Akihabara, the side no one visits

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everybody that there in front of you is akihabara station welcome to tokyo we're going to be taking a tour around the area that not a lot of people go to visit akihabara is famous for chuodori all of the really like game centers and and how do i say gachapon electronic shops this side of akihabara is different it's unique there's not a lot of well you're gonna see in this live stream i'm gonna take you around from the exit of akihabara station this is where the hibi line is as well as a jr line yodabash camera is just right there too that's one of the biggest electronic stores in the world i'm going to take you to the other side as the soba line passes over us underneath the railroad tracks to a couple of parks and then loop around to the conda river and show you some of the older buildings and some of the history of tokyo is back inside of here so buckle in for a for 30 45 minute live stream around the area welcome to tokyo just gotta wait for the traffic light this is uh showadori this avenue um cuts through from wayno if you go straight this way you get to waino okachimachi then ueno if you go the other way to showa avenue you'll get to higashi ginza and eventually down to shinagawa i believe showa being the era from about 40 years ago actually showa era extended all the way through world war ii until the 1980s and ended i think in 1989 really really long era showa era i think it was 64 64 years maybe all right eventually we're gonna wrap around this way but let's go underneath the railroad tracks and find some interesting things now this road here will take you straight to asakusa bashi this is technically maybe akihabara an area of uh conda but the condo region but if you go straight this way it will take you in about 10 minutes to asakusa bashi station which is a really neat area in its own right but this is still the side of akihabara station on the hibiya line and we're going to go on the other side of the tracks here there are loads and akihabara of these one coin lunches one coin meaning 500 yen and you can smell the smell that sue you the uh the uh dashi as well all of these uh delicious meats and soba simmering in a salty sauce get it from a vending machine akihabara is probably the king of cheap lunches right and maybe even the king of vending machines but there is a ton of character in the streets here well check it out there's a uh a ramen stand that's open for business here this is i think it is isn't it and you can see there's a lot of a lot of character to the streets this one i remember my friend randy santel ate i think six mega bowls of these in a live stream and only in japan go that guy can eat there are a lot of budget hotels down these alleys as well you're going to find if you stay in tokyo you want to stay in akihabara this might be the cheaper option staying between here and asakusa bashi and there are a ton again like here's another really cheap restaurant that serves pretty good food denguji like skewered guts awesome whoa it's got like a fight club in there that's awesome dude that is pretty cool it says here fight yeah better get out of here before these guys start coming out and wanting to fight me this is the oppa hotel uh again one of the budget hotels in tokyo that a lot of tourists find themselves in the akihabara ekimai apa hotel i think they usually run about 5 000 yen a night 5 800 yen with tax or something but with during the high season i see these going up to about 100 a night just because of the location there's a little bar outside of it over here across this parking lot i guess we can cut across underneath here uh oh this is where patrick my buddy patrick galbraith and i had a drink here about two three two three months ago there are loads of little teeny shacks that serve all sorts of uh like yatai food and you're gonna see these and they're still in business just hanging on uh if you do come to tokyo and you do stay in this area try to support some of these local businesses here i'm gonna wrap around and show you a retro game center next and i'm kind of curious to see if it's still in business if you're following along on google maps go to akihabara station and start tracing your finger from there to asakusabashi station all right we're gonna make a left here if i if we can above us for those joining us is the soba line that runs between akihabara and chiba wow a tofuro that's a chain binjotan charcoal grilled food [ __ ] it looks really good well i like how they have everything in different languages for tourists here provides you the best value to enjoy that japanese food culture the tofuro hopes it can promote japanese culture to more people by offering its customers the world of tea that is characterized by remoteness quiet and tranquility the restaurant reproduces the streets of adolf here yes so inside of this restaurant a lot of people looking for themed restaurants they make this is a place where i remember in shinjuku and also i believe they have one near your ginza on ginza corridor they they show you the old edo period inside of there it's just really well done usually there's a bridge a red bridge inside of there you can take pictures and stuff so when my family i think i took my mom there once i took i took my neighbors who visited japan too in there they were quite impressed with the server because he was i don't know he just he looked very he was a guy but he looked very feminine and they were a little bit older and kind of shocked by that so they got a picture with them though so it was all in good all in good uh nature but he was a uh show uh show uh case uh i forget what the word is grass evening dude but it's super super friendly there's a hostel down there and you will find some graffiti in akihabara it's part of the character right this is part of the character of this of the city for me this is if i come to akihabara i don't i don't eat i don't hang out on chu odori that's the main street that i take you take you through all the time i come here to this area of tokyo and it's a lot more if you see like narrow streets and alleys and things are always changing here you never know what you're gonna find around the corner it's true social kukedanshi i think that's the name of the word i don't think they like being called that but it was a category of men who wore makeup and nail polish and didn't want to do anything and played video games and lived at home with their mothers which actually it's not a bad thing it's good to keep families together that's kind of interesting little food truck oh i noticed that more and more during the pandemic more and more of these restaurants had food trucks and when the restaurants had to close they probably just bought this recently the owners would take out their food trucks and start to sell their goods remotely into neighborhoods and it took maybe two or three trips but before the neighbors started to talk and there were always lines out of the really popular ones for me we kana and i found a brick oven pizzeria on wheels and had was this it here and had a really good pizza but they stopped i think it's right over there but they stopped um they stopped coming because the uh state of emergency ended and we stopped eating brick oven pizzas because our waistlines were expanding that in front of you is the massive yodobashi camera as a ninja walk ninja walk the streets i'm actually on the lookout for a retro game center and then i'm going to take you to a park it might have gone out of business i see i see fj gensokyo notices yodabash camera that's interesting so it might just go the other way this looks like a ninja ninja cafe or something look at this so they do cater to tourists and try to find a way to it looks like it's closed down because of it it's a bar that's closed down right now they have oden you can see a lot of different languages there's some korean and chinese but for the most part these places they this area near akihabara really relied a lot more on tourism which is not you know happening all right let's go back this way hey no jaywalking how tame they are you want to come to my hand hey buddy i got the same color jacket as your head that's really nice oh you're one of the good ones oh no i'm glad i didn't come on my hand somebody somebody had a tough night and those pigeons are making a meal of it let's keep walking i did not see that one of the good guys yeah gross anything can happen in a live stream it's pretty gross um not not too gay i think was the name of the place it was a retro game center that i'd actually asked permission to film in during my retro game episode a long time ago and they said no i was somewhat i was somewhat disappointed but i had somewhat of a backup plan so that was good there are about three or four retro game centers i believe in the city of tokyo two of them in the center city one of them is in takara no baba i don't know if it's still in business and the other one was on that alley yeah this way oh they operate they just started the hot hot soft drinks you can see the bottom row is hot and the top two are cold but i'm not a big fan of the curing beverages johnny c walker's here yay for the retro game arcade thank you johnny and thank you for the message yesterday i really appreciate that see tony p is celebrating stay warm stay warm up there tony heir to the ron john will be live and after 500 likes actually not that far away i had a um i had a flat tire in the back and i couldn't find a pump took me about 10-15 minutes before i was back on the road fate all right straight ahead is a park and i wanted to show you this because we didn't we only walked about three four minutes from the station and we're at a park it's pretty interesting um how quiet it suddenly becomes away from akihabara walking in this direction looks like a business has has left from right here um when it was hopping a lot of uh i think that that game cap game arcade is out of business when this place was hopping with tourists all these were full all of these um places were full and it doesn't look like it's like that anymore which is a kind of a shame i saw this alley here [Music] what do we got down here oh that's so interesting all right let's just take a walk down here let's hope the signal holds on can these narrow streets date back a long ways you'll find the back entrances to restaurants and things like this which would be great for movie locating shoots for action scenes where a dude is running through a restaurant and going to the back alley this looks like something that could be in a movie all right if we pass any gachapon gotta get something for johnny i will be ending at the uh at the vending machine of horror in this livestream ends at the vending machine of horror well there's a christmas tree from like a family christmas tree you don't see that in japan christmas is is not a holiday in japan i'm kind of sad i'm getting the feeling that that retro game center went out of business right i'm getting that feeling but to have to have a uh apartment in this area of the city would be pretty cool don't you think between between asakusa and akihabara look at that new lot of new buildings here i haven't walked this direction in this part of the city for a couple years on this road here i see that there's more apartment complexes let's go this way just kind of see okay yeah so there's a little teeny shrine here and i believe there's a park next to it we overshot it a little bit but in every corner of of tokyo you're if you walk outside of the tourist centers off of the main streets you're going to be super surprised with what you find so we've come already kind of a long way uh right here is izumi park i believe and look at this little shrine here bow i'm always kind of afraid to film and go in there but you can see the the wolf the kitsune which is good for business he's got a cannons in his mouth staying caffeinated hey john wakamatsu eat something i will i'm going to the vending machine i'm going to the vending machine soon [Music] it's kind of super interesting to find a park here so close to to akihabara that's yodabashi camera right there so if you ever want to to get a bento and find a place to sit and eat here's your park izumi park right here a really nice open space you can get a blue sheet or something probably a yodabash camera and have a picnic right here in the park get a couple of bentos really nice do some pull-ups over there a couple of rules wx turbo's in the house i see that couple of rules do not feed the animals meaning do not feed john or jennifer we are animals of eating no flames meaning i can't use my gas burner here to cook curry no ball playing no litter you have to carry your own garbage home don't park your butt even bicycles are banned from parking here you can tell it's the middle of the city and be quiet at night this is something that's very important and that's that's not the emoji for vegan that's the emoji for cherished flowers interesting cherish the flowers all right we're gonna go back now towards uh we're gonna go back down towards another park and to the soba line pretty interesting this is connected with izumi middle school or elementary school i don't see a sign right now and i believe that's a hospital over there boom hey tortoraborgo is here feel bad about asking you to eat seal curry but here's some funds to buy something better to eat i am not eating seal curry i've already discussed this with the viewers and even even irvin we've discussed this kanai won't let me eat that don't worry i'm not eating seal curry there were other curries in there trust me i don't know if i don't know how the food is sourced i i'm not gonna eat it from a vending machine or if it's not normal food that's good looking ramen but the shop is closed because of the pandemic i hope they're not closed for good i just know a lot of businesses a lot of businesses have closed down this is a sunday so you'd think they would be doing a pretty good businesses with everybody off but maybe they're just closed on a sunday all right we're going to make a left right here michael cesano's in the house akiba part two you got it this is the side that not a lot of people come to it's actually really nice i mean if if you're trying to get away from noise you're gonna get a chance to do that here that looks like taupon taupon is a big publishing company i'm pretty sure that's the taupon building because i had a meeting in there once with them [Music] peter james boardman's on board welcome james 1211 5cs thanks for making videos john are you going to try to try to steal curry so i'm kind of surprised it seems like a lot of people watch that video till the end didn't they no i'm not going to be trying to seal curry it's just not first of all number one i'm not really curious about what it tastes like all right somebody who was in like i think the romanian army said that seal was not really that tasty anyways number two i don't know how it's sourced images of the 1980s of the uh the sea seal clubbings is still kind of in my mind i'm not going to eat dolphin either for example why would i eat a seal i just wasn't at the time it was like seal didn't really register in my mind but in hokkaido apparently up in abashiri they do have a lot of seals let's even get a drink i'm actually kind of thirsty what do they got here this is a price down drink vending machine but these all look really chemically yeah you know what i'm not gonna i'm gonna pass although that that corn soup does look pretty appetizing priced down corn soup it's gotta be fresh just kind of pass on them i'm just gonna pass on that hey look at this tommy lee i didn't notice him before he's looking good he's been doing boss commercials for like 30 40 years and he is he is the boss man indeed looking good tommy lee thanks uh emily jones thanks for coming to japan and making those commercials makes me feel good to see see another american in town even if it's a picture every we're going to another park um before we make it to con the conda river so the conda river is really interesting it's before the yamanote line before the trains were here in in tokyo during the edo period um the the condo river was the kind of lifeline of the city of tokyo or edo at the time it goes around the city pretty much the same way and right now we're going underneath the soba line pretty much the same way as the yamanote line does it cut it it connects everything for commerce if you wanted to buy if you wanted to transport your your goods probably the condo river was what you the way you would go let's see what they got here actually i could go with just abnormal plain old water oh there's the max coffee these things are so sweet double the double the sugar triple the cream there's people out there that like that there's people out there that love that there's people out there period all right let's get a drink um i'm gonna go with a hot one here i'm gonna go with a suica which one do you think is is up my alley this one is a georgia roastery black roastery sounds interesting and it has coco which means some of the grit it's clear and has an as a clear aftertaste it says all right let's try this oh it's nice and warm oh like a deep roast yes it's part of the olympics rich roasted flavor and clean after taste well i'll be the judge of that clean aftertaste i need a boshy pond it would be weird to say kanpai with coffee wouldn't it whoa very very deep taste smell of coffee like deep i mean very very bitter smelling that's a clear aftertaste because it there's a slight bitterness but it's so it's too even there's no character to it i want an aftertaste there's no aftertaste who doesn't want coffee without you want a deep roasted coffee with no aftertaste what i don't japan is weird man why wouldn't you want taste all right i'm this is going in my pocket thanks a lot who told me to get that who said that weird all right we're gonna go towards this youth hostel and then to the park it's weird hey let's make a coffee with no taste weird maybe their taste buds are sensitive could be could be that's a good point ptg the winter hey nicholas thanks for uploading the file nicholas appreciate that um i did get a file from about 30 people if you want to um actually i can tell you right now as i walk so if you'd like to um i'm going to be making a video for the end of the year featuring you uh i i'm taking everybody who sends me a video saying only in japan and the directions are in the description of this video i'm going to put a mock-up of everybody on the screen saying it just to celebrate our wonderful audience and everybody who's subscribing to the new channel it's not going to be on this channel it's going to be youtube.com john dob channel and that's the new only in japan channel and we're so close to a thousand patrons too that's gonna be pretty it we're gonna end the year really really strong and come in a 2020 bursting this is a youth hostel and i believe i had some friends stay here once the and youth hostel akihabara and hostel akihabara and they're still open they're cert they have a bar on the first floor and i know a lot of locals do come to the hospitals just to practice speaking their english so you do get some unusual people in there but it's all in good fun good natured people we do have a discord server as well um and they'll be if you want to ask questions about the video how to do the video um or advice you can go to our discord server 24 7 discord dot gg only in japan one word it's free you get um an invitation to a community of ten thousand only in japan viewers it's pretty cool all right i'm lost i'm never lost sometimes i'm late but i'm not lost there's the soba line where's this park all right i'll i'll bite i'll bite the streets here are a little bit confusing i'm not i'm i'm kind of navigating by memory which is apparently not good it's interesting glass building looks like something that would would be fitting in omotesando [Music] lost how far did i go look at this statue does anybody know what it is i don't know is it just art or is there some deeper meaning to it it's hard to tell it's hard to know exactly all right you know what i don't i don't know where i'm going all right i'm just gonna just not a lot of roads or options oh okay now i know where we are we actually hit the conda river we hit the conda river i can smell it you can smell the conda river there she is this is the river that i was telling you about this was the artery to tokyo and um it you don't see any boats on it right now which is really unusual you can smell the the conda river um it's a it smells a lot better let me get you from this angle here the conda river smells a lot better than it did in the 1970s and the 1980s i know that there we have some uh some viewers that actually were in tokyo in the 1970s and 80s and they have stories of kawasaki and the smelling the smelly rivers and the sea over there that is um you can see the tohokushinkansen too going to tokyo station in the distance we're walking in that direction right now but tokyo has cleaned up its act the samida river was seriously um polluted in the day drop your phone in to give us a better look who said that patio 87 moderators do not ban that person elevate them it's a good idea no no all right okay good i said no somebody just got timed out too that wasn't that person i could put it actually i could put the iphone on a rope and lower you down but there's no guarantee i would get you back they actually do have a wide angle lens on this that gives you a wider perspective would it's kind of harder to balance i you really want to be look you really want to be lowered into the condo river that smells funny really you're going to come back at like that um 1980s movie of the guy who fell in toxic waste what's his name toxic avenger it's weird some people weird if you if you listen you can hear the shinkansen there is an echo through the buildings here that anything that happens it just echoes off of the the left and the right and if you look behind me the buildings it just goes on and on and on like this until that building right behind me and then it takes a slight turn and goes on and on and on the echo is really strong so that's why at night when you do come to hotels and you're staying in this area you want to be quiet because people can hear everything in the streets here yeah so if you yell pizza and wine people can hear that all right this side of of uh you're always gonna find something interesting what is this this is a guitar store ikebe interesting and there's a lot more uh guitar stuff inside this guitar complex a club there's a club down there interesting what is also interesting is that there's a gasoline stand a gas station right here that is interesting too look at the gas up there um it's closed right now but one of the most amazing things that i saw in japan that kind of made me stop were these car washes the car just stays in place and the machine oscillates the machine will move back and forth and clean your car isn't that that is the most amazing thing i i remember seeing it for the first time in action and it i just stopped in awe and was like do it again do it again but nobody came just one car it's pretty amazing and it's pretty reasonably priced too and they do it pretty quickly it's all about how do you work with so little space and make make so much out of it whoa this company's awesome not only did they have a guitar store next to it they have a drum store that is rocking awesome wow that is pretty cool i had no idea and we're on the fringe of akihabara there are a lot of second-hand shops in this area as we get closer to the conda river and i think the wind might pick up here here's a little side park apparently this this smoker's smoker's paradise over there showa avenue and again we're back at akihabara station so again this is a side of akihabara that nobody really comes to let's look at the let's look at the um konda river and talk a little bit about this then we're going to be going towards that vending machine corner this is the izumi hashi one of the many that crosses the conda river and today we have a beautiful sunny day in tokyo but i want you to to close look at this scene then close your eyes and imagine 1830 imagine 1830 or something this is all boats all right all probably wooden shacks along here maybe some warehouses and all boats transporting goods um from one side of the city of tokyo to another very interesting isn't it and i wonder if the traffic had was uh left side like like we drive on the left side in tokyo in japan and the right side in the united states so i wonder if the boats were going in the left side and that's why japan despite the influence from the united states the cars are on the left side and the u.s is on the right side and and japanese car makers best client is the america so it must be really hard okay let's go in the overpass i always wondered about that how japan became to drive on the left side and not the right side but i heard that malaysia drives on the left side too that reminds me of my joke that i learned i don't know if it's a joke or a fact but it goes like this i've told it before so i i i always wondered why in tokyo people stand on the left side of the uh hold on they stand on the left side of the escalator and walk up the right and in osaka they step down the right side and walk up the left it's different okay there's some interesting history here so the story goes i i asked an osaka guy and i said why is that why do why do people stand on the opposite side of the escalator in osaka compared to tokyo and he told me well there's a historical background to this is it interesting really what is it and he said in tokyo there was a lot of samurai in tokyo in osaka they had more merchants like uh you know salesmen so this the sword the samurai sword was on this side so they would stand on on the other side so people wouldn't get cut and protect the sword or something like that and then the merchants were on the other side because their wallets were in this pocket so they wanted if they put it on the other side then it would protect their wallet so they stand on the on this side and so that makes a lot of sense and then he started to i started to shake my head and then and then it started to dawn on me that they didn't have escalators back in the samurai period so don't ever ask don't ever ask somebody in osaka for historical references because they just make a joke out of it so sam i took escalades right oh sorry the history lesson here here you can see the conda river the conda riverside and it was pretty much a market down this street outdoor stalls along the uh yanagiwara embankment from the shohebashi bridge to asakusabashi bridge used to sell second-hand clothing in place of clothes in the late edo period and in the area was known as one of the markets in edo selling secondhand clothing in place of clothes oh did i just read that iwamotocho secondhand clothing is in place of clothes market was opened in 1881 after the meiji restoration to become the center of clothing industry in tokyo when the growing popularity of western-style clothing took place of clothes for everyday wear the core demand for the general population shifted to ready-made clothing in place of clothes prompting an increase in the number of stores selling ready-made clothing in place of clothes so the district was transformed into a western style clothing place of clothes town it's a weird weirdly written place but apparently before 1881 when western clothes came into style this was the place because they would they would sell ready-made clothes but before that japanese made the clothes to fit very very interesting history here this is just right on the street you can see some dudes selling goodies i don't see any vending machines though do you so let's take a quick look look look down this avenue which is totally not the same but um right around this area is bakuro yokoyama or bakurocho and bakurocho still is a place that sells a load of manufactured clothing textile it's a textile industry area of tokyo and that is this direction if you keep walking this way and that might be another live stream in the future this area was where in the edo period the horses had to be you had to tie up your horses here as a horse stable area and that eventually turned into the textile area and if you ever getting a kimono or a you can get budget kimonos there but if you're getting a yukata for summer you can get them made there uh tailored with really good material you can pick your own material there in bakaryogama it's probably the cheapest place in tokyo to do that so it's pretty good uh pretty interesting so this area that we're in this side of akihabara was the ready-made clothes area so when japanese changed from kimono to western clothes this is where they started selling that stuff all right we're gonna cross across the street here we're going up you get a decent view of the condo river there's uh the ends of of uh akihabara station the hibiya line you can see this we were walking under that for a really long time and now the soba line is making its way to azka sabashi and chiba but these overpasses are cool because you can really feel the city from up here hope this is coming in glorious 720p andrew fort wayne woohoo live stream archong 89 when i was in tokyo in february 2019 i saw people scrubbing the concrete riverbanks of the condor river take a photo of it yeah you know they really keep it clean and they're proud uh proud of the cleanliness of tokyo this is this is akihabara station and i'm gonna give you some inside local knowledge here all right again if you go straight you get to waino there's akihabara station the hibia line and if you walk right there next to that that store there is the entrance to iwamoto they do not connect but you can literally walk from one entrance to the other in in two minutes okay so they don't connect on the map but it's knowing that these two connect is very useful because the toe shinjuku line connects one side of the city to the other and cuts straight through so if you ever want to get to akihabara and you're in your um along the toei shinjuku line you can get the akihabara without changing the hibiya line or the jr you could just stay get to iwamoto and walk in two three minutes pretty pretty cool there it is right there you see the subway sign yo [Applause] and that's my bicycle all right if you were to go straight you get to akihabara station in about a hundred meters or two minutes that's where we started this live stream so we've made a complete circle so now we're going to go back to a an area or vending machine that scares the living crud out of me i might i think we just found that area that where there's a dead spot right there there's no signal all right let me see if i can find i got to get some coins here i know if i go to the vending machine they're not going to be able to take a 10 000 yen note so or suica because these vending machines are pretty pretty old so let me go i'm going to jump into this yamazaki daily store and get a pack of gum or something this reminds me of of some of the tv shows can you if you ever did this in new york you went and you bought a pack of gum for 100 and you gave them 100 bill they would just completely obliterate you a tasty chronicle says that it's not good all right guys give me a minute i'm going to readjust the signal okay i got to go inside this convenience store okay [Music] i don't line up here hey [Music] hey all right what that dude totally got in front of me cut the line all right i just bought a pack of gum for with a hundred dollar bill so 10 000 yen note so now we're set for the vending machine corner sorry about that i'm gonna run through the the dead zone here apparently people said it was like 140 p or something we can't have that okay look at that old building huh how's the signal now good we strong we're good jason writes in good thank you jason ooh baby all right tasty writes in excellent signal it's a vote of confidence oh nice i can taste that clear coffee again if it was so clear how come i could taste it again huh coffee maker people whoo that's got a real 1980 shape to it that car if it had pop-up headlights i'd i'd be sold that one too it's a pretty cool sweet ride um this one is a really cool shrine before we get to the where is the vending machine oh no i gotta keep going a little bit further i see it down the street this is kind of a cool little shrine that you'll get walking yanagiharadori down here along the base of the conda river this has been here for centuries this shrine very cool is there oh there's a little bit of history let's walk down here oh there's a kitty cat where here [ __ ] [ __ ] this is a fujiko stone monuments um maybe you can read that there the five stone monuments bear to this day traces of the fujiko faithful who lived in the yaman uh yanagi mori shrine area fujiko was a popular faith tradition based on devotion to mount fuji what fujiko was a was a faith devoted to the to mount fuji and attracted a large following among townspeople and farmers during the edo period i had no idea in 1680 the deity enshrined in fuji sengen shrine was moved from uh surigao fujinomiya i used to live there and enshrined together with yanagi mori shrines so wow i had no idea so in 1930 volcanic rocks from mount fuji were piled up into a mound resembling mount fuji called fuji zuka on the shrine grounds but no longer exists having been taken down in 1960 what inscribed on the stone monuments are the words showa imperial rain from 1926 to 1989 and taisho and peel rain from 1912 to 1926. kuros birds water close to when the fujika was made in indicating that those are the movements to receive the shrine those birds are going going crazy so this is sort of a um a rebuilding of it but they brought rocks from mount fuji here that's awesome i had no idea [Music] what are those birds you guys are not even crows [Music] [Applause] evil just went straight up crow can't do what they're doing i need more time with that oh no he's he put himself in plain sight that's what kind of bird is that he's listening snut i can't imitate it's too high pitched all right be respectful here okay let's give five yen to the shrine they're just really destroying my i'm gonna give 50 yen to the shrine here okay i don't know what bird that is but it's destroying my harmony and the cat is gone all right let's get out of here i don't know what where are those birds i don't feel like ringing the bell i just the birds ruined my harmony wow that's a sweet ride i thought that the car hadn't been moved since the 1950s or 60s and it's getting moved for the first time or we're making a way that's a pretty cool shrine and i didn't know about fujiko which is a devotion to mount fuji this uh this uh religion or devotion this bridge is quite interesting this is a shortcut this is a shortcut that will take you across the conda river to um the vending machine of horror so i just want to show you a little bit of this before i uh go back towards there the birds are reacting to 5g it very could very well could be the point could be true here's that here's the shrine over here i found the cat i found the cat he's on top of the roof wow you see him right there wow he's hiding underneath the roof he doesn't he here's one of his kind i i do like this area there's a there's a denny's right there do you see the yellow banner you can sit outside on the denny's and you can get a really good view of the contender river sometimes when the tourists are here there are boats going back and forth so there's stuff to look at but for the most part it's pretty peaceful and and calm over there in the distance is the bridge uh between akihabara and iwa motocho station that i was showing you about telling you about um so you can get from one to the other in about two minutes the cat is still hiding underneath the underneath the roof there do you see him right there i see you that is the washington hotel oh yeah and crazy crazy uh story about the washington hotel i don't know if they still have it but there's a room in there that is that has a model train that goes around the entire room it's usually booked two to three months in advance um call ahead and try to book that room if you get a chance i think it's like like 15 20 more but you can get model trains at the front desk and you can change the trains including the shinkansen which is cool so for train otaku's like me that room is awesome i believe they still have it um but there's one special washington hotel room all right that's local inside information not a lot of people know about that just put that in the book i'm basically giving you the book that i would write so better take notes and stuff all right irvin took us an hour to get here but now we're here and we're gonna go take a look at uh see this this veneering machine of horror okay because that's what we do i love these alleys i guess this the shinkansen goes up above us from this point well writing tandem be careful 3000 yen fine the police catch you i wouldn't no though not a lot of people come to this area of uh come to this area of akihabara either but if you do you will discover this street and this ikinati steakhouse which is a chain that is making a roaring business here serving steak by the gram or something the menu there is pretty insane oh i see the vending machine corner of horror right now meaning you order it and they'll cut it depending on what you want um one gram is 10 yen that's pretty cheap and there's a point card you can take take away you can get a point card here and i i met the the driver of an nhk shoot that i was on he had a point card that was filled up because on location shoots he's always on location shoots he's always um eating at ikinari steak so he had about 40 000 points or something in it and i translated how much money is that it's like 40 000 yen or like 400 of points he'd collecting on this point card or something it's pretty crazy all right here is the um vending machine of horror it's in a building that that could at any moment be torn down or fall down it's kind of creepy and scary and it should pretty much be abandoned but it's here and people seem to like it um i just noticed this one here on the corner they do have a very old vending machine that sells what oh um yeah you don't see these too often outside on the street corner usually family friendly it's kind of expensive wow hello kitty water here's um yakitori in a can oh den in a can and i promised that i would get one of these for some people oh it's a shame the seal curry is sold out it it literally it is it's used to be there seriously it's it's gone 1690. so i'm off the hook i wonder who did buy it i guess somebody saw that i was coming and they bought it nothing here wow so i guess we're gonna have to go uh dear curry seriously i did not plan this it's gone all your stalkers bought it carl rhodes and rodent carl i had one stalker they're gone cops cops took her she used to wait outside by my station kind of creepy all right let's go see if there's a deer there um andrew fort wayne vending machine of horror horror horror that's pretty creepy when you say it three times three times three times fernando is a new traveler welcome fernando and is that brendan walker hey get a picari sweat for the person living above the vending machine that's actually a really kind idea okay brendan that's actually a really kind idea let's let's let's pay it forward all right let's see if we can get the oh they do have the deer curry that's kind of wow that's twenty dollars why is the how did the deer curry more expensive all right let's see if we can get the bakati sweat i found that sometimes the same item if you if you look around the same item is half price if you look on the other side so sometimes it pays to look around okay let's leave a pocate sweat for the dude upstairs do they have it no but they got a love love mobile here a love shack these shinkansen uh toys are 15 was that a retainer ew that's somebody's retained oh no it's a wind chime it looks like somebody's retainer from high school not sure i would want that nobody's gonna buy that gross all right you know what um let's see what can i buy here i want to leave something for the dude upstairs so let's start let's start off there um i don't see any pakati sweat but we'll leave some um some cow piss okay some compass 27 okay dear man stranded upstairs i'm leaving this for you that's from brendan brendan sir moshi moshi no nobody nobody's there what's that oh christmas ornaments you get all these bells for seven dollars it's weird it's weird okay let's see let's go back to the let's see we can find some more curry [Music] i don't know what kind of curry that is i can't see that's a different kind i'm not getting that and that's more expensive than the other one stick with stick with venison um oh den all right let's try the oden yeah it's cold though that's the it's kind of nasty cold oden is real nasty and it stinks in there oh i didn't see this one this is a secret secret alley secret area let's get in here there's a can of lychee and there's just various rocks it's weird this is a small size and if you can upgrade to a 100 yen more you get a big size it's weird can of mekan it's interesting 430. it's a soccer ball what there's another popcorn machine but i'm not waiting in there this is this is where that dude lives upstairs some homeless guy i'm getting out of here what am i gonna do with the ball i'm gonna put it in your daimyo package [Laughter] dude that's they want four bucks for that all right let's see if i got four seriously all right irvin you know what i can't i'm not giving you no seal i'm giving you this ball all right you want a ball you're gonna get a ball all right four dollar ball my gosh it's weird irvin weird why do you want this ball no he said he wants it and i'm gonna put in i send him a box every month just gonna put it in there you really you think this is worth five dollars that's like a ten cent ball you want this ball confirm irvin confirm five four three two one oh he said no what's it eject he checked well you told me to get the ball all right let's get out of here all right i'm not gonna do it let's get the let's get this can and then eat something and get out of here this place is giving me the creeps it smells here all right we're just gonna do it all right this is the the venison curry it's not deer curry all right it's venison venison is a meat okay there's a difference between seal and venison all right i'm just saying i'm just putting it out here for for people one of them is there's a lot of venice deer and venison and hokkaido all right and seal we just don't know i'm not getting a seal curry and i did find it over there so stalker person who took the one here it's also over there and you missed it okay all right you happy now you you really happy huh irvin yeah oh get seal curry whoa this is so cool it kind of is all right there we go um that's that's coming home i don't think kanai's gonna eat it though numbers 19. what do you mean cheap out this is more expensive than seal curry oh guess what it was the last one it was the last one all right special made how am i gonna open it it's spicy chica venison curry okay all right so guess what um i'm gonna do a special stream later i gotta take it home i can't even open this who who comes who comes walking around with it's not bambi it's venison it's a meat okay it's different it's venison curry um it expires next year which is good that means it's uh i think it's all natural no no chemicals so that could explain that this the um price i'm gonna do a special live stream for uh just like i did last night for the boshy pond crack it with your jake all right look i'm 46 i'm not 16. some people think some you what do you think oh yeah i'm going to crack it with my teeth man just because there's 1700 people watching doesn't mean my brain cells go away peer pressure peer pressure never worked with me i mean my friends were smoking i never picked up a cigarette all right and it's a testament to if there's any kids watching do the opposite of what everybody else is doing wait if so that means if they're not smoking then they you would smoke no just don't do anything bad all right live up to the expectations of your parents my parents are proud of me i'm eating i'm eating in a homeless shelter cans from a vending machine see there's the see it was six it was 300 yen cheaper for the same thing on the other side i think ervin you want one of these balls look how come this ball is is a hundred yen cheaper than the other ball it's weird and these balls are better yeah um let's see here here's some oden should i try this one that's ten dollar oden what all right oh den in a can this is 4 30. it actually pays the shop around you gotta shop around the prices are arbitrary 590. all right let me see what it is in the front here so if you buy it in the deep recesses of the uh hobo land it's 590. here it's it's 590 okay in osaka you would shop around this is tokyo it's 590 here for oden uh are these the easy open ones okay i think i can eat that there all right so it's up to the people now you vote you vote now all right should i get yakitori or oden none of them are cheated and it's going to be completely gross it's up to you yakitori or oden because they're pretty much the same price anyways you vote yakitori picks all rights in yakitori irvin writes in yakito yucky oden they can't get both one or the other peach nectar writes a tasty that's not even a choice bob writes it no den yakitori yakitori yakitori please bambi no it's the venison don writes in odin brian writes in seal yakitori oden yakitori oden yakitori hodan peach this yakitori yakitori yakitori yakitori yakitori get real food i like that one i don't know what you know by the way if you really wanted real food across the street is the um tonkatsu pork sandwich vending machine should i just go there should i just go there those are more expensive me and mike chen were there last actually earlier this year before the pandemic broke should i get yakitori or tonkatsu sandwich across the stream get some real food new choices oh dan oh dan oh dan cold oden dinosaur meat yakitori yakitori yaki odan get denny's peach nectar i can do peach nectar all right looks like i'm getting yakitori nasty i didn't make a promise with that the promise ended when my wife said no all right my promise is to my wife who wrote that says oh you made a promise yeah you know what i got this dear this venison curry my promise is to my wife okay she comes before you and you are overruled dude all right here we go happy wife happy life all right this is yakitori in a can this is nasty stuff peter and i already ate this we left the can we didn't even finish it gosh i can't believe i'm eating this i can go get a sandwich across the street i won't take it it's not taking my cash hey let's see if i got coins i don't get enough coins i got 300 yen why is it not taking my my thousand yen notes let's try another one yakitori okay here's one they don't it's oddly they don't have beer here i guess because it looks like a place where hobos would come to buy beer oh that looks really good they have dashimaki which is egg in a can i could eat that that's healthy oh den in a can is nasty too oh it took my it took my thousand yen all right let's do it um i'm having a bad day looking at this so we're just gonna go 13. this is for you it's nasty i can't believe i'm getting oh this is so nasty all right i still get 410 yen tasty tasty i still got 410 yen i got 410 yen what number's at 11. i gotta i gotta retrieve my camp 11. this is for tasty deliver deliver deliver since 1964 i hope it's not not the same thing from 1964. so i think i just spent like 40 twenty twenty bucks for the can of venison curry and thirty bucks i spent there at good riddance um it's hard to cross the street to get to the sandwich vending machine oh i forgot my change thank goodness it's a it's a live stream because i forgot my change okay i think that's a good chunk of change did i get my change out of this one yeah i did i did i didn't buy anything there did i get my change in the other one i can't remember well it's gone anyways all right let's get out of here let's go get some real food let's go look at the sandwich vending machine over there don't mess with tasty chronicles man i'm just telling you right now how do i get over there it's over there [Music] there's no crosswalk that is convenient what oh there's another one over there wow that's that looks really good that looks like real food all right let's go on over we're gonna get a sandwich okay because tasty chronicles said go get a sandwich so i'm gonna do that and actually i think i'm gonna need something strong to wash down this yakitori um i did get at the vending machine which is completely weighing down my pocket i got the the deer cur the venison curry which i'll i'll make and i'll eat in another live stream uh for insiders and travelers and patreon supporters because it's weird and i don't think it should be a spectacle of curry devouring venison is is actually really good okay i got no problem eating venison and john kimura has decided john does does a vending machine count as real food these are pretty good sandwiches actually but i'll tell you it is a little windy here the i'm we were between the buildings for most of the live streams so we we got pretty lucky but this is an open area near the river so let's get a sandwich i think the sandwich the sandwich does not qualify as real food apparently uh well considering it's a pandemic i'm trying really hard to not go indoors where there's crowded people so this might have to do all right we're going to be out of the wind in about 10 seconds so give it a give it a moment this might be the cheapest car rental place 25 a day for a compact nico nico all right let's see what we got here um so they put in some lounge music which is really copyright i think here they also have oden what theoden is cheaper here this o'den is so much cheaper [Music] it's it's uh half the price of the other place and there aren't that many sandwiches available so there's a um katsusando and a hamburg sando so we're going to have to go with this katsusando i think [Music] does that what do you guys think all right we're going to katsusando all right [Music] come to john memories of when mike chen and i were here not that long ago ah dig deep in how's the signal everybody you can see nice nice and clearly yeah you see you see nice and clearly all right we're gonna turn this way [Music] wonderful lunch time sanitize alcohol i touched some buttons and what would be many consider a pretty nasty area [Music] all right i just cleaned off the table here so we have uh we have a nice beautiful place take a look at our wonderful lunch here this is the the akihabara the side that a lot of the tourists don't come we just pretty much went through the entire east side um over the last hour and a half this is yakitori in a can this is really nasty and we got it from the hor the vending machine of horror so i'm going to open this up for you because this is what i would do here okay i do have some some oh that is so disgusting it's congealed oh that is gross i don't think i can get to it it's hard ah it's like animal fat i think this is supposed to be heated up i'll be eating that back at home um okay next up is moving on nectar because i like nectar i can't believe that i just bought a six dollar can of yakitori and it's like congealed in there sonny this is the best thing that i've had all day this is really really good thumbs up speaking of which thumb thumbs up people next up on our hit list this is the sandwich that um mike mike chen actually mikey liked the other sandwich more i think this one was good though too the other one was a juicy there's a hidekatsusando but this one is good uh it expires the 21st just tomorrow all right so we're unboxing this this puppy here all right so oh now this is real food things are getting really nice right now [Music] ah finally something that's not congealed fat [Music] this is good stuff here um this is a tonkatsusando from a vending machine yummy yummy that building is the headquarters of the company that makes these sandwiches so it does make sense that they would want to you know do something like this now i'm happy oh i think i got my change didn't i i sometimes i forget the change keep the change in the spirit of christmas all right let's see we're getting questions here jay paul porter hey jay paul beer money for after thanks buddy hey rizal reppin katsusando and a drink you got it we got it man thanks rizal john kimura i don't i still i i want to make jon happy i'm going to use that also to get something for kanai on the way back she's not going to want dear curry venison curry okay she's gonna want something else uh beef it's zero eight one five rather take the egg i know i kind of get a mystery box katrina the mystery boxes are bizarre we not maybe i'll get one on the way back i'll i'm gonna i'll i'll think about it and pokey p pokey pimp is a new traveler hey brandon is here tonkatsu done rock oj mr new traveler it's nice to see your family now me sama's here new traveler great hey bayla phil is an insider hey bayla are you watching with your mom sorry about the northwestern game man but i think you're you're on the buckeye side right that was pretty good game second half anyways i went to college with bayla that's awesome clover beep up i just saw that let me put in here get the live chat going on here it's pretty cool in japan you can get a pretty good sandwich out of a vending machine and it's fresh since the headquarters is right across the street is the fried chicken and kfc um that dry john actually it's just oily i stopped eating kfc after i i got so sick i just couldn't get rid of processed oil i think the kfc in japan is just a little bit better though because it's japan i don't know [Music] so they actually cut the crusts off of the sandwich [Music] this is breaded deep-fried pork cutlet and you see on here um there's this tangy sauce that they put on it not a lot it soaks into the crust really good [Music] man somebody wrote looks tasty it's a tasty recommendation sonny [Music] [Music] [Music] this is hokkaido venison curry it cost me almost twenty dollars um and it looks like it's all natural from hokkaido at this price it better be good so i'm going to do this um a live stream a little bit later on maybe tonight yeah so we'll do this together at the community it's a reason to be an insider or a traveler or a patreon supporter um support the channel in the holiday season thanks so much for joining me with this live stream it's gone on for an hour and a half and i gotta get back uh get back to editing today i've been taking sort of a day uh some time off a little bit to relax and recharge as we get into the holiday season here in japan the temperatures are getting a lot chillier it's it's down to about two to three degrees celsius um at night it gets down to zero it could snow but we did have a snow storm that hit nigata pretty hard on the sea of japan side where people were snowed in their cars there was an old guy who i think they said he got hypothermia or something and they got him out but he's he's gonna be okay um i don't think anybody lost their lives but it was a pretty bad situation on the sea of japan side with the snow um i know that the east coast in the us also got hit pretty hard with snow so it looks like it's gonna be a white white christmas or a slushy christmas even here in japan you never know tokyo it could snow but this is the side of akihabara not a lot of people know about if you want to see the side that everybody else knows just go right there and you can see there's the building that i just did a live stream there two days ago that's the building the sega number two building the decals and the animated animated uh characters are all gone from there akihabara has changed a lot over the last couple of months um and since you guys international travelers can't make it here it is a completely different uh it just has a different vibe to it right now yeah sega number two building so i after an hour and a half i'm gonna have to say goodbye i'm gonna i'll walk past that vending machine of horror and maybe get something but i think we're pretty much done venison curry uh maybe later this afternoon or tonight uh special live stream for supporters uh there and i'll be back tomorrow with another live stream it's uh it's gonna be monday morning and take you to another neighborhood of tokyo or some sort of really interesting uh live stream to share with you you know because a lot of us are all locked in and tokyo is it's okay right now i mean things could be better but wear your mask have a good day everybody see you from akihabara lens isn't dirty just it is actually a little bit dirty just the lens flares are bad on these really super wide ones corey thanks so much for for setting up on patreon oh wait oh wait wait wait wait before you go so i have i have it's okay if i go this way it's okay that's soji okay hey uh this is i have the postcards that from people who signed up yesterday uh this is going to jack in balwin victoria uh nicholas in staten island uh leah nelson from manila edward edward in saint petersburg uh john in spring texas uh catherine in in plano texas these are all going out to you and uh savannah in foster city calif california and nick in calgary canada so we got a bunch of uh postcard club uh sign ups uh today and i'm i made sure that you all have you all have the rewa stamp the new year stamp for japan um it's the year of the cow and it says rewa 3 which is the the next year so thanks so much for signing up on patreon to the postcard club it's pretty cool you're of the ox okay it looks like it looks like wagyu to me not the kudo gay wagyu but looks like it could be a steak just makes me hungry actually when i see you're the ox all right this is all go let's go in the mailbox from akihabara thanks so much for supporting it's kanai and i and that's all i wanted to say all i wanted to say well the nightbot just took out whoa sean's comment got taken out by nightbot it's awesome he made a political statement and he got taken out by the electronic electronic uh moderator [Music] see everybody see you tomorrow or to later on today if you're if you're an insider we actually 19 likes away from a thousand do you think we can get there in like five seconds let's get to 90 let's see if we can get to uh a thousand likes in five seconds before i shut off five four three two hey ellis [Music] three we just got people coming i guess we did it and don s get something for kanai you got it dawn i'll stop off on the way get something for can i we did it we got to like 11 oh my gosh we got like an extra 100 that's the community for you have a good day everybody see you later on tonight and uh tomorrow in another live stream you
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 69,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, Akihabara, Street, View
Id: xDZukUX4OcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 18sec (5898 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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