameplate reads burglary i mean birdly peak inside yes but you saw surprised you sort of okay nameplate reads caddy's room peek inside sure wallpapered with the pink cat ad from the city it's animated too [Music] nameplate reads jockington's room peek inside sure beautiful is there a save point you've escaped from your second personalized room of the day you're filled with the power of vacation homes [Music] this is an ideal stopping point just so you know the final act of the chapter kind of starts here oh okay um i'm okay this is like we're going to the final like hour or two and that guy um hold on just a minute because oh it's all the shovels seems like the room is overflowing with shovels and you don't have anything to dig through them with who said that [Music] whoa it's a copy of an online skateboarding game from search for a cool skateboarding game online somewhat glitched out hologram from the search query uh accidental smash on the keyboard susie's talk tube thing looks a bit bigger for her larger head an egg into the egg it's warm um can hardboiled eggs hatch [Music] vacuum powered book from search query losers this library sucks [Music] can i go in any of the rooms [Music] you respected the gamer's code no screen peeking [Music] you can smell the glittery cat food from here anyways uh let's know you feel like noel would enjoy this more [Music] azrael's room peek inside yes you open the door with your eyes closed you saw nothing with a feeling you wouldn't learn anything [Music] it's like a puzzle i think uh think you can do it chris arm your skinless boneless thighs everyone i'll think of a solution chris just ignore him i'll just be over here where i can't hear you i'll be here away from your iq debuffing aura [Music] these dark bulbs will cast a bright shadow on the ground [Music] why are you doing a castle griffon state voice i don't know because he's like i'm a hero i'm a champion he's like larping so that's why fill in the space with a dark to unlock the way [Music] all right see you tomorrow oh [ __ ] i can't leave ah chris still stumped by this simple diversion i'll put your neurons back in the crayon box chris i can already feel the solution welling up in my brain cavity that's what i will say now go i saved it back there yeah all right if this is a good stopping point then this is a good stopping point i'm gonna i'm streaming tomorrow we're doing two days this weekend so don't worry [Music] this is a good point yeah this is all right so tomorrow might be a little longer then maybe because if this is only like another two hours maybe three hours less than the umbrella game [Music] the other thing that makes sense because i think there's like two or three there's like two or three hours in the umbrella game left and there's like two hours left in this so that's a should be like a five to six hour stream tomorrow [Music] you have about two hours to completion if you do the secret area yeah then that makes sense then because i want time tomorrow to be able to well not time tomorrow i want um i want to have enough content tomorrow because i don't know if the umbrella game has more than an hour or two [Music] two hours pepe left [Music] well like three hours to be honest yeah but i think we'll be okay [Music] depends how long you take on some of the bosses yeah and look tomorrow it we can go a little long tomorrow it's fine i wanted to make sure i started it and got to a point where we could do it again tomorrow [Music] okay and look i don't look if we if the next if it takes four or five hours to do tomorrow then whatever i'll play that'll be it i don't want to rush through this that's the problem i want to like take a time to like actually take in the information and stuff before i don't know if you guys remember if a game was like seven to eight hours before like seven-ish hours i would just blow through the whole thing in one stream sometimes and then just be done with it and then just like okay that's it see you later um i really want to like process this [ __ ] it's like i've been waiting for this game to come out for a while i don't want to like just inhale like eight hours of a gamer session and just forget the whole game i need my turtle half to process the game yeah we'll see you tomorrow uh start at the same time two o'clock pacific [Music] we'll finish this and if this time we'll finish the umbrella again [Music] have a great rest of your evening [Music] we're not done yet because i'm gonna go like this thanks for the subs appreciate it everybody thank you very much appreciated [Music] a little shorter than usual but you know these days i don't really have a timer but i do want each stream to be at least four to five hours if we go a little long tomorrow any grotto beast thing when grotto beast we will be talking very very deeply about grotto beasts i'm hoping very deeply and i mean very deeply [Music] about a month from now you'll be hearing a lot about it i would say because i really want to make sure that it's possible to get it out for this year's like holiday season that's what we're trying to do see if we hit that target [Music] throttle beast tournament prize pool [Music] philosophical grotto beast discussion with professor german [Music] wait what is grotto beast you don't even need to know until i tell you probably three or four weeks from now [Music] but i think before that you'll probably hear about a few things especially considering well you know why don't we just yeah you know maybe tomorrow or the night no no no i don't want to let me talk to people today and tonight and tomorrow and make sure i get you some correct information so maybe we'll talk about some stuff tomorrow so now that you said that it's gonna be another three months [Music] well i mean technically it might probably is going to be three months before you can see it because that's what i want to have you be able to get it [Music] turn that off i don't have a release date for it all i know is i want to be able to have it accessible before the end of december that's what i want if it's possible we'll see if not then it'll come probably shortly after that help ow oh that's the tip of the hats so if you didn't know uh actually a lot of people that probably are new to the channel don't really know that much about me maybe more than the last few years uh but there was the team fortress 2 community did a charity event every year called tip of the hats and i would participate in it as of probably i'd say like a few years ago and i think they're doing their final one this next couple of days i think so go uh definitely go support them all the the old tf2 guys i think they've moved on too i think they're doing like valorant stuff now and um they're all really really good people so uh we're gonna raid them this is the final one go support it go say hello and i will see you guys tomorrow oh they're ending right now all right hold this for tomorrow hold this for tomorrow it just ended oh [ __ ] [ __ ] all right i think they're going tomorrow they'll be back tomorrow all right we'll get them tomorrow hold hold till tomorrow we're going there tomorrow bad timing andy but honestly like okay so tomorrow before i go live they're going to be live before i am i'm certain of it probably around like 11 a.m um i think they're gonna be live tomorrow somewhere around 11 to 12. um central time maybe so they'll be live before i am so go support them before you you know if you want to stay then stay there so now all right but we'll see if we can catch them tomorrow well now i get all right well where are we going to go we're streaming right now [Music] who's live [Music] oh [ __ ] i just broke my chair hold on i was like leaning too far what the [ __ ] okay uh we're gonna let's go say hi to krikan i actually i think i actually did break the chair how did i [ __ ] do this do i have to go get another chair i haven't really um how did i [ __ ] this up no we're not delaying tomorrow because of that uh ghost ahead of cricket if you don't know kraken was a huge part of the dollhouse stream i know you a few weeks ago we did the um behind the scenes show what go say hello playing minecraft what are you doing minecraft kraken building a spooky sky carnival holy [ __ ] uh go say hi i'll see you guys tomorrow more chapter two of i almost said undertale but that's not true take care of yourselves we'll see you soon bye good night see you later [Music] you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 359,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, jerma undertale, jerma delta rune, jerma deltarune, delta rune, deltarune, pc, jerma deltarune chapter 2
Id: 1vsKD7SqiNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 284min 58sec (17098 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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