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[Music] he used to be out on the corner he was dealing in drugs he got himself a barber's chair and gave off some cuts now he's a podcaster his life he'll talk about it with us who needs scott huh when you got [ __ ] like this oh it's a very special episode actually it's like a [ __ ] whatever episode it is special to some if you guys have watched the scott cast in the past and i know you a lot of you guys love that show and you've been asking me for a reunion i'm kind of at the point where i'm like i'll get into it because scott's about to walk in any second i don't want to disrespect him before he's here i'd rather him be here well there's a dog's barking he's here i'd rather be here for when i disrespect him to his face but also he's a nice guy and i'm going to try to try to be nice come on in put those headphones on so you can hear what we got going on here we got a lot of fun little gadgets [ __ ] bulldogs oh you got bit by nerf no it was the other one oh damn you know what that means oscar you put the dog down we're off to a bad start she's only doing her job yeah she attacked a burglar i saw the bewear of dog sign after i came in where's the other uh five percent he actually was i think he didn't get five percent that was his rate or was it higher probably something like five or ten pick a mic and talk into it i know you're rusty well we never had this whole setup yeah you were doing it we've evolved jay is on his way he just had to get a little more ready than me yeah well we've evolved but in all fairness we've had plenty of time while i've been recovering from my accident and i have these guys in here that i pay on salary so they have to find stuff to do so they built this set and they forced me to come back to work which is nice i'm getting there you know sunglasses are coming off soon i might even just rock with them the eye looks really good today actually since the last time i saw you having a good idea good eye day damn yeah i know cause last time you came by you went to korea we went to cryo and uh we went and we did some healthy stuff together we spent some time together and i know people are all like wondering what's what's my relationship with the vlog squad and and individually who am i friends with look i'm cool with everybody all right scott here saved my goddamn life and we'll get into that later on but i gotta rant about all my own personal stuff because normally this is what i do now you remember the skycast i would talk the whole time and for sure you'd show up a little hungover and be like whatever i don't give a [ __ ] and i'm now completely 100 sober right now are you really right this second yes you think whiskey gonna help him that's why did we not have any of this [ __ ] when we were doing a podcast do you get an ad reads uh i've been dropped by everybody been dropped by old spice i was dropped by quite a few brand deals myself oh yeah we caught the [ __ ] under the stick there yeah i know and it's unfortunate and um i kind of shoved the stick up my own ass to be honest and then pulled it out and then gave myself the [ __ ] end of the stick you did and you know what that's what life's about you know sometimes you you [ __ ] up and you you learn from it and sometimes you [ __ ] up and you do it in front of millions of people and you have to learn while they send you death threats that's just the game you know all right yeah i know the game yeah speaking of yeah dropping all the sponsors you've probably got it the worst i had a pretty bad too but um you look much better you look healthy you're taking care of yourself and you're sober at the moment i'm proud of you proud of you for that it's been like a nice 13 hours today sobriety there you go um yeah but old supplies dropped me hard and that was a big big sponsor that was my biggest one ever that was a dream come true when i had got it because i always wanted to make comedy commercials like old spice i love them their products are whatever you know right in line with like the hygiene healthcare smelling good sort of stuff so it was like perfect for you it was a perfect fit but you know i had bigger plans my whole life and i mean the hair is growing i mean i might even do a [ __ ] hair reveal this [ __ ] episode [ __ ] it you know because i'm pissed off i i saw some [ __ ] this week that pissed me off can you pull up that what old spice did they didn't just fire me they stole my intellectual property and tried to recreate it and do a shittier version so now you're bagging on old spice you have no no desire to wear [ __ ] old spice [ __ ] them that [ __ ] yeah you want to drop me now i'll [ __ ] drop you you [ __ ] dead you can't fire me i quit yeah i know you don't know you get me hands on you would you hear me i never [ __ ] dance that's what i'm saying old spice they made an old spice barber barbershop and it's a show where they have i mean look no [ __ ] they obviously have a lot more budget than me and you know respect for now but you made an enemy with a guy that's got nothing to lose if you didn't get this from my last video when i went to burn down the kabab shop you know i will burn down every old spice barber shop i'm definitely breaching my contracts right now they really upped the quality they're gonna come back to get their money back and guess what i already lit it on fire i already burned it all i didn't but i put it in the crypto and it crashed so essentially i lit it on fire it would have been more fun to just light it on fire go to the profile where they have the people like the barbers that physically replaced me that are in the shop now and look i might not be the smartest guy they can figure out how to try to recreate it but nobody can be you jeff that's right nobody can be jeff's barbershop and that's why jeff's barbershop's coming out that's why the hat's off you know the [ __ ] hats the is the hat off the hat's off yeah sorry it's just the headphones now the headphones but look at these [ __ ] guys these [ __ ] jackals that are trying to rip off my goddamn intellectual property i'm sure they're watching all the episodes i'm sure they're watching [ __ ] scott's christmas one where he throws up in the bowl of um whiskey and eggnog whiskey and eggnog i actually had to explain to someone recently they were like oh man that was it that was a gnarly episode it was hard to watch you were so drunk and i was like playing it up from the camera and he was like wow you should you should be in this i like to see old spice recreate that you know let's have old spice get some guys on there and [ __ ] drink themselves into [ __ ] vomiting and i mean that's what people come to jeff's barbershop for i believe is for just the authenticity of the show we'll go to any extent we will poison our bodies and [ __ ] our livers up for life just for entertainment just for you yeah so [ __ ] those [ __ ] they didn't just fire me when i was at my worst and you know just caught up in somebody else's [ __ ] mistakes and i will not just be a pushover here and let you take my [ __ ] and walk away obviously now it's not time for a rant it's not time for a rant i'm going on vacation and i'm excited this is the first time i'm taking a trip for myself other than to go get a surgery in utah in a year almost it's coming up june 25th is a year since the accident the anniversary are you celebrating or no i don't i don't know maybe we will celebrate that is actually pretty funny if we had a party about it right maybe we have an excavator cake with the crate hey if you can't laugh about it you know you pulled me out of that [ __ ] water scott and we have the tape that was [ __ ] absolutely terrifying like we're not standing there on the beach like every other idiot filming it watching it happen and then you're swinging around on a carousel at high speed like you're on a [ __ ] carnival ride yeah and dude it was that was and there's a lot of talk about who got to me first who actually saved my life there's been a lot of talks on uh in the comment sections and on the hike in sections when i go hike up there with todd and he he gets very frustrated when i when i say to him that you know scott looked pretty fast running through that water i looked pretty fast running through that water i saw the clip myself i was like damn that was fast you [ __ ] caught up to todd you might have even passed him let's review that tape look at that illusion first todd flying up look at that todd in the lead then scott comes out of nowhere scott in the lead got my nose oh my god scott you got to me first damn finish line i mean you were out of the room already at the point when i got there it's like it's like fuzzy to me because like my heart was racing so [ __ ] fast you were screaming out at one point like no no no no stop stop stop like and it was like [ __ ] like not the right time for that i have played this a lot but i haven't played this with you guys and i haven't talked to a lot of you guys publicly on camera since the whole documentary and that's just because our schedule is now the [ __ ] we do like we've been separated by this virus you know we've all grown i feel like 10 years has gone by you know it's been a long short long year been weird there's so many different things that have been like in motion and happening throughout this year it's nuts but yeah when people have this their perspective they think that i'm just gonna hate everybody and and sue everyone and [ __ ] do all this evil [ __ ] and try to like i don't know what people want me to do but i've said over and over again that you know accidents happen and forgiveness is the only way to move on in life and be happy you know i don't even have an issue with this [ __ ] the five percent is here oh yeah okay i'll bring him on in this is our ex what the [ __ ] title do you even want to give him he was an officer guy yeah he's a producer guy sit next to the producer guy a little weasel yeah he's the topics guy that we never use any of his topics he was the guy that we would have stand awkwardly next to oscar um and they would supposed to they were supposed to come in with topics for us to talk about before we get to this all this jay boyce stuff that he comes here with the topics yeah i'm going to miami for the logan paul fight and be sitting ringside mike came on here he said he was going to give me a ticket he said he was going to hook me up he didn't but he gave me a friends and family discounts i only had to pay half price for my ringside seat 40 it was a lot of my it wasn't 40 grand it was a lot of money but i'm treating myself it's my first vacation in a year i've been working hard getting surgeries i'm going out there and i'm betting all of my money on logan paul yeah let me just do a double take there just in case because this episode will come out after the fight i'm going there and i'm betting all my money on floyd mayweather use either take of that make me sound like a [ __ ] psychic i want people to think i predict [ __ ] welcome jay boyce everybody welcome j boys i can't tell if that was like cheers or booze those are booze for day we give you cheers it's a little mixed in there this is a kind of like a scott cast reunion you were the ex co-producer yeah yeah we can call it that sorry that's a little long that's i just love that khabib one i just got that one on here do you think whiskey gonna help him you know anything yeah when he was about to fight conor yeah do you think whiskey gonna help him i've definitely cut down on how much i drink how often i go out and party and whatnot obviously there's pandemic related reasons for not going out and partying but just like in general drinking less also in the past couple months i've been prescribed some new anxiety medication no i don't think whiskey's gonna help but that's the takeaway whiskey's not helping anymore i [ __ ] love the sound bites it's great i have so much fun otherwise i would not want to be here um i'm pumped i'm pumped that i'm going on this trip i'm gonna be ringside at the fight oh [ __ ] actually a few weeks ago i played basketball with floyd did you really yeah i played in a pickup game with floyd and his whole crew get the [ __ ] out of here no joke yeah i have a picture with him seriously yeah we uh he's really small tiny i would say like five seven yeah five seven he would fit in the frame did you shoot floyd at all are you guys friends is this a true story i have a picture oh my god damn it it was my instagram man i'm sorry i don't i have no idea okay i forgot that that was floyd that you played with i forgot yeah he's a [ __ ] he's not bad he's not bad at basketball like i thought he was going to be absolutely terrible but he's insane cardio right great cardio i also played with ryan garcia like a couple weeks after that i see their fighter king fighter i raced ryan in the um the [ __ ] rolling paul race olympic challenger games since uh we got our topics guys what do you want to talk about yeah we got any topics any new rap songs out huh boys you say you got kyle you gotta need any new what's some new good uh rap songs that are out kyle this is the same issue we had with jay and scott yeah back when we did the scott cast this is why it fell apart and it failed and cause scott went on tour and all that [ __ ] oh here he is all right nice you to show up stephen what's happening nice to meet you stephen okay scott okay i'm jay nice to meet you jay i don't care he's my intern he we just did a crime only episode right here yeah you want to fight me for it i hear that's a big thing we just did a crime only episode and he was inspired by um i mean we i guess she's given the seat because he could sit there work i'm going you going in the bathroom like old times it's kind of funny that jay's next to oscar like the old days just standing over her shoulder and just all awkward damn stephen you're coming in hot smoking a cig in the house normally i'd be pissed off but it's cooler than a jewel like six i told myself i'd never come back no sex damn you changed over a week bro not even it's been like three days yeah a rough day [ __ ] people cut me off in traffic i'm gonna freak out you got a little new york accent there too you see that tick tock clip of that guy who was riding his bike and he was like live streaming it and he like pulled up to your car and he was like look at this ass hat he's like oh [ __ ] that's jeff oh yeah over there yeah i did see that man yeah people are gonna start spotting me out there when i got an airstream a a shiny chrome airstream just driving all around damn that cigarette's strong nobody's ever smoked a cigarette in this name jay yeah jay is this yours the little koi nope science is yeah it's kind of nice seeing jay back there again like old times i wish somebody had a [ __ ] topic is there any hot new rap songs out you're fired would you just get out of [ __ ] prison stephen i put a cigarette in this trying to be cool and i might throw up oh you actually didn't get it by accident really bad right now no i did it on purpose trying to be like cool and hard yeah not hard by the way i'm like that was in their mind we [Music] that was really good i was like this guy's pretty intimidating i love my i love my my my old squad and not my old squad still squad you know meeting my my new youngins that are coming up they're a little up-and-comer stephen is a very talented funny guy he's not like smart like a strategic comedian he's just like naturally funny like when he tries to be funny i'm like steven enough enough but him on his own he's he's you know he's a good guy you know he's a good guy we love him and he's been a big hit they all love him that's good yeah yeah sure thanks for watching whoa but stephen is a big fan of you and he's gonna be very respectful we just we did a crime only episode for patreon exclusive and steven sat in with a couple couple of wise guys and he thinks that he is now um a gangster he thinks he's a hardened criminal because he met one guy and yeah it's affected him big time he's easily influenced you know that's why he smokes cigarettes so he smokes jewels and you know he does whatever's hot at the moment who do you think's gonna win the fight with the knock each other out at the same time no if logan gets like in his [ __ ] and [ __ ] might win that was just so big yeah yeah that's scary that'd be crazy if steven just called the fight right now yeah that was the actual that's the prediction no but i really feel like if floyd like if you like logan tries to what's it called when you you hold each other in boxing when you um punch well yeah clinch i watched the mcgregor fight i watched i don't know when my [ __ ] brains fried i watched the mcgregor fight fright [ __ ] cancel the whole shoot i watched i watched the mcgregor fight floyd was putting his head down he was turning around and that's because floyd just you know wasn't used to that style of mcgregor closing off distance and getting those angles on him and stuff and he just would cover up so floyd is so good defensively even if you do catch him like look like you clinch up and you start throwing those punches even through the hands yeah no i know i know but is that like a year ago and we watched it in your apartment like over a year ago mcgregor versus mayweather no that was like four years ago we watched mcgregor versus pourier and mcgregor got knocked out you know that was what are the odds on the logan paul mayweather fight isn't it like i think if you if you bet a thousand dollars you win a hundred if you bet on floyd and if you bet a hundred dollars you won a thousand on logan i think that's where it's at right now it's funny how we all kind of branched off and started our own cruise and in quarantine you have your squad over there in your house you have jack and you have your girlfriend you have jay your boyfriend no i was kidding man cats you got your own little squad going on i got a house full of [ __ ] we call it house sire so yeah we got jay jack the two cats and everyone who comes over to use my gym in the morning but it's nice how you have that you have people coming by and there's a reason for them to come by i'm so far over here now you know and i got i got my own little crew that i put together and stephen is actually he started off working as an intern he was helping me edit and doing stuff like that and helping me film then we realized he was screwing up everything we gave him to do and you know i was about to let him go but i was like you know what he's got something about him even when he's [ __ ] up so bad it still makes me laugh and it makes me happy and that's sometimes more important than an efficient employee i guess that might sound so dumb after you hit your head do you remember anything about like walking back from the shore um it's it's a little blurry there's moments that i remember i remember like when i was like still in the water like walking out and i my vision had already been doubled at that moment because it's from the impact that i have the double vision people still don't understand till this day it's i i try to explain it but it's just like if you have two cameras next to each other and they're perfectly lined up so the shots match perfect and then you just kind of move one back an inch and now you try to line the shots up and that's how i see that's how i see right now and that's why i'm doing surgeries to move my eye a millimeter out in a millimeter to the right position and fix my double vision that's why i keep on doing these surgeries yeah but just to get it all fixed so the reason i brought it up is because like when we were walking out like we're kind of like pushing you on the floaty out of the water right and then afterwards um i had you on my arm or whatever and you were looking at me and you're like like you were just still like funny you know like you could tell you were like knocked around you didn't know exactly what was going on but you were like how do i look i look good right i still look good no way yeah you look [ __ ] you look beautiful you can have a great scar you're gonna look cool chicks are gonna love it you're gonna be badass and you're like you were just like all right cool like what the [ __ ] i don't remember any of that i was the one who walked you from the shore to the car yeah but like you're just like how does it how do i look i look good though still right they wouldn't let me look in the mirror they wouldn't let me pull the visor down because my [ __ ] was literally hanging off you know everything was like just flapped over it's definitely good that you didn't look at it like anyway i remember saying there's a there's a moment there in between all this like you know obviously i talked to you about it the other day we hung out that i went through like a dark depression there and i kind of it was it was me who distanced myself from everybody it was just like i don't know i was just going through something i didn't want anybody to see me like weak i didn't want anybody to feel sorry for me or or whatever i just wanted to kind of cover it up and heal on my own and it's just so weird because that trip i came back from i was so low because i was like [ __ ] i gotta go another two weeks last time i went two weeks with my eye stitch shut i open it up and it didn't work so now like i have to just pray that next time when i open it up it works and this documentary came on about michael bisping do you know who that is i know the name i forget i forget who he is i'm so bad with like people he's a ufc fighter jay do you know michael bisping that's my name uh yeah i know michael disney was a middleweight fighter middleweight champion ufc middleweight champion the first one from the uk and he won the title with one eye he lost his eye because he got kicked by vitor belfort this guy was on [ __ ] steroids is before they were testing you know what i mean jay this is back in the day destroyed by a left hand yeah well no it was a head kick well that one was but the most famous one was the other guy just destroyed him yeah he's been through look there's one there's been pulling out his glass eye oh yeah i definitely recognize this guy oh yeah so this guy he's a legend he's now a commentator in the ufc and he has podcasts and he does a bunch of stuff but his documentary randomly came on on autoplay it's called my destiny and it's about how he went through his life he seemed like he was never going to get his opportunity to win the the title because that's any ufc fighter any athlete you want to be the best you want to win every time he got close to it something would happen he'd get knocked out and he gets set back five steps so finally he gets his [ __ ] head kick by vitor belfort when he's on all these steroids it makes him have like same orbital blowout like i had he had to go through multiple surgeries afterwards and and one of the surgeries got infected he ended up losing that eye but he lied to the doctors he got cleared and he got another title shot out of nowhere and he [ __ ] won the [ __ ] title with one eye and i'm sitting here complaining like i can't do comedy i can't do [ __ ] podcasts anymore because i got one eye it's like it just made me feel like such a little [ __ ] but also gave me so much hope that i was like i need to make a documentary i need to do some cool [ __ ] where's my bucket sorry i'm on these [ __ ] vitamins i actually i went to the place we got cryo today and i got i got a bunch of vitamins from there and signed up for a membership hell yeah alternative meds we're going to be [ __ ] sharp we might start this goddamn podcast scott cast up again just have me on as a guest every once in a while like steven here yeah michael bisping his second name michael bisping ii over here young michael bisping who's that again that's that guy the story i just i just told the whole [ __ ] story about him who is he yeah it's that guy he got kicked in the head he lost his eye just goes to show you you know there's there's people out there that are dealing with similar stuff as you or worse stuff and there's always light at the end of the tunnel rise above it are you going to do youtube boxing you're going to become a fighter i'm going to [ __ ] go out that's what i'm doing right now i'm going out there to the fights this week okay i'll train you i'll [ __ ] get in a fight if i see dave portnoy out there what i'm [ __ ] slapping yeah i might make a whole [ __ ] scene out there yeah jeff what he is do you should start some like crazy drama when you're there why don't you drink i never drink i never drink it yeah that's right they importantly yeah you get my hands on you do you hear me i never [ __ ] think i need a drink hey there's something you said about okay the commentary was that you were milking it right yeah sure some people i don't know they just go on podcast because they have to poke post weekly and they just they just ramble kind of like we did that's kind of like what we did in this podcast it's kind of like what we're doing here we have no plans but like look it's kind of like a negative connotation on the word milk in it but yeah of course like you you had something happen you made a docu-series out of it you made like a creative story moo was that to shut me up no no it's sometimes the sound bites are too loud but yeah i made nine dollars from the entire series that we spent probably i mean that series cost us i don't know maybe 200 grand from traveling and flying all these bananas around and getting them hotel rooms let's talk about the patreon rewards patreon was great and that was not just great for the money i loved that part of it because you know money makes brings opportunity and it allows me to pay these guys and not stress that i'm everything's gonna [ __ ] crash and burn but um and it also allows me to make more like bigger budget stuff yeah which i'm so excited about it's got my wheels turning i want to write movies i want to do so many different projects you've got like a whole like community in there that you know it's just like just there to support you too yeah and also the [ __ ] that i needed from the start which was the messages and the people that could relate to my [ __ ] and like my accident helped and that's the best part about all this because if i kept it a secret my whole life then it all happened for nothing for sure so i better be able to [ __ ] milk it i better milk it for either milk if you want to call it helping people milking it that's one thing making money on it i'm a content creator a filmmaker boxer yeah a boxer yeah you need to push that music you want to get me in the fight yes you're me the best [ __ ] youtube boxer ever you beat the [ __ ] out of jake paul yeah and you're gonna have that position like you're gonna like because like come on like who what other youtubers like doing what jake's paws doing you know i mean oh i mean everyone's fine but jake has sacrificed a lot he does not even make youtube videos anymore he's not doing any of this [ __ ] yeah he seems like he [ __ ] trains hard like he trains hard he's a big boy too he's six two six one six two like two hundred pounds that your height i'm 165 but i'm [ __ ] sharp i got razor sharp knuckles and i'm not i'm not putting [ __ ] pillows on these if i get into it with somebody out there i'm just lighting them up it's a [ __ ] bloodbath bare knuckle box i've been in dade county before i'll go back and see my friends it's a [ __ ] daycare what's that like a prison it's where i went to jail in miami i mean i i would like to have a nice trip a nice vacation i would need one it's been a year it's been stopped trying to start fights with dave portnoy no at the end though you should you should have a very nice weekend but at the very end [ __ ] punch from random dude and then at least i save money in the hotels that's good because they're very expensive they're like 1500 a night because there's a damn crypto conference going on and the logan and mayweather fight there's a crypto conference in miami right now jay what the [ __ ] why aren't we there yeah you guys are missing out we were invited actually i don't think they got [ __ ] dick sack coin over there though but i think it's mostly about big bitcoin i know you guys like those penny stocks you would know nothing about those as long as it's not a pump and dump i don't want to promote scams coins here yeah i don't think there there's any room for any promotion of any coins on this podcast right now but we're we're in a coin called hosh are you fully in that one i'm i'm like not fully in that one i definitely have a diversified portfolio but i am heavily invested in that one and the reason i like it is because it's past like the legal inspections saying it's not a security so you're allowed to talk about it the way people talk about doge and [ __ ] whereas these other coins like safe moon and etc it's you know if you get paid like inflows are being are being paid are you up or down since you started i'm even saying that's good at an investor's standpoint you know it's like if you go to vegas and you come home even it's a win on my book you had a good time you're entertained i'm sure it's fun i don't know for me i get stressed looking at it uh um i just put all my money in it and i [ __ ] left it alone i don't think i'm gonna go in anymore because uh i couldn't pay steven for about a week this yeah he asked me to get paid and it took me a little extra time can i pay you in crypto today oh yeah i guess we could do that i could send you me uh-huh send me a bitcoin [ __ ] one send you a bitcoin two i have one it's clear with oscar i mean kyle hey i own one bitcoin that i'm never going to sell a bitcoin would have been nice what you know when it was 65 thousand dollars yeah 65 remember in utah it was like 30 and it hit us that was like the highest well i bought i bought one when it went to 30. remember we went to 30 and it was like the highest it's ever been what was it 30. we were watching it and we were able to go like a dollar and be like sell it and we'd be like damn we just [ __ ] made a profit and then all the fees actually made us lose money but we're we're beginning we're new investors you know we're learning this [ __ ] as we go how do you feel about uh jeff's music career i think it's great i watched the the higher video i was supposed to be a part of that but i was actually in a session working on real music at the time but i won't say it [Music] when my friend hit me with the crane did you release a new song about jonah recently no i didn't i thought i thought there might have been a song in that i wonder why when my friend hit me with the crane did you get copyrighted for that parody or no actually i had scott um from creed actually helped me out with that and he he cleared it we put in a lot of work on that [ __ ] video man i wanted that [ __ ] to be the grand finale to my accident and me like you know just turning over new leaf the [ __ ] shackles are off this [ __ ] weights off my chest so that song was supposed to be the huge moment that raised all this money and it went to a mental health charity i paid a band two thousand dollars to re record the instruments i paid a set like a audio engineer to make me sound [ __ ] anyway anywhere listenable because it was horrible if you go to the patreon we have like the recording of the raw vocals it's [ __ ] horrible it's painful i cringe at it i can't even watch that but these guys control the patreon and they post whatever they want on it so it's up and it's like we worked so hard to get that song done and all that [ __ ] so i had a happy ending when you know technically i'm still gonna be dealing with surgeries for a couple more months but can we can we watch it right now it will get copyrighted and so it got it got age restricted it was a fundraiser video and it got age restricted and cut off so they blocked it in a lot of countries and it made no money so youtube instead of helping me raise money for my people that follow me and and they follow me for mental health care and just advice on that or just something to watch where you know we share our experiences with our own mental health problems and they can relate to and we try to raise money for the crazies you know me being one of them you being one of them you being one of them for sure don't [ __ ] deny it you are mentally ill i'm sure of it i'm sure everybody is here kyle's in the shower with the curtain up we got jay boyce back there i mean we tried to raise money for the crazies but youtube cut it off they didn't allow it they want to keep us [ __ ] crazy i'm trying to make a difference in the world use my platform for good but they keep on [ __ ] shutting me shutting them down milking the [ __ ] out of this though yeah whatever at least you got something to talk about you know whether it's milking it or not you got something to talk about forever for the rest of your life how long do you think michael bisping talked about his eye he probably still talks about it too to this day no he doesn't i mean he has a good sense of humor about it and that helped me a lot to see that like you know while i was so fresh i was like [ __ ] i'm disabled now i'm gonna be parking in handicap spots people are making fun of me calling me uh the r word you know retired yeah you can't see that now canceled well you could say it because your iq test results prove that you are mentally disabled that is the proper mentally challenged yes i don't know what the proper proper thing to say is i was talking to my mom about it because my little brother doran is autistic um like mild case and i was like mom i don't even know what the proper thing like to call it is anyone she's like honestly i don't know either and i did so much research and like have been involved in like associations and worked with these kids and stuff and like i i honestly don't know special needs my mom's brother my uncle my uncle champion had cerebral palsy his special needs my mom would just say special you know but it's it's like personal preference of that particular person with uh whatever mental thing they have is like what they would like to be called i mean honestly bro a lot of anything a lot of oh i still got my damn thing on and you're attitude yeah i'm speaking with my [ __ ] auto tune yeah my uncle had several ballsy um all right uncle champy but he was always happy he was always in good spirits and he was the life of the party and everyone loved him so i think when they say special they really mean it don't do that right into the mic so disrespectful where was i and he does it again but you know what he's special and when i say that i mean it i don't mean as disrespectful stephen is like my special needs little brother and i'm here to care for him and i know i've said i want to treat him be in the ufc and do all that stuff and won a championship in the welterweight division and i had you over here i got you onto smoking cigarettes now instead of jules maybe that wasn't the right decision sometimes what you can do is lead by negative example that's what i do with my brothers i grew up in a way that they knew that they shouldn't grow up so they didn't do it you need to you need to make your own mistakes and learn from them that's the only way sometimes sometimes you have to hit rock bottom you have to hit rock bottom to change you know i don't drink why don't you drink i don't drink why because i hit rock bottom parties backwards okay it goes too long we should [ __ ] trim off that end part i just need i don't drink i never drink but that's just because yeah i [ __ ] made plenty of mistakes and i'm sure they'll come up on this podcast you know as we get into stories because i don't have you to bounce off of anymore it's just me just rambling about all the dumb [ __ ] i've done in my life and being like okay wait hold on maybe we shouldn't tell that story yeah you just tell him now but i'm pretty cleaned up now i've honestly i've honestly changed up my act a lot except for this [ __ ] my actions will will speak words i will get revenge on him what is that quote even my actions will speak words it was in the weight loss series when he was lying so that's why his words were all [ __ ] up because he didn't even know what he was saying jay you believe that [ __ ] i mean yeah i can completely believe anything that he does at this point it's kind of nice having him back what do you think oscar you don't like him hanging over your shoulder well he's kind of under me now yeah oh he's on the toilet yeah this is kind of like a reoccurring nightmare put him in the back it's worse actually because i have no way to escape and you don't get five percent anymore yeah i never saw a time anyways yeah we never made a [ __ ] penny from scott cass but we did that [ __ ] because we love this [ __ ] we [ __ ] i'm not making a [ __ ] dime on this one lacroix sponsor your boy i've never seen any other person in the world drink one of these but me and i got my whole team drinking them look at jay's hat it's a lacroix hat a girl boys for life baby la thing i've ever seen the hell yeah baby hell yeah [Music] there's a lot of other bubbly stuff i don't even pronounce that [ __ ] right i'm getting it all [ __ ] wrong everybody dm's me you say lacroix a little craw look what [ __ ] that [ __ ] it's a french [ __ ] thing look [ __ ] that remember that idea that we had back in the day where we're going to put catheters to our penises and we're going to pee while we're doing the podcast yeah because well we're innovators over here and i'm peeing i'm peeing right now what's the real thing is he actually peeing in here he comes in walking he walks in with a cigarette jeff taking a piss in his studio that's an innovative podcast you know see we could take a brief bathroom break you know if you want to just walk out the door that's your penis oh you know what it is i could smell the vitamins because i don't i don't eat food with them stephen you're a [ __ ] idiot i love i love that one i can smell the vitamins yeah yeah a little bit of coffee in there yeah that's all i have coffee vitamins it's coffee and vitamins i feel like i'm going to coachella porta potty world rogan catches wind of this podcast and he's like [ __ ] i'm gonna start peeing in a bucket you know i could do four hour podcasts doesn't he already do like four hour podcasts i feel like joe you can podcast more than anybody else in the [ __ ] planet steven get rid of this p bucket that unload it okay i'm just tripped and spilt this everywhere don't spill the pee please it's already enough from nerf it is so convenient having a p bucket to do these things i actually have to p2 if you want to pass it over thanks oh look are you actually gonna no i'm not we all show we'll show our dicks over here you know it's like prison it's like a [ __ ] locker room somebody i mean sure maybe not on the camera show him stephen he made a small pack look at that let's show them the different uh discoloration i think you see it i saw it i saw enough i'm kind of self-conscious right now it's really that's like it doesn't get much bigger but what i'm saying is like it's very bright in here like it's very bright you need to know and it was very bright in there as well oh jesus goddamn fly won't get the [ __ ] out of this room he's [ __ ] this [ __ ] leaf's pissing jeff off now he's swatting it with a flight no there's a fly that's been in here the whole time flying around this thing hey just like i feel like walter white and breaking bad oh yeah we used to have that issue a lot back in scottcast it's it's the nerf [ __ ] yeah the nerf [ __ ] was everywhere um this is such a nice moment man it's like old times this is a chill podcast i know i'm podcast loading because i'm going on vacation and i want to have this episode ready how long is this vacation you're talking about i thought you're going for the fight you probably will for a couple days so i gotta go there sell a bunch of drugs in miami no i'm not i mean i'm always i'm always influenced by the wrong people when i go to miami and they'll probably get me to stay for longer than i plan on staying so this is just in case i get caught up out there doing the wrong stuff then you know i have a podcast ready and i could stay committed to this and stay consistent because this is the this is my [ __ ] life now i'm going to make jeff fm the biggest podcast like i'd be happy with like top 15 17 that's that's pretty big yeah i mean we're [Music] [Music] but you're not even committed you didn't even want to come today you said i'm busy making money you're asking me the last second every time the fame got to him so it's kind of like a replacement i wouldn't i wouldn't call it that so is it you've addressed that the beef i've addressed the beef yeah jonah and i have spoke yeah he realized what he did was wrong with the whole you know forcing me out of the barbershop that i brought him in to create content with and build the team with him also i want to address something um everybody was saying that jonah like wanted his privacy and we respected his privacy like we always asked him to come in like way before i had ahead of time he just never left the door open good call he oh it would always be doing something funny in there and we would pop in sometimes and he would if he had the door unlocked he would have the whole shower like bathroom door unlocked he'd have the shower door open and he'd be in there like in his ass and we'd walk in like jesus what the what the [ __ ] man lock one of them well there's three doors that you could have closed in that situation so it was a business friendship move where he moved into your place as like sort of like partnership thing and then it just kind of went south because he was like oh [ __ ] i don't have any privacy and you're like oh [ __ ] my barber shop has someone who's leaving the doors open while they shower and pick well we were looking to get a house together initially where we were going to create content kind of like you and jay you know you know you know the game like how you work together and you make content and it benefits everybody you all chip in on the rent you get to live in a nice house and it's convenient for everyone me i'm a little older so i decided to go a different route i wanted to get i want to stay in this building because i have a lot of other friends here and i wanted to just get a bigger place because now we have more employees we have the office here we have a podcast studio inside and i just don't have room to put the barbershop in it so i wanted to keep that apartment but also i told jonah we would live together and then that kind of seemed like the best solution because we can lock our doors at night and we could separate from being youtubers because when you're a youtuber you sell your privacy you sell your soul you film 24 7 and every single day if if you want to be a good youtuber you got to be obsessed with it and you have to be thinking about it all the time i know stephen i know you have a lot of potential i know you want to be a youtuber i know you get your priorities mixed up you want to hook up with chicks and you want to have sex girls none of that none of it all that shit's going to be distractions it's going to hold you back from reaching your goals i knew that i do not bang girls there's one girl i banged our hairs and stuff are you going to help her yeah you think anything whiskey going to help you no okay and don't call it banging that's insensitive sorry intercourse with girls no not even that it's either you made love or nothing it had to be making love were you making love yeah no no i don't want her no what the [ __ ] thinking i'm being in love with her ew i'm just saying like you know you got to be obsessed with it and our brains our brains are in this should be obsessed with her if you're going to make love with her hell yeah let me see if i was being here okay enough for your sex stories all right this isn't one of those podcasts no sex talk on here but like there's also something to be said about like you said we're older you know there's like a content shift there's like stuff that we can do we can't vlog us pranking our mom or our little sister or something like that yeah kids can do on youtube like what are we filming i started a business channel recently so i can talk about business and finance and being an entrepreneur because that's what i'm interested in now like i like that i do music and a vlog on the side every once in a while yeah well we've been in this business now for what five six years so where we started our audience say they were 18. now they're 24 25 you know they don't want to watch [ __ ] stupid pranks i got a comment recently that was like oh you're like saying this so you get like pity from your like mostly under 14 year old followers i'm like my primary audience is 18 to 24 like hell yeah 80 of it because i i started 10 years ago on vine like it's not [ __ ] yeah i don't have 12 year olds following me there's probably a few but like yeah that's not my primary audience anymore yeah i got 60 year olds i'm in the 50 to 60 bracket which was into my stuff cheers on the health journey they were all looking into like they're like how do i go through the hospital process yeah they like the lava lamps and the set and stuff it's more their time or their speed i'm a little older than a lot of these guys so i like to share my life experience and knowledge to help them and he was not having it he was like i'm dude i'm going to be a movie star and i don't give a [ __ ] about your show i don't give a [ __ ] about all this [ __ ] you show [ __ ] it only gets views because it auto plays after david's videos and you do the same thing every week like legit um which is cool we're pretty harsh on each other we we dig in deep and you know i love it i love i love going at each other but it just got to a point where it was too much and we needed a little space and he needed to hit rock bottom to you know have a little sense at all a wake-up call so that's why i hit him with that restaurant and that's why with the with the arson on the restaurant and i know i said in the beginning of that video everything was 100 real and people are like well you clearly acted out that shot at the end that was set up you had the shots set up you got the security footage you guys must be cool no i got the security footage from bart on because that's my boy it's my inside guy i got the footage from him and yeah we did set up the shots but in my head if i was not a youtuber and if i was not documenting this [ __ ] i would have gone there and [ __ ] burned that place down to dust and the only reason the only reason it's very incriminating if someone was to go commit arson on this building they'd be like oh it was obviously [ __ ] jeff well no let me finish so let me finish what i'm saying because i know [ __ ] some scumbag death noodles or somebody's gonna take that out of context and try to get me arrested but what i'm saying is yeah it i said it was real because in my head that's the reason why i did not burn it down if somebody [ __ ] me over and kicked me out of my business and just completely just [ __ ] disregarded everything i've worked for and said you know what [ __ ] him i would go back and i would i would i would get revenge i started his own business yeah and then rub it into my face posted about it as i'm here with nothing you know and he's living in my [ __ ] in my [ __ ] spot living in there posting in there bragging about his new [ __ ] i yeah i would but i'm a different person now i'm a changed man and that's what this episode was showing it was showing that i have gone through this transition and i do have a deep love and respect for that family so yeah it was reenacted some parts but was it real these thoughts all went through my head i came up with the idea and i played it out normally this is what i would do but this is why i did not go to that extent and that's why we're here and we all learned our lesson i talked to jonah afterwards and maureen was very happy and she was emotional when she watched it because she knows it was you know you are the best son i have yeah jeff i'm her favorite son and she's my favorite mother i'm sorry mom [Music] she's gonna be pissed at that have maureen and jonah's dad come on the podcast just them too yeah i would take the whole family on do episodes with each of them but him great memories i teared up through that montage of all the memories we had because he's actually especially when we watched the all the footage back when we were making the documentary we used to we used to like hate him because he would do the same stupid joke every week that we yeah just go the eye the eye are you looking at me are you looking past me like it was just lazy effort that he put into my videos and i i would i felt like i did a lot for him he asked me one time to turn 20 into the most money that i could and you had 48 hours i turned that into 6 000 i did a lot of legal stuff but i worked my ass off for his video and i just i expect sometimes people to put in the same effort that i give them you know i just sometimes respect it in return but it's not it doesn't always work like that yeah well i will say the guy that you said is not a replacement but kind of striking me as a replacement because you have them on as kind of a co-host right now has a slightly larger penis really yeah hell yeah what yeah bro i've never met someone with a smaller you got them beat devil that was just supposed to be a quick joke but uh it's actually bigger double the size let's let's get off the penis topic no i'm sorry i brought it out of you bro i'm proud of you i never even thought about that but he's like flatter this is of course gonna make it look smaller i'm fat too but my mom just texts me on the way here saying i'm getting fat my mom but anyways [ __ ] bigger dick than jonah funnier naturally nailing chicks one smoking cigs you'll take whatever hair could i give you whenever special needs if i can if i said let's skin your head bald right now we use duct tape to rip it out you'd probably be like sure i love him and that's why everyone else loves you at home because you're real hell yeah and you're a team player you're loyal yeah sometimes i hear the hell yeah i can't tell if it's a sound bite if it's kyle is it kyle or something no that's lincoln he's the star of our weight loss show and it's my favorite guest i've ever collaborated with oh yeah one time we have a mutual friend ryan right he recorded me asking me questions about ryan and see if i would talk [ __ ] so we would send it to ryan to see if i was fake to ryan and i said trudeau i i had to test you out that was a [ __ ] respect yeah i needed to know who i was working with here i was bringing you into my small circle [Music] i set you up but for a good reason and you passed the test you wouldn't talk [ __ ] about your friend [Music] he tried to offer me double the pay to work for him or triple to quit working with ryan because i was working for both of them at the time that's what it was yeah and he was like i'll pay you triple to quit working with ryan and come to work with me full time and it was like well i can't i just promised him like i'm gonna make him off again i told stephen i was gonna kill him if he didn't come work for me yeah some girl made a diss track yeah about me and she wanted to call i saw that britney oh can we call that's dope yeah she made it home actually actually actually like poem hey britney do we have video of you or do you do you prefer to just do this um [Music] if from audio behind [Music] okay i'm excited because i heard that you made a diss track on stephen and yeah i mean that's right up my alley i love the sound of that i would love to hear it do you mind um performing this yeah suppose but i mean i cannot rap for [ __ ] so neither can we but we still make music do you want to you know sorry scott for incorporating even that scott's talented he's the only one here that has talent that's not true i'm not talented at all do do we have a beat we can put on i think you should do it and then oh scott you made a song off my advice i said you're in pain right now use your pain to make art and then you made a song about it and then you got [ __ ] canceled for it again so that was my fault i take that i take responsibility for that that was my advice i think scott song was beautiful i think it's important as an artist to take your painful moments and use them to stay creative and and and yeah for sure use that pain to make art and that's that's what i tried to do with my accident i have no talent i have no talents but you know i could smash my head off a crane and i could hire a damn good editor pretty good main reason we got you on here is to diss this [ __ ] out of stephen [Music] down a few notches you know what he said when he walked in here he said what's your name i said skye he said don't care i do that was a complete joke that was like so disrespectful i was gonna remember the rest of here we go i'm still learning these things okay yeah he's his ego is huge right now and the only guy that's allowed to have an ego here is you know you know it's this guy because i run the show here my name's on the wall you know yeah if your name's on the wall you can get a big ear kyle has come here you go kyle i'll come in there bro it just keeps coming up i don't know what the [ __ ] going on i'm gonna come back there and [ __ ] rip that some somebody's already getting ripped off let's let's get to this song let's get to this diss track on stephen cause he's goofing around still and i want him leaving here in tears by the way it probably it doesn't make too much sense in the first like verse because it was when i sent stephen a friend request so it was it was based off that the fact that he didn't [ __ ] accept my friends that's what happened wait for her to end your career right now oh my god it's so exciting oh god i haven't even practiced it's fine it's all good neither have we we have no idea what we're doing all the pressures on you you steve i sent you a friend request but you ain't responding i left my insta twitter and phone number at the bottom i hope you have a chance i ain't mad i just think it's [ __ ] up you don't have the fans i'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose since you're stan aka brittany p.s we should be together too dear steve mr unto good ol [ __ ] i'm too good to call alright so my fans there's a bit of last spring request i ever seen your ass it's been one week and still no word i don't deserve it are you ghosting me i'm just busy playing apex i'll be the biggest van you ever lose since earlier stan okay brittany pierce we should be together too my love's gone cold i'm wondering why i got out of bed at all accepted my friend request and he doesn't care at all he's been too busy playing apex even though i have these [ __ ] on my wall it reminds me steve please stop vaping or won't even try it off that was good damn yeah we only got the second part quite close damn me to drive you know that song followed by the barbershop guy that a guy swung into another guy and it ain't like a wrecking ball nearly killed him and [ __ ] up his eyeball that guy the guy could have saved the other guy from drowning but didn't and said he said in the excavator and filmed it that's kind of like how this is he could've rescued me from drowning now it's too late i'm drinking eight white clothes now i'm drowsy i'm headed to the lake i love you steve it could have been together think about it you ruined it now i hope you can't sleep when you dream about it you just accepted my friend request i'm turning back now i'm happy the perfect ending to the relentless quest i don't have my [ __ ] buttons that i'm used to here but well done good very well written i tried my best the [ __ ] up that's all right hey steven i just got dug out you're done here yeah you're done you have [ __ ] oh my god you know what i thought i was going to hate this episode because it was just we just had scott as the guest that this was going to go down man that i love my [ __ ] audience you guys are good that last part was so sick yeah you ruined it now i hope you can't sleep and you dream about it i hope you can't vape anymore because you can pray without me i'm so good you're good man you're nuts you are [ __ ] crazy you need some of that mommy money that i would erase if my videos didn't get age restricted they should have sent that [ __ ] directly to you because you are [ __ ] insane but in a good way and top [ __ ] yeah no i i love the aussies you guys are the best britney i don't say this to a lot of people but i love you baby i love you and thank you so much for the support you love me i love you too of course thank you you love steven still [ __ ] you steve hell yeah love you too minnie yeah we could take one more caller because that was funny hey steve i just drank five white clothes damn me to drive oh my goodness i did not know this was gonna be a video hello you didn't i thought that the staff would have told you it's all good well we got scott here it's a i don't know if you're familiar with the scott cast but it's a podcast that we used to do and we canceled it but now we're back we're he's back on the show we canceled it i got canceled and uh we're back yeah i got no hat on it's a new thing for me when you were on dixie show and you took your hat off i was like what the [ __ ] does hat hair even exist for jeff oh no hat actually molds my hair into the perfect position it's a weird thing that happens to me but i'm doing a hair reveal soon i'm going to come out and i'm going to make a pact that i'm not going to wear hats for a year how could you do that you love hats i love wearing hats but i'm going to try my best to stick to this are you keeping your mullet uh yeah i don't have any plans to get rid of the mullet anytime soon actually you pull up that article oscar there's a article of uh we we actually made mullets cool and if we go back in time to a deleted scene in the barbershop when i gave the mullet i said watch every single [ __ ] tick-tocker and [ __ ] boy are gonna have this hairstyle how long do you think it's gonna take for all the hype house kids to have mullets after this i guarantee the little hoodie has one [ __ ] next week and now there's articles coming out in the sun there's like a uk publication that showed todd and i are the start of this trend i don't take complete credit for the mullet making it cool it's been around it's been hot in australia for a while but we normalized it in america and now we got all the [ __ ] [ __ ] having it do you have any other questions besides uh that hard hit and mullet question whose idea was it for jeff to be the co-host on scottcast the whole thing was jeff's idea but i mean you go ahead elaborate i wanted to have a podcast i also wanted to prank todd and the barbershop i would go into these extensive bits where i would prank my friends and i thought like the most psychological prank on todd would be to start a podcast with his best friend and not even tell him and just release an episode while he was hungover coming home from coachella and and we had fun doing it and i was so shy to talk on podcasts for so long and share so much of myself because when i go into things i go all in and i give a piece of my soul into each one of these episodes and i was scared to have it be the jeff podcast so scott was in a cast at the time he broke his foot on tour and it was just a funny pun scott cast when todd cast would have been a great better name because it's rhymes a podcast podcast but we were like [ __ ] it let's make this dumb as possible like jeff fm three f's in a row it's it's terrible it's hard to say and finally i worked up the courage to put my own name on a podcast thank you so much i look forward to talking to you again you're really cool and thank you for doing this even though you didn't think it was going to be a live show yeah i'm glad it was this one if i get picked for anyone i'm glad it was this one skycast reunion baby i wish i had that sound bite still yeah i did it for you yeah they took that one from me all right well we love you and we love we appreciate your support so thank you so much for calling in peace out next caller get rid of her get rid of her get off the screen very good very cool all right we're losing our guests so it probably means we're losing our audience time to wrap it up guys go to miami i'm not one to flex but i earned this vacation baby and i'm gonna have some fun and i'm gonna come back here fresh and i'm gonna give you guys the inside scoop of what went down in miami this weekend all right thanks chad thank you scott thank you stephen thank you jay all right thanks guys if you don't have any ad reads for this podcast be sure to just do like a quick icbd plug in the beginning of it whatever the [ __ ] you want vitamins it's got cbd and [ __ ] it cures cancer right [Music] [Music] okay
Channel: JEFF FM
Views: 353,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff Wittek, Jeff's barbershop, Jeff FM, podcast, views, impaulsive, frenemies, h3h3, scotty sire, vlog squad, David dobrik, jay boice, skotcast
Id: hWb9xoduuNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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