INSANE Chef Serves FLOOR SOUP to his CUSTOMERS - Jerma Streams Cooking Simulator (Long Edit #1)

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where's the lamb sauce come on man i just need him right here sauce is coming up so i'm thinking about a new intro screen that starts to play a loud like fallout boy song and it gets progressively louder and louder starting at like 60 seconds until it is unbearably loud and every time like another number counts down on the screen it starts at 60. when once we get to like 15 the numbers start to [ __ ] get huge and like a big base just explosion happens on every countdown it's like 15. boom boom and fall out boy gets louder and louder and louder until it gets to zero and then i come in i'm like hey everybody welcome to the stream you guys like that or should i put that one in a box and never open it again i was thinking about it sounds like pretty good right yeah there's like this [ __ ] crumbs all over my chest and like all of my mouth i don't know why that would be there but it is i get that one in the box hey how you doing guys you know how to okay i'm gonna give you guys a tutorial on how to do the youtuber and streamer yell so you start normally like this right and then almost almost pretend like you're yelling into a wall or like you have yelled into a pillow you pretend like the inside of your mouth is a pillow that you're yelling into so instead of being like welcome to the stream that's a [ __ ] yell i just yelled it's welcome to the stream you almost like you use your teeth as like a pretend muffler that's how i used to do it i think i got how do you think i made [ __ ] 50 trillion views on youtube by doing the yell into the [ __ ] teeth muffle my voice youtube yell do you even know how to cook this is cooking simulator came out today yes it actually did release today we don't have to pretend like i'm going to stream this yesterday like i thought i was going to it is now out it's installed i actually have it up on the screen right now but i'm not going to show you yet show it not yet it's not ready it's not time not hearthstone that was still fun though i had a good time well here i'll help with this ready we already got right off the bat i've been waiting for this game for a long time we've got some great music this is such unbelievably perfect in between announcements at the wedding music i'll give you an example so for instance okay ladies and gentlemen uh that was it for the first dance and your server will be coming around with the first course of dinner enjoy it we'll see you soon for the sun and the mother dance that's every single one and for some weird reason this stays on the whole time even when you're eating i don't know why they do that put on something like [ __ ] beethoven or something that'd be more appropriate right anyway uh we've wasted enough time i'm so i'm i'm i'm gonna spend a little bit of time on this one guys i've been waiting for this for [ __ ] ever cooking simulator is the game that i've been waiting for this is my most anticipated game of 2019. now it's not [ __ ] anthem two or whatever the hell is coming out it's not like it's not destiny put a line through the two and put it back on steam no it's this let's do a cooking school seasoning using if you have no idea what this game is it's a cooking simulator that's it there's nothing else no [ __ ] wow okay now it's really loud today's lesson is short but the skill you'll learn with it will determine whether you get tips or have to wrestle the guests for money let's learn the basics how to season food we need to wrestle the guests for money they're gonna steal target the salt container and notice the number under the label it shows how much spice is left in the container it's 500 gold in here now sprinkle the salmon and use the container to enter sprinkle mode all right so this is sprinkle mode now for the actual seasoning aim for the fillet and use the container until you season the fish with three grams of salt three that was easy wasn't it it gets a lot harder when the product is cut into pieces better practice your aim then what all right so let's make a dish i'm so [ __ ] excited you have no idea why is everything blue the next time you've served your first dish don't worry i'll be here to guide you through the whole process this isn't a test but if you run into trouble performing any task try one of the earlier lessons all right like seasoning the fish steak with a side of french fries simple yet nuanced there's no actual guest waiting so you can take your time simple yet nuanced look behind you that's the checkout window once we're done you'll need to place the order on the shelf and use the tablet to confirm simple yet nuanced um i don't think there's anything nuanced about getting a frozen food section bag of french fries and a steak i don't think that's very nuanced look someone ordered a dish every time a client orders something you'll be notified in the upper left corner of the screen notifications will also appear when you have only a minute left to complete a dish you're slightly late or when a client gives up waiting and goes home imagine you imagine it takes that long for someone to make you food that you go home steak with french fries take a good look at the screen to the left you've got a list of ingredients and to the right what do you have to do with them don't worry we'll do it step by step first take the steak out of the refrigerator imagine you order like steak and french fries from a place that like two hours go by you just leave why would you wait that long i have a very strict policy on if the food is not out in [ __ ] 30 minutes or less goodbye a [ __ ] pizza hut 20 years ago can come up with that idea 30 minutes or it's free you can't make a [ __ ] steak in 30 to 40 minutes i don't think so pizza hut [ __ ] made that a reality we only have two what does c mean is this the quality of the meat try not to go bankrupt almost everything in the kitchen costs money plates products and especially repairs don't take more than you need and keep an eye on your balance once you're out of money you're out of business what is c take okay take the steak out of the fridge what is c is it sense now pick up the salt and use it on the steak 4g hey why don't i never mind pretty good now let's have some black pepper again we'll need four grams on the steak okay so black pepper still on the safe spot okay i did it time to heat things up turn on the griddle it's right next to the fridge all right get that put that down okay turn it on put the steak on the griddle target the steak to view its state that green bar indicates that the food is cooked the little pan icon informs you that's been fried look up there's a spatula hanging above the griddle take it precise handling of cooking the spatula out of my hand precise handling of tools in the kitchen is crucial holding down shift will open up new ways all right i don't think i can take the [ __ ] interlude wedding music it's the same loop holding down shift will open up new ways to manipulate whatever you are currently holding in your hand i'll shift this like a context menu we want to fry both sides of the steak so we need to flip it target the steak use the spatula once the steak is on the spatula target the griddle and enter context hold the key to hold the key to flip all right hold on [Laughter] the steak is done it's done go and find some plate and paint that should be one on the storage shelf do i take this off is it cooked [ __ ] we need a plate okay plate put this down for a second move move move fine i'm i'm moving how do i put this down hey back we go target the stage target the steak and plate it put it down put it down put down put container down i just want to put it down all right pick up product why can i pick it up i need the spatula to pick this up where's the spatula i think i broke the tutorial target the steak and use the plate wait i'm too tall [Music] turn the [ __ ] oven off all right now what oh you might put it over here now take the cutting board [Laughter] all right got the cutting board go to the pantry and buy two potatoes potato one potato two all right now take them back to the countertop we'll need to cut them i feel like i'm like my body is [ __ ] so far away do i have the fov too high okay here we go holy [ __ ] this is unbelievable we don't want me how many pieces ten one two three four five six seven eight how do i rotate that around nine ten walk up to the deep fryer press the button to all right the tutorial is kind of just like launch up at the top of the screen turn on the deep fryer okay to the left is a fryer basket pick up all the potato pieces put them into the basket and just target them and use the basket okay [Music] what why are they coming through am i insane why do they fall okay expand pick up range advance expand pick up range oh okay i don't want this other whole potato though target deep fry place the basket inside now let's wait for the fries to cook they're supposed to be french fries oh how do i do it rotate this is so funny i love this okay you guess would be long gone by now yeah well i'm just i gotta learn the tools now to finish the dish go to the herb shelves in the pantry and add two rosemary twigs this looks [ __ ] terrible i have two gigantic potato pieces it's supposed to be fries whatever all right what do you want two twigs done i was i don't know why i was making potato chips here we go order up take a photo of your dish i can fix this all right click look at how good that looks save that one all right order up steak with fries look at that they didn't even know that half of that [ __ ] touched the ground how many fame points were given for this dish the better the restaurant the higher the quality of dishes you need to prepare to earn any fame poorly made meals will lower your fame rating taste determined by the technical and thermal quality of the dish i cooked it to perfection almost cooking points how many points do you need to learn new dishes the better you cook the quicker you can unlock new recipes nine cooking points some paid for the dish by the client 45 cents tip a sign that the the client liked the dish any complaints guest complaints french fries where there weren't enough salt on the french fries and there was some heating mistakes the temperature was perfect but how does it make any sense you want five-star quality food go to [ __ ] burger king so i think i'm understanding buying items through the shop ui i've shown you previously how to buy products from shelves however not everything can be found just lying around this guy looks mean today you'll learn how to buy everything you'll need and more see that cardboard box i need you to walk up to it now target box okay that's a shop this is the shop oh look at this look at all this fresh ingredients this is the shop screen and i've split into four categories and by default to sort it alphabetically spices and liquids can only be bought here and they come only in larger amounts so be prepared to pay a handsome fee if you have trouble keeping track of your tools and pots you can buy additional ones from the utensils tab be aware that quality doesn't come cheap now go to the liquids tab avocado or the tabs at the bottom of the menu determine the sorting order i want you to select the right most sorting tab products should not be sort of according to their price descending if you haven't noticed prices are denoted to the far right in green or red if you don't have sufficient funds i want you to get avocado oil from this list buy it bottle of avocado oil don't forget this lesson many items can only be bought this way i was gonna drink it all right now what i want you to do is i want you to chug the avocado oil and when you do it look right into the camera and i want you to say all right never mind last one today i'll give you a quick tour of the kitchen stay focused you need to memorize all of this great we can't have you wondering about searching stuff where the guests are waiting i'm gonna [ __ ] ruin everything go to the marker here you find mostly vegetables some fruit bread and buns some of the products you will need to unlock by learning new recipes look at that [ __ ] pantry that's an envious pantry remember that you'll need to pay for the products and be sure to bring a container if you want to carry more than one piece here you'll find plate stacks and again you have to pay for every single one once the dish is served the price of the plate will be added back to your account [ __ ] expenses you can also use plates to carry things around the kitchen but be careful these things break easy even more important are the cardboard boxes trouble finding something you can buy one from a box these shelves are used for storing herbs just as with everything else the herbs have to be purchased you pay for every twig or leaf you take go to the next marker okay so let me let me i need to get reading comprehension here fruits and vegetables are here i can grab them they cost money oils seasonings spices all right here herbs right here plates if i keep i can't find like a [ __ ] tomato in here if i can't see the tomato then i go here and i can just it's a big list okay in case there's a fire break out the fire this is the refrigerator here you can buy fish meat cheese and fruit some of the products are hidden in the drawers at the bottom of the fridge okay so all the meats and cheeses and stuff are in the fridge the griddle is used for searing and frying as long as the recipe doesn't call for any fat such as oil most meat needs to be fried on both sides so don't forget to flip it the stove is your best friend here you can boil fry grill with the right pan of course under the stove there's even a backup oven remember that pots and pans come in different shapes and sizes just because there are six burners doesn't mean you'll fit six containers on the stove at the same time this is really really detailed there's so much in this game i like already love it if you wish you can cut on any flat surface just grab a knife however would that say however pans are up below that what did that say there are pots stored on another shelf floor all right what did that say use the cutting board but i said however the ground is preferred think yeah you know if you need to use the ground if you don't feel the need to prepare before the work day or you're done for the day you can use the clock to skip the preparation phases at the beginning and end of each day you'll use the faucet mainly to fill pots most recipes assume that you'll use cold water so stay away from the red handle unless you're told to use it the oven is for baking be sure to use baking trays you can find them to the right remember you can bake multiple different dishes at the same time oh my god the upper switch turns the oven on and off the lower controls the heat baking times correspond to the first setting so be careful not to burn your dish okay i feel like somebody's taking me a tour of the spaceship and they're telling me like you know what like hey come on show you the cockpit john and it looks like a [ __ ] hal from the 2001 space odyssey that's what that's what it feels like these are deep fryers they're empty you need to push the left button to fill them with oil the right button drains the tank oh and don't forget to use fryer baskets unless you want third-degree burns i don't think i want that well this one's pretty obvious the grill is for grilling just don't forget to flip whatever you're cooking most recipes require that go to the next marker darts this is the dartboard the food processor throw the ingredients inside and push the button presto you've got yourself a liquid blend you can always taste it if you forget what's inside and it's a microwave i don't know what this thing is doing in a respectable kitchen best you forget it's here and this this shows why this place nearly closed down the last cook didn't even bother to bring darts he threw knives instead pathetic you can use any of the screens in the kitchen to view your current orders time left and recipe details they're really useful this is your desk the radio looks old but don't be fooled you can set it to play your own mp3s and even interact internet radio stations the laptop won't cook for you but it will help you run this place i'm sure the manager will explain everything in detail the phone will come in handy when something breaks down just pick up and walk up to whatever needs maintenance pick it up so if it breaks okay choose the service company wisely fast and cheap might be a warning sign stuff might break before they even leave holy [ __ ] this is i'm getting gave her get gave her over overwhelmed i'm getting gamer whelmed and there's the checkout put your dish on the shelf and choose the tablet which order you're about to serve just don't mix things up once it's out it's out all right i have no idea what's going on and the final station the garbage bin if it's not good enough for you it's not good enough for your guests keep that in mind all right this was just a tour but i hope you learned something a true chef needs to know his kitchen inside out i'm all right we're gonna take this slow tutorials done wait a minute oh [ __ ] i've skipped two tutorials i just it started here no wonder i didn't know how to do this hold on hello the manager asked me to teach you a thing or two i thought welcome to the third tutorial i'll teach you how to buy without wasting all right this is important i want you to walk up to the wooden racks in the pantry see see those tomatoes buy a tomato okay take that tomato to the countertop and set it aside time to buy a plate it works the same as with buying products do you see them talking about how i feel like i'm like 30 feet away from this i feel like yeah it's the fov i think i gotta turn the fov down this site this feels a little better yeah okay this this context really because look at ready see how far away i am right now like this is not right i am i'm [ __ ] clearly very far away that's what's causing me all these problems we'll do 75. there yeah that feels much better much better i'm not gonna do the low welcome tomatoes with the plate in hand and okay walk up to the tomatoes with plate in hand and get three yeah i actually feel like i'm in the space now three tomatoes okay cool all right cutting this is where i [ __ ] up last time because i didn't know what to do pay attention i will easy to learn hard to master put in the extra hours to practice once we're done grab the knife what [Music] i have very clear posted streamer hours okay why are you calling me during my streaming hours what did the tutorial just say now i want you to cut the tomato into at least four pieces just follow the instructions in the bottom right of the screen four pieces so like one two three four [ __ ] this is hard can i like get in closer the chef's like lean in and don't okay i know what i'm doing here we go new game most people skip tutorials don't do it welcome to cooking simulator as you've already noticed the restaurant you're now employed and does not have the greatest rating your task is to restore it to its former glory and reach the highest level of prestige the last chef left the kitchen covered in sticky notes maybe they'll come to use to you good luck all right here we go do you want to follow a tutorial during first day yes hi i'm the manager of this place since it's your first day i'll show you the ropes wait i didn't i already did it did i need to be told twice i would get fired three this tutorial will auto save between stages if you get lost or stuck you can always go back why didn't i just do this first left this place in a sorry state get on the phone we need to call some professionals oh no he turned the stove into aluminum foil this looks like aluminum foil this is horrible wouldn't he left in a bad state did he have a [ __ ] sledgehammer with him was he had a baseball bat and was swinging it around we need to get we need to get that gas cooker running as soon as possible so we have to go over here and say get the gas cooker it'll take ages to repair that thing we better hire someone that's fast while hovering over the cooker press to select a company nice corp bakerson handyman at your service home repair fast and smooth fast service i would never use a service that was called fast service to me that this is this is like a weird knockoff website of like this place they even got like a similar logo i'm gonna go with nice corp okay so that takes that's the time we'll have nice corp do everything got to get a good uh reputation with one company put the phone away we won't be needing it anytime soon so then you just have to wait till they're all fixed we need to get a blender put the blender away you can carry only one thing at a time i mean very clearly the button says throw i i can't no no this is the first mission put the blender away put the blender away i'm not going to throw it don't throw anything everything you can throw everything i'm not gonna do that right now guys this is gonna be like a nice long stream you want me to you want me to automatically start spawning easy pizzan i don't think you want that i don't want that use the shop to buy all right so you can find knife oh you individually put everything down you have wait you have a power and meter holy [ __ ] all right no more throwing i need to put the knife in the knife tray there i'm doing this i'm going to play nice pan where does the pan go underneath here right [ __ ] just put it down put it down baking tray uh let's get that i need to remember i didn't remember where this [ __ ] is i'm gonna put it in spaces that i know where it's gonna be yeah hang it right there this too can i can i put it up here okay don't go to the laptop we need to get a recipe click on the recipe manager on the left side menu click on the not owned tab to open the recipe not owned buy a recipe for baked trout look at all this how many are there oh man that's [ __ ] cool see here's the recipe take trout season with black pepper thyme dried and dill i need detailed black pepper place on a baking tray bake for 90 seconds season with horseradish all right buy it unlock salmon steak and boiled potatoes okay it's time to go let's see repairs utensils recipes yes we need some spices let's visit the shop i'm gonna i'm gonna say this is this yeah this is the spice rack should i do it alphabetical yeah d dill b black c a b c all right hold on q r s all right so we got dale a b c b c d e f g h okay they're alphabetical now i just know if it's like black pepper v uh all the liquids are gonna go on the bottom chicken broth b sunflower oil s why it doesn't fit in there why not it's too tall no that's too high i want it in here oh right it's made out of glass wait do i can i use this how do i actually use this there we go move vertically how do i rotate it i didn't teach me how to use this yet where's the trash can i scoop this all up i have to do it one by one no that there has to be something look people break [ __ ] all the time in a restaurant if you guys ever worked in a kitchen like i have you understand how many bottles broke a day you don't understand how much food was just like dropped in the ground and like bottles shattered and broken in wine bottles and stuff happens like every 10 seconds okay i need wait i don't have any oil now i need to buy sunflower oil again because i wait wait wait i need you to bake me a baked trout hold on i'm missing oil i need this i need the oil sunflower oil right don't worry you have some help what i need oil all right [ __ ] it i'm just putting it up there oh god okay here we go seven minutes what broke what what what happened what i don't understand i put it i did each product costs money so we need one you don't have to worry about supplies but still you need to get okay one trout got one okay black pepper five grams black pepper where's the pepper that's salt where's the pepper black pepper beet dill d thyme tea turn on the oven what's the degrees we need a lemon how long does it take do i have a timer four pieces damn it come on what do i do with the lemons what do i do with the lemons this is scary imagine you're going to do a restaurant in the back and the chef could be doing anything else and he's just [ __ ] staring just waiting how do i know when it's done it's not burnt don't blow up the propane tank that's very violent mopping is it done let me i need to check it's done it's done it's done it's done all my hands oh all right is it done no it's not done oh [ __ ] i can't feel my hands anymore ah okay it's done okay transfer the product see five grains of horseradish my hands are probably so inflamed i probably have huge huge like mickey mouse glove hands right now because it's swelling up now pick up the lemon quarters and target them and expand wait okay so here we go that looks horrible oh that's just a joke just put serve it with one lemon like that looks that looks bad looks good okay hide the ui take the picture save it looks [ __ ] pretty good actually put it on grandma's facebook ding taste almost five stars pretty good what were in the complaints it was perfect 11 quarters were not cut perfectly yeah whatever you're gonna come back that's it for today tomorrow will be open for business so do your best all right after each day you'll be presented with a summary of progress the restaurant made our goal is to reach full five-star fame rating as you can see there's still a lot ahead of us yes there is total income negative fourteen hundred dollars experience points come primarily from serving dishes and doing daily quests once you gain enough experience you will automatically level up you get to choose a perk there are perks perks are very powerful unique abilities once every few levels you'll be given an option to choose one this choice can't be postponed or undone so take your time and pick what you think will be the most useful can you view perks you already using your perc browser app okay hold on long reach long arms longer reach for picking up and putting down items have really long [ __ ] arms steady hands hold down shift to freeze items in place while cutting that's what's going on here i want this one that's i have to use that skill points i used to unlock and upgrade skills with each level you gain a certain amount of sps you can spend them okay what do i have for points i get three oh my god uh all right so income pay ten percent more for their orders without affecting the score spice is a less gift guess tip more i think i'm going to go with they pay more money yeah i want 30 more money all right i'm the ju the joke's over it's time to [ __ ] actually play this is the real game now remember everything you serve today will affect your reputation let's do this let's make the best restaurant in the city by throwing the propane tank into the microwave and turning it on for five minutes then i should tell the story no orders yet but you can use anything in the kitchen to prepare for the day make sure to prepare the ingredients you'll be using getting a head start on some of the dishes is also a good idea as long as you know what you're doing there's [ __ ] rumors in this game um i just had a flash of okay hold on am i like i feel bad right now okay perk browser you can actually select perks it's like call of duty yikes look at the time we need to open right away let's get cooking what it's time to i'm not ready i thought you might still need me today so i'm here but only for today don't get too attached dish salmon oh i got i actually have a timer now find a big pot we'll need to boil the potatoes fill it with one cup of water how do i know how much water is gonna i'm gonna get how do i turn it on how do i turn the faucet on no is this cold or hot that's hot water all right wait wait wait wait wait wait cold water eat how much water i feel like i'm at a gas station okay i got it 20 grams of salt that's too much salt oh boiled potatoes cook for 120 seconds 120 seconds count one two where we at ten okay so ten 120 seconds is two minutes so when this gets to 10 twice okay go oh my god put it back in put it back in how do i put it back in okay okay i need sunflower oil well don't step on the glass watch over your feet how much oil do i need in the pan 10 milliliters tilt the bottle oh get the salmon in there that looks [ __ ] like bugs on it why are they like ants on this are they done wait are these done oh i did that's not real time okay what do i do with this pick up the piano straight from the pod into the plate what plate what plate plate i need plate basic plate deep plate okay how about the same as somebody why is it not cooking okay hold on could i have to cut these oh god damn it's not on okay hold on spatula when do i flip it do what you don't you don't flip don't you not flip salmon i i know how to cook salmon you don't flip it you cover it where's the coven where's the cover for the oven where's the cover where's the vampire lady said i gotta eat me come on come on come on come on let's go go go go go go go go go go go go go all right no it's now i can't i have to do it again flip it again okay we're good 60 seconds timer all right 50 seconds i just heard of ruber perfectly calculated put it down put just put the salmon down that's not cooked on the bottom stop it olivia pick up the plate with the salmon put the plate on the serving shelf this is not ready to serve you just want two [ __ ] baked potatoes this is not even food what this looks like a dessert this looks like a cake that's a cake imagine being served salmon like this sitting up on its side you feel like the chef is [ __ ] drunk not bad actually what were the complaints heating mistakes too much oil on the steak yeah well he still ate it no time for slacking off next order series tomato soup okay what i have to do we need a big pot find one make sure it's empty oh [ __ ] this is still boiling it's fine i'm trying to get it in the sink i'm going to give myself a headache you just throw that into the crop how do i go for this open the trigger broth oh do we need 700 milliliters all right get it in there stop for it take the pot into the pantry and buy eight to put eight tomatoes in here eight tomatoes we need an onion what this isn't how you make tomato soup why do i hit gas oh five minutes i got plenty of time what was in here what i guess you can throw that away hold on this is dirty i need to throw it away [ __ ] dog [ __ ] restaurant this is so fun how do i clean the top how do i clean in there is it boiling yet turn off the heat and let and and blend the contents what okay turn it on i i'm trying to drop it's a mouse scroll oh my god all right done what do i need now uh por sour cream okay this is not miss you have to easily till how much 150. oh no no okay uh take the pot and target the deep plate and press to hold down while pouring this wait you don't i have to pour the soup nobody doesn't you you late was a ladle this is not what i'm supposed to do right that was the whole pot this is a huge serving imagine being served a full pot of tomato soup that's a full five right there any complaints technique was perfect wrong amount of product it was what do you mean wrong amount of product one baked trout i remember this one i can do this one quick okay just this one i'm gonna do it on my own okay bake trout remember on my own i need a tray where's the tray where's the baking sheet bingo okay i need um what do i need here i need uh i need let me wait i need uh how do i what let me see how do i determine what i need i need salt and pepper right where's the thing to look at the salt hold on right here i need pepper thyme and uh dill pepper time dill two three four five get it on there five okay come on one two three four five okay uh baking tray bake for 90 seconds season with horseradish get it in why can i put it still on i just burnt i just singed my [ __ ] eyebrows nice clown laugh by the way all right now i need lemon to cut into quarters this is where i get a hold down shift freeze freeze product into quarters so we go let's get it nice and neat here bang bang is it done i'm not burning my [ __ ] hands no hold on just put it back in just put it on the [ __ ] table jesus get those lemons on there done wait i need to like okay that looks a little better done bingo i didn't have any help on that one got them all perfect you got to hold the basics pretty quickly so what's the master plan you might ask well i want this place to go from some snow stars to five stars not in the red today each district serve affects our fame score do well in the score goes up mess up and we're going down we need to attract a food critic to do that we have to meet a fame score quota at the end of the day i mean i did it i got to 30 i got 34. there's a food critic coming in at the end of today already we just opened a food critic wants to try your cooking tomorrow impress him and we're guaranteed a fame star once the critic is here focus on his order score at least four stars to pass his exam tomorrow we're getting inspected it's a great chance to raise our fame be ready well i need to clean the kitchen level up skill point i think more money yeah i want 50 more money i think we should expand our menu look at the dishes below and pick your favorite pork chops with baked potatoes or simple ukrainian borscht the borscht chicken broth salt black pepper beet root onion carrot parsley boil for 120 seconds how can they handle this yeah let's get it all right good okay i got time i got three minutes someone's coming to like investigate this place we got to clean this up now food critic's gonna be here in three hours just mop we're getting like health inspected all right what anything else the fridge has been open all night that's great okay i gotta uh how do i clean up that i don't think i can reach this move vertically rotate i can't like get it in there advanced controls move vertically if i like they can't do anything about it rotate move vertically sponge spatula bucket sponge how do i use it rotate throw advanced controls rotate drop i didn't even know you could crouch in the game good it's the mr clean magic eraser all right i had [ __ ] three sponges already great that's fantastic okay what about um this oven's been on i could clean the oven turn the oven off clean what i can't clean it clean what the [ __ ] is going on why am i wiping the tile how do i zoom out what the hell is happening okay i can uh new order chicken broth chicken broth what oh [ __ ] it's empty oh [ __ ] perfect it was perfect i need uh beetroot 600 grams onion beetroot honey beetroot beet beetroot beetroot 600 grams oh should i need a plate uh hold on just bring 600 grams put that beat in here no give me the b all right 600 grams how many are in there right now 120 that's 240. that's through how many are in there now one two forty three one more done beautiful parsley what was it what was the parsley 80. wait 80. am i insane that's a lot kind no there's no dried parsley how many was this 80 what is this one 80 boil for 120 seconds all right how much time do i have oh it's gonna be close all right let's cool it down no wait what did that just cost money i can't put it back all right i have it for emergency situations put it under here the onions are almost done and then i have to turn the heat off right do i have to grind this up do i turn the heat off all right we're good i think i might have [ __ ] it up it's cooking for like three times the length take it off the heat no it's not done double heat hurry up i'm trying all right and done how much soup is soup how much soup do i need how much is it how much soup do you need 300 milliliters how much time do i have 20 okay i gotta dump this a little bit in the sink into the trash oh my [ __ ] god the whole thing came up 300. what oh my god i don't have time too much carrot too much parsley too much onion what i mean too much it was the same it was the right amount dude that's hard to pour all right the food critic's gonna be here okay food critic is here the food critic wants tomato soup let's get this right okay we need a that pot just watering down the soup is that what you wanted you want to water it doesn't save money in the restaurant business all right we need tomatoes how many tomatoes don't [ __ ] run into the wall we need 960 grams of tomatoes and then one onion onion did i put a potato okay tomatoes five six seven eight done boil for 60 seconds and blend it and add sour cream boil 60 seconds blend come on come on hurry the [ __ ] up come on let's go choke [ __ ] sauce sour cream chocolate is it good what's dumping deep plate done this doesn't look cooked is he sure it's cooked okay that's fine he loved it he just apps he couldn't get enough new fame level new oh well done they still going on okay we need um sim fillet last chance this customer leaves this point we're going to lose a star what oh my god oil in the pan some add the pan sunflower oil and sand fillet 60 seconds on each side okay oil in the pan with pan i threw the pan in the [ __ ] trash oh my god i'm panicking pan pan get a pan okay success side i need uh boiled potatoes water 1000 water a thousand a thousand water all right i did the thing everybody could laugh [ __ ] feels good when you do a perfect water a thousand salt 20 potato 300 salt 20. i don't have time to do that it's all 20. salt 20. where's the salt where's the was it where's the flipper where's the spatula i have to do with my hand where's the spatula what's the spatula with a spatula where's the [ __ ] spatula where is the spatula oh my [ __ ] god i do it every time what happened to the pan what what where's the pen [Music] stop ringing at me where's the pen come on where's the pan that's [ __ ] everything was going all right why is the pan gone oh come on this is so much money that's [ __ ] ridiculous honest to god i can't even use this burner anymore i cannot restart oh my [ __ ] god no pick up the salmon what are you doing people [ __ ] beeping at me it's [ __ ] ruined i'm so upset right now i just got screwed do i not have any money to buy a plate what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do about this um all right but that wasn't even my fault the thing [ __ ] disappeared there's another order yeah but i can't even get i can't even buy a plate just serve it in the pan can i even do that they do that at hipster restaurants that's true why are people taking the plates home yeah that's weird no i can't even i i need i don't have four cents what the [ __ ] i have to redo today this is not fair can i like redo the day yeah i'll give you a [ __ ] restaurant how does this sound [Music] quit [ __ ] beeping at me it's too hot to pick up all right when was the save 23 minutes ago all right this time i hope the stove doesn't eat my oh my god i have to do that i have to do the whole day again oh why did it eat my pan though i it just deleted my [ __ ] pan all right i'm upset about that i'm gonna get this [ __ ] ready now so i don't have to not have enough money to buy all right here we go i did so good on that first fish too all right let's get the spices in the right place spatula hang it up blender hang it up or just put it right there that's fine what are we full what this is why i don't have any money well i ca it's a new day just relax all right no spills today i'm gonna be ready completely is the oven still on this looks like [ __ ] and the oven's on turn it off i think i broke the oven by leaving it on all day so how much time i got 45 seconds get the pot this is gonna be clean today use the radio all right hold on there's no time for the radio right now i got my seasonings i got my spices i got my knife i got 11 seconds to turn the radio on now playing on cheesy fm cooking satay [Music] all right that i told you to get classical music that's fine new order here we go thousand chicken broth salt pepper one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. in the hall of the mountain king this is the lord of rings i think was already content id claimed because i don't hear it yeah boil for 120 seconds and then deep uh deep plate and i'm good i haven't been counting any time okay we're good let's clean up clean up clean up as we go clean that every chef will tell you clean as you go onions are cut but they're getting a little uh they're getting a little crunchy okay that's it was it 300 right only like 40 something more just a little bit just a little bit that's close enough i don't think i can get 10 from this oh [ __ ] whatever you get extra happy [ __ ] birthday that's all right not bad here comes the critic right i got everything i need i got the plate here comes the fish okay somebody orders this again just leave it on here god damn it i [ __ ] can't believe it you can't run every [ __ ] time let's do uh 80. let's do like just that i can come back and look need a plate and then we need fresh parsley six frames how you doing in there pretty good just get the parsley on it now who cares i swear to god [ __ ] burger king i don't want to run there's a perk to run faster why the [ __ ] would i want that oh oh [ __ ] right right right he's done not yet horseradish five this is five on there i didn't see it it was a five tell me quick was it five was it four good [ __ ] five sleeves on the ground all right here you go yummy i can't wait for you to try this i've dropped everything you can't tell the difference though 48 that's better than yesterday no complaints at all all right i still have that easy new order huh done i'm gonna be shocked at how [ __ ] quick this one comes out it was still hot too cold how many orders do i have to do here tomato soup [ __ ] c what do you mean c what what's the matter what is it just too big on the screen what do i do bun all right i want a new station all right we'll keep the jazz this sounds like a song being played in reverse okay done add sour cream how much sour cream was it how much sour cream was it i just got [ __ ] completely blanked how much sour cream 150 how much is in there now enough uh where's my bowl [ __ ] you it's so hard to pour that i i'm buying a ladle you can't it's impossible 64 to 30. i'm doing better than i was and we good um does anybody think that i'm like stuck in an infinite loop here isn't this day two salmon filet salt and pepper save the game i need that pan this is okay this is where i [ __ ] up last time i threw i i [ __ ] up everything from the very beginning throwing away the pan in the in the very beginning was not was the worst thing ever sunflower oil salmon fillet 10 milliliters only whatever all right hold on let's get the other thing going we need uh boiled potatoes don't get rid of that there's still soup in there how did that not go in the [ __ ] sink [ __ ] you sink all right potatoes how many potatoes two that's a lemon that's not a potato boil looking good flip it with my spatula i hung it up right i did good smart boy i'm gonna go for a flip don't every time i [ __ ] this up i'm not gonna [ __ ] it up and i do it every single time not this time though this is the time where i actually get it back in the pan got it he got it okay one two three take it out don't drop it oh no is it over the come on how do you do this all right give her the plate stop ringing i wish it didn't ring this much what did i do wrong potatoes with too much salt why does a recipe say 20 grams if it's too much okay let's clean up i got okay this is perfect this is amazing i got plenty of time i gotta clean the stove clean this [ __ ] up into the sink no dump it in the sink all right i'm not gonna do that anymore just get it in the sink okay there we go finally come on get out of the [ __ ] way why why is it playing like the godfather music is somebody gonna come here and whack me turn off the heat that would be nice look at how [ __ ] dirty it is in here what i can't clean that do i need to buy a new stove here's the reverse jazz don't break the reverse jazz song um here i got a better idea no i'm not going to throw it in the i'm just doing this always i don't have to run her don't waste wait wait wait wait you want me to use already old cooked ingredients for tomorrow second of work that's how stock is made yeah but i don't think that people are going to want to eat like an old cooked tomato heat proof gloves long reach are they going to do long arms or heat proof gloves let's do long arms lick products cost less i mean this is important i'm doing it twice demonstrate your skills all right i cleaned up a little bit so i should be good to go i don't have a repair company hurry up thirteen seconds come on how long is it going to take 15 seconds this is expensive okay fine we're good all right so i'm going to pre-make the soup i need to pre-make soup so let's get it out let's get the ingredients out just pre-make everything then put in the microwave all right here's a suit i already got it right here what do i need no this is all old i need one more beet right this is gonna work and then an onion right this is not gonna work guys no i'm throwing this [ __ ] away which one is the one that i just bought i'm not gonna serve customers old food that's not how it works gordon ramsay would come in this restaurant and start [ __ ] trash in the place new water fish i know this one by heart almost where's my tray where's my tray where's the [ __ ] tray come on man really i prepped and everything and the tray's just not here anymore i don't own a tray anymore are you kidding me i'm wasting [ __ ] time already 90 seconds and then horse yep don't run like you usually do what the [ __ ] are you doing what get it in the oven 91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. i just did way too much time plate do i already have a plate no i do not jeremy focus god damn it you're going to lose everything you're going to lose everything you're done oh come on hurry up and be done you're killing me one two three four six okay done enjoy one episode dick image me that mad and you're yeah here you go you dick new order the bus bostrom whatever this is called all right everything's ready chicken broth salt chicken broth salt pepper everything's already in there chicken broth salt pepper [ __ ] close enough salt and pepper 20 of each 20. did that actually get in there did am i crazy did that say 10. did that not all go in i didn't i did it not all go in that was [ __ ] weird it said 12. all right where's my pepper this is why i [ __ ] prepped give me my pepper god damn it 20. okay one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 i'm understanding what's happening here i have salted i put like 20 grams of salt on one beat oh my [ __ ] god whatever okay boil the tart juice boil go i don't have time for this blow this place up put propane in the oven i'm not doing that yet add 40 seconds at a time i want to just like start breaking stuff no the onions are overcooked not that not yet they will be very soon almost done almost done almost done almost done on my stomach one two three four five why the onions so overcooked you put everything in the pot you boil it at the same time i don't understand take the onion out all right off out into a bowl am i ever gonna buy a ladle for this [ __ ] order up italian borscht not enough pepper yeah it's because i understand what's happening now all right here comes the food critic save the [ __ ] game here we go oh no i've never made this before i don't know how to do this this is the of course you orders the new thing i don't know how to make pork chops free for minecraft food somebody says okay pan don't forget about the food what do you mean time's running out what the [ __ ] are you talking about sunflower oil pork chops okay some 30 milliliters sunflower oil some flour what do you mean mixture is there oil already in here this already there's like dirty fish oil in here i hope you're not allergic all right so we got fry for 90 seconds each side okay fry what else do we need to do and then baked potatoes and then you bake okay cut potato into chunks cut potato 300 grams of potatoes into chunks okay i need to say pause it i just took my hand picked it up with my [ __ ] hand and forcibly tried to stick it to the table like like i was making a oh oh my god all right i need to focus 300 grams of potatoes how many potatoes is that it's two potatoes so i gotta cut these into chunks of 50 grams so i need six chunks so cut them into threes looks like i put tomato soup in there i'm ready for this [ __ ] i'm a flipping master at this point potatoes but what do you mean these are fine they're fine they're fine if i don't [ __ ] freak me out like that like another five seconds they're done no put this down put it down put the tray down oh where's my where's my flipper what got it wow i didn't do anything i didn't do anything it's not fair 90 seconds 50 60 70 80 i don't know oh i'm cuz i'm cooking on there i can't [ __ ] believe it why did that happen [ __ ] just went through the bottom of the pan unbelievable at least these are done it exploded on me that's not [ __ ] get it on the plate and hopefully i get four stars hopefully it doesn't taste the glass gonna be crunching on it this is good i taste a heavy iron that's a really strong iron taste it stings too is there spices oh there's hot sauce on here my mouth is my mouth hurts i see this i don't like why can't i just like put it down i need to get the gloves oh my [ __ ] god i just can't put it down [Music] why can't i just place it oh my god i just good enough hope you'll like it come on not enough i lost a bunch of fame well blame the salmon fillet i'm gonna scum this how do you clean it is it clean it's clean here we go now i'll get this i'll get the pan it's empty what do i do now what do i do okay pork chops oh [ __ ] turn off turn it off three four all right i got like the dinosaur droppings on there that's it now he's some now we add oil to the pan and pork chop let's get the potatoes ready as well i got plenty of time they're all getting cooked anyways don't relax no don't do it like that don't be [ __ ] idiot oh [ __ ] i did how many did i cut how many did i cut it's okay i can cook them and just it doesn't matter salt them is there a reason why i this doesn't work half the time like get in [ __ ] oven what what are you doing go not [ __ ] this up again here we go one two three wait till the oil is heated okay oh [ __ ] the potatoes no i only feel i need six i only eat six okay what about this is almost done right flip where's my flipper okay slow down slow down slow down oh yeah okay good shut up no catch it before it falls catch it thank god done that is very haphazard you don't get points for presentation right like this doesn't matter just eat it we got our fame points there's too much salt in the potatoes well crimey a river timeline has been saved thank god all right closing down for the night no more orders let's clean up um can i just save this i have an idea hold on can i do this i can't like store this in the fridge well here just i [ __ ] hate this i swear to g i can't like keep leftovers in the i just wasted money now i wanted to keep leftovers somewhere now i have to clean all this [ __ ] up there's my academy award [ __ ] off why is there a timer up here you must this is how i usually clean the floor i go like this i just kind of run back and forth from side to side and just hold it in a new angle usually just pretty good job i want to prepare this is not prepping for tomorrow this is [ __ ] there's a need to pick up glass because i'm trying to put a bowl of soup in the [ __ ] oven i'm very upset about this reached level four cheaper liquid cheaper spices probably cheap no cheaper liquid twice what better tips yeah more tips and taste tolerance that sounds good to me choose a recipe here we go i already have this i already own it pork chops was baked already dude i did it already am i am i actually soft locked right now no i have to reload before i bought this no don't make me do that again that's like an hour and a half ago oh no what open the console there is no developer console i physically can't even get out of here i have to alt f4 the game no why oh come on this sucks there's really no way for me to get out of here is there no i'm stuck well i can just do sandbox [ __ ] i was having a lot of fun yeah i'm gonna go into sandbox damn it that's frustrating oh well um what's going on now i bought the baked potato and i was gonna say what the hell is happening what's the difference between these two yeah this is just that there's nothing here you just destroy the kitchen you just have infinite meats there's no like order i'm so sad right now i'm trying to cook the propane there we go this is gonna work let the propane simmer why is this not exploded yeah hold on here just get a little bit of rice vinegar on here all right looks good uh that was some just oregano it sounds good how do i get this to blow up what the [ __ ] no get it in the oven get a blow torch all right give me uh utensils blow torch okay now let's oh my jesus christ let's get the [ __ ] out of me i didn't think it's gonna happen this [ __ ] was on the stove for like five minutes and it didn't blow up all right i need to i'm gonna go play the game i have to reload the stupid soft lock throw the pizzas out the window yeah i'm just gonna microwave a bunch of fruits it's a microwave a pumpkin [Music] oh it's making noises i don't like microwave some metal all right that's half it this is like gonna like it radiate the room if you touch that right now you would like turn to stone can i pick it up oh i can here we go why is it still working the steam is coming out of the top but holy [ __ ] it actually makes a fire does the fire spread is like the sims the pumpkin is black all right what would it take for you to eat this i shouldn't be able to i need more fire we need more explosive ship all right burn fire here we go all right i got a fire oh come on work stop come on what why can you not blow these up can i fry elated i'm gonna deep fry a propane tank that's perfectly safe there's no oil in there oh i'll get oil what's the worst oil in the world huh i just got like a bomb dropped on me olive oil okay everything's fine we're good to go turn every oven this is what the last guy did it's still cooking torch the place let's go come on blow up i'm trying to like burn my eyes turn it around this way my face is here why is it wait that just before just exploded why is it gas coming in i threw a cucumber and it exploded it's a grenade all right that was fun i need to like go play the [ __ ] game now is that enough to be for me to forget what happened where was where did i buy the recipe do i not have was quicksave broken do i not have a save before is the autosave dead let me check are both dead they're not i don't think they are they're not both dead we just have to do the day before again all right let me let go get let me get a glass of water i'll be right back and make a bug report hey all right let's try this again as severely disappointed as i am that we have to do this a third time because this is number three this is three strikes you're out this would be strike three coming up the first time it went through the floor my pan and i had to restart second time i got soft locked third time let's see you've been waiting years for this game i yeah well i was waiting like at least a few months kitchen nightmares ost nah okay i'll i will put on the kitchen nightmares american ost when we get to a new level by the way the kitchen nightmares ost is just every american reality show ost run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run i hate watching those shows oh i gotta play okay uh what would i only get a minute [ __ ] i'm giving this another shot we keep doing groundhog day what did i oh [ __ ] i this is this is before the duh i had all the stuff ready to go to why game why have you done this to me all right lightning round this right now please look at the salmon and the potatoes two potatoes through the pot good thing i didn't load this up with tomato soup this used to be a hearthstone stream i mean it was a hearthstone stream for a buck that's i'm not asking around the time spatula you are correct it was a hearthstone spring once burnt it no i didn't i did i burn it a little that's extra crispy crusty crust that's fine you guys don't like crispy skin my favorite kind of salmon is crispy skin salmon i'm cooking the way that i like it yeah that's the skin what did you guys think that was i like my salmon i have a good crunch yeah it's really good how does it sound like it's burning done there you go here's a nice crispy crunchy skin how could i make that any better explain that to me too much salt on the boiled potatoes and i made a heating mistake what a heating mistake i'm gonna be a defensive chef here okay here all right i got this is almost ready so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah boil for 60 seconds just blend it and add sour cream it's all right it's right here ready to go just need the chicken stock that's fine uh they have [ __ ] way too much in there it doesn't matter just cook it i thought it was a thousand all right cook it and then oh [ __ ] this is tomato soup this is tomato it's the same color it looks this exact same no don't have a meltdown here just [ __ ] do it right chicken stock i got a fresh one this is not a fresh one i'm [ __ ] right now there's only 300 in here but those this is empty oh my god why is it playing this song this makes me want to start breaking stuff get the doom ost on here i will eventually what is it 150 don't care this is what you get how did only 80 get in here how did only 34 get in there what are you talking about okay bowl serve ladle just get one there are no ladles how you wait what you actually supposed to dump it out i'm surprised you are supposed to do this i'll clean it later oh my [ __ ] god i can't believe it whatever why would you not have a ladle why do you have to dump it from the pot that's no there's no way i definitely unlock a ladle oh my god that's so [ __ ] hard to do this here extra soup who cares it's so hard to pour the soup it goes from like one milliliter every second to like 500 in a tenth of a centimeter moving your hand there has to be a ladle all right another trout let's go [Music] where do you think i'm doing this why is it all up okay uh i clearly clicked it five damn times all right pepper i'm not gonna make the same mistake i make every time you know what that is it's called turning too quickly and the fish falls on the ground one two three and not perfect but it's fine then we just need a horseradish and then six grams of parsley good to go plate horse rash horse horseradish horseradish i'm saying it right horseradish how do you say it horse i actually love horseradish can i tell you i use too much i love that nasally feeling you get a hot mustard does the same thing to me there is nothing better in my opinion than spicy hot mustard and i'm not talking like i'm talking um like chinese mustard like hot chinese mustard is my favorite thing on earth i would put it on everything don't get it in the middle here oh god damn it is this gonna it's gonna touch isn't it in the mixture right that's not hitting the beetroot it [ __ ] is whatever i just need four stars that's it right this is 20 grams of pepper that seems like a lot does this dish actually have that much pepper and that much salt in it i'd send it back i can't even get it in the mixture what the [ __ ] am i gonna do about it we're just trying to get to where we were before boyle forest is disgusting i don't think i've ever even seen it before let's just use this opportunity to start cleaning [Music] all right you can hear that one was real yeah i know you hear the fake one right now but that one was real that was not a uh that's stupid how do you do this without overcooking the onion you put the onion in it later you must have to just throw the onion in later i'm serving this tomorrow i could care less 300 ee oh that's all right like two milliliters i don't give a [ __ ] all right is it time take the finished okay this is strike three coming up this is the day again that we have not been able to get through because of various issues i'm leaving these both out because if they serve tomorrow i'm going to just keep them in the microwave try me you think it's a joke it's not okay salt and pepper can stay over there i'll um put these in the right spots why would you ever honk this much [Music] here comes the panic music and the cars yeah if you be do you know who beeps that much this is like we just graduated high school and we're on the line of cars waiting to turn out of the high school everybody does it they had cars when you graduated high school yeah i'm not 140 years old how old do you think i am let's not get soft locked i'm saving it right here i'm going to get fish out what do you think should i flip roll the dice and just prepare them both what do you think salmon or trout or was it for pepper five sponge [ __ ] it whatever give me an order i chose wrong i can't wait to serve the critic uh one full day on the counter sitting out bunch bunch whatever the [ __ ] it is he's gonna love it advice is so cold and why does it smell like ammonia oh it's just extra [ __ ] seasoning there dude all right what do i i think a bug just flew in my mouth and i ate it yeah it happened i'm not gonna freak out give me that pot [ __ ] i need a pot all right do not order the tomato soup don't order the tomato soup he better not order the soup i'm not buying into the pot don't buy the he better not come in order this middle soup two potatoes that's a [ __ ] lemon it's already ruined hey look this goddamn same here i need the lemon later anyways no i want to cut them just don't touch the filet [ __ ] who cares it doesn't matter we just need to please the critic nobody else matters that's all right you not every piece of salmon is perfect guys if it's not a critic then who cares well on critic day it doesn't matter what if the critic is undercover you can always tell the critic guys they come in for the first thing they do is they look at like the drapes they look left and right like they're crossing the street when they come in they come in and they look left they look right flip nice got it okay i've got the salmon down to his science whoa whoa whoa what's why is it burning what was it on there for too long it was not too long the water is burning yeah pretty funny this ain't the critic who cares and it was still perfect hmm i really love what you did here my favorite part is when it was cold and smelly and unedible in the middle that's how i used to make it what did i already put on that did it stick that's gonna stink all right what did i already put on it where is it what's already on this there's already black pepper and dill black i need one more black pepper and then thyme get into the [ __ ] oven this is ready for whatever he throws at me if it's a stupid tomato soup and i'll be very upset about it you'll see me scream i'll ask where to go if it's tomato soup i'm going to scream as loud as i can into the mic and break my [ __ ] microphone i promise i will scream until my throat hurts into the mic as loud as i [ __ ] can this is a nice expensive microphone i will ruin it i will break it this is not going to happen by the way i'm a liar how are you doing by the time i get back over here this will be ready three two one didn't time it one two three [ __ ] [ __ ] god damn it [Laughter] hey perfect timing one two three four five lemons delish so much blood yeah but if that exploded in my hands like that by what's wrong with the taste bad cutting technique i don't want to sound like a [ __ ] idiot here or an [ __ ] but if you're gonna take a full star off of the taste portion of your food because it wasn't nice looking enough how does that affect what it tastes like if somebody was like well the taste was four out of five because the lemons weren't cut well i would tell that guy you're you're dumb very dumb and then i would ban them for life from the restaurant all right food critics about to order not tomato soup it's tomato soup oh [Music] oh yeah i screamed for so long you have no idea oh god oh you got tomato snoop i'll take a tomato soup one large tomato soup please [ __ ] [ __ ] you could hear me what i gotta get this right okay i need to pause it so no turn this [ __ ] music off i don't want to pause it because the music plays and i can't is there a way to stop the clock all right i'm going to try to talk and do this can you imagine if you went to a restaurant as a critic and you heard that the guy was going to make you a day old of borschts and he was going to serve it to you it was cold he was going to serve duny and you came in and you knew he was gonna do that so you ordered tomato soup and you hear him in the kitchen so angry whipping a [ __ ] pot against the wall screaming as loud as he can because he can't serve that to you don't you think you'd give it a zero or you just leave you wouldn't even stay for him to make this he would just give him a zero and leave unbelievable i can't serve this guy old food 700. it's got to be right for the critic oh my [ __ ] god i hate myself oh good okay done eight tomatoes salt pepper salt peppers sauce what's going on in the chat right now why do i see like a trillion timeouts what's going on what do you do what's going on why is it why is this i [ __ ] it up god damn it i have to dump the whole thing out aren't i get in the mixture please if you're gonna save me i'm i'm i don't even know what's going on in here you guys get me all twisted right now it's the letter s too many times oh well stop doing that what are you guys out of your mind look at this look at this chat room 150 no one done can we finally get out of this hell of doing the same damn thing over and over again 300 i can do it come on easy how much is in there how much is in the bowl almost perfect 2.99 you [ __ ] take it i finally passed and we're not soft locked wait there's a new order i think that's fine [Music] delicious threw this [ __ ] against the wall you don't want to be the person after that uh wrong amount of product it was a little too cold uh any other food new order well fine that doesn't matter though right i've already done everything oh hey congrat graduated high school congratulations you graduated high school nice work i'm baked i've microwaved it for like 20 seconds that person is getting sick 47 i was gonna do it for everything why cook anything all right fine you want is there any more is there any more in here hold on there's still residue in here hot water all right that's good save the game this is like making me [ __ ] laugh ugh there's still residue from the other one we're going to add some color though no they're what are they going to know [ __ ] ordering this do you we're gonna give it two stars on one i didn't want water not enough chicken broth not enough salt the technique though i mean was on par with some of the best i've ever had there we're done the result okay we're going to keep the tomato soup let's clean up uh you order a soup and the person pours water into a [Music] this doesn't look like the picture yeah well you know times are tough oh you thought that was a borscht no no no it was a borscht tee oh oh okay i'm sorry for my misunderstanding i really don't like the panic music because seriously it's [ __ ] with my head i'm not doing it to the beat just looks like that [Laughter] arrested i feel like i feel like people actually do that [ __ ] i don't know why that's making me laugh so much but i feel like people do that at like restaurants what's wrong with people when they're like the guy standing in the lettuce and burger king or something you we you we laugh and you think that's joke but people are [ __ ] that's why like eating at restaurants sometimes is scary because you don't know the person said gonna just like piss in the tomato soup for no reason how do you know that somebody didn't just like dehydrated like bright orange piss into the tomato soup you don't know there's no way for you to know that you just hope is the oven on still turn it off let's repair stuff while i have a minute come on quick quick go go pick up the phone all right we're good okay excellent 223 bucks if there's just no way to know i don't know you guys have ever like gone to like yelp this is what's the scariest thing because anybody could just write anything they want sometimes like what if you wanted like a yelp review and the person who gave him one star and they said that there were rats everywhere what if that's what if that's not even real just like astro turfing and like gas lighting and no there are no rats in my restaurant there were rats everywhere and then that like the owner like hires 30 people to write like 29 reviews that are all five stars and then they got like the guy that like didn't like his soup so he says that they were rats and cockroaches and stuff who do you [ __ ] who do you usually believe you can't believe anybody you have to go into the restaurant and walk around the kitchen and meet all the chefs and then sit there and watch them make the food for you to get the real whatever you could possibly do they won't let you do that yeah but if you i know you yeah that's what i mean you just you're putting like complete trust heat proof gloves let's get some better tips longer prep yeah i want some more prep and then now we don't get soft locked thank god it worked thank god oh i'm so happy we can actually continue no no no no no this [ __ ] place is haunted man okay i've only got how much time i got four i got some time what did that what do they even tell me to do i gotta prep prep prep tomato soup prep the tomato soup that's prepped make borsch make make borsch okay this uh this shit's gotta go i'm gonna i'm gonna make it fresh you know you know just like wendy's fresh never frozen all beef patties they come in and they're freshly cooked i mean they're still cooked in a microwave but they come in fresh every day don't call me a sellout hear what i just said okay um what am i doing i need okay i need um i keep picking up and putting down the same pot focus didn't wendy's stop um cooking on the flat top they used to cook on the flat top every time right they don't do that anymore do they back like in the not 80s and 90s they used to cook on the flat top they don't cook on the flat top still do they they don't cook anything do they still i gotta look this up does wendy's still grill their burgers fairly confident the normal plus their weddings uses flash cooking method that utilizes a timed clamshell grill you place the patties down in two rows solve them and close the grill to cheat the internal temperature to proper safety levels for a certain time holy [ __ ] they still do it that's mcdonald's not wendy's oh [ __ ] wow i thought i thought they all did it now i thought they all [ __ ] didn't grill anymore they still grill well [ __ ] yeah wendy's keep it up get some of the best chicken sandwiches i've ever had junior bacon cheeseburgers best [ __ ] meal i've ever had was that reverse [ __ ] reverse sponsored reverse like i [ __ ] flipped it on you thought i was talking [ __ ] and then i correct i got like corrected on stream and it's like whoa [ __ ] i'm not sponsored by wendy's by the way at all let me make that really clear not even a [ __ ] centimeter i've never done even my name i've just eaten their hamburgers once sponsored by burger king no one will ever i'm i will never have a sponsorship because they watch this stream and then they go no i'm not i'm a sponsor this guy he's [ __ ] freaking me out i got an email one time about uh somebody looking for a sponsorship and they watched a stream and then they ghosted me for the rest they'd never returned my call they were like yeah we'll check out the stream it sounds fun i'm like yeah check it out and the person uh literally i think they ch every time i call that person now it goes right to voicemail every time that means i'm blocked right he's still i still call every you know every few months all right focus i've wasted so much time how much is in here i need mother uh i need to modded a mother chicken to lay some chicken broth into that [ __ ] pot parsley get in there carrot we've already talked about the fast food chains in this channel all right now everything's it i didn't salt the [ __ ] water let's get everything out now wendy's burger king and mcdonald's are really the only three for burgers that you really put in one list together i know everyone's like well what about arby's and what about uh wendy's bird king mcdonald's bunnies is the best one those are the three fighters that are competing it's not like oh no no no no no no no no the other ones like aren't shouldn't be on the list there's like a bunch of different categories mcdonald's burger king and wendy's have like 10 like thousands and thousands of stores and really bothers me people start to talk about how they think they know about fast food and they really get involved and they start to talk to me about fast food and now you're wrong jeremy and everything you [ __ ] say is wrong and it gets me really livid people start to tell me that oh yeah that you put lettuce on your hamburger of course i do i put lettuce in my hamburger it's a [ __ ] best kind of put on your hamburger and a little bit of mayonnaise and people get really [ __ ] mad at me and it's the music turn it off oh sorry i'm really sorry i don't know what the hell came over me there uh there we go i feel better it's fine i almost i almost just put the salmon into the pot it was a [ __ ] grenade in here why i [ __ ] can't fit on they're done they're done you know what they're just done and that's what there is that's all there is to it no flip it there's no water in here flip the salmon who cares is this even cooking cook cook what are you jesus you did yeah you can do like a little drizzle what's wrong with a little drizzle if i do salmon i do like a little drizzle of olive oil at the end is that a potato no these are yams almost done come on that's just doesn't matter crispy crunchy not enough salt whatever in a critic who cares oh so let's there we go tomato soup i got that ready to go right now not too much there we go this is the best tomato soup i've ever had what's that flavor i'm getting what is it what's that what's that what's that smell i'm gonna keep this as long as i can i don't care if a week goes by i'm gonna still serve it the onion every time the onion all right that's whatever smash your plate and put it in the soup um no i'm not gonna smash this [ __ ] onion i swear to god can't wait to serve this for the next six straight days in fact yeah i'm gonna be conservative on our servings now now i really wanted more soup i get to serve more too much pepper too much salt whatever it's a lie salmon just in case something bad happens i'm lying to the customer surface sponge instead of salmon [Laughter] it looks the same how do they know i got two orders to do the same time oh [ __ ] okay we need uh water boiling potatoes potato territory potato potato salt flip it flip it flip it flip it flip it flip it now good i feel like this song has been playing for like three hours okay on go boil how we doing on salmon not bad not bad not bad what's uh what's next that's that's all done oh that's done i need the other one pork chops salt black pepper thyme black pepper the wrong i want the other one no give me the other one give me a different one i got how do i get out four four four four six whoops no that's right one okay i thought i clicked on the [ __ ] pork chop some potato water in there i don't know if i want to do that i'm going to save the potato water though okay so salt leftover italian floral 30 pork chops nice second side 30. [ __ ] god damn it man i tried too hard 64 65 66 7 68 69 70 what 71 72 i gotta flip it now nice i'm getting pretty good in the kitchen clean up the area over here what is happening come here are you stuck there's like old beet juice over here i forgot about this stuff perfect they [ __ ] fall on the ground all the time oh my god it is like a little cluster grenade just went off why just get the pork chop on here dude i can't it's like looking for a contact lens i can't control where they go they just go the customer can see you no they can't it's a close kitchen [Music] that's like somebody that knows like my address and they just do this every day we got him get out of here i'm just trying to cook clean pan oops i don't care let me just get rid of the germs real quick on this need a good clean workstation otherwise what the hell are you doing how fast you can do this in a circle not really that fast are you high no what products lose their temperature slower yeah give me all of these that means i can have the tomato soup sit out there for like five days grilled tuna steak grilled beef chuck with baked potatoes or duck broth i'm going for the duck broth it's more soup i could have three of these ready to go i'm just turning into a soup shop all right get some good prep we're serving pork chops with baked potatoes as our dish of the day so i gotta prepare all right get those on here i'm gonna do i'm doing cook em all the same damn time why don't restaurants just do this just cook like 30 potatoes at the same exact time that is what they do not wendy's mondays is fresh never frozen every time easiest thing i've done all day one tomato soup coming up is this fresh every day because you know i've been to wendy's before and it's fresh never frozen yeah we're just like wendy's i can't put it in the microwave hey four out of five on yelp is pretty damn good guys perfect keep it going bake i'm going to wait no no don't get it they're going to be fresh on the first flip 90 seconds dude i've got this secret technique i'm going to make like three or four tomato soups and like three or four of these and just have all of it done and uh oh no another order came in [ __ ] it's tomato soup it's ready it's already ready nailed it i [ __ ] nailed it find somebody on earth that's better than me at this game and uh time's up you can't i'm [ __ ] best in the in the world this game don't you hate me we will do that the like ant time's up sorry time's up i hate that so much did i break it [ __ ] dumbass don't don't don't explode catch it i hope that was funny because it's never mind it's perfect get that green ass food hey it's fine i'm gonna leave it in there so it stays warm no just keep it there new water another one got it i'm gonna drive by honk unless you cook the sponge all right i will serve the next person that orders food a sponge on a plate with olive oil on it fry the sponge i don't think you can i don't think i can or yeah broken plate soup just okay put i take a plate break a plate put the broken plate in the plate and serve it serve a blowtorch syrup just nothing a chicken broth not even put it in a plate i'm talking just put this on top of a serving tray and put it in the window it's like did you order this or did you go to the grocery store boiled sponge soup with a straw [Laughter] it takes too long i like just going to the restaurant and ordering and then talking about like politics while you drink wine and then it finally comes to you and then when the waiter comes over with the food you have a two-second panic attack where you're like oh yeah let me let me move some stuff out of the way for you uh is that enough room i gotta move everything just [ __ ] take everything and just take your hand and just slide it across so do you have enough room to put this here oh yeah that's me that's fine and the waiter says that why watch out what that that plate is hot that pla hot plate oh okay i won't touch it you don't listen at all you wait till he's out of the like earshot and out of you and you immediately just start grabbing it and eating it and you have this weird internal panic where you think that he's gonna come look at you he's gonna see that you didn't listen to him he's gonna be like [ __ ] idiot i told him not to do that you're like sneaking the food before you're supposed to be eating it no complaints at all heating mistake you gave me almost five stars across the board and you got i made a mistake let's get some soup in here thank you i didn't have to spend any money that's the best part i'm not spending money i'm just gaining income fish i wasn't prepared for this was perfect you licked the plate and sensed that there was fish on there the temperature oh let me tell you i just wish that there was a fish on there the plate was nice and warm and i licked i tasted the fish flavoring from the fish being on there but i just wish there was a fish on there god damn it i don't want to make another i want to make that duck soup can i put this back in the fridge yes i can oh [ __ ] no no no i'm not ready for this i wasn't prepared give me soup water no i'm not going to give any more sponges not right now guys just give me i don't i can't lose all my fame points i just served a guy an empty [ __ ] plate and told him it was trout and potatoes turn the heat off for a second get the oil in the pan 10 oil 10 oil leaders six one two three four five six i don't i i i don't know potatoes are done what are you doing give me the potato cooked it's not raw it's fine get that in here what are you doing fish no oh no no it's the fish sauce they won't tell it was only in the first second get his bottle okay we're good are the potatoes done oh [ __ ] they're done it's okay i just need a plate [Music] the order of extra crispy you had to have an extra crispy what do you say no don't [ __ ] around not yet clean the piss next clean the piss i'm boiling piss that's yeah that's a lot of piss i've been peeing in there for five or six straight days what i'm gonna make a stock out of pee this is one day worth of pissed no how many what is that how many thousand milliliters is what how many cups of pea is that very dehydrated tasty fame points we've leveled up complaints there's too much salt on that hooray um i've not do i have an idea i have an idea we'll see how it works tomorrow when somebody orders a tomato soup or a horse i'm going to put it back on the burner for like 10 seconds day old soup it's way more than a day old that's about four days old that's how you get maggots can i get it from here this phone goes up did the phone go out the window no it's right there oh it is a ghost phone there he is there's so much broken glass everywhere pick it up right let's go the [ __ ] people beeping that drive me crazy [Music] 257 tomorrow we're getting expected it's a great place of water the water is still on oh no it's been on for a full day am i going to come into like a flooded kitchen oh god it's not that much it's okay both faucets were on today's special is this got plenty of it the special is the so i need to [ __ ] relax the special is the soup i have enough i definitely have enough to do three servings soup here we go done let's be scarce on this one let's do like that's enough i'm a little too cold still it's a fruit punch no it's not fruit bun oh all right sure thing how much do i have left in here i'm getting really i'm getting scarce here i can really only do this one more time just start diluting the soup i don't think it works like that food critic is here i'm ready throw something at me [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on save it is it what am i going to do about this i don't want to make a whole nother soup i should have given the last person [ __ ] way less let's get him i gotta i don't have time for this that's perfect soup i'm not throwing that away i'm selling the people on kitchen knife that's perfect soup it's not it's not it's not perfect what's wrong with it dump it until you get that through your [ __ ] thick skull where the hell is this going that's enough what a perfect number i want to soap up some of those [ __ ] tomatoes why is a carrot not cooking why is the carrot [ __ ] not cooking oh no i gotta play whack-a-mole oh my god no just put now the parsley's not cooking is it that [ __ ] carrot all right we're good wash your hands in the soup take the parsley up i can't believe how to make a fresh [ __ ] soup for this guy why why am i doing this why the hell would i waste this i've already got half of it it's already done this should work see you guys were so concerned about that not enough pepper yeah it's because it was diluted in its own juices new order tomato soup i got that right here i'm gonna put my other trophy it's my trophy storage unit that's four and a half stars or four point three four point like 4.33 you guys think i think i'm crazy but i have an idea i'm gonna save all right hear me out i'm gonna make like two or three pots of each of these soups and i'm gonna pour them in like ten bowls and store them like over here just in the corner and then i'll have the pot the pots will be completely and totally ready to be used i'll have like ten five of each soup ready to go yeah that's what i'm doing at when uh i close that's a pretty good idea i think and i'll do it with potatoes too i'm gonna make all this food and only make it once and just serve it just cut up like a hundred potatoes and boil like a ton of potatoes so they're always ready oh [ __ ] this person who cares it was done done uh that was only 10 seconds sorry is this broken tomato soup coming up [ __ ] um right okay it's all right we still have hey one oh no all right coming back got those fame points back i'm fine i gotta make oh no wait wait wait wait wait i still have another another order oh no i don't okay duck brother i've never done this before duck soup what this is green [Music] not even that bad that's like three and a half stars that's fine i'm good with it duck broth water 1300 salt pepper duck breast put it all in a pot you got that you're [ __ ] kidding yourself if you don't think i'm gonna make like 30 of these before the the day's over i'm gonna make like two or three pots at the same time all right i did duck water salt black pepper so i need take the duck breast from the you're not gonna get that i'm sorry take the duck breast from the broth cut it into slices so i need water salt black pepper duck breast everything just throw it all in a pot salt pepper and then duck breast let's get the duck salt pepper salt salt pepper salt one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten put it down no put it down where's the duck breast need two duck breasts take the duck breast from the broth and cut it into slices 35 grams each i don't know what the [ __ ] that looks like one two three five slices the person wants salmon right sam i can do the same right now salmon just where's the oil don't matter i've got the potatoes already i can just cut it up i can get that done it's not going to be perfect but who cares i can at least get served and i'm going to lose points [ __ ] onion all right then get the breasts out cut them into into five slices holy [ __ ] no no do that again do exactly what i just did again two three [Music] four what do you want who cares i don't care just put the potatoes on this that's good enough that's fine it was terrible that's fine i'm not gonna lose points duck so then you got how many did i just did i make too much [ __ ] you take the duck brush from the broth cut into slices pour liquid into a deep plate at duck breast pour the liquid into a plate and add the breast on top how much how much was it 300 how much is supposed to go in here how much is supposed to go in here am i putting too much in 173 grams yeah why did i do two duck breasts it asked for two right just don't waste it save it that looks [ __ ] gross well it's all right you don't have to eat it wash your hands no i refuse yeah hey i'll wash my hair i wash my hands when i'm dead you know what i mean all right oil oil are these burning almost no oil i broke the oil the oil shattered into the ground bingo okay i'm gonna start make okay now i'm gonna start making my signature move here okay signature move this is burning yet no it's good i'm bored flourished i'm gonna serve this with this one second left so i have all the time in the world to make like three different soups and things this these can exponentially increase i'll eventually have food cooked for like a week two weeks i won't even have to do anything all right hold that off i have four minutes to keep to keep this going what i want to do all right here we go so when i thought a thousand i'm just gonna eyeball it like grandma used to do 1000 melodies of water grandma didn't use a recipe she [ __ ] just threw a bunch of stuff in a pot and just hoped it was gonna taste good and that's how you got spaghetti how do you think the lasagna was invented no it's chicken broth it's chicken it's chicken broth it's a thousand chicken broth isn't it right is it chicken broth or is it water it's a thousand chicken broth shake it up a little bit [ __ ] fantastic i'm glad that's wonderful i love it i'm very happy about what just happened everything's fanta everything's great nothing's wrong nothing's wrong at all it's going under the beets these bake these these are already cooked i'm gonna remember that they're up here don't let me forget that these are two cooked in case there's a salmon 16 seconds we're fine okay i got it i got it i got i got it dolphin printed okay but this is ready don't let me forget this is up here because it's cooked and it's ready to eat i know i need to um let me tell you let me tell you something larry oh i think that you you're not very nice to my wife you understand is it eight tomatoes eight eight [ __ ] tomatoes all right get it on the burner go turn this off 60 seconds and then we start mashing all right okay the balls both balls i need balls no no idiot where is it you [ __ ] dumbass i'm so pissed off right now i'm so angry oh i'm so i'm uncontrollably [ __ ] upset oh my god no [Music] because i'm laughing i gotta [ __ ] stop oh this is the perfect plan too i just am like adhd psycho man slow down it's okay all right oh [ __ ] oh no it's still on the stove the place is going to be on fire oh no why would they just like shove you out it's not like a [ __ ] dance club where at like 2 a.m they like turn the lights on it's like everybody get the [ __ ] out of here out out i can spend an extra two minutes there check dishes score before serving it to a guest no learn the temperature uh the one that taste tolerance right here duration of the cleaning phase is extended yep new recipe you bet your ass we're doing a soup gazpacho and that's a cold soup so french fries though steak and french fries but this is elaborate and it's gonna ruin my soup stuff it's done okay okay i need plates i gotta get this situated how much time do i have i have a lot of time okay just slow down i'm fine let me get this correct tomato soup is over here it's the first one i'm not going to screw this up what are you feeding the rats i'm putting out these plates to leg whatever i'm going to like feed a bunch of [ __ ] cats well you see my my restaurant i feed like 200 neighborhood [ __ ] stray cats come on kitties yes you like the tomato soup don't you sweetheart are you [ __ ] kidding me i think i can do one more yeah i can do one more maybe even two more those of you that are wondering what the hell i'm doing just it's plays we call we call these big plays oops why because no matter what happens i am guaranteed because this game is strange and even if this is here for three months i will always get at least four stars so i will never have to make tomato soup probably ever again no this is i'm gonna hold on i can spread this out a little i have four this is a carrot on the ground what kind of summoning ritual is this stop don't worry we laugh i'm trying to summon shift boy rd all right what's in here oh wait this is um that's broth for the hold on that's broth of the duck the game cannot handle this many things on the ground this is duck broth don't never forget that i can do this like probably three or four times we are preparing for the rest of the game you ever y'all think i'm crazy everybody's like what the [ __ ] is wrong with this dude i'm gaming the game i have found the meta of cooking simulator it's only pick soups make them all and have like 50 of them lying around and just get to the end of the game in less than four hours this is making me uncomfortable well i'm sorry to hear that tomato duck broth borsch we're open okay we're open open open oh i'm ready to make and i'm crazy i'm going too fast the game can't keep up with me it's okay it's still like it's still good enough [Music] oh wait i don't have that ready how do i make that cucumber add to the food processor cucumber tomato red bell pepper garlic and bread what add the food give me the food processor red bell pepper got why does it have to be in grams why can't it just be two garlic and then bread that bread looks horrible i wouldn't want to eat that where's garlic are you sure this is how you do this [Applause] okay i thought for i don't know why i just thought it's a food poisoning container i was like okay i didn't say it a new soup i think i can get like four or five out of this am i ashamed of myself why would i be ashamed of myself you got another gazpacho for me i'll do it again hey look at that gazpacho huh yeah take your like green bean soup take your fruit punch and green beans got anything else for me i should probably make another one of these work faster on that order our guest is in a hurry you came to the right place hey how does eight seconds sound you did okay i guess what that way to be annoying new order of it's the fish okay do i have do i have one of those already i just need a lemon no i got duck in fact i'm gonna cut this duck in half that's [ __ ] broken i gotta get that fixed remind me to do that i could actually use a damn oven yeah why would you order fish here if you knew that they were storing soup on the ground where the [ __ ] do you think they would be putting their fish that's a no order that is a do not order then we need the lemon cut into squares let me see if i can get away with this i'm just curious i'm just curious guys that's pretty beautiful oh my god let me do it this way it's gonna be like lemon sprinkles diced lemon with the skin on the game doesn't like me sorry i tried that looks better than the other one on the left at least looks like pineapple slices what was the matter i didn't like your cutting technique lemons i'm going to sneeze okay i'm good so we got um this is already cooked right are you supposed to remind me this is cooked and i have the potatoes already done too where are those potatoes right there done this food is so old it would be like stale bread at this point you wouldn't be able to eat this i told you i figured it out i figured it all out gazpacho hey how are you i'll save you for later there we are nice and fresh you're going to complain i don't worry it's in the sun it's in the sun it'll be fine okay uh duck breast 42 seconds to make duck people love this food what am i going to say that you're wrong for loving this food what do you want to do tell you oh no that's wrong it's not good what's that oh i got that right here i'm making so much money all right i'm going to make i have to cook i have to cook food though unfortunately i know right dumb where did that go all right can you not no no more orders if it's a spatula then i'm gonna i'm gonna improvise where's that pork chop it's [ __ ] cause it's gazpacho not good not good not good um that's not one of my pre-made soups all right what was it i have to all all right get this all right hold on i'm i'm going to make the i can make the soup first i'm just going to i'm going to guess i don't care it's two cucumbers three tomatoes it's a loaf of bread some bell peppers and then garlic it doesn't matter how many bell peppers we got yup yup yup yup i just tried to hold down shift to sprint over here why does this look wrong this looks light the color is off why it's fine all right i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna leave this here i don't wanna place all over the ground oh god damn it what the [ __ ] have i done the [ __ ] ding i turned to pick it up is this thing so sloppy it's like the it's a slug where's the pork chop i don't care it could be that's fine salmon why don't i have two pans he really did forget about the doom ost after i'm addicted to the soups okay once i'm not addicted to soups anymore let me clean this up why is this not cooking cook what the [ __ ] are you doing wow wow whoo [Music] oh wowzers settle down what is this doing all right finally it's sizzling i can hear it all right i need oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't have enough time plate just cut off raw potatoes what an insult what a [ __ ] insult this is just an insult insulting i didn't lose points a net zero that's fine i wha it cooks when i take it out listen to this what how does it cook when it's not in the pan that makes no sense there's nothing cooking what's the sizzle oh my [ __ ] god it's the this is the sizzle guys the sizzle the sizzle do you hear the sizzle i'm losing my mind here the sizzles the pan on the left oh [ __ ] damn it i'm so flustered right now just no no no just put the plate [ __ ] off i can do that [Laughter] we're going downhill we're going downhill boys i did beat the system i just went nuts for five seconds and ruined it we're no longer taking orders finish what we okay that's seven minutes that's plenty of time why can't i like make my own menu just make a gazpacho right now i'm already here i'm turning sounds off in the game because of this it's [ __ ] my head okay these are done they said that when the order comes in add the garnish i have ton of gazpacho how much time do i have four minutes that's enough time to do uh how much meat of soup do i have plenty of tomato soup plenty of broth i need to make another one what are those one of these one of these things one of those what are those things one of these i forget what uh hold on it's what i'm scratching my face um what is it one of these that's okay i know i know i know i know we're spreading this really really really thin i'm talking like 140 purple one no it's gonna be like 150 per bowl now let me uh clean up a little bit i gotta repair some stuff come on what now turn the microwave off [Music] the microwave's not even broken what was i doing where's the phone oh my god hurry up come on thor pull it is there a parade outside everybody playing a tuba the soup is done done how much time time what behind [Music] what's up behind these both look exactly the same i'm gonna [ __ ] that up it's okay how much time okay good behind okay clean up no i'm good i ordered my soup like an hour ago yeah i'm sorry about that is there's like a bonus to soup percentage is like a 30 more soup from soups no those are diapers duration of clean i need more prep and i need like more after time and before time there we go you lose less fame poised none of these are soups which one of these is the easiest salmon with asparagus okay i know how to do salmon already grilled beef chocolate baked potato or tuna that's i i'm gonna collect that one because that's the one i would probably eat the most salmon is easy but like i saw tuna i got six minutes here we go more soup okay got one two how much more do i got simple borscht that's a soup of the day you got it what's wrong what's going on what's empty i thought the game was broken i got plenty of gazpacho plenty of tomato i didn't get some meat prepared let's get the tuna out here i don't know how to make tuna though not yet i have potatoes no those are lemons i keep doing that that was close um is this cooked it will be somebody puked hold on okay now i should be able to take uh my knife where's my knife restaurants now open of course it's the duck we're good very stingy with the servings but it's alright we'll get a good serving here here comes pork chops this is fresh so i know it's good all right pork chops i got the potatoes are right there here these ones are these are done these are done okay here i'll get i need a trash can all cooked potatoes are going on the left side of the sink that's the only pla i'm not gonna be able to remember it any other way dude i don't think i can take these out so no i'm just gonna leave them no um i'm not using this yet i can just go in here remember any quick potatoes i'm gonna stop storming here did i want to just dump this out the window i can't just open the window here we go i can't cut them on here oh [ __ ] off don't throw the plate how do i stop the flight from being thrown i can't i have to let go somewhere safe that i know it's gonna be safe it's like holding a grenade i'm like i gotta get okay that's why perfect pieces all right good get em on the tray sultan what was that what was that how what happened over here why did these break what happened why did that happen i am [ __ ] confused i i don't know why that happened the wind from the open window is the only thing i think of that's two orders [ __ ] ruined i'm pissed because of what like a gust of wind blew in here an octave played over yeah it's okay i can't delete the sticky notes why can't i even click those i've been in the game for like seven hours why can't i click sticky notes still potatoes [ __ ] spatula anybody see it i don't see it we're good smash all the soup as a joke and blow the last hour of time no i don't think i'm gonna do that save and do it not yet i'm in the zone right now that's raw enjoy i guess you like it a little underdone hour long joke no i'm not gonna do that it's about portion size really i need more portion size i gotta make double they don't like the fact that it's old moldy and potentially a week old they just want more of it see plus 12 nice this is all my docking anymore hey hey like seriously i don't know where it is okay this is [ __ ] broken oh my god this thing is [ __ ] this thing is beyond repair it's haunted i'm not using it i don't care what do you want salmon steak and boy i can do that all three all three burners are just on by the way i need a spatula i need a spatula i need a spatula oh no um got it order up enjoy leave me a good review pretty good nice perfect okay uh where do i go this one i'm not screwing this one up again i know that they want portion size they want bigger portions well after all you didn't mess that or what uh it's a key lime pie what's it what is that a cake okay that's good good get it on there tomato not okay put it back it's already done almost that faint level three five dollar tip for a [ __ ] soup i lost uh lots of green bean hold on give me the green beans i'm killing it right now i'm just i'm killing it i'm doing like this is best i think i've done in the game in like a week two tunas i've never done it before and a [ __ ] oh no hold on this is important uh slow down i'm gonna cheat take tuna salt and pepper 80 seconds aside all right that's done and then transfer them onto the plate and garnish with uh eight grams of oregano i swear to [ __ ] god guys just it was spring loaded that was spring loaded out of my hand flip them [Laughter] okay 80 more seconds i need to find the other wedges that's a potato one lemon there's one more hanging out right here why why the [ __ ] is this other lemon that i just someone do they're getting three lemons it's only fair all right hold on uh oregano twig eight god damn it it's scaring me that's apparently the best i could have possibly done i just leveled up oh that pork chop is gonna be so old i'm gonna have to brush it time to wake up for school pork chop uh yeah okay we gotta go uh i don't have time to season it yes i do i got i got time i got time come on come on come on are these cooked these are cooked right what are these yeah they cooked they go in the cooked pile don't move don't move cooking this has been on the whole time i just flipped it and i wanted to put a little sear on it that's unbelievable all right is this done all right i got my i just my like stomach [ __ ] hurts listen you heard when i said the thing when i said tuba everyone looked at me like i was crazy you didn't hear it the radio is supposed to be on yeah the radio is on uh this isn't working all right all right all right seven minutes okay i gotta make more duck broth and gazpacho duck broth gazpacho and how am i doing on tomato i gotta get three pots going at the same time here and make them all at the same time forget about cleaning this stuff i don't need to be clean get all three pots up here so i can look and i can get a good picture of it in my brain so i need to make gazpacho one more of these and duck broth and no i need to make some sweet i get a picture um okay well scott just spot your first this is the only one i have memorized for no reason this is arguably the most complicated one come on get in there come on like i have this i don't have any of the other ones memorized this is like two steps and a ton of ingredients why can i not get those other ones into memory is it possible to double the recipe i'm not sure it'll it would fit in there i don't think we would all fit yeah what's the duck one anyone remember the duck come on i i'm gonna need my germa bites to come out and come through here a thousand water or a thousand it's a thousand water okay what else was in it i don't remember at all you put the duck what do you what okay hold on let's get this it's 1300 water why is it not going up oh you [ __ ] um what goes in here what goes one carrot one onion one carrot one onion and then the the duck breasts also go in here let's make a few of them time they're behind okay uh oh [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god um okay um sorry put this down no i think everything's gonna be fine i want more tips no i don't pull that back what am i i'm stupid i want more time pork tenderloin with caramelized vegetables let's do this let's do the french fries please don't be on fire please don't be on fire please everything just be cooked i turned off the burners i i turned the burners off so we're good people really like our grilled tuna steak so it's our soup of the day oh please who gives a [ __ ] i'm done oh none of these have been seasoned um sorry people get enough sodium in the damn life yeah i can i can spread this out too i [ __ ] spilled it like a dumbass all right that's good ah don't breathe thank you for not breathing yeah you guys can breathe yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes i might feel like that once like two seconds yeah don't tell it to my lawyer yeah i represent myself by the way i come with a clown suit on i make the jury laugh and then they're on my side sorry that's kind of how it works holy [ __ ] save the game wow i've been playing for seven hours when did that happen when did that happen sometimes you play a game i just realized my posture was so bad i just holy [ __ ] i'm like sitting crooked now duck we have to cut the duck up same thing that i did last time in fact i'm gonna cut it up really thin this will last a [ __ ] month can i fit it all on here i can easy slow slow slow slow slow down don't fall off s that's cooked too many balls the game's gonna crash it's all right here comes another one here comes an order coming in soon exactly what i was looking for and i can take my time with this i just made it oh no i've never made steak in french fries before all i've done is floor soup and tuna cakes um all right i'll just transfer out holy [ __ ] you idiot it's okay i don't need the onions in there [ __ ] whatever uh oh okay we're good my duck is over here nice and sizzling and smoky that's not raw i mean it's gross but it's not raw you know this is this is a joke he's i could somebody clean this i mean this is just filthy it's just this this looks this is a bad look on my stream i'm serving all you guys all this delicious food i don't want you to come in here and look at the stove and be like what is this this is disgusting jeremy you can call me by my first name we're on a first name basis at this point so steak salt and pepper i didn't really prepare that i got six minutes though that's a million years potato cut into sticks put potato into frying basket oh man that's a whole nother potato good thing there are already potatoes in the fryer i gotta transfer those out i gotta transfer those what do you what okay this spatula sucks can i just say the spatula is terrible steak is [ __ ] what the steak is perfect except for like the oil stain all right cut it into sticks and then it's gonna be flat so that's [ __ ] good enough all right fry basket what the hell is a fry basket i have to buy one fryer basket what the [ __ ] was that somebody just walked up behind me and i didn't see them come in the room and they grabbed me by the shoulders and went oh [ __ ] i have like 10 not even 10 seconds [Laughter] so steak salt and pepper i didn't really prepared that i got six minutes though that's a million years stomach hurts you imagine you go through all that person a [ __ ] tail oh fried potato what's next no i don't think that was the critic was it no it wasn't don't say that i don't think it was all right i got that ready it's like this person went to the dentist before they came to work and got like their wisdom teeth pulled and then decided to come to work oh it's all right i got it all back just wait till i have to serve somebody's steak and then i can this game's going to kill me new order work fast you got it done i know how to make a mean bowl of soup that's true new order uh okay i don't have that ready but i can do it right now this is not the critic right so [ __ ] it food critic is here i hope it's not a steak please tell me it's a [ __ ] bowl of soup is it a bowl soup be a bowl of soup be bold it's okay it's i gotta make that fresh i can make it nice and fresh still that's any sense okay oh my god just take it i i'm sorry what do you want me to do credit oh the credit credit credit okay pork chop with baked potatoes pork chop i can do that clean pan oil season it nicely in the pan cauliflower oil pork chops season nicely salt some fresh cayenne pepper where's the pepper this kitchen is a [ __ ] mess that was gordon ramsay watch his regular show his real show he used to do that that was that was a good gordon ramsay i don't give a [ __ ] did that just buy another pepper what's going on cook is it not oh my god he's going to be angry with me all right and then i need to i got the potatoes done just gotta get this has to just cook that's it is there another order this tuna i gotta get the tuna going salt pepper and then onto the grill was it five i'm gonna say four and if it's wrong it don't matter they'll still eat it i hate this so much i i swear to god i swear to god like why why does it have to be able to do that the tuna i need the potatoes okay which one i need i need the best ones i need some good ones they're all bad whatever go go go go go go go go good here you go eat up guaranteed four stars got it come on four four four that's so bad that's 130 [ __ ] god damn it not enough salt on the potatoes not enough salt on the [ __ ] potatoes are you serious dude i was like two tenths of a point off i'm so upset right now all right grass lemon and i need to [ __ ] i can't believe i just lost everything that was [ __ ] all right i just try i swear to god i just tried to cut that and the game's like broken i'm getting such frame frame rate issues right now it's fine everything's gonna be fine i'm gonna knock it out of the park tomorrow i can't [ __ ] believe it we have to make our way all the way back up there all right well i know i know what i have ready to serve right now it's like bread and butter and it does really well and everybody loves it don't have some critic [ __ ] coming in oh you didn't put some salt in all those potatoes nice seven hours of potato abuse i'm like losing my voice do you hear this have i been screaming what have i been doing i've been like smoking crack like what's going on [Laughter] i love this game the first the first like hour or two we ran into all those [ __ ] up bugs was really annoying but it's kind of fun kill the heat kill the heat kill the heat kill the heat kill the heat no i don't know what that white stuff is i didn't put it on it's probably like [ __ ] maggots it's just squished bugs first one going up give me nice points for this one five stars i'll get five in the next one i needed this bad i'm only getting five points for this credit can walk in and drop my score by like 70. like i was an [ __ ] and just an absolute dick it was 130 points what a joke look at how long this i was level three i was a three star restaurant i gotta clean this [ __ ] up like actually clean let's repair i've got plenty of soup i got plenty of food i'm ready for the next day i'm doing this i'm getting this [ __ ] together i'm not making any i'm not prepping any food i'm getting a clean area for this stream i mean for this like i'm streaming tomorrow in the game the hell am i talking about these potatoes can still be used they really can i can serve this to somebody i can and i will [Music] i didn't do anything i just placed the plate down on the counter and it's made out of ectoplasm that looks good place thank you now i got even more cleaning to do with this [ __ ] all right i'm gonna move these to a better spot right next to the radiator you know what put them on the windowsill right no i don't think i could no i'm not risking that you i i didn't even move it i need that stuff i need that it's like so sloppy pain in the ass oh my god it's like a it's like a rubber band this thing's made out of [ __ ] jello this is the floatiest mop i've ever used in my life i really am on drugs using this thing i can't believe we're gonna have to remake the gazpacho i'm so annoyed by that i had two good gazpachos that are now wasted how old is the floor soup uh some of them were at least six days probably five to six days for some of them all right can i can i make a suggestion to the to the development team well i only have one suggestion patch out the guy driving by and holding the horn down it doesn't need to be in here it happens like every 20 to 30 seconds that's my only complaint is the guy driving by run run run run run run [Music] broken ass plates everywhere my kitchen's in disarray everything's just a mess i used to be a [ __ ] three-star chef and then larry came in and now this place i don't like that food he didn't salt the potatoes and he'd ruined my reputation shut up it's gonna drive me freezing oh whatever yeah that's fine all right let's choose a perk unbreakable plates yep you've seen it happen a million times now i want to do duration of cleaning you should get unspillable plates speaking of i still can't believe i that this happened try to break a plate bucket why in the name of god did i not do this before i'm picking up individual pieces can i throw the whole thing in the trash um never mind i can't i can't i'm getting i'm getting tired i'm telling you all right i'm i'm too addicted to this game i have to pull the plug here in a little bit not yet not yet once i go through my whole soup inventory then yes i'm residu i'm laughing residually over something that happened like an hour and 25 minutes ago psycho clean the sink i thought somebody was just lying and just like baiting me to look in the sink but that is bad that's very it's really bad so that's how that works when it works it's great isn't it pretty satisfying i'm not gonna lie clean this thing i'm cleaning i'm done i'm doing it why is everybody spin and clean the sink it you want to make like a like a prison wine soup all right i'll make some prison wine uh uh can i even buy it do i have like grapes no i have beets so now we sit this over here in the sun for like six weeks what's first all right steak with french fries oh look at that i made this like three weeks ago this would hurt somebody that has been sitting there out for at least it has to be like five days still good oh you guys made you guys told me to make toilet wine and i forgot oh whatever it's still good no it's not add it to the toilet wine what am i doing gazpacho you know what that's turning into that's every six-year-old's experiment what are you doing over there science oh okay what are you making over there flora soup oh um i'm pretending to eat this delicious my the customers are just people pretending to eat the food because i'm six years old what's wrong here not enough pepper not enough salt wrong amount of product wrong amount if i give it too much or too little yeah if you think about how [ __ ] up of a situation this is this is just um we're playing pretend right now this is what goes through the head this is what when you're six this is what you see i'm in a restaurant right now but i'm not i'm not i'm six and i'm serving floor soup to people and they're pretending to like it this is what it's like i'm in a kind of a crisis right now all right a grilled steak you would if this was real i gotta pull this full circle okay sorry uh welcome you you what you want grilled tuna steak come in right up this would that be all for you today we have to mash up the tomatoes make them really yummy yeah yeah okay who ready to eat i am [Applause] what else do you want okay i do that too yes i'll take a cheeseburger with extra peppers and onions and i'll also take it with a side of french fries okay [Music] okay here come it coming right up oh is it a bird a bird just flew by that's a robin oh okay your food here it's ready to eat ding order up mmm um whoa you made this yes you this is delicious i know it's the best food i think i've ever had in my life all right i'm gonna get back to playing the game falling back puke i think it's time to turn the stream off i'm realizing what i'm turning into and i actually entered into like the experiment pretend to have a restaurant five-year-old thing and it's been freaking me out for like 25 straight minutes all right let me let me finish this day i don't hear any more honking cars in the game yeah i don't either this is freaking me out oh by the way i also forgot about one very important thing all right it's time to make more food no uh no it's not we're not making more food yes no no uh jacob jacob you it's time for bed no it's not you wanna judge salmon no no no no jacob jacob jacob jacob it's ready jacob you have to go to bed now no jacob jacob it's time to go to bed no jacob jacob get to bed right now that's it you're grounded no i make more food jacob it actually goes out the window somebody scream at me i just caused a car accident my chest you kid oh now everyone's going to jail everyone's going to jail all right thanks for everybody for watching that's going to the end of the stream people are talking no i ding what's done oh just uh this game's actually killing me anybody want some free soup oh yes i'll take one who wants one all right i'm treating these like pies like i'm a clown oh all right uh it's all right it's been eight hours i've time to go yeah once i start like pretending to be a child it's time to this really is a kid it's like you're gonna have a party you have like 30 relatives coming over you're gonna make a bunch of food i can't i gotta get out of here guys i've gone [ __ ] absolutely out of my mind it's over oh my god all right that's it oh my god that was too that was too much thank you trust no one for the 250 decided to come back with a video of you in some peculiar state peculiar state this is german the vr madman and why am i in a peculiar state though we're going to have to investigate this one hold on okay yeah what do i become in virtual reality [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got your back i got your back no i got your back really you're a sicko [Music] you're good you're good [Music] what good night get the crease and make you drop the heaviest tears [Music] that was a real dick move [Music] oh come on i'm just a normie boomer that's me that was really really funny thank you thank you burly man bob for the 15 15 bucks dropped on the floor five star meal something isn't adding up right yeah but they don't know that if you drop food on the floor and it tastes the same the customer isn't going to know if they do find out and they do know the whole place shuts off forever so that's why and the customer doesn't have a window that's why i like open kitchen concepts in restaurants because you can see if the guy blows those nose into your food you know if you hear like a big coffin you look up who the [ __ ] is that is that chef no okay just making sure if that wasn't the chef as mlc stealth once said these rats have burnt they are crisp i love you streams as always germa heart thank you mlc stealth was always a always contributing really funny things and interesting lines during the old videos and you see i think he's doing pretty well too he's got like family and stuff he's a he's a good kid he's a good kid espada escar is it the [ __ ] chef doing that no it's just this normally boomer streamer that's good i can sit back down ah thank you espada for the 2.50 cents have you ever had hers cheddar horseradish chips i've not i'll buy them the next time i'm at the grocery store are they available because that sounds pretty good i love horseradish i like it on sushi because that's what you're putting on your sushi essentially most of the wasabi that you put on sushi is actually just green horseradish i just ruined i blew you mine right there didn't i real wasabi is yeah it's pretty rare they have it in some places if you eat sushi it's 7-eleven no what don't even serve sushi at 7-eleven that's against the law at this point you can't legally have sushi at 7-eleven they still do no no they don't has anyone ever bought sushi from 7-eleven and if you have why there had to have been a reason you were dared by it you got you lost a bet everyone that buys sushi from 7-eleven lost a bet previously that's how they make all their money is on lost bets i have i was hungry i was still hungry after puking oh that's too bad i'm i'm of the opinion though i might sound a little elitist here but uh unless i see the person making the sushi unless i order the sushi and they do it right now right there i'm not gonna eat it who knows somebody could have like stuck another tag on it at like the grocery store there's a grocery store sushi all right maybe but if it's just sitting in a box hey here's some salmon sushi how long has it been there for has it been on the [ __ ] ground in a bowl for more than four days i know somebody that's done that personally very much so i know them very well who knows how long they could have been in there yes they have standards but i want to see the person i want to order it and have it done and given to me in like less than an hour raw food i don't mess around with raw food i eat sushi i like i really like sushi but i don't mess around with raw food steak tartare i will don't i won't even touch it i won't even be in the same room if you have steak tartare in a room and you invite me over it's i'm going to be like a vampire i'm not going to be able to go in the room it's going to be like a satan going into a church like my like skin will start to burn um yeah sushi's great might wonder what my favorite sushi roll is have i ever said it on stream i don't think i have it's not california roll though i have two or three favorite rolls philadelphia roll is it my top three spicy tuna it's probably number one and number three is ah debatable it's out there somewhere but spicy tuna is my favorite especially if they do spicy tuna with like avocado on it but yeah with flakes tempura flakes now you just make me want to get a spicy tuna roll uh there's a sushi called philadelphia roll yes philadelphia roll is raw salmon and cream cheese rolled up with um usually what cucumber in it too now people that are going whoa that's gross um you know bagel locks you never had like cream cheese locks and bagels before it's kind of the same idea you never had a bagel with locks and cream cheese on it that's fantastic too if you have never had it smoked salmon cream cheese yeah that's that's the same idea it's just the soup it's a sushi roll and the salmon is raw in other words not the fish in spicy tuna isn't regulated quality and cut tuna doesn't have to fall into fda quality control because it's minced meat mixed in sauce what yeah but when i go to like nice sushi places that you can kind of you can like see them making it they don't do they don't like scoop it up like an ice cream scoop it's a sham i've actually been to a place before that had sushi and they the spicy tuna was scooped up with an ice cream scoop and i immediately was like i'm gonna eat that but i'm not gonna come back i still ate it and it was fine but now you think now that you say that i yeah they do a lot of ice cream scoop spicy tuna interesting i'm not eating an egg ever again except for the places that i know do it right uh i do like like uh just simply this tuna sashimi the nice dark almost purple fatty tuna it's really good with wasabi on it and that stuff's real because i mean it is that doesn't come out of an ice cream scoop you see the guy like two swords with two [ __ ] big blades in his hands and then he picks up the thing and he starts sliding carving cut carve and he puts on to eat it that shit's real lady they don't make that up that's not a stuffed animal what if it is but let's move on i think we got it from cheddar horseradish horseradish chips i will definitely try them germa lied about taco bell thank you for the seven dollars and fifty cents seven fifty they say hey jeremiah had the weirdest dream and you were in it you did you keep having dreams about me it's to stay the same this you didn't you have like two dreams about me already this is this is like i think this is dream at least number two or three you were a pirate captain and i was a member of your crew we were looking for the infinity stones and we had followed a map to this one specific island i immediately found all six under a rock brought them to you and asked you to put me in the rumble you got super mad and then i woke up thanks for the infinity stones can i be in the rumble the hardest decisions take the strongest of all decisions and then i [ __ ] push you also seriously wendy's mcdonald's and burger king aren't you forgetting one taco themed restaurant taco bell has good hamburgers is it not a no if you're talking about hamburgers burgers actual burgers we're talking about mcdonald's wendy's and burger king all these other places don't exist in the burger vast 10 000 restaurants by the way if you're wondering why i'm like stopping and stuttering i just like reached behind myself and like scratched my back and it's like there's like a scab back here why is there a scab back here i did i didn't get like what that's weird examine that in the mirror later was it like a [ __ ] leech on me earlier that's weird uh anyways a taco bell is not a burger restaurant it is a taco restaurant therefore it is compared with other taco restaurants which there are not very many fast food taco places there are some and they say put me in the rumble against the other germa lied memes there are too many there are too many german-wide usernames to fit on the screen and no this is just you trying to get in the rumble from no you're just trying to get in the rumble a couple more bits are came in here a little bit earlier we had uh ragar noi for the two dollars and i [ __ ] that up you cook your cooking is like watching someone give birth directly to a wood chipper all right that was worth reading that's good have a great rest tonight take care guys thanks for hanging out hope you enjoyed it that game was fun and i had a lot of fun hope you did too take care everybody have a great rest of your night good night [Music] move move move fine i'm i'm moving how do i put this down all right [ __ ] it i'm just putting up there oh god okay here we go seven minutes what broke what it's fun i'm trying to get into sick [Music] get in oh my [ __ ] god the whole thing came up oh my [ __ ] god i do it every time what happened to the pan [Music] god damn it i [ __ ] can't believe it [Music] oh my [ __ ] god i just can't put it down [Music] no [Music] i [ __ ] hate this guy i'll clean it later oh my [ __ ] god i can't believe it whatever one two three [ __ ] [ __ ] god damn it there's a [ __ ] grenade in here why with it no perfect [Music] oops i don't care don't don't don't explode catch it get to the bottom [Music] okay we're good are the potatoes oh [ __ ] shake it up a little bit that's [ __ ] fantastic i'm glad okay i got it i got it i got i got it [Music] you [ __ ] dumbass oh god dammit what the [ __ ] have i done what [Music] [Laughter] i need a spatula i need a spatula i need a spatula oh no um [Music] got transferred onto the plate and garnish with eight grams of oregano i swear to [ __ ] god guys don't move [Music] what the [ __ ] was that somebody just walked up behind me and i didn't see them come in the room still doesn't make any [Music] i'm gonna sense my mind okay oh my god just take it i hate this so much i i swear to god i swear to god like why why does it have to be able to do that [Music] i didn't do anything i just placed the plate down on the counter you i i didn't even move it i need that stuff i need that pain in the ass oh my god oh look at that
Channel: Skye4
Views: 45,609
Rating: 4.9365582 out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma
Id: cRqNJw-Y1Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 9sec (11169 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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