Jerma Takes a Trip to Flavortown - Jerma Streams Bugsnax (Long Edit #1)

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but out of 10 pizza joints how many are great you like one how do you find that great place Dad it's easy we watch triple d That's My Boy odd Watchers go back and watch die Dallas encounter I didn't say if you did somebody did someone someone is you're going to die over a handful of chickens someone is hi guys say die Dallas the right way please umus dellis how spell it out phonetically for me idus bug snacks did I say it right bug snack day Dallas that wasn't Mr Satan no it wasn't Mr Satan That was supposed to be like a half goofy d d hold on somebody has it here D dullas datus the dalus encounter now the dialis is way better you guys ever get a word in your head that you pronounce wrong and you know it's not correct but you don't care cuz it's in your your own head Cannon and that's how you pronounce it that happens frequently with me this game is just putting ketchup on ants stuff that's kind of weird ketchup on ants please eat my yummy bugs yuck there's hot sauce wait do you actually eat bugs in this game is this an actual bug eating video game I thought that was just a name yes you do you eat insects I guess the game is called Bug snacks it's not called like bug Trapper or bug Farm it's called Bug snacks this game is dumb all right people this is really requested and plus it came out like what last week and $10 million off the debt if he eats a real bug no I we're in pre-stream tat we're talking about this I I'm not into the whole like eat bugs on camera and scream and cry and stuff when you're eating them why do we think that's cool that's so strange it's like bizarre and terrible for this challenge you need to eat 12 scorpions in 15 seconds why that like it's horrible that sucks and it probably hurts and the person's just going like no I can't a and then you're sitting on the couch going yeah cry cry what what's wrong with people why do we think that's interesting that's like horrible why we why people think that's cool I don't know yet I don't think I can eat another cockroach yeah yeah yeah you'll choke on that cockroach you piece of where's the entertainment what's the value there dude stop I'm not trying to get Jesus Christ eating bugs is H all right let's go we just got 50 bucks from uh well I say we but I mean me uh we got why is everything we you know what I mean like okay are we going to uh what are we going to do here we just got 50 bucks coming no that doesn't work like that Jeremy okay so what are we going to do you notice that a lot of streamers and YouTubers we do that well it doesn't work with doesn't work with the money part split [Laughter] it no uh no that was uh 5,000 bits from Lucas the unknown thank you Lucas and Lucas says my first ever donation to any streamer thanks for being here and that I will always support you first ever donation and it's a huge one thanks dude for the uh massive bit drop first ever donation give me my penny one bit per CH all right I can I can I talk about something for just a quick second you just reminded me of something okay so there are there are class action lawsuits right where some company uh I I I got something in the mail like I don't like maybe a year ago and it's was like oh I just want to let you know that uh you're the class action lawsuit for this you've been a part of uh yeah they they won they won and you can claim your uh four or5 from the lawsuit I'm just sitting there being like you going to send me a check for like five bucks what why don't why don't we just have these guys like rebuild a bunch of schools instead of sending everybody that was part of the class action lawsuit like a few dollars in a check just like take like the $400 million and like redo a whole city block I don't want the $6 we should be able to vote on what happens to that money I don't want the $5 I want you to I want you to redo a school lawyer germa Sanders but that's not that that's not that no it's not he's that's communist garbage it's not no it all look it already is doing that they're giving all of us $5 I'm just saying utilize that money in a better way instead of giving everybody five bucks let's redo the like a city in in a state and just pick one how do you even you cash a check for $5 I'm would go in there and be like ah yeah here's here's my check that I got for $312 uh I'd like that in ones please I'd like that I'd like that in coins I'd like that in pennies and the person behind the count is like who you want that in ones okay one two three oh my fingers are ow kind of getting tight I almost want to like I almost want to like mail it back and just write like you on the back right you redo a school I'm waiting for get on with it all right yeah I'm just telling you like we're talking we're talking here that's lawful evil that's not lawful evil would be I would try to find a way to get everybody else's check legally that's lawful evil neutral evil chaotic based hypers all right let's go long story short when a class asion lock suit pays out like $4 a person no just like I'd rather you make like game show and invite on like 25 people that were part of this lawsuit and make it like a $10 million game show and put it on TV start the game I'm about to co slw suit all right this game suck anybody know this is based cringe that I don't know that that's an oxymoron that doesn't make any sense yeah it's good all right it's called Bugs this there was a lot of you hear that like uh it's bug snacks ready I'm ready it's such a good good Game it sucks but it's cute I feel like a lot of you say that about me so should be all right okay this is us is our map what snacks move the C oh that's that's got to come down that's got to come down that's way too crazy 30 uh even more this is made in dreams it be kind of cool if it was actually all right let's go with uh 18 18 feels all right little lower still too high 14 that's good all right here we go going to raid we raided what's up raid from slime it actually is a slime raid slime SLE slime CLE just raided the real slime this is a real slime raid o spider have to pick that up but thanks welcome everybody we just we literally I just turned the stream on so welcome you you're in for a treat thank you slim cicle hope you had a good stream when are you going to be a slime tuber I don't know feel like I'm overusing that am I overusing like the monke S I feel like I am I I am I I feel like I am that's a crutch that's like a comedy crutch and I'm not going to use it anymore thought I was going to fall first fall joke of the evening not going to get it here this game is I don't even know I was going to say good but I don't I haven't played it yet that was a pizza that was a Flying Pizza is it supposed to do something two weeks earlier are we rolling it's a voice acted greetings I am lisbet meig Intrepid Explorer of the unknown Hunter of undiscovered creatures that's what happens when you mix of wus and a doin and she's a real charmer eel stop what the people deserve to know you're the only one who gets to know he's a mupp characters okay okay okay I'm Elize and I have made an incredible Discovery here on snack Toth Island snack too Island more than a mere Expedition my followers and I have started building a a new community oh how many followers do you have construction of our settlement is well underway I don't even get out of bed for anything less than a thousands are so far away from civilization What discovery could tempt us to start a new life in the Untamed wild this rude bug yeah they're the most delicious thing in the world Wicked rude you're right yeah that was incredibly rude it's true half bug half snack half bug half like them there's one now I got it I got it no he missed good effort filbo as for you I'm sure you're wondering why I've sent you this film I've read your work the shadow of grump foot The Secret of soilent grump pieces of Journalism like me you have a passion weapons around the Bel truths and also like me if you truly recognize your talent you are just the grum I need to share my story with the world so our settlement the the the threel word together you and I creates immediate hilarious reaction press on somebody to talk oh how about you how about kumby clumber nut the Justin Ryland name for a character if I've ever seen one wow that's your new lead another Monster Hunt do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused me I I thought that was a cross around her neck I was like oh a public apology all because your Grump foot turned out to be a lost football mascot we've been over this diplomacy only matter how I catching your articles are if I'm stuck cleaning up your sloppy work reader repulsa you're already at of Second Chances kind of sounds like you going to follow Elizabeth to some Grump forsaken Island Elizabeth MEAP fig is either a or a lunatic remember that whole mess with Grump lantis it's time is just latest delusion you know the best part about that song not that song that intro was it pumped you up because that's when the big buildup started to happen that [Music] like I I got I got so hyped up when I was a kid when she got out and she starts talking and that riff starts playing oh man nothing could wake you up on Saturday morning more than that riff you guys know that Simon from American Idol made that song up that's his legacy he wrote that song Simon I yes it's true Simon from American is Simon yeah you terrible that guy he like made that song go look it up I swear to God why don't you believe I'm gone this is a I don't want to read who cares desperate loser with diamond C yes he did he yes he did well Go Go Power Rangers Simon Cowell had a ton to do with it we'll just have to hear it from liser herself say you get an interview with her and make it back alive you just might keep your job you know nobody did the research get going and try not to fall off a cliff auditioning for American Idol and you do go- go Power Rangers while just staring at Simon KY like you know you're going to lose you're going to be one of the joke contestants but like not very not many people will get it but you'll get it it be like go go Power Rangers well staring right at Simon and then like when it's all done you're like a I love that song I really wish I could give gratitude to the person that had like produced it and created it and he would just be embarrassed and pretend that snack oh eov outer Wilds yeah we missed a ton of information but it's okay I feel like the f is the fov too small what is it right now 90 it's at 90 what about 95 that even change what it's not doing anything uh there's no fov difference that's what that's weird is it broken I feel like it's not 90 this doesn't look like 90 does it doesn't look like 90 to me may we do have to restart the game turn the game up you got it I say you got it liir is that you no they Grump you're alive oh this is way too loud stop listening to you guys too bad I'm dying though all right who are you what what are you doing here filbo what happened I was looking for you but uh I got hungry and I couldn't catch any bug snacks I okay where's liser that's a weird question mercy kill this guy wait you're not liser oh Grump you're going to have to put him down who you are please get me something to eat all well looks like you're not going to make it filbert I'll see you later see you in hell okay hooray um I think there's a bug snack right over there could you get a good look at it there's a snack over here what it is for me scan the bug snack all right new assignment started press F to open the snack scope oh cool stby a very simple snack watch its walking pattern they're a little shy but that's okay they just need some space loves um coconuts or something okay report to filbo I scanned it oh good that that one's pretty easy to catch Well you aren't me anyway Simon Cy had nothing to do with Power Rangers you goon take my snack trap what yes he did yes he did he like produced it his tracks come out of this bush put the snack trap down there and then we'll hide he bought the rights yes he did he had something to do with it he actually did okay you don't have your snack traps like that hold Q to open the wheel snack trap deploy snack trap catch the bug neack all right deployed oh I scared him get out here and get eaten over what are we doing wrong all right let's hide behind this rock all right put that down and hide where is he nice I'll pick it up before it es oh I got to get it before he gets out I got a strapy I can I'm going to do all these you know I'm going to do all these voices I'm going to do them you know I am I can't help it I it made noise I have to here have a wait let me talk to you first wow you got it okay now toss it into my mouth hole I kind of want to just push you in the river now the don't eat those oh yes I'm saved oh this pretty neat huh it's a side effect of eating bug snacks poison any who I'm still recovering I could use maybe three more bug snacks sure that scope of yours will come in handy but I want to do as if you were Birds you're my baby bird I'm going to chew it up and I'm going to spit it into your mouth you are you into that you okay with that you don't have your snack trap selected all right we need to get three bug snacks okay let's let's get three bug snacks you see any strawberries all right I see a I see a a peach snake what is that all right now go in there got it it's a rutal scan it oh it's all right all right now we have to get another we got to get two more didn't scan you soft locked it and I didn't there's no such thing as a soft lock in like a bug game oh up there scan it there a green L of latches onto snacks and traps with its unsettlingly long tongue all right how do I get that is there a way I can get that I need a tool I don't have oh all right cool into do it oh wait there's another one all right hold on wait what's a I can scan it scan this carrot now it's a carrot Burrows into the soil when it's scared all right we put this down put this in your field of view right there and hide what what are you doing give me that back how do I get that give me this back why did you do that what what did say press e to get it back e retrieve e e you're lucky I don't have a gun got two rutles let's get one more does he does the guy like rutles what kind of food does this guy like oh he hates them well I'm sorry but like Beggars can't be choosers if you tell me go get me food and tell me what you don't want you don't give me the specifics like your dietary restrictions like if you say hey go pick up a bunch of food for me all right man I'm you into like uh like you into peanuts yeah sure wait no let me let me redo that reset three 2 1 it's like if you got like an hold on reset that again in three 2 1 okay so like if you would to order food for somebody and they said get whatever I don't care and then you come back with like a bag of peanuts and they go dude I'm allergic to peanuts what the wrong with you it's like dude you should have told me what you were allergic to before I went and got food sign it ship that close it cut point right there thank you where's the joke no it wasn't a joke it was like a cool reference to like cut to all right I'm going to feed this guy carrots oh he's going to have carrot legs awesome a Family Guy no it's not a Family Guy why would that be awesome that would be terrible that would suck all right is there any more rutles or or Str ah can it all right that's the path ahead all right place that hide come on out wrapped him all right let's move is he going have a strawberry leg he is you are a life why I get that close oh sorry I was too busy dying to introduce myself I'm filbo fiddle pie isn't one of the gremlin andin too like this mayor around here vegetable Gremlin um sorry if this is a stupid question but uh what are you doing out here uh I'm here to investigate the bug snack oh good news they're all over the place it's AR hard to cat stop playing this fetish game I know who you are you're the journalist I knew it was stupid to ask this said you'd be coming a bit late though still it's my job job to show you the way to town follow me all right you're running pretty damn fast dude all right what's the right hook button hey buddy I have to tell you something mhm I'm supposed to take you home but lizber might not be there what I don't know where liser is I was out here looking for her but who knows maybe she will be there when we get back is this the actual mayor she wouldn't want to miss her interview with you ready to go buddy or is this a terrible Halloween costume like you're the mayor of flavor town and you just in like a white T-shirt and but like you get to make like the guy Fier joke every night and people like laugh at it because they like oh that's funny okay I get it right all right through here yeah so he's like [Laughter] you why are you playing terrible Games 2 days in a row what this is um excuse me people love this game this is like a really popular game that people love I look I accepted yesterday but not today Farm you're still alive thought you'd to starve a death by now nope I journalist they're also pretty good at hunting bug snacks I was going to bring them back to snacks that's nice don't you want to come with no why not I got my Paws full with my ketchup crop it is that's around to catch bug snacks I got to keep us all fed that's Chris M uh he's like he gave his voice to the game he a blizard but it's better than nothing you want us to die out here no no but uh but this Garden is just so far away from everybody it clearly says could another one in town all this one quits I don't quit now kindly leave weird take a ketchup for the road ketchup there a hamburger bug darn Bunger get out of here stranger wait this hamburger help this Bunger goes wild for ketchup there's a pen set up nearby take my saw Slinger gather up some ketchup and use it to leave the Bunger Over Yonder Bunger all right press on a nearby sauce Farm all right let's get some sauce catchup all right fill it up I have how much ketchup do I need might as well fill the whole thing all right now le lower the Bunger into the pen come on over here Bunger Bunger get in there we get to split this right thanks stranger we better go check on filbo Bunger Bunger [Music] Bunger I love this cheeseburger guy all right all right check on filbo like fell down here right they're like Pokemon wait scan that thing yeah scan these all right it's a french fry bug climbs on to high walls Out Of Reach but will come down if it smells cetch jum got him got a frider frer all right what about this thing something in here what was this one scan it first before I catch it there's a bush tasty enemy frider and there's a burger snack knocks away traps it also tackles anything covered in ketchup wait a minute does it know does it know come tackle this and break this guy out of here hunger hey get over here check that out what's that no he went the wrong way I can't catch him wait give me this back all right get that cover that and catch up oh my God you idiot all right hold on I'm going to get this all right Bunger this way Bunger look check that out no no no no no no no no wrong way come back here this game is dope oh go yes yes now go crash into that we go oh snipe I didn't scan him oops shishka buug shishka buug wait there's a shishka buug over here once this pest hides it won't come out of hiding until it's forced yep all right cool so let's just let's get this guy again wait he's pretty stupid he might just walk into it oh stupid break him out why can I not pick up the the burger the burger buns you're a stupid why am I stupid all right where's uh where's filbo he fell off this bridge hey not very nice oh there wait there he is do you want some food uh don't you worry I'm a I'm a little sore but uh I'll be a okay okay I'm just happy you're getting along with w a different trap okay he's having a hard time and his wife isn't around much these days so uh just see if you can help him out I'll stay here until my brain stops hurting I'm sorry stranger I didn't mean for filbo to get hurt like that he's right though I'm in over my head I know farming would be easier back in town and those shishka bugs anding me you want some well I'll be cold and buried before those walking appetizers make me go home starving let's start with the frider got it already down with ketchup and then let me eat it oh man I your your food is already arrived the food already arrived FR all right I gave him a weapon tastier than I thought now I want to eat those darn Shish bugs I got those too those pests are easy to Spook and they don't even like ketchup not sure why they bother with me figure out how to Wrangle them and I'll be S go he wants two of these these Tomatoes they have tomato garlic butts and beef bums beef I don't know they look like they're garlic and beef and and mushrooms and bums Ah that's good eating all right last bit of business let's get revenge on those bungers they're too wly for your trap but if you can get them all woozy and vulnerable you can scoop them right up with this net okay you got the bug net now you can pick up bug snacks when they're stunned really oh here we go catch this thing with the net where's the net where's the net oh is you don't have to even equip it all right so how do I stun you how do you get stunned get out of here okay what what else I had to set him up scarecrows to give him something else to tackle now look at this net that you just found oh all right oh look at this net that I just found not on me idiots have you ever tried to catch a real life superhero have you ever used a disguise Ram another Bunger Bunger versus Bunger sounds like a shitty law firm and Bunger and Bunger we take your case dead serious all right hit him come over here PVP time go get that Bunger funger Bunger I think this is going to work all right Bunger Bunger okay no got him got a Bunger fnger here you go I got it just for you man fer what he should get a hamburger head Justice is served how come when they when they get bit down on they don't go like but they'll be back eventually like well I'm fixing garden growing again oh you really mean it let's get moving right away you know you're a pretty good Hunter like philbo said it's been rough since vanished R for some than others hey sure I could use help with this tree is it well best not to Dell well it's an e for everyone that's okay is Mario a kids game hold on I got this I disagree I played those Cube levels in Mario Sunshine I disagree yall just get along now I'll catch up wait is will he get Bunger in the face okay follow filbo to snack BG hey there um like oh my God is this squee really talking to me right now I'm not a squee it's a squee it says right here on my snack scope filbo personality type squeeb skills gold camera that thing's worth a lot of money it says that because you wrote that in yourself It also says you're a terrible leader I you is it like a dweeb like you're a dweeb like are you still here zon off [Music] squee your that's your my friend you're talking about don't worry we'll get our revenge slow and meticulous what do you know here eat this no you don't get any I'm not giving you any food OMG you're that journalist I haven't seen a new face in like forever I'm beica Winkles sne and I know everything about everybody it's pretty cool toue hair uncombed toue all right can I help you I love your snack scope you and me are toads twinsies I bet you've seen lots of great stuff let me take a peek at your Journal no it's mine you lost your Journal no big deal you can borrow one of mine I keep them in my cave bring it here I'll show you how it's done okay pick up the journal what that's my diary you swe your off of that all right I got all I got the journal we' playing solitire wait you're playing solitire by yourself in your house but filbert is the squee you wait you're going to call somebody like a squee and talk a bunch of and you're playing solitary on the ground in your house that's kind of that's not okay get a photo of this she's projecting I I've got the diary and whatever it is way to play vetch okay now open it up you're a belly oh it tells you what you've caught so far this is cool this is your bugopedia you can scroll through all the bug snacks you've scanned with your snack scope you can also check on their likes dislikes and hints on how to catch them now check out the other pages to see what they're all about loves beating human hearts and is afraid of bumper bug loves apple juice loves that's like tequila whatever that is 4900 calories why are these so many calories 30,000 calories you'd be for days 36,000 calories the human body doesn't even have like 2,000 calories you take in 2,000 calories a day that's like your total calorie count in your body what is this this is your grumped it's like a bugopedia but for grumpus this Blank Space will fill up with your notes once you get to know each grumpus better the self-appointed mayor he seems to be trying his best right he loves this person oh he he hates you why do you hate her why who you what do who do you who do you hate you hate everybody shark a sharp tongue socialite Snoop my bestie apparently likes gossip photography and breaking and entering okay you just you hate why do you you hate why do you hate him so much who's this have I met this person oh Lis bird okay this is your Clues page it's where you'll keep all your progress on finding Lis bird I don't give a about that I want to get interesting bugs this Clues here a report on lizb discovery of bug snacks what's this this is your quest list you can get in-depth info on all your ongoing quests you can also pin a quest to keep it visible while you're walking around this is your Snack Pack it's where you keep the bug snacks you've caught this is your map of snark snark tooth it's a map this is your list of tools just a way to keep track of all your snack catching gear oh you thought it was going to be another one cool all right now what see everything you scan with the snack scope winds up in the journal I have more for you to do but wus is scaring all the snacks away you'll have to come back later until then you should get FBO out of here okay bbo I'm ready to follow you let's get this over with Buddy crit sound how come there was never a a slingshot added to TF2 don't you feel like that could be like a scout primary that they just didn't capitalize on it's a regular old ghost town I don't know what I expected without lizber around nobody would want to come back here not primary I think it could work it's not much but it's still home let's get moving the Huntsman no no no no no different different all right so do we live in snack BG and when does when do the side effects of eating those bug drugs wear off cuz he still has those body parts is it ever wear off or is that just who you are now I'm sorry I guess you're not going to get that interview with lizber just yet why don't I interview you really a I mean if you want to um ask away I guess okay this is this is where I I I say here we go we're recording I turn it off and we just have a little conversation and I said yeah maybe I maybe I'll use that somewhere okay uh hey who are you I'm filbo fiddle pie I guess I'm sort of like a deputy mayor I don't know I'm not good at most stuff big quotes Deputy Mayor what else why did you come to snack to the island well libert asked me to tag along so I dropped everything and here I am s cow what hey how do you feel about bug snacks oh they're great I mean they taste good and they make everybody happy so what's not to love until you come down what do you think about that oh Lis bir and me go way back liser was is awesome she always knew what to do and she brought out the best in all of us MIT m in charge of watching when she went out H do make any sense right now okay so that's how you became mayor I mean I wasn't really in charge a deadly side effect nobody took me seriously but as long as lisb came his eyes are like all purple and red one day lisb went out hunting and she didn't come back I tried to step up and keep everybody calm technically I was in charge right but that didn't last long okay what why didn't last long there was a big fight and then an earthquake and then everybody decided they'd be better off alone the hell is dinosaurs died couldn't even keep us together for one day I honestly don't know what lisb saw on me I think we're done sorry buddy I didn't want to bum you out liser might be gone but you're here now nobody listen to me I feel like that thing's going to pop off and shoot me in the face you're pretty good at stuff and well nobody hates you yet you can catch bug snacks and bring everybody back to snacksbiscuits he you should find gramble on the beach if we get his Ranch going again that'll be a big help okay you could also go back and talk to bethi I guess anyway I'll be here if you need any advice all right good luck buddy okay you've got several quests to active you can check your quest in the journal and pin the one you want to have appear in the corner I got a couple of quests all right how's it going I just turned his leg into like a piece of meat I'm going to transform these are just terrible experiments I'm doing to these people okay we can find gramble or go back to Becca no no I don't want I Becca sucks I want gramble just remove one of those letters and big fan this is locked all this stuff is locked how do I break into people's things stop right there you violated the law simmering simmering Springs oh that's not the beach you didn't say criminal scum minus two yeah I'm just trying to keep you on your toes all right is this gr's inhabited again a surprising discovery you you are the ignoble journalist despite your lack of any and all useful skills I require your assistance you're not gramble who are you what a mless question now my experiments were halted with the unfortunate disappearance of aabel since a settlement's desolution finding new subjects has been vexing was it was that dog with the big teeth that does that who is egab local physician Elizabeth's companion very likely deceased Silence Yourself and listen you witness grumpus limbs transforming into bug snacks I call this process snack ification under normal circumstance ances this occurs at random however I have developed a method to direct the effect to specific limbs it's simple once you understand the internal mechanisms behind the molecular dissemination of snack particles this is the SN activator po SN activator in foot foot turns into stby understand what look at these arms [Music] don't say it I didn't even what am I supposed to do left foot but I can choose what kind of weird experiments to do very good I will allow you to feel as I don't even know what that is I meanwhile have some very interesting plans for my I read it I don't know what that is I just read things I'm a reader where did you go where did you just go oh this is chocolate you have more than one kind kind of sauce what's that thing it's a long nose a queel it follows things that it likes and it nudges them with its spoon ooh let's take it got it all right what does that weird lady want me to do want me do something right o look at all these uh strawberries all right hold on there's a lot of straw strawberries here scan I already scan strawberries I mean there's a floating margarito oh catch it oh this is the nest I'll get like 10 hereby oh crab it's a crapple this curious snack likes to dig things out of the sand and bring them to its lair oh it's an apple crab okay so can I catch you with this get the crab um I mean I'm going to try maybe I have to net him I kind of want one of the dancing Margaritas seash shell no no no no no no who likes chocolate anybody like chocolate oh he loves chocolate hey put that down oh wait okay I can get him chocolate and then grapple you pick up seashells oh wait I can what can I do with the seashell all right get the the the the weo she sells seashells by the seashore seashell she sells seashells by the seashore she sells seashells by the seashore she sells seashells by the seashore she sells seashells by the seashore almost sometimes I can get it find gramble on the beach wait wait wait wait there we go a snackery leaps in and out of the ocean needs to be caught in mid leap I don't have a way to get that wait can I like frisbe this and hit it in the head I probably can damn it all right where's gramble by the beach gramble Wait do you like chocolate what's up that thing it's a Pinella it bur Burrows into the sand to hide perhaps another bug snack could dig it out oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay so the crab digs that out and I can catch them both no what do you like loves chocolate okay here we go I'm going to use you for my own benefit I'm going to coat this with chocolate no get away get away dig him out dig him out go no all right well whatever I got you just oh my inventory is full can I eat them myself I got to feed somebody what do I do with the bugs what how do I what do I do with them you have to find gramble find gramble near the beach where the is this person near the founder there gramble and then there's somebody else wiggle this is KK Slider I can't wait for like the qu qu qu [Music] quack so gentle sweet and kind just like the oan [Music] BL I'm sorry to interrupt but wiggle your song's nice and all but you're scaring the little ones sorry you eat those inspiration is so hard to find I just have to sing wherever it strikes me I feel that way too I like this character maybe it could strike you over there oh but I hate to go alone won't you join me for a long walk on the beach like a date of course darling it would just be you me and your delectable stra why is this just some some singing the night away until we drift off to SpongeBob and Mrs Puff uh sorry every time I go to sleep arst depiction of of a vanish so no to all that but the date's still a maybe yes it is very well I will go and seek my inspiration hello T my dear oh calm down little ones wiggle means well she just what the is this it's a fun game for kids okay all right hey gramble what up who are you haven't seen you around here before if you're looking for bug snacks you best turn back these little ones are my kin oh I was looking for you well that's a relief Sor when I just put my head to the side and just drop a snack bug right in my mou I'm an aspiring bugn breeder I'm not too keen on going to town but I'm running out of room down here I want to get back to my barn trouble is some of my snacks went missing I'm not going back till they're all home if you want to help me then I got a friend to introduce you to feed him bug snacks make him eat [Music] one oh I can stby I can't car anymore see that stby that there is Sprout I've been training him to follow my pointer in his buggy ball Monkey Ball we were in the middle of training see if you can guide Sprout back here to us have a ball all right guide the buggy ball through the course you got the buggy ball switch to it with Q buggy ball guided this is so cool keep going you can do it you can do it oh that's the worst part of the Wario level in in the N64 Mario Kart I know nice work though keep going nice keep going you're almost there up there you did it come on yes look I did it he likes you oh Sprout's always been a good judge of character Sprout loves Adventure always got along well with lisberg too anyway I'm missing my three peel bugs they like to hide out inside little holes around the beach please find them those Little Cuties must be so scared without me eat him wait pick up this guy and eat him all right well but I have um I have too much stuff in my inventory do I have a storage unit or something how do I what I wow I want that one release them release them no they're mine feed the dude in town but e all right I'll release okay I will release one of each we're doing it fair I'm picking them at random there okay now I need to get three of these guy his peel bugs he said there randomly they in holes on the beach gigantic bits oh gigantic bits did come in and also let's start with red lemonade gave five Community Subs but they were tier two that's tier 2 Community subs from Red Lemonade that's nuts thank you for those and then 10,000 bits a 100 bucks in bits from I'm I'm omo 89 thank you omo thanks for the1 doll germa thanks for all the constant entertainment throughout all these years it's impossible to quantify how much happiness you've provided so consider this a small token of my appreciation I that you're never under any obligation to give me a scent though you're just hanging out here is enough for me thank you nonetheless and happy to have you now let's kill some bugs thanks for the 100 bucks it's a lot of money I don't see any holes on the beach do you wait like is that a peel bug catch lost peel it's definitely that it's like the basketball bug that's a peel bug it rolls up and hides inside holes or logs they'll have to be pushed out somehow oh I know what to do wait oh all right all right hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait all right push him out come here oh wait is there a way I can quickly activate this instead of switching or do I have to switch to it all right this's [Music] oneg get away from me there a peel bug in there just a squid word number keys are tools oh okay two outside of memes how is how good is this game um I it's it's kind of good it's just relaxing and fun this is a chill game I like it what about Elden ring what about Elden ring I haven't played I I'm not currently playing Elden ring true true true what do you mean true I have to re reload the area I don't see any more orange bugs look around more you Dingus I I mean I'm on the beach what are you talking about Clefairy every time I see a mean comment I'm going to do Clefairy off oh yeah Clefairy how does that sound another one Clefairy oh another one I you call me a I can go all day man ELO Clary I've got your snacks you got my little ones back but jeez you are the embodiment of the stinky cheese em want to unroll no what howain TR much why do I get that but I don't get it but I want you to bring them to me without catching them in your trap lucky you got Sprout to help out smother him in chocolate and those quees will follow him till the end of time thought this guy didn't like eating these things sauce buggy ball with chocolate lead two Weebles to gramble without trapping them that's fun all right come on come on quel all right come get it where are the quiles we both he loves it bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon it's bacon it's bacon oh y y y y y y yep bacon bacon bacon dogs don't know it's not bacon it's freak get in there Joey you're back I used to love that commercial when I was younger I thought it was the funniest godamn thing in the world it was like the GoPro POV of the dog nose running around going bacon bacon bacon bacon it's such a great commercial beging strips yeah show it hold on dogs don't know it's not bacon it's bacon Megan strips commercial what's the right one okay it's definitely this one bacon bacon bacon where's the bacon I smell bacon bacon bacon got to be bacon only one thing smells like bacon that's bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon there from that bag what's it say I can't read please please give me in the bag chewy yummy Smokey bacon there you go oh boy boy boy it's bacon no it's beging strips brand dog snack from Purina beging strips dogs don't know it's not bacon it's [Music] bacon wait there's a 20 they redid it all right we got to see if the Remake is any better hold on let's see if the remakes any better bacon got to get that bacon bacon bacon Smoky bacon meaty bacon tasty bacon bacon good bacon who wants a bacon St me I get it myself but I don't have y y it's beg no not even close love I love you I love I st there's no time like beging time no no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry wait there's another one bacon got to get that bacon SMY bacon crispy bacon tasty bacon bacon there in that bag who wants a bacon stre me I get it myself but I don't have thumbs bacon bring home no it's not as good no it's not as good is there another one where where's the original one no these new ones the old the what the old voice do it do it what the hell it's frozen there we go okay I I look let's compare the voices it's much better bacon where's the bacon I smell bacon bacon bacon got to be bacon only one thing smells like bacon that's bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon there from that bag what's it say I can't read please please give me what in the bag chewy yummy Smokey fake there you go oh boy boy boy it's bacon no it's bacon strips brand dog snack from furina bacon strips dogs don't know it's not bacon it's bacon that's way better it's John Madden it actually does sound like John Madden what if it was him it's joh get away from my ball that's not for you you that's for the other dogs all right where where where where where where I need another uh nose guy excuse me excuse me I can't whistles you know the one you know the one that goes can't do it but like you know you know exactly what I'm trying to do like that I got to have I got to have that bacon bacon BAC bacon bacon P me bacon Smokey bacon doesn't it stink you love things that stink go in there Ashley you're back don't you ever leave me again all right where's my money you did it oh my are all together again I'm so happy I could cry here goes e I'm ready to head back to the ranch thanks for all your help I want you to take sprout with you he's always wanted a life of adventure just holding him back Sprout your Papa's got it it's really loud now cuz I turned it up yeah we're good now job to do little bit lower we're good all your friends are going to a new home is oxygen in there you're going with this nice grumpus right here I'll miss you something fierce but it's okay you can come see papa any time you take care of sprout or else okay go see what befa wants look at this cool look at this little happy family all right let's we'll go talk to befa throw the sprout in the ocean and never come back um uh this guy here right yeah that guy there he is that's the one how's it going uh I'm going good and I've got something for you I've got a crab apple treat for you you're going to love it awesome oh wow that looks uncomfortable hey come here let's make you even more of a monster I give huge teeth so is this like the way to show your wealth in this Society if there's a guy with a bunch of fruits all over him and vegetable noses and stuff and is that like kind of like the top hat of this Society for the people that are walking around with just regular clothes and no fruits are they they're like lower on society well well well well look what the snack Dragged In oh I wouldn't have come back if I knew you were here we've got some so well I ain't about to leave now you made that manite me neither then I reckon we're neighbors again not really neighbor I I had that guy win a car on a game show you best keep your he didn't realize it you have to pay taxes on the car like they're getting away from you oh Charlie where'd you run off to don't ever take the car on a game show if you ever run one take the money okay you guys you guys have a problem what is it oh let's interview this guy interview all right but keep it short I got work to [Music] do okay who are you wus trouble ham farmer okay uh and why did you come to snark to the island to start a farm okay and uh why did you not do a farm back home like I can afford that seems like you never had to pay property taxes well I didn't take the house on the game show like you did thoughts on bug snacks uh what do I think about bug snacks they're pesky tasty confusing uh and uh what's so confusing about them well they ain't animals and they ain't plants Arthur organs No Seeds nothing and you have to eat them raw or they turn to Mush now I call that confusing well eat them raw or that's the really nice way to say eat them alive well when lisberg vanished I knew we needed a reliable food source without snacks I figured I'd Farm sauce as an alternative sauce though we would have been fine on bug snacks if it weren't for gramble now uh what explain to me the problem with gramble that weepy little Rancher thinks all bug snacks are his pets why did I do that why did I do that that was weird what the is wrong with [Music] me [Music] I I I did okay did did my um Noise Gate not pick up what I [Music] did good okay good good okay that's good okay thank God that's not record recorded we're good philbo needs to shut his grumping mouth trany is off somewhere poking at skeletons none of my dang business thank God so happy that it didn't get recorded when you've been married this long the little spats just pile up what did you do um do take much to knock them all down well if you must know right after that sound happened I waited about like a half a second and I [Music] went respectable type elizabe we'd trade sauce for snacks again or plants for Dr batter nugget to fix his medicine oh that's the town doctor you know egael Liz's partner worse well that's why I'm glad it didn't get picked up cuz it it's fun to talk about it but it's not fun to live it dangerous work could have slipped and fell okay snooze boring thanks for your time seems like a waste of your time if you want answers you need hard evidence here I dug this up the other day I'm thinking it might help you find a little now back to work wus gave you notes about a strange device ooh strange device now we're getting intriguing what the heck all this let me see ooh a an activator I have this where's my okay where is it okay the door is attached to some ancient mechanisms it looks like it might take at least three grumpass to activate these okay why are you you know what's funny I could it doesn't matter what game I'm playing it's so I always like think it's funny to look over here and say somebody just writes why are you playing this I don't know like why do anything that Happ okay at least a few times the stream I'll look over here and just see why are you playing this it's like I don't know man because video games release and I play them when they come out sometimes and I just play games like I I what do you I don't know oh you know one of my other favorite ones why are you still playing this this another good one I get like man I came back from like a shower I like took a and went out with my friends and I came back why why are you still playing this I don't know man it would have been nice to go out with your friends huh I'm trapped here years to A Hard Day's Work you need help howdy stranger I could use your help with something go outside nobody's figured out how bug snacks reproduce but I got an idea I think I might be able to Garden them that was everyone last stream yeah that had to have been the most ever of the like why you still here you're torturing us we don't talk about yesterday's stream okay yesterday's stream uh what's what's the uh not breaking bad bad what's it called The Big Bang Theory Math Science History it's all of the history it all started that doesn't make any sense what what the what am I trying to say to you guys isn't there a line in in the uh Big Bang Theory that's like oh history but Ford is a mystery or something it's like a song what we have here is history like Ford is a mystery what what is it from that's from Kung Fu Panda that's from Kazan this what is it Math Science History unraveling the mystery no no but there's another one well half of them look like fruit but I reckon there's more to it than that I made it up no I didn't I've seen bug snack yesterday was history tomorrow is a mystery yeah what is it who said that is it like Mark Twain who said that seems promising to me all I need to start off is a root and a fruit it's it's Kung Fu Panda another fine day behind us okay from when Kung Fu Panda when whatever the snake says that that was a second video the second germ of video title wait what is that where that is memory is coming from that's a video title and I thought it was the intro to The Big Bang Theory this memories are insane okay so wait that was just a second germa title it's from a thumbnail wait it's from this one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I need to see this is this video is called yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery it all started with a big bang oh boy oh boy it's not from Kung Fu Panda what are you talking about it's from a title of one of my videos okay plant a root bug snack in the garden I missed all that because I was like having trouble all right what am I doing fine day behind us plant a fruit bug snack in the garden okay I got to plant fruits in the garden where's the garden another fine day behind us quiet all right Garden Garden Grove all right I got to go to Garden Grove W Yahoo snack BG this is Garden Grove coming up here what's this Garden Grove Garden Grove you went right past it oh wait the G not this oh we got to talk to you anyways welcome back now that filbo and wus are gone there are way more snacks around here scan all the snacks here fill up your Journal then we can swap deeps but don't be surprised if they're not all out at the same time bug snacks got the link ger of the link you guys need to calm down before you get me angry this is from uh Kung Fu Panda you are too concerned with what was and what will be there a saying yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why it is called a present oh I just di did do the second half I stole that from Kung Fu Panda no I didn't I remembered it from The Big Bang Theory but I actually remembered it from the title of one of my videos but it's truly from Kung Fu Panda you understand scan six types of bug snacks in Garden Grove got it candy patch oh apologize why so some bugs only come out at night so it's kind of like stardo Valley fishing that's cool I'm going do this wait hold on oh that's a different one that's a white strappy that's a scare snack okay so it scares away the snacks there a poop pile buried bug snack these bug snacks have been planted in the ground like crops is that a hot dog oh my God it's a hot dog I love him I love him what's wrong with him he loves ketchup okay you love ketchup so much we'll go over there got get the gissy gissy what's a gissy what's a gissy lissy you like chocolate you love chocolate well I don't think I even need to get that just catch you he a white [Music] scrabby uh uh uh uh no I don't want to go to flavor Falls let's kill her oh man you knocked it out of the park man where did it join a that's [Music] killer hey you guys know that uh i' I've watched a few diners driving and Dives recently and he's really trying to get his son to take over he don't want to do that anymore he keeps like putting his kind of older son into the camera and stuff it's like oh this this my this is my son Hunter and Hunter's like oh man that's delicious flavor town he's like training his son to take over the business so he can stop doing diners driving and Dives it's it's actually kind of funny to it's like very it's like kind wholesome in a way cuz his son is old enough now where he's kind of getting more comfortable on camera and they both have like similar catchphrases you can tell he's like kind of doing the catchphrases oh man you totally killed it you knocked it out of the park man yeah you knocked it out of the park right Hunter and then eventually like he'll he's going to but is he going to have the hair I really hope that they do a full a full complete transition from like father to son and he gets the hair and he gets the blonde hair and the blonde goatee that would be unbelievable I would watch every episode there must always be a Lich King yes there must always be a Lich King otherwise the whole society collapses without a guy Fier the whole thing comes down they must I love that mod that guy for an hour dude don't put it past him man world of warcraft's running out of to talk about do not be surprised if in 10 years when World of Warcraft is on its 30th expansion it's like well uh I guess like we went to the place where everybody was dead we went to space we went to uh the center of the Earth we went to hell we went to heaven uh I guess we're going to go to flavor Town that's what's left and like Disney like Disney World I would play that expansion that would be the only thing that would bring me back to while and I'm talking about a fully voice acted but still in kind of like the shitty World of Warcraft engine guy Fury and it's just a human model just the standard human model that they just gave a blonde goatee and spiky blonde hair too that's what's they're capable of doing I got to pee I'll be right back it's PE time you know I don't understand how it gets so hot in here when I'm sitting in this room do I just emanate heat inside this room it has to be 10° hotter than the next room out of this door wow it's I know it's cold World of Warcraft can you imagine sorry where was I it's cold in Nevada oh yeah it gets really cold in Nevada I that's a sweee fly it eventually sits down to rest where up in the sky I scanned all the same GE you really got them all I knew I picked the right grumpus not that I'm surprised after all I've read all your articles click the link please even if I don't believe in the grumpa Cabra or whatever your interviews Were Always On Point good P too you've got a way of digging up the truth out but I don't understand about you why is he not like a dwarf or a human I don't think I wouldn't consider guy FY to be a like a blood favorite bug snack is and feed it to me OBS would you yeah I don't think I don't see this to be accurate that's guy fii guy firey no no they that's all wrong this needs to be a dwarf no but they need to take the dwarf and like make stretch the dwarf out longer have it be the only model in the game that has a Gumby body just stretch out the legs and the Torso and give him the goatee in the hair oh by the way see you guys in like probably a couple years when Gumby comes back we're going to get new 2021 2022 Gumby they're going to bring it back you know that's up next I'll just stamp this it's definitely coming up next for the things we're bringing back as a group not me and you but them all right what's your favorite that womis guy is married but his wife totally wouldn't come farm with him so tragic The Establishment yep The Establishment the Illuminati like the TV Illuminati what do we bring back next about Elmo wait no he's already here he's already here permanently maybe what was that little bald kid's name bring him back too Caillou is it don't doesn't everybody hate Caillou I was under the Inception that like Caillou was horrible and kids were like being naughty and stuff after they watched Caillou am I making that up all right what's your favorite okay feed her favorite bug snack I hope it's hot dogs I didn't pay attention good answer you really get me I know you're just doing this stuff for me because you want me back in snacks but I don't mind if you really want to be besties with me I want some a hot dog arm wus acts totally mysterious before he goes to bed around 10: every night I want you to find out what he's up to and tell me if you don't want to wait around you can always just take a nap until it's time but you can sleep okay find out what womas does between 10 p.m. and 1: a.m. I didn't know you could sleep all right between 10 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. we're got to find out what wamp is this doing okay sleep until 5:00 p.m. do I have a watch oh it's down the lower left okay between 10: and one we got to go find Wampus zering off for 3 hours I love how you guys have found this great way and I I'll be honest with me too like getting around the sensors there's a balloon I didn't say that I said ziring off it's different just a little bit um exploded but I'm sure we can patch that up eventually dude you look like a clown all right what do you want me to do oh it's yours well you travel in style buddy well if you don't mind I I'd love to fly it someday okay sure maybe one day you'll fly this should we tell him should we tell him this not that's not ever going to happen all right I got another thing for you to eat look I've got a strawberry and I'm going to put it on your eye awesome oh we're only going to feed this guy and make him like the top dog we're going to make this guy the alpha ooh plant okay pick a bug snack to plant oh we shouldn't have all right me I'll remember where this is how long would it take for you to read the entire Bible um probably a pretty long time probably a few at least a few days I I can't I I have trouble I can't read the Bible it's just the the way that's worded and the way that it's like spread out and the paragraphing and I I can't follow it it just feels like somebody's just speaking at me while I have my ears covered you know what I mean it's like I'm kind of hearing what you're saying but I don't get it I can't comprehend it read a kid's Bible not of that the kids edition the kidss Edition read the Bible manga Bible picture book why you guys on the Bible right now all right it's 8:00 p.m. I'm going to follow this guy read the Minecraft Bible there's a Minecraft Bible Lego Bible who's that fortnite Bible holy I saw the Lego bible at Costco one time you made that up that's a glor the best part about the internet you can just write anything and just say it's real it's not real it's not real there's no Lego Bible it wouldn't surprise me though cuz this Lego everything Rick Testament yeah but I think that sh [Music] [Music] quiet what you doing it's 9:30 it's too early don't go in oh okay 9:45 950 he's getting ready to do something he's getting ready to do something I'm not going to look at him anymore I'm not going to look at him anymore I'm not going to look at him anymore through the window until 10 okay it's 10: what does it do I can't look through this window from this perspective I can't I just can't do it what is he doing what are he doing what is he doing yeah farman didn't go so well today soil's depleted but I won't give up yet I wonder how your day is going oh triy I miss you so much I would hug your Cactus V simile but it would only hurt me further all right we got it hey all I need to start off is a root and a fruit should be simple enough talk to him through his window that I've been spying on him through all right let's go report back why are you doing all this for her cuz it's a quest and it's get you get experience plus we're going to double cross this lady OMG wus has a fake Cactus wife like he wasn't prickly enough already 10 out of 10 perf dirt snacks BG sounds way more fun than sitting around in this cave I thought it would be relaxing but it's toad boring like uh boring like playing Sol by yourself in your bedroom on the floor oh sorry I've caught a little bit my sorry my chest is a little itchy see you around town [Music] bestie okay I have to plant a r all right we got to get some bugs plant of root and plant a fruit what is that that's a Diet Coke that's a floating Diet Coke that's a Dr sodi okay I have to have Dr sodi there's no way I don't get Dr sodi are you kidding me come on on Dr sod [Music] yes awesome we need a fruit though all right I need a strawberry and what's a root this is all fast food this is the fast food section I need a carrot carrot and a all right we got to go back to the other area this this is the fast food area french fries are not a root it's a potato that's like saying Pizza is tomato No that's not a tomato tomato is part of it no pizza is not a vegetable cuz there's tomato on it they tried that like 10 years ago I remember who are you to decide um no just did all right soda you want the soda you ramble wake up where am I let's turn this guy into a Dr Pepper no get over here eat okay oh wait no no no no you don't eat these animals right or these bugs never done an interview before um how's it work oh is this is it is a soda I guess it soda has eyes does it make it alive I heard lisberg was gathering up some Grumps to be part of her new family and I thought I could really use one of those swimming and craw all right yeah who are you though uh gramble giggle funny I look after all the bug snacks in town and make sure they don't wander off you have a family I did but then they uh can we talk about something [Music] else well they're just the cutest little things aren't they I don't understand how anybody could look into their googly little lies and want to eat them but every yeah everybody does eat them though uh um well they don't eat none of mine and that's what counts why did you leave without Liz to bring in snacks everybody got Mighty hungry they' untreated my barn like a grocery store I held them off for a while but I should have wus never quit oh the next night I woke up to him into a sack I panicked and I let the rest Go free broke my heart but it's better than them getting eaten you came here postapocalypse left that night for the beach and started rebuilding my family the siege of the barn maybe Wiggles a lot but she's got a good heart if she really likes me she'll learn to love bug snacks the way I do all right what about liser where did she go lber she'd bring me lots of new friends to take care of but sometimes we'd work together training my little ones sometimes she'd ask for one and I'd have to Say Goodbye Oh I like to think they're all like Sprout helping out like little Sidekicks but sometimes she didn't get enough on the hunt she always liked to bring something back for aabel can we talk about some ta all right but what happened to lisb sometimes I wake up at night and I'm out of bed lost in the woods I think I see liser out there watching me like a vengeful Spirit did you Sleepwalk kill lizard can we talk about something else you're getting really defensive when we bring up Lis bird you don't eat bug snacks but that doesn't mean you don't eat puppet [Music] humans I don't think I like interviews very much here Elber dropped this in my barn back I never got around to giving it back I don't know what it's for but have it if you promise never to interview me again okay I got to oh oh I got to what oops what Happ bbo wants to talk to you I'm here what can I do for you filbert oh you have something to tell me I suppose so even though we're home the little ones are still Restless I think they might be getting lonely among bar used to be full of bug snacks I've never I will never play that game on streamate a few more snack to my barn and you were in the room and I've walked this way and there was I turned around K and jump scared me no one's listening I'm list listening we're looking directly at you all right okay okay It's My Birthday everyone quiet maybe a half dozen or so I plan on trying it tomorrow all right donate six bug snacks to the ranch I already have a soda snack wait do you want this here drink this how you doing look what I got try that a straw mustache cool practice you're lying do I really need to do that I lie to you guys literally every single day how you doing I need to practice you're really doing it you're bringing everybody back you even got beica here she's awful my first name is Dan we should throw a welcome back party I'm like can we be real about this okay let's [Music] go dance party somebody go over there and start talking to him somebody go over there and start talking to him so he stops somebody just go talk to him so he stops so hey man what's up you're hey come over here I got to talk to you you should go and mingle with your new friends wait I only made like two friends the farmer the serial killer the weirdo and the mean girl this is quite the Wizard of Oz group oh this is disgusting what I don't know why I just felt like I was in VR oh look pick up this cup shake it around throw it ooh VR okay what are we doing hey there bestie good to see you fin some kind of Suicide Squad living here is better than that cave we all die in the first two minutes of the movie drama ad thanks for coming to the party Beth I like live here now you started a party around me well I'll take what I can get how's the bug juice isn't this just this water well uh it's bug infused why don't I feel like we're going to get a South Park stand uh and Wendy like PUK his mouth scenario out of 10 remember they used to do that every time Stan talked to Wendy she he puked in her face they did it for so long too did they did they give up doing that that was a a thing they did for 10 to 15 straight years do they still do that yes they stopped they stopped doing it when they started dating oh that show is insane oh hey you remember Charlie how's my little Sprout doing he misses Papa oh of course he does maybe you should let me watch him for a few days May or a year or two scamble welcome back how's the barn well it's good and locked uh great sou Park games it's good to be secure there was a sitting for me great catching up with you buddy who else have I who should I talk to all right I didn't talk to the farmer can I change the radio this party sucks this is the kind of part that you should up to and you realize what's going on and you you grab like a water you're like yeah I'll take a water this is a water party and I'll be dipping out in probably 40 minutes maybe an hour I hope you're uh having a good time yeah I already mingled now what well howdy stranger seems you're getting along just fine Farm's doing okay on my end shindigs like this don't sit right with me feels like I should be getting work done welcome to the party Wham bone we are not friends oh that's unfortunate come on everybody it's a party drink mingle wild OHA doesn't this music make you just hey bro dance with you you've been drinking water right Bes is the only yeah yeah I've been drinking water yeah just I just just checking see if we're on the same page have loads to talk about I got nothing to say to a guy like wambas that's so I got plenty to see two link she is such a bad though oh yeah well go on and say it it's your fault somebody reacting to my ass I don't know wrong link it was the wrong link no I mean I feel like it wasn't is it the cheese one links are getting obliterated no not that one how is it wrong it's like being spammed there's no such thing as a wrong link okay this is scary is this the one all right I'm going to do an experiment everybody quiet don't type I'm serious like do not just don't type at all no don't even do like the dot dot thoughts I don't nobody chat sit here I want some new people to come in this is 10K concurrent stream people going to think this is going to come people going to come and think this is like a botted channel this channel is going to get like reported yeah twitch just like a botted channel just with this like weird scary impostor thing on this botted viewbot channel shut it down I don't know who the this guy is vicious livestock we could have kept together they that joke is a month old stock they were my little ones my kids wait somebody made that a month ago and I didn't see stole them away cuz you can't grow food for yourself you think these walking vegetables are your family I got news for you gramble bug snacks will never love you you don't know a thing about love that's why your wife let you you drinking water violence do you yes I'm drinking water hey let's okay dude just making sure we're on the same page don't act like you're in charge if you had the spine to lead us everybody would still be here don't you mean trany would still be here fine all y'all gang up on me don't make me wrong you all won't trift me back so bad go find her yourself yo bro you want to get out of here let's just get the out of here this party I knew it this a bad party well that wasn't ideal but maybe after a few dozen more parties we'll all be friends again uh either way thanks for being here buddy oh hey I just realized you haven't had any bug snacks yet yes give me must staring you sure have had quite a few though here have a stby on Me Maybe we can end this night on a high note a whole stby that's the spirit stby it is drugs uh are are you okay oh gosh I'm so sorry buddy food poison I uh guess you're allergic to bug snacks didn't see that coming poisoned get away from me give as long as you're fine I'll um I'll get out of your hair what the hell filbo what the heck the other grumpus find out what they know and convince them all right I need to donate six snacks later the Jeff from American Dead I wish I could be like liser she always knew what to do what to say when she made a plan I knew I could just follow it and I'd be okay it's Jeff till next time hey Jeff shut up uh Mr ass Jeff you're an idiot and you're a complete embarrassment to this family sure is a nice day in it look down Roger do Roger oh all right Stan I'm having some trouble with this Stan ah yeah going to have to need you to get out of here Stan give me another one who else who who who go go go go go go go go goar all right come on go go the fish oh my name is clous and I'm stuck in a bowl Patrick Stewart I Patrick Stewart and I think that you deserve to be fired go go go go go go Barney I don't know Barney from what Barney the dinosaur it's me kids it's me Bary I think that we're going to be best friends go go go go Obama I think that uh we all need to come together to uh take care of that I will take care of that don't worry about that go go anymore framer what that's I'm going to spell that Squidward a Luigi Joe Biden now look here's the deal we are going to solve America give me another one that one not that one not that one somethingone else tingle I've never played Zelda I don't know what he sounds like next oneth Marge Hercules the stanza I just Jerry it's j get going crazy here meat what Shake I don't want to just get away from a shake we don't have to plant Homer hey it's me Homer a shck it's me Shrek it's me Dutch I need to Cosmo and Wanda okay here's Cosmo Wanda Sans Donkey Kong snake what the Al Gore I the planet is under attack [Applause] Kirby Trump okay this I tell you I didn't do anything wrong the it's the fake media and mega mind uh I don't know will frell's normal voice Dan of white like from UFC we've got it's the tail of the tape we got these two fighters why why do you want me to do Dana White impression I don't get it that doesn't make any sense it's just a normal guy talking watch your man got it I just want hold on I'll get it in the thing we're talking about M we just want to say the cream a c next Dr Evil oh binky on my face Alex Jones The Wild I'm a human I'm a human and I'm coming Mr Krabs SpongeBob Kanye hey all right I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving howdy Joe Rogan yeah yeah right man yeah come on Eric Cartman ah my name is Eric Cartman I right did and hey Kenny no Kenny wus I only came out I only came here for Tiffany sometimes sometimes I wonder I wonder if she do the same for me popey well well I am a sailor man I the Sailor Man the medic all that was not medicine okay people are going to leave I have to stop let's play the game this dude's going off you're dropping viewers hey we see next week when they decide to come back after their the ultimate small doses streamer hi gramble yeah I peek in from time to time yeah I in small those as I can handle them you Mr Satan I you guys already know my Mr Satan I don't have to do it again of course I do excuse me you think you're not the strongest man in the world I'm the strongest man in the world Goku and I'll take you on a fight one onone you want to fight me oneon-one Goku come on at me send him to Hell send who to hell I'm not I am not even playing the game I'm just stuck in the mirror this is what I do in the mirror I already get stuck like this two or three times a day you put me in front of a mirror I'm going to see myself and go this person who's that oh that's me don't put me in front of a mirror I get trapped I got to donate six bugs to the ranch I'll just get him from here but I have to do I not have a tool that I can go in the air with like it's been a while all right let's get this bug catch up bug uh put that down there take some ketchup please thank you let's get him do gmen and I'll wait do Gman I'll give 100,000 Subs uh uh Mr Freeman that's not right that's that's the scientist let me do it again I the thing about that Gordon you abandoned the wrong place at the right time could make all the difference open the briefcase Gordon 100,000 subs thank you you know this is just what I think would happen when like the really really hyperactive and show and tell didn't bring anything for show and tell and the teacher just knows he's out of his mind so they just go you know what okay go ahead and I brought my impressions today and everyone just has to put up with this for the 5 to 10 minutes that happens what do you like maybe I can lure you over with some candy right cuz it's a candy fly and this candy here does the does the candy fly like candy that would makes sense right what does it what do you like though don't be a sucker what do you like you don't have any likes or dislikes come on hey Felix thanks for the five Community Subs a little short of 100,000 but you know we make bets here that we don't go through with like me like you I need two hamburgers to fight each other I can do that all right come here hamburger you follow all right come on come on Bunger bu nice sick nice sick sick sick nice sick bungers any more bungers you owe us the dump truck emote I no I don't maybe eventually you'll get it if you behave you told us three new emotes yeah like within the next 7 to 10 days it's been like five I got plenty of time weeny worm worm oh wait here's a fruit get back there cuz then I can plant the fruit and then I need a I need a carrot can can I actually uh plant the french [Music] fries does that not work four part dump truck ass emote I'm going to get kicked off of twitch I think I've even been to flavor Falls got that yeah that's a got an olive holy what the hell is that it's a sub sandwich that's my favorite I love them how do I get a sandwich bug thing how do I get the Super Bowl party sandwich what is that a veggie bit no you a white rutle oh all right hold on I have to release some of these I have too many french fries release release you go to the farm yeah I want to catch this uh this one cuz that's a veggie this game is really cute all right there's my vegetable there's my loves speeds along crashing into things it won't slow down till it's broken [Music] up what is it love orange juice I'll come back for you is that a pretzel what is tasty twisty snack pod what all give her the french fries another 10 Community Subs snack it's just a bag of chips but it's a it's alive what uh flutter floter thanks for the 10 Community Subs all right I got to deliver these I missed other subs did I oh we had a yeah we did right Felix gave five ju jub lube tube gave five and then Captain Nemo gave a 100 bucks thanks for the 10,000 bits it's huge money today there's been like three or four of these too much money and Captain Nemo says dump truck emote tomorrow or I will freeze this card before it goes through uh well I don't well you're going to be getting you're going to be hearing from your bank I don't think he's going to be here tomorrow reuse my card yes this is uh your this is Bank uh can I going to help you I'd like to freeze my credit card i' like to report a freeze the purchase that just happened and what purchase would that be $100 to an e- clown oh you didn't make that purchase no you didn't cuz you confirmed it twice no um I did but he said he was isn't going to make a germa ass dump truck emote so I have to refund it okay um no I'm switching banks I'm switching banks this I'm switching banks cool I planted the snacks thank you kindly I'll get those bug snacks growing you'll see he's destroying no I'm not wait I have some more stuff wait you eat what about this pretzel snack pod snack yeah I I did the stuff in the lunchroom in like the fourth grade put the pretzel sticks in your mouth and you go all right what about Burger fer all right nice donate oh right you're right right right right right donate you donate Dr Soda oh look they actually come out and [Music] play I love this guy is it weird that this part of my brain sees this as some weird postapocalyptic polluted Earth this is going to be this is going to be real I don't like looking at that one anymore all right I need four more snacks oh hey buddy glad you're here uh I've been talking to the other grump and uh I think they we're voting you off the island not just with chores and stuff but you know uh personal issues it can be hard dealing with your problems alone you know I don't want to have it won't get you closer to Liber but it' mean a lot if you could help the others be personal issues goodbye aren't I doing that already I was going to just try to do a M house from simpsons's voice but that would be way too hard following me I still got to get some more you have something that's wait interview I thought you'd never ask OMG I have so many hot takes bbo gave you no you didn't that the bugs holy I don't know you could even hold on I'm Bea Winkles and I basically do whatever I want what do you do professionally though let's just say I'm an Information [Music] Specialist I'm here on vacay uh unrelated fun fact did you know that no International laws apply out here is that fun fact unrelated I'm just saying if you got in trouble like a lot of trouble and all your friends turned against you this would be a great place to hide out forever oh oh I'm I ain't even recording oh well she won't even notice they're so cute I could literally eat them up and I do there's drama and then there's drama drama we have around here and I'm done getting caught up in Social dumpster fires oh hey my cave was sweet plus it was close enough to wus that I could swipe some sauce wining needed to so you're an international criminal and you steal from the farmer great a awful that greedy little squeeb started looting the second Liz was gone then he tried to sell me her projector so I like posted pics of all his little crimes and then I got out of there before he could get back at me where's lisberg tell me what don't I know about lizber wink uh you want to go to jail uh Liz is smart and fearless and she can see the talent in all of us it's impossible not to look up to her she's practically Invincible but she does have one weakness what is it hamburger bug snacks egael Liz would go to the end of the world and back to make her happy that's everybody's weakness though and if I anything in life it's that you can't let your happiness depend on somebody else Liz and aabel got in a big argument before Liz went hunting I haven't seen either of them since suspicious maybe they're on a romantic getaway you could shorten that a little and say something about how suspicious skills in action Oh and before you go I think you should take this it's key to Liz's the stuff is really personal sorry interview's over all right so I have to let me go open let me try to open that door walking my way out fine I'll just Barrel through all right where where's that there little cabin somewhere wait what's this way this is like a desert ooh we're going to get some desert bugs wrong way yeah I just I haven't seen anything over here scorched Gorge oh it's a chili pepper a scor Peno the snack lobs fiery Peppers at anything that catches its attention I like that one wait what's that thing weird a pop tick they are too small to catch in a trap but maybe some heat will puff them up all right hold on what about you do you what does a scor Peno like gloves what's the orange thing it's mustard what do you get mustard is that a spuddy it protects its territory by charging Intruders with its powerful jaws it loves ketchup okay let's catch this is it too big got a good link hold on it's too big too big uh he just smashed into the wall do that again do that [Music] again who whoa he just got there's a secret in here what the hell is this mural depicts grumpus is opening a section of wall near the river there carrying some sort of parcel whoa that's the pizza demon that we saw earlier it's lore a secret lore okay oh my God it's like a rib Ribble Ribble peed it likes to hide and sit still maybe some sauce could get it to move like barbecue sauce will you leave me alone oh I covered him in ketchup and he hated it okay wait got him I got a Riel peed all right how do I stop you from doing this what am I supposed to do with you he's covered in ketchup does it make him [Music] mad wait there's a butterfly up there hold on and there's a quest oh it's trfy everyone talk about you yes oh goodness I didn't notice you there Hi how are you the bug wait wa wait lot of blog you caught me doing some archaeology try not to step on the skulls yeah hold on somebody got a link this is that's a good one it's not bad it's pretty good I don't know if I love chocolate talk to you later you want me to come back to snack gosh look around you I like chocolate I don't know I whole civilization buried here and I barely dug one hole but I could use a trip to the old research tent once I get a few samples see these skeletons something's facilized in their stomachs looks a bit like a local bug snack I'll need some live Ribble peeds if you would mind could you help me find some they like to hide on the walls in these your ruins ooh how many do you want three I can do that let's go didn't it say I wanted me to get people to come back to town oh all right Ribble peeds RI there's one right there what's your trajectory all right that's the trajectory that down let's go sace him up where'd you go oh wait you went all the way around really strange path you have right one more I like the voice I can't wait for the one that's like Rebel ped that will be my favorite hey you there up here follow me and I'll show you the deal of a lifetime uh okay every Goblin from Warcraft and Hearthstone where do you want me to go who just talking oh it's you wait a white cheap poof it's a cheese puff you're annoying stop doing that wait my ball oh man I left the ball all the way back there I'm a bad father come on I'm back wait he loves this he loves that what do I do with that information H what does it say some assembly require buy at your own risk all sales are final offer void were prohibited shirt and shoes optional may contain nuts or shellfish guarantee is not guaranteed bridge for sale thought he was cover in blood for a second well what a journey you were on get away from me actually you know what come over here get over here come Light Me Up do that over here got it okay pop pop pop pop pop pop over here pop over here oh it's a popcorn go go go over here no no no no no no no wait okay that's awesome it's a live popcorn I love it give me this back yes a pop tick pop nice all right hold on I got to pee again this is like a piss day for for some reason I'll be right back who's ready to snack oh did I not even put it on the VB screen I just walked away I thought I did I didn't even switch it whoops all right we need uh two we need one more Ribble peed I got the popcorn one so that's good I'm happy about that oh hey hey hey hey what was the name of that game that everybody told me to play that was the photograph graphy game have we played that game Africa I I completely forgot the name of the game no no no it's it's a it's it's some it's a like oh he loves taking pictures it's a picture of a take photos game no not Dragon rompa something else it's like um no not Pokemon Snap no no no no no no no no no not Hara it's it's like a the color scheme is like this it looks like this the color scheme is like pink teal and electrified and it has a uru ugami generation that's the one right that's it urug ugami Generation all right is that game any good did I play that game people kept telling me it was like it was a photo [Applause] [Music] game you have to play Dragon Roma I probably won't oh all right let's go back and deliver uh hey wait do you want to eat these have a good you want you want to eat these I thought you wanted to study them oh isn't that Nifty this just looks like you got your arms and legs cut off oh that's curious Ripple peeds only look like they have bones they're squish all the way through so what did these fellas eat then well like Grandma always said if you want answers dig through their sock drawer I want to get into that dwelling over there but the door's blocked up I already opened it if you could do something to get that door open oh go in I opened it accidentally I like Mr mood into the ruins so go ahead oh you're too kind meet me [Music] inside you going to do about it oh look at me I can charge look at me I'm so fast yeah what are you going to do check it out these murals are still preserved as far as I knew we were the first Grumps to settle this island but here we got a thousand years ofed for generations of grumpass who hunted and ate bug snacks just a cosmic reminder that nothing really last say h what's this looks like there's a hidden chamber somewhere in the candy could that be where they stored bug snacks would you mind finding that chamber and if there's bug snacks there chamber hidden CH please bring them to me bye-bye find and enter the hidden ruins W how am I supposed to do that that's not a whole lot of info opening a section of wall near the river they're carrying a parcel section of wall near the river okay let's go find it scan the moth painting oh I'm s I'm saari I'm I'm so saari I already did donate the popcorn I will once I find the hidden ruins and do this for uh green Grover all right hidden here's the river the arrow pointing me to with him no all right there's a section of this wall somewhere over here it needs to be it's probably right there you I need you to run at me really fast hey don't you like sauce I got lots of sauce I got lots of red sauce inside of my body near the ri ah I found it right here look at me I'm cover in sauce oh okay um no nobody I can't get the door open now I'll get hold on I'll get another one there's one back here right just cover the ball in sauce and it'll follow me around there you go okay cover this ball in sauce follow me wait there's another popcorn am I going to [Music] die you shitthead I'm over here no whatever I don't need another popcorn I don't care give me this back where'd he go where's my where is he where is he where'd he go I'm crying JMA I'm sorry that you're crying what happened uh where did that guy go uh where did he go am I insane how where did he go oh you went all the way down here perfect okay break it yeah now get out of here what is that extra dogs what are those now you're in here with me and I don't want you in here with me catch one weeny worm what do you like oh you're very dirty it's only motivated by its hatred of ketchup okay well you don't like ketchup then I'm sorry but don't you get away from that oh he don't like ketchup oh wait a minute I just covered him with why did he just get big and red he got big and red holy okay I got him weeny worm okay catch one weeny worm feed Oh e what eat it to her oh right I think I want another stum I want to do I want to give somebody the stum and have it be like the stm's brain give them their head it's your trajectory right here look at that okay get ready and shoot you and I'll take one please now we have full inventory let's go oh wait there's this weird guy up here what's his problem chasing you oh it's a it's it's Anger from inside out hello friend welcome come on over take a look I assure you you won't be disappointed the name's cromo face the one and only salesman in Paradise having let's eat okay what do you what do you like to eat friend have I got a bridge to sell you beautiful isn't it wood new construction ehh oh baby what a bridge all yours for just 100 Buck snacks what do you say I don't have that I can't even carry that much whoa whoa whoa whoa can't afford it no problem I got a specialty item Just For You cheap as free follow me pal oh want to follow you Feast your eyes on this beautiful lunchpad totally for sale and not at all stolen you're itching to try it out I can tell H my windmills over there got stuck why don't you why don't you take it for a spin and knock him into shape yeah will you go back to town switch to it with Q wait aim no no no no no no no no what why was that not ready God damn it wait I'll be back feel like I'm playing 007 golden ey is there a watch that you can laser people all right aim launch you understand what the just happened why is it changing I'm aiming and I'm just I'm launching too heavy okay aim what why can I not do this see you no deploy no you dope pick this up bingo I thought it wanted me to launch myself at it sorry I don't have one of those fancy Science degrees I just hurt my throat doing that I don't know why oh yeah oh feel that hot sweaty Breeze now it's time to pay up what you used it you bought it there's no such thing as a free lunch pad H you could pay me three of those cheap poofs they think they're so great flying around let's see how they like flying into my mouth so I have to catch the chief poofs 5 4 3 2 [Music] 1 no what happened oh okay um I can't do this yet I have to deliver this stuff his eyes may as well be closed he has no idea what he's doing what what are you talking about have a Gooden I have a weenie dog right here weenie neat The Taste is a little off I'm wondering how long those snacks were in there did you find anything else in the chamber I found a lot of corpses that's a little intense for an ancient storage shut I did not no that just might have been a burial chamber but if that's where they put their dead why are all these bones out in the open H well I got to solve this mystery sorry but I won't be going back to SNB he will eventually if wus wants me back well he can come out here and tell me himself you might have heard things haven't been too good between us I keep telling my myself I'll get around to CNM but it's just easier to uh stay out here with the bone weird lady weird lady weird lady weird lady weird lady weird lady thought maybe I suppose I could try being among the living for a while what she's going back I did it I win I did it I thought she said she wasn't going to be going back to snack Burg but your mind changed immediately all right I want I got to donate these you told her about the cactus wife I did that did good she would be good at Among Us unlike you is that supposed to be an insult I thought doesn't insult me oh here to come by and pick up supplies that I don't care is that a new Garden you got there yep are you going to stay for if I played Among Us and I got impostor I would just immediately just start killing everybody at the spa cackling like until I was removed from the lobby and then I would end my stream yep it's just I can't grow much out in that desert yeah and you got a lot of growing to do and then I would write on Twitter I wasn't going to give up my dig kind of pissed off that people like don't want to play with me and it's like annoying like what the I what did I do not be in the same place but that doesn't mean we're not together like that's I want to why why' they kick me out I would just start a ton of problem see your digite maybe even lend to helping Paul you better now give me a kiss you hot teenage girl welcome home triy T do get jealous what said no nothing oh look we did good time for the interview oh sure sounds like a real hoot he's been a cactus ow all right who are you oh I go digging up bits of history and try to piece them back together it's usually not so dramatic just an old coin or a severed toe under a rock but this Island's chalk full of fines what was your name oh goodness my name I'm Tiffany L blog that's just it's just Steve Brule he trfy trff SL BL heard about the trip to snack tooth and thought well I could keep scraping at odds and ends till the day I die or I could really get out there try following in Grandma's footsteps all right who Grandma Li might have heard of bonica L blog an adventuring type just like sounds like Sarah Palin she filled up our old house with relics and sketches taught me to love history bless her [Music] heart amazing don't you think we got paintings of bug snacks from a thousand years ago just yeah just like mid Rises collapses and turns to dust but the bug snacks not Norwegian what mean Norwegian accent they're walking records of History it's less I left and more I stopped coming back I wasn't even there when the fight broke out imagine me coming home to find wus all red in the face and at Gamble's throat no no nothing so simple as that is I wanted him to ACC tell me nursery rhymes but he wouldn't give up his farm not even for me stubborn fool lovely Gale that liser wasn't often we'd both be in town at the same time and when we were my accent we go on start reading us some treated by Hans and gr whatever swap stories about what we found and show off our grizzli scars adventuring is a dangerous business archaeology less so but the L blog method can be unconventional bug the heck out at egel she never liked to see anyone hurt least of all is what the are you talking about you know out here that she doesn't die in a qt fall in a hole or get wedged in a crevice especially with all these earthquake Shifting the geography around not to be morbid very very specific could be a thousand years before somebody find wound up it's very specific but I really do think that what you just said is funny thanks tiffan I learned a lot have fun time to eat some bugs by lbert stashed a journal in the ruins for safekeeping I can't get it open without damaging whatever's inside I'm thinking you might have better luck with it anywh who I've nearly talked your ear off get back to work e uh wtr 6 K4 da these are the 20 Community Subs 20 subs thank you wtr 6K 4da a diary lizz's cabinet key how about the DI what's in there you picked up a lizard's notes on a secret code holy crap looks like I need to weigh down the pressure plates in order first left and then we don't know holy crap oh hi there why don't you eat here have some have some baked potato in the tin foil SP so cool oh God ah those of you guys with fillings putting tin foil in your mouth is just get it out of get it away oh my God that's horrible oh I hate it why would they do that how you doing okay let's uh donate a Ribble peed a we have to do them all shy ween need worm spdy and a pop tick size of your heart has grown and so is your inventory oh there we go by how much by two 12 donations now look we can see they're all friends look at them that's my favorite move move streamer I want to see auto move look at him you having so much fun they're having so much fun in here okay quests I can do the cheesy poofs wiggle would like to talk to you about something at the beach turn the Grumps to snack BG okay so I have to get everyone to come back and then interview every that's the main quest what about this one do I enjoy this game so far yeah it's good I'm going to let's go to this one let's track that one let's go to the beach all we're looking for the guitar player sweetie fly Zips around fast to evade traps but eventually it sets down to rest kind of want to catch it where's it where do you land land over on that rock there all right get your ass what do you like up no all right you'll come down here and land I'll be ready aha I got a lovely sweetie fly are there legendaries in this game where shinies is like Pokémon hi Aloha darling welcome to wiggle wiggle bottom steamy walking tour lucky you an oey gooey sweetie fly oh I can see you're utterly Star Struck don't fret darling I always have time for my fans go back you want me to come back to town darling it will have to wait I simply cannot rest until I find my M and by Muse I mean bug snacks what's your favorite change starts from the outside in darling if I want new ideas I need a new look how about a wild new hair d pinula give me a pine anula and we'll see what we can do okay you want pinula hair but what about a sweetie fly beard M oh cool wait how but how can you ever play the guitar again this ruined her career kind of all right your trajectory is here get dug out of the ground cover you in and I believe it's chocolate ow all right somebody dig that up chocolate right there is that going to both oh I doubled it up I didn't know you could do that I thought only could one could fit in there that's cool to know here you go pineapple head wow W yeah that struck a cord with a new head I can think new thoughts that's the magic of bug snacks now my creative juices can blow this is my favorite character I know I'm flowing I'm flowing M you and me are going to be really really good friends I can already tell this flow is more of a dribble I need you to turn it up darling buy me a grape sker they're too fast for gramble or I to catch but maybe you can find a way to slow down some bug snacks are only around at certain times you can scan evidence in the environment to get a clue about when to find them bug okay a grape skito I go find like grape juice on the ground evidence fruity goop this fruity leafy glob is evidence of a bug snack this bug snack seems to appear at night but not when it's raining all right let's sleep all right sleep until midnight I just heard it somebody just said their name [Music] it's for free that's free all right grape skito that would be a great mosquito this one plumps up and slows down if it eats another bug snack and it loves chocolate so um let's cover this in chocolate go eat it let's get them there you go there's your grap skito okay here's your grap skito help great what did you want it did you want it on your hand oh I look you'll never play the guitar again I bandaged up both of your hands and now the ideas will flow M they going to flow any second now come on now I assure you you're my favorite political streamer I have nothing the ISU snack on this beach that can give me the inspiration that I need and which is why you should look in the desert I need a look that pops a look that's hot that's why darling here I would be Listen to theed If you could go to the scorched Gorge and catch two pop ticks oo catch two popsticks I'mma fix America I'm just a clown I'm just a clown man I don't I can't I can't fix anything like Bozo the Clown like Richard Nixon didn't pull Bozo the Clown and and go we we need to fight excuse me boo well how do you feel about foreign policy I I just entertained children perfect you get on the board you're perfect for us not implying that you guys are children I'm implying that you're children none of you guys are maybe some of you are but you had to click that 18 plus logo when you got to the stream first so you you might be lying don't lie it's not good does this game ever get interesting I mean that depends on what what you think is interesting you think collecting bugs and taking pictures is is interesting then you're going to love it you think this is dumb I don't think you would probably wouldn't want to play it if you don't think that like picking up food bugs is cool this is not the game for you let's go get the let's just complete this now CU I know that it's available so let's go to brunin Gorge and yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery I can't even all right let's get these two fire up high up no you burnt my thing did you just torch my [Music] no is he going to burn why you doing this dude the bush is on fire oh no it's okay just burn all the bushes so they can't run [Music] away stop what the stop burning them stop letting them on fire hey you off lead them to the river oh there we go oh my god stop kill the Scorpion I can't how am I supposed to kill it throw poop Launchpad okay I'm going to throw a rock at this I swear to God I have to how do I get what do you hate you hate spicy food but you love mustard food I don't have any of that stuff no ah get sauce near Danny who the is Danny how do I lure these guys away what do you guys hate they love chocolate what am I doing no do you not see the sauce right here man where's the other one I think the other one burnt to death there's one right here all right pop this guy and actually pop them both no don't shoot me with that fire no don't oh you got me with the fire oh he got me he actually is getting me and not these how can you be bad at bug snacks I'm not bad at bug snacks I'm this is weird and I'm not bad at bug snacks bad you can't be bad at everything okay there it is all right he's going to turn into a popcorn don't let him don't let him all right good good good good good okay now put him in go okay put now chocolate over here follow me no give me that back don't touch that it's not yours all right watch chest ready okay chocolate get him yeah you piece of I swear to God I have no more sauce did I eat the bullet can I just grab him with a net yes okay okay we're good we're good deliver mad because bad mad because bad mad because bad mad because bad mad because bad wait that's a Cheeto puff I need three of these say these things Never Land If there was a way to catch the midair it's called throw rock at them and we got to go to the beach get away from me oh yeah oh they're all so cute thank you so much hopefully my little ones will settle down maybe I can even start training them again o Quest complete everybody in this game is creepy yeah a little okay two pop ticks I guess you're going to have popcorn feet that's the only thing that's available [Music] right wow oh oh his feet ridiculous and I don't have a single new Tune In My Head what a woeful journey I've taken darling I apolog oliz for putting you through such an ordeal it was all for the sake of art what do I think of the theme song and art is priceless I can see that this isn't working and I believe I know why not nearly enough you want to do full total just transformation to bug though it pains me to return without a new single I shall face the music and greet my adoring fans Aloha darling Oh no you're going back good ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oh anybody else have anything to do maybe somebody back in town will have something because the chief I kind of want who cares listen to the theme song what what where what you me the theme song oh I got a new assignment Ghost Stories the hold on does it can I is it on like YouTube bug snacks theme song KIRO KIRO Bonito it's bug snacks see you in 3 days when you get banned how would I get banned this like to the and kind aack try to C in your tra and all right emca what isn't that in the game it has singing It's Dean wait isn't that song in this game so what's the difference if I if the song is in this game versus I play it on YouTube is it no all that wasn't in game I have all kinds of computers that determin it hey guys we just listened to the kiroo Bonito song it's bug snacks yeah none of you will ever buy music ever again doing good that's right that makes sense to you doesn't it hey I I just listened to um I just listened to this this song that I really like I'm canceling my Spotify I'm never paying for music ever again because of that because I listen to that song what what what's the logic behind this I don't understand SNB is looking pretty busy tonight seems like a great time to gather everybody around the old campfire it's exactly that's exactly it it's it's really weird because I feel like they just throwing out a gigantic net to hopefully make like Pennies on every dollar you know what I mean and if you do that enough times if you just throw out a gigantic net when you when you make potentially like a quarter of a penny from like 600 million things is worth it apparently wait we're doing a party and by the way why put this on YouTube beat sitting in the dark I tell you there's some poooky stuff out there there ain't nothing out there just why upload these songs to YouTube you're just yell I'm not y are we never are we not allowed to listen to the these songs unless we're like locked in our basements with all the the lights are all off in our windows are all closed I've seen something similar up on top of the canyon real Curious probably just a wild animal darling there are no animals here none but we that is oh we missing somebody can we talk about something else you know the desert Grumps oh guys guys take their dying and seal them in secet caves whatever for were the dead going to rise from the grave no not as such oh it's more the bodies would just somebody got to pick that up pick that up pick that up pick that up I don't want that kind of something smells delicious what's that smells like roasted strawberry it's me heck even if they Buri come on come on that's in every cartoon body wouldn't be there the next day though some of the time there'd be a little left just a few bones I'm getting a chill just thinking about it you're getting a chill because the fire's gone out oh you're right uh hey buddy would you mind picking up some some firewood it's over by the mill oh we had some does this count oh what' you say oh that oh what about you you got something to say yeah line it up real good here just line it up let all right we're got to go to the Old Mill where's the Old Mill there it is all right let's get some wood get some firewood oh this is the part where I go what's that me with the firewood here you go and then everybody here's the real sound who that's not me oh it's back there run okay I've seen every cartoon ever every TV show every movie you were saying something about the zombies no no zombies listen spooky is the disappear you're and stiffs maybe that's just a story I read on a wall we got goof around and play the game this whole game is goofing around you pick up bugs and feed them to people the living obviously we're not the first bios snack tooth so what makes us think all the others are dead I've seen those chewed up skeletons around the island we all know something kills grumpus out there and it has teeth bug snacks don't have teeth and like wiggle said there aren't animals out here other than us she's not wrong about the bores ah ah H time out I got to use a little Grump shum now hold on you saying grumpus is turn cannibal that's Ric we ain't got the stomachs for it ly eats grumpus no way that's true oh it's true that's sus late one night I saw floofy Dragon like Among Us character when I got closer I saw what it was leg they have funny like hamburger hats they held it up to their mouth and then they took a bite out of it don't mess with my head bef you're going to scare me [Applause] snackless is somebody going to check on is he going to do the thing that I just did wait everybody smile that we just lost one of our good friends he might be dead perfect I'll put that on Insta he ran over here where's the bathroom Jesus go to the bathroom the bathroom I uh where is the bathroom he got up and he ran this way he went oh oh hey buddy uh sorry I uh I got a little too spooked so if you're there calm down then who's in there huh I I don't know what you're talking about Buddy drowned in there are you feeling okay you look like you've seen a ghost well uh let's keep it together and get back to the fire uh yeah somebody somebody fell in here and drowned in this poop water that wasn't a monster that was somebody's final gasps of poop air damn oh well sorry about that what I miss can we just quit it with the spooky stuff I don't think I could get any sleep darling calm yourself is there an echo for I know what lurks in the shadows in the shadows it's the queen of bug snacks a bug snack bigger than any we've ever seen Pizza [Music] one virus and threat protection Windows Defender summary Windows Defender did not find any threats on your computer what is that part of the what is [Music] this why did I get that and once we dancing [Music] to Safe she gobbles us up that's precisely right darling this story makes no sense why would bug snacks have a monarchy oh wambas it's just a title I've seen bug snacks big enough to eclipse the moon what else would you call that uh um a hallucination believe what you will wus I know what I've seen regardless of what sort of monster you believe in something he's looking out there I love this game and it's only a matter of time before let's do music vide for us [Music] grumping snacks it's coming for us where I said she's coming for [Music] us no need to freak out it's probably just a something safe this is so funny look I'm not getting eaten by some monster or floofy just cuz you won't admit your scared don't worry gramble we'll go check it out if something goes wrong sacrifice for dead left for dead mod with extra players left for dead let's go that's a pretty good start to like the video you know what I mean like step step step step to the beat to the first drum beat all right no no now walk around and like eat a bunch of food from the mall go go go yeah eat like the eat like the an ants pret investigate the noise in the mill play the game nah I don't want to I think that sound came from the mill maybe there's a trail we can follow is there a trail oh new character chadow a bronie builder bro chandlo whoa It's filbo and somebody new hey how are you doing better these days yeah SNB is coming back together I noticed I saw the fire and I thought whoa snack's on fire so I came down here to check on it then I remembered I left some stuff at the Mill so here I am is shelda around oh no nobody's seen shelda since the uh the fight major bummer bro I could use her wisdom right now anyway can't stay and hang I got to get all this stuff back to snorp right away you know how he gets don't you at least want to say hi to everybody ah if I do that they're going to want me to stay catch you later Bros but but I do want you to stay oh darn it oh well let's get back into dude you know I I don't think I've laughed harder at like a video or sequence of the day in the life of Tylo one when he's like hiding behind the wall and those like SI enemies are walking towards him and he like turns the corner with his little gun is like and it's like 10 seconds later one of them Falls over and dies it's like the funniest thing ever [Music] don't worry folks I'm fine it's so funny um and like he doesn't even shoot at one point and like two more of them just fall down he just like didn't match it up right that settles it things are good and safe and boring but wait what if chandlo was the queen of bug snacks oh it's like 40 minutes long yeah it's pretty long required for royalty yeah if anybody's Queen around here it's me you know the desert Grumps had a history of matriarchal leadership real fascinating system they had every year the ladies would go hunting also this one bug snack was the new head un believable I think he was at like Hy some tournament or something I don't I don't follow League at all but you know I think he's funny he he was on stage doing like an the analyst desk and he shouted out his website to like his merch site they're like oh so where'd you get that shirt and he's like he says discount code Alpha disc he says it's so unbelievably fast like five times in a row it's like it's it's and it's not even like a joke it's not even oh wow you messed that up a little bit he said it perfectly three times in like one like 210 of a second I and if you slow the video down to like 20 percentile it's perfect and and like the Analyst at the desk are like all right man like okay that's where you get that hi there you're sing no no I what I can't say that somebody like somebody has like funny content that's also funny well I you I you've heard me talk about other streamers before that I thought were funny well I can't talk about another [Music] one I can't even do it it's impossible hey I don't even know how he did it oh bestie I was just looking for you now that wiggle back snack is finally interesting again I'm in the some snacking and snooping cuz there are other streamers that I think are funny too you've heard me talk about everybody here gets all quiet when I'm around but they trust you right bestie so here's what I'm thinking please I'm begging you no I'm not going to watch like a 45 video and maybe I'll tell you something good in return no watch the the 30 second one re react wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are you doing put that down put it down put it down drop it put it down Tiff what's going here's here's the video hold on is this the video maybe next time okay this is it all right we're going to watch this this is it's it's crazy how how good this is all right you ready maybe next time you wear that tuck shirt you got going on though all right we dress up here on the analyst de I like the sleeveless sleeveless suit maybe wait a minute where' I get this here it go I don't know Tyler where did you get where did you get it Tyler oh let me tell you where I got just just boom there it is slow that down and you'll be able to understand all right ladies and gentlemen Team Liquid on one win away from the championship let's see if [Music] [Applause] [Music] cloud too fast it's too fast it's still too fast it's still too fast to even hear it concentration I just locked in and the thing is that takes a lot of concentration to do that especially to do that on camera with like thousands of people in a stadium free for you got to get that right heing tonight um Sorry I can't I got to watch my little ones of course of course you do come on gramble surely you can take a night off nobody's desperate enough to steal from you anymore maybe but even still my kin might wander off if I'm not here is it going to take a Twist I don't think it is I think this is just a fun game that you relax and play for fun to return to the wild don't say that this is their home they they love it here whatever you say darling let me know if you're ever free it'll be a dark twist I don't think this is going to be a dark twist all right we got to find out what you do at midnight what time is it all right let's go sleep what you do at midnight all right I'm going to sleep until midnight we're going to run out quick are there people in two people wait don't look at me she's going into the barn come on que go don't be shy come on come on wiggle needs a midnight snack go feet dab wink on Scream what what are you doing here none of those things are going to happen what are you doing here uh well I'm just looking to spend some time with gramble alone she's not happy all right well we have to interview no stranger to interviews darling Hit Me With Your Best Shot fire away all right who are you you've certainly heard my number one single do the wiggle it was stuck in my head for a month you see wiggle wiggle bottom needs no introduction darling why' you come here well I'm here to Gorge myself on a new life experience to get my creative juices flowing as it were uh why is juice not flowing well you know no hit can stay on top forever and I'm afraid the audience care for Wiggles world or is this an interrogation baby one more time it's an interview I've been accused of being a onead wiggle every taste is like a star going Supernova inside my mouth Creative Energy like I've never felt before bug whatever price I have to pay darling bug snacks are forbidden fruits darling I believe something exists to keep us from them she will come for me one day but not before I Dazzle the world once more okay what do you why' you leave that's simple what happened to Liz following what are you doing here certainly knows his why are you constantly [Music] wiggling no goodness no I love gramble I would never he's far too sweet like a little St because it's in her name no I would never take advantage of him no do you wiggle in your sleep do you wiggle while you're on the toilet you go to the bathroom and wiggle she and egel were big fans of mine you know I met them backstage at my first farewell tour they didn't have passes mind you Liz climbed in through the air Ducks he wiggle during surgery but if somebody breaks the law out of love for my music who am I to turn them away just said shut up in all capitals not near often as I'd like right so what happened to her let get more info that night when Liz went missing I ran into the woods looking for her but instead I found something terrifying towering over the trees would you guys think it was funny if I did a stream where every single person in chat was modded her Screech was Def and I just had the webcam full cam screaming with like the Flight of the Bumblebee in the background I can't be sure all I saw was a menacing silhouette but if Liz cross path with that that thing and I that'll be the last stream well could be part of the retirement stream whenever that is I warm glow whenever the retirement stream is however long that is away story about the queen farfetched but I swear on my platinum record it's true if you don't believe me go and see for yourself now if you'll excuse me I've got music to make want this character in Smash Brothers all right wiggle give you a map to Liz's last location that's intriguing all right we found out we got to go back to Becca and then wigg would like to talk to you about something she she would what the hell are you lying on the bed frame like the headboard that's some [Music] discipline if you're not busy darling I could use who a helping Paw It seems like your run of- the- Mill bug snacks aren't getting my creative juices flowing I need something oh spectacular I overheard wus talking about a sand doede oh you want the sub made of many pieces working in to Beck that may be just what I need okay we need to go get the stiped okay I I don't want to do that yet I want to do let's go complete this one and then I was was that map with the new info on it it's the last location I saw liser looking down on Camp from between the trees beneath the Snow Line Sugar Pine Woods all right I want to go back to Becca let's go back to Becca wherever she is she's here somewhere let's wake her up go on are we just follow Papa's pointer or or don't that's fine too you know it's weird I don't really like this guy but I like this guy I don't hate seeing him show up even though I don't like him we're off to a bit of a slow start it went so easy with Sprout I just don't know what's going wrong now maybe maybe Sprout can help I'm sure he could show charie the ropes what do you say uh yeah let's do it all righty now just use Sprout to lead charie back to my barn okay here we go Training Day ready [Music] go why are you not going I don't have any chocolate oh yes I do did you just kick it why did you kick it what was that for oh didn't mean to fall all right to the Finish where's the Finish Line in here up and over the thing you did it charie oh who's a good boy Char's a good boy yes he is throwing for Content you can hold to Dragon his start but I'm a long ways off from teaching them to spell out we love you Papa what did that give me I have to cover myself in sauce every morning just to get them to pay attention to me but that's just the way it goes you pour every little bit of love you got into somebody and you just look like this guy is that weird to say all right what were we doing oh I was going back I was talking to Becca hanging out somewhere here where is Becca didn't she live in a cave somewhere didn't she moved here didn't she look for the purple house dude ah nothing like getting toasty hi holding that camera the whole time OMG sounds like wiggle has a nasty habit say bug snacks I feel bad probably have 100 times this the last four hours in my old life I would have killed to get dirt on wiggle wiggle bottom I used to take pictures for gmz you know and whoever else might be buying how much would have okay if you had a a camera and you're outside my Walmart or something and you found me and you videotaped me being like Jeremy Jer jerma uh how's the new stream stream coming how stream going I was like the away from me off and I got in my car and drove away How would how much would that get you on like TMZ I was like I got places to be leave me the alone get the away from me it would it be worth if 1,00 bucks that's kind of a lot considering oh right I almost forgot about that it's easy to I wouldn't be on the TMZ front page I'd be on TMZ to pods yet they're the best snack ever because they don't even move but that would be a Sunday article if you aren't observant like me that wouldn't be a prime time like Thursday afternoon by my old cave and I know a certain grumpus who might want some that's a Sunday at Sunday at like I don't know like 4:00 a.m. catch one crispy snack pod where where's the best place to get a crispy snack pod did she just tell me and I wasn't paying attention probably I would assume that's what happened Epica told me about a snack that hides in her old cave okay we got to go back to her where's her old cave nice night out you get on the front page all right so if not not oh hey uh Mr alberon can we get a moment what if I okay here's another story so instead of hey get the out of here off I say hey get the out of here off and then I get my car and just start doing donuts in the parking lot with the middle finger out the window window at you does that improve my chances to like get like on get some traction there you just get arrested but but officer I just wanted to get on TMC all right what's this bug is this there a secret snack pod oh oh there it [Music] is that's how you get on TMZ yeah but then my entire career is over career career in quotes he said career they're all doing the walk hey buddy hey by I brought your old bag of potato chips oh yeah oh can't say I miss that cave but I do miss these thanks bestie oo I don't I wish I didn't do anything for you ever oh oh Waldo has something or wampo Wampus promus whatever his name is he doesn't he have a quest oh dude I see you're on a temper has a journey you can move around all you want your partner will never feel it and never see it take a look at this this egg take a look at this wine glass get wake up I'm talking to you nothing yet think something might be wrong with the soil too dry or maybe too wet no is there no bed sheet on this bed something needs fixing why don't you fetch me a big old fibrous bug snack like a spdy I got a plan okay catch a sputty that's uh out in um freak Canyon the this meat body parts you think they smell I feel like after a few days that she's just going to stink it would just smell like the inside of a restaurant kitchen everywhere it always hurts whenever you sound sounds defeated defeated why am I defeated I'm energized not really but I could be all right there's a spdy you get a spdy you need a spdy to attack another spdy oh here you go you two fight each other all this trick in the book oh this is hot sauce finally it's not even the oldest trick in the book I just said that cuz it was easy all right but you how do I get you I feel like I probably can just jump and catch it damn it that was a complete Miss I don't think I can do this yes I can white chap poop that's not a regular CH poop CH poop hurry all right one more is that just french fry that's a sweet potato French [Music] fry all right sweet potato French fry got it all right I need one more cheese poof frer damn it that's three all right I got two quests done just like that are you going to go back to town but don't feed him yeah actually do feed him feed him three cheesy poops one and the two legs all right good okay okay I know you're just itching to get your paws on that bridge so I'll cut you a deal friend this area frider but it's on this ridiculously tall Rock and it wasn't exactly blessed with stil wouldn't have to be a sweet frider would it it would frer pleasure doing business with youy you're my best and only customer I'm starting to think I should get a better location back in snack but uh moving all this inventory across the desert is real sweaty work I need a way to keep cool if you make both my feet into big popsicles bsic then walk in the hot Sands would be a breeze snow Zone I got to warn you you won't find popsicles in the desert better look elsewhere pal I need to snow Zone okay I need to turn your feet into popsicles does anybody get that reference really that's sad that nobody knows what that is new starship in Cosmic flavors my sock my bom Z oh he put the bridge down wait that's a that's a different kind of burger that's a sesame seed bun Burger that's a bacon burger I want the bacon Bunger Burger I need to knock you out follow me what do you love that's a barbecue Bunger that's a barbecue bacon Bunger Burger this barbecue bacon Bunger Burger is does he like this barbecue bacon Bunger Burger is much more aggressive than its Forest cousin it loves ketchup all right go start a fight hey get over here you barbecue bacon Bunger [Music] Burger still what you're still fine will you guys fight got it I got the barbecue bacon Bunger Burger Bunger I'm saving that one soiled wus is looking for some material okay the spdy and then I got to catch the sub all right let's return the spdy somebody to try this let's see if this works whatever oh I could go for I could go for a barbecue bacon Bunger burger right now who has the best bacon burger out of the fast food restaurants Wendy's but I don't like the Wendy's bacon is like kind of cold and shitty I love Wendy's burgers but if you get bacon on them they kind of cold Five Guys that's true Five Guys could be pretty good Five Guys bacon burger probably is the best bet I would say but that's not really fast that's kind of a tear up hey there got something to say no that's my barbecue bacon buer burger not yours wus you heartless monster stop burying the little ones you mind your own business besides I thought you wanted more bug snacks you know that's not what I meant and that's not going to work anyhow that's so you go and let me know when your pets are expecting I I really do like the the junior BAC and cheeseburger but it's weird and this might just be my problem but I don't think it is almost every time I've ordered a junior bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's it's been cold just is I've ordered probably hundreds of times over the last 10 15 years at least 100 times it's always cold it tastes great and it's really good what's going on wiggle hi get out of my face stop wiggling in my face hey buddy everything good that's not for me no you go and feed that to filbo then hold up by the ouse for a spell wait when his business is done we deliberately giving this guy diarhea the fertilizer you know uh night soil waste Spud cruds on don't make me get crude now oh I figured it out he's every funny dad at the dinner table at a restaurant you know he puts the pretzels in he puts the straw on his nose and he has like leans in and goes like and it's like Dave stop here eat one of these a thanks bootleg reindeer though suddenly I'm feeling nature call sorry got to go all right then we scoop up the oh hi there this is gross I didn't have enough time but it would have been let's eat let's eat it till next time [Music] I'm sorry but the first thing that somebody says to you when you come out of the bathroom after diarrhea should not be let's eat and I'm standing right in front of the door that he came out of Howdy hey how's it going oh you want this here's your fertilizer W let that stink could raise the dead that's bound to be potent enough for my soil thanks stranger feed him the bag you can't no that's my big barbecue bacon bunker Burger give meot give me more bees I want like at least 10 to 15 B descriptions Bodacious Bountiful yeah but I want it in a row only give me I want the whole thing hello big beautiful Buffalo no more I want the whole thing audacious beyond belief that this bumbling Butthead can't brush up his bug catching busts no no no I want give it to me in succession big beautiful boneless Bar Buffalo Barbecue Burger no more than that why you guys only do it like five at a time is Shakespeare in chat hi wus he how a journey Hey Big Butter Big buttery boneless boyant barbecue bacon bunker Burger I feel like this is just a menu at Ruby Tuesdays bigger better buttery beautiful Bodacious bumbling bulpus butter butt beater bubbling bubbling Bunger big barbecue Bunger Burger bioengineering business person bioremedation bronchitis blacksmith black bzo no you're doing it wrong I'll do it myself you just can't link every where the starts with be big beautiful booty Bodacious big businessman Borderland 3 Burger big beautiful big beautiful boisterous Bo Boomerang bird no you guys are so not good at this Borderlands 3 burger oh hi link me the letter B in the dictionary audaciously Bountiful barbecue bacon butter brilliantly baked before being bitten burger what the does that mean Peter fer picked a peck of pickled peppers Big Baby Back Bodacious Butte eating booby Bunger barbecue burger big beautiful buttery barbecue bacon Bumble Burger bigger butt better best beef big capping butt burger barbecue bacon Bunger Burger burned brilliantly Beyond boundless beautiful bucks and buddies now why I'm having big bitter bizar are blaring bleeding bloody blooming Blue blunting Blur boiling Bolivian Bunger Burger well I'm having too much fun with this beautiful Bodacious Bonafide Bountiful buttery big bust and booty barbecue bacon Bunger bger all going well okay I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done okay I will read a few more of these I birdie sers wiggle wiggle yes uh I'm here at Ruby Tuesdays the do a small uh campaign meet and greet uh what do we have on the menu here let me see uh yes uh M mam I will take the big beautiful boundless beefy beastly booty eaten bacon barbecue Bunger Burger pleas and can I order one of those for the entire restaurant I'll take two for every person that is here EXC everybody in the restaurant please if you I can have total silence when I order the food that I'm going to order for everyone here what's going to happen I'm going to be ordering the big brapping beater beautiful butt eating booby bunging Bodacious buttery Bunger back baby Bernie Sanders approved bitten boundless Beyond Burger it's vegetarian what happened oh a new Quest hello so long stranger hible oh no that's that's a completed Quest yeah Bernie Bernie Bernie stop ordering hamburgers stop ordering Burgers you've already ordered like 30 different ones but there's so many on this menu I have to order them all I got to try them all all right we got to get that sub all right where's that sub sandwich Bernie you're getting too big somebody said big beautiful Binding of Isaac Burger you can't get the sub yet oh so what the hell am I supposed to do anybody else have any quest for me to do how's it going it looks like you just got out of surgery man like you got like an ear wrapped up you got like your feet all wrapped up what else am I what what am I on oh right this cold feet thing I need some big popsicles no not again how do I get to like a new area should I go up from Garden or up from here this looks like a new area Sugar Pine Woods sugar pine wood Kong Racing I figured it out that's a cookie so fast that evades captur there must be a way to trip it up it's a cookie what are these H cool these snacks will stick to just about anything including a trap what else is there cookie poop this gooey ooey gooey crackery mess is evidence of a bug snack it only appears at night this a s'more bug s'more is my favorite dessert I love those things so much this's a s'more bug I can't wait to get it coming back here at night any others was that this sticky glob of Honey is evidence of a bug snack whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa can I go to the top of the mountain oh there's Chad hey Chad snorp snorp bro snorp get out here I'm sorry chandlo I'm not coming outside I'm close to finishing my next invention return to your lifting in peace snorp we talked about this bro they made a glitchcon emote after you to go outside at least one hour a day did got to get some fresh air dog yes what I'll get is the attention of the Grump arti who there's nobody out here but us bro better to work in the shadows when I cannot be seen they did no they didn't I would have been told about that bro if you're not coming outside I'm bringing the outside to you break he's going to break his house down what you cannot lift my entire house oh yes I can I'mma lift your crib dog do not lift my crib chandlo I have delicate instruments in here and LIF in your crib dog there I'm out in the fresh air and I can smell the Chemtrails the thing about being one of these creatures that's right is you can't hide that you ate something step at a time you know like he has a cinamon roll on his leg he can't pretend he didn't eat a cinnamon roll oh hey dude oh you still on that diet still on the diet right yes of course I'm on my diet right what's the diet consist of fruit fruit bugs vegetable bugs and uh exercise right well keep at it seems like it's working pretty well move along interopa whatever sort of spy or counter agent you are I'm not about to fall for your tricks this Chemtrails in the in the snack bug world why did I read that move along interopa SC wait where are they I want to see I don't see any you lied to me whoa It's You Again how's that sweet Mountain there treating you bro he said it yeah I know SW in Paradise he said it I'm so stupid for me anyway I'm Funk bun with wisdom and lifting I thought you just said that to be funny I didn't even listen to I guys they may as well be speaking a different language I haven't paid attention in three and a half hours I just see funny like green cartoon character that feed him insects that's all I know n I'm good I mean I like being in town but it gives snorp mad anxiety why don't you talk to him he's not good with strangers so tell him I sent you hey so I'll talk to snorp oh he did did he my poor sweet Chandler has always been too trusting what is your business with me you have glasses for your glasses H I'm not disinterested but you're still a suspicious individual I propose a test here take my newest invention the snack Grappler I built it so that I could help Chandler with his b B balling problem said back seating I forgot that meant going outside so you do it and then maybe we'll talk okay you got the snack Grappler switch to your snack Grappler by holding Q ooh wait can are you telling me I can just grab out of the air now what is that thing what the hell is that thing give it to me I I want it it's a charm allo this snack is literally on fire it's from water or ice I love it oh I love it I hear another one what do I hear a Sprinkle peed it likes to climb high on struct maybe move some sauce where is it where where's this thing where's the sprinkle peed conspiracy board Tower uh well wait snail a sin snail very slow very sticky it likes to stay far Out Of Reach not for long how do I how do I grab it how do I pull it from here it's too sticky well I know what to do oh I got to go over there too launch me what happened who's this break free what he freezes don't touch me don't touch me [Music] bro all right I need to use the sticky thing to trap him but then how do I you come here oh I need a bobic freeze anything that touches it there must be a way to melt its icy armor oh my God you little weirdo come here give this back hey popsicle popsicle popsicle pops all right come here freeze [Music] him bsic cookie cookie bsic cookie cookies he's laughing at him get him oh my God okay now what do I do to you don't what use the net I can't pick him up I need to melt him wait what do you like you love chocolate oh my God you love chocolate get him okay now we have to flip him over who's it what what you just oh you just cookie launched him got him all right now I have to what do I how do I stop you from what do I do for you somebody died over here I got a I got a charmine de I got them I got them both that worked out that worked out holy that worked out really well yeah I need these Bob cicles don't I for uh the little red guy turn cromos feed into big bsic what do I have now these are bsic right you need big bsic not regular bsic you have the treasure map to here okay looking down on Camp from between the trees beneath the Snow Line something in there that's a yellow peel bug you literally can't follow a map what are you talk hold on man all right all right so there's the water it's over here behind a big rock there's the water with the cabin and then the big Ro okay where's the water in the cabin right there it's over here okay found it there it is you picked up a video diary all right there's a c snail this is my chance wait a basketball who like do you like basketballs oh wait you get anything for scoring a [Music] point did I win oh another one no no give me that hell you doing yes who cares what does that even do okay uh here we go I'm going to get that and then I'm going to catch him down here you ready watch my plan check this out ready oh I can't stand there never mind wait all right cool I got one I got a I got a cinnamon snake or snail whatever that's cool all right I have turn something into one of these guys right nice dog I knew he'd warm up to you and then I have the two popsicles that'll take me to the poopsicle guy help chandlo oh chandlo Chow where'd you go where's chano he ran away Chand where'd you go it said follow I know but I was I wanted to where'd he go I have no idea where he is follow me I turned and go completely oppos way and talk to guy in in Cabin oh there he is hey man check it out my own personal dunk Zone problem is I lost my balls they're stuck all over the place I'm sure I could get him down without your help but snorp made that grapple thing for me I want to see it in action are these guys going to go back to town I right put Chand L's basketballs into the basket nice shot bro thanks [Music] dude you know in in NBA Jam for the Super Nintendo if you went all the way to the edge like this it was almost a guaranteed switch every single time as long as you held the button for like 1 second the is going on hey I did it all right chandlo come on whatever Chandler let's go all right you got my balls back that grapple thing is awesome I bet it can grab all kinds of stuff snorp a genius bro check it out there's a sin snail right over there I know it looks like a sticky dump truck full of car he must have fallen off he's actually a master climber no that was just a way to trick me it see then he runs away wanted to climb like that trying to get rid of me hey hey look over there catch me that cnail [Music] bro whoa oh yeah I feel stronger already watch me ver climb right out of here race you back to the cabin out of the way I take this dead serious man wait oh this what are you doing I'm trying launches left click r you bro oh nice you made it you got back pretty fast for a newbie me I got the same time I always get I guess one bug snack isn't enough to push my limits there's got to be more sin snails around this mountain dog this guy kind of is a Kai fur isn't he I catch two cnails I will please stop talking about guy Fury he's like one of my favorite actors how can I not one basketball yeah drink bro got it little snail oh dunk them sin snails into my mouth hoop dog I on the flipflop bro I kind of hate this guy actually all right two C Nails yeah and then we'll give you a cnail uh toe yeah that's what I'm talking about I can't wait to check my gains but before that I got a situation hones flew off with my backup balls now my balls are up in the sky no matter how shredded I get I can't fly believe me I've tried you got to be my wings dog master that Grabber catch me those honees just do it yourself hate you you there one take two H hone two out two make the honeybee noise honeybee honeybee let's give him gooey knees whoa oh Grump arbo load body's tingling I think that's the power power you really did me a solid if you want me back in town I'll be there all right see you there but I ain't going anywhere without my main dog snorp he'd be lost without me I can't get snorp to leave though I'm sure I'll find a way to make him leave keeping him here he doesn't want to talk but I got to all the info I needed by the way launched hey you have a secret project yes I wish I could tell chandlo everything but knowing the truth would only put him in more danger anyway you have my thanks for helping him perhaps I can trust you after all I am suck the air out of a basketball engineer and seeker of Truth here new Chum lean in close so that I may bestow a hug on you ah ah what an excellent hugging experience that was we shall have to do that many more times now I need your help are you willing to risk your life for the greater good no I would die for you Splendid there is another device you will need I've hidden it inside the bugat tower once you have it I will tell you more okay get the tool from the bugat tower Tower power that back don't take that from me hello hello can you hear me ah that's right I planted a radio tracking device on you during our mutual hugging now we can communicate securely beware Grump andatti are always lening what's this one of those flying bug snacks has set off the to's alarm system again ooh final tool not to worry with my trip shot I just tried to hit right click to aim down movement you got the trip [Music] shot that's I didn't shoot it why did I not fire it deploy oh it's not a gun it's like a century okay I get [Music] it yawn now we got to [Music] wait all right return to me for the next pH of the plan oh it's fire I forgot ah Chum I have such a craving for cookies why my craving is so terrible that I would like my teeth to be cookies so that I may taste my own teeth you see there was an old story about this kid that anything that he ate was chocolate didn't matter what it was anything he put in his mouth it turned to chocolate and he ate it and he ended up hating it after a while he would drink out of a fountain it would be chocolate milk in his mouth or chocolate in his mouth and there was some lesson there that he had to learn and it was something like um if you eat the same food over and over again it sucks and you get sick of it he killed his mother by accident and he ate his mother oh well I don't remember that part of the story all right we need to I actually I have I have a cookie cannot attach to snow sand or I have a cookie cookie it's Splendid I no longer have to worry about psychotronic torture or cavity kissed his mother and she turned into chocolate for charow have enough chalow catch two challow I believe they may to the so then we we got a I there was just kind of chaos the last time I did this I don't remember to do any of this conach whoa snorp dog you got the radio working let's put some jams on where's the I got to bring you to cool them off it's broken what do they like they're obsessed with something what the hell is that okay you love chocolate come over here I got wait you have VI objects in Mirror way closer than they appear never mind not there something over here I guess I I'm going to have to lure that other one with I'm going to cover myself with chocolate and run around a circle game gives you heartburn this game makes me hungry I need a popsicle there we go all right you follow me come on popsicle okay now chocolate is selected he's very chocy take a look are you too high to understand this hey all right come here what did you do wait who why you like chocolate too what the just happened what happened did I get him pick him up pick him up pick him up why can't I pick him up is he okay I can't pick him up oh dear he's dead oh sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle hello yeah he's dead he ain't getting up from that one sorry bsle you wouldn't mean I killed him he he jumped on the trampoline and killed himself I didn't do anything all right two challs marshmallow nose oh I like you you you you're going to look really goofy a graham cracker head and a marshmallow nose that blind spot in place I can safely return to snackbar meet me outside H the sky seems clear of danger I suppose it's now or never whoa snor is ready to go we got two all right dog let's do this in just a moment Chandler you've been an invaluable Ally I'm even tempted to call you a friend but quietly so I'm not overheard bro if I didn't think it' crush you like a tin can I would hug the Grump out of you oh what the Grump here it comes these two are just they want to hug expert hugging that is you do that hug yeah you're doing a real good job of let's get out of here hug R you back to town snorp dog please don't make me run with you chandlo I'll go weaken the knees if you're not up for it I could always carry you no no that's quite all right you're lost see you back in town bro you did [Music] it I think he's okay okay up there did I help him down he doesn't know how to get down he's like a cat in a tree him okay he hates those things all right well come on let's go let's go move move oh get down get down what about hot sauce do you like hot sauce I saved him see now he's like an orange creamsicle he's fine is this annoying you is this annoying you is this annoying you you belong up there was that a crying face emoji you cannot reintegrate into society after being up there why what hey how's it going it's going good all right no no no no no don't get distracted I need to first of all I want to feed this potato to somebody and make them look weird not you um yeah we're almost done with making you look totally weird here take another one of these spuds SP uh Spud elbow yeah okay you look nice and weird popsicle Zone popsicle leg popsicle leg you look great oh big beautiful big burger barbecue burger bungo burger oh he's recycling jokes he's desperate I'm desperate man big beefy beer battered bong water rapper barbecue berer no we're not doing this again just give me one more obstacle and get me out of here here is no Ruby Tuesdays in Vermont don't be sad about that that place sucks don't like be annoyed by that that's like oh no too bad I can't go to Ruby Tuesdays the place is like not even good go off on Ruby no go off I'm not no what okay I've eat look I've eaten at Ruby Tuesdays three times and it was it was it was it was passible it was okay it was like it was all right it was like okay I wouldn't say it was the the greatest it was good bad kind of but like not terrible the waiter was nice it was like a nice place but if I'm going to get a if I'm if I'm going to get a burger from a restaurant I'm going to go to a restaurant that has good burgers I know you go to Ruby Tuesdays for the burgers but I don't know I don't consider them to be like that good not McDonald's no Ruby Tuesday is better than McDonald's Ruby Tuesdays is probably better than any fast food restaurant I would say probably but not by very much all right I need a a fire fire you're new who are you that's a rainbow sweetie fly Tuesdays is for the salad not the burgers somebody lied to you put them in the hot water you like ketchup all right he's now I have to knock him out knock him out knock him out knock him outle popsicle okay I got him I got him big bsle bple a big okay I need another one all right Morty relax oh no cookie oh man you know like like Rick and Morty is just like poison too you guys why I'm trying to all right I'm trying to figure this out why is Rick and Morty just just poison to your ears what what happen tell me if I hear like oh Rick and Moore it's cuz it has our Reddit fan base yes so does every TV show cartoon video game go to our Smash Brothers R uh Kus R so look everything has a subreddit what you talking about r our German 985 Our Family Guy our American Dad our Dexter shows that haven't been on the air for like 5 years guys still have Reddit fan bases that still stick around thma watches Dexter Omega l no the point is I haven't watched it in like 10 years what the hell Garfield oh I got Bob found a bobic bobic bobic bobic bobic bsle ble bsic ble all right knock him out knock him out into the tree what the you all right oh he exploded oops no I need you to be big can you guys combine give me my sauce what sauce are you talking about give me the McDonald's sauce oh give me my okay I see what you're doing give me my sauce give me my sauce what the is that thing hey why didn't I take a picture of it I should have taken a picture of it I was frozen in fear oh I know what happened to Liz that's her that's Liz I get it okay so like yeah she ate a ton of these and became that I get it I understand the game now and we are all becoming that by eating the B the bubes too much I I see cuz we're slowly all going to turn into that kind of I see all right it's just like that story of the chocolate the kid the the kid that could eat anything that would become chocolate in his mouth give me a obstacle please God before I freak out I can't believe I didn't get a picture of it that's so said I didn't get a photo I have just sitting there just staring into nothing dis gloop AUST dis gloop AUST dis gloop end of the stream voice probably soon after I do these quests probably oh I don't know the lyrics every song in the remake of Willy Wonka was just it said the character's name like three or four times to a catchy beat Willy Wonka Willy Wonka the famous chocolate teer dis gloop dis gloop he did something he did this elv elvir elvir you're in trouble I hear a bsic yes I [Music] dos he didn't get put out all right bobic is my favorite character so far I want a good photo all right he's been out FP him over hey hey hey look at me get angry get angry get angry let's go I got two crunchy bags oh what I'm going to what about I get I need food what is it going to be bacon bungo burger maybe Wy has that pretzel burger that's true I wanted to try that for a while now one of you guys told me that it wasn't that good though somebody said it was okay it wasn't that great so I don't know is it any good all right big poopsicle feets big poopsicle feet now you can walk on acid sweet relief these things better not melt off anyway a Deal's a deal friend the bridge is yours some assembly required pretzel burger is good but if you burp after you will die oh and so you know it makes me want to eat is not responsible for any loss or injury suffered as a result of the use of his property I I know what you mean by that and that scares me anything at all please please please call your friend Kono oh I'm already sweating it's too hot too hot oh what does that mean that I when in my mind I assume that you didn't even fix the bridge you didn't do anything what I feel okay if after you eat like a bunch of cheese and pretzel and bacon and Pub cheese I can imagine the burps would come up and it would be they would number one they would stink right like don't let's be real but be realistic with ourselves they probably smell horrible and it would probably burn too like a little like painful and like acidy it hurt your throat too yeah probably but the the is Pub cheese you know I don't know what it is it's this orange spreadable cream cheese that has this odd taste to it what is puup cheese it's cheese and alcohol cheese from beer no I don't think it is Pub cheese is human vomit that's gross it's beer cheese hold on wait wait wait I need to look at this I'm I'm going to wrap it up here by the way Pub cheese I'm just curious what this is okay what is Pub cheese Pub cheese is a type of soft cheese spread and dip prepared using cheese as a primary ingredient and usually with some type of beer or ale so you were right okay it's beer cheese but not I've had Pub cheese a bunch of times before and I've had specifically beer cheese before and beer cheese to me is way better puup cheese doesn't taste like beer cheese to me for some reason I don't I doesn't I know everything about Wendy's well that's interesting because your name is MCG griddle Tony you seem to be dabbling in the competition as well Tony you're a traitor that's what you are that's a great name though MC griddle Tony I know everything about Wendy's but here's the thing you might know everything about everything about all the fast food places then MC riddle might just be your favorite so okay I think I get it it is a good name it really is I haven't had a MC riddle in so long they still make him it's a two little pancakes with the bacon egg and cheese in the middle they're actually really good all right I'll uh I'll see you guys uh tomorrow I want to see the ending yeah I do too we'll we're going to play this tomorrow we'll play tomorrow we're going to I want to complete bug snacks all right I'm getting a little tight so I got to get up have a great rest of your night take care guys um
Channel: Skye4
Views: 209,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 40sec (13900 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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