MEETING MY LOOK ALIKE | Jeff's Barbershop ft. Joe Santagato

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hey what's up everybody welcome back to another episode of Geoff's barbershop we were in my hometown and we have Josie abogado coming on the show and you guys [Music] my co-host your co-hosts it doubled us we're gonna go co-hosting the show now have you ever seen their stuff no I haven't fun do you think we look like everyone on the internet always talks about how me and Jeff look alike but we really just looked like like a before and after picture like kind of diamonds I could definitely see it a little bit if I was like 2500 dude like easily that's well now that I got my my hair boxed up so after the blonde girl cut your hair yeah it's not terrible I would have thought of you way worse well they have better senses when they can't see like they're hearing in their space feel is very good yeah yeah so that's probably why there was a time there where everyone was tagging me and like everything you posted like I thought this was you yeah I don't even know if we're the same person and until now but I actually have a 23andme test so we're gonna have you go off in the bucket is that old you want to do it use one of those yeah I give it after I'll just like when that as well what do you want to do with your hair same thing what same thing yeah this is the first time we met I could tell the cut you got last night okay yeah then can we just do that here I'm worried about you just like shave and I'll been lying down the center of my head like there's no crazy that happens like I'm scared this kids like it's set on fire although he set you on fire once I've been yeah I just guessed that there was someone who got set on fire it's a miracle he's even still alive yeah good for you you seem like a durable dude yeah yeah you seem very durable yeah they take some fire no I mean I'm pretty durable let's sit through all your videos it's good give it to them I don't know the New Yorkers they could handle it can't handle it I almost I almost feel more comfortable like if you'd be nice to me I'm gonna definitely like calm a piece of [ __ ] that's how we bond here yeah just like spit at me or something don't actually spit a little weird no we don't spit on each other you want to give you like a little fade or something just yeah yeah just you can fit you could fade the sides and then we'll just take some off the top and then we'll just you know welcome in a bucket and we'll get ya oh my god you're gonna look great your hair's guaranteed to be shorter I'll just take that so you were actually a barber at one point I used to work with this guy Nick was like my big brother growing up he's a real piece of [ __ ] he would give me all the wrong advice - why do you hate LA so much I don't hate the city as much as I hate the people that when I went there and had to hang out with I was like well these people are kind of all full here we went out to LA to shoot with like influencers quote-unquote and these people had like 20,000 subscribers on YouTube they'd be like yeah just talk to my assistant you know I'm running around and whatever and they think they're actors and I'm like oh my god dude like can relax like you're from LA what do you do for work I work at Wonder Bread I haven't seen a loaf of Wonder Bread in 15 years Ezekiel breads the one that's rising to the top at the moment Ezekiel bread because it's healthy but Wonder Bread has too much sugar in it okay coffee I liked you when did you like he stepped in through the door and he what the same shoes I wore yeah I didn't know he was gonna be here he is my co-host but he just coincidentally here hadn't buying the plane ticket or anything like I need to tell him that they were doing this he found out from a camera operator over there where Don you're doing great by the way perfect set out of kit you have made a peep which is insane for this guy because he [ __ ] up every shoe yes should I go buy a bunch of Wonder Bread and have someone deliver like three it was the wonderful job yes it lose it lose it remember what we discussed Walmart version of Jeff yeah Mon insulting but you could try but I'm on that yeah it's gonna be tough to get them but you can get them you don't I don't need your help man no if you want I'll even help you need one piece it's better for me you guys should split it he got a nice table before this yes I got to put bacon in it can I can I say what would be I think that looks good okay we discussed okay it's all fun and games here this is how we bond dude are you gonna yak I heard that but you guys got a really good podcast you talk about some important topics I saw you did the ones about the racist stuff yeah uh yeah we went racist yeah yeah we're doing movie reviews and you were like this movie American History X is racist oh yeah it is that movie's pretty great it is very real documented well yeah it's pretty well known from Venus it actually looks like hey you know what you guys walk together then it moved up naked next to each other okay why do you make everything so no I just try to be witty but he's a comedian I'm just like worried you know I don't know what my head looks like right now I try to have to look into the mirror you gonna love it look at this yeah yeah that makes me feel better you're guaranteed shorter hair is merch so now I feel I feel right out of guaranteed again I'm Kendra are you I'm fans I fan I'm not on fan joy which is crazy because what are you on scam joy scam joy I'm not on that either but to fan joy probably our bank don't laugh at it you guys never gonna rest it I've never been arrested oh I've never been arrested to know you've been arrested I didn't want it I don't want to interrupt again but I just feel like he brought me the way you brought that question up he was trying to provoke you and now you hate to be it's okay no so long look he's a young Scorsese look at that look at him he's been folks how's that shot look he focused on my face this is my good side hi I'm young so I stay loyal child labor yeah like is a big 13 year old I was like tiny when I was 13 you ever take steroids no man I'm never taking steroids once Danny did a cycle okay there's a lot of cooks in the kitchen right now and remember this is a haircut show okay the only cook should be me you just put bacon in an acai bowl did you actually do that I did read the main host on your show yeah do you fund the production I do fund the production I don't even know what I just said me too I get it I get I speak your language yes same you know comments the same we're cut from the same cloth mm-hmm you know you just got like a more chiseled cloth let's try something quick I want to FaceTime my mom there's gonna be you if you're feeling a MA and see how long were you get her for okay hey MA yeah no I am Jeff I'm getting a haircut from my friend who's got the tattoos and has probably killed a couple people but you know I just wanted to run it by you mom so yeah hey mom do you you got anything you want to tell me about this guy is he my brother thank you my I was trying to tell him for years now but you know since he got all the plastic surgery would look a little different now but if you know back then the century I don't have any plastic surgery mom show baby pictures of me now I didn't know she was gonna be disrespectful like that I think that was amazing like I mean I think I'm obviously I got some more weight than you but you also made you speed like super skinny how much you weigh 186 1 170 I'm a little more stretched out than you are hey this guy's talking about the size why you got a big fat no he's got a very small ass he's got a he's got a petite so he's got a very do not exist so what is it like a it's like a teardrop it like comes the inward just okay this is very much no we need a simple sensible question [Applause] Shana's petite I can something in the front though just put it in my face good for you you look like Jonah Hill like kind of like before that like money bollocks on the hill just be easy Zahn you know you like you but you yourself you're not the thinnest kid I've ever seen either tell him more those fat cowboy joke sounds good yeah good start don't go hey I lost 20 pounds you 300 so much hostility man me and Jeff are trying to fall in love you guys are ruining this for me do do you have uggs blogs on no [ __ ] you have lugs on your Lucic you robbed Santa Claus yeah I really don't know what loves us I was at Christmas two days ago you look for them before that you get hey Don welcome to the big leagues okay it's a barbershop you look like you just came back from My Chemical Romance concert to Zach Galifianakis no you stole this entire deck mm-hmm I've been saying that for the longest time and I'm glad somebody else finally brought to your attention what I mean one Monday yeah it was possible he's in the vlog squad all right well the haircuts done there's only one thing left to do that is coughing the bucket I got a jerk off to find out you know and then burn this place down collect insurance money oh yeah I just looked the same but you gave me a nice fate I mean you're not lying the the hair is shorter well it was nice meeting you was it I'll probably never see you again they're in love I think cuz it just seems that way [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 2,347,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff wittek, vlog squad, twin, joe santagato, the basement yard, david dobrik, vardon, jonah, antonyan, barber, haircut, jeffs barbershop, interview, podcast
Id: Ryayda2rc7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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