JR Train Luxury Resort Shirakami to Aomori Ride

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greetings and welcome to akita station how you doing welcome to akita station this is the resort shirakami this is an express train that's going to aomori i'm going to be bringing you this live live streaming much of the event especially starting here in akita station now i know a lot of you can't travel right now and i'm i'm traveling on this which is a jr east welcome rail pass 2020 it's available for anybody with a non-japanese passport look how big the windows are this is gonna be awesome and we have a compartment or cabin this is the ticket this is uh number two seat three i see d row three so we're gonna go see what we got in here resort shitakami how cool is this that was seat number number three i got a little bit ways to go here all right thankfully it's mostly empty the train departs at 8 20. so if you are hoping to get on a train today you are with me whoa these are awesome so we have our own little compartment check this out i think we're gonna be on in one of these whoa how cool is that hey there's cody there's cody he's got my bag hey cody looks nice in there let me just show you the front cause i'm gonna miss this training i'm gonna miss this train there's a kita station oh they're getting on the train i better get on the train i just i just panicked whoa check this out so it's got some of the locations that we're gonna be stopping along the way this is a special train and if you've never been on some of japan's really really special trains before you're in for a treat because is this where i am too all right look at this [Music] this feels very europeanish to me like i never sit in this kind of a of us a train ever in japan colorful i like this apparently they have food so i didn't get any coffee you are caffeinated right [Music] yeah i'm not caffeinated let's walk through this train just a little bit here here's another compartment this one you guys can ride in look at how big the windows are this is kind of really really really unique and a really special train [Music] and we have access to filming here i might have a seat that's your access you have an arm pad armband [Music] yeah um this is gonna be pretty fun ride uh the scenery here is really really nice now the one problem that we might have along this this route is that the dempa or the uh signal service might kick off if we are going through a tunnel i always have a feeling there's tunnels on on this route definitely definitely oh you know i've i was looking through some of the routes and uh we will pass through some mountains and so there would definitely be some tunnels we're gonna pass through some mountains oh someone's saying goodbye to us goodbye goodbye man with orange jacket i like that jacket goodbye man selling various objects on the platform oh there's the gr staff whoa i feel like a kid this is so cool how often do you get a chance to ride a train like this like in japan usually they're shinkansen or they're they're like local trains which have bench seating yeah i mean it kind of reminds me of uh the types of trains you'll see maybe like in america everywhere but like a hundred times nicer on the hand track yeah [Music] announcement [Music] i get tripod for you you can't sit without a tripod [Music] yes traveler is i don't think i've ever been on a train all seats on this train are reserved you must have a reservation do you have a ticket if you're watching do you have a ticket just asking available income they might ask you the 500 people watching at this current time sightseeing information for all stations i didn't i didn't know how much time i would have hold on please take one please do not smoke industry if you use a mobile phone please go to the end sections near the doors i'm using a mobile phone next stop will be working should i go to the end i'm using a mobile phone that's good i didn't know how much time that i had before this the live stream started so i just started the live stream with like five minutes to go um the train left at 8 20 from akita station going towards aomori and i'm going to livestream as much of this experience as i can they're going to be bringing some drinks and food apparently as well because i could use that coffee look at me i look disheveled because i got to sleep at like midnight last night and woke up at six o'clock um but that's part of the job it's exciting enjoy the view and dugan you better believe that that lady with the coffee is gonna have to pour an extra cup you might need two one for each hand [Music] the thing with the wi-fi on trains is its 4g signal turned into wi-fi for the people okay [Music] announcements shopping [Music] oh foreign it's a lot of announcements so i hope this signal's coming in loud and clear um just just a shout out i want to tell you how much of this ticket costs to to travel from akita to amari i have this pass here this is the jr east uh welcome rail pass 2020 pass all i needed was a seat reservation which cost 330 yen reservation was 330 yen that's it so just an extra three dollars to ride this mama i love it brenda mixy's here oh it's nice to see brenda aloha [Music] apparently during the the busy peak seasons um they do raise the prices but they only raise it to 500 what just an extra dollar fifty oh that'll keep the train otaku like me off heck no so in a couple of minutes if the if the coffee lady doesn't come i will find her and get my coffee because if you thought that i i wasn't caffeinated i'm not and this is how i am normally in the morning i'm excited on the bottom are some of the stations that we're going to be passing along i love the fact that they added that and they're just a little bit more touch it's in both japanese kanji and in english up here hey john kimura that's my coffee hey what are you doing down there that's my coffee fun all right up there i want to show you up on the ceiling here and up on the walls you see whoa present though is [Music] swag we got train swag that's actually pretty surprising for a ticket that only cost 330 yen i know it's because there's got to be more than 330 yen right yeah you get swag so what did we get um tissues with alcohol and they wrote here in in person to please be safe that's really that's really nice somebody wrote it with a ballpoint pen wished us a uh a happy trip and um please enjoy the views along the way oh we we are i'm gonna soak this up because alcohol let's let me clean the table here too clean our area stay safe i love this you see this this is a magnet and this magnet says arigato thank you for riding the gono line which is this line that we're on this is the resort shirakami but this this is such a nice little thing celebrating um from 1977 this train has been going up and down this line between aomori [Music] a short while ladies and gentlemen i want to put this magazine the doors on the right side will open okay so let me get back to what i was talking about before the wood paneling on here including the wood on this light you see this here this is made with hinoki which is a japanese cedar right they just like to announce stuff there's a lot of announcements it's made with japanese cedar do you see the ceiling as well up there that's also japanese cedar up here and uh looking at the little details it's kind of important and this cedar is made from the trees along the route and they were replanted i guess everything jared does a really good job of being sustainable and i learned this when i was on the seven stars train down in kyushu this is one of the most luxurious trains in the world down um in in kyushu island it circles around uh the island and it's almost ten thousand dollars for a ticket wow it's four nights includes that it's an amazing experience and uh japan rail down there has set up where they they are actually like farm uh sustainable farming and getting the ingredients for the dining car from local farmers and that really helps the environment around the jobs and the local people too jr east is doing such a great job as well not just with the past that i have but also with with finding ways to source things that are very local and finding a way to help the local economy and that's a good thing so now we got um the commuter train we pulled into a station over here [Music] how's the signal everybody pretty good um the morning commute i was looking outside of my window from akita was not that was not that crowded is the signal gonna get weak in some places yeah a little bit okay um yeah and then one of the staff just told me that the the next card down is the uh amenities car where you could go and buy like coffee and bento and stuff like that so maybe uh if we get a little hungrier if we need some coffee you mean like now yeah you want to visit that cart now yeah i do we're moving why am i so excited i feel like this is the greatest thing to happen every live stream is the greatest thing to happen i don't know why all right shall we do this um yeah i think i think they're ready for us i could use a bacon and egg chris sandwich oh no all right let's do this follow cody [Music] so we have to be careful because of the uh uh because of the virus when we're around other people just be respectful [Music] i was oh my gosh oh my gosh look at this this is amazing i feel like i'm in another country what is going on here they have sake cody they have sake and look at that there's the magnets that they gave us from before wow they have so many of the things that you could get in both um almori all these wrinkle pies i love these but they also have all the things that you can get in akita as well smoke cheese with daikon i ate this in the in a live stream for patreon supporters ten days ago awesome yeah i didn't want to drink sake but all of a sudden i'm thinking maybe i will look at the bottles of sake on there we're in a community area so we're going to be wearing our masks so you won't be able to see my my mouth moving but it is moving what is this [Music] look at these little teeny that's so cute oh there's a little dog house that you can put that in there [Music] so here's the view um there might be a lag sometimes we're doing we're gonna do the best that we can to bring you this so just bear with us click the refresh if you're having some problems watching because we are streaming live from a train hey jeff hang is here and brendanya welcome new member sheila mccoy welcome aboard so is this something that you like sir i mean i don't think you could get japanese it's a little bit early for that maybe in a couple hours but that's something you know what definitely will i check out later i will have some sake in like 10 minutes after my coffee coffee first look at this look at the little hachiko truck thing wow all right let's do this okay so cody they do have they do have non-coffee drinks what they got beer they have like all these weird beers this is awesome they really went to the details to think about stuff that we might want well they got some weird sight uh sour stuff [Music] here's a coffee time all right let's get a coffee and a draiyaki sounds good [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] awesome [Music] oh yeah can you get the coffees i'll hold on to this here check this out just inside of a train look at the design here and you have a loads of different kind of uh things that they'll sell on the train in these glass glass cabinets here again they gave us a magnet and that's kind of significant these look like buttons but i believe they're magnets these are what is it a sake set that you can get and these wooden cups again hinoki is a japanese cedar you'll find it everywhere it's really popular up here in tohoku and hinoki's got a really pleasant smell to it and you can find objects here with hinoki some lacquerware which is awesome it's pretty cool that this is on a train i guess we can eat it here or should we take it back to the car yeah let's take it back so we're gonna go back to our car again here's the lat light that's made from uh japanese cedar and we're gonna go back to the to the restaurant car and back to our compartment in a second i can smell the coffee being made [Music] all right let's go back in there hey cody they have little bentos you want a little bento yeah it is so this is the the famous um that they have in academic it's like a really famous oh wow special variety of chicken oh cool all right well we're gonna have to get one of those too um did she give me back my change already oh i need to um i need to get a yoshi show for that and can you get two of these bentos here let's try which one should we get here a couple different ones this one has uh i think oyster or uh scallops scallops i'm not feeling the scallops i'll try the chicken and you can have whatever you want [Music] all right so we got we're getting some food here on side of inside of the train i'm gonna take this back to the compartment and cody's gonna get to cody's gonna get two uh bentos for us can you can you get a receipt for all of that cool look at the view i'm so excited let's get back to the art compartment auto doors auto doors auto doors don't touch anything wow this is the japanese countryside rolling by wow look at this there's nothing out there except for fields and fields and fields that go on and on look at that this is why oh look we're beating that car go go go go this is why you ride these kinds of trains it's just so beautiful to look out the window and a lot of people will want to ride the shinkansen and i completely understand you know you want to get from a to b really quickly but there is something really really special about going a little bit slower and taking your time hey ramsay silence here no i'm not going home man someone might need flowers you you got it brother i'm gonna go get something can i from aomori and bring her back something from the great tohoku north thanks for that ramses i'm really happy you're joining us on this trip too [Music] thanks jennifer jennifer french is here actually jennifer that's going towards our bento that pays for it perfectly i really really appreciate that and hey it's road tunner you got it [Music] i don't know if i'm gonna be able to live stream the entire trip all the way to aomori station which would be pretty cool if we could do that so i'm just gonna bring you as much as we can and if we go through tunnels we go through tunnels okay if the signal gets bad it gets bad this is a live stream where at the elements the signal strength is uh you know oh there's cody wow a name for the show oh yeah i can give that to you take a picture [Music] it looks like we're passing a lot of houses so we go in and out of fields [Music] um for the sake that we might go through a tunnel i want to show you some of this stuff and because you never know the coffee is right here you have some goodies this is a draeyaki um from akita prefecture looks like here it's basically it's a perfect breakfast kind of food too it's basically a pancake and in between the pancake there's red bean paste uh which is ango called anko so i want to open that up for you try some train food here i'm not gonna drink the coffee in one gulp who wrote that it burned myself cody [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen we will soon make a brief stoppage the doors on the left side will open we stop after wow this is the resort shirakami between akita and aomori that rolls a couple of times a day boom this is the dry hockey i'm eating because we might go through a tunnel so i thought this goes really good with coffee and then we'll eat the bento uh i guess after the dessert at least i will thank you for writing that the resort resort shirakami um it i guess we would call this a luxury train right because it's it's a little bit uh higher in in services and it's oh look at that ankle on there oh man i know you love uncle cody yeah uh yeah my family is a uncle producer so uh i should love anko i said that sarcastically we all know that you don't like uncle and we all know that i need hand cream now i've exposed my hands that's the uncle was a red bean paste and it looks like they put some margarine or some kind of yeah margarine a little bit of butter yeah do that up north i know i noticed that um in aomori they have something called a um english toast okay which is a piece of bread that's not toasted and they put margarine on it and sugar that's what they sell in a packaging it's called english toast and it's not toasted margarine and sugar it's defies reason but that's why we love it all right let's try it oh wow this is not a pancake this is cake so the cake has a sweetness to it that that's not margarine that's butter which is good because i don't like margarine that much but the encore red bean paste it's not that strong with this because of the butter yeah the butter should kind of like mellow out the flavors give it a little like creamy texture as well so it should pair well with the red bean paste start as well with my coffee oh yeah for sure [Music] we're gonna wait here for three minutes i love that they uh apologize for a three-minute delay as well oh they apologize yeah let's see if that man in the background moves at all in three minutes i think he's watching your live stream is he watching is that not watching you just watching that'd be pretty cool so while we're while we're waiting cody why are we here in in uh tohoku what have we been doing um yeah we're on a noodle tour essentially uh we got the um our first stop was in morioka we had the the top three famous noodle dishes of morioka which are laymen uh and uh finally at the end we had uh jajan and um yeah it's quite unique the layman is a north korean inspired dish wonka soba is a traditional japanese style noodle dish and the jajamen is a chinese-style dish so we got three different cultures working or three different i guess nationalities working in one little area of japan but it's one of the most famous kind of noodle dishes noodle cultures that you get in japan so definitely recommend a visit for uh for some noodle adventures in morioka oh yeah and we we got more noodles coming uh later today we're gonna be he's still there he hasn't moved we we got um some ramen and aomori and we might try to hit two hey was emily that spicy one uh yeah we could try and hit the spicy one hopefully we'll have time for it it's gonna be double the ramen i just i literally woke up and then he said we gotta go oh no the train's gonna block our view of the guy i don't know if he's gonna move at all maybe he's getting on he's getting in on this train okay i was worried he was a statue he would miss his train if he didn't move yeah um oh that's him he just got on the train that's awesome so this train again for those that are watching this is the resort shitakami and japan has loads and loads of really really special trains but what is great about this train is that it's basically like included on this which is the jr east welcome rail pass and all i had to do was get a seat reservation which was 330 and like three dollars and i can ride this luxury train and actually for me as a train otaku like a geek who loves to ride these trains i gotta tell you being on this train and i've never been on this this particular train is kind of exciting for me i'm kind of excited you were excited yesterday to go to ito ramen the same way i am to ride this train i think i mean yeah as as you know i'm ramen guy japan and so i love ramen and being able to go to ito which is probably one of the most legendary ramen shops in japan it's situated in a small area of akita but they served niboshi ramen since around 1988 and they kind of pioneered the niboshi ram and boom here in japan and to be able to eat it at the source at one of the originators of the style was was unreal you know what was unreal to me that he said that we could film there yeah i was like he allowed us to film there we had that we had to ask i think four or five times and eventually he gave in look at the view from this this window here is so beautiful welcome aboard the resort shirakami number one rapid service bound for aomori via the gonna line the next stop will be moritaket [Music] sometimes you can see the aosagi uh birds in the in the fields eating little bugs in the morning yeah i mean this train has got to be one of the the best options to soak up a bunch of the um oh yeah the scenery because if you you know they say that if you go into tohoku it's very difficult to travel without a car but if you're driving the whole time it's kind of difficult to enjoy the scenery so this train provides you with a great opportunity for that yeah if you if you don't get a chance i know a lot of you had to cancel your trips and from february all the way till next year so that's i through this channel only in japan go i've been trying to travel to bring you with me and the open seat here is is left for you guys so really appreciate you joining us on this [Music] trip [Music] they're telling us things that we're passing along the way this is the second second biggest lake or the second deepest lake and it's nice that they tell you which side of the train to look at they just said uh look on the left side of the train so well there's a convoy i love that movie hey little ducky cody how many ramen shops do you eat in a year do you eat at in a year um this year was uh was pretty low because of the the whole coronavirus situation um i was so far i've only been able to eat at 100 and i think the count was 125 or 130 yeah but uh last year i hit 200 shops and i ate about i think it was about 236 goals how do you stay [Music] all right we're gonna be that maybe might be a little bit boring if we look at the same thing everybody the signal might be going in and out i don't know if you're actually seeing this hey everybody the signal is going to be going in and out over the next uh couple of uh the next hour or two i really wanted to rush and bring you as much of the train before we would lose it out here in the countryside i do apologize if it does go if it does go out but uh zoomed in oh no not the zoom [Music] how we doing so we are pretty deep now in between um akita and aomori but this train ride takes how long three hours i think it's like close to four hours so this is a four hour oh so thanks guys we got black screen again it's still zooming what's hopefully everything is is golden now um cody's now checking to make sure that we get a we got a nice clean signal nothing yet really all right we still got it hold up give me give me a minute i'm gonna try to reset the maybe we're back maybe we're not i do apologize for the in and out of it um we are traveling live through the the countryside so perhaps perhaps i'm back i had to actually shut the phone off and on again cody and i got these two echiban and these are our special for this particular train and we're gonna do a little egg event unboxing in a minute um i'm also you know it is like it's like 9 a.m so i might also start to drink some sake because we can and uh the restaurant car which is the next one over actually has sake from the region i love the little little details in all of the trains and we're going to bring you some more information on this train um in a couple of minutes we we we're now about 30 30 30 minutes into this trip i started at five minutes before we left so if if you want to see the exterior of the train go and watch the playback from the beginning of this after this live stream is done and you can see it as well um i and oh okay that's the map so two things here and i'm going to show you the view outside the window here this is the ticket that i came on this is the jr east welcome pass 2020 ticket it's just one uh 12 000 yen or like 110 dollars you get three days of limited travel on the shinkansen in tohoku it is a steal and you can and uh residents like me can use this this train a luxury train only cost me 330 yen extra which is amazing cody has a map now and we're going to show you yeah going online english [Music] so we started in akita which is a way down here i think we're approaching this area now okay the mics in the front so i'll have to repeat what you say here so we're getting close to where we're about this area oh okay that's the ogre peninsula so i feel like in probably less than an hour we'll be able to hug the coast and we'll start seeing the ocean oh that's awesome right around here so um we haven't reached that area yet i'm going to live stream as long as i can live stream and if the signal does kick out you guys want to leave for a little bit do come back because we're going to be on for for a little while here uh and as well we're gonna try to get some sake at least i am are you gonna you're not getting sake no i can't let you go no you can't let me drink alone i like that i like that okay we're gonna hug the little nah you can't let me drink alone i like that i like that okay we're gonna hug the coast but right now we seem to be um not that far away from oga hondo which is an awesome place some great onsen there actually the lake here is an imploded volcano a hundred thousand years ago there was a volcano there and then one day it just imploded and created a lake and a depression area so that's what that's what we have here in the middle i learned a little bit of the history you can drive across the imploded volcano there's a road in the middle but you can't get there by train you can only get to here um you can also rent bicycles when you get to the end of ogahanto and right around there it's a beautiful area famous for the oni or demon monsters the high a little bit i've been here quite here a little bit too many too often i've been here kind of a lot uh and then we're going to be traveling this entire route all the way to aomori and i don't know if we're going to be able to bring you the entire trip but we will try yeah i would try the wi-fi signal all right everybody's uh talking about the wi-fi wi-fi comes from the 4g turned into wi-fi so it's not any better but it might go in and out the signal when we have another clear signal along the coast we're going to go and get some socket used to be a volcano there now it's like imploded and now we just have this lake this is also where i was hitchhiking not too long ago we will soon make a brief stop this is where i was hitchhiking that's nice they come around and ask for trash they don't do that on european trains do they no i don't think so only in japan [Music] only in japan um so over the course as the signal gets a little bit better it's going to be going in and out do refresh your screens if it's not too clear [Music] cool is that where you are now we're approaching um right so [Music] i guess so yeah a whole lot of nothing out here i love that well you know what's interesting um if there's any like anime fans out there um the anime or manga slam dunk there was uh the last high school is modeled after a high school that is uh nationally renowned as the best high school basketball program in japan in japan and it's called noshiro kogyo and it's actually like close to this area what's the average height of the team probably pretty short i mean nothing in comparison to uh any like western teams but yeah um when i was a kid i used to play basketball i wanted to play for stockholm so it's pretty interesting speed is important in basketball too as well as your ball handling skills kits all right and don't try to put all your marbles in basketball it's really hard to get a scholarship to be an nba player for public service announcement it's hard to be a youtuber too by the way just telling people that um some other things notable features on this train the stops along the way are here and elmwoody's over there and you can see we've got a lot of stops to hit along the way and i believe that they do have a a cart that will go by with some snacks and all the way down there at the end of the car is uh akita where we started that's kind of neat to see the course on here up on the roof of the train for those joining us is hinoki or japanese cedar and it's kind of neat that they've made the train with the cedar that is in trees along the route and knowing jr they probably replanted the trees and made this a really um environment friendly experience here i like the fact here on top of the train we do have a place for our luggage a nice rack it's not it's not big enough for huge amounts of suitcases so i think if you're doing this as if you're traveling around japan the best would be my advice from standing on the train now my advice would be to set up like a home base if you're using a rail pass like your hotel in tokyo or something and leave a big suitcase there with uh with your luggage take what you need on day trips or excursions for like a week or two then you can come back to the big backpack travel light whenever you can just remember the japanese trains are not meant to be taking massive amounts of luggage on top of them um i guess european trains might be a little bit better for that but uh yeah smaller bags are better and if you need to go shopping you can send your bags if you have a home base you can send your bags and packages back to your hotel or something that works really good number one market service bound for aomori via the gold knife wait the next stop will be so this is the gono line it's beautiful out here it's really nice if you do guys if i'll tell you this right now okay to the 800 people that are watching if we can get to 700 likes i will drink some right away i'll just cut to the chase and get to the k it's up to you [Music] they have saki on this train but we need like 700 likes for me to cut to the chase foreign not a lot to see because we're so we're in between a forest all right it's opening up a little bit now [Music] [Music] this is the gono line that we're on by the way [Music] we're gonna be and we're riding this train this exact train right now we're gonna be going along the coast really soon hey raison rep ripping i love train rides definitely going to try this out once i can get to japan again this is fun this is the buna train interesting so you can see the three trains here the green one is called the buna the blue one is called aoike or blue lake and the kuma gera which is the orange train that one looks pretty cool too i like that they didn't make the same train they kind of decided to make really uh interesting trains with a personality and so each one is different and you can see where they make the stops i guess there's a slight difference in times and i'll bring you some more information as we ride along here but there is free wi-fi um so if you come with a family they can stay connected but i gotta tell you something turn your devices off and look out the window for crying out loud okay stop live streaming and just enjoy hey wait okay never mind that i can't shouldn't say that the seats in the um non-compartment cars are like this and they're pretty comfortable so don't turn your live stream off but you can turn your don't let the kids play games for crying out loud be strong with your kids tell them to turn off their games it's crazy oh yeah there's the basketball is that what you're talking about no shiro yeah so yeah if you uh if you read or watch slam dunk um the last team that they face is a high school in the manga called sanno and sanno's is based off of this actual high school well they're the uh perennially like the number one ranked high school basketball program in japan so it's quite famous for uh being a basketball town here in akita yeah oh we get to go go through hirosaki which is awesome hirosaki hirosaki is one of my favorite little towns and little cities in japan they have one of the most beautiful um uh cherry blossom festival in april it's it's it's really convenient because it's two weeks three weeks after tokyo [Music] we're about here now we're kind of in between a mountain foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we're still 60 likes short of a sake you have to have these little goals you're riding with me this is pretty cool so this is one of the stops that we stop about how many times we stop like there's quite a few stops here yeah this is the buna train um so this train has four cars we're in car [Music] hey craig kawaguchi is really really excited about this car number three is right here and these are called um coaches car number two has box seats car number one i think we're in box box seats no we're in the boxes yeah yeah so we're i think we're in car number two and car number one's reserved so i i think if you have a family and some friends you probably want to get the back seats and get adds a little bit of privacy in here but whichever layout that you choose it's all it's all really good here is the restaurant car where you can get some snacks and we're gonna go back there as soon as we get to 700 likes because i need some sake as we pull into another station here i once tried you see the vending machine over there um sometimes they have them on the platforms i once tried at okayama on the sunrise izumo to run out as the train stopped to get a vending machine drink and run back on the train and i took two steps and go just a feeling in my gut said don't do it since i got back on the train but i could have done it because another guy did the same thing and he but if i had gotten to the vending machine i would have had i would have been second in line thus increasing my chance of missing the train but it's a challenge run off the train to a vending machine get your drink and run back on can you do it and if you don't the gamble is high because your luggage goes on to the destination and you don't it was you get this this sensation you've got like i can do it i can do it i can do it and then i can't do it that happened to me uh a few years ago ryan kong is saying that i can do it actually i probably could do it we're staying here for a couple of minutes right yeah so i could do it should i do it is there any on this side of the platform i don't know [Music] so does that make you nervous did anybody get nervous they would freak out now [Music] there's there's one vending machine over there all right i'll tell you what a lot a lot of these trains some of them will stop for a couple of minutes i'll see if we can do a vending machine run that's just crazy [Music] i think we're going to be on the train for a little bit you have the humming of the electric train above us which is so cool no shiro is the next stop thank you so much for that raymond centeno is on the ball following along so if you do want to follow along on this trip you can actually do that um i didn't put a i didn't put a link in the description yet but will afterwards this is the gono line and if you do on the google map you can probably pull this up and follow along as we get there and now we are at no shiro right now i think uh this is higashi no shiro yeah so we're right here on the map and it won't be long before it's easier to show you because we're not uh jostling back and forth so we're right here now and um we're very soon gonna be hugging the coast and you're gonna have an amazing view of some of the things uh along the along the sea of japan so thanks for joining us you're going to get a really amazing view of the sea of japan in about i don't know like 20 minutes or so that's pretty exciting [Music] look at the beautiful autumn foliage another reason to ride these trains all right cody what socket do you want to drink [Music] we get to 700 likes let's do it all right are we gonna or you have voted therefore we will go cody's getting his mask on look at that one train we call these one months they're trains with just one car where the conductor is doing everything which is incredible watch this jedi mind trick you shall open the door awesome all right so we have different various sakes here uh which one oh they're all dai ginjo uh this is a jin mai daigen john uh-huh no um i'll think i try this one here this is a roku nice uh foreign wow [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] is wow look at the color on this that's really nice and they put a cap so you don't spill it because we're jostling kind of back and forth right now but it's pretty cool to be able to get sake poured from a big bottle like that like a bar very very cool yeah that's not too bad for saki cups [Music] john williams this is this certainly is a specimen this is called um uh six six something from love mountain i guess it's from aomori i'm really excited about this because it's got a good body i believe it i believe it hey there's somebody down there i'm starting to spill it i'm just whoa whoa whoa careful careful wow back to the chair here [Music] all right the train's really jostling up and down like that it's kinda i came back because i figured so so um as we get as we're getting closer to the coast and the signal might get a little bit stronger uh we're going to try this bento as well so we have these uh resort resorts what is this one supposedly [Music] [Music] [Music] so my area is a total disaster and a mess okay this is where we're going to be eating our bento in a second but look what you can do with the compartments how awesome is this you can kind of make something like a bed [Music] these pull out and creates like a platform that you can kind of lay down on so you can lay down and just look out the window for four hours this train is gonna be rolling this is so much better cody check it out oh man is it best i don't know like you could sleep oh yeah oh crutch shot wow this is really nice [Music] jedi mind trick jedi i am a jedi ah no it's i'm losing my power [Music] freedom [Music] [Music] cody what are you doing in there check it out awesome hey [Music] hey i got a prize this is awesome what are they doing here where's cody cody you gotta do this all right cody's in on this next up is cody brick cody you got this [Music] focus oh cody and you're like the basketball guy i got i got lucky that's what i kind of put on the moves oh look at this what does it say oh there it is resort shirakami it's like a specialty i think it's a coaster this is so cool so we have about 10 minutes at this stop where you can play basketball at all right this is no shiro and what does the 58 represent cody this is one of the players no it's the uh michael jordan's 23. it's the amount of times that they've won the national championship oh they've won the national championship in japan 58 times that's i've never heard of some dominance like that before yeah i mean this is like probably one of the most famous uh high schools in japan because of their basketball program wow all right let's take a look here really quickly what an amazing stop this is you can see um they're so dominant if the bulls had six national champions or six world championships this this team had 20 or 58. think about how many rings that is that's like the coach probably has a ton of rings right for anyone who's like a huge uh basketball fan um one of the i think he's the second japanese basketball player ever uh is a graduate from this high school oh really so he's uh yeah one of i think he's the second japanese born person to make it to the nba and yeah he graduated from the school cody do you want to buy your buy your way in cody you failed so you must buy your way in [Music] that's nice they got little gifts in here and you can see that you can see there's a model of the uh uh the train should uh resort to economy and people are getting out right there when the train starts revving like that it makes me nervous doesn't it how much time do we have all right i'm going to show you the front of the train i'm going to get left behind here's the front of the train ah they're saying get on a train open the door oh that was awesome cody i'm shocked that you put up a brick i know me too actually it was it was the pressure it was i'm not used to having thousands of people watching maybe you needed sake maybe speaking of which shall we imbibe or is it imbib [Music] ah i didn't expect to make that shot you know what i wasn't thinking that's why i made the shot but they actually have right there a place where you can practice playing basketball how cool is that shout out to japan east at japan rail east look at that [Music] oh cody go out there and you can put your head in there do we have time i don't think so do we yeah oh we do i do cody he missed a shot he lost the championship oh we don't oh we do we miss he missed the shot we lost a championship but that doesn't mean he can't be a champion in a photo [Music] he's going out there to take a picture all right oh that's right keep your mask on [Music] i think after the noodles we ate we're all kind of out of shape whoa that's a big hand [Music] why they got those big hands there [Music] that's nice that they're coming in to sell some of the items as well but this is cool we i uh i'm glad that i i won something because i got something to show you [Music] this is what they gave me and this is an akita akita wood here [Music] rice dumpling [Music] oh it's a japanese japanese cedar it smells like it smells like an onsen bath and it's been branded this is the smell of the countryside oh man and now it has my germs all over it it's kind of a cool little yeah nice little prize yeah it's nice that they uh stopped the train for just a ted so that you can go outside and enjoy a little bit yeah without having to i just leave the station and everything like that for those that are that are are counting and following along on google maps we are at no shiro no shito is famous for having a basketball team that has won the national championship in japan 58 times and they might as well they probably made signs um already for 59 right it's basketball season hey wait cody is the basketball season the same in japan as it is in the us so funny thing about sports in japan is that uh one sport goes all year round so it's not like in the western states where they have like fall for football uh winners soccer or anything like that you play one sport and you play and practice that uh all year long whoa so there's no real seasons but the uh the biggest kind of uh tournament that um for basketball at least is the winner cup which goes on during december i'm not sure if they're doing that this year um and then um yeah if you go for baseball obviously it's the summer question right but um they also have the spring caution as well which a lot of people might not be coaching is tournament right yeah like a tournament for basketball um the the uh so wait hold on a second so there's no like like jocks like three sport jocks and stuff like this you're one sport and that's it yeah that stinks like i i was i pl i was cross country and track and field because i couldn't i broke my arm playing soccer when i was in high school so i had to turn to running and i liked it more because i didn't have to rely on a whole team yeah and i did that through high school but imagine if you could there were so there's no jocks you're basketball yeah i mean if you're good enough at that one sport um the thing about japan is uh we love our high school sports so yeah um you know if you're the one of the best players in um baseball or basketball or volleyball even right now which is picking up um you will be featured in national publications so yeah it will even be a bigger jock thanks oh the high school baseball players are all celebrities more so than the pros actually yeah they get a lot of fan mail everything like that so that's probably why ichiro left for the us because the high school players are more celebrated than the professionals in many ways some ways all right folks it's time now for that sake um thanks so much for for clicking the like button come by let's try it here oh this has a nice slightly sweet smell to it [Music] oh that's good really good personality to this one remember what it's called like love mountain it's like roku and then hikone the kanji foreign the thing with sake is that there's so many brands unless you have a professional it's hard to really to know or you've really studied it and i didn't know that they had saki on this train so i didn't do my homework this is really good actually it's a little bit fizzy there seems to be some kind of um um yeah oxidation ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard the resort number no construction [Music] into a crevice if we lose this signal don't worry just uh come back in a minute or two and refresh your screens that's what everybody does we'll try to keep on live streaming as long as we can at least for another 20 minutes because i want to show you the ocean and then from noshiro we kind of go into the sea of japan side down here on the on the table are two bentos so i thought maybe we would open this up a little bit and try this you have the seafood this is the risotto bento and welcome to gerald for joining the patreon thanks for that [Music] this hey ryan smith joined too thanks ryan i can see the patreon notifications as well it's awesome on the other side we have a open field all right let's see what someone is let's take a look at cody's is um it's hard to it's hard to stay steady hold up so it's hard to stay steady all right go ahead sorry yeah so this is like a specialty it's like dried daikon which is in pickles and then right here i think it's a little bit more pickles but yeah the main attraction is the seafood we got like the scallops to shrimp right mine right here is chicken there's a shiitake mushroom and a meatball which i think is made of chicken as well on rice and then we have uh that's a little bit of a tofu that is soaked in some dashi i think so there's gonna be a juicy bite in there and i got some of the pickles as well i love these smoked daikon pickles from akita i ate these before when i was here actually two weeks ago in a livestream i was here and i ate kiritampa which is this rice that's been grilling on a charcoal fire then put in a soup with some of these pickles it's amazing all right [Music] um [Music] i just thought gerald became a patreon supporter too thanks cheryl i'll be sending you a postcard too by the way [Music] doug anderson's a new traveler welcome doug you just unlocked some emoji as well on here for the chat it's cool [Music] and andrew fort wayne looks far better than my typical pbj packed with lunches for work nothing against peanut butter and jelly but these mentos are pretty good thanks andrew [Music] check out the windmills too that means we're getting close to the sea of japan if we got windmills i think we'll get those coastal winds [Music] so this is a um like a meatball made of uh chicken i believe right oh wow these pickles are so good with sake right a little saltiness ah not long now we're gonna be um having a view of the sea of japan on this side so take a look at this side for a little bit because the view is going to change [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey grazie officials become a traveler thanks grazie welcome it's always nice to see new members hey suzette's here welcome aboard suzette and doug anderson i do appreciate it joining up as a traveler [Music] i can smell the sea of japan a little bit of sea water [Music] there it is i can see it between the hills and we're going to start hugging the coast in a second [Music] so [Music] ugh [Music] so [Music] hmm oh yeah i love the smokey taste of the pickles thank you [Music] really nice eating i'm sorry more rubbish [Music] it's really nice to eat on a train just kind of relax a little bit have some sake watch the countryside roll by your [Music] window this live stream is brought to you by the jr east welcome rail pass [Music] i couldn't have cued that music better [Music] myself oh foreign i'm gonna turn it around three two one [Music] we're getting closer to the sea of japan anyways so i can turn the camera around here oh there it is [Music] i believe we'll get a little bit closer right cody yeah how do you know you've been on this line no just listen to the announcements oh it was like cody could you know something we don't know again this is cody from ramen guide japan check him out on instagram and on youtube we've come here to eat some ramen and some noodles but we're getting a train ride too hey don't block them oh there it is it's coming up oh yeah we're rolling into it this is great there's the beautiful sea of japan kind of like a prize one of the things that you oh come on stay with us stay with us wow that's not the ocean glen this is the sea of japan or as everybody in korea calls it the ec because they're jealous that japan got a c named after it which isn't fair but that's you know blame blame the united nations don't blame japan oh look at that black beach i'm gonna go over there and just hang out have a couple of beers no it's out of the picture now [Music] [Music] [Music] hey it's good to see halifax ken how you doing ken rutley welcome to the gono line we're riding from akita to aomori on the resort shirakami which is a beautiful luxury train and i'm going to take you one more time through it as soon as we clear clear this area that might have a weak signal that's not a great view part of you go i'm on this side now okay here he comes a little bit more trees the journey is about four hours right yeah i think it's a little less than four hours i think i think we got at 8 30 actually it probably is about four hours i think we get in at like 12 something yeah we've been going for about 90 minutes now so if you get this pass and you ride along the rail the the gono line you're gonna see the same thing except you know with your eyes which is better than 720p this is a live stream to the three people who don't get it keep saying upgrade your equipment i'm like dude really everybody on the channel knows this is a live streaming channel the fall colors up here the fall colors up here are kind of over um this is the end of it um just like cherry blossoms it from hokkaido up in the north as you go down south you know right now the peak season of um maybe like ibaraki and some of the areas north of tokyo kyoto's peak season is maybe about now as well yeah tokyo you should be seeing it as well yeah tokyo should be really nice as well but up here it ended about it was peak about two three weeks ago and now it's kind of ended you can go to the instagram and i put some pictures up here for my trip two weeks ago yeah you still see you still saw a little bit of the remnants of mario koko but you could tell that they were all coming down soon yes we're broadcasting live at 32 32 k which is 4k times 8 resolution it's 32k clear isn't it clear this day just trumped everybody right there peter as we said a couple of times it's like welcome aboard and look at this this the light peeking through the clouds there on the sea the train rides just a little like about four hours from akita to from audi rakita it's there's no real way to go there quickly there's no shinkansen line on this side but you know what it's a blessing because you don't have to um go by so quickly just to relax a little bit and they have these luxury trains that you can get on for just a three dollar reservation fee on top of the pass i can ride this train it's really nice luffy king writes in here like zen like it is if i would just stop talking you could soak this up a little bit more ladies and gentlemen we will soon make a brief stop at akitas the doors on the right side will open the stop after akitas oh odate is coming up that's where the um statue of the hachiko is do you guys know that do you know that so there are two statues of hachiko and it is a different variety different take on hachiko i kind of like the odate one actually and it's in front of odate station so another reason to to ride the rails here um odate actually was really interesting they had hachiko akita inu manhole covers which was cool but i guess the um akita inu comes from north north aluminum north akita yeah south america where it's really really cold so they have a thick fur on on them well it's bright i wonder if those like little oh yeah on the construction yeah do you see those orange signs those are akita dogs you can't see them oh they you just kind of just went by there it looks like we'll arrive into almondy at 1 30. oh wow so yeah pretty long i think it's almost five hours actually wow so you have uh plenty of time to soak up all the uh the scenery around oh check that out is that a um michi no eki they have an onsen inside there yeah a bunch of places to do this wall charge your electric cars if you have it there's an ev charger down there interesting um thanks so much for joining us we have uh about 1100 people watching i'm gonna take you through the train one more time just to give an idea of what the what the resort shitakami train looks like again uh big shout out and thank you to jr east welcome rail pass that's how i got onto this train uh it's just 12 000 yen for three days of unlimited travel for non-japanese passports you can get this at any of the stations it's it starts at tokyo and goes up to tohoku and it's a great way it unlocks tohoku for me as a youtube creator and i can travel around a lot cheaper eating too much cody we've had way too many noodles but yeah if we can get to a thousand likes if you haven't liked it this view already i will take you through the train one more time so you get an idea um i'll take you to the restrooms as well luxury trains are really cool because the layout is different and there's no one train that is alike what they've done with the resort shitakami trains is that there's three of them that do this gono line there's a blue one uh orange one and a red one and they all have special names to it but each one of those trains has its own kind of personality to it four cars but the layout is different and that's what i love about japan rail they always have some sort of uniqueness to it and for train otaku or train geeks like myself that's awesome because it's always something fresh and new coming out uh japan rail is always innovating i love that about about the trains in japan although i've been driving a lot more [Music] my idea for complete transparency i've been driving a lot more but unlimited travel on the shinkansens and local trains up in tohoku the private lands are not included so like the subway in sendai some of those the um private lines up in sendai and uh iwate they're not included in the ticket but i'd say like 95 percent of the train lines are covered including the shinkansen up in tohoku so it's kind of a steal one [Music] the signal might cut out a little bit um as we're kind of between the mountains here away from the stations but we'll we'll be on for another 10-15 minutes for sure as we get closer to a thousand likes which is our goal uh i'll take you up and down the train so you can get it oh look at this this town that we're coming up on did you see that just for a second it just kind of flashes on your screen [Music] the train will hug the coast for a little bit and then starts to go inland not too long from now right we're gonna lose the we're gonna lose it and probably go through tunnels so if you haven't liked it yet give us a like and i'm gonna take you one more time up and down the train so you can get a sense of this really cool locomotive i'll take you to the caboose [Music] wow it's gone are we going to lose the signal don't worry we'll be back if we lose a signal you want that day we're coming up in another stop stop after all right it's going in and out the view all right here's the seaside this light is made out of uh hinoki or japanese cedar it's kind of cool actually i kind of want to buy this light now i kind of want to buy it when i was riding the seven stars down in kyushu they they had silverware and glasses and you could buy that as well um from the gift shop i was down there with tabby eats some other youtubers that were invited along for this discovery channel episode of mighty trains that came discovery canada was filming and they invited me kanai and two friends i got peter and his wife to come along as well as uh tabby eats came too and that was great to see them and we got to eat some amazing luxury food but i gotta tell you this research economy is is pretty up there too the bento was amazing they kind of localized it giving it a unique customizable special experience for this area so when you travel on the trains you're getting a chance to immerse yourself in the local culture as well you might be on the train but on the train they bring that food and that experience to you just like we saw at noshiro we got a chance to play a little bit of basketball i wonder if we're going to be able to do anything here how long does it stop here i don't think for that long yeah you want to do a vending machine run sure really i was just kind of like kidding like really i don't know how long we stopped here i would totally do it [Music] so you can see this is what the layout of the seats are um in compartment oh fresh air there's no vending machine to risk it like they're kind of testing the waters down there like can i or can't i i don't know how much time we actually have i think i just freaked out some people usually we have some time because these are you can see here the the train line there's only one so they have to time it um so each train can pass through this so there might be a train coming uh this is the east japan railway company hybrid awesome really that's pretty cool well done jr cody i'm dancing it's kind of neat to be stretching my legs they put a little bit of the culture into the train too it's kind of annoying oh there's a three shirakami uh resorts to the kami trains i think i can go over there make a phone call just call kanai hey can i and then run back on i don't think i'm gonna do it that's luis we know louise that's louise she's doing the smart thing louise is not watching uh her smartphone she's enjoying the view you do not see a coca-cola machine i don't even see one you're not even here hey there we are pepsi is not is not really popular here it's not the choice of a new generation that generation went back to coke actually that generation just stopped drinking cola i think i think that's what happened oh the train will talk over here we're waiting for the train to come by here's the front of the resort shirakami i love these little stops so that our train's going to depart after this train goes by because it's so it's only one track going in both directions so after this locomotive speeds by it looks like a one month one train one man conducted train yeah follow these guys they know what they're doing we're gonna get we're gonna get left behind i like this there's braille on here too for anyone who's visually impaired you can you can feel your way on train i thought it would take you up to the front as well to get a view so you can see up here in the front uh that the reason why we had to stop here and wait for about five minutes was because there was another train coming and there's only one track going in this direction but you can see here how amazingly open this area is for the conductor uh very much like the shinkansen which is cool and if you have a stamp rally card you can come here uh stamp oh the stamp's not here because of uh the uh pandemic but that's kind of neat all right so not very long to wait before we depart again during the snow icon this would be so beautiful spring welcome a new insider awesome thanks for joining the family not too many things here you can see uh we really are out in the countryside and the area between akita and aomori is just beautiful he gave us a little a little toot i guess to tell everybody get back on the train and then he closed the door probably laughing at everybody who's standing on the platform that could have been me i followed the photographers back on there [Music] [Music] as you can see it's just one track going up towards aomori there's no shinkansen between the two so you do have to uh you do have to ride for about four hours to get from one to the other or your other option is to take the shinkansen from akita over to morioka and then catch the shinkansen the tohokushin concert up to shin aomori but if you decide that you want to take a more scenic route you can jump on the resort shidakami which is a luxury train and ride the rails here [Music] there's a sea of japan down there [Music] so we have a little bit of the autumn foliage you can see here but not a lot of colors because the autumn season is kind of done up here in tohoku [Music] oh sorry cody is actually chatting in here guy japan i saw that cody i'm coming back in a minute buddy enjoy your p you're quiet in peaceness peacefulness without jon so [Music] so i didn't know about this area [Music] this is pretty cool feels like you're playing the whole uh video game today it's like a japanese game where you i remember that game i you know what i totally wish i was i'd rethought my career plan and became a train conductor that is the coolest job the power that you have and the focus along the rails i don't know which is a cooler job train conductor or airplane pilot i don't know i'm gonna say train conductor i guess it does in japan i'd say shinkansen conductor would be pretty cool you give your business card a machine constant conductor that's so awesome that guy's real popular when he goes out at night what do you do shinkansen driver [Music] well we just came out of the tunnel and boom the sea of japan is massive there you can see cody just marveling at it cody's lost in emotions wants to swim over to korea don't you actually i do that'd be pretty cool get some yakiniku that's awesome we're stopping in the middle here why um to allow the the trains right there's a nice view of the city japan are you serious so we're actually stopping here on purpose to give us a view of the sea of japan this is the clearest that we're gonna see it we can see these rocks down here that's incredible the little teeny things that they that they uh think about to give us this view absolutely stunning let me give you a little uh shout out beforehand um they let us know right before we enter those two tunnels that uh after the two tunnels will be stopping for a bit to have a gaze at the siege another reason not to ride the shinkansen maybe kind of enjoy the local trains speed train speed like normal train speed shinkansen is great to be flying that big but there's something really really nice about these local trains luxury trains i guess you can call this one because it's a pretty sweet ride look how clean the sea of japan is we don't have the sunshine right now shining through the water but you can see um uh the base of that rock there a really beautiful marine color to it right here as well looks like some amazing fishing spot oh wow if i had a pole you know it'd be cool if they would stop here for 10 minutes and we all cast into the sea and see if anybody came with a fish then we can cook it hey tasty chronicles is here how you doing it's beautiful coastline [Music] ours the 4g towers are not there i guess they get it interrupted because of the uh the difference of prefectures because each prefectures have their different kind of cell service network so we lost the network connection for a little bit but now that we're fully backing out or fully in aomori now i should be uh you know relatively smooth sailing basically i should say welcome back and welcome to elm he said this is going to be the shortest tunnel in japan it's it's it's like really short tunnel maybe we got dempa here go go go go he said this is the shortest tunnel in japan and we ran to the front i don't know if this signal is going to last but it's the shortest tunnel so i don't think we're going to be gone for a long time bonus round this is short what [Music] and we're back again and we're we're out of the tunnel welcome uh back to the scene i i believe from this moment we're gonna be making our way uh inland now going towards aomori [Music] that was beautiful that was really nice [Music] sorry folks for those well uh coming back here we went between akita and elmwoody at the border there was no cell tower so it just kind of died there and we we were able to get it back when we got back into aomori now we're cruising up uh just along the sea the coast a little bit and then we're gonna start making our way inland so this means this is where probably cody and i are to say goodbye this has been an epic journey over two almost two hours we've been riding the resort shitakami [Music] yeah and it's all because of this pass here the japan east jr east welcome rail pass three day pass for anybody with a non-japanese passport can get this right now in japan and it's good you can buy it until february 26th and enjoy tohoku by shinkansen and all of the train lines just the non japan jr east lines are not applicable to this pass all you need is a passport that's not japanese to get it sorry cody cody's got a japanese passport but we still brought him on the trip of hers [Music] anything that you want to add uh cody before we leave here um to eat more noodles in aomori yeah i guess uh stay tuned hopefully uh we'll get some footage up in almond for some great ramen that they have there and the northern noodle tour of japan will continue yeah so no matter what i think i think i should try to find a way to show you a little bit of aomori we're seeing it right now this is aomori out the window but maybe something at aomori station if we can't bring you the noodles uh live streaming there we'll try to find a way to bring you a little bit of aomori which is pretty pretty cool for those that are still awake but thanks so much thanks so much for joining us on this uh train adventure really appreciate it it was a lot of fun this is once again the resort resort shitakami this is the buna train and uh it's been a really amazing adventure and i like riding in a little bit in style but with the jr jr east welcome rail pass it's just a 330 yen upgrade ticket reservation to enjoy this train four hours of just cruising along with a restaurant car kind of a snack bar car to get some food thanks cody uh for joining me thank you everybody for watching thanks for all the support the thumbs up leave a comment below tell me your favorite train line in japan and maybe i'll try to ride that as well i love riding the rails uh shout out to happy rails who also uh loves riding the rails with me here and uh see you guys later have a good day have a good night wherever you are in the world [Music] foreign
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 62,864
Rating: 4.9222465 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, Train, Resort Shirakami, Shinkansen, travel, dining car, Ekiben, food, train food, Unique trains, Tohoku, Akita, Aomori
Id: rMbPfZwZ4UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 26sec (7166 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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