Why we stopped being friends.. Toddy Smith | Jeff's Barbershop

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- oh we got my good friend Todd I know we already gave him a haircut but today it's gonna be very special because we're gonna talk about mental health ex-girlfriend drama I wasn't done doing the intro yet what are you Rison we're going Jeff's barbershop unplug you have a guillotine yeah the blades gonna drop in one shot cut all your hair off saves more time for us to talk about all that juicy stuff that people want you've done this before no it's kind of ridiculous no I look stressed out well this is not an easy job here man coming up with new fun exciting ways to get haircuts I'm losing mine honey that way here I don't want to do this I'm a Hollywood actor they need me out there you're a youtuber bro is it safe okay we'll just keep your head kind of like sticking out so it just gets the hair why don't you go first are you not gonna do this no all right whatever man we don't have to use this I'll just plug my Clippers back in we could get this thing out of here when we first did your hair cut I had no subscribers really I kind of give you a little kick start you know I introduced you to David you don't think I would be here if I didn't have you introduced me to David oh I'm sure you'd be here in this room but maybe not where you're right with you - huh what do you mean like because I'm about to have more subscribers than you I'm getting more views than you now and used to poke fun at me and say hey oh look at Jeff what are you gonna get 13,000 views on your video and look at us now my numbers are skyrocketing my ego is huge my head is about to explode and I owe it all to you guys and myself and nobody else here okay the apartment you think you could do a better job but this why don't you give me a haircut okay I will give you a [ __ ] haircut yeah what's up guys welcome back Todd's barber shop Jeff's got cancelled he said something to Reggie and internet couldn't handle so here we are I've taken over you know this is my first time cutting hair I just won't let you guys know a little thing about honey are you gonna do a sponsor right now have you ever bought anything online you found out you could have bought it for a lot less well don't worry honey makes it easy because it scans websites for a bunch of coupons so when you're buying things it automatically scans it attaches a coupon to what you are buying and it has coupon codes for over 37 thousand different Amazon sites like Nike fan joy Wow you could even get a discount code on this merch Wow don't worry honey's for everyone because it practically works with anything you buy online it's so easy to install all it takes is basically two clicks just so you guys know honey is legit just so you guys know honey is legit I just said that it already saved people over 800 million dollars in total which is nuts so shop with confidence get honey for free at join honey calm slash Jeff that's join honey calm slash Jeff wow man you're just gonna open with a sponsor like yeah I mean I'm losing all my subscribers and no one's watching videos cuz they're all watching us I'm gonna make me some but you should probably try to do some jokes and then mix in the sponsors why don't we go back to Jeff's barber shop yeah Mike good afternoon when I first got you here last time I gave you about 70% today I'm gonna give you a hundred percent because at that time I was threatened I was jealous of you y'all so what you were the good-looking guy in the crew but now that I've surpassed you yeah and I've taken over all the people are talking about you online they're all saying Todd just washed up Jeff is better looking than him he's funnier yeah more talented better well produced show honestly it was all strategy for me because I was put on this pedestal by David and everyone they're like oh I'm like it's okay people attacking me in it no no it's all you well now you're going back up because after this haircut you're gonna be the number one good-looking guy by far you know what I don't want it give me 85 percent okay we can do 85 percent well how'd you get you start my start for being Scott's friend you know him yeah I had him on the show oh yeah vanilla ding-dong we started a podcast together oh yeah I saw I didn't watch it Scott cast right oh you didn't watch it no oh that's funny weren't we supposed to do a podcast together we were supposed to do a podcast together I did I did start one with your best friend that you introduced me to and we did release it without telling you this was all a big elaborate prank to get a genuine jealous reaction out of you okay we had audio surveillance footage of when you reacted to Oh or see in the podcast oh why don't play the clip you like talking about your friends you recorded me we were recording everything Oh what is this the Patriot Act dispute when I hang up the phone you you said you put me on and I can see without you I did this was all just a brown children and you took it David yeah you really heard who's that but now we got you here in the chair we're half hour three haircut you have plenty of time if you want to apologize maybe about that you know maybe we could have you on as a guest in the future on the podcast the Scott cast I'm good [Music] yeah who do you think will win in a wrestling match you and me me I'm being dead serious right that's no way you'll beat me in a wrestling match yeah well you drink you do cocaine exactly yeah I don't do cocaine I run way more than you I work out way more than you and I have can rage inside of me that nobody could stop me - let's [ __ ] wrestle right now dude okay let's wrestle go back to all of the boulevard oh right yeah that's uh get on Scissorhands thank you thank you for coming Johnny all right sit down sorry about that I picked that guy from Hollywood Boulevard he's been in there for four hours I don't know how to get rid of him man this is taking a long time huh alright let's just finish this haircut hey Johnny you wanna you want to just come out and maybe just keep him in there you wanna okay yeah Oh ease your [ __ ] face dude he's got my scissors on his fingers who the hell thought of that that's a crazy crazy idea for a movie huh John you want to come maybe do some of this haircut he's actually a really good barber oh yeah so I'm Huntington Beach huh yeah from Huntington Beach California what's it like growing up in a good home with money and having good parents that love you isn't because I grew up in Orange County I had money yeah money you came up with a silver spoon in your mouth are you [ __ ] kidding me how you so good look in there you rich bro yeah cuz I'm right where I'm good-looking look at the Kardashians why are you so good-looking I were your parents rich plastic surgery I've had my whole body redone your best friends started a podcast when you were hanging out with your girlfriend you can say my best friend started a podcast without me but now I wouldn't say they're my best friends cuz they betrayed me was there genuine anger in your heart when you I saw that pod there was genuine distrust and betrayal in my heart but I was too hung over from Coachella to display your serotonin levels were too low I was almost hysterical my own video and play piano I couldn't think straight I wanted to wring your neck in Scotts neck why don't you explain to some of the kids at home what serotonin levels are and how you can lower them so on your brain you have dopamine you have serotonin yes then when you drink a lot of alcohol lowers and both let's get him out of here that's you just drank a whole bottle I'll take over this is a different haircut that I'm giving you the first one I gave you originally I didn't want to take too much of a risk because it's my first time cutting your hair and we're friends and if I could your hair up and you didn't trust me to cut your hair then we couldn't be friends anymore see if you think about it it's the basis of the haircut that you got to where you are yeah we had to delete it and there were some funny jokes in it why don't we recreate some of those would you kill a puppy for five million dollars you bring out a puppy he's not a puppy the result you're shaking in your inner [ __ ] five million dollars could change your life Lamborghinis Ferraris jet skis all you got to do is suffocate that dog you know he's 11 years old he won't even care you know go you don't have five million dollars nor if this is just a social experiment we do have five million dollars dump it out on the floor that's a very long compass Todd the money's fake I know you'd love to have it but this is a prank show and this is my dog that I love cut that part out I don't want anybody to know that you passed the test Todd yeah it was anybody would have taken the money I wasn't gonna take that well if I said this already if it's gonna make the cut but Jeff actually saved my life vice versa Todd saved my life we had nothing we found each other now look at me I got [ __ ] 1.6 million followers on Instagram look at Todd he's got about the same as he had when he met me but hey I got clear skin my head's clear I asked the people at home to send us some questions you had a bunch of famous friends that are already killing it get in there crew and then you know what I'll just come easy you don't even have to try you come up with some stupid idea for a show and then and everything gets handed to you check out Todd's channel he puts even less effort into his videos than I do kill Scott because he's scott mhairi James Charles cuz he's loaded I could always divorce him one day and keep all the money Todd he has the most muscle mass out of all of us three yeah I respect that are you agree I do the same thing kill Scott me and Mary James James I'll have a setup for life too Logan would you ever be gay for paper I talked about this in danger oh yeah if you had nothing you were back at zero no david dobrik no no Scott no girlfriend and you get offered a movie or in Titanic who you playing leo but you got to give one of the producers a [ __ ] yeah probably it's a [ __ ] yeah you the [ __ ] there you have it Todd Smith tortured by David for sure he's a can punk ass she compared to the guys in prison paintball guns you pull that [ __ ] out in there they're bashing your head in with a lunch tray I was so happy to collaborate with you the first haircut we did Laura I kept putting you off and then you cut my hair on my aching come here again but now nobody touches your hair but me yo what the [ __ ] did you do the sides what you know like that he's [ __ ] Jeff God what you don't like it just shave it all off you seriously don't like your hair oh that's my haircut are you sure yeah it's just this is like three days go now I'm feel like I'm in Staten Island I gave you a step out on faith Olli Shh what's it like being a great-looking successful guy that followed his dreams and can made it to be where you are today and have a beautiful superstar girlfriend and great group of friends and a [ __ ] great haircut you want to taste yeah it's the [ __ ] dream you know I get to hang out with you and all my friends girlfriend I couldn't ask for a better life but four months ago five months ago that's good no matter how good-looking and successful somebody is everybody's going through something [Music] you're looking better than ever and that's because I gave you the Jeff you kids at home if you want the Jeff I won't be able to give it to you because it's physically impossible for me to cuddle your hair and it's illegal because I don't have a barber license if you do want to get a piece of just remote whichever you get this merch now available at Phandroid cole backslash yep what do you think cool yeah I like it it's you sound like you don't like it I just been sitting the sheriff right now do you like your hair I like my hair it's trusting to be in that number one I don't want that a blue boy well you got it I'm proud of you man I'm proud of you thanks for the cut I'm really grateful to have you as a friend man I'm grateful to have you too [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 3,562,467
Rating: 4.9598675 out of 5
Keywords: jeff wittek, todd smith, david dobrik, vlog squad, skotcast, vlog, haircut, jeffs barbershop, comedy, funny, barber, hair, interview, podcast, honey, scott
Id: dc1Gw3cDfnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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