Tokyo Midnight Snack | Monzen-nakacho Alleys

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greetings welcome to monza nakacho it's midnight and uh this is one of our i guess you could say adventures where we're going to be walking the alleys of an area a neighborhood here in tokyo this one is not too far away from where i live this is koto ward um it's one of the 23 wards of tokyo and i i love this place because it has such a stamachi feel and what that means is it feels like i don't know like in like the age of before our father's father's age just kind of trapped in time the the alleys the old shopping streets the vibe it's really really authentic and that's why i always think like everybody goes to shibuya harajuku shinjuku if you're coming to japan you go to to the same places and all you see are tourists i never see that many tourists here maybe because we are in the middle of a pandemic but this even when we're not this is a place i think that is just so fresh and so close to the center now here's monza nakacho station uh it's accessible by the owedo line which is the circle line of the subway system sort of like the yamanote line and the tozei line which goes east to west and you can stop here very easily and you're going to really really love where i'm about to take you the first stop is uh one and i've been here before is it is one that you're really gonna love this alley is so i don't know it just has so much personality to it so let's head over to the left this is this is exit number i believe six i hope everyone's doing well and the signal is nice and strong because it is better if it is you know sometimes i start a sentence and i don't know how to complete it it just comes out a little weird now these are standing bars in an in an area that doesn't really ever change tatsumi shindo is what it's called tatsu meaning standing so it makes sense but it's one of the most picturesque looking bars and streets and it hasn't really changed and you'll see they the owners still put out trees and plants and it has a like a touch of nature to it and yet all the buildings they're low rises just two stories and have that feeling of the showa era which is a like a i guess that's like 1912 to 19 maybe something like that so we're gonna be walking down here and you might be able to hear some karaoke going on a lot of these places are a lot of these places are um uh closed down but a few of them are still running but it has a really unique vibe to it and i again like i've been here at during the daytime but never at night in a live stream to show you so i hope you really like like this it is a lot different at night i do have a light with me if it gets dark but i think it's pretty bright out here this is what i'm talking about you see there's a tree that just juts out of the the side of the alley okay i can do some karaoke going on [Music] there is some construction going on usually in the middle of the night the construction will be going because there's less traffic it just makes sense right that's what you would normally do but the signs are so old i love this look i don't know why they ever changed [Music] so the karaoke is coming from here as well as this tree let's get a closer look at it looks like it's some sort of evergreen [Music] hey danny [Music] hey danny nice to see you there i just pushed some buttons hoping i didn't kick anybody off here but oh sorry danny i i saw that here sorry about that danny um i accidentally deleted danny's super chat oh my gosh danny i owe you big time it's hard to try to moderate and do the live streams here now the the bathrooms are out outside here and i see that they've redone them which is kind of neat here's the ladies room i guess they get a door and then the men don't get a door but that's the old style show era usually you're drinking a little bit too much why let doors get in the way and let's be honest in the age of that we live in the pandemic who wants to touch the doors anyways right hey jeff aang is here thanks for the contribution brother and jennifer french another fun live stream danny if you're out there i'm so sorry i deleted his comment i was trying to touch it and i got another screen and it wrote i deleted it whoops interesting so that's that's about it for this alley you see here it's not very long it's only about i don't know like 80 maybe 9 80 about 100 meters long but that's what makes it so great and each of these risks each of these standing bars are like constructed in it like decades ago still in operation some of them by the same owner for decades and if you ever do come in here this is the type of town monza nakacho where you sit shoulder to shoulder to somebody and you make friends right away this is the amazing thing about um stamachi the places like monzen nakacho it's so inviting here's here's the marker representing the start of this very historic uh street and um actually my bicycle is that's not my bicycle there but it's down there so we might walk through here again danny wrote it again i'm sorry don't tell your boss i won't tell your boss brother it's okay it's nice to hear from you all right we're going to walk this way and see if we can find any food i don't think there's any street food or anything open right now except for convenience stores but who knows what you find on these walking midnight snack adventures i am a little hungry we had an amazing sukiyaki dinner in uh today with kanai and her dad and that was really nice time and i'm a little hungry so the parking here is um on 400 yen really i gotta remember that whenever you find a good parking spot you want to remember it you never know so from midnight to 8am you only pay four dollars but you have to start the parking at midnight interesting nice and if you only come it's it's it's uh 20 minutes for 200 yen that's a rip off okay always keep the prices find a good parking spot keep it in your mind tokyo parking is expensive it looks like this shop is closed it's a really quiet time midnight is uh i you know tokyo is is not a city that that never sleeps i think i just saw a rat go by or was it a cat i don't know we're gonna go find out tokyo is a city that sleeps okay so it's important to keep your voice down when you're in a residential neighborhood like i am right now like we are because you're with me here on this adventure i think this is fukagawa park that we're coming up to in fukugawa park this area was called fukugawa monzen nakacho and and the fukugawa got dropped i think in the meiji period which is 1868. and just up ahead there's a there's a a street that has a lot of shops on it leading up to a temple which is very famous is what it's called let's look over here maybe we'll find some we'll we'll find some eats i love the vibe of this town it's pretty nice restaurant just closed up now people are out and about i know that a lot of countries are in a stay-at-home stage japan hasn't shut down but just recently the go-to travel campaign where people were where were given financial incentives to travel was stopped between uh traveling to uh hokkaido to sapporo and to osaka was stopped last week and a lot of people were wondering why japan japanese need incentives to travel it's because if you were to give um this is so true if you were to give japanese stimulus money like a thousand dollars they don't spend it they save it so they need incentives to go out and spend it meaning they could only get the money if they went and traveled and did something with it except saving it because in japan people love to save stuff they'd love to save their money that's why young kids are over there partying dude they should be at home i don't know one more time one more time oh you know stay away from that area we're too good for them yeah although it looks kind of fun over there hey tasty chronicles here happy belated thanksgiving john here's a little something for carrot and celery sticks you got it can i i don't think can i like celery but you know what she's been eating a lot of mushrooms i'm talking about like i i did i just finished up a mushroom episode which is uh gonna be releasing really soon on the edited channel look at this little bar let's just take a look at this they just they're closing now so a lot of that's why they open the doors and a lot of customers are gonna be leaving there's like four or five still in there audacity is a new traveler welcome audacity that's awesome we're i think we're about 50 50 members short of a new emoji which be i think our 28th or 29th it's pretty cool we have a really active community here all right i'm gonna i'm gonna do an s okay uh like one of these here so we're gonna go down the block and come back up the shopping street um this this area called monza nakacho the locals call it monnaka you know kind of like pocket monsters pokemon monza nakacho naka so monaka has a history going back 400 years it's a it's actually you know it's a gate town they call it but it's also a temple town there's a famous temple here as well as a shrine and in the meiji restoration a lot of things changed here not too far away is reclaimed land so like a part of this area is also reclaimed land so there's an old section which is where we [Music] just if a cat were to scamp by there would be perfect hey john kimura's here there's the manzan nakacho station this is exit oh this is only the tozei line so it doesn't connect up with the with this oh you see this mailbox here big shout out to louise in glasgow in scotland so louise and scott here's your postcard thanks so much for joining it's on the way from from here louise just joined the postcard club like uh yesterday that's kind of neat thank you david kimura hi brother john kimura is my younger brother he's got the same name yes that's right john the john family is very large we are everywhere and if it's not john it's yani or some of the other john in john in chinese i think all right now it does it does look really urban and i know that there's a lot of really unusual people that come here at night i think they get a bad rap this town a little bit having some strange people out in the middle of the night i think people just like to drink and have some fun here in an old way you know like old school so in that way i think it's also pretty safe place people are kind of old school what's that over there i'm like a moth to light looks like a nudie bar all right i'll be staying away from there tour toro thanks for staying up so late thank you so much for joining me you know i've been having a um i don't want to say tough time but it's it's been a tough edit for this next video that i'm going to be releasing really soon it's my collaboration with with japan rail jr east so i'm pretty excited about releasing this one social distance social distance is okay if you say it it is true so i think it was a good two meter cleared oh he's a ramen shop it's closed you know ramen is a midnight food but i think in the pandemic they just can't keep it open does look good i did have a bowl in the last live stream i'm pretty satisfied shout out to cody japan ramen guide who uh hurt his tooth and he was he had to cancel he had emergency dental surgery and uh you know i hope he's doing well shout out to cody my my partner in crime when it comes to eating ramen all over the town oh check this out so monza nakacho is not is um hey pratik fatigue is here o-h i-o go box this is also kind of famous for its samurai culture and the river culture here so you see them both represented on the street so it's not a manual cover but sometimes it pays to look down we're and we're going to be seeing a a sumo statue on this live stream just heads up on that at night too so if you ever wanted to see a sumo wrestler in a dark corner we're going to see that that's what it's going to look like actually well yoshinoya's open 24 hours you can't close that place everybody is getting in on this pokemon thing pokemon gyudon and it's in the shape of a pokeball pokemon ball that is really interesting right it's a less than it's one coin about 500 yen for that so 478 i think with the tax it comes out to exactly 500 that's why they do that and i guess when you order it you get some sort of toy yeah so these are the figures that you'll receive if you go and there's 19 of them so you can collect all of them including pikachu that's kind of neat so a lot of people if you are visiting japan right now you might be eating a lot of you don't try to collect all these figures that's weird i didn't know yoshinoya did like collaborations with pokemon mr donuts just did one like like yesterday so that was really uh i know uh last month the pokemon the pikachu donut is amazing did a live stream on that you can go check that out it's just sorry a lot of famous restaurants here too they're open during the day so it's not going to be right now hey jin zhang's here first time i went to japan i was starving at 2am and the ramen i had is still the most vivid memory of any of my trips in japan that midnight ramen is always the best all right there's a family my heart so i know where to come back to get a snack so there's a family right in a 7-eleven and i think i'm going to loop around to that 7-eleven magnificent meal i love that from denmark how you doing awesome that's an awesome name the one thing that i learned always give a lot of respect to the moderators people just saying when things go awry i'm the one who gets in trouble actually so moderators are here to help me out and no they're not called the fun police okay you can have fun just keep it clean the fun police are here to help that's why that's so fun please uh leave the materials alone give them a heart yeah share the love emoji with a moderator near you all right this is this is kind of cool so i i kind of i wrote a little bit of the history here because there's so much that i can't i can't remember this is the statue of ino tara taka all right and i believe he's a geographer that's why the map of japan is behind him and um mr inosan uh he was a important figure here he i believe he mapped the coasts of japan uh i would have loved to have done that you know it's just like been one of these explorer types i kind of am i'm a youtuber so we have something in common your tool was like that thing in your hand and my tool is a gimbal with a smartphone it's kind of the same just the centuries apart it's a lot of respect for for our pioneers over here is the statue for the the sumo wrestler the ozeki dikishi monument ozakirigishi this one is kind of dark all right i got to get my light out here was like monument hey john minton's here john will you ever do a collab with uh uh those two youtubers yeah sure you know actually i met paulo before he was famous and we talked about it but it was a weird topic and i told him when he find something better give me a call i guess he did but he didn't give me a call he's a good guy chris is a good guy too they're they're all really good good guys doing their best to make interesting content for all of you and one day the stars might align i believe you can put your hand in where oh here it is whoa whoa so i'm gonna see if how big the sumo wrestler's hands are you can come around to this this um this statue and actually put your hands in there don't worry i have uh alcohol to clean my hands cause it's pandemic and we don't know whose hand went in there like so don't just don't freak out all right okay let's see how big jon's hands are could i run for president let's see apparently not oh my word that is some massive fingers no way no way all right let's try this one this guy's fingers are real beefy all right let's see here oh my that's impossible though he hadn't been wearing gloves of steel or something there's no way these are real look at that thumb the sumo wrestlers from the past they they leave their print here i'm not i'm not gonna try the foot but i don't i i'm the weakest link here i gotta get out of here this is embarrassing yeah it's a pretty cool little thing i think you have to know about it um that it's it's in the back here yeah okay light off here it's a cool statue um during the weekends especially on the weekends they have uh um like a festival kind of an atmosphere and even in the pandemic uh i think that they're doing some things here uh this year because of the pandemic i didn't go to torinoichi festival which is my favorite street food festival which is a shame i just think it was better to stay home this year okay can i get me alcohol you see alcohol all right so this is the um this is the shrine of the temple i always get this messed up here i think this is the temple here there's um tomiyoka hachimangu i i believe tomyoka hachimangu is this way oh there's two people making out over there there's two people making out in the corner there's two people over there making out all right that's creepy it's creepy that i'm i'm like watching them so just keep going that's right i don't think they think i they thought i could see them but i can see that they're like in the in the shadow i was a little freaked out be fit zero five one zero eight one five john behind you should be a samurai statue too statue of ino tarataka i think i went there didn't i he's the geographer i think i was just there before i went to the sumo wrestler this is the entrance um yeah i guess this is this is um tomi oka hachimanga wow this looks pretty unique here whenever you go never walk down the center that's something that all the locals will will tell you but not all of them follow the rules show your respect i wonder if there's any any fish in here nothing oh there's a a carp right there do you think that carp is sleeping do carp sleep okay let's go this way i guess carp can't sleep lying down can they hey heir to the ron is here maybe you will have a statue one day perhaps perhaps it's a lot of hard work in front of me to get there what's back here am i allowed to be back here i think so oh right this is another sumo statue i believe oh i forget what this is all about okay i got my light here let's take a quick look i can't always pay your respect wow yeah i think i'm gonna need the light here look at it's carved really really strong into the into this boulder here that's japanese uh that's kanji in there and i believe there was an image on on the boulder here on the rock here yeah image of a sumo wrestler look at those hands wow wow go this way let's see if we can get to a thousand likes all right click that like button i'm about to get something to eat something to eat get hungry this would be tomiyoka hajimanga it's a beautiful temple is it a shrine it's got that uh orange color of like hand shrine in kyoto kind of a really unique uh really unique color to it different than other shrines i like this illuminated in the corner here is some artwork just take a quick look at this sometimes you'll find some beautiful things and a little bit more beautiful when there's no one around because you can just marvel at it in your own way wow that's neat i don't think that this the security around it is pretty pretty low which means a lot of people pay their respects this beautiful lantern right off of the right in the middle of the city here hey wyan's here wayan makashi makasi from switzerland yeah keep it going hey santosh is here santos fernandez hi john good to see you do you know if the postcards are coming next month to india um india still has no air mail right now i've been monitoring the situation and actually today canada stopped airmail which is weird but um some letters and postcards and some small packages are okay but they've restricted um air mail and i think it's just because of the christmas the holiday demand but i i'm i'm really got my fingers crossed that india starts up air mail because there's about seven or eight postcards uh that i need to send same with in the middle east we have some supporters there with postcards that are waiting but everybody in australia has uh i've sent the postcards out to for the last six months they've gone out in the last few weeks all right let's make our way over to um towards the uh mainstream naritasan fukuogawa fudodo which is the temple here very historical one happy belated thanksgiving everybody hope you didn't eat too much turkey just waking up now the other side of the world is dark freaks out kids remember when i was a kid my mom said when it's daytime in in america it's nighttime in india that freaked me out let's see what's going on in the community here not a lot usually they have these community message boards in uh every ward of tokyo and sometimes there's marathons or some kind of thing so there's um raiwa three there's a little meeting for like a health check i could probably use that in in my 40s hey martin martin hello from nada and martin in new york city awesome mike d keep up the good work and have a beer all right let's see what we can do i'm on i'm looking for looking for either a beer vending machine or a uh a convenience store to get a snack this is a midnight snack run i just had to wait till after midnight um i still want to show you one more thing i think it's right there there's a road that leads up to leads up to the temple and on that road there are a lot of shops and i wanted to show you that in the middle of the night it is it does look different i think it's right there so we're just um we're not too far away is he okay a little tipsy vishal welcome new traveler and marcus mickey thanks guys welcome you've unlocked some pretty cool emoji all right here it is here so this is the the path that leads up to the temple so let's walk up here and then we're going to wrap around and i'll hit a convenience store everything is closed is closed here look at the statue there you're now seeing live images from tokyo japan this right here is the famous mons cafe mons is a um it's a coffee shop and in fact this area of tokyo is very famous for for its coffee um is a is a neighborhood that has probably the most cafes in one area in all of japan and it's very very relaxed and park-like but bones cafe kind of goes along with that it has that reputation um a local cafe that has been here for a while serving up really good cups of coffee so another reason to come here from one's cafe and and this place too and there's a couple other places like little standing bars that they serve um sake from around japan it's kind of neat they're all closed down but uh all a lot of these places have a history to it and some of them are are new this one i believe is a a new sake a bar of um some of the more adventurous uh travelers visitors to japan foreign visitors will stay in this area because it's a little bit cheaper too i think and you can uh you can kind of soak up the stamachi vibe which is so friendly and so uh so much better i think than shibuya and harajuku and shinjuku i know everybody wants to stay there but i always think shitamachi is a little bit better it's just a you know it's a more authentic vibe here um on new year's probably in a month from now this place is going to be buzzing but not today welcome pranav new men new traveler awesome it's cool to have you guys with me traveling around uh by the way um the day after tomorrow i i'm going to be going to fuji city for two nights and three days to film there for an episode so you're gonna be joining me on the only japan go channel uh you can get some really amazing shots of mount fuji is that a statue or a person that's a bicycle oh that's a party of growty teenagers singing one more time stay away from there welcome gamer pro yeah i don't know the police aren't around here do you mean like sting no man he's not in japan right now he's not touring here hey i'm it writes in here i saw your coldest town video minus 35 degrees celsius yeah that wasn't too long ago you know i was in i was in sapporo in february before the pandemic broke out really and i was in the coldest town um ricobetsu it was minus 27 at night and canadians are going that's like summer right i know you okay well can we understand canada's cold but for japan that was really cold i would have if i'd seen a flagpole i would have licked it that's how cold it was but i didn't see it so didn't lick it it was really really cold i went outside and everything hurt just pain so i want to go back up there uh uber eats follow uber eats maybe he'll drop something midnight snack run follow uber eats i don't think he knows where he's going to keep following him oh he's fast whoa sometimes they drop stuff don't they sometimes no i'm gonna follow again he could be dropping stuff plus this alley looks cool wow that's a cool looking bar cherry sounds like a character from the movie the outsiders or is that tom cruise's girlfriend when he was like 16 playing in that movie it's a good movie it's gotta be tough uber eats delivering there's been news where um some uber people who lose their job they go into ubereats to work and they don't have a bicycle so the cops have been really clamping down on bicycle theft and they're finding that uber eats people or sometimes they don't own the bicycle that they're riding tough times well there's a kushikatsu restaurant oh i love kushikatsu it's so popular in osaka but in tokyo not so much and it's not healthy it's a sticks of stuff in deep fried totally bad for you but so awesome say it together kushikatsu yeah it's good stuff all right where's the 7-eleven what do they got what do they got what do they got what do they got what do they got what do they got false coffee ocha tomato juice it's halfway to a bloody mary not john had a friend named nachon not an apple all right pass lost your sail i will not drink coffee i'm not gonna drink whoa it is time for the x-mas um uh colonel thing well what do they got on offer this year what do you have for us some chicken and a cake what really all right is this okay they have they have that they have it here in the daylight so we can see a little bit better now i'm curious santa is from kentucky rah rah now i have a ten dollar box of chicken and a snoopy bowl and woodstock too all right so it's nice to see yoshinoya has pokemon the colonel has snoopy i think maybe yoshino i got the better of that just saying whoa tartar tomato that looks good i'm not a big fan of kentucky fried chicken but i love the state of kentucky it's a good state all right i don't see the christmas sign illuminated let's walk this way we still think it's gonna happen okay we still think it's gonna happen i i don't know what do you think should they call it tokyo 2020 or tokyo 2021 the olympics should they rename it or keep the name what do you think chime in now vote as i show you more food that i can't eat because it's closed whoa that looks so good sheena writes in 2021 you write's in 2022. that's crazy that's a great mazierer has a great idea 20-21 that is a great idea it's like the best of both worlds just add a slash that's like my new channel only in japan slash john dob it's like the best of both worlds really yeah think like that think positive unlike that dude what happened man watching video of exercising on street corner with 1 400 people what are we doing all right keep walking not interesting fine interesting part city tokyo streaming mission got it but nothing's open wait whoop boop convenience are locked and loaded i think there's one this way though it's across the street and we know what happened to the chicken then you get crushed by a truck i think was that frogger i don't remember it's like back in the 80s oh there's the mr donuts do you think they still have the pokemon is mr toad it's still open it's green light run it do it sorry if i if that made you dizzy no it's closed how dare you you definitely maybe you should check the trash can out in the back they probably threw the donuts away right check the trash can in the back oh i can't believe it awful should be 24 hours let's be honest lay my cards out on the table [Music] donuts admit after midnight creates gremlins i've seen the movie do not get gizmo wet don't throw him in a pool either just don't do it the movies that's kind of you know like construction zones look like a lot of fun i've seen robots i see these twirly thingies these look like fun construction sites are like a amusement park with tools ah green light chris hanson writes in here i've actually checked dunkin donuts dumpster what they lie they aren't throwing any donuts away uh only chris hansen that's the name of a new channel only chris hanson it's nice if anybody can hum the family mart entrance song i will go there right now but you have to hum it loud enough that i can hear you from in japan all right no nobody wow you can see people are still eating it's after midnight this place looks really good this is a i think it's a chicken place it's a chicken place hey fungus usmc he's humming the theme song i don't know if you got it right though because what you're humming it sounds different in my head i'm loving it but not right now because it's closed you know really mcdonald's at least you know you know when i first came to japan in 1998 no japanese mcdonald's served breakfast okay they only served um they only served like cheeseburgers for breakfast they had cheeseburgers so when i first came here my first meal at mcdonald's was a uh uh cheeseburger because at 7am they only had burgers but they were open isn't that crazy for the longest time there weren't any mcdonald's that served breakfast in japan just i think it wasn't until the year 2000 like during the world cup when japan and korea had the world cup then i started to see more breakfast items at mcdonald's that's crazy right but the global mcdonald's didn't have breakfast for a very long time as a backpacker in 1996 all over the world it was weird burgers for breakfast not cool because you taste it all day you know all right um before i go in there what do they have let's see if we can we can scout this down a little bit what do they have here sandwiches um onigiri what should i get and this is your chance you have 10 seconds what should i get the bentos are pretty weak what do you think what do you think in here how you feeling onigiri onigiri onigiri really not at tamagosando unigiri really pack in those carbs before i go to bed that's what you want right donuts beer sandwich seven chicken that one get some bang bang oh i love bum kuhen all right if they have it i'll i'll get one if they have it i'll get one oh den they stopped serving oden here at the convenience store because some sanitation thing i don't know get everything yakisoba beer all of the above question mark shane all right let's see what we can do here just i'm gonna all right you know what i'm just gonna buy some stuff here all right i'm taking a bigger i had a 500 yen coin i'm gonna get out a thousand now because you would do it for me look at that hard currency it feels like paper okay um i don't see any kitty here the fruit sandal looks good [Music] whoa shrimp cutlet that sounds good shrimp cutlet sandwich um do they have the bomb kuhn no nothing sorry i found something i can try and a beer [Music] this is a really small one [Music] uh all right we're clear so i did get a beer i did get i did get a dessert and i i am gonna wash my hands and we're joined today by our fellow eater walking man walking man would you like to share a drink with me i like your hat walking man all right here's what i got here so i thought this was interesting um the onigiri i don't know it's not really that healthy so instead i picked uh something healthier this is um shrimp cutlet sandwich deep fried with uh sauce so though this might be healthier than the onigiri okay i think i chose wisely no i think walking man agrees with me alright anybody who disagrees with me walking man's on my side and then i got here for dessert um a really healthy chocolate sauce and raspberry um dish it had a graph in there that with a cross section so obviously the cross section sold it to me when they showed me what was inside chocolate and cream inside so cross section total winner but wait there's more i did not leave without a beer and um it is friday night friday night is party night so i got here i got here the smallest can of beer on the shelf because because nothing says compi like a beer that fits in your hand that's how big it is do they make cans of beer this this big in your country it's cute right it's 135 milliliters right i think i've seen cans even smaller [Music] all right it's tiny upon the request of higher powers i must sanitize my hands with 70 alcohol the higher powers might be watching can i she could be watching this and checking and then making sure look can i i did i'm doing it i think i wanted a part of my sandwich all right and the other reason that you would get this it says here on here it says um susame that means recommendation so 7-eleven recommended this sandwich to me all right i'm walking man it's time to eat our midnight snack i'm saving the other one for kanai i don't know where mr das is he's been gone for a while you know what you know what's really funny my mom asks about mr das she's oh the mr dos guy what i don't know i don't know how she knows him but it's been a while mr dos is not here it's in his in so this this is the pork cutlet sandwich it does look good they never had they always cut the crusts off these sandwiches um i'm just gonna have one it looks like some sort of a mustard sauce maybe a tartar tata sakamoto-san awesome it is pretty awesome itadakimasu i said it and if i ever forget to say it just know deep in my heart i show great appreciation for the food it's inside of me but it's better to say it gamer pro old friend saying hi nice welcome back gamer pro welcome back blue man is happy to be too walking man that's good oh so on the top is the um um it's like a tonkatsu sauce kind of sweet and salty and then the tartar sauce is here but it's very little i think if they added too much tatar sauce it might i don't know it wouldn't be quite as good it's not overpowering it's a very good balance of tastes just enough tatar sauce it's hard for um packet sandwiches like this to maintain the deep fried crunchiness but they did a pretty good job there's a little bit of crunch left in here i don't know how they do it but a packaged sandwich always loses its crunch recommended sandwich [Music] for relaxing times making asahi times come by everybody and it's halfway done it's halfway done all right i'm promoting good health you don't need to finish the sandwiches save it for tomorrow you don't need to eat before you go to bed just a little bit health makes wealth somebody said that somewhere here we go next up on the hit list uh chocolate sauce and raspberries sounds like a romantic in dish so let's see uh it's about five percent alcohol it's not that much but just a little bit it's a little bit goes a long way oh this is like a queenie nice it's got some volume to it so that means it's probably deep deep fried or there's something inside of it more than just chocolate i didn't see the cream at all john you are very romantic [Music] i don't know not tonight it's friday night it's friday night oh i found the cream oh it's raspberry cream is it slight raspberry taste gamer pros blushing it's friday night everybody it wasn't they were dancing to that song over there i can name that tune in one note then this is what my view is they were listening to chris they were listening backstreet boys it's just so true and well done you named that tune in one note if you stare at your screen you might see like something happening in that alley i don't know let's see i can bring you in a little bit there hey they're hiring at mcdonald's you all know the lyrics you all know the words of that song let's say i was to dance here only three people would be watching there's nobody around there's one guy over there he's watching me oh they just turned off the lights for the station so the the the subway's closed so we're beyond the subway i can't buy everybody 135 milliliter beer it's very cute but i didn't really want to drink that much and that's nice that they had that option this was only a dollar it's a happy happy time like a good night beer people walk by they don't look at the screen and then they take one step and they look back and see what's that guy doing it's funny they don't want a confrontation they're passive passive and then they become aggressive after they pass you i should chase him and i would freak him out go to someone just stop that was really good so i want to say thank you to my kitchen table the japan post if you were to go straight you would go to yo goku which is sumotown this road will take you up there crossing route 14 um and morishta and kiyosumi shirakawa station which is coffee town just the next stop but this is it i love bringing you guys with me on little mini adventures and this one is an after midnight one so thank you so much for joining me here's my bike nobody threw trash in the basket well done well done [Applause] where's my key oh how am i going to get home there's a lot of a lot of taxi drivers they're looking at me no i'm not a potential ride i have a bike put the light on here safety first safety first everybody [Music] yeah yeah it's the smallest can in there no you're not allowed to live stream and and ride a bicycle i get in trouble i have a responsibility to do the right thing all right so always do the right thing and and there's the by the way and there's a police station across the street so and they're watching me so always always walk your bike if i were to use my smartphone and ride a bike i'll write you a ticket i know big brother's watching everybody all right everybody what an amazing adventure this was i want to say thank you thank you to everybody um for joining us here gamer pro thank you so much for coming back tony p it's nice to see you how you doing tony i hope that box comes this week by the way sorry i couldn't find any bomb kuhn oh and joseph's here jose greetings from chile awesome thanks you thank you joseph come back in and say hi anytime mike d thank you and uh wyan and everybody really appreciate it uh i'll be back tomorrow with another live stream and i'm going to fuji city the day after tomorrow going to be doing live streams there as well as making an episode about mount fuji so that's going to be a lot of fun if you have any questions leave them in the comments below hit that like button so then you get all of the notifications our discord server just passed 10 000 users on discord dot gg slash only in japan it's free 24 hours people can be talking about this live stream i'm pretty sure because there's what else you gonna talk about life sure the day after thanksgiving all you want to do is rest boy it felt good to see dallas get a thumping too all right everybody have a good day oh no this is why you don't ride have a good day and i'll see you in the next livestream tomorrow maybe tomorrow some maybe i'll do akihabara next what do you think oh i got to go the other way this is towards atabashi see you later guys memories of mr donuts and pokemon check out that video right here later
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 44,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, food, midnight, Street, View, Monzen-nakacho, night, alley
Id: rKFhdff-_rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 9sec (4269 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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