DELTARUNE / Who is the Roaring Knight? / ALL Candidates Analyzed

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The Knight is Kris. If you watch the entire post scene in chapter two you can see.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Retinado 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is jaru today i'm talking about deltarune there will be major spoilers for both deltaran and undertale so please play them both before watching this this video is the fifth in a series so i highly recommend you check out my previous videos in order to get some important context this video will consist of me discussing what is arguably the most important character in all of deltarune the roaring knight i will be discussing all of the potential candidates for who this knight might be while also giving my thoughts on who i think is the most probable and to be clear when i say all potential candidates i mean all reasonable candidates i will not include generic nameless characters like froggit and i won't include similarly generic characters like task but if a character has a confirmed name and are more significant to the plot than jigsaw joe then i'll probably discuss them in this video that includes undertale characters who have yet to appear in deltarune such as papyrus cara and gaster minor npcs with next to no characterization like this clam girl or this rabbit girl won't be included in this discussion as there's nothing i can really say about them and of course it wouldn't be a jaru video if i didn't discuss some insane theory of mine so at the very end of this video i will give you my very own theory regarding who and what the knight truly is and spoiler alert you've definitely never heard my knight theory anywhere else before for starters let's discuss everything we know about the roaring knight at this point in time the night was first introduced in chapter one by sham who mentions that a strange knight appeared recently this knight is responsible for upsetting the balance of power in the card kingdom as three of the kings were locked up shortly after the night's arrival shalm then has this strangely worded line where he says that quote the remaining king put him and his strange son into power this line has multiple interpretations due to its confusing wording the most likely interpretation is that the hymn in this sentence is referring to the spade king and the strange son is lancer however there are other ways to interpret this line which we will discuss later in the video the next time we hear mention of the knight is from the three kings who mentioned being imprisoned by the knight shortly after we hear more in the battle against the spade king he mentions that he will shatter chris's heart to pieces by the knight's will this could be his way of saying that the knight specifically wants chris dead but it could also just be that the spade king wants chris dead and that he's taking action out of loyalty to the knight he goes on to say that the darkness have found fresh purpose thanks to the appearance of the knight he mentions that the knight pulls the fountains from the earth and that these fountains are holy an interesting choice of words given that the creation of the fountains will bring about the angel's heaven the king then says that flooding the world with darkness will allow the darkness to rule the world given that rao say later states that creating these fountains would turn all the darkness into stone that would seem to suggest that either rousseau is lying to us the spade king was lied to by the knight or the spade king just leapt to conclusions similar to how the queen leapt to conclusions in chapter 2. given that she didn't know about the roaring it's probable that the spade king doesn't know either the only other time we hear about the knight in chapter 1 is after defeating jevel if you beat him non-violently then he says that from now a nightmare will awaken in your hearts in the shadow of the knight's hand if you instead beat jevel with violence he says the hand of the knight is drifting forward soon the queen returns and hell's roar bubbles from the depths the mentioning of hell in the context of the night seems to further tie the knight to the angel from the prophecy and to the general religious symbolism surrounding the fountains also both lines place emphasis on the knight's hand which seems to be a recurring motif at the very least this confirms that the knight has hands which does actually narrow down the candidates a fair amount as for hell's roar bubbling from the depths we know that the apocalypse from rousseau's prophecy is known as the roaring and that the night is known as the roaring knight so it's probable that hell's roar is referring to that in addition i suspect that when it says from the depths it's probably referring to whatever lies behind these doors south of town the use of the word bubbles implies water and onion sand says that they have heard some old song from beneath the lake this could be suggesting that there is some sort of underground facility that runs below the home town and onion san is hearing music coming from some chamber in that facility jevel clearly connects the knight with this facility and compares it to hell although what this means in the greater narrative i'm not sure something worth noting is that upon returning to sham and asking him about jevel he has this to say one day he met a strange someone and since then he began to change he started saying bizarre things that didn't completely make sense but didn't completely not make sense either soon he began to see the world as a game and everyone as its participants as the court mage and his only companion i was forced to lock him away or rather lock us all away in his own words since that time the strange words he said have stuck inside my cotton and my view of this world has become darker yet darker this darker yet darker line is a direct reference to the journal entry written by wd gaster in undertale which seems to imply that the strange someone jevel mentions here is either gaster or someone tied to gaster however the reason i bring this up is because when talking about the knight sham highlights their name in red and yet when talking about this strange someone he does not do this furthermore jevel meeting this strange someone and getting locked away is specifically implied to have occurred a long time ago while the night arriving is stated to be a recent occurrence as such it seems likely that the roaring knight and the strange someone that jevel met are not the same person sham does refer to both characters as strange so maybe they are connected in some way but still i don't think they are one in the same the next time we hear someone discuss the night is in chapter 2 when it is brought up by the sweet capped cakes they mentioned that the queen became worse after the dark fountain showed up and that she wouldn't stop talking about the knight and the fountain note that they refer to the knight as an it here this could just be their gender neutral term for the entity due to them not knowing anything about it but you could interpret this as proof that the hymn being used in sham's line was not in fact referring to the knight the next we hear of the night is from these butlers in queen's mansion who are watching a video of the knight creating the fountain they say that the knight created the fountain and this world that it might be more powerful than queen and that this video shows the knight creating this fountain by its own hand once again we see this emphasis on the night's hand and once again we see the knight referred to primarily as an it after this it's not until queen's battle that we hear the knight mentioned again in her initial battle queen mentions that the knight is the one who created this world but she goes into far more detail afterwards she says the night the roaring night today it deigned to create this world reaching its long hand to the sky it coursed its will into its blade and made thrusting the fountain from the earth unfortunately the world they created is trapped within the confines of the library if only we had a way to make more darkness we might be able to cover the whole world that is when i realized this power this power of the will this power of determination is this not something that all lightners possess if one was simply determined enough could not anyone create a dark fountain so then if the night has taken its leave then i will simply make a new one there is a lot to break down here first of all this is the first time that we hear the night referred to as the roaring knight ral say later describes the apocalypse from the prophecy as the roaring which suggests that the knight is a harbinger of this apocalypse considering that the roaring is caused by creating dark mountains which is the main thing the knight has done bringing about the roaring seems to be the night's goal the queen didn't know about the roaring and yet she still called the knight the roaring knight which means the knight likely referred to itself as the roaring knight when it created the cyber world this also may suggest that the queen actually met the knight which could potentially narrow down the candidates queen then mentions that the knight created this world today in the next line we see further emphasis on the night's hand although this time they specifically describe its hand as being long this is very important as the more descriptions of the knight's appearance we get the easier of a time we'll have narrowing down its identity the queen also mentions that the knight created the fountain by coursing its will aka its determination into its blade first off this confirms that the knight uses a blade of some sort and if this image the queen creates is accurate then it would appear that the knight not only uses a knife but also has either four or five fingers due to the abstract nature of this image it's hard to tell exactly how many fingers are being depicted if the straight lines represent fingers then the knight has five but if this image is meant to be interpreted like this then the knight has four fingers i originally wrote this script with the assumption that the knight had five fingers and then i had to rewrite the script once i realized that it might actually have four i was very annoyed this next line didn't make a ton of sense to me at first as it seemed like broken english why would toby fox have this random fractured sentence in the middle of the queen's monologue but then i remembered where i had heard this strange phrasing before there's another character who uses the word made in a strange way or rather another character who uses the word making in a strange way i'm of course talking about spamton during the weird route upon fighting spamton he rants at you for betraying him and then gives you this line of dialogue no i get it it's you and that ho chi mama you've been making haven't you you've been making hyperlink blocked and now that you have your own supply you don't need me honestly you could spend a whole video just analyzing spamton's bizarre dialogue and you could spend another entire video trying to deduce what he's referring to when he says hyperlink blocked given what it means when a hyperlinked is blocked on a computer it's easy to assume that spamton is trying to say something specific but every time he tries to say it he gets an error and it says hyperlink blocked instead that said i think it's clear that hyperlink blocked is usually used in a context in which it means something related to souls determination identity freedom or possibly just power of course that's assuming that hyperlink block is replacing the word that spamton actually wants to say it's possible that when he says hyperlinked blocked he is doing so intentionally as such much like his other bizarre dialogue choices i think we could possibly interpret hyperlink blocked literally in order to guess what he means the first word is hyperlink which is composed of the prefix hyper and the noun link hyper means to go over beyond above or excessively more than normal for example azrael's most powerful move the hyper goner is an attack that can wipe out an entire timeline so it makes sense that he'd use the hyper prefix the next word link means a relationship between two things or situations especially when one thing affects the other as such the literal interpretation of hyperlink is a connection between two things that goes beyond normal combine that with the second word blocked and it seems like spamton wants to block some sort of unusual connection given that he is obsessed with cutting the strings that make him a puppet it's likely that he wants the power of determination in order to block the link to whatever entity is controlling his fate so when he says that chris also wants hyperlink blocked it's likely because he can tell that chris is also being puppeted by some other entity and thus chris also wants to block their own hyperlink point is it's likely that both queen and spamton are referencing very similar things when using the words made and making specifically they're likely referring to determination as that's the power needed to create fountains that's the power that can change fate and that's the power that chris is probably building inside of noel i kind of got sidetracked a little to talk about spamton but to tie this all back to the night we now know that the knight is capable of wielding determination which means that the knight probably has a soul which means that the knight is probably a lightner which means that the knight is probably a character we've met in the hometown of deltarune i say probably because as we saw in undertale it is possible for an entity without a soul to wield determination however in flowey's case that was only possible because he had been injected with determination and while there are a lot of similarities between darkness and flowey i think it's safe to say that darkeners do not wield determination in the same way that flowey did that said thanks to having flowey as an example we know that it is in fact possible for a soulless entity to steal souls and become more powerful as a result so spamton did actually have the right idea if he had succeeded in stealing chris's soul he likely would have been capable of entering the light world despite not having a soul of his own which is a scary thought but it does show that theoretically a darkner could be the roaring knight and be responsible for creating fountains if they somehow gained the soul or the determination of a lightner recall that the spade king adores the knight despite hating lightners so that could be argued to be evidence that the knight is not a lightner the only other notable details that we can find in the queen's speech is the fact that she refers to the knight with gender-neutral pronouns and she mentions that the knight has taken its leave unfortunately we have no way of knowing if the gender-neutral pronouns mean anything as she could just be using such terms because the knight wears metal armor that conceals their identity and gender speaking of which it is possible that the knight wears the armor of a knight and while this isn't confirmed chris gained armor simply by entering the dark world so a character doesn't necessarily need to own any armor in the light world in order to gain the armor of a knight upon entering the dark world that said if a character does own armor in the light world or own something that the dark world might convert into armor that would certainly improve their chances of being the knight and with that there's no further mention of the night thus far in deltarune that said i do need to point out one other piece of evidence that should help us narrow down the candidates specifically we know that the knight created the card kingdom dark fountain and the cyber world dark fountain and while we don't know when the card kingdom was created we do know when the cyber world was created queen specifically mentions that this dark world was created today which narrows it down a little bit but more importantly birdly and noel wind up in this dark world it seems exceedingly unlikely that either of them would jump into a dark world the way chris and susie do and since they're literally sitting at the table when the dark fountain is sealed this suggests that they had sat down before the dark world was created furthermore this closet specifically has text that says that a large person could fit in there which seems to be hinting that the knight was hiding in this room and created the fountain after noel and birdley sat down this is further supported by the fact that rousseau mentions sensing a dark presence and hurrying over which implies that the dark fountain was created shortly after chris and susie left the castle town as rousseau never mentions sensing such a presence beforehand considering noel is still very close to the entrance of the cyber world when we find her this further supports the notion that the fountain was created only a few minutes before chris and susie arrived this suggests that the sequence of events went something like this the knight enters the computer lab and hides in the closet noel and birdly enter the computer lab and sit down at the same time chris and susie enter the castle town and hang out for a minute they then leave the castle town and start heading towards the library the knight creates the dark fountain tells queen that is known as the roaring knight and then quickly flees the computer lab queen analyzes her new situation and then enacts her plan to collect lighteners and create another roaring knight ralsay immediately senses the creation of a new dark fountain and hurries over to investigate chris and susie then narrowly miss the night and enter the library they then enter the cyber world and stumble across a very confused noel who is then captured by queen rossei then catches up with the party this seems to be the complete sequence of events with this timeline established we should be able to rule out a number of characters who are just in the wrong place at the wrong time to create the cyber world dark fountain so with all that evidence on the table let's discuss the potential candidates like i said before i will be including all of the important named characters even if they haven't actually appeared in the plot which includes darkners like ralsay lancer and spamton even though darkness probably can't wield determination they can steal souls which means that in theory much like flowey a darkness could create dark fountains if they manage to steal the soul of a lightner since toby fox has introduced this plot device we have to assume it's possible and thus i will be including the dark nurse in this analysis each character will be analyzed in three ways means motive and opportunity when discussing means i will go over whether the candidate matches the physical description of the knight and whether they have the ability to create dark fountains when discussing motive i will go over whether a candidate could have any reason for bringing about the roaring and if so what that reason might be and when discussing opportunity i will go over whether they could have been in the right place at the right time to create the dark worlds oh also for each candidate i will be ranking them in a tier list that represents how likely i think they are to be the knight a tier means they are a compelling and reasonable option b-tier means they are a flawed but reasonable option c-tier means it's technically possible but dubious d-tier means it's extremely unlikely while f-tier means it's downright impossible for that character to be the knight with all that preliminary stuff out of the way i will now discuss in alphabetical order every single option within reason regarding the true identity of the roaring knight first up is alphys starting with means as far as physical appearance is concerned the knight has long arms while alphys is smaller than chris she also isn't known to wear armor although she is known to build robots so maybe she could build some sort of mecha suit that she could disguise herself with while in the dark world she is certainly known for being rather deceptive so that's not completely outside her characterization and she also has four fingers which could be enough to match the knight alphys is a lightner so it is feasible that she could create a dark fountain although whether she has enough determination to pull that off is debatable she's not exactly a strong-willed person she's also not known to wield a knife in terms of motive alphys doesn't seem to be a religious type so her wanting to bring about the angel's heaven seems unlikely and while she has been known to cause problems for other people it was always on accident so it seems unlikely that she would try to bring about the end of the world admittedly she does betray her people and help frisk in undertale but to be fair she was just helping an innocent child get home so that's not exactly an evil act on its own and while she may have scientific motivations for creating dark fountains i think she's a bit too timid to pursue such an endeavor as for opportunity she definitely had the chance to create the card kingdom dark fountain as she literally works at the school but given that the grand doors were left open and rousseau could see the card kingdom dark fountain in the distance it stands to reason that the knight likely knew about rousseau's dark world existing inside of the supply closet as such it seems unlikely that alphys would intentionally endanger chris and susie by sending them to the supply closet where she likely knows there's a dark world even if she is the knight i don't buy that she would put any children in immediate danger especially if that child belongs to asgore who she has a crush on or tutorial who is probably one of the only people to treat her kindly and is literally the person who got alphys her teaching job furthermore it is dubious if alphys would have the chance to get to the library before noelle and birdly we say goodbye to alphys right here walk down the hall have a conversation with noel and then she immediately departs for the library could alphys with her stubby legs really get to the library before noelle plus we don't see birdly which implies he has already left for the library so alphys would have to beat him there and hide in the closet without him noticing her does she really have time to pull all this off well it's debatable i would argue against it but it's not impossible she does own a bicycle after all and she is gone from her classroom during the time when this would all be going down she later crashes into undyne which is implied to happen sometime after we enter the library as prior to that point in time undyne was still clearing traffic and nobody had gotten hurt yet as such it could be that alphys fled the library after creating the dark fountain and was in such a hurry to get away that she crashed her bike but to be honest none of that seems particularly in character for alphys and you could easily argue that her being with undyne counts as an alibi in favor of her not being the knight also if she really is the knight then she is doing a shockingly good job of not hinting at that fact in her dialogue as when you discuss the fact that you went to the library where she supposedly made this latest dark fountain she doesn't panic or act suspicious and instead just rambles about the anime reviews the alphys we knew from undertale was a terrible liar and you could easily tell when she was concealing something so it seems unlikely that her dialogue would be so inconspicuous if she really was the knight overall alphys does not match the physical description of the knight does not seem to have any reason to be pursuing the roaring and it's debatable if she had the opportunity to create the cyber world dark fountain as such i would say it's extremely unlikely that alphys is the knight which puts her in d tier side note did anyone else notice that asgore is the one who hires alphys in undertale while toriel is the one who gets her hired in deltarune that's a cool little detail next up is the annoying dog the annoying dog has a shocking amount of evidence supporting it being which makes him the only s-tier option in this video next up is the king under the mountain asgore starting with means asgore definitely matches the physical description of the knight he has five fingers he has quite long arms is known to wear the armor of a knight and is known to wield various weapons both for combat and for gardening it's highly probable that the worn dagger was a weapon given to cara by asgore so it's entirely possible that asgore could own such a weapon as well notably the closet in the computer lab specifically says that a large person could easily fit inside and there are very few people larger than asgore also i'd definitely say that asgore has enough determination to potentially create a dark fountain as he had the strength to govern his people for millennia in the undertale timeline in terms of motive toriel definitely seems to be the religious type so it's feasible that asgore is as well as such it's quite possible that he might have religious reasons to bring about the angel's heaven through the roaring it wouldn't be the first time that asgore has ended up as the main antagonist despite having good intentions even without the religious angle asgore's life is in such shambles that he'd have plenty of reasons to want to shake things up i mean he's divorced he has no house or bed he's on the verge of losing his business he's a disgraced former police chief and his best friend is slowly dying in the hospital needless to say things aren't exactly going well for asgore which could work as motivation for pursuing the roaring in terms of opportunity asgore would have plenty of chances to enter the library and hide in the closet in the computer lab but he would have much fewer opportunities to sneak into the school although since his ex-wife works at the school it's conceivable that he might know a thing or two about when the best time is to sneak in that said the one issue with asgore creating the cyber world dark fountain is that he would likely have been spotted by undyne upon leaving who we know was directing traffic at the time and given how he's her former boss and a rather conspicuous character you'd think she'd have something to say about that then again asgore is notably absent for the majority of chapter 2. you can't even enter his flower shop as such you could argue that his absence is due to him being the knight and unlike alphys asgore would have no idea that chris was one of the kids who keeps falling into these dark worlds although that does bring us to the first major issue with asgore being the knight why on earth would a kind-hearted man like asgore create dangerous dark fountains in a school and in a library where children often frequent even if things are going terribly for him we've seen asgore at much lower points in his life and he would never intentionally endanger a child like that he felt deeply guilty about killing human children in undertale despite everything humanity had done to them and in deltarune he'd have way less justification for putting kids in harm's way this is the same man who dressed up as santa claus in undertale and who was the police chief not too long ago so from a purely character standpoint i find it incredibly hard to believe that asgore would risk the lives of these kids in his hometown overall asgore is a perfect match for the knights appearance he's certainly got the motivation to bring about the roaring and he's given plenty of opportunities to make these dark films however endangering children seems so out of character for asgore that i find him being the knight a hard pill to swallow also that would make asgore the primary antagonist for the second game in a row which i don't really think toby fox would do the impression i always got was that asgore has to be at the worst possible point in his life before he'd be a threat to anyone so as it stands i would say asgore is definitely a feasible candidate but not one that i personally think makes much sense so let's put him in b-tier next up is the prince of the dreamer household asriel as for means much like his father asriel has five fingers long arms and is known to use bladed weaponry admittedly azrael is not known to wear armor but he is known to have a great deal of determination so it's quite believable that he could create a dark fountain in terms of motive asriel is arguably even more religious than toriel as asriel would regularly go confess for chris's sins despite that not being a concept in their religion and he was a member of the church choir as it stands with the exception of father alvin himself asriel has shown the most devotion to the angel religion out of any character in deltarune and thus he could have religious motivation to bring about the angel's heaven that said if we don't include the religious angle there's not much incentive for asriel to pursue such a goal as far as we know asriel's life is pretty good so it's hard to imagine he'd want to shake up the status quo even if he created the dark worlds in order to help his sibling in some way that doesn't change the fact that azrael is a pretty ethical person and much like asgore i can't really imagine that he would endanger children by creating these dark fountains as for opportunity this is where it gets especially sketchy asriel supposedly isn't even in town so if he really is away at college then that would mean he literally couldn't be the knight however if that alibi is a lie and asriel has secretly snuck back to town then theoretically he could sneak into the school and create the card kingdom dark fountain however creating the cyber world dark fountain is a much more dubious affair not only would azrael have to sneak in and out without being seen in the middle of the day but he would also then have to hide his identity throughout the rest of the town in order to avoid revealing that he had come back from college if there was some mysterious person hanging around town hiding their identity wouldn't someone have noticed and commented on it overall asriel mostly matches the night's description could potentially have a religious motive for bringing about the roaring and he could theoretically sneak around town creating fountains without being seen but he is not known to wear armor he is generally too ethical to endanger the lives of children and he already has a fairly strong alibi due to him being supposedly away at college also if azrael was the knight then that would make him the primary antagonist again which much like asgore i find to be a dubious prospect as such i'd say asriel is technically an option but an unlikely one and thus ends up in sea tier next is everyone's favorite alpha gamer birdly as for means this one is rather tricky as birdly doesn't really have fingers so that part is already dubious but as far as long arms are concerned he is taller than chris in addition he wears armor like a knight he literally refers to himself as a knight and he does technically use a bladed weapon although it's not a knife he also seems confident that he could create a dark fountain at the end of chapter 2. so that part seems to check out in terms of motive burnley very effectively presents his reasons for wanting to cover the world in darkness he thought it would create a utopia for the smart people of the world that part is fairly well laid out the only issue is that presumably the knight is an ongoing threat whereas birdley has largely been neutralized as an antagonist by the end of chapter 2. so if he really is the knight then he'd probably have to possess a secret reason for wanting the roaring now that he actually knows what it is but based off his characterization it feels like his character arc is largely complete of course this could be a ruse on toby fox's part but unless burnley has hidden depths that we haven't even begun to understand it seems like him being defeated so early in the game wouldn't really make sense if he actually was the knight in terms of opportunity birdly is a student at the school so he could certainly have had the opportunity to create the card kingdom dark fountain however as far as the cyber world dark fountain is concerned that part really doesn't add up when the fountain is sealed birdly appears in the middle of the room not in the closet and if he had created the dark fountain the noel would have seen him similarly the queen clearly saw or heard or possibly even met the roaring knight and says that the knight took its leave which means that she more so than anybody should have been able to realize that berkeley was the knight especially after how long she spends in his company furthermore the spade king clearly had the opportunity to interact with the knight as the knight is the one that put him into power and with all due respect to birdly i can't really imagine the spade king worshiping at the shrine of a pro gamer i don't think the spade king would have even a single ounce of respect for some know-it-all lightner brat overall burnley calls himself a knight dresses like a knight has an established motivation to bring about the roaring wields a bladed weapon and he is seemingly capable of creating dark fountains however he doesn't have fingers doesn't use a knife has already had a character arc has already been defeated is not recognized by queen was in the wrong place to create the cyber world dark fountain and is not the kind of person that the spade king would respect oh also you can kill him in the snow grave route and i don't think the roaring knight can be murdered in chapter two as such while not completely impossible i find it extremely unlikely that birdly could be the knight and thus he ends up in deterior next up is bratty i can't believe i included her and catty on this list but here we go in terms of means she is not a knight nor has she ever worn armor and she's never used a weapon of any kind including a knife that said she does have long arms she has at least four fingers and since she's an alligator it could be argued that her scales are a form of natural armor it's debatable if she has any great amount of determination but as a lightener she seems like a viable candidate for being able to create dark fountains in terms of motive i really have no idea if someone like bratty ended up being the knight i feel like they'd have to be a puppet that was being tricked and manipulated as otherwise i can't really see her having any reason or capability to bring about the roaring also if the spay king respecting bird lace seemed like a dubious concept then him respecting bratty seems even more absurd i don't know why she would choose the school and the library as places to create dark fountains maybe she hates kids or maybe she hates education given her valley girl persona i wouldn't put it past her to be stupid and petty enough to do something like that although that's hardly a strong argument for her being the night as for opportunity bratty doesn't seem to attend school so i'm not sure if there's any obvious opportunity for her to create the card kingdom dark fountain she could feasibly create the cyber world dark fountain as it is inside a public library although we never see her anywhere near that library so even that option seems dubious you'd expect her to create a dark fountain in her alleyway before creating it in random places like the library or school in short bratty is not particularly night-like she has no clear motivation for pursuing such an endeavor and perhaps more importantly she is a joke side character who toby fox would almost certainly never make the antagonist of any game in a million years it's not 100 percent impossible so i'll still put her in deterior but please understand she is light years less likely to be the knight than the other d-tier candidates next up is the most uncomfortably relatable character in fiction burger pants aka pizza pants as for means he only seems to have three fingers he has nothing to do with knights he is never seen with a weapon and i can't imagine that he has a great deal of determination that said he does have long arms and it's possible that his ice-e mascot suit could become a suit of armor in the dark world and would help conceal his identity in terms of motive very few characters have a life as consistently terrible as burger pants so i would not put it past him to want to bring about the roaring in order to shake things up hilariously enough one of his most iconic lines is that he can't go to hell because he's out of vacation days which is alliance spamton references and jenville directly connects the concept of hell with the knight actually now that i think about it spamton and burger pants have a weird amount in common their faces are strangely similar in the shop they both work in sales they're both intensely expressive and cynical they both talk about hell and vacation days they both are prominently shown using phones and they both want to be big shots dang i don't know if that proves anything about burger pants being the knight but it definitely makes me wonder if burgerpants has some greater purpose in this narrative i mean we never find out his real name right that seems like a joke at first but what if toby fox is using that joke to cover up the fact that burger pants feels a greater role in this story again don't know if this is relevant to the knight but being tied to another ambitious and powerful character like spamton could definitely be used as evidence that burger pants may also be ambitious enough to be the knight as for opportunity this is where we reach issues with this theory burger pants has a day job and is not going to school which means that he has very few opportunities to sneak off and create dark fountains of all the characters we've discussed thus far burger pants has more ongoing responsibilities that keep him away from the rest of the town than anybody else which definitely hurts the idea that he might be the knight if he was working at his day job he couldn't have been creating the cyber world overall burger pants definitely has the motive and the disposition to bring about the roaring and i'm beginning to think there's more to him than meets the eye but his minimal number of fingers his lack of weapons and armor and his lack of opportunity to create these dark fountains makes him a rather unlikely candidate for being the knight i'll go ahead and put him in seat here next is the first darkner on our list cap'n cap'n is the only member of the sweet cap and cakes to have five fingers he is made of metal so that could potentially make him knight like and he seems to have decently long arms however he does not wield a knife and he doesn't really seem competent enough to steal a human soul which makes it seem rather unlikely that he would be capable of creating a dark fountain it's also unclear why he would bother creating a dark fountain in the empty classroom at the school considering sham doesn't recognize him and captain doesn't seem to recognize sham or rule's card it seems unlikely that captain has ever been to the card kingdom in terms of motive captain is a rebel but he's only become a rebel recently for the most part he's just a musician and seeing as he's part of a trio it seems like he has a fairly sweet life so it's hard to see why or how he'd go about becoming the knight he also at one point literally says what does that night have that i don't which could be a cover-up line on his part but i honestly have my doubts that captain is smart enough to conceal such an elaborate ruse as for opportunity captain certainly could have created the cyber world dark fountain but him creating the card kingdom dark fountain seems dubious at best especially considering he's part of a band if he's part of a band wouldn't his friends notice if he left to go create a dark world and overthrow the card kingdom monarchy seems like there's too many eyes on him for that to entirely make sense overall while captain matches one or two of the physical details of the knight him being a rather unassuming darkner with no clear connections to any existing lighteners makes it feel rather unlikely that he is secretly the roaring knight plus if he really was the roaring knight then why would he help chris defeat the queen in the final battle the queen was trying to create more dark fountains so helping the delta warriors seems irrational if he really was the knight also he's clearly an inconsequential comedic side character so i sincerely doubt he holds any greater meaning in this story as such i think captain is a solid deed here and since it's not really worth my time to discuss all three of these characters separately i'll go ahead and put sweden kk right there next to him as none of them really makes sense to be the knight next up is the younger sister of caddy catty catty's hands are never seen in clear detail but her older sister has four digits on each paw so caddy is probably the same which is enough to match the knight her arms are arguably long and she certainly seems determined enough to create dark fountains if push came to shove that said she has nothing to do with armor or weapons or knives and technically she has paws not hands in terms of motive caddy is a practitioner of the occult who blatantly dislikes how cheerful and enthusiastic her family is as she literally says that she wishes they were more goth so to be certain she definitely seems to have the right disposition to want to bring about an era of darkness and perhaps most importantly her research into the occult gives a viable way for her to have discovered the existence of dark worlds and how to create them this is actually pretty rare as most of the other candidates even if they have the right disposition don't have a clear route for discovering the existence of the roaring or the dark fountains in the first place so caddy definitely has the edge in that regard that said beyond her goth nature i do find it dubious that she would actually end up wanting the roaring to happen especially since it feels like she's probably going to have an adventure with chris much like birdley and noel in one of the future chapters although that is admittedly just speculation on my part in terms of opportunity she is a student at the school and thus has the opportunity to create the card kingdom dark fountain however much like burger pants catty has a job that she works in the afternoon so it's possible that she has too strong of an alibi to successfully create the cyber world dark fountain overall caddy is an occult practitioner with the right hobbies and interests to conceivably be the roaring knight and she matches a couple of the knight's attributes but she has nothing to do with armor or weapons and her afternoon job puts her in the wrong place to actually be in position to create the cyber world dark fountain as such i'd say she's a solid b tier next up is caddy's older sister catty catty has all the same problems as bratty but is arguably even more unlikely to be the knight she has paws instead of hands she has nothing to do with knights or armor or weapons and it's debatable if she has any meaningful amount of determination she might have somewhat long arms and the correct number of fingers but that's the only aspect of her appearance that even remotely matches the night in terms of motive much like bratty i really have no idea it really doesn't make sense as caddy is arguably even more happy with her lot in life than bratty was and thus it seems unlikely that she would want to bring about an era of darkness and that's assuming she even has the ability to bring something like that about which is highly dubious as she's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed and unlike bratty catty actually has a family member attending the school so her creating a dangerous dark world in the school makes even less sense as for opportunity she could theoretically sneak her way into the school or the library but again it is highly debatable if caddy is competent enough to pull off such a scheme there's no proof that she couldn't have made these dark fountains but the entire concept does feel out of character for her the only tiny detail that might hint at caddy being responsible for creating the cyber world dark fountain is the fact that she has a room in the queen's mansion this implies that she has in fact visited the library before and thus could have been at the scene of the crime but that's literally the only suspicious detail about her entire character so that hardly amounts to much overall caddy is just like her former best friend bratty as she is not very nightlike has no clear motivation for wanting to bring the roaring about and she is a joke character that toby fox would never make the primary antagonist in a million years honestly i think it makes even less sense for caddy to be the knight than bratty so i'm putting her at the very bottom of deterior next is the original adopted child of the dreamer family cara this one is rather interesting as it is assuming that there is akara in the deltarune timeline which might not be the case kara may not exist or they might be dead or they might literally be chris furthermore there are two versions of kara that we need to discuss the original human version of kara and the undead abomination version of kara that is created at the end of the genocide route these two versions of the character are different enough to warrant separate discussions much like asriel and flowey so first i will discuss how likely it is that the original human version of kara could end up being the roaring knight starting with means the original version of kara in the undertale timeline matches several of the elements that define the physical appearance of the knight cara had five fingers wielded a knife and as a human almost certainly wielded a respectable quantity of determination and thus could likely create dark fountains furthermore if they're anything like chris then they would likely automatically acquire armor upon entering the dark world cara was admittedly a small child so their arms are rather short but if this is an older version of kara we are dealing with then their arms could have easily grown longer in terms of motive kara was both unhappy and unhinged they climbed mount abbott potentially to commit suicide as a direct result of their hatred for humanity after falling into the underground they decided to devote themselves to saving the monsters and literally poisoned themselves in order to fuse with azrael and get the opportunity to kill some of the humans that they hated you could argue that kara had good intentions in this story it's admittedly a matter of interpretation but what this tells us is that kara is a dangerous and intense person who is willing to pursue radical and deadly strategies in order to bring about their desired goals as such if kara thought the roaring or the angel's heaven was something worth pursuing they would be more than willing to become the roaring knight obviously they would have to have a different story in deltarune but assuming their core personality is the same then they've clearly got the aptitude to bring about the roaring honestly having kara be the main antagonist would definitely be an interesting turn of events in terms of opportunity this is where this option gets extremely dubious chris is as far as we know the only human in the hometown as such if a new human presumably an adult human came to town that would be extremely notable and tons of people would be talking about it as such in order for this to work cara would have to completely conceal their presence in the hometown and while that's not impossible it has much less evidence supporting it than most of the other options furthermore if this game takes place around the same era as undertale then cara could be long dead which would make this option much harder to swing that said we don't know for certain whose red soul this is during the opening intro sequence as such if this is actually kara's soul and gaster did something with it like put it in a new younger vessel then it could be that cara is alive and well and has become the roaring knight but again this is assuming that chris isn't the deltarune version of cara which we don't actually know to be the case as far as human kara is concerned they are definitely a strong contender as they have determination in spades five fingers they should have longer arms they're known to wield a knife and if they're similar to chris then they likely acquired a suit of armor upon entering the dark world they also have the perfect attitude and disposition to want to bring about the roaring and while it's a somewhat hard sell to believe they're sneaking around undetected in the hometown the fact that they may be the character featured in this intro sequence with gaster definitely lends itself to kara being the twist villain of this story as such i would say human kara is the first a tier option on this list there are some holes in this theory so it's not guaranteed but they are an important enough character for this to be a highly compelling option next we have to talk about the resurrected nightmare version of kara who i would just call the demon to be clear the demon is not kara in the same way that flowey is not asriel the demon is a soulless abomination while kara was a human with at least some good in them in terms of means the demon has many of the same attributes that made kara a viable option they have five fingers they wield a knife they have the determination of the soul that they purchased from the player and there's a good chance that they would be outfitted with armor upon entering the dark world the only attribute that the demon lacks is the long arms however as an unnatural abomination it's quite possible that this creature could extend its arms or possess someone who actually has long arms so there's definitely ways to work around this shortcoming in terms of motive this is where things get complicated according to the demon itself it exists purely to acquire power that is its purpose it exists to destroy its enemies and increase its stats that is all it cares about it cannot understand why the player insists on recreating the undertale world but it also doesn't care it will come whenever and wherever its name is called destroy the enemy and gain power so while it is definitely unethical enough to bring about the end of the world the issue is with the choice to become the roaring knight why would an entity free of any desire except the urge to destroy bother with such an elaborate ruse maybe it wants to lure out the angel in order to kill a truly powerful foe but still that demonstrates a level of complexity that the demon by its own admittance does not seem to possess maybe it could grow and evolve over time much like flowey but that's making some very broad assumptions that are not backed up by the evidence furthermore as an entity from another world the demon would have to be summoned to this deltarune reality in order to appear so who could possibly have summoned it could it be gaster if so why would he bother summoning an entity of pure destruction even he doesn't seem that insane while i could imagine the demon making a cameo if you pursue some sort of genocide route in deltarune i can't really see them bothering with all this roaring knight stuff that just doesn't seem in character for an entity as simple and straightforward as the demon in terms of opportunity the demon wields enough power to completely reconstruct entire realities so if it really has been summoned to this world and it really is the roaring knight then it wields more than enough power to teleport from place to place and create dark fountains although honestly if the demon was the roaring knight then you'd think it wouldn't take so long to bring about the roaring couldn't an entity like the demon be capable of creating dozens of dark fountains per day why is it taking so long even if it was doing this for some end goal i can't imagine such a laser-focused entity as the demon would waste time when it could be killing people and acquiring more power and of course the demon only appears if you call its name which means it's literally impossible for it to be the roaring knight if nobody knows it exists which they might not as such while the demon definitely has the power to bring about the roaring the specific circumstances necessary for it to be brought here and then to be convinced that this plan is worth its time makes this option extremely convoluted and dubious overall the demon has the right attributes and powers to be the roaring knight and it's certainly unethical enough to bring about the end of the world but this intricate plan to bring about the roaring seems far too complex for an entity like the demon to bother with in the time it takes for the roaring to be brought about the demon could have destroyed this world several times over as such while i know the demon being involved in this game is a fairly popular theory i think people are kind of forgetting how utterly simplistic and direct this entity is it's not like flowey and it's not like cara it has a one-track mind focused on a very simple goal kill everything and gain power so while definitely one of the more interesting candidates to discuss i find the likelihood of the demon being the roaring knight rather low and thus i would put it in c tier next up is children as far as means childreak is rather short has no arms or fingers and is thus incapable of wielding a knife they do seem strong-willed enough to potentially create dark mountains and while they don't exactly look like a knight birdly qualified as a knight in the dark world so maybe childrek would too in terms of motive joe drake's entire personality revolves around bringing about anarchy and thus they have the perfect mindset to want to bring about the roaring that said in undertale they cared a great deal about snowy and if this is still true in deltarune then it seems unlikely that children would risk snowy's life by creating a dark fountain in the school where snowy attends in terms of opportunity childreak hasn't even appeared in deltarune yet so either they don't exist or they have very effectively avoided encountering chris during the day as such whether they had the opportunity to bring about the dark fountains is unclear that said if the knight really is one of the lighteners in the hometown i find it unlikely that toby fox would conceal that lightner for several chapters although again that's just speculation on my part overall children completely fails to match the knight's appearance and may not even exist in the delta rune reality as such while they do have the right mindset to bring about the roaring their insignificance in the plot and their lack of arms hands or knives makes me think this option is pretty much impossible as such cho drake is the first f-tier in this video next is clover as far as means go clover has rather long arms but that's the only detail that seems to match the knight they have paws rather than hands they only have three fingers on those paws they don't wield a knife or wear armor and as a darkener they would need to have stolen a lightner's soul or their determination in order to create dark fountains which i find extremely unlikely for someone as flighty as clover to have pulled off in terms of motive clover literally has multiple personalities so it's entirely possible that one of them has the correct mindset to want to bring about the roaring they do attempt to stop the delta warriors so they are at least helping with the king's plan to cover the world in darkness which makes them more feasible in terms of personality than captain was in terms of opportunity this is where things get dubious clover could have created the card kingdom dark fountain but given how they have been trapped in this empty classroom for ages it seems unlikely that they could have stolen a lightner's soul during that time it makes even less sense for them to have created the cyber world dark fountain as we meet clover in the castle town prior to heading off to the cyber world which means it's borderline impossible for them to have beat chris and susie to the library overall clover is another extremely unlikely option they don't match the night's description almost at all and it seems borderline impossible for them to have created the cyber world dark fountain as such even though they might have the right motivation i would say clover being the knight is less believable than even captain was and thus they end up in f-tier next up is crystal aka snowdrake's mother in terms of means much like childrek crystal doesn't have fingers arms or any noticeable connection to knives or armor or knights and it's unknown if she possessed any notable quantity of determination in terms of motive crystal is not well fleshed out but she seems to have been a proud mother who cared for her family and she may have also been a comedian however it's rather hard to tell if she would have possessed any reason to bring about the roaring as she's a barely comprehensible amalgamate in undertale and she's dead in deltarune since her son goes to the school i find it unlikely that she would risk his life by opening a dark fountain there in terms of opportunity crystal is literally dead so that's a fairly strong alibi implying that she is not the knight it's possible that her soul was stolen by a darkner but as far as crystal herself goes it seems extremely unlikely that she could have faked her own death and began creating dark fountains overall crystal makes even less sense to be the roaring knight than children and i'm somewhat wondering if it was even worth bringing her up in the first place she doesn't match the knight's appearance doesn't have any clear motive to bring about the roaring and she has a fairly strong alibi due to her being dead as such i'll be putting crystal right at the bottom of f tier next is the father of caddy and catty dad cat in terms of means he presumably has paws instead of hands and is never seen with weapons or armor of any sort that said he is an adult so his arm is somewhat long and the fact that he has lost one of his arms could imply that dad cat was a soldier at some point which means he could have some experience with weapons and he might have above average determination he is also a large man so much like asgore this line mentioning a large person could be hinting at the size of the knight he also probably has four fingers which is the minimum necessary to match the knight in terms of motive we don't know much about dad cat and considering he had to get his stomach pumped for oranges he's scared of pickles and the fact that he doesn't know azrael's real name it seems like he might be about as stupid as his eldest daughter which makes it somewhat hard to believe that he could bring about the roaring he also seems like a fairly happy man so it seems unlikely that he'd want to shake up the status quo plus his daughter goes to the school so you'd think dad cat wouldn't want to put his daughter at risk by making a dark fountain there and in terms of opportunity his daughter goes to the school so it's conceivable that he could have snuck in and created the card kingdom dark fountain and it is theoretically possible that he could have gone to the library although we have no evidence supporting that overall dad cat might have a secret or two especially with his missing arm but he has no clear motivation for bringing about the roaring and while he might have had the opportunity to make these dark fountains it seems against his character to put his daughter at risk by making them that said he does have enough mystery around him to make slightly more sense than caddy so i'll put him in seat here side note i won't be ranking momcat as there's even less to discuss with her than dad cat honestly i only included him because he's missing an arm and that caught my attention next up is des holiday in terms of means we don't know how long des arms are and we don't actually know how many fingers the holiday family possess but they definitely seem to have fingers and decently long arms des doesn't seem to have any known connection to knights or armor or knives but she did attack chris with a whiffle bat at one point so she has wielded a weapon before she's also a lightner and she sounds like she's stronger willed than noel so it seems feasible that she could create dark fountains in terms of motive this is where things get extremely speculative we don't know much about des personality beyond her being protective of noel so that's all we really have to go off of that said her and noel made a doll of the angel in their youth group at church so it may be that des was on the religious side as such it could be that she wants to bring about the angel's heaven in order to make a better world for her sister and that's why she became the roaring knight in terms of opportunity the implication seems to be that des is either dead or missing which either increases her chances of being the knight or decreases it depending on which interpretation is correct if she's dead then it would be rather difficult for her to be the roaring knight however she has no gravestone in the graveyard so it stands to reason that she's probably just missing maybe she ran away from home or disappeared under suspicious circumstances death having an unhappy home life could definitely be a reason for her wanting to bring about the roaring alternatively if she was abducted or something similar then that means there's likely a greater mystery to be uncovered regarding deaths which could be evidence that she has become the roaring knight against her will if she is the knight she would need to conceal her identity when sneaking into the library or into the school so that part is somewhat dubious but des being the knight would explain why the queen was so fixated on noel if the queen saw the knight and they looked like an older sibling of noel's then it would make perfect sense for the queen to try and create a new knight using another member of the holiday family overall des is such a mysterious character that it's hard to discuss her role in this game that said she seems to match a couple of the night's attributes there's a major mystery surrounding her that could tie into her being the knight and she may have just the right combination of trauma personality traits and determination to bring about the roaring she definitely seems to play some major role in this story so why couldn't that role be that of the main antagonist that said her lack of connection to knights and armor and weapons definitely hurts this option and the fact that she might simply be dead also hurts her candidacy as such i'm going to go ahead and put des in beetier i think she is one of the more compelling candidates but there's just too much mystery surrounding her for me to feel confident putting her in a tier next is dogamy dugaressa doggo lesser dog and greater dog also known as the wet nose bandits who i will be analyzing together in terms of means they have paws instead of hands but they all have decently long arms four fingers on each paw and in the undertale timeline they were members of the royal guard and wielded weapons including knives and several of them wore the armor of a knight there's quite a few of them so it stands to reason that some of them are strong-willed enough to create dark fountains several of them are also fairly large and thus could be the ones being referenced by this large person line in terms of motive the dogs are all criminals in this timeline and there's at least one ending in undertale where the dogs take over so maybe they have the ambition to want to shake up the status quo by becoming the roaring knight that said all the dogs aren't exactly super intelligent so it's a bit dubious that they have the competency to pull this off they were all scared away from sneaking into noel's house by some unknown attacker so i doubt they have the strength of whale to bring about the apocalypse if they can't even handle a simple burglary in terms of opportunity this is where this option really falls apart a gang of criminals sneaking into a school is already an extremely dubious prospect but more importantly the dogs were all locked up in jail in the doghouse if you will with the implications seeming to be that they've been there for some time which means it's extremely unlikely that they could have been in the right place at the right time to create any of the dark fountains overall the dogs match some of the night's description but not enough to be convincing and while they may have the right attitude for it their lack of intelligence makes the idea of any of them successfully becoming the roaring knight a comical concept throw in the fact that they've been in jail for months and i think it's safe to say that none of these characters could be the roaring knight i put the dogs in d-tier i was going to talk about endogeny next but it occurs to me that this character doesn't even exist in deltarune there is the grave of mutler the former leader of the dogs who was likely one of the monsters who made up in dogany however mutler would have all the issues that the other dogs have on top of the fact that he is dead as such i'll just save us some time and put andogony slash mutler in f-tier as it's literally impossible for this entity to be the roaring knight next up is a much stranger candidate everyman every man is a strange recurring character that has never appeared in person but who makes cameos in several places within both undertale and deltarune in terms of means every man has somewhat long arms but he has no hands fingers armor weapons and he has nothing to do with knights he may have some notable amount of determination but he also might not it's impossible to say he might not even be a real person in the delta rune reality and may instead be a fictional character of some sort in terms of motive this is where things get borderline impossible to discuss the only description we have of every man comes from the undertale art book in which toby fox describes him as a good guy who shows up on occasion the showing up on occasion part could be a decent description of the night but it's debatable if the knight really qualifies as a good guy that said given toby fox's writing style i'm sure that whoever the knight turns out to be they'll think of themselves as the good guy so maybe this description could describe the knight but honestly this category is a dud we really have no clue what motivates every man or even if he's a real person in terms of opportunity this is also completely speculative given his ability to randomly appear in unexpected places it's not impossible to imagine him showing up in the school or the library in order to create the dark fountains that said if he's a famous enough character to have people making graffiti of him you'd think there'd be more discussion in the hometown from the people who saw the iconic everyman walking around overall every man is one of the most pervasive mysteries in this franchise he could just be a meaningless inside joke that toby fox likes to slip into his games or he may be of profound importance to the plot we really don't know that said i have extreme doubts that toby fox would make this random bizarre entity who was introduced as an attack by an amalgamate in undertale be the roaring knight in deltaru he doesn't match the night's description regardless so i think i'll just throw every man down in detail and move on with the list next is one of the more popular and interesting candidates father alvin in terms of means alvin has relatively long arms his father was a blacksmith and thus he might have access to weapons and armor and he seems like the kind of man who might have a decent quantity of determination even if alvin doesn't have access to armor the fact that he's a turtle could cause him to naturally acquire armor upon entering the dark world unfortunately we can't quite make out how many fingers he has but gerson seem to have four fingers in undertale which could very well be how many the knight has as such father alvin matches the knight's description to a t in terms of motive this is where father alvin has a very strong argument he is a priest who worships the angel and thus he would have substantial religious motivation to bring about the angel's heaven in fact his theological studies may have been responsible for him discovering the existence of the dark world in the first place given the death of his father and this suspicious dialogue we get in chapter 2 it definitely seems like father alvin has some secrets he's hiding which could contribute to his motivation to bring about the roaring as the knight and as an interesting side note in medieval societies knights were often born into nobility and thus were often the sons of lords and gerson has written a book series called lord of the hammer as such you could argue that father alvin is the son of a lord and is thus eligible to be a knight in terms of opportunity this option actually has quite a bit of interesting evidence in the empty classroom where the card kingdom dark fountain was created there is a drawing of gerson on the wall which has been confirmed to be a drawing that father alvin created as such this shows not only that father alvin attended this school but also that he specifically knows about this particular classroom as such he may have chosen to create a dark fountain in this classroom specifically because he knows it was unused and abandoned he likely doesn't want to hurt the kids but if he knew that the classroom was abandoned then he'd have no reason to worry about any children falling in as for the cyber world this option is a little more dubious as we never see alvin anywhere near the library but he is a priest after all so it stands to reason that he would visit a place filled with books in order to further his theological studies although why he would create a dark fountain when there were children inside the computer lab is a hard question to answer maybe he doesn't care as much about the safety of children as you'd expect or maybe he thinks there'll be a necessary sacrifice for bringing about the angel's heaven or maybe he thinks the angel could revive them even if they did die it's hard to say regardless there's no evidence that father alvin has been to the library but there's no evidence that he hasn't been either overall father alvin is a very valid candidate and the fact that he's a brand new character further increases the believability that he may secretly be the knight he has the perfect motivation plenty of opportunities to create fountains and the right background to have conceivably discovered the existence of said fountains even his history with his father being a smith gives credence to the idea of him having access to armor and weapons the dark world has the delta rune all over it and alvin literally wears the deltarune on his robes so the idea that he may be involved in this plot seems extremely believable he also matches every single detail about the knight that we currently possess which makes him an increasingly more compelling option that said there are one or two tiny details that could push against alvin being the knight for one father alvin does not have a dialogue portrait that we see in conversation which is something most other main characters have even jockington has a dialogue portrait furthermore father alvin has no dialogue sound clip that you hear when talking to him most other characters have a distinct audio clip that represents their voice when they're talking including characters like noel and birdly and yet father alvin does not when he talks it uses the same generic audio clip that all the minor npcs are given of course this could be toby fox just pulling a sly one and pretending father alvin is not important and of course even with those minor issues he still has hordes of evidence in his favor as such since father alvin is easily one of the strongest contenders for being the knight i will happily put him in a tier next up is the final boss of most undertale timelines flowey in terms of means flowey is a flower and is thus incapable of wielding knives or armor and he literally does not have arms or hands his omega form could create hands for him to use but that form only existed for a brief period of time and is officially defeated in all undertale timelines so i highly doubt it could appear in deltarune the only attribute that flowey meets the requirements of is the fact that he did in fact wield a great deal of determination and while it doesn't make sense for flowey to be mistaken as a knight it would explain why the spade king respects him flowey would happily put a lunatic like the spade king into power and since flowey isn't actually a lightner the king would have no reason to hate him next is motive honestly given flowey's track record i would not put it past him to pursue the roaring just to see what would happen he'd even create dark fountains in schools and risk the lives of children as he is a sociopath with no respect for the sanctity of life he may be doing this to gain power he may be doing this to accomplish some other goal but it's definitely conceivable that flowey would walk this path plus hey flowey was the primary antagonist in undertale so why not have him be the primary antagonist in deltarune too next is opportunity and that's where this option completely falls apart flowey shouldn't exist in the deltarune reality which means that in order for him to be the knight he would have to find some way to travel from the undertale timeline to the deltarune one and as far as we know that is not possible sure sans was at one point able to hop between worlds but that required a machine that is now broken so without that machine i can't see flowey managing to hop from one reality to another if he did manage to get to deltarune then him sneaking into the school or library would be child's play given his ability to burrow underground but without the ability to somehow travel between worlds this option seems impossible overall flowey has the perfect motive and personality to be the roaring knight but he lacks most of the attributes that define the knight and it's borderline impossible for flowey to reach the deltarune reality in the first place it could conceivably be possible for flowey to accidentally get re-created in this timeline but the circumstances that created flowey are so specific and are so improbable to occur again that i don't think flower himself could ever actually appear in deltarune maybe someone similar to flowey could appear but not flowey himself as such i think i'll have to put flowey in f-tier as it seems legitimately impossible for him to be the roaring knight next up is an option that is rather interesting to consider frisk we covered the antagonist of undertale and now we're covering the protagonist funny how that works out in terms of means frisk meets every requirement they have five fingers can wield a knife would likely manifest armor if they entered the dark world just like chris and they have more natural determination than any other character in this franchise their arms are rather short but if we're dealing with an older version of frisk then they would match the knight's appearance perfectly in terms of motive this is where things get sketchy it's hard exactly to tell what kind of person frisk is as they're being controlled by the player for the majority of undertale however if you've seen my video on who is chris then you'll know that i personally believe the evidence shows that frisk is a good kid who just wants to avoid conflict and make friends as such it doesn't really make sense for frisk to do things like create dark fountains and risk bringing about the end of the world they're far too good of a person for something like that it would take some very convoluted reasoning for frisk to walk the path of the roaring knight so in terms of motive i think this option falls flat in terms of opportunity this is where things get complicated much like flowey i don't think it's possible for the undertale version of frisk to wind up in this reality however unlike flowey there should be a deltarune version of frisk somewhere in this world in fact chris might literally be the deltarune version of frisk however if frisk is not chris then that raises many of the same issues that cara raised chris is the only known human in town so some new human showing up and sneaking around would almost certainly raise suspicion and have people talking about it furthermore if delta rune takes place earlier on in the timeline then frisk may not have even been born yet it's not impossible for frisk to be sneaking about creating fountains but it is highly unlikely overall frisk matches the knight in terms of most attributes but they are far too kind to walk a path so reckless and harmful and they also probably don't even exist in this reality at this point in time unless they are literally chris as such while technically an option i find frisk being the roaring knight to make too little sense to be feasible and thus i'd put frisk in c tier while i'm at it i'm going to go ahead and put the other human souls in seat here as well they have most of the same problems and advantages as frisk but are much less significant characters i will give a special shout out to the light blue soul as their characteristics match the knight slightly more than the rest but overall i think these characters are too minor to really factor into this discussion even if one of them is the knight we know far too little about them to discuss this option any further next is one of my favorite characters gerson boom in terms of means as we said with father alvin gerson was a smith who likely had access to armor and weapons in undertale he was a legendary hero so him being a knight would definitely be in character he also has fairly long arms natural armor in the form of his shell the required number of fingers to potentially match the knight and as the toughest monster to ever live he definitely seems like the sort to have above average determination the only detail he fails to match is the fact that his chosen weapon was a hammer and not a knife in terms of motive gerson was the father of father alvin who went on to be a priest of the angel as such it's quite possible that gerson is also the religious type but even without that religious angle he's a historian who was well read and thus he could have done the research necessary to have discovered the existence of dark fountains heck in undertale he is literally studying the deltarune and is the only character to ever bring it up so you'd expect him to play some larger role in deltarune the game he was also a fairly morally grey character as even though he was lauded as a great hero he never saw himself as one he just did what he had to in order to protect his people as such with that degree of moral nuance it is possible that gerson might be convinced to pursue the roaring however that's where this logic seems to have issues the roaring is supposed to bring devastation and gerson is specifically known for being a teacher who cared for his kids so him choosing to create dark fountains in the school and the library seems out of character for gerson similarly given how fond he was of asgore in undertale i find it extremely unlikely that gersten would feel comfortable putting a despot like the spade king into power in terms of opportunity gerson is apparently dead which is a pretty strong alibi in favor of him not being the knight that said if he was somehow alive him being a former teacher and a historian would suggest that he had likely visited both the unused classroom that later became the card kingdom and the library that later would house the cyber world that said the whole being dead hurdle is pretty massive and gerson was already a super old man so him being the main antagonist feels dubious it would feel strange for us to beat up some old turtle if he turned out to be the knight that said i do think it's interesting that gerson was known as the hammer of justice in undertale and the spade king has a line where he says he wields the chain of justice this is reminiscent of undyne who is also inspired by gerson who wields the spear of justice furthermore gerson wrote a book series called lord of the hammer and in medieval societies while lords tended to employ knights lords would also fight in battle alongside their knights and thus gerson as lord of the hammer could have some inherent ties to knighthood this could all be coincidence but it's interesting nonetheless overall gerson matches every known attribute of the night arguably has a somewhat decent motivation to bring about the roaring has the right background to have discovered the existence of the dark fountains and could definitely have known about the empty classroom and computer lab due to his time as a teacher and historian however his care for his children and students his extreme age and the fact that he is supposedly dead all come together to make this option problematic gerson being the knight has enough issues that i can't put him in a tier but i feel like he has enough connections to knighthood enough similarities with the knight and enough background with the deltarune that he's better than most of the sea tiers as such i'll put him in b tier next is the mad jester jevel in terms of means devil doesn't match almost any of the knight's traits he's shorter than chris and thus has shorter arms he's a jester and not a knight he doesn't wear armor his sprite does not reveal how many fingers he has and he wields a scythe instead of a knife that said he does seem more powerful than the other dark nurse which could imply that he has determination and while he doesn't wield a knife his weapon does have the word knife in its name furthermore his weapon is literally called the devil's knife and since the knight has been connected to hell jevel transforming into a weapon with the word devil in it could be hinting he's the knight in terms of motive jevel has been driven mad and views the whole world as a game and thus he is more than capable of bringing about the roaring if he thought it would be fun since having fun his is only real motivation and since he's so knowledgeable about the night it could be argued that he has this knowledge as a direct result of being the knight and he's just doing all the roaring stuff for fun that said if he really is the knight then it wouldn't really make sense for him to give the delta warriors his armor slash weapon to help them in their quest as they are actively fighting against his plans then again he is insane so maybe he's easily distracted from his goals in terms of opportunity this is where this option goes straight into the trash can jevel has been imprisoned for quite some time and since it was the four kings who imprisoned jevel that means jevel was locked up long before the knight came to town furthermore if the delta warriors don't fight him in chapter one he stays imprisoned which would make him creating the cyber world dark fountain borderline impossible furthermore when he is defeated he talks about the knight and it doesn't really make sense to do that if he is the knight maybe he's trying to confuse the heroes but it doesn't really make sense for the first secret boss in deltarune to also be the primary antagonist also jevel says he's going to sleep for the next hundred years and he turned himself into his weapon and gives himself to the heroes to use if he's asleep and literally in our inventory then it seems impossible for him to be sneaking off and creating dark fountains as it stands unless there's some crazy plot twists javel is one of the only characters whose whereabouts are constantly verified he was imprisoned before the delta warriors arrived and he was asleep in their inventory for the rest of the time as such as far as opportunity goes geneva seems incapable of being in the right places at the right times to be the roaring knight overall while jevell's personality could certainly allow him to pursue the roaring jevell fails to match most of the knight's attributes on top of it being seemingly impossible for him to have created any of the dark fountains we've seen thus far in order to be the knight he would have to have secretly acquired a lightness determination have secretly broke out of prison have disguised himself as the knight without ever being recognized by any of the card kingdom darkeners have snuck back into his prison to fight us to have snuck out of our inventory to go create the cyber world and then snuck back into our inventory without us ever noticing i'm not saying that jevel being the knight is completely and utterly impossible but it certainly feels completely and utterly impossible as such java goes right down into f tier next up is the kindest coolest and all-around greatest person in deltarune you know him you love him jockington in terms of means jockington as a cool green snake has no arms or legs or fingers and is thus incapable of wielding a weapon or armor or matching any of the details that define the knight's appearance the only detail he has in his favor is the fact that he as jockington likely has a great deal of determination in terms of motive jockington is far too kind and honest and simple-minded to ever want to bring about the roaring it's possible that he could be tricked into pursuing that course maybe he learned about the roaring from caddy but as far as his baseline personality is concerned i cannot imagine that jockington would risk the lives of his classmates by creating dark worlds in the library or school it just seems too out of character for the great jockington in terms of opportunity jockington is a student at the school and is also known to use the library so he'd have plenty of opportunities to create the dark worlds that said he is found at the diner with caddy at the end of chapter 2 so if he was in the diner the whole day it's possible that he has an alibi that keeps him from being the knight overall jockington is far too cool to be the roaring knight he doesn't match the night's description he doesn't have the right motive or personality to pursue the roaring and while he could have created the dark fountains it is highly probable that he did no such thing as such i will put jockington in the tier that is reserved for only the coolest of characters next is the first big antagonist in deltarune the king also known as the spade king in terms of means the king is a fairly large man who wields various strange weapons he has four fingers and as a king you could argue that he is associated with knights but none of his weapons appear to be knives and he doesn't appear to wear armor as a darkener he would need to steal a lightner's determination to create dark fountains and given his loss at the hands of the delta warriors it seems distinctly unlikely that the king has managed to defeat any lightners in his time in terms of motive the king very plainly lays out his reasons for wanting to bring him out an age of darkness he wants to allow the darkness the chance to govern themselves and overthrow the cruel lightners that abandoned them of course if he is the knight then we'd have to assume that he is pretending to be both the spade king and the knight at the same time which seems like a rather tall order but it's not impossible in terms of opportunity the king has been locked up in the unused classroom for some time and thus was in the right position to create the card kingdom dark fountain however given that he is defeated and locked up at the end of chapter 1 it seems impossible for him to have created the cyber world furthermore given that the knight overthrew the other kings and put the spade king in charge this implies that there were people who saw the king and the knight at the same time which seems like pretty substantial evidence that they are not the same person even shawn regards the two as differed characters and i'm inclined to trust sham throw on the fact that it wouldn't really make sense for the king to be the knight and get defeated in the very first chapter and this already dubious option becomes increasingly unlikely overall the spay king has the right mindset to be the knight but he fails to match a number of the knight's attributes he almost certainly lacks the ability to create dark fountains he was in the wrong place to create the cyber world and multiple people seem to have seen the king and the knight at the same time which seems to put the final nail in the coffin for this candidate as such i'm going to go ahead and put the spade king in eftier next is the candidate that everyone at least for a moment thought was the night chris in terms of means chris meets almost all of the requirements they wield a knife they dress like a knight they have five fingers and they clearly have enough determination to create dark fountains as they are literally the only character to create a dark fountain on screen thus far however there is one detail that chris has that doesn't line up with the knight chris has rather short arms this is specifically highlighted in chapter 2 when chris is unable to reach the controls the game literally comments that your arms are too short and this is the same chapter where the knight is revealed to have long hands slash arms this comes across as toby fox intentionally drawing attention to a specific difference between chris and the knight in terms of motive the exact motivations that push chris to be the knight are unknown but we know they have the motivation to pursue the roaring as they willingly created a dark fountain at the end of chapter 2 despite hearing what rousseau said about the risk i have my own theories regarding why chris is creating this dark fountain which you can hear about in my rousey video but regardless of the specifics we know that they must have some sort of motivation as they are clearly making the choice to walk this path in terms of opportunity this is where chris being the knight starts to fall apart crisp could totally have been responsible for creating the card kingdom dark fountain but if they did then why does the spade king not recognize chris the knight literally put the king into power so it really doesn't make sense for him to not recognize the knight similarly the queen likely encountered the knight as well and yet she doesn't recognize chris either despite having facial recognition systems shawn doesn't say chris is the knight and neither does jevel which is extremely damning evidence considering jevel clearly has forbidden knowledge there's also the fact that chris is never labeled as knight despite knight being a class that exists as shown by susie and chris creating the cyber world dark fountain is legitimately impossible as we discussed at the start of this video relsay didn't detect the dark fountain until after chris and susie left the castle town and since it doesn't make sense for noel and burnley to just dive head first into a dark world the only explanation is that the dark fountain was created extremely recently and since we are viewing chris's point of view throughout chapter 2 there's literally no opportunity for chris to sneak off and make the fountain the ending scene of chapter 1 could be interpreted to be chris sneaking off to make the cyber world but based off what we see in chapter 2 it seems like chris can only be without their soul for short periods of time so the amount of time needed to run all the way to the library create the dark fountain and run all the way back seems a bit too much to be believable and that's not even addressing the fact that if chris really did make the dark world the night before not only did noel and burnley willingly jump into the cyber world but this interpretation also requires that literally nobody else noticed the supernatural portal to another world in the middle of their public library remember noelle and bradley didn't go to the library until after school which means that this theory holds that the dark world was in place all day and yet nobody noticed it until noelle and birdley showed up furthermore if we take queen's word literally she says that the cyber world was created today not last night today all this evidence together makes it seem extremely unlikely that chris could have created this fountain overall chris matches most of the night's attributes and has proven that they are willing to create dark fountains but the evidence strongly suggests that chris could not have been the one to create the card kingdom and cyber world dark fountains throw in the extremely suspicious detail about chris having short arms and the fact that nobody recognizes them as the knight and i think this option loses a lot of its credibility i'll still go ahead and put chris in beetier as they do have more evidence in favor of them being the knight than most other characters but the issues with this option keeps chris out of a tier next is the first darkner we ever encounter lancer in terms of means lancer doesn't really match the knight very well he has shorter arms than chris does not wield a knife or wear armor and it seems distinctly unlikely that lancer could have stolen the determination of a lightner that said lancer is the son of a king which gives him the right to be a knight and he does have four fingers furthermore his name is literally lancer and lancers are generally soldiers on horseback wielding lances which could be argued to make lancer a knight in terms of motive lancer wanted to create dark fountains to please his dad at the start of chapter 1 but ever since then he has changed his tune and is now assisting the delta warriors as such unless he has hidden depths lancer does not seem to care about creating dark fountains or anything like that which makes it extremely dubious if he has the right attitude to be the knight and if he really was the knight why would he help the delta warriors defeat his own father that doesn't make sense in terms of opportunity lancer was locked up in the empty classroom for some time but much like his father the knight is responsible for putting lancer into a position of power and the idea of everyone in the kingdom including lancer's own dad not realizing that lancer is the knight seems absurd at best and impossible at worst furthermore lancer is literally in our inventory at the time that the cyber world dark fountain is being created which means he has a perfect alibi supporting the idea that he is not the knight overall lancer has a couple of niche details that could arguably support him being the knight but the vast majority of his characterization motivations and personal timeline seem to be completely opposed to this concept as such lancer ends up in the same tier as his dad next up is mad dummy aka mad mew mew-mew aka napstablook's cousin in terms of means mad dummy has no arms as a ghost or as a dummy but as mad mew they do have hands and those hands actually include five fingers it's entirely possible that mad dummy is possessing a similar doll in the deltarune timeline and given that mad mew mew's body is literally an animatronic that could be argued to be evidence of them being nightlike due to them effectively being a soul inside a metal body mad dummy is also notable for wielding a knife and while they are not a knight in undertale they do work alongside undyne who is a knight and are noted for having a fondness for her so this could be evidence of them having interest in knighthood mad dummy is also an intensely passionate entity which could be evidence of them having above average determination in terms of motive mad dummy is a very passionate entity who is prone to bursts of irrational rage so it could be argued that they are unstable enough to potentially pursue the path of the roaring knight furthermore in the deltarune timeline both mad dummy and mettaton are still living together so it could be that mad dummy seeing mettaton in such a sorry state wants to bring about the roaring to make things better for their family alternatively mad dummy hated mettaton in undertale so maybe living together with him in deltarune has driven mad dummy to the point of wanting to destroy the world out of rage they are certainly extreme enough furthermore if they really are possessing an animatronic like they were in undertale that would explain why the spade king was so fond of them as mad mewmu is effectively a supernatural robot which makes them quite different from the regular lightners that the king hated so much furthermore while it's hard to imagine many of these candidates overthrowing the card kingdom government and putting spade king in charge mad dummy seems aggressive enough to go for something like that and i could totally see the spade king respecting mad dummy's anger and rage in terms of opportunity mad dummy has the easiest time pulling off this scheme out of any of the other candidates thus far as they can pass through walls in their ghost form in order to sneak into places or scout them out in advance before creating a dark fountain as such combined with them being very reclusive mad dummy has every opportunity to create both the card kingdom and cyber world dark fountains without being detected overall mad dummy is a shockingly valid candidate for being the knight while possessing a robotic or even just metal body they can meet all of the requirements necessary to match the knight's appearance and they are one of the few characters known to use a knife throw in them having a personality that could lend itself to befriending the spade king and pursuing the roaring their monster soul allowing them access to determination and their ghostly nature allowing them to sneak around town and i'd go so far as to say mad dummy is one of the strongest candidates on this list the only thing that really holds them back is the fact that they have always been a rather minor character so it's debatable if they are important enough to be given the role of the knight that said having the main antagonist be a supernatural ghost who cannot be harmed through normal means would definitely make for an interesting scenario plus out of all the bosses that you fight in undertale the only characters who you fight multiple times in real actual boss fights in a single run of the game are asriel and mad dummy other characters like undyne and mettaton have additional fake boss fights but you don't have to spare them or kill them to end those encounters asriel and mad dummy are the only ones who you have two full fights that end with you sparing them in both encounters if you have as many fights with the protagonist as the main villain of the game then that could be evidence of you being an important character as such overall i would actually put mad dummy in a tier i'm just as surprised as you are honestly next up is mad dummy's more popular cousin mettaton in terms of means mettaton is a ghost who lacks arms or hands but if he were to possess a metal body as he does in undertale then he could easily match many of the attributes of the knight as we already discussed with the mad dummy i will point out that unlike mad mewmew both of mettaton's robotic forms have noticeably long arms which certainly helps his case mettaton might also have enough determination to create dark fountains that said mettaton has never wielded a knife as a weapon in terms of motive in this timeline mettaton has never achieved the fame and body that he always wanted with his neoform remaining an unfulfilled dream that he left on the public laptop as such if his life is so dull and disappointing it seems entirely feasible that he might become the roaring knight in order to bring about a more entertaining world furthermore people transform when entering the dark world so maybe mettaton is only able to achieve his ideal body while in the dark world and thus he's bringing about an age of darkness in order to ensure he'll always get to live in his body mettaton was never a super ethical person and while he's not a villain i could definitely see him letting his hopes and dreams blind him enough to pursue a path as dangerous as that of the roaring knight in terms of opportunity like i said with mad dummy ghosts would have a hilariously easy time sneaking into buildings and scouting out opportunities to create dark fountains and given that mettaton is a recluse that nobody ever sees his sneaking about would likely go completely unnoticed similarly mettaton's flashy nature and the fact that he's a ghost instead of a regular lightner could allow him to bedazzle the spade king into helping him with his plan that said spaking respecting mettaton doesn't make quite as much sense as spade king respecting mad dummy overall metteton has most of the same advantages that mad dummy had which makes him a fairly strong contender to be the knight however there were definitely a handful details that made mad dummy a bit more compelling and believable which metteton doesn't possess namely metteton seems less likely to befriend the spade king he has never wielded a knife he wasn't able to acquire a body he was willing to inhabit without the help of alphys in undertale and whereas mad dummy was a side character that i could see toby fox giving a larger role in deltarune metteton was a major character in undertale so i feel like he has already been given his time in the sun as such while this might be my personal bias bleeding in i just don't feel as compelled by this option as i was with mad dummy so i think i'm going to go ahead and put mettaton in b tier next up is monster kid in terms of means monster kid has no arms or fingers and is never seen wearing armor or using a knife they do seem to have above average determination as they're willing to stand up to undyne and frisk in undertale and you could argue that they have a connection to knights due to them idolizing undyne but that doesn't quite make up for their other shortcomings as a candidate in terms of motive monster kid has a fairly pleasant and amicable persona and they never really seem to want much of anything other than to live up to the people they idolize as such given that they generally idolize fairly heroic characters it seems highly unlikely that they would want to pursue the roaring the only way you could spin this is by using the goner kid as evidence that monster kid has some greater meaning in the story but given how much of a stretch that is and how little we know about goner kid and his role in the narrative even that route is dubious at best in terms of opportunity monster kid attends the school and has probably used the library before so they could have likely snuck in at any point there's no proof that they made these dark fountains but there's no proof that they couldn't have made them either you know aside from the fact that they don't have arms overall monster kid is one of chris's classmates which means they're likely more important than most of your average monsters but they don't match the knights attributes at all they don't seem to have any motive to bring about the roaring and we've seen no evidence of them being anything more than some silly teenager trying to live their life plus they have no arms and that's a pretty big problem when it comes to being the knight so monster kid goes in f tier i just noticed that two of chris's classmates don't have arms wait i forgot about snowy that makes it three how strange this reminds me of that one doofenshmirtz meme where he's like it's strange that it happened more than once anyway i digress next up is muffet in terms of means muffet has fairly long arms and could have above average determination but she does not use weapons or armor she has nothing to do with knights and it's unclear if she has fingers or how many she possesses if she does in terms of motive muffet is a capitalist through and through so it stands to reason that if she thought she could make a world where her and her spiders could be more successful it's conceivable that she could become the roaring knight in terms of opportunity muffet hasn't even been introduced as a character in deltarune thus far and given her status as a guest character who has put in the game as part of the kickstarter it's quite possible that toby fox has no interest in having her appear at all much less making her the main antagonist even if she does live in town somewhere we don't know what her relationship is with the school or the library so it's completely impossible to tell how feasible it is for her to have created the two dark fountains that we encounter overall muffet is a rather minor character in the grand scheme of things so combined with her missing several of the knight's attributes and her having yet to appear or even be mentioned in deltarune i find the idea of her being the knight extremely dubious that said she does have a couple of the night's traits and the right mindset to conceivably pursue this path so i'll put her in seatier next up is mr elegance i debated including this character but he's literally a knight so i had to at least mention him he has no arms no armor no weapons and is a darkness who never fights anybody so it seems pretty unlikely that he could have stolen the determination of some lightner that said he is a knight he's literally a knight chess piece so he's one of the few confirmed knights in this game in terms of motive mr elegance seems pretty happy to help out the delta warriors and is unhappy with the spade king rising to power combined with the fact that nobody calls him out as the knight and it seems distinctly unlikely that he is the knight or has the motivation to pursue the roaring in terms of opportunity he certainly could have created the card kingdom dark fountain as he lives there but since we see him immediately before leaving to go to the library it seems extremely unlikely that he could have beaten chris and susie there in order to create the cyber world dark fountain overall i really probably shouldn't have bothered including this character as he lacks the means motive and opportunity to be the roaring knight but i just felt obligated to mention him since he is technically a knight he's going straight into f-tier for obvious reasons next up is mr society in terms of means he has no weapons armor or fingers he is a bishop and not a knight he is a coward who is afraid of the spade king and he seems to distinctly lack any form of determination in terms of motive mr society loves to tout his superior intellect but is too scared of the world around him to really do all that much maybe that fear could work as motivation to bring about the roaring but i find it hard to believe that he would be capable of overthrowing the other kings and putting the spade king a man mr society dislikes in charge in terms of opportunity this is the one place where mr society shines as not only did he live in the card kingdom but he is specifically seen leaving the castle town before chris and susie which could absolutely give him the head start needed to get to the library and create the cyber world the fact that mr society has the opportunity to create both dark fountains is rather unique among darkness and is the only reason that i included him in this analysis overall as you'd expect mr society lacks the means and the motive to be the roaring knight but he could have theoretically been in the right place at the right time to create the dark fountains which counts for something it doesn't count for a ton mind you i'm still putting him in detail but i do think he's been given just enough characterization and screen time to just barely get out of f tier next up is napstablook in terms of means napstablook falls behind the other ghost characters as napstablook has never possessed any physical form nor have they ever showed any desire to acquire one as such as far as we know their ghost form is the only form they ever bother with with that in mind napstablook does not have armor weapons arms fingers anything to do with knights and seems to possess less determination than most characters due to them constantly crying and being an introvert in terms of motive it's vaguely possible that napstablook may want to pursue the roaring in order to help their family but unlike mettaton and mad dummy napstablook has consistently shown to not only be a non-violent and non-confrontational person but also one who is generally polite and kind to others which makes them opening dangerous dark fountains seem distinctly out of character they're literally a police officer in this timeline a job devoted to protecting the public so they really don't seem to have the correct motivation to pursue the roaring in terms of opportunity like the other ghosts napstablook has every chance to create the dark fountains due to their ghostly powers that said since napstablook has a day job they could have some potential conflicts in their schedule so even in this category napstablook falls behind the other ghosts overall napstablook lacks the means and the motive to be the roaring knight and they have less opportunity than the other ghosts due to them having to work as a police officer which makes them so much less viable than their family members that it's actually kinda shocking an argument could be made that napstablook deserves f-tier but they could still theoretically possess a mental body and masquerade as a knight which means that in theory they could have the means just like the other ghosts however since that goes against their established characterization i can't factor that in as strongly as i did with the others honestly you could put naps to blue and d tier but i think they're ever so slightly more viable an option than that so i'll put them in c tier next up is the latest and greatest addition to our party noel holiday in terms of means noel has no weapons armor or any connection to knights and it's unclear if she has the necessary number of fingers that said the queen seemed confident that noel had enough determination to create more dark phones so that part checks out in terms of motive something bad is clearly happening with noel's sister her father is currently dying in the hospital and she has an unhappy relationship with her mother as such noel has plenty of reasons to want to shake up the status quo and she expresses as much at the end of chapter 2. the only issue is that noel doesn't seem like the kind of person to summon dangerous dark fountains in her school or around her friends but then again maybe the reason noel wanted to go with susie to the closet at the start of chapter one was because she wanted to be the one to go on a magical adventure in another world with susie and alphys just sort of ruined her plans however if noel really is the knight then this idea relies on her completely concealing this fact in all of her dialogue while playing completely dumb about the existence of dark worlds and how the combat within those worlds works that's not impossible but it would go against noel's general characterization up until now in terms of opportunity noelle attends the school and thus has plenty of opportunities to create the card kingdom dark fountain and she is known to use the library so her choosing to create a dark fountain there makes some sense however where this option starts to struggle is with regards to noel's placement in the computer lab it seems certain that the knight created the dark fountain inside of this closet so the fact that noel is in the middle of the room when we seal the fountain seems to contradict that conclusion furthermore if noelle really did create the dark fountain then how did birdley not notice he was either with her the whole time or literally got there before noelle so it seems like noel would have been seen furthermore given how obsessed with noel the queen is and given that the queen seems to have potentially encountered the knight it seems incredibly unlikely that she would be unable to figure out that noel is secretly the knight the queen literally says that the knight has taken its leave so unless she's covering for noel this seems to be evidence against noel being the knight that said maybe noel has a split personality maybe the queen encountered this alternate personality of noel's that calls itself the roaring knight and when queen is trying to awaken noel's power she's actually referring to noel's roaring knight personality that would explain a lot of noel's behavior in the snow grave route it would also explain why noel is surrounded by craters when we find her maybe her roaring night persona woke up and wreaked havoc before going back to sleep there's not much evidence for this split personality theory and even if it was true noel still doesn't match most of the night's attributes as such as cool as noel having an evil alternate personality would be i don't think it's very likely and that makes noelle a pretty dubious candidate she's clearly got something going on with her and she could be the knight but it seems unlikely given the evidence we currently have so i don't think i can put her any higher than sea tier next is one of the stranger characters in this franchise onion sun in terms of means onionson has tentacles instead of arms is too large to fit in a closet is never seen using armor or weapons and it's unclear how much determination they might have they realistically don't match the roaring knight much at all in terms of motive onion son can't even remember their own name so it's hard to tell what kind of motivation they might have for anything that they do i honestly have no idea why they would become the roaring knight in terms of opportunity onion sun is literally too big to fit into any of the buildings where these dark fountains were created so it seems downright impossible for them to have created them and even if they did somehow make these fountains it seems even more impossible that nobody would have seen them fleeing the scene overall onion son is one of the most unlikely candidates in this video due to their huge size their lack of humanoid proportions and their memory loss they are easily the least likely candidate thus far so eftier for the onion next up is the great papyrus in terms of means papyrus has long arms dresses in some sort of armor and wants to be a member of the royal guard but he doesn't use knives it's unclear how many fingers he has and it's also unclear how much determination he has although he seems like the sort of person to have above average determination in terms of motive this is where things get dubious papyrus is rather naive so it's conceivable that he could be manipulated into doing some bad things but he's also a very good person who would never overthrow a government and put someone like spade king in charge furthermore while papyrus is on the innocent side he's not a so i feel like he would realize creating these dark fountains is a bad idea that puts people in harm's way papyrus is a simple man with simple desires so him becoming the roaring knight and somehow earning the respect of the spade king just really doesn't make sense in terms of opportunity papyrus has never left his house as far as we know so it's extremely unclear if he would have had the chance to create the card kingdom or cyber world dark fountains even if he did have the chance he's new in town so why would he bother making these fountains in these particular places and how could he do it without being seen stealth isn't exactly one of papyrus's strong suits and depending how new in town papyrus is he may have arrived too late to have been the one to create the card kingdom dark fountain overall papyrus has background in knighthood and thus matches a few of the knight's characteristics but he also never uses a knife has no clear motivation for pursuing the roaring and he has had no clear opportunity to create the dark fountains that we've seen the characterization of papyrus really disinclines me to believe he is the roaring knight and if he actually was the roaring knight i feel like that would undermine the threat level of the night substantially as papyrus is an inherently goofy character overall i'd put papyrus in c tier as he could technically be the knight but i think he has too many issues to be a particularly strong option next up is queen queen has a metal body which could be argued to make her knight like she has long arms and while we never see her hands in clear detail the images of her on the computer monitor depict her with four fingers while the giga queen has five fingers however the queen never uses knives and while royalty do have inherent ties to knighthood the queen herself is never painted in such a light she also clearly does not have any determination as she has to rely on noel to create more dark fountains in terms of motive queen wants to cover the world in darkness in order to make things better for the lightners she makes this point very clear however she abandons this plan at the end of chapter 2 and since the knight is almost certainly an ongoing threat that seems to damage the idea of queen being the knight furthermore the queen is specifically noted for studying and imitating the knight which would be a weird behavior if she actually was the knight in terms of opportunity queen works surprisingly well she was obviously in position to create the cyber world and she has clearly met several of the card kingdom darkners before which means she has been to their kingdom and thus could have created their dark mountain however the spade king met the knight and regarded it in high esteem and yet he clearly does not identify the queen as being that night and in fact he actually seems to find her rather annoying there's also the possibility that the queen much like the king was seen alongside the knight at the same time and if she really was the knight then why would she bother traveling all the way to the school to create her first dark fountain instead of just creating one right where she already was in the library this option also relies on the queen completely fabricating all the information she has on the night in order to throw off the scent which seems rather elaborate and convoluted and if that wasn't problematic enough she clearly had the delta warriors at her mercy by the end of chapter 2. so why on earth would she surrender why abandon your plans when your opportunity to create more dark mountains is right in front of you that doesn't make sense overall queen is very similar to spade king as she has the right mindset to pursue the roaring but she lacks many of the knight's core attributes she clearly does not have the ability to create dark fountains and since she has been pacified by the end of chapter 2 it seems distinctly unlikely that she'll continue to be a threat in the future throw in the fact that she surrendered when she was winning and this option takes its final nail in the coffin queen ends up right alongside king in f tier next up is the lonely prince from the dark ralsay in terms of means rousseau does not wield knives does not wear armor does not have particularly long arms and does not have the knight class the way susie does that said rousseau is royalty and royalty is associated with knights he likely has at least four fingers if his body is similar to azrael's and if you've seen my theory video on rousseau then you'll know that i think it's exceedingly likely that rousseau has access to determination due to his unique origin and connections with asriel just the fact that raul say has displayed special powers would seem to suggest that he can do more than your average darkener in terms of motive this is where things start to fall apart as well say has consistently been the driving force against the roaring and it is through his direct intervention that the dark fountains have been closed it is his story about the roaring that forces birdly noel and queen to give up on their endeavor to create more dark fountains there is not a single character more devoted to stopping the roaring than rousseau which makes the idea of relsay being the knight pretty much impossible unless rousseau is playing both sides and is both trying to stop the roaring and cause the roaring then i really can't foresee rause being the main antagonist of this narrative i would sooner expect rousseau to be the angel from the prophecy as at least the angel seems to be against the roaring if my deltarune magic theory holds true but even without that occam's razor insists that rousseau is not the knight in terms of opportunity rousseau has the ability to travel through dark worlds and possibly even enter the light world which would give him all the opportunity he needed to create the dark fountains that we've seen thus far maybe rousseau didn't sense the dark fountain in the cyber world but instead just knew that it existed already because he's the one who created it the only issue with this idea is that it would require rousseau to say goodbye to chris and susie in the castle town somehow rush ahead of them to the library hide in the closet create the dark fountain tell queen that he is the roaring knight leave the cyber world wait for chris and susie to arrive and then re-enter the cyber world while pretending to have just arrived and he'd have to do all this without letting the queen realize that he is the roaring knight that is so absurd that it also simply seems impossible overall rousseau has some of the baseline attributes of the knight but he's not a perfect match in terms of appearance or weaponry he has consistently presented himself as being against the roaring and he seems to have zero opportunity to create the cyber world dark fountain if rousseau didn't have arms i'd probably put him in f-gear however i think there's just barely enough wiggle room for toby fox to pull off some insane plot twists and somehow make rousseau the roaring knight i think that is extremely unlikely but rousseau is shrouded in mystery so i have to at least consider the possibility as such i'll be putting rousseau in d tier next i was going to discuss reaper bird but now that i think about it reaper bird is an amalgamate of nameless generic monsters and since they have no named counterpart in deltarune like crystal and mutler there's really no point analyzing them so i won't sorry reaper bird next up is a character who is disturbingly viable as a candidate for being the roaring knight this character by all rights should not be the knight and yet it upsets me how much evidence has slowly piled up in favor of this potentially being the case if you've been paying attention you'll likely know who i'm about to discuss it's time for rules card starting with means rules wields a bladed weapon is a duke and thus has ties to royalty and knighthood he has decently long arms and possesses at least four fingers and if his shoulder pads are anything to go off of he is wearing at least some armor you might think rules is too stupid and cowardly to possess high levels of determination but unfortunately i think there is some evidence in favor of him actually having determination for one rules has this line that you can read when he's in your inventory but the sentence gets cut off however if you look into the game files and look at the complete sentence you can see that rules is aware that he is being cut off by the game as if he somehow knows about the limitations of text boxes if rules is aware of the attributes of his video game world then that would make him similar to flowey who is another character with above average determination who also has awareness of them being in a video game throw in the fact that rules can flat out teleport can create devices that mind control other mini bosses and was seemingly about to unleash some sort of awesome power before he turned to stone and this all culminates in rules card much like rousseau having supernatural powers that no other darkness seem to possess which could be hinting at him having determination also do you want to see something horrible this sign has rules signature on it he signs it r k tell me dear viewers what could rk possibly stand for rules card or roaring knight yeah rules literally has the same initials both names start with r and k what the actual hell if that wasn't enough remember this one line that shawn has it's clear from what sham says that the remaining king put someone and their strange son into power we know that the remaining king is the spade king who is the father of lancer the most common interpretation of this line is that sham is saying that the spade king put himself and his son lancer into power given that we then go on to see the spade king and lancer in charge of all the darkness this interpretation seems valid the only issue is that you'd expect this line to be the remaining king put himself into power and not the remaining king put him into power as such another interpretation of this line is that the him being referenced here is not the spade king and is actually the knight if that is the case then that implies that not only did the knight have a strange son but also that this strange son was put into power in the card kingdom the only character other than the spade king to have any power in the kingdom is lancer which means that this interpretation of this line implies that lancer is the son of the knight this also implies that the knight was put into some position of power in the kingdom this doesn't really seem to make a ton of sense as it's directly stated that lancer's dad is the spade king who we know is not the knight however we also know that lancer refers to rules card as his lesser father and rules card also got put into power by the spade king as such you could interpret this line as shom saying that the spade king put the roaring knight rules card and his strange son lancer into power now obviously this interpretation has issues as the spade king's later dialogue clearly does not reference rules card as being the knight but just the fact that this tinfoil hat conspiracy theory makes as much sense as it does is upsetting in terms of motive rules is obsessed with serving under an evil overlord and thus happily works for the spade king and later the queen until he is defeated he is notably the only antagonist from chapter one to return to confront the party a second time in chapter two what does this have to do with the roaring well if my theory about deltarune's magic and the angel holds true then unleashing the angel's heaven will literally summon the angel from the prophecy to wreak havoc on the world as such since rules is obsessed with serving the most powerful villain in the area it makes sense that he'd try to summon a dark god to serve under his actions further support this notion as he is constantly finding ways to oppose the heroes in the card kingdom rules does everything in his power in order to stop the delta warriors from reaching the dark fountain and he only joins their side after all his attempts have failed this could be because he wanted to stay close to his enemies and keep an eye on them in the event that they get in the way of his future schemes as the roaring knight that could explain why he insists on joining their team at the start of chapter 2. lancer joining makes sense he's a friend of susie's star walker joining makes sense as he's the original star walker but why would rules want to join it's almost like he knew they'd end up on some adventure in another dark world and he stowed aboard in order to stop them in their quest the absolute second that rules card arrives in the cyber world he reconstructs the thrash machine with the help of the sweet cap and cakes before lying in wait to ambush the delta warriors once they get close to the dark fountain in the queen's mansion rules only joins their side after he fails just like last time honestly this motivation works uncomfortably well with rules cards actions and behavior thus far in terms of opportunity this is where this option thankfully starts to run out of steam rules was locked up in the card kingdom for some time so while he could have theoretically created the dark fountain there it doesn't really make sense how exactly rules could have acquired a lightner's determination furthermore we literally see rules jumping out of our pocket after we enter the cyber world which means that rules card was in our possession during the time when the roaring knight was creating the dark fountain in the library as such thank god rules card could not have been in the right place at the right time to create this latest dark fountain overall it is downright infuriating how much more viable of a candidate rules card is than most of the other characters toby fox seems to have designed rules card with the specific intention of being a humongous red herring i'm going to go ahead and call it now at some point in a later chapter we are going to find a note or a message that is signed with the initials of r k and the heroes will all think it's from the roaring knight only for it to actually turn out to be rules card that is the only reason i can think of aside from sheer coincidence for toby fox to have given this character this ridiculous name i'm not putting rules card in a tier because obviously he's not the roaring knight but i can't deny the similarities he has to said knight just the fact that their initials are the same is completely unique to rules card as such it is with a heavy heart that i put him in b tier please understand i would love nothing more than to put him lower next up is the final holiday on this list rudy holliday in terms of means rudy has decently long arms probably has fingers is the best friend of asgore who was a knight and a king in a previous timeline and rudy also seems like a fairly strong-willed individual however rudy has never been depicted with weapons armor or anything remotely night related in terms of motive much like noel rudy's family is in disarray so he may have a desire to shake things up and improve his family's lives before he passes away he plans to go to church in chapter 3 and he literally has an angel doll in his hospital room so him wanting to bring about the angel's heaven for religious reasons could also make some sense the only downside is that rudy would never put his daughter at risk by putting these dark fountains in the school and the library so that is a pretty notable issue with rudy being the knight in terms of opportunity rudy is currently bedridden in the hospital which probably prevented him from creating the card kingdom dark fountain and definitely prevented him from creating the cyber world dark fountain rudy is one of the few characters trapped in a specific room for 24 hours a day which largely hurts his ability to be in the right place at the right time to be the roaring knight overall rudy matches a couple of the night's traits and may have the right motivation but his care for his daughter combined with his illness trapping him in the hospital makes it very unlikely that he could actually be the roaring knight it's not completely impossible so i won't put him in f-tier but he's as dee-tier as they come side note i won't be discussing the mayor despite her being an important character for rudy and noel because we know basically nothing about her at this point in time next up is mr undertale himself sans in terms of means sans has never dressed like a knight does not use knives has short arms has an unknown quantity of fingers and has an unknown quantity of determination normally given how powerful he is i would assume sans has above average determination but his own dialogue on the topic seems to imply that he does not consider himself to have a particularly high quantity of determination and the only vague connection sans has to knighthood is the fact that he was employed by undyne as a century and his brother wants to join the royal guard but that's still pretty weak evidence in terms of motive sans is a deeply mysterious character but what we do know is that he cares about his friends and his brother he is generally a laid-back and friendly guy and he takes his promises extremely seriously to the point that he's unwilling to stop frisk unless the world will literally be destroyed if he doesn't that said he does take his responsibilities seriously enough to do the bare minimum as undyne puts it and he would have happily killed frisk if he hadn't made a promise not to as such as far as ethics are concerned sans has a very particular attitude he will happily kill children but he would never break a promise even if his brother is murdered this combination of ethical ambiguity and extreme loyalty could easily work as motivation for him becoming the roaring knight if someone close to him asked him to do it if he thought creating dark fountains would benefit papyrus i could definitely see him pursuing this path in terms of opportunity sans has only recently arrived in town so it's debatable if he could have created the card kingdom dark fountain similarly he has a day job working at his store so it's unclear if he could have been in the right place at the right time to create the cyber world in undertale sans could teleport so if he still has that power in deltarune then it would be child's play to create these fountains but we have no proof that sans still possesses this ability overall sans is a very interesting character and i wouldn't blame people for wanting him to play a larger role in the narrative but i sincerely doubt he will sans has never liked the spotlight so him becoming the roaring knight seems very out of character for him combine that with him failing to match any of the knight's attributes and it being unclear if he has ever had the opportunity to create the dark fountains and i think it's safe to say that sans probably isn't the knight he is a mysterious character so i won't say it's outright impossible but i don't think i can rank him any higher than d tier he's definitely a less believable option than papyrus next up is sham in terms of means sham has acquired many random items including weapons so it's entirely possible that they have a knife or a suit of armor however sham has an unknown quantity of fingers was a court magician and not a knight and given how apathetic they are i find it unlikely that they have any amount of determination then again sham was able to defeat jevel so maybe they are powerful enough to steal a light in her soul in terms of motive shawn has a distinctly nihilistic view of the world and doesn't think anything really matters in the long run they specifically state that they don't care if the delta warriors seal the fountain because neither light nor dark holds a future for a darkness in their condition which seems to be proof that they don't care enough to bother becoming the roaring knight throw in the fact that sean regularly helps out the heroes and it seems distinctly unlikely that they have the right attitude to be the roaring knight in terms of opportunity sham could have created the card kingdom dark fountain but since we leave them in the castle town before heading to the cyber world it seems exceedingly unlikely that sham could have beaten them there and created a dark fountain throw in the fact that sham never seems to leave his shop and it seems unlikely that shawn could have had the opportunity to create either dark fountain overall sham doesn't really match the roaring knight's attributes doesn't seem to have the right motive to pursue this path and doesn't seem to have had the chance to create the cyber world throw in the assistance that they provide the heroes and the fact that they talk about the knight like they're a different person and it just generally seems unlikely that sean could be the roaring knight sham has enough power knowledge intelligence and nihilism to potentially walk this path so i don't think this option is completely impossible but i do think sham is a d-tier candidate at best next up is shira aka lemon bread shira as a fish fails to meet even the most fundamental details necessary to match the knight she has no fingers arms armor weapons or any sort of association with knights she may or may not have possessed above average determination although she is labeled as brave on her tombstone in terms of motive we know next to nothing about shira so it's not really feasible to predict whether she could have reasons to bring about the roaring in terms of opportunity shira is dead so that hurdle pretty much guarantees that she could not be in the right place at the right time to create these dark fountains in short shira is a dead fish who matches none of the knight's attributes has no known motivation to bring about the roaring and is currently dead which largely makes this option impossible right to the bottom of f tier for her i only bothered including her because they were one of the few named characters to become an amalgamate next up is the musical fish sister who is not dead shiron now on her own shiron also doesn't have arms knives armor or any of the things needed to be the knight however as we saw in undertale she sometimes disguises herself as a larger monster by floating above the body of her agent as such when combined together shiron and her agent could potentially have arms and fingers and weapons and so on we never see them using such things but it is at least possible that said she does seem to possess below average determination in terms of motive shiren's sister is dead and shiron herself has always been somewhat ashamed of her singing voice as such maybe she wants to bring about the roaring in order to improve her own life or something along those lines it's not the strongest motive out there but there might be something you could swing with her in terms of opportunity shiron could theoretically have created the card kingdom dark fountain but since she is resting in the hospital in chapter 2 that may give her an alibi that proves she couldn't have created the cyber world that said there is one detail of note that could hint at shiren holding a greater position of relevance than you might have expected i mentioned earlier that onion song heard a song from underneath the lake and the same day we hear about this shiren can be found in the hospital recovering from over using her singing voice this seems to imply that shyron was in the underground facility and that she was singing so loudly that onion son was able to hear her in the lake this strained her throat so badly that she ended up in the hospital or so it seems if that really is the case then that could mean shiron plays a larger role than we previously suspected which actually makes sense in undertale the river person talked about the song from the sea which is the same song that onion sand heard under the lake and yet in undertale nobody ever figured out what the song from the sea could be this song will clearly play a larger role in deltarune than it did in undertale but i refuse to believe that toby fox would hint at it in undertale and not have some sort of answer in that game this brings me to shyrun in the fight with shiren which is an unavoidable encounter you can keep singing with her and it leads to this huge sequence in which a concert forms around you and which sans himself shows up and starts selling tickets why would toby fox give this massive sequence to such a minor character well maybe it's because she's not so minor after all i wrote down the notes that she mentions in her battle and i took the audio of her singing when she attacks you and after repeatedly editing that audio and recreating her song with different instruments what i found is that the song she is singing has no resemblance to any other song in the game i think this song shiren's song is the song from the sea and that she holds some important position in the plot i don't think that proves she's the knight but i do think it proves she is something overall shiron really isn't that much better of a match for the knight than her sister was the only advantage shiren has is that she's alive and might have some connection with the underground facility but even that doesn't make up for her distinct lack of means motive and opportunity to be the roaring knight as such she goes right down into f tier with her sister she's literally a fish after all and while i think a fish can be important i don't think a fish can be a knight unless that fish is humanoid but we'll get to the humanoid fish later next up is the final bird in this video snowy in terms of means much like the other snow drakes snowy doesn't have fingers arms or any noticeable connection to knives or armor or knights and it's unknown if he possesses any notable amount of determination in terms of motive snowy had a very unhappy home life in undertale and that was only resolved by the intervention of frisk and the return of crystal in the form of an amalgamate in the deltarune timeline that can't happen so it stands to reason that he may still have an unhappy home life that is pushing him towards more extreme paths such as becoming the roaring knight he is also one of chris's classmates so it would make sense if he held some greater relevance in the plot in terms of opportunity snowy attends the school and thus could have created the card kingdom and although we never see him at the library we also received no evidence proving that he couldn't have been at the library at the time that the cyber world was created as such he could very well have had the chance to do what the knight has done however overall snowy is a comical side character who doesn't match the night's physical description at all and that hurdle is unfortunately a bit too much to overcome the knight has hands snowy does not so he goes down into f tier with the other snow drakes side note i won't be ranking snowy's dad as he was an extremely minor character in undertale and an even more minor character in deltarune and there's nothing more to be said about him than what has already been said about childrek crystal and snowy next up is the man the myth the big shot spamton in terms of means spamton has even shorter arms than chris has an unclear quantity of fingers does not wear armor or use weapons and is not associated with knights on the upside though he owns a store where he sells weapons and armor which could include knives and he does seem to be rather determined he is literally the character who introduces the idea of stealing the souls of lightners although since he failed to steal chris's soul it does seem unlikely that he has successfully stolen anyone else's soul in terms of motive spamton makes his intentions perfectly clear he wants to steal the soul of a lightner in order to do something involving heaven and who else is known to be involved with heaven the knight who is going to bring about the angel's heaven the pieces line up shockingly well in that regard in terms of opportunity spamton has more grounds to be the knight than you'd expect sham knows who spamton is which implies that spamton has visited the card kingdom before as such spamton could have potentially had the opportunity to create their dark fountain he also lives in the cyber world so maybe he could have created their fountain as well the only issue with this idea is that if shaum and the queen both already know who spamton is then why wouldn't they recognize him as being the knight furthermore if spamton had already stolen the soul of a lightner before then why does he have so much trouble stealing chris's things don't quite seem to line up and of course like all the other secret bosses spamton is defeated and becomes a part of our inventory while the knight is an ongoing threat so that seems to hurt this option substantially overall spamton has the perfect motive but he doesn't really have the right attributes and his connections with sham and queen damage the validity of him secretly being the roaring knight throw in the fact that he has been vanquished and pacified by the end of chapter 2 and this whole option falls apart as such while not as inconceivable as jevel i do think that spamton is a d-tier candidate at best next up is star walker these birds are pissing him off he's the original star walker next up is susie in terms of means susie wears armor is referred to as a dark knight in the menu appears to have four fingers and definitely seems to have a fair amount of determination that said she doesn't actually use a knife at any point and she actively refuses to use any of chris's swords in terms of motive it seems to be implied that susie has an unhappy home life as she never actually seems to want to go home she's always hungry which seems to imply that her family doesn't feed her and when toriel tells her to call her family and let them know that she's staying over she fakes it for a second but then doesn't do it given her connection with lancer and the fact that she has so much in common with the spade king and i'm inclined to think that she also has an abusive father in her life who caused her to be the way she is with this backstory it makes perfect sense that she'd want to create more dark fountains she even tells chris that she wants to bring the dark nurse to the light world despite everything that rousseau said about the roaring as such susie has a well-established motive for being the knight in terms of opportunity this is where susie being the knight starts to fall apart for one susie is one of the most blunt and straightforward characters in the game so the idea of her concealing anything much less the fact that she's the roaring knight is completely unbelievable throw in the fact that she's with us for the entire time when the knight is supposed to be creating the cyber world and susie pretty handedly gets eliminated as an option overall suzy is actually one of the better fits to be the knight as she has almost all of the knight's attributes on top of having a very clear motivation for pursuing this path however the evidence seems to prove that susie could not have been in the right place at the right time to do what the knight is known to have been doing as such while susie being the knight is far from impossible the idea has too many major flaws to be particularly compelling which lands susie in d-tier next up is swatch in terms of means we never see swatches hands they don't wear armor or use weapons they are a butler and not a knight and while they do have a past working with lightners there is no implication that swatch has ever tried or succeeded in stealing a lightner's soul which means they almost certainly don't have access to determination in terms of motive swatch is a loyal servant of the queen who actively manages her estate and keeps nerdwells like spamton and rules card from causing trouble while there may be some thin layer of exasperation in swatch's service they never demonstrate any sort of disloyalty to the queen and when the delta warriors bring swatch to the castle town swatch shows loyalty to them as well given that the roaring knight is opposed to the delta warriors you'd think swatch would make a greater effort to oppose or at least not help the heroes if swatch really was the roaring knight in terms of opportunity swatch has never been known to visit the card kingdom and even if they created the cyber world swatch knows the queen and thus the queen would likely recognize that swatch was the roaring knight as such it seems distinctly unlikely that they had the opportunity to do what the knight has done overall swatch fails to match the knight's attributes generally doesn't seem to have any motive for bringing about the roaring and also doesn't seem to have had the chance to create the dark fountains admittedly swatch is a very minor character with much less relevance to the plot than someone like shawn so much of their character is too shrouded in mystery to really make a confident declaration on their viability for being the knight as such since so much about them is unknown i'll put swatch in detail instead of f-tier next up is swatch's female counterpart task manager in terms of means task has four fingers but she doesn't actually have arms which contradicts with the knight who is clearly depicted with arms that said she seems metallic enough to be considered wearing armor and she seems very determined to maintain order in the mansion although she doesn't use a knife in terms of motive task manager is exclusively devoted to maintaining order and since the roaring is said to bring chaos and devastation it seems exceedingly unlikely that she would pursue such an endeavor in terms of opportunity task manager lives in the cyber world and thus could have created their dark fountain and she clearly recognizes jevel which implies that she has visited the card kingdom before and thus could have created their dark fountain as well however since the queen seemingly met the knight and task manager is literally the queen's maid it seems exceedingly unlikely that the queen would fail to realize that task manager is the roaring knight overall task manager meets a handful of the knights attributes and may have had the opportunity to create dark fountains but her devotion to order and opposition to chaos directly contradicts with the path of the roaring knight and pretty strongly implies that she is not them while she has more connections than most she has enough problems to only deserve deterior next up is temmie in terms of means temmie did sell some sort of super armor in undertale and she definitely has very long legs but she has paws instead of hands does not have fingers does not wear armor or use knives and has an unclear quantity of determination although she is studying extra hard in terms of motive temmie just seems to want to go to college and given how generally straightforward and simple the temmies are i'm inclined to believe this motivation which means she doesn't really have any reason to pursue the roaring in terms of opportunity temmie attends the school and has been seen at the library so she seems to have had the chance to create these dark fountains if she so desired overall temmie is a silly joke character who doesn't match the knight's attributes and doesn't seem to have any reason to pursue the roaring as such given her flaws and overall insignificance i'm inclined to put her an f-tier but i'll settle for deterior next up is toriel in terms of means she doesn't wear armor or use weapons she has never been a knight she doesn't use a knife on screen at any point and we never actually see how many fingers she possesses that said it's probable that she has five fingers just like asgore and azrael and given that she's a boss monster she probably has above average determination by default in terms of motive toriel is a distinctly conservative and religious woman as she had both her children regularly attending church and she has the deltarune plastered all over her house she literally wears that symbol on her robe in undertale as such it could be that she wants to bring about the angel's heaven for religious reasons however this all largely goes against her overall characterization toriel was the first character to teach us the importance of non-violence in undertale and she desperately did everything in her power to protect the lives of children as such the idea of her creating dangerous dark fountains in the school and library where her children and students attend seems obscenely out of character for her toriel has never believed in committing evil for the sake of the greater good and she seems to have a fairly happy home life so the idea of her being the roaring knight does not seem to line up with her character in terms of opportunity toriel works at the school and is noticeably absent during the time when the knight is creating the cyber world however given that chris's cell phone doesn't work in the dark world it seems likely that toriel's phone wouldn't work either as such the fact that you can call toriel at any point during your walk to the library seems to confirm that she is not in the dark world and thus cannot be the one creating the cyber world furthermore if toriel had created this dangerous dark fountain in the library only for her child to call her and tell her that they are heading towards that library wouldn't she try to discourage them from going there the fact that she doesn't seems to imply that she didn't create that dark world overall toriel is a pretty terrible match for the roaring knight outside of her fingers and above average determination toriel does not possess most of the night's attributes her morality and non-violence seem to oppose the idea of bringing about the roaring and the fact that you can call her seems to prove that she couldn't have been the one creating the cyber world as such i am sorely tempted to put her in f-tier however considering how deltarune seems to parallel undertale in many ways and since asgore was the main antagonist of that game it would definitely be up toby fox's alley to flip the script and have toriel be the main antagonist instead she was the first boss you fought in undertale so why not have her be the last boss you fight in deltarune since that idea seems interesting enough to be conceivable i'll go ahead and put her in d tier instead of f-tier next up is the current chief of police undyne in terms of means undyne seems to have four fingers she was the leader of the royal guard in undertale and thus wore armor used weapons and was tied to knighthood and she was rather famous for being the most determined of all monsters to the point that she could resurrect herself from death and while she never used a knife in combat she did own a giant sword and it's implied that she was a fan of using all sorts of weapons in terms of motive undyne was willing to kill children in undertale so it's not impossible to imagine her being persuaded to become the roaring knight if she thought she had to in order to save her people however she is also a fairly ethical person and she takes her job of protecting her people extremely seriously she's literally the chief of police which means it's her job to protect this town as such the idea of her creating dark fountains in the school and library and endangering the very children she is supposed to protect seems very out of character for her in terms of opportunity it's entirely possible that undyne created the card kingdom but the cyber world is another matter entirely it's true that she's hanging out just outside the library which would definitely seem to put her at the scene of the crime but she says herself that she had been directing traffic when this traffic jam occurred this is corroborated by several other characters including the appearance of the annoying dog as such if undyne has been busy directing traffic this entire time then it's not really possible for her to have been creating the dark fountain in the library in fact her being the chief of police means she pretty much always has eyes on her which means it's hard for her to ever sneak off and create dark fountains that said there is the matter of her being called by toriel at the end of chapter 2. notably undyne never seems to arrive so this could be hinting that she was off doing roaring night stuff when toriel called but then again toriel never uses undyne's name so it's possible that she was speaking to napstablook alternatively there is a small time skip where it transitions to toriel being asleep i highly doubt that toriel would just go to sleep without first talking with the police which inclines me to think that we simply don't get to see the scene where toriel and undyne talked if i were to guess undyne probably investigated found nothing talked to toriel and then promised to watch over the house for the night i wouldn't be surprised if undyne was sitting outside possibly having fallen asleep as such there really is no clear instance of undyne sneaking off to do roaring night things overall undyne is a certified knight in at least one timeline and thus she could hypothetically match the attributes of the roaring knight however her personality and morality makes it exceedingly doubtful that she would pursue this path and especially not in the way that the knight has behaved thus far throwing her lack of clear opportunity to create these dark fountains and her chances to be the roaring knight seem pretty mediocre that said she's not a terrible candidate she just has problems so i'll put her in seat here next up is the vessel from the intro sequence i wasn't originally going to talk about this one but you guys brought it up in my community post on the topic and you convinced me to give it some analysis in terms of means the vessel seems humanoid so it likely has five fingers and if gaster is giving it a human soul then that would imply it has determination unfortunately that's about all the similarities with the knight that we can confirm it seems to be about chris's size and chris had notably short arms and since this vessel is given no backstory we have no way of knowing if it is associated with knights or knives or anything of the sort in terms of motive this entity is literally programmed by us during the intro sequence so it's entirely feasible that it has no internal motivations on its own then again if this is some sort of pinocchio scenario then maybe the vessel wants to bring about the roaring for a similar reason to spampton maybe the vessel hates being a puppet whose choices don't matter so it's trying to summon the angel's heaven in order to earn its own free will although again we really don't know in terms of opportunity this option has all the same problems as frisk and cara as you'd expect a new human coming to town to catch some people's attention this may be doubly true for the vessel because if it looks like a goner then it would stand out like a sore thumb that said the goners in undertale could seemingly blink in and out of reality so if the vessel can do that as well then maybe it could just teleport into the library and the school in order to create these dark fountains hard to say overall the vessel is an interesting option and i can see why you guys would suggest it we still don't know what the point of that intro sequence is so having the vessel be the knight would finally fit it into the greater narrative of deltarune however sadly we know so little about the vessel that it's extremely difficult to judge what role or attributes it possesses it could be a perfect fit for the knight or it may have nothing to do with the knight at all furthermore at the end of the intro sequence they literally say that the vessel is discarded so that could imply that this vessel that we create no longer exists that said since the vessel is such a mysterious entity and since it could hypothetically fulfill many of the requirements necessary to be the knight i'll go ahead and put it in beat here i think it is about as likely to be the knight as chris's which is to say i don't personally think the vessel is the knight but it has a much better chance than most of the other characters and last but certainly not least w d gaster in terms of means the knight is heavily associated with hands and gaster is specifically known as the man who speaks in hands he's also probably the person who invented the determination extraction machine which means that if anyone could have artificially enhanced their own determination it would be gaster which means he has a solid chance of being able to create dark fountains however that's about all the known similarities we can pinpoint gaster is extremely mysterious so we have no idea if he was associated with knives armor knighthood or even how many fingers he actually has in terms of motive this is where things get extremely speculative nobody really knows what kind of person gaster was or what reasons he might have for doing the things he does maybe he wants to bring about the roaring out of scientific curiosity maybe he wants to bring about the roaring in order to resurrect someone he cares about maybe he's a mad scientist who just wants to watch the world burn or maybe gaster is a harmless old man who doesn't want to hurt anybody we really have no idea his depiction in the intro sequence with the goner maker could be foreshadowing of him being the knight but it could just as easily be foreshadowing of a completely different plot twist i will point out in undertale gaster created the core which includes these pillars that are labeled darkness totems in the game files similarly if you look at the pattern on the floor it looks eerily similar to the double door entryways that lead into the dark worlds that we see in deltaru combine that with gaster famously talking about something being darker yet darker and it could easily be argued that gaster has some connection with the realm of darkness which could work as evidence that he is the roaring knight whose goal is to cover the world in darkness in terms of opportunity this is where i believe the evidence turns against gaster being the roaring knight it is generally believed that the person who messed up jevel and spamton was gaster and this is something that shawn talks about shawn specifically says that jevel met a strange someone however and this is important when talking about the roaring knight sham highlights their name in red and yet sham does not do this for the strange someone that jevel met this seems to imply that sham does not consider the knight and gaster to be the same person although sean does refer to both characters as strange so that could be hinting that they're connected in some way however there's also the matter of the strange man who gives you eggs we don't know if this man is gaster however if he is gaster then that means this happy man in a car is also gaster which could be evidence that he is not the roaring knight as he was stuck outside in this traffic jam during the time that the cyber world was being created although you could argue that he created the cyber world and then ran out to his car so it's not concrete evidence outside of that though we really don't know when or how or if gaster could have created these dark fountains it's not impossible he totally could have made them we just know so little about him that it's difficult to judge overall gaster is so shrouded in mystery that it's extremely difficult to judge his candidacy for being the knight he is known as the man who speaks in hands which could be faintly hinting that he's the knight but his name is not highlighted in red by shaum which could be faintly hinting that he's not the knight his undertale counterpart clearly worked on darkness based projects which could be evidence that he's the knight but he may just have been studying it to see how it works and thus this might say nothing about him being the knight as such overall the evidence we currently have really just doesn't paint a clear picture one way or another i personally do not believe gaster is the knight as i've always gotten the impression that gaster was a man who works from the shadows and doesn't really want to be in the center of attention from a meta standpoint i've always gotten the impression that gaster is a character that toby fox wants to keep out of sight and mysterious and if deltarune parallels undertale i would not be surprised if gaster just never directly appears in the plot at all however given that gaster clearly plays an important role in this story he is clearly tied to darkness and his theme song is plastered all over deltarune and i cannot deny that gaster is an incredibly strong contender as such i'll be putting him in a tier [Music] and that is the full and complete ranking of all the possible candidates for being the knight overall while any of these characters could end up being the knight i think cara father alvin mad dummy and gaster have a substantially higher chance than any of the others of course as many of you have likely already considered it's also entirely possible that the knight is a brand new character who we haven't met yet and you're right i think that is absolutely a valid possibility in fact i even have a specific idea regarding who and what that brand new character might be which brings us to my theory this theory of mine like most of my theories involves a fair amount of speculation it also builds upon my previous theories which means if those theories turn out to be wrong then that would hurt this theory's chances as well however i still sincerely believe this theory has a high chance of being correct so who exactly do i believe is the roaring knight well as i said i think the roaring knight is a brand new character however this brand new character is deeply tied to many of the existing deltarune and undertale characters in fact i think the existence of this character as the roaring knight is an integral part of foreshadowing my rousey theory you see i had a particular theory regarding exactly what rao say was and i still feel quite confident in my conclusion however many people found my logic to be too big of a leap they needed more evidence and the more i thought about it if my rouse say theory was correct then toby fox would need to foreshadow it much more directly in order for the audience to not feel completely bamboozled if my rousey theory is correct then it will be one of the final big mysteries unveiled to the audience which means we will need something major to push us in that direction ahead of time and that major foreshadowing i think will be delivered by the roaring knight here's exactly how i think this is going to play out when we finally confront the roaring knight he will be this huge bulky man wearing armor that looks suspiciously similar to undyne at some point during this confrontation the knight will remove his helmet and the face we see will be one that we instantly recognize it won't be undyne's face it won't be mad dummy father alvin gaster or cara either it will be the face of gerson however when he starts to speak and we see his character portrait appear it won't be completely black and white like the lighteners instead his face will have faint bits of color as well as a few new distinct facial details that make him look different from the gerson that we know in fact he will look like a younger version of the old turtle how could this be well let's break it down many people have theorized that father alvin is the roaring knight as he has heavy ties to deltarune and the angel however while i think we are right to turn our attention towards father alvin i think toby fox has very cleverly disguised the truth i think father alvin is a red herring but not just any red herring i think father alvin is important for understanding who and what the roaring knight is but i don't think he is the knight himself if he was i'm convinced he would have been given his own dialogue portrait and his own unique voice father alvin is not the roaring knight but he is responsible for the creation of the roaring knight you see as i discussed in my rousey video i believe that when an object coated in the dust of a monster is exposed to a dark fountain a very special kind of entity is created this entity possesses the powers of both a darkness and a lightner and is thus incredibly powerful so what does this have to do with gerson well simple gerson died and thus turned to dust father alvin his son then took gerson's dust and spread it across gerson's hammer this hammer was imbued with the essence of gerson boom however through some unknown circumstances this hammer found itself exposed to the power of a dark fountain maybe when father alvin buried gerson's hammer this hammer accidentally fell down into the facility that runs beneath the town maybe there is a dark fountain down there that brought this hammer to life that would explain why jevel associated the knight with hell and with the underground or maybe father alvin is in on this plan and intentionally created a dark fountain in the underground facility in order to bring his father back to life however no matter what the exact circumstances were instead of resurrecting gerson boom what we instead got was the roaring knight an entity with the appearance and mannerisms and memories of gerson but with a fundamentally different identity this entity pondered its own existence and pondered the memories of gerson boom which it had inherited in order to try and figure out the purpose for its creation as it recalled the story of the angel and all the research gerson had done into the delta rune the knight came to a conclusion he needed to bring about the roaring and achieve the angel's heaven why does the knight want to do this there are many possibilities maybe it hates its own existence and wants to destroy the world maybe it is confused by its existence and wants to confront the angel in order to discover his purpose or maybe he has some other goal that's more noble and altruistic whatever the case the knight would have access to the memories of gerson and thus would know of several places that would make for perfect spots to create dark fountains for starters gerson was a teacher and thus the knight had memories of this empty classroom and chose it as the location of his first dark fountain he then needed to put someone in charge of this new dark world to defend his dark fountain while he went off and created more you see as a scholar gerson likely stumbled across the legend of the delta warriors and thus the knight knows about them as well as such he is likely aware that these warriors will come to seal his fountain in order to prevent this he looks for a darkness willing to do his bidding he finds the spade king a powerful darkner so filled with hatred that he'd be willing to kill the lightners on the night's behalf seeing this opportunity the knight overthrows the other kings and shares the legend of the delta rune with the spade king and assures him that this plan will create a world covered in darkness where darkness can rule it is because the knight shared this legend with the king that the king knows about the delta warriors at all this is also why lancer knows about this legend during this scene if you refuse to listen to rousseau's story lancer mentions that he is the teardrop shaped darkner from the legend and yet how could lancer have known this image was featured in the story rousseau wasn't literally showing pictures to chris and susie so how did he know about this he knew about it because the knight likely revealed this legend to the king and lancer beforehand and he either showed them pictures of the legend from one of gerson's books or he just assured them that a character like lancer appeared in it furthermore the king was more than happy to devote his loyalty to the night because the knight wasn't actually a lightner the knight was as far as the king was concerned a super powerful darkner that was going to bring about a utopia for his people of course he'd devote his loyalty to that that's why the spade king wields the chain of justice the knight is literally the hammer of justice brought to life that's also why the knight will wear armor that looks suspiciously similar to undyne's armor undyne was heavily inspired by gerson in the undertale timeline and thus she likely modeled her armor after gerson's armor that's why she wields the spear of justice and now that the spade king is also being inspired by the knight it's why he wields the chain of justice the knight would go on to create the cyber world dark fountain and during that time he encountered queen and called himself the roaring knight the reason the knight chose this place was because just like with the unused classroom the knight had memories of the library gerson was a scholar and a writer after all so it makes perfect sense that he would have visited this library frequently however unlike with the card kingdom the knight didn't stick around to put someone in charge to defend his fountain why could that be well i think the reason was because the knight accidentally created this dark fountain while noel and birdly were in the computer lab i think the knight felt threatened by the sudden presence of lightners in his dark world so he fled the scene before he could set up a new regime to defend his dark fountain however now that he has created a dark fountain in the library and the unused classroom where was the knight going to create the next fountain well gerson's son is the priest at the church so that would be a logical next location however everyone's going to church in the next chapter so i think that may end up forcing the knight to go somewhere else figuring that the school had worked out before i believe the night's next dark fountain will be created in the other unused classroom in fact i think spamton directly foreshadows this spamton mentions that they don't need easels or crts crts is likely referring to crt televisions while the easels are a reference to the stands that artists paint on i think these easels that spamton is referencing are located in this classroom i think this room is the art room for the school as such i think chapter 3 will be us going through the dark world that chris created in front of their crt television while chapter 4 will be us going to this unused classroom and dealing with the dark fountain that the knight created in order to wrap this particular theory up let's take a look at the means motive and opportunity of this hypothetical character that i've dreamt up and see if he makes sense within the context of the evidence we have regarding the knight we don't know what name the roaring knight calls itself so i'll just call my theoretical character the hammer since i think he is a darkness created from gerson's hammer in terms of means the hammer should be physically extremely similar to gerson just like how rousseau is physically very similar to azrael as such the hammer should have four fingers decently long arms and him having a shell could easily translate to him being knight in the dark world furthermore since the hammer has gerson's memories and mannerisms he would share many of the attributes that made gerson such a viable candidate namely gerson was a blacksmith who likely forged armor and weapons he was a legendary hero in the undertale timeline and he was well known as the toughest monster to ever live all these details together would definitely enhance the hammer's ability to fill the role of the roaring knight furthermore as a darkness infused with the power of a lightner the hammer could very well have the ability to create dark fountains or alternatively it could be that the hammer has stolen the soul of a lightner in order to grant him this power we've all been wondering what happened to death's holiday right well maybe that's what happened to her maybe she was killed and her soul was absorbed by the knight admittedly she's not a boss monster but maybe the souls of regular monsters can persist for a little bit longer if they die in a dark world other rules change in the dark world after all so why not that one in terms of weaponry gerson was a flawed candidate because his primary weapon was a hammer instead of a knife but now that the hammer has become a darkener it would make perfect sense for this new entity to wield a different weapon after all azrael never wielded a scarf as a weapon and yet rousseau does so why not have the hammer wielding a knife or even if the knight isn't using a knife as its primary weapon the hammer having the memories of gerson would give him more than enough expertise to forge a knife for him to use when creating dark fountains but more importantly as a scholar gerson was such a compelling candidate because he was one of the few people who had the expertise necessary to have potentially discovered the existence of dark fountains and the roaring during his studies as such thanks to having gerson's memories the hammer has inherited all that potential in terms of motive like i said before the hammer could want to bring about the roaring for a variety of reasons he could do it to understand his purpose to take revenge on the world or maybe even to save the world by bringing about the angel's heaven there's plenty of options gerson and by extension the hammer are privy to far more information than we are so it's likely that they have a better idea of what's at stake and what needs to be done in terms of opportunity this is where things get especially effective not only have all previous locations used to create dark fountains lined up perfectly with gerson's experience as a teacher and a scholar but those exact same memories inform us on where the future fountains will appear as a special entity that can traverse the dark world and potentially use some sort of underground dark world in order to sneak about it would be perfectly reasonable for the hammer to create these dark fountains without being noticed in fact considering that rousseau completely vanishes when you seal dark fountains it stands to reason that the hammer may be able to do the same and if he can teleport or turn invisible or do whatever rousseau does while in the light world that would mean he runs zero risk of stumbling into any witnesses needless to say if such an entity like the hammer truly exists then he would match all of the known requirements of the night while also acting as a fantastic plot twist that nobody would see coming everyone will be expecting the knight to be kara or father alvin or gaster or chris and then they'll be completely astonished to discover someone that looks exactly like gerson it would be a truly jaw-dropping reveal and best of all it would give the audience the first inkling as to what's truly going on with rel say in short my personal theory regarding who the roaring knight truly is is that he is a special darkner created from the combination of the remains of gerson boom and the hammer he was buried with this entity wielding the memories of gerson would have the powers the knowledge and the determination necessary to bring about the roaring while also being an entity that the king can respect that the audience won't expect and that can provide further hints towards the deeper emotional tragedy surrounding rousseau it would also make the night a perfect foil for ralsay as they would both be special darkness created from the remains of a monster but was one of them fighting to bring about the roaring while the other fights to stop the roaring and this backstory would also fit into the theme of deltarune perfectly as the knight would have had no choice in his creation no choice in his memories or appearance and once he realizes the angel is not what he thinks it is no choice in his ultimate destiny your choices aren't the only ones who don't matter chris rousseau the knight nobody's choices truly matter in this world they're all just puppets on a grand stage and with that i think i've just about covered everything i have to say regarding the roaring knight i hope you guys enjoyed this disgustingly long video you may have noticed that i didn't bother with any dramatic flair this time around when presenting my personal theory on the hammer i had some comments in the rousey video saying my dramatic presentation of that theory was cringy and obnoxious and overdramatic which was hard to hear i must say i don't exactly have thick skin but for every person calling me cringy there was at least a few of you saying you appreciated the dramatic touch so i hope you guys know i appreciate you you kind people were the ones i was trying to entertain so as long as you had fun i am satisfied that said i'm not quite ready to read 20 comments calling me cringe again so so i tried to tone it down for this theory i'm still quite excited about it though and i hope you guys found it interesting side note if my theory is correct then the knight may have a name that is an anagram of gerson boom just like how rousseau is an anagram of asriel if that's the case then one option for what his name might be is oberon smog which is a fantastic freaking name for a villain like holy cow it also has a ton of thematic significance for the roaring knight oberon was the king of the fairies in european folklore and the knight is literally creating fantasy worlds plus his fountains cover the world in black smoke that could easily be referred to as a smog the roaring knight oberon smog i think it's pretty cool but yeah with that i've finished another deltarune video i'm kind of shocked that i've managed to keep at this for so long i'm thinking my next video will be about the truth of the shadow crystals although if you guys have any better ideas for video topics i would love to hear them you suggested several interesting topics last time so i'd love to hear more also just allow me to say thank you all again for the incredible support it really means a lot to me i've never expected these videos to be as popular as they are and with that i think i'll sign off for today like if you enjoyed the video comment if you've got something to say subscribe if you want to see more and as always have a fantastic day [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JaruJaruJ
Views: 640,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DELTARUNE, UNDERTALE, Theory, Analysis, Timeline, Alternate Timeline, Who is the Knight?, Who, is, Roaring, Knight, ALL, Candidates, Roaring Knight, Father Alvin, Gaster, Gerson, Mad Dummy, Chara, Kris
Id: 2jWrZMLwPpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 51sec (12771 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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