Jerma Streams - Golf It! [with Ster and Poke]

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okay I downloading it right now I got to ask unmute is this a is this a wd game or is this a controller game okay move my controller out of the way it could be a loud game okay I'm kidding all right I have it installed uh let's do it nothing to it okay I really thought someone would follow up on that play golf it it is kind of a loud game just to make sure do you [Music] understand how how do you play you just hit the ball mini golf yeah how was golf work you don't know how golf works I always see people with the clubs yes okay I think it should be illegal to have your game be loud on launch illegal I agree I don't know just like removed off steam I feel like there needs to be a gamer goog yeah I I I I I I'm just traumatized is even talking about it that fucking deam May Cry thing I don't I don't it doesn't I don't understand oh we can have there skins hold on what do you what is it part of me think I should even say this but part of me thinks that you you thought of that idea and like that's the reason why you played devil B cry and just waited like hours until that moment to press the sound that would have been hilar that would been like what a plan but no oh no plan thinks you even want to play devil M cry and you just wanted to play the sound hey drma fix your audio my audio what's wrong with it what's wrong with it read your chat I don't know oh it's because I I turned it down because um oh CU we're you don't like us well I didn't want to get by a splash screen all right are we uh how we we just how do we play um I'm trying to invite is it a steam invite I probably am off line or something I am currently online on Steam right this moment I'm going to need 15 minutes to figure out how to okay you got me I was going to say to make myself visible on Steam do I have you on Steam germa I think you should I feel like we've done it before if not then stir s does St is a little quiet yeah I'm going to turn everybody up in a second turn me way down just need to get in the game first um I'm poke are you w Jerry yeah okay can you see me s i I tried to wait no no I can't see you wait wait wait wait wait wait what's your name there you are smashing good time I don't think I can oh there you go they invited you to play do you want to join yes okay hey look at us look at us doing this stuff so uh Winner Takes all huh do you want to put some steaks on it with a slice of American cheese put uh should I put on collision mode yeah we how does this how does this game even work is a good question there's no like room code I could show right how you play golf we're just good honestly I think it's just you'll see hold on I got to I got a hold on I got a can you guys see why is this so small this is Tiny oh there we go okay I we ready yes try I'm learning the buttons it's weird on controller all right so you hold left click yeah po can you give us like a a tiny tutorial all right so you want to aim where you want to you know shoot the ball yep and then you left click and then you move your mouse back like in real life like a golf club and then you it up oh you just went okay one yeah you played before that's just um weird yeah so like now you're going to have to like take one article of what did I get it wait wait wait wait this is very important press escape and change go to options and change your balls oh I gave myself a cool thing already yeah I got a pizza ball okay good oh oh [Music] fuck oh what's the part on this two part [Music] two thanks get out of my way now you've got a cool ball get out of my way now double bogey that's that's a that's awesome double bogey that has to be good right oh you've played this game before how would you know it's good it's just shit you hit my ball yeah you hit my ball actually oh oh went into the water oops whoa hole in two [Music] come on S you do it do it I know you can do it you get it there you [Music] go almost damn part two okay this is oh all [Music] right damn it I was going to say two can play at that game but they can't [Music] all right this one goes all the way up this one does go up o sorry really [Laughter] d Almost oh shit okay that was way too hard no you hit my ball oh oh my all right at what point do I just do the thing where I just drag it up and drag it in this one is not this one's not how golf works I got it I was so timid with that and it's annoying oh my gosh what am I doing oh my goodness is gracious all right we're going to get in trouble because we're so bad they're going to think we're doing this shit on purpose in what real life scenario do you need to golf this way how is this helping me how is this helping my [Music] game um it's about Precision it's a Precision simulator I already scored I don't know what's going on with you guys sir you're on like stroke 30 I don't want to talk about it I don't know how I'm this bad I'm telling you like this game I you're the guy that complains about mini golf at mini golf I'm just saying in a real life golf scenario when do you have to operate at these angles how is this preparing me for adulthood I I didn't even get to finish it actually didn't let you finish oh oh no damn it oh yeah actually it went in well oh two back to backs I started off so strong on the real golf courses and then we're doing this Looney Tune shit now St are you also the same kind of person that gets irrationally angry at bowling as well uh no cuz bowling doesn't matter oh you know like oh I this is my third time coming up here and I hit two pins again I'm fucking furious and I I don't want to be here anymore no oh it goes AC that's tricky you guys hear the music too yeah I turned it down driving crazy where where does this go what what can we is it like a map view yeah can we get a mini map oh you can scroll out there's a button I think press V you press V kind if you get it in a different one oh oops oh just a smashing good time playing golf with the lads just hang it out got [Laughter] you that's going to be good enough hey I made it what so what coffee do you drink that makes you feel better than other people what coffee do I drink that are you is a question for me or for p like like if you no for you cuz you're the coffee [Music] guy if you want to like feel like distinguished and better than everyone as you often do what like what do you go for any kind of drink noce a lot of mugs in your house by the way yeah you you put hot liquid into the mug how many mugs do you have two poke how many mugs do you have five okay thank you cuz I don't want the the chat to be like the same mug from the other day right you know they get really weird about it like same same the same mug back to back I feel like that's the responsible thing to do if they have a problem with it then they can you know just wash their dishes every day and then destroy the environment do you have any fun mugs poke cuz I mean there's practical I have a lot of very funny mugs I'll show you yeah I have like three like one mug that makes me laugh like really hard it's not about all the function stir it's about you know sometimes you want like a funny goofy mug I have one mug of summit 1G it's good I don't know that's one of them make it it's not the funny one I don't have any funny mugs I have a pure white mug plain vanilla and I have a black one with a wood handle that's okay are polar opposite mugs you know and you know what you know where the fun comes in you want to know where the fun is I only have been using them for hot chocolate that's fine it's a hot beverage that's what's wrong with that okay yeah but that's what I mean is hot chocolate kind of you know like makes you uh portrays you as someone uh a man of the people but if you're what are you drinking espresso out of your own mpro you're not a man of people anymore drma why not why you can't if you drink espresso you're no longer a man of the people what do you what does that mean it means that you don't care about the Working Man anymore you guys like not get anxiety from coffee I don't drink coffee I'm not I'm not a coffer I just like a Starbucks coffee I feel like that's illegal it's just way too [Music] strong you yeah coffee is I kind of just want something in my hands if I'm honest I just need there something to sip on got you blocked that is way further than I thought it was I'll remember the stir stir hates normal people what that's not true uh I drink a lot of tea I drink a lotfe I drink hot chocolate I drank hot chocolate too that's not going to actually okay wait score from there oh shit can [Music] I poke you're [Music] genius uh but I drink tea I drink coffee I drink hot chocolate I drink pretty much anything hot pick a pick a side they're all good te you have you ever had like a good hot tea you yes you have you've you've had tea before you're unwind wait no you wait a second wait I think I think he's pulling something over on us right now I can't help it my brain is wired fucking wrong okay [Music] you like tea though I've seen you drink it before yeah I I do that could be a whole in one right there oh oh come on your dentures just fell out mid-sentence I don't even know who's winning oh bro you got so much hey I'm going to go as high as I can on this one do it as hard as you can that was weak that was actually kind of weak okay okay oh shit yeah see you in the next course hold on next one can you dunk it in like that you probably can I did I just did it and it popped out uh can we just skip this one like say that well you have one minute before um Luigi okay okay oh God that was too [Music] hard you're hitting it way too hard are all Landing in the same spot you got to pull back by at least 80% dude oh did see same thing happened to me I'm so sorry I let all the sterman nightes down over Simpson oh the bounce saved me nice started s are you okay there we go boom boogy all right what does this one do what does this one you got to gock you got to go fast yeah oh that's a little too [Music] fast oops I'm going to try I'm going to try some crazy nonsense sorry thought this was supposed to be a fun game all this is Chill I like it a lot oh fuck I'm blasting it I am absolutely blasting this one okay that doesn't work that [Music] way there we go poke are you waiting for us yeah that's so kind of you I'm just chilling oh nice shot that's a home run so is this is this the last one yeah this one uh you're going to either hate it or one shot it oh I see H wait so you played this before and you're cheating yeah I bunch of times so if you win isn't that like not fair I'm last place right now is it tab I'm trying dude I'm in first place I feel like you poke you kind of left out what you're drinking out of those mugs [Music] water oh God damn it I don't like that answer this sucks higher numbers aren't better in golf yeah look s holy shit dude I don't drink tea I just drink hot water okay as long as it's hot cuz I feel like if you're putting something in a mug and it's not hot it's a little what ises nobody drink hot water ever I feel like hot water would make me go to the bathroom I I drink hot water you do yeah what no like just just hot water by itself I do it when I'm in the shower and I also sometimes I do it before streams wait if my throat's all but so you drink tea so why don't just put tea in there for like a little for like a little buff also for a little buff yeah it's like it doesn't have like oh my fucking god listen I'm a man of the people you're going to beat me stir I'm going to hit this like 30 more times thank god well that was just the warm-up so we all know it didn't count and obviously the person who's played this before won I cheated they've got like Cosmetics on their ball and stuff keep your head up King thanks uh yeah you you don't drink the the shower water no I put it I get it in my mouth and I swish it around and spit it out it's not good enough to swallow so you just sit under there and just like I don't get it it's it's honestly as much water as you could drink it's basically infinite you're just giving it out [Music] okay oh my God no no seriously go germa there's so much bacteria in there go to a store chat member you're talking about him I didn't say this buy a bottle of water how much does it cost take a [Music] shower I'm confused what you're saying I'm saying that it's infinite free water in the shower why wouldn't I drink it yeah there's infinite free water in the toilet too you don't see you lapping that that up dogs do so you actually drink the shower water yeah what is what it's it's water okay how is that different than your faucet that's not really that big of a deal I don't think but it's just it's a little it's a little odd I would say then again I have brought a nice ice cold can of Coke into the shower before too try it or just like just weirder well just cuz no but here's the thing I in that's not weird but in my mind I said fuck it I don't care like I'm just going for this this is weird I don't care like that was the mentality wasn't this is normal the mentality is this is a weird bizarre thing to do I'm just going to do it your fuck it moment was I brought a cold Coke into the shower let's got a hole in one I don't have to listen to you literally everyone got a hole in one no you oh a did you I did oh I thought it stopped right at the goal you ever eaten an orange in the shower I can't even say that word but also too all right when we talk about these things guys I think a lot of people get a little bit of a misrepresentation from the things we talk about because I think people take these things and go oh he drinks a can of Coke in the shower every day I did this once when I was like 19 like this is not a regular occurrence this is something just strange that happened one day yeah grown ass man in the shower shower beers I can I can see it people like drinking like cold drinks in a hot shower I've heard it's like a thing you know I've read that before get in there oh wait nobody going to come close to how good that [Music] was Poke maybe you will damn he got it nice yo is this the ghost one are there ghosts in here can't see very slowly it says oh come on you blocked me I didn't mean to I'm not going tell you guys are both gone I'm not going till you're gone I'm not going to go now we both can't have any fun I'm right I'm right next to it h you hit me like I was nearly a hole in one you told me to do it [Music] slow you guys ever like go in the shower and and wash your feet uh yeah okay am I stuck here what is this yeah what's going on here holy fucking shit all right I think I'm going to make up some ground on that one that might have just sealed uh sealed the game what just happened you got to you got to hit these wedges or something you have to just like get [Music] lucky no no just yeah oh you you have to go up the thing oh I was I was going for a sicko shot keep trying keep trying [Music] are you oh that's annoying if you're in the white line it should count yeah dude I know how they can make the Zoomers care about um golf make the hole three times as big and have the ball be fucking like two times as big like swollen swollen I think they should put they should put instead of like sand oh there's sand on this field it should be [Music] clowns it just be with a beach ball make the you got a hole in one yes sir why hit the bucket I hit the bucket ooh does that not count oh shit it doesn't uhoh S really you can't hit the bucket stir wow I I can I'm just holding like you knew the bucket was there before you even went I didn't actually I just got I really didn't I don't remember anything bounce up there I'm stuck I'm stuck I hit the bucket do anything oh the bucket is a win I thought okay guys I'm glitching out God he stinks at this are you left clicking no is there like a reset yeah are check out this bucket [Music] shot check out this bucket shot it actually is deceivingly hard to [Music] hit check out this bucket shot D is suffering you've got a ha over here that is so happy to see this eat that haters oh slurp on that one got like it's water coming out of a shower head I have to turn I have to time that person out [Music] now that's somehow the worst possible thing that could have happened oh great so you guys are just going to be both white but I have the trail on mine yeah but like you can change your color oh how do I do it there's a color tab in [Music] there I don't think we can I don't think we can do it here I thought the pizza was enough am I still ahead of you okay yeah but by by a lot man am I bad at this how does this one work oh how would you get a hole in one on this one go medium speed I [Music] think wait what the fuck am I looking at here just wait there sir nah [Music] I don't want to get I should have no you're right what I didn't even know that was there yeah it's a depth perception uh we all know that you only have one third eye in like in the middle that can see and the other two eyes are are plants by the government you guys can rotate a cube in your head right yeah wait what like can you rotate a cube in your head like you can see it and it's visually it's there you're rotating a the cube is rotating in your head right now yeah okay what's the cube though well just uh I think there's a lot of a lot of people that don't have that like internal visual monologue which is interesting to think about cuz like I can just see I could watch whole movies right now if I wanted to that sounded really braggy and I don't I don't mean to brag I don't know why that sounded braggy for some reason I could watch a whole movie right now if I wanted to it's like okay settle down in school there was like those kids and that one kid in art class that had like a Picture Perfect Memory what was it called I think that I don't know yeah it's no it it is it's called something photographic [Music] oh look at that tiny little board right there you guys are just smashing it and getting lucky I'm out here actually like hitting it with technique is that is that why you're rolling on the right side flush with the wood cuz I don't see you scoring okay yeah cuz you guys got lucky by Smashing it let me get it just just smashed It smash poke you just gave me a hole in one he don't tell her I didn't smash it that was [Music] calculated sounds interesting oh this is the uh track Mania for everyone that was way too hard shit oh [Music] please this music is making me a little bit crazy uh making me a little bit I don't know know track Mania you should you guys should play track Mania people are saying I'm down I've never played [Music] it can we just play with each other I'm not sure how it works I wonder how um you kind of all just race on the same map at the same time and it keeps all your scores and like Whoever has the fastest time wins so kind of yeah it's like racing against ghosts but it's people have you played a while back either one you played f99 no I'm too lazy to set set up my switch I don't understand where this is going it's worth it in the net but why what's my Ball's motivation all right why is this behind [Music] us [Music] you really you really going for that uh I was I was hoping I could knock you off but that just ruined everything for [Music] myself want to try it again yeah in three two that's that's not right they're just smashing it and getting lucky I thought you were going to go with uh go early so I'd miss oh [Music] shit no no wait what it resets you all the way oh no that's way too hard wait yeah did I think that's the next map oh that's the next wait that's the next one oh my goodness oh it is it is [Music] okay I still didn't get it oh why would they line them up like that who does that cuz it's hard say'll offset it by a little bit why that doing the three phase oh shit can you just call them all good kittens and not say like why are you guys to say like oh that's my good little kitties a oh you almost got me [Music] in come on what's your guys favorite water I actually just did this uh like a couple months ago really yeah me and Holly we decided what our favorite Waters were wait there's a second oh my God goal what's your favorite uh this is going to sound really annoying but mine okay I have I have a water filter I have like a reverse osmosis filter and it just tastes way better than anything that I bought at the store I have a reverse osmosis filter with my cappuccino machine I'm one of the normal people I just drink cappuccino out of my mouth how do I get one of those Stray From Italy a water filter oh okay I do a little bit of reverse osmosis with my water I will not let that shower water touch my tongue I do sound like that I do s yeah I sound like that you're right do you like ice like do you have a good ice machine I love ice only the finest from the Titantic I like well he's being goofy so uh we are trying to have a conversation about different liquids yes sir do you want to join in on the liquid CL or I said my favorite water was shower yeah that's not your favorite water though that's just you the thing you [Music] do it doesn't that [Music] correlate um I I forget o what was what was my favorite I think we took a picture of like our ratings hey hey hey honey honey what's my favorite water I know I did this hey sweetheart what what what kind of water do I like man I just don't have the touch I have the touch of a big man and I'm playing with a bunch of little babies you told us we were smashing it and now you're what have you been doing [Music] then let me see what was it what what water was it that I liked again hey I'll tell you I got a coffee machine and I got a water filter and I don't buy bottled water anymore I don't go to fucking Starbucks day have either of those things and neither do I I have a sink have you seen what comes out of [Music] that [Music] sorry I had you on ignore what did you say I said water comes out of my sink that's the way that that's the way my apartment came they just they just gave it to me that way what if they're giving you bacteria all right then I'll be stronger for it oh he's just smashing it I actually just did this to make sure you always smashing it it's just working people are begging to mute the music oh um I think it's almost over oh my God Marty likes my water good it's good [Music] watch this [Music] smash sick hey watch this [Music] smash you literally threw me off the map I'm going where we where what what is this a different country or something where did we go oh haha guys oh this one's tricky come on get over there come on come on come on don't break don't break don't break this one's not going to break it didn't break at the very end oh fuck I thought it was going to break I thought it was going to be blue liquid it came out it's okay wow like looks like I got the most points again guys are going to have to catch up I can't read this this is fucked I like I I don't even know what what I was trying to say when right this is like a whack this is like a wacky fucking mad scientist writing what your your water list yeah we made a water list and I don't I have no idea what any of this is supposed to mean hold on what is the this wasn't even for stream no you just did a water list yeah for fun yeah for fun how do we see this can can you send that to me on [Music] Discord what I don't know what any of these this stuff means I it was we were writing down like core water Smart Water uh water from from the tap and the sink why I don't know it was fun wait you know do fun things that's CRA off stream is crazy everything doesn't have tell anyone until now no how high were you not at all actually I just never done it before okay let me you've hold on a second I've never done hey guys hey anyone in chat have you ever did a water list before I've never I better sit down and clear sound mind let's do a water list of honey we sit around and do cereal tear lists and soda tear lists well I can't in my own time in my own dwelling do a tier list with my girlfriend why not why does it why does it have to be on on camera honestly it would be weird if it was on camera as well but it it really just is weirder that like in that's what you do with your spare time okay okay okay all right well I'm I'm getting the photo photo is going to be delivered okay I I will have the photo delivered to my stream in literally probably 5 minutes all right cool okay okay so do you have you guys played phasmophobia yeah it's fun that didn't sound like it was very fun to me how about demonologist demonologist wait I think that is that's I think that's the one you were talking about oh yeah it's like SCU fun be fun yeah I don't know down for a horr game um s do you want to play horror I think I'm probably going to call it here soon okay cool I had a lot of fun today show water thing yeah let's talk about the water Tail list yeah let's get let's get this make sure we get this in so did you test each as you were writing it down or was it a simple uh it was just it was a kind of it was a here we scrambled them so I think it was core water Smart Water um what do you mean you scrambled them it was just like we didn't know what which one we were tasting which one we were testing so it was core water smart water reverse osmosis um danani I think I don't know what the r is I don't know what the E is either I don't know what any of these mean okay well whatever so wait you set up you didn't say the oh yeah we did a tier list you didn't say we set up a blind taste test of all different types of water yes that's what we did how did you get the water did you order why are you leaving these details out like every I'm hold on well I got attacked the second I brought it up okay did did you make someone on instacart order every water give me give me one each and one Yellow Claw see if I can tell we need like a control group okay I I'm getting the photo every water in one Diet Coke okay here it comes I promise you need to see this yeah you're GNA have to you're going have to hold on so so you don't even you don't you did all of this and you do not remember I'm well it was a long time ago first of all this was a very long time ago this had been how long ago that you still have the paper I mean well no this was a photo that was taken from a phone this this wasn't on paper okay so let's try to go over this it's called water. JP what is it how come this keeps happening I save a photo and then it just doesn't do anything there we go okay here it comes okay I I I have no I don't I this is tricky because it's um you use blood this is a Nordic ritual Nordic shamic ritual this is the kind of shit the aliens are going to find a million years from now and they're going to be like wow what what what code were they writing what these ancient hieroglyphics it's like no it was just some dickhead and his girlfriend did a water taste test what does any of this mean it meant something it meant something B I don't know why there are two grades on why are there two grades hly dude why are there two grades do you know what that what it's for what what's the second grade for what does pars mean on the right that's C or S oh c or S which grade I don't know maybe we were high for this because I I don't know what this means okay well there's my water taste test what's crazy is you didn't want to show this like I asked this yeah I I didn't this was something this is something that I was never going to bring up ever no this is just something that that was done on a day look at what what else do you have oh a lot how much time do you have oh that's I took that picture I took that picture wrong pictures well that was a lot of fun it it's it's fun game with you guys I like it's it's I like this group it's a good group well I'll figure out more games for us don't worry I'll figure out a bunch of games I think VR chat will be a lot of fun too I would VR CH sounds amazing h i i rate party animals a plus Rd Plus+ and I'd say golf it was maybe like a RR D yeah C or S maybe yeah which I don't know but like it was definitely at least a crd Plus+ oh I I have I can't I have no defense on this because I don't know what the any of this means CR D+ plus so which water did you like ger very obviously reverse okay so reverse hold on sorry I'm G to YouTube that okay the rro is an A+ I okay rro was an A+ and an a for both so this the left side and the right side this is me and Holly I don't know Holly what side are you on do you know left are you on the are you the red or you the the black because I did not like core water core water was a c I know I know that for a fact and there's a c twice that's how you know it's real s is smartw water and I gave it an A and then I gave it an e i okay that's I think refresh refresh water there a B minus I'm give it an R for refresh and a d for dehydrated no no no no no R is refresh D is danani I gave Dan a b and then an S no I didn't that's a lie I don't even like that I don't want to show this anymore why didn't you do this as a tier list well because I wanted to I don't know I sometimes I just walk around my fucking underwear and want to drink water with my girlfriend and fucking talk about it for a few minutes all right I'm I'm getting out of here I'll see you guys later yeah I'm left speechless I don't have I there's no followup this real s e r r++ stream guys all right see you soon yeah BS see you guys thanks for playing though guys it was fun see you okay well there's that thanks for watching everybody always a good time with that crew for sure yeah not a long one but they they don't have to be I had my fun that was good so now uh the next time you see me will be before twitch con you will see me before twitchcon let me see I don't really have a plan I know a lot of people are asking but I don't really have a plan to be at twitchcon I will probably be kind of floating around for some stuff but I don't it's not like oh on Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday I'm going to be walking that that's probably that's not happening so I I plan on making an appearance here and there but it's not like oh I've got a Mee and grade on the floor no that that I'm not doing it at all just going to kind of hang out in random places yeah uh keep an eye on the sus I'm not going to put the sus as anything right now because I'd rather give you a reliable day in the middle of the week but I'll be live before twitch gone so we'll figure something out good games thanks for watching thanks for hanging out call your mother come on what about steam next Fest um probably not going to do any streams on it well I we'll see how long is it how long is it gone we'll figure it out take it easy have a good night see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 47,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, golf it, jerma golf it, ster golf it, pokelawls golf it, jerma and ster, jerma and poke, pc
Id: 9lWk6W7z_qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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