Japan Is The Best At Suicide w/ Tim Dillon | Full Ep | Flagrant 2 With Andrew Schulz & Akaash Singh

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what's up everybody and welcome to flagrant two no easy buckets analysis by [ __ ] water cooler commentary for your sports needs i'm andrew schultz i'm here with akash singh um kaz is not with us today we're gonna get to that in one minute uh we got alex media we got eddie martinez on the ones and twos um we got to start the episode on a somber note today guys it is a there's no way to uh set this up there's no way to ever preface something like this um so we're just going to go out and just say it right away uh kaz and his girlfriend lost their baby um the uh yeah it is absolutely tragic you know when life is lost there's really nothing you can say uh there's nothing we can say at all this is the these are the moments that i feel we earn our flagrancy and what i mean by that is you know we say all these wild things and we say these wild jokes and we go really push things to to the limit and i believe we can say this because we know deep down that we're good people and we don't have any malice or hatred for people in the world and these are the moments where we show that we are good people that we care that we've got love for the people that are close to us for our family for our friends so um i spoke to kaz today and uh he said it was okay to share this news with you guys and um you know why don't you reach out to kaz if it's on instagram if it's on twitter if you know him personally just reach out to him and just show him some love man let him know that you're thinking about him you love him that um you know you just think he's a great guy and you miss him obviously kaz is going to be away from the podcast for a little bit for as long as he needs and we got his back 100 no matter what but um but yeah just go show him some love man i'm sure he needs some love and you know i'm sure his girl needs some love just give him some good best wishes that you possibly can uh from the bottom of your heart man and and this is like i said this is where we earn it this is where we showed it you know we are the good people we are the we are strong people we are caring people and um that's the reason why we can make these you know horribly [ __ ] up jokes is because you know deep down when [ __ ] hits the fan um we're there for each other so go and really show them what the [ __ ] army is about and uh show some real love man show some in real life he deserves it right now and um and yeah and then when he's ready he'll be back and you know i'm sure he'll you know give some perspective on this crazy experience i bet there's people listening right now who have gone through you know horribly tragic things like this i won't share you know too many details about the situation one because i don't know that much about the the science i guess about it but uh but yeah it's [ __ ] up it's sad we debated whether putting this at the beginning of the episode or at the end of the episode we weren't exactly sure um but then we just said [ __ ] it you know we don't wanna we don't wanna you know we don't want to like divert from what we've always done which is like meet things head-on on this podcast whether it's with jokes whether it's for some serious we want to just go right for it and um you know we've got a we've got i think a great episode coming up today we got a special guest that's going to call in later um uh tim dillon hilarious comedian and he's going to break down the whole jeffrey epstein thing to us you know he's like a big time i don't want to call him a conspiracy theorist because that cuts the legs out from under him but he's got great perspective on the uh the real way the world works let's say that way and uh he's he's got a hilarious podcast y'all could check out but uh so he'll be joining us a little bit later but you know besides that um you know i've been gone i missed you guys for a week and uh you know it's just it's it's it is a weird transition i'm not going to lie it is a weird way to come back from a break uh none of us i don't think saw this coming i think we're all excited about uh a niece coming into the family the flagger fans yes um but yeah like andrew said these are the moments where we show that this is where we uh show that we're the good guys dressed in a flagrant outfit so yeah love he specifically said please send his girl prayers and good thoughts and love um i mean i'm i'm obviously one of my best friends is going through this already brian who we've spoken about on this podcast but like i see this it's not not anything to go through but yeah we can hold him we can love him and that's one thing i remember is every once in a while just you have to say the right thing just say something just tweet him hey man love you that's it that's all you got to do that's it um that means a lot to somebody you know going through that and you never know you might need to need something to kind of lift them up or make them smile throughout the day it's always nice knowing that you have people thinking about you and i think that you know when tragedy happens it can be so [ __ ] isolating man yeah that's the thing about tragedy is you know you you're going through something by yourself and you can't exactly go out and like relate to people about this like and how do you act normally like even i i know like my brian even feels guilty when he feels normal yeah you know what i mean like it's your baby yeah how do i forget about something like that and yeah it takes a long time to realize that's okay to feel but like it's yeah i don't know how it's tough to function yeah yeah so i mean japan sucks [Laughter] can i can i say one thing about that can i say one thing about what amsterdam is great is that where you went yeah for the shows that you recommended me for oh that's right yeah god i'm really your guardian angel yeah i know it's crazy i do so much for akash i forget that was really good dude it was great i loved it shorty yeah yeah she came out the next day she had to work okay so i went out one day then she came out it was dope it was great did [ __ ] come out some [ __ ] no i didn't even promote it i didn't promote it why not man i was trying to do these videos and then i was like i'll promote when i get there and i will say this about amsterdam the internet is legit like one this is the craziest [ __ ] person on the planet no idea you were in amsterdam hold on a second this guy couldn't post more than one video a week to instagram an hour to post one video wow at a certain point i'm not i'm like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where wait in amsterdam yeah no amsterdam the internet's fine it's your bruh my internet was dog [ __ ] wi-fi was trash out there no you could post an instagram video stop it oh no yeah an hour so i get this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] a gig in amsterdam flied paid for they paid you obviously i paid for my flight but yeah you had to pay your money i made money though really yeah i mean i made enough money to that it's fine i came out fine he didn't pay for your flight he said he would pay for your flight in the email no no i think because i want to go with a different email so he just threw me a little more different airlines just threw me a little more money and then i paid for the flight but like it was like i i came up fine but he did pay for your flight you just chose to go with the difference yeah yeah so he paid for your flight yeah he paid for most of it but because you decided to go the different areas i'm never helping this guy again son this guy's the most least grateful [ __ ] how do you make it seem like he ain't paying for your flight i don't know hold on i'll get you this gig in amsterdam you don't even wait a minute guys can we remember what the [ __ ] up guys you don't promote the [ __ ] gig right did i get you in amsterdam right you don't have to do anything for right you get you you say on the podcast that he didn't pay for your flight right after already not promoting the gig that he paid you to do right you say that he didn't play for your flight when he did pay for your flight you just wanted points you cheap piece of [ __ ] i wanted to get out of being in trouble what does that mean i want to get out of uh getting blamed for not posting you didn't even post the hotel pic like when girls get the fly out like you don't know where they're at but they just post a hotel pic you didn't even post that like i had no idea why did i forgot that you were there that's honestly fine with me no shows was sold out he had already told me friday the weekend shows are sold out i didn't do wednesday thursday that last second fell through so third friday saturday shows were sold out so i was like all right i could promote it's taking [ __ ] forever to upload these videos anyway let me go see amsterdam had a good time got recognized at the grocery store yeah well this guy i mean just astonishing was there no party that's like i i should i should you know promote these shows i think i it was one of those things where it's like you're gonna promote you in amsterdam and it felt like corny to me or like phony to me to be like trying to act like i'm more successful than i was or whatever and schultz got me the show it's not like i'm some famous dude but nobody knew that until you [ __ ] it up today well what you the one that said you i'm your guardian angel you kind of did i am so exactly so i just let it sit no but at the same time you should grab that son like when i saw you had that video that got 200 000 views on instagram that was the [ __ ] yeah i was hyped for that [ __ ] my girl made me do that she was like you got to do something i was like all right [ __ ] it i hate posting on social media i hate it i gotta find someone else to help son comics any comics they're gonna do something with this help i ca son if you don't let people know you're popping they ain't gonna know you're popping have you listened to rap i do be listening to the music you're listening to too much white music bro rappers be popping before the album's out on a debut album a rapper will go best rapper alive here on the debut wrote the song before the album was ever out he never wasn't even a rapper said right now blue face who probably has the worst flow in the game he's the best lyricist son like come on oh gosh it's right here i'm saying you took pics throw them up like throw back thursday something you gotta also the fact that the shows are sold out you know it don't matter you didn't sell them out they don't gotta know that you're selling out international son he sold them [ __ ] you sold them out you sold those shits out we know what am i well i'm gonna comment on the instagram son they knew big dick akkas was coming outside come on come on you're right you're right you're right you're right right smoking mirrors until it's real you're right you're right you're right it's fake until it's not come on son no you're right you're right come on bro i'm tight right now that's beautiful you international sold out and that's not a small venue tumbler it was a tumbler was that tumbler it's weird shaped how it goes back in the odd it's like a y the front is sick the front is amazing it's almost like if they cut it off at the bar it'd be better perfect yeah but it does go back kind of goes back like a wishbone yes yeah exactly that yes and you had fun and you like the shows thursday show was work the [ __ ] work dude i thought you said wednesday thursday didn't work out friday show friday show sorry friday was work saturday was fun but friday's show was like bruh i was up there and i understood the dutch audience might be a little different a little different yeah but the first five minutes they are just staring yeah saturday they were a little looser they were more fun also the host only did three minutes he's supposed to do ten yeah so only did three so i'm in the bathroom and then he just hops off stage and then i gotta like run on stage and i was a little weird the energy's a little weird but then they were just staring yeah and then i had to work dog like my back hurt when i was done legit my back hurt i was like i gotta [ __ ] crack these people open his back hurt from the blue light district that's where it's at that blue light sun blue light is dicks we learned that [ __ ] the hard way oh so did y'all go together son assist yeah yeah i remember sweden obviously bleeding tends to take over a lot of the memories of i knew it was international but i don't remember which countries because pops out so much brag about what's going on all right you're right and i'm really honestly working at it i am like the [ __ ] post my girl's like you got you got 200 000 views you got to post this is like i should and then she was like no don't say you'll do it and i do it now so i was like all right you're right let me do this but i i'm just posting that you're touring internationally it's like so much of this [ __ ] is is literally people talking and then other people talking and then other people talking but if you don't put it out there nobody's gonna say you're absolutely right i just always if it's smoking mirrors i'm always like and nah it's not real neither is comedy you tell the same jokes every night like that's a good point like you didn't that's something you look at them in the in their face and you act like this is the first time you're telling the joke nothing is more inauthentic that's a good point that's a good point we're okay with it yeah so apply that same inauthenticity no you're right you're right son when them shows start selling out for your tour you better let people know done done with him with you i was telling you the [ __ ] one of the goats early and i said you need to start talking that [ __ ] yo it's true man he's like nah you know i was too bad comedy community we don't really you know talk that [ __ ] like that i said [ __ ] it all right and then you did that [ __ ] and look at it no it's true it is true man because i you you got to tell people how you feel i said i'm top five alive and then [ __ ] started treating me like i was but if you don't put it in there in their head no they're not gonna know they need to know akash out here selling now you're out out amsterdam yeah i mean traveling around whatever [ __ ] out of here bro now you're right girls on vacation and [ __ ] come on son now you're right come on bro i'm tight lesson learned you gotta pick are you on stage huh yeah late post yo answering thank you for the sold out shows that'll be up tonight come on that'd be it [ __ ] army this listening front like you didn't hear this and just be like yo this is so sick oh gosh we know y'all was killing it no you're right and that's uh yeah you just gotta say [ __ ] it and just just post off he says this [ __ ] is smoking mirrors till it ain't dead ass look at me what is porn stash smoking mirrors till it ate bro it becomes real nah you're right you're right that is now you got you got to work on it and i just [ __ ] man anything i do just do it please it's right here so humble i'm being dead seriously i know i know but it's good that's your whole point though it's [ __ ] but it's just a comment like that just whatever i do do the [ __ ] yeah why would you do anything different i don't understand why anybody would i'm not even saying this to be arrogant i'm saying it's right here literally just do it it works no you're right you put the clip up two hundred thousand i've been begging you to put clips i think he's learning the lesson no i'm not i'm just saying it just took a while to get there i never liked a while to learn lesson it's like he'd be taking a while man it was taking a while sometimes especially with that kind of [ __ ] if you don't promote this show coming up on thursday i'm going to be tied at you too now what's the show coming up on thursday wow they're brown or the browner show new york comedy club east village location fourth street second avenue you do promote your shows on the podcast that's good yeah but now we're gonna you gotta sell the brand of akash no i'm gonna start i'm stepping up my social the eclipse was like let me at least do it why do you feel bad doing it this is a good time i don't know there's something very like it's it's all in my head but there's something kind of phony about all of the like oh look i'm i'm more pretending i'm more on than i am and there's something about me that never likes doing it i'm always like nah that's whack it's not about being phony it's not about that because you don't mind being phony on stage to me that's like and that's why i love crowd work it's like oh this is and that's what i used to say at a certain point i was like well this is what it is but we talked about this crowd work is the only real moment on stage everything else is you'll do crowd work that's not crowler you'll do like crowd work that you know the direction is going i know the direction it's going and then even then i'm like let me try to just you try to find you try to find the way you're okay with but it's still phony yeah but you find you find your okay i can justify this way of doing it you know what i mean i mean i don't need to justify for me for me yeah but what i'm saying is like if that's not phony to you there's a reason because i don't think the issue is phony i think the issue is insecurity right oh yeah now these other parties you're very vulnerable when you're doing that [ __ ] and especially if i already feel like yo this is kind of phony that's not phone get out of the phony thing you're right but that's in my head phony is the protective thing right i don't want to be vulnerable so i'm going to call it phony because it's like what comics do like when somebody's popping they're like ah that motherfucker's a hacker that [ __ ] was like every shitty com every comic that's broke has called every successful comic a hack yeah that's and that's not like the eclipse was pure i don't want to be vulnerable like what if this [ __ ] ain't good what if it's what if here's the real [ __ ] here's the real [ __ ] i don't know if it's good what if everybody else confirms my deepest fear that is not now we talking that's the real talking you nice no you're right you are nice son you're right akka sing is nice you're right you wanted the nicest bro i appreciate that i don't even like you that much outside of your talent i mean no like obviously i love you like my brother but you're not so much fun that if you weren't talented i would want to be around you that's actually a compliment not taking it i take it i'm so good at comedy and you're so funny at just being funny did i tolerate how wildly boring you are that's a good point too to hang out with like on the road that's a good point that's a good point you know what i mean yeah i'll be going out son you know the reason why i don't take you on the road this is i'll tell you why the reason why no no has nothing to do with that because i know if i take you you're not gonna go be as great as you are oh interesting what you mean you aren't gonna be as great as you can be if if you're on the road with me and we're having a [ __ ] time of our lives and it's just this international tour we're selling out these theaters and all that kind of [ __ ] on some part of you like anybody in that situation would be like yo this is enough we got it we're making money we're living our dream but i know how great you could be and i i can't let you not be that great as your friend i appreciate it who loves you so it's like i've told this to alex [Music] i'm i only say it because i know this is for me to share with the people how great you are to me no no i don't take any of this personally you should take it as the most love yeah the easiest yeah i don't take this as like whatever as negative but i will say this it would bother me opening for you because it would in my mind again confirm that fear that like this is what i am i'm this guy's opener so i would actually probably though everybody's going to be so much pride his ego is astronomical no no but all ego is well hold that hear that hear this all ego based in fear right so that fear is i'm not that good this confirms that i'm not that good yes that's the that's what i'm saying not i got too much pride to be his whatever but there's like this confirms that fear of mine that like oh [ __ ] this is how good i am yes i'm andrew's opener that's just how good i am and that's where it stops and that's why i also never pressed to open for you or whatever because it's like nah that's that's too real that's ego two and ego's all based in fear get rid of that [ __ ] yo it's 100 what i'm working on but it is all based in fear and the fear is just something that's gonna work on it you're facing i'm hey that's the clips the first step we worked on it done first step it's worked on it moving on ready for some tony come here robbins see that tony robbins clapping we outta here maybe i should yo tony bob's got the weirdest clap bro he does this [ __ ] wiggles like he doesn't he has his hands wide open like that he shakes it and like hits it's weird is eddie you getting it up look at look how weird he's [ __ ] out here clapping bro and this guy this guy loki genius is he gay no no no no no he got mad me too oh word yeah you respect him more now so so yeah real time so it's like because masculine and me too is masculine right so no we're getting we're getting on some good [ __ ] we're getting on some good [ __ ] right so eventually and i know this is tough to talk about but the way i dream about these things is everybody that is operating within this umbrella that we're building out that creates their audiences and everybody has their following and then we start doing these massive tours that dave chappelle and joe rogan when they go do shows together right chappelle and rock do shows together and all these different people come together and do shows but and that's just the dream that's the most fun in the whole world that's at the that's at the other but at least the design for me is i needed i n i need you to go out and do it and then you did it you booked your [ __ ] tour yeah do you know what i'm saying but get rid of that [ __ ] ego like open it for me or something like that you know how long i was with charlemagne and like every every single person charlemagne's co-host this stuff the other i said yeah that's yeah it was close awesome you know how awesome it is to be strong it was like i understood everybody is gonna have somebody that is gonna be their leverage point right and if you don't have that that's the problem you're not nice you're not nice nobody sees nothing in you right there's a lot of [ __ ] that won't get that opportunity we got a lot of friends that don't get that opportunity yeah you know what i mean so it's like you take that opportunity and then you lean into it and run with it and then when it's time for you to [ __ ] do your thing you do your thing as well but don't work like i look if you had asked me to open for you i'd have said yes i know are you making this about me not want to do it i still said yes swallow your ego i know but i guess what i'm saying is don't even i i don't even want you to have that tiny little even shred of insecurity about it oh yeah yeah come on bro like you nice bro what i don't want to ask this guy for anything because he's already done so much you can't ask me for anything but that i know you'll do it when you can anyway but whatever you need you could ask that's what i'm saying next year we're doing the special yes yeah what about this this year i'm going on tour working listen i'm tony robbins all right you're not tony robbins why are you not opening up for alex and what's your deal i didn't ask him yet yo man you so nice akash come on bro that's all i'm trying that's all i want to get out but real talk you just the fear you got to like get rid of it i remember uh when i first started going on the road with you and you're like yo you're my guy you gotta like act like you're my guy and so i was afraid to ask the venues like oh is it okay if i put the camera here or is it okay if i can go to the sound now i walk in these [ __ ] venues i'm like where's the sound guy i need a blah blah blah i need this yeah like and it's it's just because it's like all right you know what i do good work and people appreciate it and now i'm feel more confident about the work that i'm doing and it's like [ __ ] that fear [ __ ] we all have it that's human bro yeah but you're here for a reason dog you're not here just because you're my brother and i love you like i want to do shows with you because i think you bring out the funniest version of me that's that's a huge skill you know how many people make you less funny do you know what i'm saying you know how many people you hang around you're like man i feel less funny yeah 100 do i mean i think we all know what we're all thinking about our own lives and ourselves but we're not going to go there you know man we happy everything's happy so you look crazy i think we all yeah i think we got it yeah yeah yeah we're moving but but yeah like i no and that's what putting up the clips has been good and then because it confirmed that you to [ __ ] and you went through this too though the industry even more from me than you like i didn't have an agent until like three months ago so it's like you're just getting no i have to know how to know that that party that's afraid is like oh [ __ ] maybe it's not but then when you put the when you take it to the people like you did and you get love you're like oh okay i was right i actually okay there is funny here yes yeah [ __ ] what are you fixing eddie no all right yes and that's another reason why like you just said why giving it to the people is it it confirms it man at the end of the day we listen if we 100 believe that we were funny a hundred percent we wouldn't do comedy yeah yeah that little insecurity in us is the reason why we write a good [ __ ] joke got a good idea that so that [ __ ] is fuel don't lose that no okay don't lose that like when you hang out when i hang out i'm not gonna name names but when i'm like around some of like the goats like there's some insecurity there that like some of the funniest people you could think of you can feel it and on some level maybe it's like a letdown because you're like you're a superstar the only time i've ever heard you talk is when your perfectly crafted specials were out yeah and then you see them like being normal and like kind of like thinking about something and like saying uncomfortable awkward i think we're thinking about certain people yeah yeah and it's like but then you really go oh [ __ ] that's the super power the thing that's it that's a good point that now it either like we were talking about insecurity is a fire right it either the furnace that heats the whole building up or it's the thing that burns the whole thing down right that's what they said about uh the white guy that played for duke what's that white guy yeah that's what coach k said about christian leighton he's like the fire in him is either the furnace that heats the whole building or it's the fire that burns it down right let that [ __ ] heat the whole building bro yeah you got to keep it in check let it rip let it rip you right what you're yelling so loud yeah i'm yell oh i forgot you got the headphones on my bad my bad everybody at home i just need akash to feel himself today man i need you to feel yourself today man and don't be [ __ ] afraid to ask me for nothing hey who else imma give it to i don't like none of these comics i gotta help them because i love comedy you know what i mean but i know they were all talking mad [ __ ] before before we got [ __ ] moving so hey let me tell you something you right i know in this book and you know what i it's one of the funniest things like i don't care because i understand why this [ __ ] was talked about i gotta forgive you for me not you but for the people who told [ __ ] right yeah it's funny getting texts from people i know you should talk [ __ ] man i love everything you're doing it's so inspiring and they was like my man thanks bro i didn't thanks but thanks brother yeah thank you brother because i don't harbor none of that [ __ ] i don't harbor you know what i mean is what is it why harbor why what does it do no that's that's the perspective of success man [ __ ] all these [ __ ] bro you wanna know some [ __ ] we love everybody all right no love i love everybody okay okay when you see me talk [ __ ] about anybody [ __ ] these guys i don't like none of these i'm sarcastic yeah but like i look man that's all i'm saying we had a [ __ ] we had a cool week had a cool week it's good to be back man it is good to be back good to be back it's good to be back from do you want to talk about japan yes let me tell you something about this [ __ ] place this is the most fascinating and intriguing and sad place on the [ __ ] planet it is you will have the best of multiple things that you've ever had in your entire life there such as i had the best steak i've ever had in my entire life there not even close not even close the best steak i've ever had in my entire life there not even close was it a place that was recommended or you stumbled upon it my shorty was figuring all these things out right we go to this steak place oh they don't talk to each other in japan like nobody talks it's like everybody's by themselves yeah like first of all after you were in japan for a week you completely understand how they were willing to fly the planes into pearl harbor right it's like like people can't wait to die there they can't wait to commit suicide they have multiple side forests son they have the forest they got fly the planes into pearl harbor they have harikari this thing where you cut your stomach open take out all your intestines like they have sun they got all the different type they you know how like jordan colorways that's what they got for suicide son they got tons of them you drop every saturday at 11 a.m that's the new [ __ ] that's the new [ __ ] right jump in front of the subway love coming to suicide right they love it it's their favorite thing right it is a wild place son we were at this steak sup steak spot right the guy cuts uh um i don't know one of these vegetables um zucchini garlic okay you know that one it's a veg it's like kind of a vegetable i don't even think you can eat it like that but it's more like a spice or something right yeah but it's a vegetable like when it's in its entirety y'all know what i'm talking about or no yo real talk yeah is that a vegetable yeah it's a vegetable i'm pretty sure my man took it out right started chopping that [ __ ] up right and it's a flat table like this but it's made out of metal it's like a grill but it's not a grill it's like where they put the hamburgers at at mcdonald's you know i'm talking about the flat stainless steel counter stainless steel hot put some oil down cuts the garlic real thin he starts making chips out of the garlic right takes his beef kobe beef wagyu kobe kobe beef they let the cows listen to classical music they like feed the cow's beard they [ __ ] i think they jerk them off i just made that up son they massage them son they do crazy [ __ ] to these cows dude hindus would really love this up until the end really into that [ __ ] up until about up until they pulled out that [ __ ] machete we'd be like what's going on now wait a minute that's where they probably got it from right the buddhism got there from india yeah right and it was like by the time they got there like [ __ ] we hungry so i ain't gonna meditate all day and not have a burger after this [ __ ] i've been thinking about this burger oh [ __ ] give me some garlic chips so they you take the garlic chip you take a little wasabi they they teach you how to have every bite right everything's like a little wasabi garlic chip on top you take that it is the best steak you've had it's butter right it is butter okay best steak i've ever had you ready for this one i couldn't i didn't even have the heart to admit it but i'll [ __ ] say it right now you ready best pizza i've ever had oh my god [Laughter] real talk let's go okay look look no [ __ ] it was bare minimum top three and i'm only saying it because they're asian and i can't fathom that they could make a pizza good i i can't fathom if it was an italian making that pizza i'd go you made the best pizza i've ever had in my entire life on fam am i wondering why this is so good yeah you gotta you gotta come on okay here we go okay we're going to get into we're going to get into it we're going to get into it through the experience of eating the pizza okay let me tell you your shorty suggest pizza what's your first time shorty suggest first of all sheena suggested i suggested because i haven't done eating fish i ain't going to eat another fish in my entire life okay okay if you think that americans are the reason why there's no more fish in the sea go to japan they eating all the fish everything is fish breakfast fish two different types of fish that's that's no lunch fish dinner fish all they're eating is fish it's constant that's that's why they want to kill themselves real talk also it's redundancy you know what i'm saying it's like you eat fish i want to kill myself if i had to eat another fish oh they want to kill themselves because mercury poisoning i don't know what that means but mercury's in the fish and if you know mercury's in a thermometer stupid yeah what are you talking about that's where they get the mercury from the thermometers from fish not the other way around fish aren't supposed to have mercury but the water is polluted so they get mercury in them yeah and then they get we're not recycling thermometers i don't know the fish are eating a thermometer that's a good question can you look up how do how does mercury get in the ocean and then that ship should bring three more poisoning makes you go crazy all right well that must be it anyway bro i think you might have solved it fish fish amazing okay obviously don't worry about this heading close it because it's too distracting we're going to get there you just look at it at yourself and when we come back to you for that information then you can talk okay [ __ ] dumbass stupid [ __ ] man fat [ __ ] that's my that's my new [ __ ] i'm gonna call him fat we haven't done that yet he's never once commented on his voice i know but now you're gonna get commented on you like a boy's huskies [ __ ] look like a mexican toadstool [Laughter] every time you walk in a room here [Laughter] [Music] in your frog over here isn't that the [ __ ] this [ __ ] from mario kart at the beginning of every hour [Laughter] oh [ __ ] she's a fat mouth [ __ ] stupid fat [ __ ] look look look hey yeah yeah what you can't say nothing can you [ __ ] budweiser frog over here you gotta have some come back now you're stressed right you thinking he's just typing random [ __ ] into the computer yeah we went into his dj posture you saw that [ __ ] he put his [ __ ] ear on his shoulder you went like this you had your ear in your shoulder look back to these japaneses okay i had the best sushi i had in my life right obviously not jira i got a bone to pick with this [ __ ] let me tell you something about jiro okay we should have taken that guy out in world war ii okay we missed with jiro this fraud okay listen for those of you guys who don't know what i'm talking about i already spoke about on the podcast i dream of jiro dreams of sushi yeah is the name of the thing it's a netflix documentary he's not dreaming of sushi let me tell you that much okay he dreaming of something else i was so excited to go to this [ __ ] dinner i was geeked for you son do you know i bought a suit so keep in mind that keep in mind the dinner is a thousand dollars me and my shorty right i buy a suit five hundred each a thousand each okay thousand that's crazy son [Laughter] wait till you hear about this dinner like an angry kramer right now ready here we go thousand dollar dinner right pre-booked we get it i'm so [ __ ] hyped yeah we start looking up the right way to eat the food how to operate in the gym okay you gotta wear a suit okay boom i gotta wear a suit i go buy a [ __ ] suit right i buy they even have sizes for you in japan yeah i bought it in america okay i was prepared i brought the suit over there i brought a new pair of shoes i bought the belt i bought the shirt i spent a thousand dollars on the suit the whole thing i'm 2 000 deep for jiro okay we go to jira right we're running late the [ __ ] is in the subway you can't even find it you got to go through some back entrances like you're trying to get into a nightclub in the 80s like some real crazy [ __ ] we running mad late shorty got on heels and [ __ ] she's you're rushing too we should go this and i developed a cool way to tell her to shut up without saying shut up i just go but shut up is like aggressive but if you pop they don't really know what to do it just stops they look bad it's good okay these are very principled formal people okay i pull up in i pull up in i pull up and i pull up in okay we finally get there three minutes to spare we sit down thank god we got it okay would you like me to take your jacket the girl at the door says i ain't even get the show jiro i didn't get to show him my blazer yet you know what i mean but i reluctantly give the double breasted so jerome never saw a double breaster we sit down ready for sushi keep in mind i know some of you look at me right now like i don't know sushi at all i'm some white [ __ ] i don't understand these things but you know what i did that day i went to the fish market from jiro dreams of sushi oh yeah that morning 6 a.m and you know i did immediately after i saw the fresh tuna get caught i went to one of the restaurants at the old fish market that has the fresh tuna and i had sushi for breakfast i had the best sushi i ever had in my entire life that morning that morning the recommendation from our homeboy tao that came to the pocket oh yeah yeah when i tell you this sushi was incredible you never had it in your entire life and there's something different than for with tuna than everything else the fish tuna is like that steak butter it is butter on rice you never experienced tuna like the tuna we have here and the salmon you know how they're like almost interchangeable yeah tuna is so unique in texture and flavor from every other fish that you try you see why they're obsessed with it i had the best sushi i ever had in my entire life i doubled down i ordered another round and i heard the japanese guy i heard that was japanese honestly japanese that's italian the weirdest language bro i'm telling you it's listen of course you think that you always think about that right but it's it's more melodic grand that's where you stayed son i don't speak no japanese yes i don't speak no japanese but i heard little words you basically just say condiments condiments honey mustard you walk into the restaurant i don't know what they're saying but they're like honey mustard ketchup honey you just say condiments they just screaming condiments they understand it i don't know what's going on oh my god i tried a sushi that morning i tried to sushi that morning i prepared myself a sushi i took a nap son i wasn't about to go to gero tire i took a nap i put on his suit pressed i had that [ __ ] hanging for three days put it in the shower i put the shirt in the shower to get the wrinkles yeah all right bro it's i sit down no jacket i sit down i look up i see jira i'm like wow he looks great still and then i realized oh [ __ ] it was actually his son that's a problem now the son who was in the documentary i'm like oh my he's aged but this is still awesome that i at least get the son because jira's 94 years old i was worried he wasn't even going to be there so i was like boom we got the sun from the documentary we're good i look to his left and there's jira word jiro and his son i got the double whammy oh you're hyped i'm [ __ ] hyped can we get you something to drink green tea i know better i looked at the rules don't order alcohol is disrespect i sit down shorty sits down green tea green tea right there piping hot piping hot well you're even more excited i'm so excited but it was so hot oh gosh i tried to drink i had to put it back down let it cool off i had to let it cool off it was so piping hot it was piping bro was it bro sonic was piping right we we get the first piece of sushi right i put it in my mouth i take two bites i almost threw up on jiro's son i almost threw up on jiro's son the wasabi started to crawl down my nose okay the wasabi is crawling down my nose i'm trying to hold it in and then i realize if i don't suck this back i'm going to throw up all over jiro's son so i go [Music] [Laughter] i suck all the horseradish or whatever the wasabi made out of back up into my nose i'm like okay maybe that's expanding our palate he's just setting the tone right take another sip piping hot [ __ ] green tea boiling hot green tea point it down next piece of sushi comes right away it's once you're in there you're [ __ ] in there it's on conveyor belt take it we don't use chopsticks we red you use your fingers second piece of sushi more wasabi [Laughter] when i tell you i almost left the restaurant to throw up i'm being a hundred percent honest with you keep in mind i had fresh sushi from the fish market this morning no issue this is something specific to giro two pieces in almost threw up take another sip of the green tea boiling hot s just molten lava just my whole mouth is burned my tongue is burned everything's burnt but you know what i'm actually grateful because now i can taste the wasabi less that my whole mouth is burnt right a guy comes up he starts about to pour more green tea into my cup right green tea i go i go no no no thank you no thank you he looks at me in front of my shorty in front of jiro in front of giro jr he goes oh it's a free i just paid a thousand dollars you think i can't afford whatever the [ __ ] the cost of a little extra green tea would be to say that to me was mind-boggling mind-boggling no i want to cool down they don't understand anything out there nobody speaks english in japan go through the rest of the sushi 10 of them were edible the other 10 horrific horrific inedible you couldn't eat it like even if you could eat with wasabi just didn't taste good did she like it hated it really hated it headaches so what i don't understand is each piece was just covered with wasabi i thought like if they hit it underneath i don't know what happened dude i honestly i don't listen i wasn't around for pearl harbor i promise you it was not as bad as what i had on behalf of the japanese on behalf of the japanese like as i'm eating this i'm like internment camps yes round them up put them in the like why do you let this is poison you're poisoning a human being here son a thousand dollars they just give the suicide bombers wasabis so they'd rather crash a plane in a heartbeat dude i could dude i could not [ __ ] believe it bro had tal been did you have you heard from other people that's not that great uh we go to a bar right afterwards it's called barcode high five where they just make a cocktail for you based on what you like you just tell them a few things and they just potion up a cocktail it's really impressive and the first thing we said was yeah we just came from giro and the guy goes didn't like it huh wow everybody that goes there afterwards says the same thing it's a [ __ ] marketing ploy don't go don't waste your money the best sushi you'll have is in tokyo and you can walk into any sushi restaurant and get it don't waste your money on that [ __ ] [ __ ] thousand dollars it's just so funny how hyped you were to see this i was star struck i was looking at his hands he has beautiful hands they both have such beautiful hands what's beautiful about them the only part of their body that doesn't age the japanese or does those two those two and maybe they'd be rubbing them in the wasabi no sun it's not the wasabi it's the rice there's a yeast they use in the rice that this uh that this like uh makeup company uses to make pro sk2 is the name of the company have you guys heard of this company ask your girl about i guarantee that she knows and they use the same property to like make your skin that age and i swear to god this [ __ ] was magic i'm looking at two guys jiro's 94. his son looks [ __ ] 84. they look old as [ __ ] their hands look 19. 19 immaculate wow watch you're gonna have everybody just throwing rice on their faces real talk man that's probably what they put in hennessy barbecue rings or whatever i'm just saying that's why y'all aged so good consuming all the hennessy buffalo wings wait so what's the best pizza though oh yeah you didn't finish that one pizza strata but what makes it so good bro you don't even even read so i guess you have to understand you have to understand and that's reasonable what the japanese do is they're craftsman they just perfect anything anything that happens they just perfect like breakdancing sun break dancing um uh what's it called suicide subways cleanliness ice cream like it don't matter they're just gonna find a way to perfect it they just stick because that's their only outlet they got no more outlets son it you we got yelled at in a bar my shorty knife for kissing wow you could smoke cigarettes in a bar you could smoke cigarettes in a bar you could blow cancer into someone's face but if you're kissing a girl please stop it the guy ran over the bartender ran over oh no no no no that's wild his affectionless culture everything about the culture is commodifies and transactionized right so it's like i feel like i want some affection i want to cuddle will you go to this cuddle bar i just want to talk to a girl you'll go to this bar where girls come over and they talk to you i want to come now you'll go to this massage place where they jerk you off and then you'll come son it is it's it seems like it's great but it's a completely inorganic form of living oh yeah right it's unnatural yeah nobody thinks the japanese are organic people it is mind-boggling but they create this perfection you know so it's like one of these this is what it is japan is like the greatest hot dog you've ever had or the greatest sausage greatest piece of chorizo you've ever had right in that it's so amazing but you don't want to know what went into it you know what i'm saying like the ingredients are like yeah like you don't want to know the ingredients of a culture that creates these perfectionists right right right you don't want to know what it takes to get to there right like oh dude it was i mean like dude there's crazy [ __ ] about the culture like it's the only culture in the whole world where a wife can sue her husband's lover oh that's dope so if if if you're cheating yeah your wife can sue the woman you're cheating with yeah but what can she do to you i mean she could take half of your [ __ ] too oh wow or whatever it is but like think about it at first you're like that's crazy but 10 brilliant it's genius brilliant they figured out how to cut down on cheating yeah don't punish the husband keep these hoes away from them keep these hoes away i've been saying that for years what's that just keep the hose away man there it is hoes be [ __ ] [ __ ] up son but what a g so now these hoes are like how badly do i want this dick do i want this dick so badly i'll pay for it that's what i'm saying that's a brilliant idea look there's no doubt that they're genius about [ __ ] but there are problems like when i start feeling bad for women then you know i rarely feel bad for these hoes but then there were times there where i was like yo give me an example first of all there's zero like they are the leaders in fashion for men right women dress like they're in a little house on a prairie these [ __ ] are in stockings like hasidic jews acidic juice like every store better ass looking ass [ __ ] less yes making [ __ ] wicker baskets like literally really no fashion at all for the chicks it's trash i watched crazy rich asians and it was getting kind of flying that was singapore son yeah singapore chinese yeah i mean they're a little different with it they're a little different with it these dudes is like the women are v they said there's a statistic said one percent of japanese women have orgasms that seems kind of high don't it that's a lot that's some giving ass dudes i was like that's about accurate all right god damn these guys be working [ __ ] so look maybe all i'm saying is like like they're mad the balance [ __ ] like event like chill out with that stuff how many times we gonna bow bro like like one is like japanese you would be all hunched over when they get old they just didn't balance that was too much so [ __ ] you up oh you have to keep balling it's not just one battle when you i cut that [ __ ] off eventually i i hit him with that like i would give him a little you know but he just bop it son when the like the service people in the service industry how do i say this i'm not trying to say japanese people are like squirrels but like they you know how like squirrels are like that's how they are that's how japanese people are like you're like excuse me or something like that or you tell the cab driver uh sir we're actually going to oh god yeah yo i'm telling they freak out like i see one calm chilling like if you think about it think about their culture right it's either work 17 hours tokyo go crazy or what's the opposite is calm water flowing taoist monk that's japan they know they need that [ __ ] it's one of the other but they need it bro ah dude and then kyoto don't ever go to kyoto what's kyoto kyoto is the biggest piece of horse [ __ ] in the entire world don't ever go i never even heard it kyoto is a city a couple hours away from tokyo and it's basically like westerners the way we think of japanese people we think they're like walking around in kimonos with [ __ ] samurai swords and [ __ ] so that's so when we go to tokyo and we don't see that we're like what the [ __ ] is this i would have been disappointed right so you want to see a [ __ ] in a kimono right with the sandals and like walk wobbling and [ __ ] like the paper houses yeah so like with the rice paper doors and [ __ ] yeah so the closest city that's got that is kyoto and everybody's like oh my god it's so awesome but it's no different than like when tourists come to america and they they like think we're all cowboys yeah so like they're like oh finally we saw a mayor you go to san antonio we saw america it's like what ain't america like it's cowboys they're not even really around anymore yeah that's kyota so don't go there anyway that's i look that's it we don't have to talk about japan anymore fascinating place go check it out it is a fascinating place go check it out you get material out of it i don't know i really at this point i'm not exactly sure you got to wrap your mind around i have to something good will come from that though yes there is something good it just needs some time i need a process sometime i did think of one joke about how nothing to do with japan just my shorty having her period and uh i think i can tell you in a relationship by the way you hit period yeah i just slapped that please she was real son you've been through it son you know what because i was we were watching harry potter right i was just doing anything to calm her down it was like grab me tight [Laughter] sure whenever she that [ __ ] don't work on the menstrual cycles right so i'm trying to calm her down probably wasn't supposed to have a period for another week and she was like i had enough of this so it's even before the period of starts oh pms is before the period says they're going to be upset how many days y'all want to be upset a week with a period then before the period and sometimes after that's the whole month did you just say i'll start falling no i guess i never really listened to them or something like that prior or i never put together but bro i remember mtv woman jocelyn jacob she told me that she was like oh the week before the period i didn't know that either i was like the week before she's like yeah and the week of and sometimes the week after and then she goes you basically get about one good week out of us and that week ain't all that great to be honest son i'm watching harry potter and the gobbler assumption right goblet or something i don't know what it is we're watching this stupid ass [ __ ] movie this this harry potter should everybody love so much this [ __ ] is so dumb said i love it i'm reading the books right now and jordan peterson talked about it on rogan which blew my mind you're reading the books now yeah you could be more gay son son this house thought he was on his period so she got in the book so she was like yo read them just calm down son here's how gab i made a view of my girl that if she read rich dad poor dad i'll read harry potters oh she's spending all your money oh we we [Laughter] yo i told you i was gonna do a bit about this we were in amsterdam oh you know this girl spent your money we started giving her finance books going through finances so it's like let's figure this out if we're going to buy houses and [ __ ] we need to do this right but i will say this i made fun of her for this and i told her it's going to go into a bit somehow but you know you pay for your [ __ ] internationally right and my girl and i have been internationally probably every year we've been together at least once and i asked her to i gave her my card i was like yo can you pay for this i got to do this thing and the way she looked at the credit card machine was like she was looking at a [ __ ] like like a [ __ ] x-ray machine or something she was just like i don't where does the card go like she was trying to do nuclear fission trying to pay for one thing and i was like we eating at least 100 meals and this lets me know you haven't paid for a single [ __ ] one of them damn sorry damn she was looking at that [ __ ] like what what is it i don't know they don't know i don't know and then they get on that period bro and you know what's funny i was planning on a period coming and i was like yo let me ask you something i was like yo let me just ask you something like i know when girls get on their period right because when you're on vacation you got no respite oh it's yes y'all too exactly you're gonna fight exac yeah so it's like when you're on vacation it's you guys the whole day so you could you could bottle up that period for like two hours to hang out with me but it cannot be bottled for 24 hours the period is gonna leak right akash so so i knew it was coming so i i go like this i was like yo let me ask you something like [Laughter] i'm like let me ask you some [ __ ] yeah i was like so like it's a crazy thing on your period when like it's you know affects you emotionally you're you know like a woman's ability to like you know make decisions and [ __ ] right so so i go i go check it so i go i'm already laughing i go i go i'll go so like let me just ask you like when you're going through your period and i feel like you're making decisions that are motivated by your period do you want me to like bring that up like what's the best way for me to say like this is a menstrual decision this is not a you decision right like what's the best way like give me the best way to say that right so so here's me thinking here's me take it i mean i'm like yo you just tell me like you tell me what you want me to say to you when you're on your period and you think you see it playing outside differently in your mind because it's like i think he's gonna get met with like oh i'll tell you what to say i've had this conversation with my brother before like i'm like yo i'm like yo when somebody when you feel this when you feel the you know what i mean when you feel the crazy coming on like how do you want me to let you know like how you want me to let you know i'm sensing it so i could tell you and we could go figure this out we got a comic friend who's bipolar we tell him banana split whenever we're worried that it is happening yeah right you need a crazy safe word i tried i was like you wanted to hear it safe i want a period safe and i was like yo i was like yo all right boom what now that you're seeing you know what i mean is it he's definitely not with the mcdonald's definitely definitely not definitely not you can't hear about it i'm hating this okay dying so so i'm like how do you want you know and then she tells me no just you don't have to say you're doing this because but you can bring it up as a suggestion and i listen to that yeah because it was before the period they're logical beings before the period right so we're watching this nah son now mine is logical smart like on you know what i mean shorties you got it the [ __ ] goblet movie is on right and in the goblet movie one of the teachers is a werewolf and when the full moon comes every 28 days every 28 days on the full moon right every month every literal lunar calendar the full moon comes and then the teacher uncontrollably turns into a savage werewolf that cannot be reasoned with at all a monster if you're a monster if you will and i'm like this [ __ ] ain't about wolves this is about wombs [Laughter] this about periods the whole time about wounds wombs oh my god son the werewolf is the period the whole time they made it about men so that women wouldn't know that we're talking about them that's good but in reality it's really always been about limited periods and that's the only thing funny to happen that's great though in japan that's a great bit there could be something funny to it but bro oh son you know how crazy to have that conversation when you're in a fight and you're like yo you realize this not a fight tomorrow when you're the moon is not full jesus christ akash yo y'all didn't know schultz in a relationship he be having relationship material dog this is funny nah he's nah he's this is much more like handling it like much better and all that but he'd be having material about it well yesterday i saw him and i mean that's can i say one thing can i say one thing though this is how smart this [ __ ] shorty is right we in this fight right and you know how the fight always becomes some other [ __ ] though oh yeah right and i got certain things that like are like no goals for me like you can't talk about career i'm being busy or none of this kind of [ __ ] i'm traveling none of those things that stress me out we don't even discuss those things and she started and she starts going like i understand that but you know there's certain times where you know when you feel insecure certain things are a little bit more volatile than they are when you're not feeling insecure and you're feeling valid very valid and completely so like in those moments what is the best way to just articulate my feelings so i could get the validation that i need to feel good and i realize this chick is getting me to agree to a way for her to complain [Music] this is [ __ ] [ __ ] as soon as you said i was like she got you holy [ __ ] so here i am explaining to her how to complain to you complain to me she's good i like this i like her she's good that's good it's good though because she otherwise you're just gonna listen i'm gonna be honest if you don't give her that it's just gonna build good and yeah build it stop it build the walls it's good till it blows up son what that would talk but yeah no [ __ ] that [ __ ] builds let me tell you something if you if you're not with a white girl ain't no building that [ __ ] is all floods get you a brown shorty and it's all floods so i saw him yesterday and i was like yo i was like oh how's the trip he was like he was like oh yeah japan was good i was like no no like he went away we showed you for the first time how was the trip you're gonna fight yeah like i'm not gonna lie it was the best trip i've ever taken my life i mean that 100 percent it was by far the best trip i've ever taken yeah yeah 100 that's good it was it was like it was a mind-blowing experience in a lot of ways japan was unreal and i mean that sincerely and she did all the [ __ ] i don't want to do like she like found the cool restaurants the cool places i don't want to do that i'm not trying to be yo and also like she's young you want to do it but you don't want to book i want to google it you want to do you don't want to go through it son that's something i really you need the person you're with gotta like doing the [ __ ] you hate doing that's your teammate that's how it's boom yeah you know what i mean is god they got you y'all can't bro so figured out all the [ __ ] knows the the the the dress to show to the taxi driver so i don't gotta [ __ ] eden shut your fat ass up on your phones was that your gums it's my knees [Laughter] japanese people eat on their knees too all right listen is there is there anything else are we just having a venting day is that is that what's going on man good for you no if you travel you're gonna fight it's like you said even living together you go to work you have breaks when you travel together it's you yeah it's he yeah we did good bro we had one it was just one the whole time last day hey me and mine same last it's almost like y'all need to get it out so we gonna go the whole time i ain't gonna get my money's work oh alex cannot wait to contribute right now i'm waiting to see about this call let me see but oh [ __ ] i forgot we got advertisements oh let's get let's do these mids we gotta get these mid rolls while you look at that up do you guys run the red light uh what's that [ __ ] a girl in a parrot um so you know what man there's a grace period yes oh okay right out of here so that is really the way to combat pms dead ass cause they be hornier too when they talk too much just whip them down just whip your dick up that's it they shut up she seems to have a [ __ ] i don't know if you ever did it if it was just a premise but he said something like they say women are horny in their periods and they get hornier as they age isn't it ironic that the times they're horny are just the times we don't want to [ __ ] them oh yeah yeah yeah yeah are they horny or do we just not want to [ __ ] them so they want to [ __ ] yeah it's like now you know what it's like to be a guy you want to have sex all the time when nobody wants to [ __ ] you all the time oh man yeah there's a yeah okay that's good that's a good thing sun works every time yeah but then you gotta you know have sex in the winter yeah it's um it is a it is a thing that period is a [ __ ] thing man it is yeah you just do it in the bed you'll do it right in the bed huh after after shower and makeup why not just do it in the shower nah that's dangerous like you used to slip yeah yeah bruh you kind of break both your hips yeah you're crazy for that one bro yeah really you got your [ __ ] interrupts come on the floor like you crazy right bro i didn't even think about it slippery went nutty i'm so old i want to get like one of those things in the shower so you don't slip just for me oh that little match for the longest it's like 16. [Laughter] being black too dangerous to take other chances i slept one time yeah i would never do that [ __ ] again y'all yo y'all oh my god oh my god we could just insert the ads at the end they're going to think we just edited that now it's me trying to figure out how i'm not proud of myself because i [ __ ] a lot for how old i am okay like i don't like [ __ ] all the time okay but i knew when i was on i'm on the vacay yeah yeah i mean it's just me and shorty yeah she's gonna expect some dick yeah so i was trying to ration i actually didn't even mind jiro i just pretended to be angry just so we didn't have to [ __ ] that [ __ ] this babe i'm going to bed i can't be up right now mouth all hot from wasabi kids who love it oh my god no [ __ ] um but in all in all seriousness man it's like [ __ ] coming in birkenstocks i'm like oh man oh man he likes this one did i tell him did i tell the story about what we're gonna do to mark yes so funny you didn't tell him you told me say it out here cause then he's gonna you're not gonna listen to this no you're not gonna listen we'll tell the flagrant fans so they know dwight i saw them white ones though i ain't wearing them [ __ ] yeah they're fire son he got got me white birkenstocks i guess my black skin i'm gonna look like [ __ ] that's gonna look hot dog that's gonna look hot you buy off whites all the time you gotta all white off whites your girls are white since when you don't like all white [ __ ] [Laughter] like meatballs alex is going through it huh well going through it you going through it or what real talk [Laughter] okay no we're gonna do all that then we'll do all that what do it now nah there's more work for people i know but it's just a little all right let's take a break for a second we got some bills to pay guys if you're listening to this right now that means the podcast is available on audio mac audio mac is the free music and podcast streaming app that lets you stream and download the hottest albums mixtapes songs playlists and podcasts along with audio mac exclusives discover the best new songs by browsing the training page you know how i feel about curation i feel like the game is curation now there's so much [ __ ] out there in the world that we need curators to come together and weed the [ __ ] audio mac does that for you okay check out the library of carefully curated playlists there's one for every mood you're in and take your favorite songs and podcast offline to save your data and listen wherever you are audio mag is here to move music forward available now on the app store in google play it's audio mac a-u-d-i-o-m give it a try see if you like it and also share your feedback with us you know we love that um you know if it's something that you really like and you really believe in and y'all support we keep rocking with it and if you guys come back and you say you didn't like it we don't as simple as that you know it's it's that simple we're not going to take on ads that we haven't tried we don't we don't support we we [ __ ] with these things that we promote here but we want to make sure that y'all having that experience as well um this episode is also brought to you by my favorite type of chew is blue chew let's let's let me tell you something let me tell you something you sprinkle a little blue chew this is the game changer right here you brushing your teeth before you go into bed okay it's what you do you put that toothpaste on crumble up that chew sprinkle it on that toothpaste start brushing those teeth brush your teeth for a good 10 minutes that's 10 minutes of working it in okay after you brush your teeth you do your bedtime ritual you put some lotion on you what puts your face that's another three to four minutes now you're not waiting around for the 20 for it to kick in by the way guys blue chew is going to give you the best bone of your [ __ ] life you satisfy the [ __ ] out of your girl if you don't know this already you crazy this is one of the best longest running sponsors of this podcast but i'm telling you this new way when you put that blue chewing that colgate when you put that blue chew in that colgate son you've done this i did this when i was in top mom [Laughter] yo when she was on el video no no no no no you can't bust that down [Laughter] nah nah nah she caught that on the plane bro she got that she got that on a plane but real talk about the business in business class no no no [Music] so all i'm saying is bro that [ __ ] blue chew dog that little sprinkle little i put some sprinkles bro i put a little bit of sprinkle i put that sprinkle hey bro it's sprinkled on there dog dog that's brush them up i don't spit out i don't spit out the tooth that's wild take it down take it down this is why i was i've been shaking my head no the whole time because i'm like you're not even consuming it you just brushed your teeth and washed it out got it why don't you just take the pills say what just take your nose like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i don't know dog i really don't know you know what it tastes fine can i be honest with y'all can i be honest with you it's good right i don't like it i don't i don't know okay if this is just me being a candid can i be candid let me be candid honey mustard i put that [ __ ] on the [ __ ] you know what it is because it pill cr crushed a little bit yeah it crushed a little bit because it was in in travel i was in travel transit or whatever and so i took it out and i was like what do i do with this little crust and i had put that colgate on the toothbrush beautiful like in the commercial you know that little swoosh i had that swoop son and i had the swoop almost act like a little spoon that little swoop yeah excuse me excuse that little scoop right you might need a little scoop so i put that i put that honey mustache i put that honey musta i put that blue chew on there honey mustard son gutted that colgate gang gang bro it's not even a bang bang bang bang gang gang akash it's not even a game dude it's not even a [ __ ] i need bluetooth you'd be hogging it all yo my bad son you're right son i'm gonna give you some shoes that's on me that's on me that's my bag you need one too no uh shout out to the [ __ ] keep up to me at one of my gigs pulled out of blue she was like yo bro you down for it right now i was like i was really hoping he wasn't trying to [ __ ] me women he came he asked that's right you came out to share a blue chew he wanted to share a blue chew with me it's like gay ecstasy apparently just offering you a shout out to him was he straight i think he was mad lit he was very drunk and he was like he was just trying to relate connect with you he didn't realize how awkward that that that way in the future son just throw an [ __ ] up chuck the [ __ ] up which is all you need to do because sharon blew two with your boy that's a little bit odd i don't know what y'all gonna do when that happens i don't know that ain't got proposition just yeah he don't even know it i didn't think you were a good dj until right now yep like when a [ __ ] comes up to you when your dj is so nice that a guy doesn't want to just give you regular dick [Laughter] he wants to chew you out bro you know how nice you got to be a djinn bro what did we say your dj name was dj obese what would we say your dj name was i don't know stay in my lane yeah that was funny we were doing that [ __ ] yeah we bullying editing bro i love you though all right son real talk bluechew.com okay you go to bluechew.com bluechew.com you use the offer code flagrant okay you're gonna get it free free sample you pay five dollars shipping free best bonus of your [ __ ] life show your girl the night of her life impress a girl you haven't slept with come through with the [ __ ] hammer i'm not playing around we've been killing it with this partnership the [ __ ] army and bluetooth has had a partnership and we've been [ __ ] murdering it so go out there go chew somebody out if you're a girl get your mana to you out you deserve it you part of the [ __ ] army you keeping it tight let him make it loose simple as that simple as that get out there live your best life bluetooth.com overcoat flagrant make it happen let's get back to the show yo uh we got some shows coming up akash why don't you start it up yo first of all this thursday that's two days from today me and my homies the brownish comics are at new york comedy club on 85 east 4th street 8 p.m show come through it's hysterical also i'm going to be on tour the big desi energy tour bde in the building uh we're going to houston september 6th the secret group at 8pm uh september 7th we're in austin at the fallout theater at 7. we're back there the next day at 8 30 september 13th we have two shows at piano fight in san francisco 8 o'clock and 10 30. the 19th i'm in la at the comedy store belly room they have apparently switched their ticket service so no matter how much i harass them they aren't putting their tickets online but we're gonna figure this out uh the 20th we're in portland at curious comedy at 7 30 p.m october 11th minneapolis sisyphus brewing two shows eight and ten thirty come through i'm nice get there son he's nice yo don't play around [ __ ] with your boy akash all right um guys uh surprise pop-up show uh today this is coming up today at new york comedy club schultz and friends um come by tomorrow what do you do you want to come you do anything tomorrow i got a few shows yeah and you're counting what time uh 9 15 is the time to show put me on that show we're at um new york comedy club which one oh uh gramercy i might be there anyway i got like a 8 40 spot there no no that's that's the show before okay yeah yeah um so you're okay so um so yeah that's that's gonna happen that surprise so usually i don't talk about the shows i'm doing in the city unless it's like a big headline show but there might be some tickets left for this one if you hear this in the morning and you're in new york city and you want to pull up pull up holla at your boys um it's going to be a fun lineup very fun lineup then uh we got washington d.c this thursday through sunday we added uh another show thursday night it's been crazy man six shows sold out we had a seventh show thursday night that looks like that's going to sell out soon so get there real quick get those tickets dc improv then chicago early show sold out we're doing a late show as well thalia hall theater beautiful theater we got a few tickets left for that go get that one sell that real quick moscow and then we got um australia man the australia show sydney the sydney shows sold out so we started releasing more tickets turns out the venue has more tickets more seats available so they added some seats to it thank you all so much man they didn't even expect you guys to sell it out so we added those seats those tickets are available right now on the theatre shows.com website links for that and then we're going to be in adelaide perth brisbane uh sydney melbourne uh go check that out man get those shows and then they're more shows at the andrews.com very excited about some new cities that we added to the show list go check that out we will see you soon peace let's get back to the show okay uh and shut the [ __ ] up dog what's so funny all right yo real talk this is this is an interesting thing that happened to me this week i've had a very interesting interesting week um but when i was in japan i'm at this clothing store and it's doing a clothing store we're talking i got some [ __ ] and he was like uh you know yo i know some parties out here he didn't say like that i don't know how he [ __ ] said it but he basically alluded to having some parties out here he's like let me find you on instagram and i'll do it i go to type my name on instagram and nothing pops up that's weird every time that's happened my name is popped up it's weird right yeah i'm like oh maybe it's a japan thing dog maybe it's just japan i scroll down further after typing my whole name in it and when i type my name with a space andrew space schultz i don't pop up at all i'm like what the [ __ ] all these other people named andrew schultz andrew schultz spelled wrong andrew schultz spell with a e at the end all these different types of andrew schultz but my name don't pop up i'm verified i got 300 000 followers or whatever i'm like this weird i type my actual name my uh whatever instagram name my name that [ __ ] pops up right but it pops up below the scroll yeah right so if you go on instagram window of names pops up and you gotta scroll down on the window to find you yes right below it i'm like that's convenient yeah that's convenient that my name doesn't pop up when you first put it but you would have to scroll down to find it because who would ever scroll down i was like that's something weird then i got people starting to tell me that they can't find me on instagram i got people trying to tell me they can't add comments to my stories and i'm like what the [ __ ] is going on i asked about it and apparently i got shadow banned shadow band is instagram's way of saying hey behave you did something that apparently users didn't like so we're going to punish you you've been a bad boy right people like when you told a company line now i'm not going to say i'm not going to say that this is related all i'm saying is i find it convenient that the week that the week that like you know the most famous rapper is dming me the week that kevin hart repeats the eddie murphy take i had about the pay-per-view verbatim verbatim and he didn't say it as if it was his he was like someone was saying oh he said that yeah he's like someone was saying someone was saying about him i would hate him no no no he didn't he said someone he didn't know who i was but that's fine but like i find it coincidental that the second i start reaching the top of the biz i get a little spanking because [ __ ] are on instagram every single day shouting hate speech lighting [ __ ] crosses on fire doing racist [ __ ] alt-right [ __ ] anti-semitic [ __ ] like people just screaming that that route violin violin right push fighting women you know what i mean like there's crazy [ __ ] on instagram every single day not shadow man but also i'm shadow man and i think it is a combination of an opinion that they might not like and influence they'll let uninfluential people say whatever yeah you start to show some influence they're like oh we are quiet that [ __ ] yo be careful chill the [ __ ] out i go okay that's fine hopefully this shadow man gets lifted if you all know anything how to do it someone said it might take a couple weeks i don't know if you guys know anything about it please let me know it'd be nice to get rid of it that being said i i instagram about it you guys had my back everybody was reposting stories this kind of [ __ ] i might be the only person that during a shadow man increased followers all of a sudden i start to realize this is not the first time it's gonna happen i've been waiting for this eventually we're gonna reach a certain level of of notoriety or influence where they're going to try to clip our wings right and the only way to navigate that the only way where we can maintain the flagrancy and maintain our our real estate in this market and what we're doing is if we have direct connection to you guys listen to the podcast has to be direct so i hit up akash i'm like akash we need to get an email list going right now akash sets up this email list you can get the link for it on the twitter the flagrant 2 army twitter it's flagrant 2 army or our flagrant to instagram it will be in both of the bios right here we'll also both tweet it out and instagram story it but basically the only way to protect the relationship we has have is if we have direct connection because at any point in time instagram could be like buy schultz buy akash buy flagrant two at any point in time apple or one of these companies could say oh you can't do that podcast anymore you guys say it's just wild [ __ ] we are at their mercy right now and the only way that we can maintain the relationship of what we have going is if we have direct connection this is not for us today i say something else i thought that yeah it scared me of the guy who was homeless eight months ago before we started it patreon could say immediately hate speech you're done you're done in a second d platform d platform because they've done to other people yeah and they're doing it to me for jokes think about that i don't do political [ __ ] on instagram if you look at my instagram it's only jokes i understand d platform [ __ ] because they're like truly trying to put a like a hateful candidate in office or a hateful agenda out there i have jokes yeah we're talking about deep platform we're not deprived but a shadow man because of comedy literally everything we're fighting against so the only way that we can protect ourselves from these things is set up these email lists you guys give us your email we're not trying to inundate you with [ __ ] emails the last thing we want to do is even send you emails we just want to have a situation where we can connect with you guys god forbid we get taken off we can shoot an email to everybody back yo we just got taken off this we started up another account go listen to the podcast right here we want to be able to connect with you if god forbid something [ __ ] up happens and then immediately we can shift over how powerful that would that be if the entire [ __ ] army could shift to another platform in a [ __ ] day that's some [ __ ] they could never take away from us that's leverage that's the game right so do us a favor do yourselves a favor if you want to continue this go connect to uh those email lists give us your email sign the [ __ ] up so we have some protection in this uh very scary age where literally your entire platform could be taken away from you in a [ __ ] heartbeat because we gotta we have to maintain the level of flagrancy that we [ __ ] with all the time or else it ain't fun for us and the only way we can maintain that is knowing that they can't chop our heads off at any point in time right simple as that so go do that um okay i think now we should have a conversation with another uh person that's been shadow banned another person that um i find absolutely hilarious another person with insider information on this whole jeffrey epstein thing we're going to call my man tim dillon i'm going to pass this phone over to edin his number is you see that on the call log right there and um we're gonna have tim explain to us exactly what the [ __ ] is going on with this epstein quote unquote suicide i i i think this is the first time in history where universally people are starting to subscribe to a conspiracy theory as a real yeah entity universally yeah where the conspiracy makes more sense than the story yeah conspiracy is mainstream yes so is it even a conspiracy that's a good one andrew yo tim well looks like the cia has gotten involved shut us down immediately there it is hold on let's see we got we got you tim yeah yeah sorry buddy it's all good guys everybody this is tim dillon you tim dillon hilarious comic amazing uh podcast tim dillon now is it the tim dillon show or is it tim dillon goes ahead he's dylan's show okay you've changed the name yeah uh hilarious podcast tim tim has had quite the week because you've been somebody that's been very vocal about um the clinton's involvement in [ __ ] underage girls well yeah i mean i'm a conspiracy guy i uh i i'm plugged in probably to an unhealthy degree to what's going on right but uh you know saturday morning i think was my you know christmas when uh santa claus uh who looked a lot like hillary clinton came down the chimney and uh and the chimney was the air vent of a jail cell in the metropolitan detention center in lower manhattan and uh she came in and had the milk and cookies and then strung that [ __ ] up and and no it's it's a story that i've been following for a very long time and you you say to yourself well a guy like this gets caught you go there's no way they're going to let this go to trial they got to kill him right and then he gets killed and then you know you're like this is it i'm right you know i've been proven right now give us some backstory on epstein and this whole situation because i think people are still trying to wrap their heads around what this is why people want him dead yeah i for one know next to nothing about the whole epstein thing so yeah akash is a perfect example i think of a lot of people out there that truly just don't know much about the story they're just like okay a guy who is a pedophile pedophilia's white people [ __ ] this is white [ __ ] you know let's get real in his culture they call it marriage yeah right in your cultures this is not even a big deal you don't have to go to an island you just go right to church or the temple or whatever down the freedom nation like this [Laughter] jeffrey epstein is a very wealthy guy he is a uh resident of manhattan he um acquired his money in a very interesting shady way um basically this guy that owned victoria's secret he's the owner of victoria's secret gave jeffrey epstein a lot of his money to manage because he said you know him and epstein met he seemed to like epstein and he gave him a lot of money including a townhouse in new york city worth about 70 million dollars that i've seen live that lived in okay a little suspicious right a little bit you think yeah i mean listen this has got to be a real good friend to be giving somebody a 70 million dollar tana and so then so immediately you think like what are those two guys bonding up right like what are they what are they both into sports probably not so he meets i've seen they they you know they start to make a lot of money epstein also has this island in the in the virgin islands called little saint james which is he also it's a private island where he has a mansion a pool a temple on the island or a building that looks like a temple and you know jeffrey epstein uh invited people to this island he was a socialite he threw lavish parties and at these parties he had underage girls um performing sexual acts on wealthy powerful people and i don't mean like wealthy people like they own a bmw i mean like billionaires ex-presidents prime ministers these were all in jeffrey epstein's orb and jeffrey epstein met all of those people because he had a friend named jeff lane maxwell jose maxwell is a is a uk socialite whose father was a media mogul he owned newspapers like like uh rupert murdoch he was the rupert murdoch of the uk before rupert murdoch correct so he almost and he was also an asset of israeli intelligence widely believed there's books written about this seymour hirsch who's a great journalist wrote a book right where they said you know robert maxwell is an asset of the massage so for people that don't understand what that is basically when you have a spy agency like the mossad or the cia they need people to help them okay these people don't necessarily work at the cia but they are useful for the cia they can provide the mossad with information they can put information in their newspapers that the messiah might think is beneficial for israel or whatever so they usually like to have powerful people as their assets as people that they can use as a way to disseminate information or collect information because that's what these agencies basically do okay now so his daughter yeah how do you now how would an agency get powerful people like that to do their bidding well great question and how they do that in many cases is they compromise or blackmail those people so that's what agents do a spy the job of his body is to get information and the the job of uh uh a spy that's in the field let's say you're you're you're a field agent you're out there you're trying to recruit people to give you information you have to have leverage over them otherwise why [ __ ] you get information right so one of the one of the ways that they've been doing that is sexual blackmail setting you up in what's also called like a honeypot right where you go that's what the russians maybe yes maybe you're cheating on your wife maybe you're cheating on your wife with a prostitute who's a male or transgender or underage whatever the case is they allow these things to happen they organize these um things and then they get um you know recording equipment video equipment and you know jeffrey epstein in his house in manhattan they found two-way mirrors recording equipment video equipment probably probably all coincidence right probably all coincidence that he was gifted he gifted a 70 million dollar townhouse that just happened to have cia level recording equipment probably coincidence yeah but but uh okay so so basically if it and listen if you are having sex with somebody who's underage and there's proof of that you are now owned you're owned so the reality is you give whatever information that is that is required of you you do that you do the bidding of whoever has that information whoever has that tape now tim told you now being owned isn't all bad because sometimes being owned allows you to rise to power because you have the backing of these very powerful owners right because they know what they want and and these exactly said why would you let somebody get power and influence if you didn't control them right and i and this has been going on forever and by the way this wasn't you the cia and the mossad mi6 all these intelligence agencies they actually didn't pioneer this technique it was pioneered by the mafia right so organized crime has been doing this stuff for a lot longer probably than the cia where you know so the reality is a lot of the stuff that intelligence agencies do is borrowed from the mob right because it's an effective form of blackmail and who wants to be who wants to be exposed and especially when the cost of not being exposed when the cause of not being exposed is quite low hey do you want to be president one day yeah yeah yeah well we'll help you do that and here's the other thing so the people are like people listening might be like well why does the cia care why does the cia go into all these trouble to to get information is that the other thing um here's one of the reasons the cia is not only an organization that is you know spying on other countries to make sure that they're not trying to do us harm okay the cia for a very long time has been in in bed with big money major corporations they want certain political realities okay right and if you're a billionaire you are not going to trust that the congress or the senate is going to necessarily do the right thing by you and if they do the wrong thing by you they're going to lose you billions of dollars which is no good so what you do is you try to basically fix the game as much as you can you try to buy all the politicians you can by donating to their campaign and when that fails organizations like the cia uh help you control those people to the degree that they can it's been going on for a very long time and and that is why you have uh the central intelligence agency or the mossad or mi6 or or french intelligence whoever these people are they are doing the bidding of very wealthy powerful people and that is why uh they're they're basically allowing some of this really heinous behavior to go on like the abuse of underage women and so so my my understanding and then maybe this is a conspiracy theory but do you guys remember when um those pictures of mike pence when he was younger in a gay bar popped up no i i've heard something about that i didn't see them but and people were like oh it was photoshopped it was photoshopped or whatever now regardless if it's photoshopped or not there's a perfect example when you're sitting there you're like how the [ __ ] does a guy like mike pence end up becoming vice president of the united states of america well i'll tell you right oh did you show the picture yeah so so it's like i'll tell you how he gets that it's do you have this you have this wild card trump that's running for president so you need somebody close that can kind of have some you can have some doorway to trump in some way well i can't believe mike pence ever had no [ __ ] six-pack like that fam do you think mike pence had a body like that bro he bikes bro he's on the bike yeah i mean you look at if you if you look at bill clinton who was the governor arkansas and then became depressed you're like arkansas is a state with what four million people like who does so you know so there's a perfect example right tim i was talking to my buddy right the first that when you talk to people who do not believe in conspiracies at all the first thing they'll say about this epstein thing is they'll be like why would a billionaire or why would a super successful person a billionaire etc go to this island and not assume that they were gonna be honey potted or trapped right and well i think that yeah and basically what i thought of is they're not epstein and them are not trapping the elite they're trapping governor the elite no it's never going to come out here's the thing the elites know that they're potentially being trapped but it's mutually assured destruction meaning that everybody including epstein is is is is trapped everybody has information that can get released right so what happens nobody gets released right what would i know what i'm saying what i'm saying with a guy like with a guy like uh for example clinton and that kind of [ __ ] clinton is going there before he's the president right no he's going there as an ex-president no no no no listen they are all of these guys are being black they could have information on trump like it it is very possible trump there's some information that somebody has on trump like listen all of these guys but here's the deal the information never comes out as long as everybody plays a law why because they run the world jeffrey epstein's dead so it doesn't matter it's like there is no justice there is no day in court there is no comeuppance none of it like so yeah these people know and by the way some of them don't know that they're being but they they're not they probably aren't shocked to know that there's recordings and videos of the things they've done but they know as long as they keep doing what they're doing that information is never going to so if you're somebody who's going to [ __ ] underage kid right you're going to expect that that's going to come with some hazards right so if you engage in any type of risky behavior there are workplace hazards if you do drugs you know you could od if you drive fast you can crash if you [ __ ] kids on an island you know somebody might find out you're doing it and hold it over your head but you want to [ __ ] the kids you want to do the drugs you want to drive the ferrari successful people a lot of them have very deviant sexual appetites and problems impulsive they might be like yeah i shouldn't [ __ ] this kid because i'm probably gonna regret it but they're they're they act on impulse these people are on the spectrum of sociopath in many cases and and what happens does it ever come out not really look how close it got this guy was in a maximum security prison in lower manhattan a few weeks away from his trial or months away from his trial and he was on suicide once he took him off suicide watch they move a few hours before he dies they move his roommate out and they either allow him to commit suicide or kill him either one doesn't really matter but guess what there is no [ __ ] testimony nobody's getting nobody's getting anything so what happened no consequence so what happens what what do you think happens next um you know i hate to be cynical but uh be cynical you know football starts we all start to lose interest the ball comes around you know i mean no one's gonna care uh jeffrey epstein was the only person named in the indictment they're not going to indict just lane maxwell she's a british citizen she's intelligent i mean you've got to remember this is not the first time fc was arrested right he was arrested for molesting a 14 year old it was covered up uh alexander acosta who was the secretary of labor under trump who just stepped down arranged the plea deal for epscene where epstein served like basically a year in a minimum security prison in florida and was allowed to go home five days a week and you know probably look at child porn or whatever he's doing he could go home to work quote unquote work five days a week this was the deal he got and he didn't have to uh inform on any of his co-conspirators and they should but then people at the minority herald certain reporters they started kicking up interest in the story some of the victims were like listen we were never informed of this agreement we never would have went along with it so he was rearrested and then he was a you know he could have informed on very powerful people we're talking about prime ministers of countries ex-presidents billionaires these people can get any and when they killed him or allowed him to kill himself what they're really sending the message they're saying this we will never ever ever allow this information to get out and and here's why because if you realize that there's elements of the government that are depraved enough to allow the abuse of children to continue so that they can get information then every single conspiracy theory immediately comes believable then you look at 911 then you look at everything because you go if they're going to let them [ __ ] kids on an island what aren't they willing to do wow wow it's so it's bigger than just this it's bigger so much bigger than this dude it is it is the key that will unlock everything and it will make people question everything and then everyone will go wait a minute if they're willing to do that there's nothing they're not willing to do we're all being lied to on a daily basis all the [ __ ] time why are we at war in five seven countries you know let's let's investigate all of these things boston bombing not like who are these people and and who's running us who's ruling us and and and they don't want that to happen and in order for that not to happen there's stacked bodies they got to stack on the illusion of democracy and freedom goes away if this comes out i think this is the biggest deal of anything uh coming out because it's the most heinous thing you can imagine the abuse of children to most people even cynical people even people that think politicians suck and they're all bought but the systemic by the way not random the systemic abuse of children torture of children because that's what you're doing when you make somebody have sex over and over with somebody they don't want to the fact that anyone would go the defected people that were presidents the fact that people who were prime ministers would participate in that or even at the very best i mean the very best case know what's happening and do nothing uh that would shake us to the core do you think that uh bill clinton [ __ ] those girls i mean do do i think bill clinton is asking for id uh probably not and do i think that bill clinton i mean he's been incredibly accused of rape he's a sexual deviant i mean this is a guy that his entire career has been um you know uh sidelined by complaints from women that he harassed them and you've got to remember the clintons tried to destroy these women that uh told you know authorities about bill told the press about bill kathleen willie jennifer flatlake the clintons had an organized dedicated campaign to destroy the lives of these women so that they were turned into national mockery they could never work again i mean these are not people that have any problem with destroying people do you get in their way you think the clinton's got some bodies yeah but i don't think it's a cleanse i think the claims work for people the clintons are functioning the bushes are functioning this is what really [ __ ] people up that are into conspiracy they don't really get there the cleanse and the bushes are the servants they're the public face the real people behind them billionaire families the bronze men's got people that know the duponts people that no one's ever [ __ ] barely heard of these are the people that pull the major strings they decide if the bushes and the clintons have the resources to run in these races these are the people that are really calling the shots and to bill and hillary's you know george bush and george h.w bush and his son these are people that are they're wealthy but they're not nearly as wealthy you got to remember the bushes are not as old money as some of the other families that they represent the bushes started making money in the early 1900s we're talking about people that have been wealthy for centuries and centuries do they hide their money is there a reason we don't hear the duponts on the world's wealthiest list or whatever we hear bill gates we hear jeff bezos you would think they would be the ones pulling crazy strings well there's a lot of hidden money out there there's a lot of um i guess i'm asking families to feed into the conspiracy theory are they basically hiding their money because they don't want that publicity huh and saying like look i don't want to be one of the richest people i don't want i mean no one is there i think you could find them i think you could find them on a lot of those lists i think there's a lot of intermarriage so names might have been changed but i mean when you talk about conspiracy theories none of that's conspiratorial i mean the idea that like they choose who runs the country is not really a conspiracy i mean go look at the donor lists of any of the major candidates who ever become president they're they're all there i mean it's pretty verifiable who did obama work for everyone i mean every single family i mentioned i mean barack obama was you know you know a great friend to wall street a great friend to the military industrial complex we were in seven wars we knocked over libya we're in syria um you know obama was uh you know torturing chelsea manning he was prosecuting whistleblowers he had the c.i.a running an illegal drone war you know dropping [ __ ] bombs on akash's family i mean this is really i mean the kosher's cousin is playing soccer and he looks up in the sky he sees a flying death machine you know but no one cares because obama went on ellen and dance they're actually my family's enemies just so you know i just want a point of clarification that's it i mean that's listen you're all the same to me but i appreciate it [Laughter] i'm a white guy from long island there's only so much i can understand he believes in conspiracy but not indian and pakistani differences yeah i don't believe i don't believe in differences in brown [Laughter] bro it's just so crazy so you think nothing ends up happening we all forget about it and the world goes back to being run as it is dude i gotta be honest i'm already tired of talking about it really well here's the thing you start to realize people that get into conspiracies in the beginning think it's like a hit show that has a series finale and that series finale is going to have all the things they want to happen that's really good so it's lost but what it really is it's basic it's lost here's what it really is it's a soap opera that goes on for 20 years and you age out of watching you give up you don't care you just don't you know my grandmother used to watch general hospital every single day and then eventually she was like oh it's the same storyline over and over to luke you've got to realize dude the news is on loop right now have you ever gone to see a movie and before the movie although the ads play and then they're on a loop you know you get back to the first ad and then that's the news right now it's like school shooting celebrity does something culturally insensitive um trump says something racist shooting in walmart back to a celebrity back to some picture of horrible ice potentially the news for the last 24 months has been one big loop yeah even if we did find out what could we actually do that's my question that's part of why i don't care that's so what are you really going to do i mean the people that designed this system man god they did like the guy james angleton super spy when they started the cia as he was on his deathbed angleton had been in the rooms with alan dallas all the guys that had started the you know cia national security state and angleton had a great quote he said listen if you were in that room when we started this thing he goes you would be in a room with people you were surely convinced would end up in hell and then he took a drink of whiskey and he goes and now i'm going to join them there shortly they know they know what they've what they've been a party to what are your thoughts on kissinger um you know henry kissinger's a war criminal he's uh somebody who's you know i mean you know kissinger vietnam i mean kiss cambodia i mean kissinger is just very well connected you know master of the universe type of guy who you know has really no problem with with uh genocide is he the architect of the modern world i think allen dulles is the architect of the modern world if i had to put it on one one guy i'd say alan dulles really alan dallas yeah alan dallas was a guy who made the cia and i usually don't subscribe to the what they call the great man theory of history meaning we put it all on one guy right but i would say that alan dulles was an incredibly effective operator he was the first uh head of the central intelligence agency he determined what that agency was going to be he determined the power and the scope of it and eisenhower warned eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex eisenhower warned that the cia you know we just had world war ii we just fought nazis eisenhower was like we should be doing this kennedy warned about it in that big secret society speech kennedy ended up dead um and alan dulles to me is a guy that really designed uh that agency to be a secret government not only just a spy agency but an effective double government operating um against the interests and the will of the american people and it's been doing that for a very long time against the will because it feeds the billionaires basically it helps the billionaires yeah i mean i don't think anybody has an interest in a lot of what they do i mean this is to help a very small segment of the population that own defense contract you know defense contractors arms dealers the average person doesn't want to be at war in afghanistan or doesn't benefit no yeah the average person gets on a plane that ends up being flown into a building you know the average person is a victim of these crimes to an extent right right i mean the terrorism that we got to do we can't afford health care can't put their kids through school because we've you know waved all these wars on a credit card and we've saddled the average person with an insane amount of debt but very wealthy well-connected people are doing great how do we how do we stop it bro how do we fight the system tim i mean so this is when it gets a little bleak we're both shadow bands what are we what are we going to do if we can't populate on the explorer by the way you think you shot a band wait till here's the reality the only thing that would stop this i truly believe is some type of massive event that wakes people up and then the good people in these agencies like the good people the cia the fbi because there are good people in those agencies will have to wrest control from the dark forces from the bad people right and i mean that's a question of human nature like what would inspire that man you're talking that's philosophical and that's a hard question to answer but it would have to be some massive shift in consciousness well let's hope this podcast is the catalyst for that tim i think so i mean i'm confident i think we could change the world um tim i love you thank you so much for taking time man thank you guys give us your socials give us everything one more time so they could go follow up kim j gillen d-i-l-l-o-n on instagram and twitter uh tim dillon show on youtube if you want to subscribe we're also on apple podcast we're everywhere wherever you get your podcast we're out every week full force it's a very funny show and every now and then we talk about uh you know some conspiracy go check out tim's instagram he's got some hilarious videos that he does these rants i mean right when the jeffrey epstein thing first hit tim dressed up as a school girl and twerked outside of jeffrey epstein's manhattan mansion i don't know how you didn't get arrested for that [ __ ] and here's the deal that's probably why he killed himself all right buddy i love you man all right peace um wild [ __ ] it's wild it's wild i don't uh i don't get too invested cause like i said i don't pardon me doesn't want to believe it because even if it's true what can we do um i think that you have a good perspective on that in that regard because it's like it's like scary to admit that sometimes but if like if the problem is so massive and there's nothing that you can do about it does it really help to just worry about it yeah and i think the idea that like your vote matters that's like real cute but like it don't so why invest like my girl cares about politics she [ __ ] cares and i'm like yo this makes no difference these are sociopaths right they're gonna do what they want right i don't know that i get nearly as deep down the rabbit hole of some people but like yeah there's definitely some ill [ __ ] going on and you're not gonna stop it right turn off cnn put on sportscenter it's fun it is fun at least i enjoy the distraction yeah give yourself some joy put on flag and two listen to some offensive jokes yes just tune up i barely knew anything about epstein anything yeah and even little [ __ ] he was saying i was writing down i was going to read it and then as i was writing i was like what's the end of me learning about alan dulles yeah i'ma become like [ __ ] tim torturing myself this guy's not happy he can't even button his polos yeah man it is um yeah it is interesting him saying that you just kind of grow out of the conspiracy that was a [ __ ] great way to put it yeah soap opera it is that it's like maybe it is it's just a thing that people are bored they need something to distract themselves with and it's like okay i'll do this conspiracy theory and then you know maybe when your career starts to you know pop off maybe you know tim's killing it right now maybe he's gonna start leaving the conspiracy he's another rogan bump guy right yeah dude rogan he did rogan and just [ __ ] he's always so [ __ ] funny tim yeah dude he's great no he's he's [ __ ] great yeah but um all right listen we've got a long time without even discussing sports guys what are we at time-wise cause we start almost two 1 30 something oh that's it no no if anything more so like almost two hours basically see how those are very different see how you though you gave me a 30 handed count obviously window of son that's alex grabbing the mic wow so we are being harsh on you you got to come back or else it's been a whole week oh you missed you missed us being here of course damn son oh he got you yeah we got to teach and how to snap back i know what's a good what's your go-to technique when it comes to snapping back i don't know i think you just got a rapid fire so whatever comes you just go right at them just go don't overthink it just go all right you got to not overthink you just go okay we're going to practice ready listen you can't lose here it's just not overthink just go ready you're fat i'm what i can't hear you talking with my dick in your mouth oh [ __ ] that was good that was good that's hilarious that out of the two of us i'm the one that has something in her mouth i think obviously he's starving his ass off oh [ __ ] that shirt don't fit me but definitely don't fit you bro let's go eddie coming with the heat that's all i got and it came with the heat bro god damn man we proud of you that was good man anyway now we we instilled some confidence in this beyonce bodied [ __ ] beehive beyonce i mean beehive prima donna wide receivers are not worth it all right put me up on this because i didn't hear it so antonio brown uses a helmet called the shut air advantage it's over 10 years old and there were some rule passed in the league last year that said we have to use helmets that are approved by some committee it's probably a [ __ ] committee but you have to use helmets that are approved by them this helmet is too old to be approved by them it's not going to meet with their standards they let him play him or tom brady maybe both play on outdated models last year this year they have to switch and antonio brown now has backtracked but he was saying i will retire if you don't let me wear this helmet and then he tried to appeal the appeal got denied and then he had a tweet like hey guys it's uh you know i'm gonna be there at camp this is a sad ruling but whatever but it's like yo we don't even [ __ ] need this man just shut up like are you on your period you making a big deal about nothing right now just let this breathe so what do you think this is about why do you think he's become such a diva does he feel scorned where is this all of a sudden we're seeing this side of antonio brown that we never saw in pittsburgh no you saw that in pittsburgh starting a few years ago once he got really good you started to see it that's the reason he got shipped out of pittsburgh they gave him up for like a third round pick and a fifth round pick i thought that you just saw it this last year or two yeah maybe last year or two i think three years ago he got in trouble for [ __ ] like instagram live in the locker room after a win or something like that and is that that crazy it's just like yo don't let anybody know our business you don't need to know what i'm saying he got in trouble for that it was always a lot of like attention seeking fair enough i don't know why though i got great teeth let those speak for you he does have exceptional [ __ ] incredible and he he is an exceptional athlete without a doubt you could just like a fifth or sixth round draft pick so he was not so he's oh he's i think once he got to taste the attention he wanted it and then i don't know if he's a chip on a shoulder guy but like he is a he's not supposed to be this good you know what i mean he wasn't highly touted he's not tall he's not right a complete physical freak but like he's an nfl player so he is not relative to the rest of them right randy moss i get so not knowing too much about the story like he i he comes across as just like a dumber version of cap he's like oh the nfl's trying to make me do something i'm gonna take the stand and he was hoping like people got behind him and he probably just got roasted like why the [ __ ] are you taking this yeah i don't even know if it was and he just backtracked super quickly i don't know if he thought people would be on his side maybe he did but i mean players can get really attached to their helmet for whatever i mean you're doing some at the highest level like yeah if you're doing a special and they give you a mic without a chord you might be like yo no i want the quote yet exactly but he definitely changed his helmet when he changed teams same model though oh yeah he's not talking about he wants to wear the steelers helmet no no i know that i'm saying i thought they i thought it's like his lucky helmet they just repainted it they got different helmets dog they don't trade you and the helmet son why is he so like hey you're going to the raiders take your shoulder pants i thought i'd never say this evan can you take the microphone from alex and then just say anything into it that'd be great it's lucky helmet he's got one helmet for the whole this is not rudy he's so attached to it he's so stupid that's such a stupid thing about it it's like i don't know it fits a certain way it breathes your head breathes a certain way who knows at a certain point but like i was saying to andrew if they try to hand you a cordless mic at a show you're like whoa what the [ __ ] is this i don't like this thing i don't do cordless it feels different it's not what i'm used to i don't do cordless bro all right what happened in toronto uh what happened in montreal when you went in front of 30 15 000 people a bomb [Laughter] it was the court should have had a cord on that ship did we have the show where you got the standing up no no no the stand was at this gala ship oh you left this part out son this [ __ ] was funny bro i did these these guys named preach and abba uh guys who were funny uh guys from montreal they did this massive show at jfl 15 000 people outside right i mean it was insane sea of people they didn't say that there were going to be families there [Laughter] this was the funniest moment for me like out there this was the best so i went up and i and i started out with like a joke that was i knew that with that many people it had to be slow and obvious kind of punchline and like time in between couldn't be ranty you know it was just like bumping up them so i started out with that uh joke i used to do about the girls shave their legs whatever mustache laugh boom yeah the next joke i go into the sharing the best already laughing yeah next door gotta go into sharing a bed with a dude funny joke funny joke but it's just straight cursing and talking about whatever like that apparently families are just walking away with their kids yeah like their kids are there and they're just lit the moms they're just so upset can i say something in child's defense though do not bring your child to the comedy show yeah but i think it was supposed to be like a family friend why they booked you that's what i said that's what i said that's on y'all y'all know what i do y'all know what i do [ __ ] andrew dice clay to watch your kids that's it so all i was doing was looking at the bands on stage because there was like a [ __ ] 10 piece band as long as they were laughing i was like i'm killing yeah bam was laughing the front had people laughing 15 000 people you don't need to be you should have gone straight bernie mac oh i ain't afraid of you [ __ ] hit that [ __ ] dude hit it wasn't he sitting that set kick it kick it yeah there you go yeah it was so when they told me that people were just walking away with their families bro they got their kids [ __ ] covering their ears and walking them away bro i mean canada soft dogs i mean i don't walk with my kids too but also they soft yeah i mean they did the same [ __ ] but yeah oh my [ __ ] them oh dude it was funny though son i'm so pissed off about this this one thing so they announced the uh the ruiz versus anthony joshua rematch yeah and it's in [ __ ] saudi arabia this is anthony joshua i've been doing this it's a business move make yourself more international no it's not nobody cares about the saudi arabian market this is saudi arabia throwing crazy money at eddie hearn whoever's promoting the event okay because they've realized after having the wwe that these events in saudi arabia normalize the saudi arabians ah okay this is all the marketing i said that's great idea right but the shitty thing is it's a really cool fight an anticipated fight who the [ __ ] wants to vacation for a weekend in saudi arabia like muslims don't even want to do that maybe you just want to get away from your girl i mean go to a place where she's not welcome son have you ever seen an instagram thought no no they don't go to saudi arabia they go to dubai you're thinking that's the same [ __ ] so here's the difference right this is think about how awful this fight's going to be let's say you do want to go guess what's not going to be allowed to be served at the fight oh alcohol guess what you're not going to find anywhere you're not going to party ain't no partying ain't nothing in saudi arabia saudi arabia's whack but they put their oil fat their oil whatever it is business on the public market so now they have to appease the public they have to seem like good guys that's why they started letting these [ __ ] drive that's why they're trying to act like they are they're cool with women that's why they got movie theaters all sudden they just got movie theaters they just got movie theaters so now they're doing these public events it's all a hustle to make it look like hey look how [ __ ] cool and fun saudi arabia is right we're just like you invest in our oil business but now we lose as [ __ ] viewers like that's a fight i would want to go to if that was in vegas i'm there i'm there if that's in vegas can you say you thought it was going to be uh tijuana or i was talking to this the estadio no but you thought it was going to be a not close fight you thought ruiz was going to handle it i think he's going to handle now here's the other thing anything goes in saudi arabia whoever's promoting that fight which is probably joshua's people are paying off those judges and if it goes to the cards oh [ __ ] ain't no rules out there yeah they let these [ __ ] drive [Laughter] you think the judges are going to be honorable [ __ ] no it depends on the fight who dictates the rules i thought that nevada they say that but if i'm the people the promoter gets chooses the judges you got a baby bladder yeah go go go go i could tell he's [ __ ] waddling so that's what i'm saying it's like on some level you got to be pissed as a fan because you can't even take part in this [ __ ] fight uh how much difference is saudi arabia from dubai though like i really think all that okay dubai is fake dubai is a fake muslim country in a lot of ways oh word so what they've done is created rules about the city because they want tourism and they recognize ain't nobody want to go on vacation where they can't drink so what they go is you can drink if you're in a hotel because that's international property so all the partying all this [ __ ] pops off from the telly right and they have these nice extravagant hotels on some you know vegas type [ __ ] i haven't been there but i'm assuming that they have you know bars restaurants whatever so you enjoy the [ __ ] out of your time you could be western you out there trying to get [ __ ] but they still make the women cover up they're women if you not so if you're not emirati that's in the emirates if you're not emirati you don't godu son an instagram thought [ __ ] can't wait to put on the [ __ ] the headscarf when they go over there yeah to show you they there yeah but i thought that because they're forced to i think no they just want to show you the dead air you don't got to cover up if you don't you can if you want to like respect their [ __ ] but it's not necessarily now when you're in saudi arabia wrap it up [ __ ] wrap it up are they sending are they like paying for instagram thoughts in saudi arabia or they don't do that no they leave saudi arabia to [ __ ] the girls in beverly hills and do that kind of [ __ ] it's those saudi princes that are the ones they they get [ __ ] on a glass table they got all these thoughts meeting them in dubai this other kind of stuff whether you're not doing those everyone's like in london with like the golden bentley yes they leave they leave saudi they go to london floss all the [ __ ] in london just [ __ ] all over them and then in england they let them do it i would cut that [ __ ] out i'm like yo you could come don't come in a [ __ ] gold bugatti and just drive around [ __ ] like we ain't [ __ ] they sold them all their like most valuable property and stuff like that that [ __ ] taps into my inner negative cause that's a part of me it's like yo that [ __ ] is fly as [ __ ] hey let me tell you also we ain't gonna let that happen in new york don't come to new york with your [ __ ] purple bentley or your [ __ ] gold ferrari and after you're gonna drive around the street and just stunt is there anything robbed something happening something happening we're gonna put some plantains in your [ __ ] gas pipe say what you don't really see that here you're right about this but they they do come here though yeah cause i remember when i was out in the club scene and you would have no they come to the clubs they'll floss in the clubs yeah we'll call that but you're not gonna stunt on the street on the street like hey chill out family it's like they're shut up regular folks out there chill out the club is the club people paid to get in i saw the funniest [ __ ] son you know how there's this like big thing going on in hong kong there's like some controversy or some [ __ ] like they they don't like what china's doing to them okay i was gonna say this is another article from home a week like what china's doing so they've been doing all these protests for like a minute right okay and there was a protest somebody posed a video on twitter today and it was a few chinese people they cover their face so they don't do the chinese government can't do the facial recognition surgery but a few people from hong kong right they got the american flags wrapped around them and they got microphones and they're singing our national anthem right okay trying to like show like yo we want democracy like america right and i press play and i'm hearing the video oh [Music] green ring son i am crying laughing at them fighting for their life son [ __ ] sound like scooby doops [Laughter] i was crying this is it son is there a way to play it no no don't don't do it from here do it from twitter b will we get marked if we do it from twitter you might you never know don't let's not even take the gym yeah but it's worth it bro go to twitter go to twitter can you play the audio find the [ __ ] on twitter but not the video on the screen what if we talk over it and then we talk over it a little bit but find the [ __ ] audio akash [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] you've been watching whitney let's hear it [Music] son i'll add them slots all right first of all second of all hand to your own business [Laughter] yeah i mean i'm tired when when we got wars and [ __ ] [ __ ] be like oh no we're busy making toys you know whatever the [ __ ] they do sewing north faces together and [ __ ] and then when you need a little [ __ ] help you start singing a natural anthem throwing a flag around your shoulders freshly stitched flag i mean it probably stitched in my head oh yeah you got that [ __ ] from your niece yo how old do you think they had to work on the l's and r's my man kind of killed that i think he might be a uh a ringer right he said gallantly well son he said ramparts i could barely say that when the ramparts were done i don't know what a rampart is bro he must have been here do i really what is a rampart i don't know what a lot of them words mean to be honest but what's the donderly i don't know what donderly is that's not that [ __ ] is the light i thought donderly plays for the giants ain't don delhi hey jatavius donnerly don't he play for the giants what are you hooking up eddie stop looking [ __ ] up nobody more distracted than you [ __ ] [ __ ] up looking for groupons for burger king so [ __ ] out full price for it it took you that long to pull up the [ __ ] national anthem lyrics hold on why leanne rhymes though no no we're not listening to leanne reim's version of that dawn's early light you thought it was the daughter get out of here bro bombs burst in there gabe proved through tonight that our flag was still there jose does that star spangled banner yet wave or the land of the freight and the home of the brick sun that [ __ ] goes bro come on we gotta oh [ __ ] slap yo yo yo yo al you the best singer oh let that rip so let that rip out let's see hit that right what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming who's brought stripes and bright stars through on the ramparts we watch were so gallantly streaming here we go [Applause] that our flag was still there oh say does that star spangle banner yeah and let's [ __ ] go this week we're gonna watch uh eddie murphy's latest yo patreon our bad for that man we were drunk we tried our best bro we were trying to give y'all all the content we did try our best we know that y'all hated it that's our bet we're gonna make it up to you though this this friday we're gonna stand and deliver we promise but our bad man we really tried our best we tried our best bro we was a little drunk we're a little drunk everybody goes back [Laughter] yo we tried our best bro people don't realize the amount of content we had to put out that week so that i could go away on vacation man it was stressful man but we tried our [ __ ] best man we love you all patreon everybody get on board yo akash anything else before we get out of here or what you tell me um the wnba fight kevin durant let the warriors off the hook dak apparently wants 40 million a year draymond extension uh and then nobody wants to play for team usa these are the things that i had man i think we might have to um battery on i think we might have to continue on the patreon and just lock this down yo if y'all got the new york times go check it out they mentioned your boy in an article by the way oh yeah you were supposed to get to that thank you yo man it was pretty cool man i'll just throw it out there real quick but it was pretty cool man it was a article they were talking about uh you know is netflix the future of a stand-up and uh you know the the headline of the article i'll i'll i'll read the headline the article real quick oh [ __ ] it goes can netflix the uh can netflix comment the king of stand-up specials be dethroned and then go back up go back up go back up and then it says the byline is amazon is trying starting with a new jim gaffigan set so is hbo though it's more niche with acts like julio torres and don't count out youtube if you go to the end of the article gotta show that full article um keep going keep going keep going they got the link from view to views from assists go up a little bit it says the savvy comic andrew schultz has built up a fan base outside the traditional media by putting himself against and uh putting himself in opposition to a politically correct entertainment shout out to the flagrancy shout out to flagrant ii uh but also dispensing with old hour-long show and releasing his content in multitude of bite-sized forms appearing on the joe rogan podcast he predicted netflix's downfall pointing out that the streamer doesn't own many of its most popular shows like the office of friends uh rogan seems skeptical but shows the suggestion that the future might not be bright for the zeitgeist defining company has moved from the margins and become common speculation among industry types last month when netflix tweeted it was sorry that friends would leave it service in 2020 the concrete tweeted with a pointed message tick-tock now what i loved about this was two things one obviously it's cool to show your parents that you're in the new york times especially as a new yorker right that's the epitome of making anybody first thing i did show your parents right it's like because this is what we did right this is the this other thing i thought was so [ __ ] cool everybody listening to this been supportive of of what we've been doing you should feel good about this the way in which were mentioned in the article right the article talks about what amazon is doing with jim gaffigan what hbo is doing with julio torres and what andrew schultz is doing with bite-sized content so we're not spoken about as just comics we're spoken about as the hbo and the amazon that's the subtle [ __ ] that to me i was so proud of it's like look what is hbo doing they're doing this type of special what is amazon doing they're trying with jim gaffigan what is andrew schultz doing he's using social media youtube this that the other to get the content out and i just thought that was so [ __ ] cool and i think it's really subtle and i doubt most people got but i think it's something alex you and i should be so proud of everybody it's just like and they didn't contact me to write the article they just put out there i found out about it my agent hit me wow so it was one of those things and i think people try to like pit me against netflix because i predicted this this like down thing with them and like here's the thing i don't have any stake in any like i put my content on instagram i put my content on twitter i put my content on youtube i'll put my content on netflix there's no enemies in business you put it out because they weren't [ __ ] with you but that ended up being good for you so why would you begrudge them yeah like to be petty like that's what who does that like that's what children do you know i mean there's nothing about that you know so for me it's just where are the eyeballs who's watching and i want to put my content up because i believe if they see the content they're going to come [ __ ] with us but it is so [ __ ] cool that you aren't opposed to the you're opposed to pc culture and comedy and that's what you're in opposition with except that's a great way of saying it exactly that's what we've been doing the whole time we love real comedy and we're going to put out real comedy and i think that we've affected the game enough where comics are feeling more safe putting out real comedy yeah i truly believed that that was our effect on the ecosystem and so so now we're in this [ __ ] position which i think is so sick where like we get mentioned in an article like that like we get mentioned in what are the new things happening in comedy what is hbo doing what is amazon doing what are we doing like how [ __ ] sick is that yeah it's [ __ ] crazy like it's just so [ __ ] cool man like it's also cool even if you're two of us three of us right like i mean shout out to mark mark is involved now you know so it's like we're being put up against these companies so and it's like and i was telling you guys this earlier but like i even you know i spoke to youtube and i was even like yo netflix amazon hbo spent millions of dollars our costs corrected me he goes netflix spends hundreds of millions of dollars to be mentioned in that conversation to be mentioned and known as legitimate places for stand-up specials and i had and i spoke to my people youtube and i was like i just wanna let y'all know you've spent whatever it costs to host my videos to be mentioned alongside these companies that's the greatest bargain in history that's the greatest i legitimize your platform for stand-up we're doing great [ __ ] work if there isn't i don't know another david vs goliath story out there but we're talking about a few of us going up against the biggest we're talking billion dollar companies just going up against billion dollar companies and then we're starting to be mentioned in the same breath and not only that these companies when netflix has a special come out where do they put their videos out to promote the special youtube on youtube it's just crazy anyway so i think it's something that everyone listening you know you guys should be proud of because remember our win is is your win because without you guys sharing these videos and watching these videos they don't even [ __ ] exist out there so this is this is just this is just crazy you know what i mean like i mean look it's there's a video like alex is hyped right now but like your thumbnail yeah right like it's all in the new york times like this is crazy like anyway we are very proud you all should be [ __ ] proud because we're doing things that i don't think anybody in this business could conceive happening like it's just [ __ ] nuts and i can't wait to the next step we're very close to announcing the next step where i'm very excited to share with you guys but we're about to change the game once again so i think in the next few weeks we'll be able to give you guys details maybe show you guys some pictures of what's about to happen and um i'm very excited about it very excited about it akash anything else um well no no just anything we don't want to talk about um no that goes bash facetime audio on me this [ __ ] don't leave me alone i'm playing bashman is very helpful i'm [ __ ] you actually shout sebash house to the patrons all that um stories wise were good tours kicking off soon i got a show this thursday we'll do we'll do uh dates with uh ads okay so that's perfect anything else yeah i think that's good man guys that's been another episode of flagrant two no uh this is noisy buckets i'm andrew schultz do you mean um i'll do this with one of the greatest comedians working today absolutely brilliant comedic mind that now you guys are able to you know uh to indulge in you know what i mean first clip out there does 200 000 [ __ ] views right off the jump yeah i mean that's that's big off the jump i mean that's serious work right there so make sure you look out for him don't be the [ __ ] this late get in there early get on those tickets those tickets are available that tour is up right now you know don't say we didn't tell you so from the beginning all right um caz we love you we miss you man we love you we miss you we got your back you know the [ __ ] army got your back whatever you need you know we're here for you man so make sure you go show kaz some love make sure you go show him some love right now man all right man we'll see you all friday for for patreon and then we'll see y'all next week you
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 115,957
Rating: 4.8650751 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, kazeem famuyide, real life kaz, kaz, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media
Id: cwOUrGOVwKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 2sec (9422 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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