Japanese Winter Cuisine 🍢 Ginger Miso Oden

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hello everybody welcome to aomori city once again this behind me is kaisen gumi this is an izakaya that serves a lot of different kinds of foods here in alimony but one food in particular is oden which has a very unique taste here in aomori they add ginger to the miso that ginger gives it an extra kick which helps you get through the really cold winter nights and we're going to be taking you inside this restaurant oh there goes shacho but first first shacho sacho means the the president of the company wants to take us to the second story of his izakaya and we want to show you the refrigerator that goes to minus 80 degrees so we're going to go together here there's a lot of snow you can see outside here and it is a pretty cold night so i'm looking forward to eating some of this ginger miso oden let's go up to the second floor and take a look at this amazing um freezer that goes up to minus 80 degrees oh this is awesome [Music] 79 degrees minus 79 degrees celsius okay whoa this is a maguro wow i could see the temperature's written right there oh that's interesting so this is this uh is famous for maguro but they also have oden here too all right let's go back that was interesting i wanted to see what is a freezer that shows what is a freezer that goes down to minus 80 degrees like and then he told me just come on up i'll show you inside there i'll show you inside the freezer i thought maybe it was like a walk-in freezer or something all right let's go inside this izakaya and have some uh some oden and maybe we'll get some maguro as well you can see the streets of aomori are pretty pretty quiet right now um i gotta actually head back to tokyo today too so we have to catch the shinkansen um oh dan is something that's really special i've never featured oden on and only in japan episode so i'm pretty excited about this let's go inside where it's nice and warm the city of aomori has the most snow of any city in the entire world just putting that out there all right welcome to kai singh izakaya kaisen gumi sarimasana these are all the menu items up here which is amazing this is so there's a lot more than than just um oden on the menu and this place came highly recommended i know about this place because this place came so highly recommended by everybody that we talked to because it just has such a very long history of it and and uh the shocho here is an oden master he's a um aomori oden kai no kaikai which means like super master of oden i'm not smiling anymore this is serious this is odette so without further ado we have to heat up this thing and get it up to standards because the oden needs to be warmed up [Laughter] that's right everybody around the world is watching where are you watching from if you want if you want to shock the shot show the president of uh let me know where you're where you're watching from i'm going to tell them where where in the world all of you are watching this is going to be fun australia singapore i just told them scotland malaysia uae minnesota guam aguama switzerland swiss mall hey brandon too new zealand kansas texas saudi arabia saudi this changes everything [Laughter] bring out the good stuff they also seem to have some pretty good sake in here i was looking at in in their the freezers down there so they got some good stuff here no kaikai is so they make it from a new miso uh like just freshly made miso but it's a very aomori kind of miso and uh ginger sugar in japanese cuisine ginger is added especially in winter cuisines because it helps you warm up a little bit which is important in chile tohoku so disneyland hunting wow [Laughter] all right this is an uh oma maguro which is the uh very famous the very famous tuna of japan they say most experts say that the best maguro comes from oma which is here in aomori prefecture just in the north of here maybe it's like a couple hours drive but on the sugar straits between hokkaido and aomori the maguro make their way across the straits and then the the fishermen's they still use um not net fishing but um by by line and and hook and they catch the maguro one by one like this so try to prevent with overfishing but we all know that it's really hard to do but omomagoro is some of the best in the world and you can see the picture up here i could show you here let me take off my shoes oh that's so nice this is the shot show this is the president right here of this izakaya he's standing next to a 220 kilogram maguro uh tuna fish check that out this is hon maguro and i guess this looks like a blue fin right and you can see that symbol on its fin there means on its um uh gil is uh oma maguro which means oma tuna and that's the brand of this so that means that makes it probably a little bit more expensive too all right welcome everybody all right we're just moments away from the oden it's being heated up actually to take the thumbnail they brought it out and they showed it to me and it was steaming but then we had to wait because we also wanted to um to clean up the izakaya and now that we have everything ready again today it's it's closed it's special just for for us um so maybe a couple of customers might be walking in but it's just us today this is the kind of stuff that i'd like to do more of where we kind of just get our get a chance to go inside uh some of the really unique restaurants and show the different kinds of cuisine different kinds of history and and the purpose behind the foods because everything that we eat if you know the story behind it it gets a little bit more oishy a little bit more delicious but sometimes if you know the story you can also get a little bit more um not so muchy too sometimes knowing the story is not the best thing you know what i mean oh there he goes oh wow that's right matsumi i gotta keep whispering go for the access go for the oden oh check it out oh they did they put the miso on there already oh my gosh i have not had ginger miso from aomori before this is going to be a super treat let's just wait a moment because i'm so excited uh shellfish um sea snail wow and uh this is uh uh miso which is on there too let me get the light on that maybe so kama boko is a fish cake disney thank you thank you raymond so thank you uh yori which means uh uh chef right now you got it what do i do with my light what's in my pocket here all right let's we gotta try this here let's get a good look at this because i think with the light you can it brings out yeah it does with the light you can get in there a little bit more you can see that miso it without the light you don't see it glistening as much um yeah you can see it just on here just a little bit on the egg and um this flavor is so specific just to aomori so that's what makes it pretty special it's the fine details that make every meal important never mind the taste as he escapes from the view all right let's try this here wow i don't think i can eat all this myself um let's go in for the uh let's go in for the daikon of the japanese radish first because it has a lot of of this uh radish a lot of this miso on there all right it's salty it's oden it's like hot radish it's it's um that miso is the secret that that miso is his secret ingredient oh my gosh i just want to buy this miso i want this miso so i can just put it on everything there [Laughter] can you buy this can you buy this ginger miso at the supermarket and he goes yeah you can't get this in other places this the the shoga or the ginger we would say shogai is ginger in japanese it has a bite to it all right and the miso has this really good like um um like umami like makeshift and miso is like a fermented bean paste that's it's a little bit salty but it's just so good and it's a lot better than it sounds that's why we just call it miso but when you add the ginger in it like i've never had it outside of aomori in fact i've never had it ever ever before because i'm an alum what do you know all right let's try the the fish cakes here these look gargantuan there's a shock that it's live streamed this is all live oh there's something inside there this is a scallop inside of here [Laughter] this is a scallop and it's really good here baby do we need the light i think maybe we're better off with the light here this is a scallop and um probably coming from like up in hokkaido but gosh with with them again like the secret is when it's hot and two it's got that spicy miso that ginger miso wow hey let me show you that let me show you the um consistency of this here you see it's a it's a fish cake but it's it's um really meaty and in the middle of it you can see the pieces of the of the scallop in there was a piece of scallop so they they produced it in a way oh my gosh this is such a this is such a satisfying meal just oh den it's a shame like most people just eat it in the winter oh then then was this meal that you could eat in um you would find at the convenience stores just here's what the the bowl looks like the convenience store just simmering in the front of the 7-eleven by the counter and you would just tell the clerk i want this this this this this they put it into a cup and you could take it home and eat it it was perfect in the winter but now because it wasn't also it wasn't very sanitary to do that by the counter where people are paying at the register all the convenience were stopped selling oden in front of the register so if you haven't been to japan in the last five ten years you're going to find that that oden is no longer there but it's also hard to find oden restaurants back in the olden days mokashi makashi they used to have oden stands just for like a yatai but it's really it's getting hard to find any kind of yatai um whether it's ramen or whether it's uh um i don't know what what kind of yatai they had all sorts of takoyaki at festivals they have them but it's getting really hard to find that just in everyday culture [Music] um [Music] [Music] that was more of a culture back then to like stand and eat the food and now we don't have that as much most of the people are just going to the restaurants and in aomori it's a little bit different than tokyo it's not so crowded people there's a lot of open space people don't want to eat outside as much but i do know that by the history that i read of this aomori oden in front of the ferry terminal there's a ferry that goes back and forth between hakodate and hokkaido and aomori which is just a couple of kilometers away from here they would they would sell the aomori oden with the ginger miso at stands but i did some research on it and it's um this is a one of many pl this is just one of a few places that still exist i should say there aren't a lot of oden places still available and it's harder hunter to find so i'm really happy that uh the statue of kaisen gumi here this is akaya which i highly recommend because this place is highly recommended to me still makes it and puts it on the menu let me try one more thing here this is the shellfish where is john originally from uh boss hog i'm from the us but uh india and uh england and germany i'm american it's mixed of all sorts of things it's live stream gotta answer the questions um check this out here i wanna show you the uh show you this uh shellfish no okay wow so this c c slug that's not what it is i forget what they call it it's got a little bit of that miso baked into it joy's like eek joy wouldn't joy wouldn't eat this all right let's let's give it a try it's got a real sea taste to it like just like um a shell like a metallic shell bitterness to it it hits you on your on this side of the mouth spring in consistency because it's a boiled seafood you can eat everything except for the stub here again it's the star of this not just the the food that's been simmering in the odam it's that ginger miso the identity of this is this yoga miso for sure wow and then last but not least um this is a bamboo sprout with some of this shogami's on it um very nice i can't imagine winter without this alexa writes in here my gag reflex wouldn't allow me to chew or swallow that creature this creature from the deep probably tastes like hawaii writes in byron looks like a horn writes in jotty thanks so much for watching here um let me let me see here oh we have a we have a special treat today this is a fish swimming they're gonna give me some maguro na nimbun okay one one okay just confirmed how many people's portion i am so full i i'm gonna level with you i've eaten so much over the last 10 days it's incredible but it's so dark good i mean like if you are gonna come to japan you coming here not just to see like the history and you know like geisha watching also never mind that you come in here also for the food you're coming for ramen you come here for you wagyu you're coming here for uh oh dan you're coming here to try some of the most amazing food you come here for sake never mind okay maybe you come in here for the tokyo skytree too okay but the food is a star here that's why you see a lot of food videos because it is just such a part food culture japan is a culture of food just because of the ingredients the seasonality of japan we got four seasons in japan winter spring summer fall same as everywhere else but each season within them has a very unique um cuisine attached to it because the ingredients are different certain vegetables grow in certain seasons therefore creating certain kinds of cuisines because you want everything fresh that's what makes eating in japan so amazing and why you should come to japan four times a year this is why i live here is that my ranting is done now all right now i'm waiting to see what happens next because i have no idea anything can happen here oh here it comes oh salute that is some really good looking uh akami this is okay and wow i'm gonna get the light on this so you can really see the color let's get the color to stand out here now i love akami achuturo and otaro are really good but i love akami because you know the the uh otoro just has too much fat in it you really can't eat more than a couple of pieces well maybe you could but i can't a kami i could eat a ton of that and there's a load of akam inside each maguro so this is going to be delight to eat again there's enough enough wasabi for for all of you too really that's for one person because like i'm kind of full we say like betsu bada means another stomach right that's about uh that's a second stomach now you don't exceed the expression that's about already that's it yeah okay yeah it's like do you have a space for anything more like i got a petsu butter for ice cream and maguro maybe so let's give this a try akami's this is so good okay we have here the what's the soy sauce now i i do this some people say oh you're not supposed to do that i do it anyways the thing is eat it the way you want to eat okay eat the way you want it like a little bit of wasabi in my soy sauce oh look at this piece of mango oh my gosh this is so good maybe i'll just dip a little dip it in there a little bit it's more fun when it's live isn't it i don't know did i give us it's a satisfying it's a satisfying meaty taste chilled probably from that eight minus 80 degree celsius refrigerator chilled it's just so good all right i'm gonna have another piece here dip it in the soy sauce a little bit of wasabi that's good i'm the only person in the world that has a wasabi chaser after eating sashimi it's true i almost always do a wasabi chaser that was good go to somebody stop uh so for this live stream that's about it because i'm not gonna just stay here for an hour and contin and where you can watch me eat because that's not interesting is it how many ways can i eat maguro yeah sorry do you have any questions for the next 30 seconds i'll take some of your questions we have um lots of different items on the menu here but about oden and about maguro here in in aomori prefecture maguro is very famous here just because of oma because it has the three seas around aomori i want you to think about this what makes ahmedi so special is it's got the tsugaru straits on the top that separates hokkaido and aomori then you have the pacific ocean and then you have the sea of japan and no other well there's hokkaido but there's no other is that true i'm trying to look at the map in my head there are very few green bankers that have this kind of a situation so seafood is really big here but also i found that there's not anything bad in aomori to eat except perhaps hoya which is good a chacho fell asleep hoya which is a sea squirt it looks like a heart and it tastes like poison but everybody says it's better here so i'll try to try to get that um next time i'm here um what sake are you drinking nothing right now nothing really we're gonna have to skip the sucky i think because i'm never gonna make it home i think content is like in 45 minutes or something like that all right one more question there's something on your nose no there's not what's the best apple food you've eaten in aomori probably apple wine with apple pie and just a plain apple what made you fall in love with japan writes in boss hog it's my home i i think that it was a place where i came here to teach to teach children how to speak english for the first seven years and i wasn't sure i was going to stay in 2003. i hitchhiked from wakanae in the very north through aomori to kagoshima in the south and over on the course of that trip i fell in love with japan because the people who picked me up i got to meet the real people of the country and see what the heart of the country was like not just in one area but the whole country and after a hitchhike i really fell in love with the country and then in 2003 i said i'm just going to stay i started my own company here and the rest is history you all know that all right thanks so much for watching again if you have any questions you can uh ask them in the comments below i want to say thanks to uh thanks to everybody for clicking that like button as well um tomorrow i'll be back in tokyo but uh there'll be another live stream where i'll take you to another area of japan bye from aomori just bend you i don't know if i had another i wish i could spend the night and then i would eat probably everything on this menu it all looks really good but that's the power of an izakaya they have hundreds of things on a menu sometimes thousands but here it's the odan see everybody
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 25,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel, Oden, おでん, 青森, Aomori, Ginger, Miso, Maguro, Honmaguro
Id: KIR2sKuklOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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