Jeff Ross Funniest Roasts of All Time

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Jeff Ross is so damn funny. I don't think 1:34 was his funniest in the video but at the birthday bash he had a bunch of funny jokes.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Dewage83 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

He called those chicks the bland girls 🤣🤣.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

He is a great talent. Loved him in the old school Comedy Central days when comics still ran that place.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

by far the best joke of the night.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/beckhamisbest 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

He is the gold standard of roasters, no question. He is a worthy replacement for the late great Don Rickles

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HoamerEss 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
it's all working out for you yeah everything's good here yeah well let's just kind of take a look around yeah what do you think I mean it's just the window you jump at him when the ratings come in dressing like you're gonna help somebody move you're wearing sweatpants to the biggest show on YouTube history this is the biggest show on the Internet dressed like you're gonna paint the set I gotta ask you this though hey I saw by the way on the computer I sure you do now call morning roast unbelievable you wake up in the morning you turn on your computer there's Jeff Russ waking up himself roasting somebody how's that work whatever comes to my hungover head I just start making fun of and I put it up on my YouTube page god damn it's funny who should I roast this week Oh what about castle it would be an honor if you could just do me he's an a rabbit that he'll only roast celebrities Qasim so you're off you're off the hook thank you what are you dressed like you're like Harry Potter's accountant well I want to thank Jeff Ross for turning the mirror on me today like the inventor of a cure of some disease we haven't thought of yet look at your like Orville Redenbacher's fluffer I don't know you and Howard Stern has been in radio so long he bought Robin at an auction [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] there's no spice girls this is the bland girls I'm roasting people what are you the genie from Aladdin I was so excited to be here see Jack and Emmett hang out with all these comedians I feel like I died and went to Harlem they say a roast it's a barbecue [Applause] gasps the colossi a [Laughter] I haven't seen this many black people in one place since dawn king of Mike Tyson we're handing out free turkeys everybody but slapping white in this [ __ ] Jason Jason you were great on Seinfeld and I guess that's gonna be about it huh as you can see the rest of the cast of Seinfeld couldn't be here tonight apparently they broke their backs carrying Jerry Seinfeld for eight years you look very lovely today thank you yeah blacker roots and Kunta Kinte being able to take a joke is so important in life exactly it's all about smiling and laughing especially with an outfit like that love you good luck with the lipstick on your teeth you're awesome Shaq man you look good you look good congratulations you your uh your knuckles from scrape did you walk in [Applause] I'm not saying anything I'm not saying shat that's like a gorilla boy so I'm trying to peel a microphone is he laughing I'm teasing you're shocked you know that you were great in the dream I'll [Applause] what'd he do here Thank You calcium casting Wow you're like Amy Winehouse if she went to rehab now let's talk about Drew Carey for a second ladies and gentlemen drew Carey is to comedy what Mariah Carey is to comedy [Music] we all know drew Levin two-faced or else why would he wear that one like Buddy Holly and Barney Rubble had a baby and then peed on it [Music] you're like a stripper who hates money so you work here those shorts are shorter than the amount of time you spent in high school look at this guy you know this guy right here you don't recognize somebody was on To Catch a Predator but you know we all can come up to the microphone and make fun but the truth is every Tomic up here dreamed of one day being a Dallas Cowboy and the only one who even came close was Monique [Applause] so Jerry Stiller has a face of a star and that star is Lassie his Hebrew name is yes you told me to wake yet when you hit rock bottom what's the price for intercourse is there a plan yet stoned to death really like ron jeremy right now [Applause] Brian stalls I mean how about a hand for your host Ryan Stiles when uh Ryan Stiles or as they call him in Hollywood Cramer light Ryan or watch you work season after season on The Drew Carey Show and I was always wondering if they're really using you to your fullest potential and today I realize they are hey buddy Krang come in yeah come on in I wanted to check out your office wow this is like Trump built the wall around just you look at this a vago door Freddie Roman Alan kings I've seen younger faces on cash [Music] this isn't a roast it's a rat Oh getting nice to be here at the Hollywood Wax Museum [Music] give it a good time Michael what do you mean I'm having a great time all right we'll tell your facelift oh my god there's kids run when I know there's a writer's strike going on tell me I was a wardrobe and makeup people out now you people have outdone me because this is the first season ever that no actual stars made it to the finale come on this isn't a who's who this is a who are you I don't know the show is called Dancing with the vaguely familiar yeah I googled you people and said ask Yahoo Larry you're looking good baby you're looking good you know that's right during the commercials somebody told me Larry loves Duran Duran this is yet another fact about Larry that is boring boring Larry I heard you how to work hard to lose that Boston accent too bad you can't lose the face huh [Laughter] and look how beautiful playmate Holly Madison looks tonight Wow she didn't do very well on this show every time the director yelled action she started taking her clothes off what can I say you make traffic sexy you really do in fact I think I feel some rubber necking in my pants speaker traffic of Val I think I see an accident on top of Robins head but if you got anything you want to say to me I love your suit I didn't know you shop it forever 41 you look great Roz I use your show as a nightlight every night thank you very much appreciate your staffing great this is great I've seen hostage videos with a bigger budget thank you so much everybody good to see it she looked good lay off the bagels babe she looks really good he's dressed like a child at a child molester in the same outfit it's like if Nike made prison clothes she looks good she looks beautiful you
Channel: uwho22
Views: 15,855,953
Rating: 4.7864356 out of 5
Keywords: jeff ross, bill burr, jeff ross roasts, jeff ross best roasts, jeff ross stand up, jeff ross agt, conan, jimmy kimmel, jeff ross border, norm macdonald, kevin hart, dancing with the stars
Id: wvtvtROpXW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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