Jerma Streams - Animal Crossing: New Horizons

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hey I probably should change the title to the 5 plus hours if 2 3 3 plus 2 plus maybe 5 is a lot that's a lot of picking up fruits and vegetables and breaking leaves oh good afternoon how are you welcome to the stream today you didn't know if you just like clicked on the stream and you weren't you didn't see the tweet you didn't you just Here I am we're gonna playing animal crossing new almost said leaf New Horizons it's a different it's new animal crossing new horizons it's out its out now on the Nintendo switch I played new leaf on the DS I thought it was fun and I kind of I mean we can just chill for a little bit and then start our world right after last night's insanity I think I've learned to slow it down a little bit if for some reason this game it bores the [ __ ] out of me in 3 or 4 hours then we'd go back to [ __ ] face city was a wink-wink dink city is still available for us to continue if after a few hours I'm kind of we'll see I might play this all night I might play it for 4 hours I might play different 7 hours I have no idea I cannot give you the answer there boiler alert the game is boring if it sometimes that's what you want sometimes I just want to break leaves it's like fish and stuff it it's a chores game it fits under the category for me of number one genre you guys all know this by now I'm ready to [ __ ] harvest carrots why am I always playing chores games cuz I don't know I like him why do you eat [ __ ] gross raisin oat bread I know cuz you like it I don't like it I think like raisin bread is disgusting but that is it you you can you can like raisin bread but I can I can put my hands up and go no thank you I do not want [ __ ] I don't know I don't want hard sweet boogers in my bread no thank you we all are allowed to have things and like things that we like anyways let's move on to Animal Crossing if word on new horizons err account here comes friends on line one oh you have one friend on line no that's good I didn't even know you could have friends in a Nintendo switch don't they not allow that wait there's more than one Tom though we're so excited to have you here have you here let us be first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure welcome to the check-in counter for your deserted island getaway package there's so much to look forward to but first have you introduced myself I'm Tom Nook and I'm Tom Nook two will be flying to the island with you to help you get settled think of us as your partners and we're gonna pull a long haul so let's get started shall we oh please oh come on all right I forgot we got some [ __ ] Animal Crossing fans in here I did I'll be careful what I say I didn't mean don't get Timmy and Tommy okay all right all right now then we'll need to look up your application can we have your name and birthday you don't get [ __ ] we're gonna sell this [ __ ] Nintendo you can't change this this can only be seen this could be seen by others uh you just ruined the game for me it just came out like wet day ago you'll be all right it's the first 15 seconds all right how about an eight you namely the carry doesn't even [ __ ] matter make sure it's super funny you can change it later it says you can't change this in red letters change it how about a sweet sweet yummy Oh bulu this isn't complicated just use your name oh yeah right that's what that's my name no I don't know oh right it's just my name are you okay with Jeremy the world of Animal Crossing is welcoming to also don't include personal info or offensive words uh okay what's your birthday you cannot change your birthday later people you cannot change your birthday later people you don't know might see this Oh so does it also include the almost three or four thousand people that are it was staring at the screen right now oh well I was born on the [ __ ] 4th of July Jeremy Jeremy let's see or the jewel I oh yes here you are our next step will be to take a picture of you wait is a camera on this thing don't worry take as much time as need to get yourself look wait what I mean is a camera is there a camera on here is there a camera does the switch have a camera on it oh I don't know why I was like wha please choose your style oh yeah you just you make a meet you make it you make a me mode right okay that's kind of accurate is that it for hairstyles what kind of eyes do I have okay those are kind of my eyes hmm that was a kind no those are my eyes a kind of my eyes and I have a nice I have a nice cool slate gray blue I like that no it's like assembled between here and here it's like that it's like this one whatever it's blue yeah but I wanted to be perfect it hey you want to make your animal crossing character the way you want I'm gonna make my own I'm crossing character the way that I want and this is my come by phases of this constantly yeah it's pretty accurate lazy's its kind of poses it's okay no I'm sorry that's good good does everything look okay it does I'm not that pale great you're all set all set I'll just go ahead and add that picture to your records and now let's start talking about your new home so exciting exciting let's show you see we're quite proud of the work we've done to help you feel comfortable in your new life oh yes in fact if you want you can you can even experience the seasons the same way you're used to them what I mean is we have islands in both the northern and southern hemisphere the village is gonna throw a birthday party for you on July 4th that's alright it's the 4th of July it said we're gonna have a party anyways we recommend choosing an island that has the same seasonal pattern as your current home current home why the [ __ ] am i doing that so tell me Jeremy where do you live now I live in North America ah excellent that information really helps us focus on just the right Island for you naturally we've recommended you relocate to an island in the northern hemisphere few more decisions to make but does that sound okay to you so far so far oh I'm okay if I do that again I want I want everyone to leave if I do that again everyone leave watch another stream if I do that again okay we go there a few inches should I go to southern hemisphere uh no I want to stay here we have a number of lovely kind of half at a tile ins of northern hemisphere trees from now then all of our islands are approximately the same size and they're all quite natural but don't worry about whether you'll have enough space or comfort you can't go wrong just follow your instincts and choose an island with alejo that looks appealing that's how I do it oh look at how cute this is I'll show you some maps now and you can choose the best one for your new home okay which one do I want the penis one um he's okay these all could be penises guys so I don't know what you're talking about everything on this screen right now could be a dick so and some so you could interpret it somehow so I don't know if the [ __ ] you're talking about I'm gonna I'm gonna go through one that you connect could there's no way but possibly ever be interpreted as that which is this one I mean there is a small there is a little there's like a mini okay that's okay I get it why am I even doing this alright I'm gonna do whatever I done I'm gonna do this funny wonderful choice I can't wait to show it off to you what do you mean ruined but before we depart I have just one final question if you could only bring one thing with you to a deserted island what would it be sleeping bag a lamp some food something to I don't know why I thought it was I didn't read the last word there something to kill was I was sleeping bad lamps food something to kill kill okay I bring food a bunch of it Oh didn't like that answer oh I'm sorry that was just a hypothetical question no kink will fully cover all of your basic needs yes your attention please this is a service announcement the chartered flight for no kinks deserted island getaway package is ready for boarding any customers waiting to board should make their way to the gate at this time ah perfect timing let's all board the plane together maybe they come with me hello everyone thank you for taking this chartered flight as part of new Kinks deserted island getaway package please sit back relax and enjoy a column every video presentation about deserted island life cutscene opening cutscene oh look it that's our Beach oh wait no that somebody else's feature oh oh I don't want to be here ah books everywhere huge bugs this place sucks I want to go home I don't to be here [Music] why wait why are we doing like the end of the movie breakdown of where all the characters ended up we haven't started [Music] all right I can't wait to pick up my first shell oh I can't wait can't wait to have a bag full of useless [ __ ] that people desperately try to tell me please get rid of the [ __ ] with five claims you have in your backpack it's a waste of time so what's my I don't wait does everybody gets different fruit right what do I get I got peaches I got peaches alright listen I was gonna go a little louder peaches good everybody gets different fruit right we're here in huge now I know you must be incredibly excited to explore you new island home but I have one small request to please join us for short orientation sessions it's a yes our fearless leader himself will be giving a presentation so I hate for you to miss it fearless leader we're heading there right now if you'd like to move follow us all right if you hear them if you hear the term our fearless leader oh my stars women oh this is cool it's like look it's like Mario Galaxy the world like moves with you the world spins me give me one of these [ __ ] give me these how do you pick up something oh how do you pick up bean what I can't pick these up I think they gonna rot oh hi all right then everyone let's see who at easy how the two suckers that took the trip is Phoebe here and how about flip and there's Jeremy of course yeah great we're all here I'll turn it over to you mr. Duke our three adventurers are ready to get started all right so we're looking on the deserted island this is a these two characters are not main characters it's just okay these two these are the two of the first to die on the deserted island right I'm the main character of this story so what happens to these two yes yes very good let's see how she I mean this is brand-new introductions we don't know these people that this is the in the movie these two this guy gets like is ahead like dropped like a rock on him or something right they're my friends wait did I did they come with me these people come with me he's my friends they came with like way they got on the plane with me Oh what we didn't know get like Smash Brothers invitations should be here oh okay let's see how shall I begin yes of course welcome everyone welcome to your new Island they're my parents my parents oh no what okay these are my parents what okay this is play welcome to your new Island my name is Tom Nook and I'm the founder and president Oh kinky yes yes today is the first day of your new life on this pristine lovely Highland so congratulations and this is a package deal hmm and such new pink staff will always be here to support you and ensure your comfort and safety first things first I'd like each of you to choose a spot of your own it's the first step of putting down some real roots I'd like you to dream big I do have certain connections in construction and real estate and I've got to get head of myself let's just get started with a simple tent shall we please collect your tent from Timmy or Tommy and then choose a spot to place it saw where you go Jeremy your very own tent and I'm honey hammer lets you find the perfect spot press X to access your inventory then select your tent don't worry you'll get a chance to see what it looks like before making your final decision and you want a little breathing room so take your time finding a space that works for you oh I suppose it probably should set you up with a map to once you put your tent please find your way back here use your new map if you need to Oh off you go hope you find a great spot I can use lipstick what about one way huh oh [ __ ] all right where do I uh oh I got I I'm in direct competition with these [ __ ] all right nah-ah I want my house right here this is my house I wanted a writer writer wait don't do fight like a river this is a competition guys this is this is like super-dead Survivor we're gonna do for like challenges and [ __ ] people gonna get it eliminated maybe right here I kind of like it right on the crest right here right where the waterfall is that's perfect is that too is that too basic that's very basic right how many of you okay everyone is streaming this game literally literally every [ __ ] human on Twitch is streaming animal crossing but right now is this the spot that everybody picked I don't want it my house to be the same spot no nobody pick this no this bait this pot is based okay I don't really know what that would that means of this scenario here I'm doing right here too close to the water what is it what about this big drop that matter what's the water should I put my tent here is it all maps are random you idiot okay check the box of pick the box if I played maybe like two hours of new leaf and that's the only time at animal crossing I've ever had Center it I'm not gonna Center I just to make you angry no that's gonna [ __ ] me up I need to read this here we go let me imagine it oh oh so beautiful look at that look that photo in the background we'll have to do a little landscaping but we can make this work don't build over the rock please why this is part is beautiful let's go this is like a [ __ ] picture perfect place it's the wait do it don't do it don't do the rock respawns rock rethought rock now I'm gone garbage I set up my tent that's a big first step would be sleep on the rock all right I did it I got the best [ __ ] place oh you're gonna dream of this real estate look at that imagine I don't having that in your backyard the boys the coats the competition doing oh are you gonna put your [ __ ] in like the weeds next to trees and no water that's not even gonna be prime real estate you know I got sound that's not gonna appreciate in value over the next decade mine will [ __ ] idiot what about you where's the monkey now whatever ah Jeremy you must have found a suitable spot for your tent talk to them the first one back so I suppose the others must still be searching for the right location you know I think you've already done some scouting the others may appreciate your assistance oh you want my help sure you're wait I got it don't tell me you're Jeremy right see told you I had it I'm speedy I gotta tell you I'm excited dude this whole island thing Sparkie you've already found a good spot huh trying to just feel for the best posture that was having trouble cuz every spot feels like the best one I could sit here thinking it open forever so I grabbed a stick and I throw it here's where it landed so now this is my spot okay I know this Lu so far I can throw that stick but I'm liking this that's pretty good I like this person wait I can find a spot for you why don't I just like put both their tents right next to each other in like the weeds down of all the way we're done well then I have the best spot don't do that don't do that please but this games about positivity oh yeah this game is about never ending Lee paying back a bank for the house that apparently I couldn't afford this A+ game oh I'll find you is Bobby whoa for real you're gonna pick out the perfect spot for me you do that for someone you just met you know you're all right Jeremy in that case here you go it's your show now Sparky is where I turn around and just javelin throw the flag it's [ __ ] far as I can over the horizon it's like of water and I make a look a very audible like so it goes flying I'm gonna wait at the Plaza in the mean time okay all right let's wait I could've had a beach house I could have had a beach house that I bailed on the I kind of had a beach house [ __ ] I want to get I replaced my okay can I take you're gonna have my house I wanted this one I could've had a beach house oh oh buyer's remorse no no it's too late oh I'll get hookup [ __ ] okay I want you to have a beach house cuz I wanna be able to visit your beach house yes cool oh that's so cool all right the other person hasn't you're gonna have a beach house - yes wait the tides gonna come in the tide comes in and just wipes out that's all right is that possible that's not possible right now this is [ __ ] this is a kids game all right where's the monkey I don't think what the house is the worst no yeah I'm giving you one beach house nice to meet you you already set up your tent Hey I'm still trying to find the prince back cardio gotcha fresh air I think this bottle didn't pick but I don't know so you think Jeremy I'll find you a better spot how about on the beach you'll find me a sweet spot to put this tent oh we're just betting you're already doing some heavy lifting on our friendship Jeremy okay then I can't wait to see the epic spot you pick for me you know what you say epic spot so you need me I'll be over as a Plaza visualizing how awesome island life is gonna be all right you are fine you get our two big they both have a beach house why should I put this guy up should I put this guy underneath the airport that's not a good place I don't want to be too far away I don't want to walk that far to build now here's my [ __ ] play guys I'm gonna have to talk to these two all the time so why not just put them their tents right next to each other I'm gonna be coming over here and like talking to you and then talking to you and I can move on with my day I don't want to walk across the entire map to talk to somebody yeah you guys are both gonna have each property this is the laziest thing ever or is it the most efficient thing ever look see how can I make everybody let it down here Beach property welcome back everyone hope you all I just found the right spots to set up your new homes of course you can sleep on it for a while we really get a feel for how it fits you and with that taken care of we can move on to more serious business like throwing an island warming party we'll have it right here in the plaza for the roaring campfire any marshmallows involved like this is where you lean in you lean in and like move your hand a little bit like twitch twitch twitch switch up to your mouth like leaning in like talking very quietly but loudly and you lean forward and you say are there marshmallows involved you know your finger flat pointing up you know I'm saying and everyone goes oh those need a few supplies yeah good eye oh I feed off of it oh I feed off of that negative energy in chats ah you may be tens I'm [ __ ] stronger Timmy Phoebe Tommy and fluid can set up things in here in the father meanwhile Jeremy and I will work on gathering firewood that was this guy's a freak oh [ __ ] I got it okay I got it all right I could stop being like a [ __ ] weirdo because like this is animal crossing this is a game that came out within the last week the first time I played a new game in probably a year is the first Keihin time I've played a game that came out after 2006 and probably like a year and a half so there people are probably just gonna be coming looking for Animal Crossing game play and like I'm [ __ ] up so I'm gonna like tone it down a little bit from here on out ah all right Evan let's get to it literally yesterday city skylines came out in late 2007 what does it come out doesn't ten Erin would you come see me for a moment well like I've walked up there what do you I to judge I'm Jeremy I just wanted to go over what we'll need for the campfire I think roughly ten tree branches stood trick and find them scatter to both the island when you find one lying in the ground press Y to pick it up we mow Island best to get the peach like items growing in the trees I suspect they're real peaches how did you get to the top Oh any tree branches you find in the ground or shake out the trees will work just fine come on it yup I just want to make sure I have these first quest free ranch got it one two brief or five Rock take the trees Wow six seven eight nine ten I get it it's like should I click the peaches and stuff or no got them welcome back I trust you had some success foraging for tree branches very well let me to lighten your load yes that should be plenty for our campfire you make quick work of that I'm quite glad that I'll be sharing this desolate island with such a hard worker oh ho thank you sir pop they're gonna guess a lie that our nest destined to run up something to snack on while you were collecting branches I was evaluating the fruit that seems to be abundant here it was like peaches they smell like peaches and they even taste like peaches in fact they're on 100% without a doubt genuine peaches double you collect six of them for me see a tree growing peaches press a to shake it and then pick up the fruit honey a peaches for us in no time we're gonna sit at a campfire and eat peaches this is such a great Saturday morning children's cartoon I can't wait that is the perfect quest or wait huh oh let's just wait is six seven eight nine bug with what you see what people think 3434 then I kind of you that's how old I am it's them that's cute that it's fine yeah I can be 30 I give you 34 and enjoy a game about eating marshmallows my campfire there are that spell do you recommend job thank you once again I'll go ahead and take those features off their hands it started on the preparations you he's 34 hey little eyes time for the campfire now is that everything yes I believe it is let's you start with the festivities sound like a dance button it's a huge fire what the [ __ ] this is like Burning Man why is this so huge and last Wow me to properly welcome you to the new island I have just put it in many ventures and endeavors over the years but this may be the most exciting I'll be develop a thriving new community entirely from scratch will truly test my business acumen okay now please if you would pass this chalice around and drink from the blood and it's like you have to a passing around a [ __ ] blood chalice and perhaps my skills as an outdoorsman who now we may not have the kind of numbers that are originally envisioned that just means we'll have to rise to the challenge and I have no doubt that with hard work and perseverance will shape this deserted island into I suppose we can't call this a deserted island in one what word should we call it or did this rang the back of his head mmm well that was weird I sense a great opportunity the first residents this island we should be the ones to name it and in the spirit of democracy we should put it to a vote to majority rule I told you this is my competition you guys didn't say so present your ideas just a name for the island about said look ice it's an island like basking I'm not gonna even wink dink island about um seesaw salty soft salted salted crest crested salt consulted crest Island like that salted crest Island salted Crest what salted this is something CT no salted crest you know I'm getting real sick and [ __ ] tired of video games doing this [ __ ] if you have a character limit do not under any circumstances have extra hangman spaces after the [ __ ] limit is there it's just every game does this [ __ ] requested I want I like the crested Park rested rested yeah crested crust crested salt Naidu crested salt rested salt crusted salt crested salt crusted Saha salt crest and salt crest island oh it's perfect salt crest island has to be all one word why no it doesn't are you okay with salt crest the world of Animal Crossing is welcoming to also include personal info okay don't include personal info are like kids putting in their home address here that's like God like it's gotta be bad right are you okay with salt crust yes what's wrong salt pressed it's nice it's got a nice ring to it it's an ugly name salt crest make it one word by its salt crest it has no flavor it doesn't no it doesn't it doesn't matter look it all right is everyone ready let's try saying our ideas at the same time ready go rocks a lot I love del biceps salts are actually like the one on the right I like I'll Deb I said can I vote for that guy clap for the one you think is the best jeremy seems to have the enthusiasm in the naming sensibilities let's start there so Jeremy suggested salt crust yeah wow that's an over well wait how come them how come the little monkey guy got at more spaces than me you just go with soft pressed and now the time will be known as salt crisis well Jeremy since you've proven yourself by naming salt crust I'd like to rely on you for other critical decisions we'll need to make on the island yes I hereby naming the resident representative of salt press wait ah yes Jeremy your hands in the air just why is it hand up I just um where's the salt water around us right there's no fresh water otherwise we're gonna have to go the [ __ ] bicep one that was surrounded by salt water right where are we uh-huh it's so easy it's so easy how do order - you can count on me I'll be the new spokesperson she acts like it was intentional I'm a [ __ ] mystery we've settled on a name for our island if we've settled on our resident representative it's been a big day but it's gotten rather late let's have a toast everyone have a beverage at hand it's fresh juice made from peaches a new resident representative harvested on this very Island and without further ado a toast to salt crust and the happiness of its residents Cheers my poop cocktail what the [ __ ] all right that was fun now that's all I can do an animal crossing till I wake up tomorrow morning cool that was fun I know you could play an instrument feel like I'm on vacation but we actually get to live here re-rack we all just met with chillin by the fire like this makes us feel like we've been best buds for ages Sparky I like to sit down how am i doing oh here we go [Music] that was fun different music I can't put things here all right so all right hi Jeremy having a good time and this is all did much to feel like taking a short nap in your tent by all means go ahead keep the fire going no that's hard all right that's famous buqun's stupid I'm not even gonna give it the [ __ ] not gonna read it out loud all right what about these boxes better stop picking stuff up I mean okay isn't there like that some things you can only do at night and animal crossing working [ __ ] funny and I'm the guy with the - - I'm the one piling up to - two's oh yeah I'm just gonna let's go to bed when do I get my shovel [Music] Remini meal oh no no mail Oh what's the inside of my house look like I should probably chat with Tom Nook before I turn in why do I need tom nooks permission who's gonna sleep what just tell me oh you don't wait you've a flag in your hand stop crest salt crest what a great name just rolls off the tongue thank you for offering such a wonderful idea to the group ah Jeremy having a good time and I saw head so take a short nap when you tent go ahead we'll get fire burnin I'm gonna go to the ticket now probably want this bleep it's your very own camping spot you'll want to set it up in your tent before you lie down there if you packages it waiting for you in your tent as well just few items that might be useful okay press l to crawl into bed got another big day tomorrow so rest up that's all for me sweet dream bull all right let's go wait you got electricity in there where you going loaded what's in there excuse me we're setting up a resident services facility in there but it's not ready for you just yet these give us a little more time we got [ __ ] lights in there man do I have a lamp you let's he hiding Oh Radio is a [ __ ] Silent Hill he ran off I don't want to hear this turn it off that's scary what's this oh I'm a lamp I want the lamp in the corner okay I want this in the other corner actually just give it over right over here do I need to use the cot or can I like lie it'll flat out my back staring at the ceiling see that's good I put I mean I'm not sure about the design here but look it's comfortable all right let's go to bed rest my head for a little while yes I'm getting sleepy oh there is there's there's what's his name wait wha his name's quake huh okkkk slider right so looks like you decided to make your own way in the world get out there explore new frontiers all the way here right Eddie oh you don't need to live by anyone's rules but your own Laura was made for exploring you know living for you being out there is a great feeling we lost slider yeah I don't know if I take it from a cat who's been on the road being by your lonesome can grind on the soul you got to make friends along the way Randall this crazy world as squaresville without some pals yeah man friends are words that speaking of rambling I'm doing a bit of that myself my bad it's about time for you to wake up to your new life but listen up that rap I just gave you about friends pretty key dig this island life a whole lot more if you share it with some friends if that's your saying don't have any friends an island paradise with your best pal sounds pretty groovy to me cool when you wake up you'll be in sync with real time big that island life and catch you later [Music] we're in real time no Jeremy are you in there oh I hope I haven't woken you abruptly uh but I do wish to discuss something with you yes I'll be here with you ready save electricity you oh there you are hope you had a pleasant nap oh well I suppose it was a bit more than a nap wasn't it [ __ ] bright up it's a brand new day I needed that Oh oh yes it's quite noble to be worn out from such a long trip and a major life event speaking of which I have a few more things that I might you might find useful as you adjust to life in our little paradise first you need one of these oh wait they added iPhones you knew it was coming eventually you know he's coming eventually it's your own look following it I had these made especially for Island residents I want to make sure it's working right so could you try turning it on for me yeah welcome tracking good good looks like you're getting you good reception as well before you put it away you ever used a smartphone before um I I don't I've never done I don't know what that is Sonny that's oh how wonderful of you I dare say do you seem especially well-suited with life in this rustic island nevertheless I believe you'll find this new pond quite handy so do take the time to learn how to use it I have one more thing for you the Dean of the husband is your itemized bill this is everything airfare accommodations labor tax and of course your nook phone I mean your grand total the modest sum of forty nine thousand eight hundred dollars okay yes well then wait you don't have any bells I can't believe I didn't think of this of course well no need to worry I always prepared for exactly this type of tricky situation for the getaway package you can pay your fees with miles instead of the standard bells call this extremely help deserves the milk mileage program what extraordinary if I do say so myself the mileage program you can earn miles by simply living your life here on salt crest I dare say the more you enjoy your island life the more nook miles you can earn and you can use them to pay back your move in fees and much more the bottom line is you need 49008 her bells to pay your moving fees but with this new service would you believe it it only comes to 5,000 miles he's go ahead and register you so you can pay in miles yes yes but there are more details available Europe nook phone just open the Nook Myles ass you see they give iron some miles just for traveling to the island and join the program holy [ __ ] now if you'll excuse me I must go back to fear that matters let me heartily congratulate you once again on your arrival so happy to have you as a resident of salt crest and a client of milk incorporated can miles my new life is underway I can do whatever I want woohoo let's go now on island time will match the flow of time in the real world we will not touch the power button when you see the autosave indicator in the top right screen you can also save and quit your game by pressing the minus 1 [Music] 4:45 p.m. March 21st Saturday is the phone camera take pictures using various filters and effects what pictures will be saved with the album on the home menu and other users who use the same system would be able to see them ok wait how do I you take a better picture oh wait yeah that's my house a sucked do it again why he's so bad why are these so out of focus okay it's an emulator glitch this is what you do and you buy a new camera he's just like I love this thing you take like a thousand stupid [ __ ] pictures okay I'm done is that my low in battery isn't miles you're enrolled in the nook mileage program earned up miles for completing island activities and trade those miles for parks and goods at the snook stop in the resident services center make the most out of island life earn milk miles you got the bug island together so I'll crest miles get miles ooh have a long way just to move on our little island and you've enrolled in the playa then the plan so you earned your first miles there are lots of ways to earn miles but is enjoying island life ooh we get them you got 500 miles learning how to fish is an essential skill for living on a remote island mmm milk Inc encourages all eyelid residents who are aiming to him yes one of the goals of nook Incas of Resident togetherness our gregarious greetings initiative aims to reward you with nook miles just for chatting with residents try to talk to all your neighbors every day hey Aaron miles just for catching creepy crawlies every buck you catch is one that won't be surprising someone in their sock drawer I think flowers mix around beautiful pool you'll get new clouds based on the amount of fruit you've sold remember if you sell our Island specialty fruits on other islands you might be able to get better prices and go ahead and be selfish so okay it's like a thousand of these wait you took your first island photo I have anymore ooh edit credit your passport has some information you can headed milk Inc will give nuke miles to folks who customized their profiles take it slow think about it make your own okay custom designs with this app you can create custom designs to wear on clothing or display around the island when you save custom designs to the app you can share them with other residents there's a chance that your custom designs will be seen by other players during network play but when you visit it whatever please don't create anything that infringes on authors rights don't use profited from fiction or offensive words or images design display change design what okay wise is the thing in the middle weight if you can make it facepaint on a second what if can be why can it be face paint ok well that's interesting no you don't I look like how the how'd it go I look like a postal code like a 49ers game where's my points there we go this the San Francisco clowns can you guys do you have any idea just how [ __ ] popular and how insane it would be everybody would eat it up it would be the most popular [ __ ] team and have so many fans if they if there was like if they was like the Cincinnati clowns and they all do have uniforms were just clown [ __ ] colored and they're like clown hair and [ __ ] I would be the biggest [ __ ] fan ever what why cos famous link all right all right I got it I got it and what the [ __ ] is that what the hell is this why is there a giant weird like Satan qr-code scan it wait I can skate how do i scan that with the phone app come on Mac you have to upgrade the app first all right did you get that check the map for your current location you can also press X to change the settings and choose whether to display the mini-map during your day to day activities cool look and on your IRL phone Oh real close wait I feel like I fit download look at the Nintendo app and like login and like sync it and [ __ ] the passport information is shown here its animation may be seen by other plays and visiting another Island for example okay you change your photo title or comment at any time customize whatever what you live for that's fine wait take photo I don't care rescue service use the service or an emergency situation on the island when your path is blocked and you stuck and be sent to a place such as your home or resident services nook miles are generally required to use the service okay all rescue services know [ __ ] they are there more of these how many more of these exist Oh firemen sure should I do the face pain to that face all right how long is it gonna I don't know why guys I haven't be honest I don't even I don't even know what my Nintendo account is it would manually do what like on line I want to go in here we've got that fireman QR code hi Jeremy welcome see it's close in here it's funny how cozy doesn't always mean comfortable advice on how to spend your time on the island or anything else if you need some advice about basic island materials you should talk to Timmy essentials Farid private in his paradise if you want to find some bells he has a rather generous policy of purchasing just about any business perspective but quite generous oh one more important thing I'm offering a free DIY workshop that can help you really build out your Island I think would be quite useful did you hope you take me up on it mmm all right yeah I'll get it I got peaches for you welcome welcome you don't waste any time do you we're still setting up with my starters we intend to spawn for small selecting the goods bases living it right now but we'll try to have some fresh stock each and every day there you're busy but feel free to take a look at some of the items we're thinking of selling I'll take a look [Music] inflatable sofa ooh fishing rod flimsy net watering can slingshot medicine sapling each okay khlo how do I sell you stuff and then catch your eye we're not just selling we're also buyers because we want to support efforts to beautify the island will even tell you a little bit in return for weeds or trash you bring them okay all right I got stuff I want to sell exactly you're offering I'm offering peaches some peaches sure how about if I offer you a thousand bells oh yeah somebody like the fireman qr-code uh I gotta say something root when you eat food like fruit you'll find yourself energized with more power than you might have possibly imagined has anyone shared that with you what I mean is you could break open rocks or maybe even dig up a whole tree if you had the right tool that's fine for you to sell me your fruit but you should try eating it once in a while all right why some other stuff for you I'd like twigs and rocks and [ __ ] right um you won't here take this I don't want this anymore a sailor style shirt how about if I 162 bells yeah take it please come again I'm gonna help you want to sell I can do more than one of the times I'm an idiot why I'm an idiot what oh now he's stuck with the shirt oh sorry I sold the tutorial shirt no I want to sell it was a joke hi what's for sale I'm gonna buy this which I buy fishing rod flimsy net I want the net to catch the bug I'll take it okay I also and I want the watering can too it's important and you can build one for free you know what wait until there's a three by the [ __ ] do you sell them DIY for beginners the game is trying to make me not alright alright alright okay okay let's do that DIY class about that workshop yes yes can I sell he's back yes I would love to do that I just got [ __ ] scammed welcome to my DIY work if I suppose workshop is over selling in a business you see how simple it is to DIY or Do It Yourself you'll understand what I mean basic ideas to gather materials follow a recipe and then craft using a workbench like this one today we'll be constructing a fishing rod using common materials that you can find anywhere yes we need five tree branches a little flimsy only thing once you collected the materials five tree branches I come on it okay one more you're not wearing a shirt this is body paint tell what punchtrees punchtrees there you go I'll take a fishing rod these project and the workbench and get started go ahead give it a try craftable rebrand 505 let's go Lyndsay fishing rod well I guess the flimsy fishing rod one for sale is a normal fishing rod that's perfect see crafting is quite simple Terada you have the correct recipe that concludes my free DIY workshop i view common DIY recipes for you free of charge naturally I just need to send them to your new phone would you mind opening it up DIY recipes ready for you to use the DIY app and the flimsy fishing rod he just crafted as your skis may not last forever it should serve you well for a little while at least the fishing I know master angler but perhaps I can give you a few tips aim in the front shadow you should aim in front of the shadow of a fish when you cast your line yes I'd love to see anything you can manage to catch I'm quite curious about the local fauna let's take a look at our [ __ ] app zap for info on the DIY recipes you collect and also register frequently crafted items as favorites whatever I mean I don't need to make it no pan yes I gotta get my miles all right didn't make five I have a nice DIY okay a lot of stuff to do all right I got my tools I'm ready I'm gonna piss my pants he's addicted to his phone how do you pause the game oh you can't I'll just [ __ ] look at my phone that's like pausing in real life anyways right back you know cow was like four stomachs sometimes I'm convinced that I have four or five bladders and they just all fill up over the course it's like a week and then I just pee like a old three-minute piss alright let me [Music] 5:07 p.m. what the [ __ ] I've been doing but eat eat and then hit the rock with my head or something right I don't have anything oh wait fishing run wait watering can wait give me the net hold it I don't use it okay I'm gonna go get a butterfly what is it whoa I caught a common butterfly oh that's not very good this one's yellow this one must be rare yes I caught a yellow butterfly shouldn't all butterflies be yellow that's cute yo Jeremy I'm getting a real good vibe from their tent plot you picked for me thanks for the hand we got to look out for each other you buy you mind that you don't Ronny stewing I didn't do that some of you guys really don't understand the what the the nests the concept of minus 2 and plus 2 and it's you - doing me the game made the joke I'm sitting here saying the same damn thing as you what what do you want to click on another [ __ ] look I know that there's like 5,000 red bubbles scammed [ __ ] like the shower curtains with my face on it and stuff I know what the [ __ ] i what i what this [ __ ] that's just thought i just not even legal that's illegal stop alright what you mean it isn't oh yeah that that character that's that's creepy Chris and I created him on stream an hour ago that's my intellectual property vote think about how to thank you can't be the recipe for a leaf umbrella I mean I didn't coffee right it doesn't matter I satyr I said that's creepy Chris and I sit here I created the character and it's it's legally it's legal tender at that point it's legal tender alright so the first thing I know wait is a make an umbrella it's a lot of weeds it's kind of where I got the idea that's a DIY project that uses weeds she's about it weeds are the most abundant natural resource we have may as well use them Sparky all right how many do you want by these con french-fry boxes I want to do I have let me think my DIY [ __ ] project was why didn't was I'm not paying attention I was come back for more huh must be because my winning personality Sparky I have to learn it okay they learn it you have to learn it learn it in your inventory ah by Sparky okay it's like a little card you to learn huh okay sweet I know dear I rarest leaf umbrella and I need 15 clumps of weeds well [ __ ] your house I'm going to my house to take care of the weeds you gotta do your own house see I gotta take care of my own house it's going crazy here we go you got mail from from Mindy and Nintendo congratulations on your big move we hope you enjoy your new island life celebrate this fresh start we'd like to give you a gift that's sure to come in handy from Nintendo throw it away what's in it ray another one from Nintendo thank you for downloading the update okay you get free stuff for downloading updates what is it simple DIY workbench I learned a DIY out very simple DIY workman the only Nintendo switch wait now just I just got a Nintendo switch I want a Nintendo switch holy [ __ ] hold on what Wow okay oh yes always wondering one of these things all right this is the TV for now you can watch like Netflix on this right there is the TV I have to lie flat on my stomach and put my head down [Music] [Music] now let's make the umbrella fun and I need a workbench oh wait how do I make the workbench hard wood and iron nugget okay let's make the umbrella wait did I just smashes tent yes it's crap but weeds a leaf umbrella that's all I can do now Oh should I give this back to VB maybe I have an umbrella for you BB BB unit I just came back what's on your face can you get a lawnmower got to be a lawnmower unlockable right plays a [ __ ] mess why am I doing this airman you missed it you missed one um it's a cleaning game of course I'm gonna sit here how many do I have to sell these remember why you said you won't stream Luigi's Mansion [ __ ] you're right yeah I'm an absolute freak show when it comes to this kind of stuff wait how's his work get it get it go get it go get it Kappa Teppei yes I caught a black bass the most metal of all fish I've 75 bleeds what are they stacks a hundred thinnest X 100 hey what can you tell me Oh Jeremy it's great to see you that campfire was a lot of fun keeping resident services open at night so feel free to stop by if we need to talk about anything oh you don't stores closed that was my biggest problem with a380s 1iv I played new leaf and every time I turned on I remember it was like always 10 11 12 a.m. and I could never play the game I would turn it on and be like ah time for animal cry I can't play everything's closed oh gee well list I'm not playing this now not this one okay it's not being I'll be out and about checking with everything see how I don't know what's wrong with my brain a few things if you're ever unsure about what you should do don't hesitate to stop me for a chat so they just did I want to get a couple more fish what else can i craft I'm in a super crafting mood today a campfire a DIY bench he smiles and I sort these by ones that are available to claim seller of unwanted stuff first time buyer [Music] Christie custom-design okay 2,200 miles past master Oh okay get ten fish that's the quest I'm doing right now [Music] wait seashell in a row no failures it's easy without missing that's easy are you doing fish are all asleep uh-huh giant bird MOCA s what the [ __ ] is that back there alright that does look like BB is like 600 feet tall giant bird come here right in front of you get it Oh BB unit hello anybody in here looks like no one's here EB are you here it's like no one's here gotta wait for the bike Jeremy I know I know I know I know I know I know I gotta find a place where there's a lot of fish wait [Music] yellow Lord's light and all butterflies be yellow damnit and I got the net wet [Music] wait what is going on with it like spam boss in here III can't I literally can't even see what they're right good job months doing great work [Music] I throw it and self only self only self only it's out violently salvo and leaf that violate wait what is it what are we gonna give it attention oh hi guys this is such a fun bug collecting and weed pulling game wait that's like a monarch butterfly isn't it let me get it that's a huge one come on it's live over here I think is gigantic good night I can't get over there can i no I don't have a bridge pickup ah fly over here right into my trajectory please what okay I got it yes I caught a tiger butterfly I've earned my stripes the bridges cost two hundred thousand bells well that's a [ __ ] ton all right I'm gonna start I'm gonna sell the weeds and get a pole vault that's funny tax everyone I'm not in charge of the taxes okay gone you missed a peach I'll go get it so do you sell these what do you do with these animals I can't care anything else swap it swap it with it Oh common butterfly I mean they're released a common butterfly I'm gonna go I'm gonna go do I sell all this stuff bike ruined house a rare hello what would you like to talk to me about I'm all ears um I found a creature a tiger butterfly softlocks what a catch I do believe this is a tiger butterfly hmm if this island can support a tiger butterfly why who knows other fantastic creatures we might find living here here may have an idea an old friend of mine runs a museum and would love to I'd love to send it to him for a closer look you'd be okay with that okay this is no way to hide - you're generous - this is in no way tied to your generous donation just now rather useful app to show you ooh it's wok fritter pedia for a PDF the terrific resource for an aspiring Island researchers such as yourself this one app you'll get all the important details about the bugs and fish you catch yes I do hope you'll continue to fill it up with your discoveries and share them with me - I'm sure I'll be able to come up with some kind of additional reward [Music] cool all right now seldom wait order pedia tech is that for information on the bugs a fish you got this is like evolutions common level one common butterfly level 99 whoever that joke is nobody'll make it people think that's still funny the response that doesn't seem like it okay okay I wasn't sure if it was still well I didn't know if it was still a relevant thing to do if I was funny and it looks like that's not the case anymore okay yes but please quick Reba Rick roll him again send him to the video again guys just want to have your cake and eat it too fair it's not fair seasonality oh that's gold tells anybody can get him that's cool yeah that's look this is just butterflies okay that's a lot of butterflies is it look at all these butterflies oh it's just okay it's insects I see I thought this is the butterfly tab okay I have some things to sell you I want to offer you a bunch of weeds each is a bunch of butterflies a sand dollar giant clam a some twigs a bass and a Cowrie what don't sell the butterflies well I can sell all the butterflies but one of each type right yeah so yeah I'm good all the fine things you've brought today allow me to do some numbers 4,500 bells that sounds good to me sold Reedy wieder 137 oh don't give me a reason to pull a thousand weeds please I'll do it the greedy greener this is fun okay cool let's go this is atm make sure you donate all the new animals you find for the amazing rewards yeah I will let me just go back to collecting look at it look I just sold a rare fish I did there's no way that was a rare fish [Music] definitely no oh you saw the rare fish it was but okay is everybody switch between tools quickly or do I just have to there we go ooh this is cute there's another yellow better what it exploded oh no the end of the line for my flimsy net no more bugs Oh Dark Souls streamer to Animal Crossing how the mighty have fallen what do you say what because you play Dark Souls isn't you boy you're not allowed to play Animal Crossing if you play Dark Souls you know you can't play a game like animal crossing this game doesn't have a dodge roll then [ __ ] don't even load it don't even install it no iframes yes there are excuse me there are iframes to catch the bug you have to did there are frames no that's invincibility frames not now they're not in here rare I caught a fish in carp my skills are sharp you need a frames to dodge the bees there are scorpions other scorpions oh wait yeah there are there all kinds of bugs I am relaxed the [ __ ] out right now this is I like this I'm just relaxed the [ __ ] out they're clean up my area oh and look nice is the perfect surface sleep stream [Laughter] whatever that's all right come on come here I missed a bug it's fine get it I influence this at all or no but bait I can oh yeah can I influence this at all well maybe maybe I could only I started talking about powdered [ __ ] Gatorade maybe the fish would come over here hey I caught him bitterling it's mad at me but only a little that rare very rare yeah dude it's very very rare 0.5% chance nah my front lawn looks good don't just don't ask us about anything yeah yeah that I'm gonna refrain I think what's the point of asking you guys anything at this point hey guys is that rare yup No and in between there somewhere is somebody saying I [ __ ] my pants or something so most are how much useful information I'll get at a chat today I gotta be careful don't wanna take all the fruit right don't I want to okay so I have to plant a peach right then I have to dig a hole and plant one of the peace in the ground so don't throw them all to try game of weeds nice and clean oh I'm asking questions right all right you take this game seriously please how do you take this game anyway I'm curious it it's a game we clean your lawn and collect items is there a correct way to play animal Crossing's they're like a serious way to play I thought it was just like have your eyelids closed halfway and throw your line in the water and collect fish while you dig a hole speaking of fish big one huge huge rare fish wonder how bear this one is oh come on oh I got [ __ ] baited I thought it was gonna be there no no I'll be back I'm worried they'll be back that is give five thousand bits $50 from hiya Laura hyaluronic acid just gave $50 thanks the huge [ __ ] money drop they say hey Jeremy this game is amazing just like you well that's very kind of you thank you thanks a lot thanks for the 50,000 bells but seriously thank that's a lot of money thanks for five thousand bits 50 [ __ ] dollars I will use it to buy a Nintendo switch thank you Mary emulating emulating day one switch game I guess is that it I don't even want to discuss this because that's I don't even want to think about that I don't any one day - fresh water it is fresh water it is fresh water it is fresh water so I did ask the right question in the beginning everyone made fun of me it is this is there's no salt water here this is not an ocean I have to rename this pretty place fresh crest now it will now will be a toothpaste it's a river but that's what I mean it's a river rivers have fresh water dummy hold on if a river is connected to the ocean is supplying the water to the river the river becomes freshwater logic much wait what is this is this a [ __ ] Smash Ball how do I get that how do I get this bash ball present how do I get this I need you slingshot okay slingshot all I want it right now yellow perch those yellow birds have to sit somewhere roll rock at it I'm not gonna really get it it's over every single time I get a fish people are gonna spam rare with a pogchamp new viewers are gonna pick you guys up in it imbecile oh no there's an animal crossing stream oh we got a perch [ __ ] rare what the [ __ ] rare is wrong with these people right settle down slow down there I didn't say that caught a yellow perch nice all right yeah but if I bring if I bring a bunch of rares to somebody to sell doesn't that mean they're not rare if you have a bunch of them then that defeat the whole purpose of them being rare that doesn't make any sense they wouldn't be rare anymore they wouldn't be only to perch in existence oh I love just picking up weeds I can't play this game what's this guy doing Oh Jeremy that's why you found me is just incredible Thanks you keep looking up for each other like this it's good to have buddies refracts all right I've got something here for you re-rack thanks again for finding a place for my place that plane cap is perfect for salt crust you can try it on oh nice choose where if you want to put it on you can always change later if you need to work out rewrap it's not even the right call women wouldn't read where can I paint on this [Music] come on you got something in there I want to look fish ah this is what I love this a crucian carp my skills are sharp [ __ ] okay I gotta get them give me the slingshot how do I make us can I make a slingshot presents everywhere and I'm missing them I gotta go I'm buying the slingshot I didn't care this presents everywhere hello a minute my message is not unique with the your with a sad face what what are you talking about you're good hey hello would you like to talk to me about uh I found a creature I found a freshwater gobby yes stop picking I beg you stop picking up leads they are there less than chump changing you get more from fish or bugs please look at the ATM almond or Wi-Fi I'm not sure what you mean to take advantage of the DIY bench yep one I have seen you tinkering around a bit over there keep up the good work it reminds me the need to share some more DIY recipes with you mind turning on your phone load along with the recipe to craft an axe yes yes I think it actually come quite useful on his Island here because so many other things have made of wood if you'll keep bringing me new discoveries to examine it's all part of the island experience let's how do I make it let's craft something alright we can do on fire tiki torch I thought those the pencils I thought these are pencils logs steaks birdhouse wool how do you make an axe stone in a tree branch any one more tree branch I gotta get another tree branch go to the ATM somebody said sure oh how could I forget give you an explanation about that terminal that is our nuke stop it's a terminal for services that will further enhance your island life the moment you can use two services Jeremy nope shopping the catalog shopping service for items second this terminal serves in the automatic Bell dispenser or abd or the bank of Nook we're also working on a service by which giver the redeemed Nook miles various things these take advantage of these wonderful services quite beneficial indeed yes stop a multimedia terminal from nook incorporated once per day accessing the nooks stop will award you bonus miles a 150 miles I milk shopping I don't I don't care I'm instantly buying this you don't [ __ ] care what if it's I'm just gonna get immediately loafers oh nice I want these I got two elephant slides no all right abd does it get interest let me put this in here for set your system time a year from now [Music] future Rama already made that joke pretty good one the future Rama fry has like a savings account that's like four dollars in it and then because he fast forward it's like thousands of years it was worth like billions of dough that's a good show this is a good one anything else this chop to it but inflation made it for Dolph [Music] we need to do a Futurama react stream I can't do that what are you talking about alright let's go let's go get a twig so I'm going an axe oh by the way has anyone ever used the the twitch watches thing or did that just absolutely failed miserably they just delete that because nobody used it 100 AHL's in that tree yeah that's good that's what I'm that's what I mean that's how I know that it was a failure you guys don't even own I'm talking about which implemented a feature where you could watch like Amazon Prime TV shows with your audience like as a group with like your community but you couldn't have a facecam and you couldn't talk so you just were in the chat watching the TV you just it was meaningless it was absolutely meaningless let's make that act like I could do that on discord right now I could say right now hey guys we're gonna watch we're gonna watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit right now if you haven't I just going to Who Framed Roger Rabbit discord Channel I need to have it the great movie and everything they wait campfire yeah sure is make everything with this toy box a silly man you could give you a brief interaction to the box over there that's a recycle box for all the island residents to use the using it for items removed during construction and such do you see anything you like feel free to take it right on home it's full we'll get rid of the oldest items first don't delay in picking up what you want what cardboard box yeah give it to me I'll take the rock well just okay I want to sell some [ __ ] don't so oh that's a lot that's a lot and you can take all the peaches and the butterfly and the perch I want the campfire and that free branch and this [Music] 700 bells holy [ __ ] don't sell the leads why not didn't show the yellow butterfly to nook I didn't not a creature uh this is leftover spaghetti you said you had an animal on u-s senate please proper reward this time I've given you a red hyacinth bag just a little sampling of a product research ahead and do some planting and after a few days they'll have beautiful blooming flowers full if you enjoy gardening stop by and buy more you'll keep bringing me new discoveries to examine it's all part of the island experience yes oh all right now give me that stuff this dumpster stuff I'll take it hey buy another slide [Music] all right I'm gonna break them rock with the axe right got some rest [ __ ] in here was that iron all right that's all those in there cut this tree down [Music] well the trees don't get cut down keep hitting it as quickly as possible there's a timer I mean timer on the rocks oh okay all right look with this big rock a whole thing think it acts outside their tent this is how every Jason movie begins already got me wrong I it's gone I'll get there really easy to make just make like the three of them as my slide arrived yet okay I guess I can make some others that way land our plant these next my house [Music] gonna put it right here okay huge ass fish has the biggest fish I think I've ever seen what it did it I was walking away okay Wow nice again cool alright now we've watered them how much do I need to water them just once of the sparkling so that's how you know they've been water ah wonderful Reedy wheter all right I've done this number two saying don't pick up weeds but I need to pick up ten thousand flower tender miles for that nice okay so now I'm gonna lose this thing Venus comb Hey look I know I want cash pay off the debt I want cash Oh Jeremy hello voters would you like to talk to me about I have a creature look I got look at this thing this is a bitterling bet you think this is real cool [Music] [Music] recommend something with flowers Wow is that grow will be very strong they'll spring up even if you just plant them and forget them it's water them each day that's where the magic happens watering opens up the possibility of propagating and crossbreeding your flowers to develop rare colors and how might you are them well I've already has already did my accountant warn me about give you this sort of thing away free re blot it on another creature I found a yellow perch what a catch old ones calling lathers is that you Oh what splendid timing yes do you remember the venture we discussed well it's coming to fruition I'm currently stationed on an island that we decided to call salt crest yes the local fauna are as abundant as expected just as I told you mm-hmm how many precisely you ask well there's no way of knowing just yeah but I have received let's see five outstanding specimens so far Oh seriously well that's very exciting oh but you'll have to excuse me I'm with a customer right now so sorry to keep you waiting that was my friend blathers one who curates a museum believe it or not he's going to come to our island to help us identify and preserve the local creatures I could use your help Jeremy as you've done so much scouting and collecting would you be able to help find a spot for blathers and a good sized space to really build out a world-class museum to do that keep that in mind going down to the beach everything is going on the beach because I will always know where the [ __ ] it is I'm never gonna have to open the map ever it'll just be whatever it is it'll be on the beach somewhere let's go wait I can craft some shaking oh look at this log stakes are these for to kill vampires simple DIY oh I need more hard wood I can put this in my hose I need another axe okay go get true I'm gonna make like three of these here I'll pay my debt down about my moving fees yes very well you owe me 5,000 miles what I just got these it's a happy day for us both free and clear of debt living on driving Cena Colin look at the gutter well that wasn't actually a rhetorical question I think more specific how is that tent treating you that could be better no one ever said that developing an island paradise would be easy you don't do things because they are easy we do them because they are profitable well yes I suppose times right to discuss possibility building a custom house now there are certain challenges to building fabulous homes and remote location such as challenges that do translate directly into costs time frame zero interest financing an extremely lacks repayment plan anything is possible so Tara me if you ever find yourself interested in a new home do come see me or think we have a miles redemption service for nook miles you've collected you access the nooks top you'll be able to redeem your miles lots of interesting things and chat is just purple with a link okay I would say that this is funny but it's kind of scary this is scary you lose I got you just why is it like this yeah but it's like a hospital are you freaking me out man it's a fax machine okay let's go hope you enjoy your getaway package I want a house wait am I gonna redeem miles for redeeming miles yeah about my house Oh Jeremy have you made it about homeownership ready to move forward in comfort and luxury as fun as living in a tent can be a house gives you more space and as you put down roots now building house means tagging on a new loan in the amount of 98 thousand dollars I yes let's do it get to choose from eight different colors for the roof to please select a roof color from this list red pink yellow black different i don't want red no one pink I don't want yellow flower differ color blue aqua green purple it's gonna be green or aqua if you had a wooden tube wouldn't a black roof just absorb all the sunlight and make like your house really hot fine Marina aqua aqua of course my favorite color why would I not do aqua homeowners get an automatic milk mileage programs upgrades give me a moment what does that do way I get bonus miles NOK miles plus benefits milk miles plus includes a nifty way to earn additional miles for special services see the details when you launch the app so please give it a look when you can meet the new home should be ready tomorrow quite exciting I'm excited I'm Sam can you tell all right I need uh I gotta go down to the beach and put somebody's house down there feel free to chat with me anytime there's anything you need to help you get used to reminds me if they use the Nook stop inside the resident services Center you should even you don't really need anything accessing it once per day will get you something don't even more miles they use them both times in a row easy way to earn miles they're gonna say about that all right I need I need some ways okay so what do I want this alright in residence residential will be on the left side of the beach and DN a residential will be on the left side of the beach and shops and stores will be on the right side residential sleeper I'll get it let me further up almost gotta go further to the right here we go perfect spot yes perfect this is a good spot it is lattice can set up his place now what are you doing out here you again is this island not big enough for the both of us do we need a bigger island Sparkie what's the latest how'd you sleep last night this Islands so quiet at night some was weird Sparkie I mean don't get me wrong I slept like a log but I wouldn't mind some more action around here what's up Sparky nothing you're scaring the fish good I don't worry yes I caught a horse mackerel of course mackerel Hey look at this everything about that [Music] all right now come in I want a photo is the two of us Mary I want a picture the two of us this is [ __ ] weird d-pad I was pressing the deep end okay hold on let's try this one more time a d-pad only moves the camera so far there's me I didn't oh wait wait wait wait wait this is a horror movie okay I try to get other people I'm trying to get two of us looking over Oh Cara milestone nope miles with a plus your rank has increased and you can now use nook miles plus it can even easier to earn miles as you go about you're enjoying your everyday life special redemption options that only nope miles plus members get a advantage of this amazing opportunity we have a lot of claims nope miles plus you capture like what iron bells by selling items Oh it's times - I get it all right let's go what I want to do all right from back I give me a break for a second I thought that was the pyramids back there in fact I'm taking a fake vacation photo many of the pyramids [Music] okay no you're not in here you didn't come with me you know what I've a case with me get the [ __ ] out of here out out out yeah so just meet the pyramids just hanging out it just sucks why is it so blurry wait wouldn't they wouldn't be a tree try hard focusing I can trees down I can't I'm not even strong enough right every guy I need these twigs because I need to make an axe is that they stung my eyeball out is there a doctor on the island [Music] Ritz cracker I that's a good one I want to make like two or three axes it's not permanent how are the that's not permanent Maya none of mine that message is unique with the wife saying that hey Jeremy I think he found a suitable spot for blathers to set up mm-hmm I'll let blathers know that he can move in as soon as he wants but you know break some rocks okay make ax make more than one do I only have enough rocks for that I cannot I mean I can make another some blog steaks boom I don't think the birdhouse I need soft wood okay I want a birdhouse I'm gonna have a huge fire next to my house I'm gonna surround by a house with fire you cows can't burn down in this game right all right any more branches you okay let's go we need a rock you um maybe you're going for a new look but that seems a little bit extreme rear AK let's talk that the Hat I gave you looks great really shows up your head muscle rear AK alright I'm gonna make the birdhouse talk to Feeny G ever made I will eventually let me just pick up his cheese okay I want to rock is there a rock that I didn't smash into her first let's catch this big fish the nighttime travel I did not I did not yes you did did eat it swap it with oh should I have all this stuff camp wait a minute oh man I got cardboard box log stakes and [ __ ] DNA strands alright put it back throw away I mean Annette what if I get my house okay I'm gonna put down we got cardboard box put it down I mean what's the point of having a cardboard box sitting outside your house okay log stakes here we go let me make it like a fence over here right here um it's not a fence this is like I'm gonna put cans on here and shoot it with an old-fashioned revolver you going bed BB gun yeah the red oh right it's real time games in real time right right right right right right alright but I love you is currently playing it off okay so if I change the system clock to tomorrow what if I want to play this tomorrow I have to set this I'm gonna have to do this forever well no I'm not done said I was done who cares don't it's gonna [ __ ] your game isn't mr. Resetti gonna come out and be like you think you can pull that [ __ ] not this time [ __ ] it's gonna happen knows this place odo Airlines hey my second how'd you get in here gonna swear I'll lock the front door doesn't matter we're still getting set up in here so there's no flights today sorry but that should place tomorrow though so be sure to come back then time traveling is safe all right so I gotta sit I got a scenario for it so if I time-traveled tomorrow okay a time-traveller tomorrow and then my system clock I change it back tomorrow to the right day as the game great probably no yes your switch explodes Oh every guy should be careful then don't you [ __ ] dare time travel you have to commit so that means that I would always have to have my switch to be one day forward forever or what if are you asking us heating cheating right yeah cheating in the game that's specifically designed for you to play it over a long period of time I have another scenario for you so what if what if we just checked up on this little village and did like some chores and stuff and then just did what we were gonna do unlike the regular stream well this is how I like it ended a bunch of my streams of who next oh I [ __ ] got it in the instantly instant instant instead of the end of the stream screen I'm gonna read bits and do the end of the stream hang out and just do chores and Animal Crossing figured it out [Music] it's a done deal I'm not done right now I'm still gonna play you're gonna get bored in like a month well that's alright that's that's fine that said I've even if it only lasts a couple weeks or whatever it that I don't care get it good turn the video map to always on what this new oh right I have to give this to uh I give this to uh Tom no [Music] angling for perfection I got it oh is another one no piles plus all of our they get replaced there's only one black bass in the whole game got new recipe what I learn oh I can craft this now should I make this and put it in the house I should just make a shitload of these birdhouse how much okay it's the tree branch and hardwood an iron nugget okay but make it burn house here take the bass no not what should I do I have a creature it doesn't want it anymore ooh furniture right now I have to wait okay oh I'm gonna sell some stuff and then buy some more furniture I'm gonna have like loose plies in my house all right so all this crap I want the campfire I'm all right I don't want I give her the coral clay a bass that's fine mm holy [ __ ] don't seek you wait keep the keep the clay keep the clay attention keep the clay attention Keith clay okay thanks for the attention me the stones there we go I saw the nest sure attention do not sell the nest it's over now all right let's guess let's get like a coach your counters register for miles redemption services good redeem miles uh Nuuk shopping price go up on this this is all you have a beedi all right deposit mm okay I'll buy uh nope miles ooh nope miles ticket ass design throw editor pretty good tools recipe tool ring it's essential pocket organization top eight pop hairstyles and an ax cap I masks socks Pikachu socks tool ring is that does say essential on it now generating tool ring print out your orders been printed yeah I see this totally makes sense I learned how to easily switch tools when I'm outside I can print I already know how to do that [Music] your characters suffering no this is just like all right I'm like body painted I got like a bruise okay this really is I you know those events were a bunch of people run through like mud and dirt and [ __ ] and climbed the Nets and so what are they were they called like like warrior weekend or something I'm about to go to war your weekend they do the pic outdoor obstacle course like mud and [ __ ] what else can i buy all those balls of wait what there's a I thought okay I thought nevermind I thought I was like at always have ping-pong al it's a fan look Joe I can get better floors I get the glasses and the wicked [ __ ] sophisticated oh right okay it's an eye mask well I need it anyways I'll put some [ __ ] cooling gel on it and put it on my eyes what's this for take this ticket to the airport to participate in a special tour [ __ ] I want to do that wait what's mine do I got I got money in here Bell's know right all right um what can i buy from you are you for sale no oh man yep I wanted flavorful so far I'll take it [Music] medicine Singles are bulk how many would you like uh just one please wait for a 12-6 well oh you don't get a discount well I see you got down here flimsy watering-can flimsy axe already have it slingshot ah okay yeah I'm gonna make it withdrawal [Music] [Music] okay maybe the slingshot recipe I'll take it I'm done right that peach looks good no I chose all of the ground I think the hairstyles we go birdhouse yeah it going it could also do what do I need to make a I have to learn it first try to make more of these let's gonna do it I need a tree branch alright let me learn it first what do I need is probably gonna be tree branches and what else or anything all I can do it that's a lot of wood but let's go I'll take those miles in medicine I already have medicine I just use the medicine in my eye alright use medicine get back to normal I'm fine alright I want to go I got a lot of deliveries [Music] how does this boring stream of this many viewers oh well it's very simple to explain I'm doing my entire family reunion on stream it is all just family members yeah I went to and found out every single living person that I'm related to and we do in a big family get together now this up the uncle Steve uncle Steve always comes back with the funny [ __ ] here he is dad dad there he is dad what's her username big thick ass Oh dad you should change that I'll probably change that all right log steaks but it on hey look this is a bit off-center but it's alright you can't even have that [ __ ] name you can't even have that name these can where's the birdhouse gonna go next to the cactuses back here alright this is a good spot for it yeah yeah I mean in two weeks this will look cool look I'm moving see the boxes because I'm moving there's no way that that's a username no way that's your art well congratulate that name will be gone in probably two days dad we subbed that name lasts more than 24 hours I'm gonna be honest [Music] okay that's a good spot I can't [ __ ] believe it do I have any deliveries I'm gonna put the sofa you have to mod your dad no I don't want to mod my dad all right inflatable sofa nice see we can like bulb hat we can both have a bed and watch the switch TV you guys remember those little hot dog bag things every wicked squiggly it was weird like gooey slippery thing inside and you could pull hold it around it was a little toy you guys know I'm talking about right it was a toy that you held it and it was hard to hold and it's slipped around and [ __ ] it was like a little baggy tube like that what are those things called they got a name right it's filled with goo and fake [ __ ] yeah it was yeah those things what were they called I'm not that's not what they called a zit now it's called hot dog bag that's always called water worms there we go right well let's see water worms now that's not correct water wiggler you got it water wigglers yeah that's it looks like alright let's just hang out and watch some switch yeah Louis hard as a rock I'm gonna deflate that thing man it's way too much air in there I thought I was gonna go like suck down in the butt crack frozen water fit these already watered there is sparkling and listening okay cool now chores I got in trouble for selling those in school wait a minute hold on you you used to sell at your school water wigglers what do you mean like you've brought a bunch in a backpack and we're like hey man take a look at this and they took it out like a wet piece of spaghetti and angled it in front of people [Music] okay [Music] hey we're good move on from that please anymore say my to uh if the run am I not running wait what there's a resident evil' Run button okay well at least I got the honey okay portable radio can't fire oh right once can't fire infertile host right here light it air nice okay now I didn't find out a rock all the time is it why look so dark out whoa whoa whoa what's up with your face he's stung by a wasp does it hurt are you okay yeah they can be mean sometimes all times gotta be careful around of you know uh well it's kind of too late to be careful now but you know what I mean Sparky that doesn't hurt go I had medicine with me I'd give it to you tell you what I'll show you how to make medicine my mom taught me when I was little here we go just get all the stuff for the recipe together and you can whip up some medicine in no time good luck nice [Music] just add mod mod her okay we gonna so I need we had $50 is coming right now five million dollars in bits x2 the $50 Zeke Irv Z curve one thanks to the 50 [ __ ] dollars back and you message of course I don't have a fishing rod anymore so I can't even do this this is work wasn't even shoot that out you say it's my sister Claire's birthday today and she wanted her favour she wanted her favorite streamer to wish her a happy birthday PS play hearthstone battlegrounds cuz bad streams are good screaming harsh stone streams are bad streams and hearthstone bad streams are not good streams but anyways thank you for the 5,000 bits and hey Claire have a good [ __ ] happy birthday from me Durban 9 8 5 now have 2 worth a thrill thanks to the big money appreciate and you'd find a floating present now wait what's that alright not shoot I don't aim oh happy birthday hope you had a good one hope you continue to have a good one take an ice cream is all in the way it's right right to wait front of the bullets no stop I put this way now it's gonna run out just collect a bunch of sticks why even not by my not just collective do they use rocks or ammo to do alright it did get their new thing let me see how it's worth using oh that is pretty useful that's pretty useful I gotta make another axe and one try to find one more rock happy birthday in a jad right now I see the present floating must be right underneath it how's this work ooh what is it open it open it open it up and open it spinning wheel whoa wait this is like Rumpelstiltskin what's that fairy tale [Music] that's cool anymore I coulda put this down in my house bronto we should go right here gotta cut the tree down there's Kevin no it's messing up my view [Music] Sleeping Beauty no Rumpelstiltskin what did Rumpelstiltskin do who's the old guy that slept for like a thousand years and had a big beard and they used his beard to make string no well Who am I thinking of who's the guy that used his beard to make string that with this stuff not [ __ ] Gandalf hold on Rumple stilt skin this is correct right Rumpelstiltskin he's a fairy tale yeah yeah yes okay yes the guy that spin straw into gold a liar Rip Van Winkle's the guy that slept for a thousand years okay I put the radio back over here if you eat fruit you can move trees with this shovel I don't have that what do I get the shovel oh I want to go on that vacation I want to go on the vacation and put the radio over here next to the switch this is where the media center is there we go here's like our media center turn it off though conserve battery [Music] the next day is at 2:00 a.m. for you really what it is get bored put more furniture in your house oh okay cool I need 2,000 miles alright we go to cast bastard caching line careful if you wanted a real in this world you need to get you need to nab a bunch of fish in a row without a single one getting away alright I'm gonna do this I need another fishing rod stink redeemed give me fishing rod take it real wink wink sorry channel points we're all [ __ ] up right now and what else should make another what another bug net you guys hold on to your channel points trust me you'll use them eventually it'll be something to use before now he's gotten market manipulation but okay a fishing rod fishing rod let's go get I could get six more fish in a row like this guy right here this would be five earn earn earn oh you're using your points it's a big mistake just being really that's a big mistake just wait till at some point in the next week where if if if [ __ ] I don't know if if a million channel points come in there and I [ __ ] missed if a million channel points come in on a stream next week value to shoot how about that I'll set it up I'll make it I'll have it just like shoe deposit it'll be like a hundred thousand fine we'll see if you guys can get there I'll eat a [ __ ] shoe Rock oh no I need to make another axe it has 100 K of right now yeah but I mean it has needs to be it needs to be more than 1 million collectively I need a million points I'll let you know I'll turn it on it'll be like shoe eating deposit is what I'll name it you get to a million I'll leak to show off my [ __ ] foot I'll pull it off and eat it up the secondly cross it the second we crossed that threshold I will turn it on and I'll take the shoe off and I'll eat the shoe on camera that day that day I swear I thought that why am I gonna catch me to lie add mods add the word liar to banlist please [Music] make the medicine oh sorry about that drew crude literary slit early spent two million points on that stream to watch for three hours and you didn't do it do you don't understand is the drew crew came together with two million points but I got a stockpile of a hundred million points so wasp nest and clump of weeds oh that's it that's actually pretty easy he's a market manipulator actual liar see the thing is guys I don't need to even lie to you because I'm the one giving you the points I'm the one that produces the points I'm the bank I'm the point factory yes I am the Senate so it's bb8 unit then [Music] okay I need a weed there I cleaned up off the freaks I there are no weeds left I picked up all of a picked up like 500 I picked up 500 there no more I cleaned the whole town there's no tackle every single weed is going did you already donate to Tom Nook I did and I hope weeds I can't even make them we have to wait for tomorrow for the weeds the hell did I do that for what is this bulletin board we use this board to post important notices another useful bits of admission everyone yes I'm residents of vistas like should feel free to use the bulletin board communicate with each other celebrate special events and more okay we're just [ __ ] erase it erase this time can I put something up here yeah I can wait but I can't write like I can't rightly [ __ ] you uh something I'll get pans right all right is this like baby Jesus what am i doing it's what am i doing here [Laughter] walk lucky really is no not eat what eat eat up eat you [Music] [Music] okay how do I move this no [ __ ] how do I race the guy in the back because he's a signature that's tough next okay how do I get the Greta that guy in the back I can't I can't like move them around uh how can I can I make the text like a different color okay it's posted wait my signatures on it why would I sign that I forged his signature and then wrote my signature on it underneath I gotta take credit for it apparently signing a forged letter what can you do it in the full answer all right I Nev another cut how many hundred I need five hundred and fifty miles let's see bugs don't bug me you can earn miles for filling out your critter pedia can you find every bug and unlock every entry uh using a tool until it breaks is proof of your hard work I need a lot of materials giving mine up miles based on how much wood you've chopped from trees I could probably try doing that all right plank flowers flower tinder okay the bunch wrote you've sold yeah number of seashells use seashells Magnum number of seashells you sell seashells you sells sea sells seashells you sells by the seashore seashells you sell by the seashore seashells you sell by the seashore sea sells UCL but the sea sort is a crit pasture weight by ax my axe in my boat and my sword and my axe and my bow and my sword right how's it go alright go go go I said one minute Tyler was that buck where's that bug damn it there's like a centipede - [ __ ] oh um what I just like [ __ ] it smashed my controller you think anyone's ever smashed their control over Animal Crossing before not gonna clock and get away this time Donna yeah I caught a centipede 99 [ __ ] I'll have $1 peed okay dad try any more wood I know if I gotten all the wood from these fries today there's a few I didn't do yep here we go well miss don't miss too hard one two three I can't he do job like that I do jokes like that sometimes and people freak the [ __ ] out in a bug wait what was that that wasn't bug wait what Tom small Tom get the [ __ ] out of the way got it yes what is it cinnamon bag worm guess I'll brag worm oh you knew who's gonna happen eventually a present up top no that's not a slingshot you heard of me what's in it okay clay furnace what all right put it in my husband right here nobody steals this stuff right this is no crime in Animal Crossing holy [ __ ] what is this actually use it it's a pizza oven that's awesome display furniture outside Oh must I get anything hey did I get anything else [ __ ] on this or something hey I wanna put it over here yeah that's fine as they're through the Nook miles plus quick miles we got plant trees I could buy a tree implanted okay catch up bitterling earn bells by selling items okay catch bugs edge fish all right let's do this do some of these let's catch some fish what [ __ ] do I have yeah I got a lot of [ __ ] on yourself [Music] very cute very cute game this this both these actually I can't tell the worms the museum's not open yet I wait until tomorrow to sell these to give this the museum 520 bells sold all right I'm making other racks I have enough I mean one tree branch I'm on the ground oh you can put them on the ground outside the museum but the bug will stay there won't the bug all away [Music] we're gonna lose my mind okay I have a question is there is there a bot that is just pulling every frame from this stream and selling it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] man let's go catch some fish catching bugs and hit a few rocks who would buy this I don't think I look item I understand that there's like there's a market out there for the strange and the odd oh man no be really funny if I ha ha I'll buy a German i-85 shower curtain with the German Rumble face on it as big as the whole curtain yeah I'll do that and you'll leave it in your closet forever and you wasted money and like three people will do it it's not profitable business it's not you you somebody will accidentally maybe purchase in one of them or to them and it's not worth it there's not profitable business this is where I look over I say how long you been here for oh you know six or seven hours that took me two minutes excuse me I'm gonna show you how to do this it's rude look at that all right I'm almost there I want seven for the ticket I need to catch one more fishing catch two more bugs you got it the whole point of this game is to get addicted to doing random things it's not like a problem to be addicted to Animal Crossing it's them what's that got to hit with an axe collect it oh it's a hermit crab I think it wanted to be left alone oh wow oh cool matter room just drop it this thing's worthless wait somebody's here why I can just walk in you have one of these weird sleeping bags these sleeping bags are scary [Music] I wouldn't want my head to be covered like that has that freaked out in there open my top secret hideout re-rack let's chat place can be so plump breeze crashing waves make sure Oliver islands all awesome what a jog laps around the island he catching bugs and fish and lift and lift and lift and rear rack how's it going re-rack at least ev'ry wrecks like eight out of ten people that go to the gym don't so I'm glad he's making awareness there how did he catch another fish there we go I'm get it with the bugs on the ground bugs on the ground bugs on the ground bugs on the ground so if I put the bug in the ground they're gonna ducking they're not gonna run away all right I'm gonna try it I'm gonna put centipede on the ground just want to make sure you saw place item Oh what they have there are little containers cool I gave my own little pet shop Wow there's no room chairman by their than you you need a bigger beauty these guys need bigger cages this is just a moth um I don't put a moth that's at Monde is like 50 million of them how wouldn't you looking roach ranch is back I never played that game ever again after that I need one more fish boo Russian crime I think I've enough for the ticket should write I do but let me just get one more bug wait this is anymore go ahead be shellfish oh I picked up a bunch of seashells on the seashore Hey look miles for miles earning enough miles for earning nuk miles yes yes you just earned miles for finishing nope miles plus goals but where will it end probably never does you get one for free tomorrow I do but don't buy this with mm I'm gonna said channel points look at the inventory upgrade and the haircuts I will I seem to catch one more bug weeds I can make medicine maybe here we go wait this is the same mop that I had before you just get a free ticket tomorrow so just stockpile my points then we see what else I can buy I mean I didn't really look that hard you it's 5000 points for a bigger inventory we take a look it is that custom design Pro pretty good tools recipe collection of six DIY recipes rules with excellent durability that's better arkad organization guy there it is top eight pop air styles angel look at them at a mirror or vanity with these pop hairstyles cool hairstyles stylish hair color and t-shirts Adobe Premiere Pro cost nine hundred million Nick miles yeah this is this kind of does remind me of where did some old websites wherever you could do redeem points for [ __ ] it was like five hundred million points like an iPad oh I would ask something I saw something on TV about this website where you can buy like TVs for like five cents and [ __ ] they were like auction weird like [ __ ] up website where I was like I got this plasma TV for 98 percent off how does it how does that work how is that impossible it's just a hat can't be real like I got this I got this iPad pro for only $3.00 it's just like a weird penny auction sites you have to you pay regardless if you win you're the one you're the ten thousandth person to log in you don't actually pay three dollars you've paid for bids to wait so if I faint like fifty dollars to bid three cents and I won a you pay to bid so I I pay a hundred dollars to bid ten cents on this iPad pro so if I bid five times I paid for the iPad pro why would anyone ever ever do that for any reason and you actually get something for like a dollar it's impossible it's just gambling they take your video if you fail to win I was so confused I was like how does it make any [ __ ] sense because idiots like you aren't sure if it's real what hold on whoa hit the brakes here for a second pump the brakes I said this is [ __ ] this is that's [ __ ] impossible those the first words I said I did not go there guys I'm thinking about buying an iPad for five cents tomorrow I opened the statement with this is ridiculous there's no [ __ ] way it's real but anyways how is it work didn't say I was doing it alright - or not I want the hairstyles ha paid cool hairstyles now get the cool hairstyles at pop hairstyles no don't it's not worth it alright I'll save it's uh put some more money in the bank pause it I got some cash it's a pocket upgrade all right what is anything new in that I think I feel I told some more of this I'm gonna buy another elephant hey good thing I just put that money away cuz I would have bought a third elephant we got here okay so I think I have exhausted everything I can do in the game today the first day that's pretty much all I can do right all I need to make medicine I'll do that yeah straight how many tweets do I have we have one weeding wait did I only need one how much did I need no I'm not done streaming this is what we're gonna keep going we're probably gonna go back to [ __ ] face city we're like an hour to check on it maybe make a few adjustments but I do want to see one thing I want to see how much it what it takes to do the now I need more than one all right yeah okay all right that's it for today or no we're not this frame but this like animal Crossing's how do I do it you just leave just saved how do you save the game [Music] helicopter rescue who get me out of here oh here we go ready to wrap things up for now yes I am okay all right I'm gonna take a quick break I'm gonna come back when I come back we're going to open up the city skylines city and hang out for though a little bit longer maybe like another hour - we'll see I'll be right back [Music]
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 68,518
Rating: 4.8719316 out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, jerma animal crossing, jerma animal crossing new horizons, nintendo switch, switch, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons
Id: E-NO5_76SVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 53sec (13193 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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