Jeff's Barbershop Holiday Special

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to a holiday special slash year-end recap I know a lot of people usually do this at the end of the year and they use it kind of as an opportunity to brag about all of the accomplishments that they made and stuff or should I say flex I'm gonna be using this opportunity to apologize for all of the careers that I've ruined and people I've left over over the past year it was a little bit of a rocky start I'm still working out the kinks here on the show so we're gonna be getting into all that stuff today lots of fun stuff also my guest here Scott youtuber and magician musician thanks for coming man it's just like old days it's just like old times that the podcast used to have together the X business partner in the ex-con alright I actually I have a joke this is a recap episode right yeah we're gonna recap I had a joke for this I borrow this see this is a cap mm-hmm cap is on mm-hm I take the cap off and I reaped before we get any further into this this video is sponsored by rake on the company is founded by Ray J a popular musician and actor you guys may know him from a bunch of different things now he worked with professional engineers some of the best in the biz to come up with this product there half the price of fancy other earbuds they're just as good some say they're even better than all those other ones they look they're super adjustable you can put them in different sized ears ray cons Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals I can't even tell you how good these deals are you'll get yourself a pair of these at by Raycom slash Jeff Witek let you check those out top em on thank you now let's get into this haircut point zero one point zero one percent we need to Jack that up out we got you a little gift here help take the edge off and you little nervous in here this is for you oh well that looks good you know what that needs haha two shots of whiskey take my special juice you like oh yeah make me a virgin Cheers all right we're gonna do your hair throughout this episode I heard you wanted to like a fade I don't look like like Brad Pitt Tom Cruise Brad Pitt from Fury yeah okay wait what does he look like in theory like this photo over up some dirt on your face I'm sure by the time you're done with that bottle of whiskey you'll be looking a little rough like that too I don't know if you noticed but we got all these candles lit in memory of every time we forgot a candle on the Scott cast which was the theme of our show sometimes our producers were asleep at the wheel well when are we doing another episode oh oh I want to give Scott a good haircut cause I've been getting roasted for my lack of care on the haircut yeah it is a barber show so I want to make sure he has a good haircut he's happy with and the people at home don't get me before cuz you [ __ ] I really get getting to me maybe you can start your apologies off by apologizing for canceling the podcast it ended because you went on tour with rod how was your experience untoward my experience on tour was was grueling it was exhausting was it an overall success overall success no my youtube-channel died while I was on tour I lost $175,000 and Scott cast died as well YouTube channel dead Scott cast dead but we are here today to hopefully just consign man like sign we are here today to mother mother I think they just blew a hole this is truly I wish it which is hair on ginger I'm pretty far into the haircut I feel like I can now focus on some apologies and recaps Wow look we didn't even have the bricks then that's not I had a broken ankle that's funny because last year we were doing an intervention and now we're doing the opposite we are encouraging you to drink more we're almost in some would say enabling should apologize for calling it an intervention and handing me a bottle of whiskey that was not right addiction is not a joke and if you do have a problem because you get the proper help I will put a link down in the description right below rake on head err prop your earbuds earbuds you could get a a a link down below they made a movie about that once called earbud was about a dog well Santa Claus man we're 30 minutes into this episode and he's still not here the whole [ __ ] year is ruined because of this fat [ __ ] one time when I was a kid Santa left footprints yeah carpet how did you hear it it wasn't connected yet and he heard me call him a fat there's no way it said connecting do we have that do we have video of that okay we will listen for the reindeers up on the roof okay bye you fat really oh my god defconn blonde hair look like [ __ ] would you look like a [ __ ] Punk I apologize for all the all the beeps and all the bees what was your mood after leaving here walking out of here with all your hair buzzed off and a few buzz buzz and bee stings yeah you didn't like the haircut I just because of the bees or was it the actual haircut no look who finally woke up one of the reindeers is here you know what that means I think Santa's closeby yay Santa's here Santa's here I am sorry Santa for calling you a fat before on the phone but thank you for coming here thank you for you girls for having me this is my new co-host on me this is actually tough time to introduce this now that I have my ex co-host and my new co-host it just is it's so funny because I was really happy there's a dynamic cuz he's so much fatter and I'm so skinny are you doing a new podcast no he's just gonna sit in with me on these from time to time on what on barbershop yeah on the barbershop he was the most hated ever on my channel so I think that it'd be good to force-feed him down my audience's throats just keep on stuffing him down their throats until they like him so let's let's roll another video we're about halfway through now this one this was a big hit coughing bad and you're okay this is crazy kids it is cringe even even after we edited it down okay enough enough enough of him enough of him and not for this oh okay PewDiePie PewDiePie saw it as it was he saw that I was just craving attention at the time and I got a little too greedy and I was only thinking about myself and I feel like I owe Cody a huge apology Jake you you've dug your grave you could sleep in it now I think there's only one thing left to do and that's to call Cody and officially apologize you are calling been forwarded to an automated voice-messaging system I think he's probably just busy no I think you saw you calling decided not to pick you up well Kim then if you don't want to be friends than you it's the Hutt's the holiday so it's what do you want me to do sit here and bow down and kiss people's feet it's in a we all got hundreds of thousands of subscribers from the situation can crucify me put me on the cross and then slit my throat because I've introduced two youtubers since an apology episode just like cool it you know I just want his forgiveness if there's much ask all right enough enough enough enough enough enough I need a minute let's do a quick I'm gonna explode this outfit so quick five let's do lunch break Reggie grab the lunch oh nice oh yeah that's good getting your Jonah creation pieces up I'll grab this one no that's good meat [Music] it's good meat hmm thank you I'm much better now that is good okay let's get back into this recap you all sit there what I have a little something to mess up and have a little a little something that half an inch right there look was there spider in there okay alright great episode nothing to apologize they're sick of this guy get him off my screen get him off my screen I don't want to see this at all why don't we break this up a little bit we could do a charity trivia game we'll see if Santa Claus can yes some trivia questions related to the holidays now this say this is for charity so every question he gets right we are donating $100 out of my own pocket to Children's Hospital yeah first question how many days did the first Thanksgiving lost a 1 B 2 C 3 D 1 week D what's wrong it's actually 3 days it was 3 days can we double or nothing on the next question if I get it right absolutely second question in this song Frosty the Snowman what made frosty come to life is it a shoe shoes be a carrot C or D dude if you get this wrong I'll kill you it's an easy one this is amazing one can I have a hint it's one of the multiple choice things I feel like the last thing you put on a snowman when you build it as a carrot it's the Hat dude it's a I didn't finish answering about the kids I didn't finish my answer are you intentionally getting these wrong I know I'm trying my best but if I ask you this right can I can I save all the other questions that you asked that money's burned it's already spent on eggnog and props which Christmas sequel did Donald Trump Kim yelling I don't know dude you have to know this Donald Trump he's not an actor the only Christmas movie I assume is home alone okay so is it home alone one home alone - or home alone 3 home alone one zero dollars have been raised for the children those poor kids man okay everybody calm down calm down stop being mean to Jonah just because the kids didn't get anything doesn't mean that we're not gonna get something so everybody has a stocking here with their initial on it mine is actually the last one that's for Scott oh it's a brand-new pair of recon headphones episode these are actually half the price as fancy competitors and they work just as good if not better from Ray Jay ray Jay's you know Ray J how do you know Reggie herring mode yeah the true great artist thing and then I got Z for Zane insane Zane it's a gift from nerf reach on down reach down and they're good reaching good oh look at that it's a pile of dock look at that from nerf to Zane that's really nice you know thank you high five there I don't really know what you see would have for that but it's a thought that counts we're grateful for that nerf that's that's yours yeah J for Jonah oh look like Cinna got some coal that is embarrassing looks like this last one's for me what are you guys serious gold diamond grills watch piggies in ever max back exceeded Wow he maxed it out there's one last special Christmas touch wait hold on before you do the Christmas touch can you get rid of this color in my hair I don't like this color I want a different color this must be a red bearded Christmas miracle well your fingers so orange Cheetos was eating them before this I love them everything everything they eat look at that little Cheetos my hair too I'm pretty much done with the haircut and I'm done with my making amends uh-oh who's this we got an evil villain check back next year when we have a all-new list of apologies for the people that I've over in the next upcoming months what do you think why don't you put orange in my the Christmas miracle is it the color well it was good it was good to have everybody here I'm happy we were able to bring everybody together to celebrate the holidays vlog squad style but I'm just happy with everybody had a good time and nobody got hurt thank you for coming hope your hair plugs growing nice happy holidays next year is our year 2020 is when we're gonna we're gonna prevail we are not making any more mistakes like we used to [Music] [Music] [Music] I just wanna go to Burning Man and suck my own dick right is one goat at Burning Man and suck my own dick on a spaceship yeah kinda Burning Man on you a foul or war they don't understand what I am good with you know
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 2,375,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff wittek, scotty sire, david dobrik, vlog squad, cody ko, jake paul, jeffs barbershop, vlog, haircut, hairstyle, podcast, skotcast, zane hijazi, rewind, talk show, christmas, holiday
Id: w_HNX8N95O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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