Just The Tip ft Trevor Wallace - Full Ep

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what's up everybody welcome to another episode of flagrant - no easy buckets my name's Andrew Schultz I'm here cos saying real life cash alex media ed in on the ones and twos this episode is brought to you by match my trip.com match my trip calm y'all gonna go check it out go to the website right now check it out their company they make t-shirts for sneaker heads for all the hype beast kicks out there to sneaker enthusiasts they basically make this these these t-shirts that are matching all these sneakers that you probably have or the sneakers that you want to have Yeezys off-white jordan nike if you have any drip you need the tees to match you go to match my trip calm okay or it's at underscore match my trip on instagram and the promo code is flagrant obviously and you get 25% off your whole order check out alex alex got one of the one of the one of the shirts on right now is that look at that beauty and diversity be diverse with your sneakers like that [ __ ] you all oh really damn out oh and they're making custom [ __ ] - oh okay well look yo so all this all the shirts are custom but they or they have some that are actually I'm sure they have ones that are pre-made yo all I'm saying is go to match my trip com these guys are [ __ ] army of vets so keep it tight support the army support the cause you know they connect with al so al connected him with flagrant media group shots with Jamil and we made some business happen as beautiful when that [ __ ] stays in-house like that so I love it I love it I love it you know let's start the show man real quick if you're tuning into this show right now because you saw our guest we have a great guest this week Trevor Wallace that interview is after this section of the show and you know what I'll probably do is I'll probably tell you when that will start when we know we're recording this one right now so I don't know how long but uh why don't you tune the [ __ ] in for this as well Trevor's a great guy really understands new media he's killing it out there and I want to sit down with him and we did that at the end of this episode but right now we're gonna get this flagrancy started akash singh a hot headline in weekend how do you feel in my friend dope man so dope san diego sold out first time selling out like one of the club clothes like that's not my booked on my own or someone back home for yeah and a real clown out the door yeah room in in san diego men's and it was cool cuz I assume it was still mainly [ __ ] but there's more and more people that are like oh I saw you from your YouTube and then you can tell them about the podcast because they're like what's that sign everybody's throwing up yeah like it was cool to just have people coming out from like one older black dude was like let me ask you a question and he was kind of aggressive I was like what's up and he was like you talk about our Kelly that was fun and then Tempe Tempe I booked pretty late so I didn't I didn't on a Sunday I didn't think that many people that means like a suburb of Phoenix Arizona anyways listen but they got a great comedy club at Tempe up rocky gray comedy club it's the best I've been treated at a comedy club ever probably but then a good number of people came out there were super fun last night everybody came out sorry to miss the Trevor interview but it's all good yeah but yo so fun man thank you everybody came out just like a cool thing to see a building and coming together the fire has been lit your run away I like seeing that happen what else you got coming up Akash where can they where can I see you I heard about them sellout so get them early this Thursday tickets are still available for Hartford Connecticut at the funny bone that's this Thursday after that let me look it up I am in Mumbai the 20th and 21st and the habitat comedy club then in the New Year I am at hilarities in Cleveland on january 9th the stress factory and New Brunswick think you know that hilarities in Cleveland we did that now that is such a fun room really really good room yeah and it's massive I mean I don't know what 400 maybe four enjoy gone through [ __ ] in this big room they gave me one of their nights is supposed to be like their off night just like see what you can do so [ __ ] come through I'll pull up so yeah there then stress factory on January 14th most factory men and the next day Philly hometown of my wifey come through you monsters January 15 comedy club that's good good [ __ ] go check all that out I gotta I gotta give a shout-out to the history hyenas posse Chrissy D and they had a live show at Gramercy Theater in New York so they sold out the grammar oh that's a really big accomplishment you know it's just really cool to see what they're building and you know I love it I love it when good guys when good things happen to good guys they're good dudes man I love them and so yeah and Cavs what do you got going on man what's happening oh [ __ ] I'm doing something really cool with Pepsi tomorrow and the New York Jets I can't divulge it all the way but you'll see it at the end of the week it's really tight just did a great interview with the New York Post and Big Apple buckets with Jamal Crawford today it was awesome still not on a team so not honest him to talk like that a lot which is really cool but he was a great talk um obviously December 13 through se Palooza Brooklyn New York tickets are flying you haven't even announced the [ __ ] the headliners yet but yeah do we're trying to set we're trying to sell that place out man if we sell out Barclays Man come through sell out Barclays a while please bro like I'm we're gonna we're gonna make that we're gonna make it what would be the number two sellout Barclays I think it's a 17,000 I think around there if y'all saw our Barclays without having anybody perform that is the great we got people performing we got we got some big names I'm still trying to figure this [ __ ] out so it's I think creflo dollar's hustlin gonna tell you who say Palooza is the greatest hustle because you go and you actually enjoy it make you feel like you've been rich reason why you got a plane bro makes you feel guilty who never moved by creflo hey man what's your clothes the white dude the white hello what's his name Oh Joey Joey make you feel away bro man Joey she make you go shelter why we act like god don't like money maybe God likes money bro maybe I've dog yeah God I don't want you to be broke what God wants you to be broke God be good with the money do good with the money help some people out yes I'll see you on why would God wants you to struggle I think if you're hoarding I think if you're a billionaire and like not this billionaire hey if you're paying your I don't want to be a billionaire I'd love to be one that's the thing everybody hate a billionaire and so they become one [ __ ] Elizabeth Warren is all like so [ __ ] goofy oh and this dumbass she's doing this whole live listen whatever let's just get into it so she's doing this whole like billionaire's got to go I think so old boxer broke she looked like a journeyman boxer get a picture up with this chick you know she been punched in the head far too many times to run for president if you look at her face in this picture tell me she look like she could box right there yeah you know she kind of has a lot to do she kind of look like the great don't she look like what was that movie uh Micky Ward she looked like Mickey lower dog remember the fighter who Robert but he made himself Mickey Rourke you Roark Micky Ward [ __ ] this is the same person to meet you like Tweety Bird grandma so real quick so here you have this chick right here he's talking about all this billionaires billionaires are the problem bills and it is you know much my name is Bruce made last year nine hundred thousand dollars says she's a millionaire right she got his [ __ ] on billionaires because that's the only way to make herself relatable to the poor [ __ ] in the world you not you are way closer to billionaire then you are to poor person stop talking about the working class so I'm talking about all this [ __ ] I love you know that this is this [ __ ] did like dig just [ __ ] rouse me up right there's no rule that you can't pay more in taxes yeah you know that like if you go hey US government I know it's only thirty percent but here's fifty percent because I believe in it yeah is she doing that Bill Gates does that that's all [ __ ] Bill Gates don't believe a billionaire he became a billionaire from making something like actually [ __ ] useful to the world you made like Word docs an excel sheet [ __ ] like I can [ __ ] with that but like you're a billionaire off of like they say you know they say like 1% of America has 50% of the wealth or whatever they who cares I bet if you compare the amount of tax that each pace though 1% pays less in actual tax dollars then the fit cut everybody because they find a way around every tax law of course they do and I understand right the 1% of everything is always the best how for example like 1 percent of people that are good at basketball play it in NBA does that mean we should get rid of MBA oh they should give back half their careers to the boys on a break musicians are the ones that get a Grammy are making real money the other 99 90% of the entertainment business no the real talk we're warming Center Hamburg chambers but but furthermore like the 1% model is how every business functions hmm like 1% of sword fighters are still alive but maybe that's a bad example 1% of magicians are making money the rest of them are on a fine Carnival Cruise right so like what what are we doing this we hate the 1% ship well we know that's how it functions anything that's why that's the reason why I hate stats that's gonna make you literally believe anything yeah numbers Liars a lot numbers like a Kardashian yo you can't trust em for now so but that's what they do they get you to believe [ __ ] just say [ __ ] and then you believe it because it sounds right mmm do you know what I'm saying like I don't know if we even spoke about this but about how like they made they they made up that [ __ ] lie that like a man's g-spot is in his [ __ ] do you know that yeah that is a lie that's Fame so you could [ __ ] your [ __ ] and put their fingers in it I thought she was cute doctor yeah I was like yo and that's an awkward question to ask a doctor male g-spot I was like yo is it true to male g-spot in your [ __ ] no that's just your colon is just pushing it son it's not even your colon it's your and you do have liquid but it's just not calm it's prostate juice so there's no sperm in it so there's dudes out here getting their asses fingered trying to fry this wanted to get their ass but but they say the male g-spot sin the [ __ ] that it no it's not no it's not let's [ __ ] up one we can't tell the difference in what's coming what's going with what's prostate prostate I can think stop taking fingers in your ass from a mythology stop hating 1% only want the finger my ass one time in my life and that's going to see them [ __ ] doctor what's the point the proctologist proctologist there you go son Patrizio had the best joke about that [ __ ] he was like he goes man we don't see the doctor man I would rather my prostate be hanging out my ass actually go the doctor matter of fact my prostate we're hanging on my ass for two weeks I call my boy like y'all yeah I just got a duct taped up there I say is that that [ __ ] got me riled up man about this I guess there's only one way to punch ya do you know what I mean yeah like there's only one way to punch is up and when you're that close like when you're a millionaire and you're a billionaire like there really ain't that much of a difference in lifestyle how much extra [ __ ] to you buy how many more cars do you need exact you got the car and then she I just you know what it is I mean our audience drives me [ __ ] crazy yeah and I think that's what people I think that's why people overlook a lot of [ __ ] about Trump because they're like at least he's not [ __ ] lying to my face like I'm an idiot right like or he's lying so blatantly that that's kind of why about his shittiness like for example a small part of me that's gonna miss him when he's not president'll more just cuz of the antics yeah just knowing that he just lies so much and he's just so [ __ ] heat like you ever think of the mall [ __ ] was like oh this is the guy with the nuclear codes right if this [ __ ] really had them shits he'd be tweeting about that [ __ ] all the [ __ ] time but he does it because he doesn't have that thing in him that most people have worth oh my god you can't say that you can't say it he just [ __ ] says you know I think it is about truly says goofy [ __ ] Elizabeth Warren ain't got the [ __ ] nuclear coal public bomb and Mark Cuban and all the rest of the billionaires in America you know what I think it is we don't want to feel deceived yeah even if Trump lies we know who Trump is we know he's such a like overt ridiculous liar Warren talking all this [ __ ] about everybody else and you make nine hundred thousand a year and you're 1/16 Native American and you Lynnette you get scouted like it just like me yeah don't pretend you're some [ __ ] like don't try to deceive me Trump is like it's almost like a special a kid lying or something dude but what what is he okay put it this this is we I don't want this to seem like a defense from thing what I'm trying to defend is like I'm trying to explain why people are drawn to him opposed to like these other figures we don't like people that front like they're better than they are correct right like one of the reasons this show is great is because we don't come in here with moral standards Oh we'll never disappoint you that's the best thing about flavors you'll never read something in the blog racists on the show shocking new york times yeah one episode they didn't make fun of chinese so so the the the the thing about because I was watching this did you see a Donald Trump jr. on the view yeah and I heard I listened to it this is you got a book but there was like this big like this big ol thing and one thing I realize about about Trump and now about Trump jr. and it's way more obvious in Trump jr. than his Trump because he's not as good at it right but this is what Trump knows did never was seen before in politicians he knows they're all scumbags uh they are the biggest scumbags uh of the world all sociopaths no no no no no you could be a sociopath and not hurt people hmm every one of them is a sociopath that hurts people oh yeah guys personally affected the lives of millions of people Yeah right so he knows that so when any of them talk [ __ ] he's chomping at the bit he's like I've been giving you money under the table for 40 years what are you gonna say you gonna say I'm crazy you were saying I'm corrupt like when they said you don't think when they said the Ukraine [ __ ] about him he was like oh where do you want to play this game well you got your son making a grand a year a month working for this-this-this Ukrainian company you don't even speak Russian or Ukrainian you don't understand anything about well you won't talk about me and Ukraine so so his whole strategy is you talk [ __ ] about me I'm not even gonna defend me I'm gonna show how you ain't [ __ ] you don't need to defend yourself if you ain't [ __ ] it's like when your girl goes watch you like that picture and you beg yeah but remember would you liked [ __ ] why you gotta like the rock we all been there we all been there it's trust I've been there I mean like yeah it is Junior junior is on is on the view and these these girls are going at him and he just goes we're really gonna talk about civility he goes Joy Behar you were a black face will be you he goes he goes whoopee you defended Roman Polanski you said it wasn't rape rape about a 15 year old girl that was raped yeah now I would love to hear that clip that being said what they go say what they melt not as good as you think because they're all talking over each other like everybody's so eager to go Adam Sun here pretty well though to be honest with you Real Talk look how many people there are there look how many people there in this room we barely talk to each other you put six girls in the same room it's women they literally have a bell there to stop them from talking work ding ding ding yeah it's not brunch so treating my cats it's just it's just something so refreshing about being ain't [ __ ] all right opening [ __ ] [ __ ] I wanted to buy the domain I and [ __ ] calm that's video oh you ain't never seen pretended I'm a good person well I just and I think that's what we finally reached like a fever pitch with is as like the PC woke [ __ ] got crazy and hit mainstream culture cuz there's always been like woke people this is always existed that's not new always will be and there always will be but they were a little more of like a fringe group right and then once it became mainstream we were like you know what it was hold on you think wait you think you're really gonna go on TV and act like you ain't [ __ ] like me the audacity you and then Trump comes over he's like yo that Mexicans be raping people I was like I was awesome people from Oregon so I was like oh you guys are the white people actually like Mexicans and then I was like in Arizona's defense you don't we got a deal with Mexicans maybe building walls yeah I was like maybe Mexicans just that annoying you know you would argue son it's it's this [ __ ] that we always do is like this like New York and California people like low-key let me tell you why I'm the hypocrite I don't care about global warming right because it ain't gonna fit me I think all this like the sea is gonna override and everything is like me right it doesn't so it doesn't really pertain to my life that much right but I could admit I a [ __ ] I say on the podcast one hundred thousands of people I don't care about doing who you are [ __ ] Eskimos on who you are I've never seen one at school why should I care son racist they are they probably think you're a [ __ ] bear [Laughter] yeah is the solution for the country let me give this money to the government they're gonna use it well son like that's your big [ __ ] answer we'll talk more money to you you couldn't you come on more right you couldn't be more right you could be right this the answer huh son the least efficient most bureaucratic organization in the entire country you run MTA how does traffic or the train dog it's just one it's just one leave not even crazy maybe speak on the logistics of it here's what I know though I moved to New York ten years ago is eighty two dollars a month for a subway past now it's like a hundred and fifteen yeah service has gotten worse costs have gone up like thirty forty percent so service gets worse and you're it's charging me more money how do why would I trust you with more money but pick up a little apple pay things now I will say this a incredible point about the astonishing increase in price in the last [ __ ] ten years and they're going for third they're still going broke let me ask you this if we were on a [ __ ] chairlift skiing right and the chairlift people said hold on there's a little traffic on the chairlift right you'd be like what you mean is traffic it's just one thing it just goes up and it comes down it can't be traffic because it just goes up and it comes down right like that would be the answer right you cannot physically have traffic because it's just one whenever I see traffic it's one four lanes turn into two yeah but you always have there's more people if who doesn't know how to get off the [ __ ] thing yeah and then they have to stop it because that [ __ ] falls right out and they're smart and they stop the whole [ __ ] yeah they don't let the whole [ __ ] go and then it backs up and then we got 14 lifts about to go and then more accidents happen that's what trade traffic is no stop potion to stop the train just close the door remember when we were young we had little train tracks and you had the low cars set up on the train tracks there was traffic you ain't never was you never here life were playing with your train tracks how simple you can make [ __ ] sound we're not making any sense to be next-level [ __ ] to make traffic on your when the guy order mic goes there's a little traffic ahead how how is the traffic ahead let me guess I'll make trains is ahead one there's two there's one there's one right here's one train there's traffic ahead you telling me we got that we got one on top of the other is that what managed to happen did we manage at Union Square to get to four trains on top of each other cuz otherwise it's impossible in traffic it's not possible when they say it I go crazy when they say it I lose my [ __ ] money when they said I want a knock on the door I go prove it prove it I show me a picture of the traffic so I want to see picture of a bunch of guys in the front of the traffic light all the train driver this how you know there's no traffic they ain't got horns on a train hmm because the people who make a train don't think that's emergency I'm talking about people the people whom a trains there was a tional I go should we put a beep beep he goes how could there be traffic is one [ __ ] managed to find a way to make traffic authority that's what MTA stands for that's what it stands for traffic authority how you manage to make traffic yeah it's like if a movie started late at the movie theater just press play hey guess what you do eight play I'm sorry the movies running a little late take your finger and press play and then this one time you had a lot of flagrant takes just sign the code and if we let this goofy [ __ ] Elizabeth Warren brother [ __ ] mg you're running the MTA just imagine just imagine what's gonna happen yeah you know my mind I was I'm supposed to do brilliant idiots one time I got stuck on the train for 50 minutes in the middle of the track between 18th Street and 23rd Street it's five blocks the idea somebody I hit by train so they stopped everything okay fine you can't take us to the next stop and let everybody off the train you gotta hold us there for 50 minutes yo ain't trapped you can't walk in between subway cars over you in between the style this diabetic had to piss in a [ __ ] milk jug because he couldn't even go into the middle of the Pete hmm and he brought up that he was diabetic too when I had nothing to do with pian they diabetic let's think so yeah I thought they just can't you a [ __ ] doctor son so so so they stop the [ __ ] trains right when somebody jumps in the truck how many people need to jump in a train track before we just put a little something a little something son they don't let you go in no right they don't let you go in so how look look it ready look it ready literally all it is it's literally only this it's not even that crazy scream yeah mmm it's a screen door just put it across the whole tracks then we don't have any excuse to be late you're severely under estimating the ingenuity of crackheads son crackheads want to live so they could do more crack when they ever tried to die honestly I don't really care of crackheads gay let's bracket it to go that's fine yo these people know we gotta talk about this mm-hmm how dare you as a New Yorker jump in front of a subway to kill yourself yeah that is the most selfish [ __ ] way to kill all these buildings you could jump out of a nobody would [ __ ] care and their day wouldn't be ruined but the fact that you want to take your life and then ruin my [ __ ] day like maybe you should die because these types of people that are that selfish they don't need to be around at least do that night when the trains come like every 10 minutes a [ __ ] when you could do it Russia how about this the last train is going to Williamsburg the L before that's just shut down for Saturday Sunday kill yourself on that one we gotta have certain times where you could go but this idea did like literally think of the type of person that jumps in front of train tracks it sudden they got peak hours off peak and suicide suicide Hamsterdam I'm Irish it's a suicide Hitler Hamsterdam on the world wire yeah suicide Hamsterdam Yahoo the way that's controlled and you don't get in anybody else's way get up out of here it's all good oh no how I still do the Train I've bought every possible way not to take the train of a bike electrical school you have the privilege one I still got a bicycle and a electric scooter I'm not getting on the train park this way always does the park is most glaring [ __ ] ever he puts a black power fist in his windshield like that the black car cops in my neighborhood there is it new black couple moving into the building like I want to be the only one around people in the block yeah I saw like some black fool say walking across like walking a dog like in front of my poor son today god that's so conservative like five seconds I'm like that when I move in [Music] [Laughter] not a single black person around there it's beautiful it's gonna be a Kennedy fried chicken in no time they started thinking he's gonna start mowing everybody's long I wouldn't hand it where they handing you cards and [ __ ] where they're like we would love your services no no no [ __ ] Oh some more cats than black people that's cat sit in a room you have a caddy neighborhood yeah like they just let that Casas roam free like their own didn't shoot but they just go back home at then and they yeah very friendly yeah that is a white thing to let your animals roam yeah this is Rome I've been nowhere to go that's why we the only wants to get lined they look at me like I'm like I'm not supposed to be there like we don't get Lyme disease now cuz the one guy we nature really yeah one guy from the forest for hi what is hiking hiking this is what hiking is it's getting as far away from minorities as you you basically go to the beach that's one version of it okay swim me I'm in the water any ing sport is getting away from your skiing snowboarding hiking swimming kayaking which like skateboarder from me although y'all really are all the best skateboarders are black now I know and nobody says a word no people that's easy Dave really skateboarder you always see him in his gate park but just after he finished he be out of breath a little like you hear about this dion Waiters [ __ ] listen mmm dion Waiters this I've been taking gummies oh my way I have gummies for you guys oh [ __ ] yes from Braddock's this weed company they had a specific thing for you right now no no I guess boss CBD in San Diego CEO with Trevor we broke down the chicken wing and how we like made a new chicken wing yeah like you know how we call Asians chicken wings right an asian chick is a chicken wing and the reason we call her that biz because there's this asian chick that we Airbnb debt and she just said she was describing food there's just like there's sushi there a chicken wing that's what Asian women are called yeah we're watching this Asian rapper right yeah there's a big line outside with all these body--the asian chicks like with body was like k-pop says I know it was wrapped Korean Korean rap a close yeah and but it was all asian chicks with some body in LA and we're like damn there's some thick and wings so so that's the new one you know I've been I've no [ __ ] thought about at least six times a weekend and said in a room by myself hanging out that oh yeah that right there that right there bro any time you walk into Japanese restaurant and they do that whole [ __ ] you know where the whole place talks yeah what is that you know what they say and you all know what they say come on somebody say call Weezy she knows whatever I literally I feel right back out the honey mustard just saying hello they just going hello hello at the end of Thor isn't that that's got those thank you but there's something you say when they walk in they really did the Dion Waiters dummies okay Dion Waiters gummies real quick by the way thank you guys for selling out the Town Hall shows very excited for that already we got this going Boston Thursday second show has a few more tickets left Connecticut no start barsen saturday as a few more things left for the second show first will slow down and Connecticut few more tickets left that's almost sold out as well so get on that real quick we added Edmonton and New Orleans and we got Seattle Early Show sold out Neptune theatre we have a late show a few more tickets left for that go get that the end results are calm for the rest of the tickets now we get to talk about this [ __ ] dion Waiters took the edible mmm passed out all been there before didn't snitch didn't snitch teammate without pay ten games still didn't snitch think about that ten game real one how much money is he probably lost oh my god these games has got to be at least well like forty forty Rex something like that that's a good chunk of change he's missing out on that's worse than being fine when they suspended without pay I think he got paid so I think this is a good like now you just built up credibility with the rest of the league Oh every player in the league is like i [ __ ] with that guy be on my team when he's even after he's kind of washed now but even when he's like walk forty seven million guaranteed yo we've heard waiters a few years ago was bawling oh yeah yeah right half a year half a year was bawling and Lenny not only of Cleveland and went to Miami this thing yeah contract years those contract these are great he is a contract year killer there's some guys I like that Joyce Randle on top of the gang oh speaking of shell forgot to promote champ sports this Friday I'll be there with my girl Vic Randall for slam and you can tell we'll have some well have some things that's all about I mean ball down discounts are give what's all about it can we talk about can we talk about the next oh my god I guess we have to you guys are so happy when you beat the mazzard [ __ ] that everything's gone have you seen what happen to them I think no oh my gosh I had a great day was my family I had my family Sunday Funday was fantastic watch the Knicks yeah they're playing the Cavs it should be a they just be the good maverick team man good game Mike we lost know that that was their second one we got worked and yeah okay Collin Sexton was out there looking like [ __ ] God Jesus Christ it's a home game but the [ __ ] organization they are talking about James Dolan right now is talking about bringing Masai Ujiri was the president of the black horse for one second the only thing about bringing Masai Ujiri to the Knicks I I am 100% convinced that James don't hates black people why because why would you ruin this many black people's lives the black president specifically blacks the black zo he's ruining jazz music with his band he is ruining you know what team that James Stone owns it seems to be doing okay the Rangers but when they're black the play the score all of a sudden it's the worst management it's the worst is the worst GM it's the worst everything the fact that they're thinking about firing tisdale Real Talk dude honestly this is Kardashian levels of [ __ ] over black men that James don't is it right because he is his fist Dale head coach is about to get replaced as if anybody could do anything else with this [ __ ] team before we have what today's on you need iron man you need Captain America you did a lot of organizational [ __ ] to make the Knicks work right now the fact that the fact that Steve Mills and who's the other bumper Steve Mills and Scott Perry those [ __ ] franksen I'm not mad at scalper Steve Mills is the one who Franks and [ __ ] beans idiot doesn't matter but Franks and beans those guys are talking about firing fizz Dale guys Roy here's my thing the thing you know what do you want fizz Dale to do black on black crime I've gone this is akin to what's happening in Chicago I think it's akin to what's happening all around the world like this is like Rwanda this organization real talk okay this is a weak [ __ ] move where I like the the whole [ __ ] they had the press conference right right after the game oh you're sorry like we thought we were gonna compete a little more than like the dudes a dead man walking now Fez Dale James Dolan hates black people he hates black people he was trying to ruin everything black think about trying convince people in the garden Oakley BAM from the garden Isaiah Thomas scene in the sexual predator now Isaiah Thomas seen as himself what else smell oh we can't get a job Melo can't get a job he hired an Asian he was like all right let's see what this is amol Crawford I was like yo the Knicks call you right now you answer the phone against the phone it's like I love to come play from New York really yeah quote unquote that'll go out tomorrow well today you guys but I'm like I don't know why you would but like you just he just wants a contract he just loves born bro that's more fun like he's 45 years old get the damn stolen hates black people he hates everything black and she's trying to destroy everything black from the inside out that is a fact he will destroy jazz music with his band he will destroy basketball he will destroy front office management do you think that two black guys that are running the Knicks right now are gonna get another job in the front office do you think you think Scott Perry or Steve Mills can get another job in basketball after this after this abomination of course not and you know what they could be competent guys there's one thing but James Dolan will not let them win because he hates black people sound like success Steve Mills the one I'm Mike you've been there for 20 years DRO how are you still employed black people the two black people he hired both have white names sky and Perry but both Steve and Mills like they've gotten David the problem the problem is obviously Dolan and I think the cats out of the bag I think we know what's going on he is a deeply racist man who hates black people and hates black success and hates black empowerment and he's doing everything he can to suppress that and I think if I'm being honest with you I think it's far worse than the guy who owned the Clippers what was a guy who owned the Clippers sterling sterling just didn't want his wife around one black guy that had [ __ ] that's a reasonable thing to say to your [ __ ] wife okay and to be fair he didn't say he didn't wanted to be around him he said just don't take pictures with them you can do whatever you like you go [ __ ] them stick him hang out on whatever just don't take when it can't nobody has destroyed black lives like this man James Dolan I've seen his band life I've seen his band life cuz they made us go to this thing when I was on a TV show it was all by his Network right a TV show that he promoted because it was about hockey [Music] interesting no MSG owns you remember our channel fuse you've seen a good black show on fuse a good hip-hop show on fuse they just take whatever from complex flagrant fit of the week now so listening to this right now because you listen to it every week you're welcome for these gifts that we get but we aren't here supporting creativity okay unlike James Dolan which is trying to squash black track what is that they're bitin of course we know they buy in so is [ __ ] first take so they asked us to come to [ __ ] complex fest or whatever they reached out they reached out yeah mrs. on the con some do the Rob podcaster but that was come on saying James Dolan mmm shockingly racist man I mean that's arguing thou doth protest too much bro how about how do you think you pull a guy like Masai Ujiri massage your thigh he's Nigerian there's one of them how do you not know his name besides not a Nigerian yes know my size name yeah whatever you know what I mean how the [ __ ] do you think you guys you just might people so son you really cuz I must pronounce for me [Music] you know come on you might be yeah I am I'm 90% Nigerian for real I just did a 23andme James Dolan got a 23andme test so you can take to find out how black you are that's why you shouldn't make it past first season we only kill careers over here Melo might be a good basketball player Mel what what's the do tell Kentavious caldwell-pope yes and Melo can't get a look san Jared Dudley can't get off the bench because Kentavious caldwell-pope will shut the [ __ ] up if somebody says something to him exactly the past year no he doesn't do videos at Chris Brickley and just lay up somebody saw me I'll do a team there's a point at which you're not it's not really the Hawkins bro buckets there's more million I cannot go and get you a bucket not really and whatever the [ __ ] you say about this dude he can still do that not really no oh I mean you should go drive a [ __ ] subway Chris Paul let's [ __ ] do it right now is it a thunder yeah what team is he on Oh Thunder how much did we forget about Chris Paul I forgot he was an illegal they look actually like not terrible really yeah no did you see that video of him blowing the guy what's more games I thought that was gonna weigh more for yo to clipper six and three Oh cuz Kawai take a rest yeah everybody six in three two if I can stack this gun on Lakers bro that's my team bro Lakers the lake showed up my team yeah the nuggets are gonna make it to the finals I don't know how many date for that but I think knife [ __ ] with the Nuggets I think is doing it oh no bro I heard they don't look quite as good right now but what Nuggets is a word this I don't even feel comfortable saying no gets well too many energy it's a lot of Sinuhe get all even movie sounds like you combined into right Snickers don't sound right watch this Nuggets game I started eating some nougat you gotta you gotta lean into that k when you say something occurs yeah bonkers or like underwear NIC terrifying Brad can't even say it the underwear in the in England yeah what they call in England yeah knickers I comb connectors yeah you know I think when you when they make [ __ ] for bars that share its kebabs wigger Oh Swigert that's too close bro that's too close bro could you say that one sores yes bother me Oh swagger was a swagger that's fine that's true that a swagger is fine like those guys swingers yes what guys make me comfortable I mean you guys are cool too boy is a swinger know what the thing the bar I thought it's like a Swedish ASAP in jail [Laughter] going back to Sweden for why not to do a show we're not doing a show there we're not supporting it and people go it's not all the Swedish people we know it's not all the sweets but obviously it's not the Swedish people we [ __ ] with Swedish people but your government conspired to keep him in prison so when a government conspires to keep a guy in prison false pretense you can't feel safe there Sweden not all white countries are the same bro guys what's the difference in Sweden right now three thousand miles chocolate Sweden so I mean I challenge Switzerland they speak a bunch of different languages Yeah right a federer's Switzerland is as well said if you want to be white but [ __ ] drinka food sign what first of all this guy drink when he's getting booed I don't know if you guys are watching those Tyler creators of camp vlog vlogs know that he does every year yeah it's working oh I thought it was Wayne golf that's going golf Wang I thought it's like I just imagine you're playing golf with your dick okay anyway so Tyler Scott amassed this great following it's it's really brilliant what he's been able to do and and curated this amazing audience and and he asked strict I guess perform at this festival that he throws and then they [ __ ] booed Drake and because he wasn't Frank Ocean right can I read his tweets yes today okay let's see finally Creative Suite she said quote I thought bringing one of the biggest artists in the [ __ ] planet so a musical festival was fire but flipside a little tone deaf knowing that specific crowded drew some created a narrative in your head and acted out like [ __ ] when they didn't come true and I don't [ __ ] with that this and this [ __ ] did feel no ways something is beautiful also mostly everyone was having a great time those shits in the front area were the ones being Madrid which I can see why but now [ __ ] that y'all represent misrepresented me and flogged to my guests and made us look so entitled in trash that [ __ ] was like mob mentality and cancel culture in real life and I think that should his [ __ ] trash [ __ ] did feel no ways that's almost beautiful most guys don't do album cuts Thank You Aubrey like I love that song and thought that would never happen and he really did that for me and I appreciate it because he did not have to come at all see how worlds come together was so great in theory but hey man [ __ ] happens all jokes aside low-key funny hahaha aside from that hope everyone had a good time again nowhere as no [ __ ] meant a lot of people enjoyed it thanks again again Thank You Drake I'm [ __ ] pissed hotline bling' was next and that's my [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna play that in the shower right now okay last tweet I was in the front and I hear Tyler and I look to my left and this girl red-faced puffy waterfall of teeth looked into my soul and said trembling with anger what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] [ __ ] I turned away so quick she was pissed bro and that was it that [ __ ] was not cool dog and he ended it with a K so I had a theory about this I've never been to a Tyler show mmm that's not a good job is is his audience predominantly male yeah nice little makes them I would suspect his audience is predominantly male I would suspect that and there's nothing wrong with that you know at all no but I would suspect his always predominately male and the thing about Drake is he brings out the [ __ ] yes oh I'll try now does not bring about the [ __ ] now to him bring him out its he performs to them mm-hmm so imagine is 90 percent dudes right and like skateboarder II kind of like hipster II dudes and Drake is singing love songs to you and you're like alright man oh my god [ __ ] yeah now that premise holds true until you realize who they actually wanted to perform mm-hmm which was the gay guy whose songs about you to you they wanted Franco they booed Drake for Franco's at can we acknowledge Frank Ocean is one of the most overrated artists co-holder talked about the hype like how brilliant marketing you could've possibly done that's how you load it Tyler's fans were are super high peace because they like the [ __ ] they can't get yeah they treating Frank Ocean like a Jordan release let me let me read one more opening up in Time Square now this is from somebody who attended it and he said and this is making the rounds on reddit ok it wasn't as simple as spoiled crowd booed rate because they were expecting Frank like it was partially that but that [ __ ] went down cuz so much confusion that it was set up to fail here's what happened the entire festival is at this set and it's [ __ ] packed Tyler comes out 5 minutes late and says thank you for coming yada yada yada can I bring out some friends crowd get type and the a snob rocky comes out plays two songs and leaves Tyler comes back out says can I bring out another friend crowd gets hype Lucy Berg comes out place two songs and dips it's how it does it again this time Drake comes out Drake plays a song says Tyler wanted me for one or two songs but can i play some more if you want plays like five songs and people are hyped but he keeps eluding like almost he keeps like alluding to almost being done so people don't know if he was the final person or what he then says he has two more songs and people are like cool they still like a half hour that means more performances he finished the two songs and says do you guys want more and everybody was like uh maybe like no one knew what was happening and so apparently he didn't like the response so he just walked off and then nothing literally stood there two minutes not knowing if it was over or what the [ __ ] was happening finally the lights go on in the words thanks for coming comes on the big screen I wasn't at the front so maybe I didn't hear the boos but people were trying to get down to the songs from what I saw and while the people around me at least were disappointed if Drake was the finale so to speak they would have been fine and enjoyed the set if they had made it clear no one else was coming yeah I saw the video mmm it's some people were there some people weren't I thought that he handled it so graciously and this is why he's been on the top of the game for ten years it's like he literally just goes to them he sees the boos he owes listen I'm here for y'all if y'all want me to be here right and I'm down to perform for y'all if y'all wanted do you want me to keep going and then there's some rosin and there's some boos he goes all right y'all thank you so much I love y'all y'all have a good night like in that moment and we've all had that moment onstage as comics where we just go into fuck-you mode and just start tearing it apart and digging in to have that humility yeah so that's why he's been on top of the game and someone asked him out he was like you got to welcome the humbling moments that was a humbling moment you he's the biggest rapper in the world has been for the last ten years and [ __ ] got booed like that is made me feel so good why because like he's so successful he's so [ __ ] successful and this guy who's made almost like a billion dollars making whatever the [ __ ] he was still that my crowd of people who didn't [ __ ] with him so if there's any like thing to take from that it's like yo if he hasn't already and this is from someone who's not a fan mmm if he hasn't already he's going to be in that goat conversation like nobody's been bringing him in the tea but it's gonna be like they're not even gonna look at jay-z like whatever man jay-z's a better businessman Drake's a better rapper makes it better bit like it's gonna be a real debate too and you're not gonna have a lot of grounds to disagree oh yeah cuz he's got he's got the thing that Drake has that jay-z never really had was like she's in songs right true so I got those hit songs man like hope was always like oh yeah never have been never had hits like that like he had a handful yeah like hard-knock life yeah [ __ ] wasn't like huge like how I'm bling was huge [ __ ] God's burger big huge like Big Papi crazy songs trust me I understand what you say about like big some but we talking about like massive like Z 100 top 40 like number one you beaten out Taylor Swift Madonna don't go sigh he's crossover to mainstream just music in general not just hip-hop yeah becomes big to us but like jay-z don't got a bigger song than God's plan jay-z don't got a bigger song then [ __ ] you got one dance you know Kendall dances he got one you know got like jay-z kind of trash you right I definitely do like foresee a future a world where people don't even look at jay-z as a rapper like on some Charles Barkley [ __ ] like kids are just like oh that's just the funny guy on TNT like no Charles Barkley was the [ __ ] when he played ball the [ __ ] Charles a man bro yes I was the [ __ ] just the beginning of the end for Drake people have always loved him this is the first time I've ever seen the people not loved it but these are the types of people not to open it no no like this this crowd his crowd like towers crowd yeah I imagine reflects Tyler in his life which is a little bit outcasted they're like the Tyler's like the black Insane Clown Posse and his fans are like that version as well like we didn't fit into the stereotype of our race yeah do you know I'm sorry I'm not get what you're saying they're black they're like black misfit like and also the white kids there to feel a little weird and they also skateboard and they're all like hey we're all outsiders but then again you all hang out with each other straight outsiders you have your own group but you want to lead holler built this entire fan base off of being like the anti Drake yeah but their leader who's Tyler invited Drake out so they should automatically like the person that their leader is telling you hey I'm inviting to my concert right so the fact that the people are going against their leader and booing Drake yeah that means Drake is starting to lose fan faith I think he's too smart I think similar to we're having with jay-z after either where the push thing I think Drake recovered quicker but like there's still a little like weird thing but it'll that [ __ ] in the armor it definitely isn't shaking the armor cuz I can't I can't even listen to like if you're reading this is too late anymore and I love that project that was like my favorite drink project at one point but now I just hear what's in a Quentin Quentin what's the Quin villain Quentin Miller I just hear the [ __ ] reference tracks every time I put on us all my damn he really ruined that album for me now dude isn't it so weird that you can say [ __ ] in the armor it's a normal term you can say [ __ ] in the armor you can't say [ __ ] in the armchair right that would be super racist you can say [ __ ] in the armor but not [ __ ] in the armchair and there is like what say what what'd they say Oh was it the Jeremy one thing yeah so I said that about Jeremy Lin in the armor they say armor though but imagine if you were like it's just one of those chinks in the armoire we hide in chinks in the armor it would be a crazy thing to say it just shows you like what that type of thing shows you right it exposes the absurdity of of like language and meaning that we put into language right there literally just sounds that we make out of our mouths and we add all the meaning to them like the n-word thing where we couldn't even say words that were around the n-word why it just sounds there literally just sounds and people will fight someone out of a well outside of Walmart because you say that sound to him I give someone that much power over you that Popeyes video though the guy got [ __ ] up that [ __ ] was hilarious they did that to take his chicken sandwich I'm not gonna do it your word but that sort of knobby they lied he never even called him everywhere did it they made that up sudden you see it's a video he goes have a nice day guys and they're like they're like we closed our ticket chicken sandwich the first time bro the new [ __ ] stepped on be Mitch you know like I don't know what they deal with the old G formula the whole G formula has some cracks Merkel in there so I'm like I think there was something wrong with the old one it was a mistake no no I think they put something in it that shouldn't have been that's why they pulled it quick before they got caught before people start testing really I can see that I can see that and what do you think they put on that just made black people go crazy extra chicken watermelon see it's like a type of salt let me tell you one thing it tastes amazing right but it's horrible for you yeah and that's why James Dolan named it msg because it feels good while it kills you Nix don't even feel good no think about the Knicks name the Knickerbockers he has this is he's a truly racist man who hates black people bro but oh my gosh oh my gosh man racist [Music] that's how much I care about my Knicks you guys gotta figure out scandals if I got any cowboy fans I want to get a me too for Jerry Jones you got a girl that you're willing to sell this Jerry Jones is like they keep selling the conversation for like rights listen I'm not gonna say lowing yeah this is probably worse but it also sucks you just always have hope and then lose it but they're both just you got him out of there terrible dude who plays a lottery more than black people Spanish people have color love the logarithm numbers my number if it's only when it gets like mad a bit they sell it margins on the lotto tickets holding that [ __ ] up to the light like doors that win they get a cut yeah you get a piece and they own all the stores hey got it that's how we hustle yeah yeah yeah MVP combo Lamar Jackson I still got Russell Wilson bro but time Lamar's look an impressive role even I said attitude it is yesterday if NFL players have Heisman moments yesterday was this [ __ ] huh traveling bro it was it was thick esque sorry Vic ESCA bro started running downhill like Vic number one written when Vic would would really put on the Jets and it seemed like his legs were catching up to his body dog watch it in slow motion and it's still moving mad fast and we should never ever ever the better he gets at passing to the Oh perfect passer rating today by the way last game perfect passer rating here he goes right here boom fake option excuse me excuse me whoa excuse me whoa be gone son and we gone step spin wolf gone gone no one's touching him he said I would rather just in the pocket and throw but honestly those are the types of plays where if he gets blasted by a linebacker or safety when he does that oh he will one everybody will be calling him an idiot for it he will one day but he's the best show in football right that's right so Steve Young said this he about any mobile quarterback you have to learn to do most of your damage from the pocket and I think that's part of it is you're concerned about this guy getting hurt and that's always my concern with him man as someone who loves watching him play I don't want him to get hurt I need him to do this sparingly yeah yeah take your shots when they're really necessary but if he actually can throw so like he seems like he seems like he's getting and wants to yeah like that got better at pocket passer dude what was that video attack so there was I was naturally limited audio in the green room and there's something like there's a way when you're scrambling to the left you open up your hips a certain way and you can throw it better so he was literally just doing that and then I didn't see any good New York overnight I just wasn't opening up it feels too hard Dix what else we got boys we got a long episode cuz we got the end yeah we can talk about poor Gordon Hayward we could talk about ksi Logan Paul LSU Bama was a great game we can talk about Hermione Dayton herself loser in the books like you ever she said um she's like I'm not single I'm self partnered you know so sad about that is it she's admitting that she doesn't want to be lonely she made up like a like a fake best friend or somebody like [ __ ] self partner just say you alone say no one want to deal with your yappin about the environment is this the [ __ ] that care about the environment is the sweetest [ __ ] she does with Twilight [ __ ] that's not the toy biz no this is a girl from Harry Potter that cares about the environment [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] cuz he hit the Nam just kidding right away I forgot about my girlfriend when I said that reminded me loves Harry Potter's told me about Harry parsall her that's about you okay that's on you you may meet you that's yo when I heard that Loki kind of fly what that self partners why just run with that yo you know doing this for decades doe I got a man his name is Jesus the same thing is just Valentine no [ __ ] [ __ ] oh come on that's funny though do you want to tell girls tell girls that your self partners so you can't be a relationship because I'm self partner right now oh I guess a little bit you know it's funny though about witches is that like it's like you know how to be riding on the brooms and [ __ ] right it's like even with all your magical powers you still got clean [Laughter] anyway guys it's been wild we got an interview coming up right now with our guy Trevor Wallace very yeah we'll do it after but very funny kid making his way in new media I'm very proud of him and I want to you know give him this platform to showcase his stuff you guys made it seen some of his viral videos out there in the world and she's got a podcast if Sox got a pocket boys Michael blaustein talked about that in the interview as well enjoy and yo you already know keep it tight as always been flagrant soupy what's up everybody now my illustrious podcast hosts are not in town even though you've probably listened to them for about an hour with me today Akash is in Tempe currently because we're recording this on Sunday and Kaz is probably doing anything else mhmmm dad's in Casas level of dedication to this podcast he's doing anything he treats us worse than his feet now you really don't have to see but but we have a special guest here I'm very excited to have on a podcast I've been your your rise & grind now for for a while you popped up on my radar I think just by DME me yeah yeah you were doing Oxnard Liberty live out there and all for that yeah even for that yeah yeah this is Trevor Wallace everybody you probably have seen 100 percent have seen some of the YouTube videos tons of these viral YouTube videos the first one I saw that really I think has texted you about it it was the dads oh yeah yeah I was [ __ ] dying but you do these characters where you're mocking these you're mocking you're mocking these please write your stereotypes pretty much as a personality or somebody yeah and you really get into character and now you got other guys kind of doing it with you and yeah yeah it kind of just Fanning found this like little group of people that just like riff similarly and I mean won't write any of the shows just yeah camera on film for 45 minutes condense it's like five minutes and yeah so what I mean I've never been a big like here's a script can you hit that line like yeah it was just so like static and not funny to me so we just [ __ ] around you know a hard part about acting right it's like making a line so many audition yeah I mean they send me out on legit [ __ ] and I eat [ __ ] for it yeah you know audition for Silicon Valley ate so much [ __ ] for it yeah you know and it's because you're looking at it like man I could write this funnier right I would say this and this but and you're like is that it is that like a question mark is that a comma and then you're like saying it and there's like in a mirror it just doesn't feel right it doesn't feel like a human you're like yeah you're like I'm trying to know you completely it's so much easier to say [ __ ] that like comes to you organically right exactly that's and that's why some look I don't have a lot of respect for actors at all there are certain things like we had Jeremy Piven on the podcast Jeremy Piven said he didn't ad-libber improv a single-line really montage and while that's crazy to me I was heartbroken because I thought that he wrote everything yeah character was just so I don't know it's so amazing please like not every word was in the script and then I was like okay as an actor that's pretty impressive because you made it seem right you know so you but it's like he just bring words to life you know shoutout to the writers yeah it's like we are the riders getting hose off this is it just you definitely not exactly thick writers get hosts real talk they should because they are the most powerful people it's a really good writer all they gonna do is write in blonde thirty-eight-year-old looks like a Jessica oh then the girl comes in named Jessica she auditions oh wow boom he's one getting roles right Nivens out here just reading lines saying [ __ ] and [ __ ] well but but they're like we were saying it's hard to read a line it is it's hard to read a line and make it funny like it's the antithesis of everything that we learn and stand up yeah like stand up oh I should say that your background is standing yes started in the first yes I first started stand-up first then you start working for Russell Simmons yeah all the digital all that digitally I think that's when you reached out to me and you were offering to help me out with my Instagram yeah and it was it was great and just like literally everybody who's ever worked with me they like reached out they're like hey you can do this better and you were teaching at a college trying to reach up to the next level and be like how do I get in with somebody that's exactly that's what Mark did that's what Alex did you know I'm sure editing I don't know how you got here you hit up Alex but you did what so many people don't do right so many people are like hey can I open up for you on the road cuz like what does that add what value does that advert zero that like exactly you like immediately came in with value and I saw that you understood new media and I was trying to get an understanding of new media at the time and I'm not shocked at all to see what's happening man it's like really exploded for you thank you me so crazy so you catch this niche right and what do you even call it the [ __ ] I I mean I feel like I just played the stereotypes that people know really well it's like because usually a trait of somebody yes cuz it's a lot of time for me comedy is it would be like hometown hero yeah brother one for the hometown bro like the guy who never leaves home good the hometown guy yes now and I just went down my facebook I don't [ __ ] with Facebook really yeah it's a weird place it feels like just like a shitty Applebee's so like I do it and I just like just because what happened that character some dude messes me for my hometown he used to be the quarterback like stud long hair like [ __ ] look like long hair good quality honey long hand off the ball and you got good hair you're getting ass you know DME one days ago I got a three year olds if you ever need it for a video it's just like bro offering up a three year old to be in a video like that and I was just like what thank you he throws passes bro that's what he does quarterback yeah exactly he's just lobbing off baby [ __ ] hot rod so I just heard that what the [ __ ] is wrong with people from my hometown right and I started going through Facebook Camarillo California scammer you know Oxnard Liberty live Club yeah Camarillo is the outlets yeah yeah yeah oh yeah you did shellfish company yeah babe Rio this morning out of karaoke gone so so you see him you think he's a loser cuz he offers up his child and then you decide to make you're a [ __ ] sociopath oh yeah I have two tickets to the [ __ ] lifted truck convention down the street well I gotta go to Spearmint yeah exactly there is a Spearman runner right in our town shout about you guys got one out in Camarillo - I see knocks on it's like this like ten minutes away oh they have one experiment Wow yeah oh there was one collective mourning that was the one that was the local one PJs okay so you decide to just kind of like roast this one guy now is he familiar you're making fun of him I probably but I also think he's one of those guys that's like oh you see this yeah well I thought you shoot about me right now - it's like gapping up a three-year-old who just doesn't know what that is titty milk yes so I mean I just take trade so there's like you should I see around and just really just go with that you know cuz right I think some of the videos that people do it like wigs and this stuff is like it's to overproduce I just want something that people can be like oh that's so much like mark that's so much like this [ __ ] you know it's just right relatability and truth and that's really comedy in it right I mean yeah if but it wasn't an accidental for you and this is why I want to have you on our cuz I try to I try to give as much exposure to new media guys yeah as I can right guys who I really think I think really understand new media because we're gonna be the people that are basically controlling this industry as you know regular Hollywood kind of falls upon yeah right but I mean it had some general meetings with some networks out here they don't get it what the [ __ ] they got coming for 20/20 I was like yeah what what were you talking I'm about it was just like every network is like they're bringing back all these old shows and it's like like why do you think they're doing that because those hit back in the day and they're like remember show greats like yeah two reasons one a hit back in a day but two the only people that still watch TV are the people who used to watch that [ __ ] damn so they're making TV for older people because the TV demo has gotten older cuz old you know how to work reboots ever worked now they they slap Roseanne slap and socially went wild until she took that what does she take ambien or some [ __ ] and started wild on Twitter she didn't [ __ ] people's live anybody Roseanne people would have gotten away I don't think she looks like a monkey I just want to point that out we don't have to lose our careers off this but back to what we're saying so it seemed to me that it this was not like an accident with you did like you were working at a TV for a while yeah and then did you witness rust do anything wild Russell was he's so weird cuz he's very like a yogi you know on Instagram you like post all these like motivational quotes and then he walking me what the [ __ ] y'all doing what about the police love and positivity [ __ ] where's the whole praying hands and robe that's how Asians get down I mean like that yoga [ __ ] is for white people bro because Asians stay murdering each other right like have y'all ever condone Asian places calm go to Chinatown oh no no it's screaming all right fish flying out of buckets to [ __ ] it's nothing yoga at all maybe as crazy is Indian not crazy I think white billon was a fine peace and calmness in it yes I don't rob done cuz Russell used to own a hot yoga studio and he gave us free passes right I went a few times grooming ground it was wit bro it was hidden it was it was weird it was it was dark I don't know what was going on did you see him going after hos or what they're not as but it's like a yoga flex it's like it like he would like be like touching the back of his heels while having a conversation like a bridge but oh yeah what'd you do this is you know just looking like upside down U or something I mean wrestled the photo rustles like he still Russell Simmons like yeah you people understand like how powerful he was back today so like to see him become all Zen and all that [ __ ] and then like he in office like he was intimidating you know he I was an intern okay who the [ __ ] is this white boy and I just have to be like I post your meme surgeon what the [ __ ] is that yeah but he's powerful and in a goddamn he it was cool to just work something like that I think he's in like Bali right now I think yeah out charges and he's like Dubai Lego where rape is legal [Laughter] I don't know what the [ __ ] residue go to some weird as but Thailand ways it was a Bali right I think it's Bob Holly's in Indonesia I think so I believe anyway so new life and then yeah so you got a hundred million in a bank probably gotten really cash yeah I mean who knows what the [ __ ] he got away with it yeah I mean is that the move you just did yeah he's third world country it up dude that's it Roman Polanski bro and he got to go to France Jesus how crazy is that they're like he went to France and America was like hey we need him back because he was like raping girls right in France was like well how old were they and then we were like 15 they're like what dog years you know that you think jet lag so here you are in this space you understand and your understand in actual new media yeah and you're doing what I think some smart people do which is like try to help somebody with a bigger platform than yourself yeah do that at a TD right you do that you try to come to me right and then eventually you make this jump to do it yourself what I want to know is when did that happen and what what made you realize okay I'm gonna start helping me instead of other people yeah when I guys I work with Kevin stage [ __ ] hilarious he's like my mentor and everything yeah it's like I saw him doing it I remember you a show with Tony Baker him Sonny bacon to hear more tour together but he also has a show yeah Bryce's matches with Doughboy with Doughboy yeah yeah all those guys are so funny so what's cool about it is that I kind of launched the careers so many people and then once it went under you know the town shine and everybody had a platform from that essentially but I was working there I remember my first video hit a million was like in 2017 I was looking oh when we go back to work you know what was the video it was mocking like the zoomies employees so I was like the early early on the first character I really did that did well and then like a year ago last September it was I just felt it I was like man I'm getting these views I'm starting money from videos I'm saving up money you know like I booked when I really realized it is like kind of weighing who was it's just like bro just book your own one-nighters you know dude or do you look your own one-nighters do vocal [ __ ] you got a big market in San Diego so I did my first like headlining gig San Diego I was like oh I can pay rent off that [ __ ] yeah I was like bro well if I do one one night or a month I'm set right yeah so kind of talk the keV stage about it and he's like look if I didn't have kids or a wife I would have dipped months ago right yeah so if I was liking him you know he's I mean he's smart he didn't waste any money or any of that [ __ ] so once he was like oh I would add it I was like word I'm out sorry pretty much yeah I had enough money saved up for like a couple months right if she'd hit the fan or whatever and then right after that I got a manager like a month later and then I got an agent and like it's just like yeah things like it's just time yeah have they done anything for you they gave me a bunch of like gig just College gigs and well the agent yeah yeah I mean the cool part about my manager is he came from CA as an agent in the touring world so he's like a hybrid so he just got me a bunch of [ __ ] in the beginning oh if he's if they're bringing you money it's fine right but most of them I just don't think managers you need them anymore cuz you can DM anybody you need yeah okay yeah who can imagine like introduce you do that you can't introduce yourself to or your agent can't right yeah yeah who can who do you need to talk to yeah I don't know but I mean I was just so new to everything they're like you need this you need that and then I mean that the whole industry world is so weird and I mean I don't know how much I mean I'm sure you've been you've seen the ways of all this [ __ ] you're like had that didn't have that and you know where you're right now is like you just need you you're you are there you know you are energy so it's like yeah that's what the club is booking you and then you're in a unique situation too because a lot of like the the guys who come up from social they don't have stand-up chops right and they start yeah yes I learn it afterwards yeah and some can like do it because they're just super talented like that Joel McHale guy uh-huh apparently he was just he just learned stand-up really I think he probably had some I don't know I don't want to say he hit writers but I don't know usually guys who don't do it and then do an hour usually maybe have a little help yeah but um but a lot of these guys don't have a skill to monetize right you know and then they're like their agent would be like we need to put you on a live show and like all right what I do you got an hour to [ __ ] around yeah bro an hour is an insane amount of time I mean even getting 10 minutes it's a long time listen to two people talk yeah I mean [ __ ] right now ya know it's crazy I remember the first time like I had like early on I had 10 minutes some guys like yeah I do 15 tonight I was like 8 though right bro no I remember when I was starting stand-up I had this little it was a little audio recorder and it was it looked kind of like a thick pencil and I would get offstage and I would look at the time yeah and I remember hitting 8 minutes and 56 seconds in a half hour you know Netflix 15 you know I could stretch 5 but I mean even just building a tight 10 cuz I because I was doing stand-up in the Bay Area San Jose I had you know what I call it 10 minutes out there moved to LA with that that Bay Area tan I came down here I was like oh I got zero minutes bro this [ __ ] is trash so to give like a social media guy you know an hour it's [ __ ] nuts yeah just I mean you say your catchphrases and then you know after 10 minutes people not answer like ah yeah well that's why you're in a good situation because you actually do stand-up yeah it is great converting kids a comment I get a lot from people's they'll come out be like honestly bro I don't know what the [ __ ] to expect at your show but like we just bought tickets cuz we support you and we're a fans of you like you could've just took a [ __ ] on stage for now so that's so that's something that like I hit you up when I saw you starting to pop with these other YouTube videos mm-hmm and I was like you got it insert the stand out stand up yeah yeah even if it's not what they like even if the videos don't do as well huh because it will remind them that you do stand up well yeah yeah the people that are interested yeah you know you might have a video get three million right and you might have a stand up video get three hundred thousand but at least those three hundred thousand people are like oh [ __ ] he's really good yeah they're gonna come out because I'm super self-conscious about what Clips I post about stand-up yes so I'm because essentially you're burning material gonna be like hey this is what I want people cuz when they Google you know Trevor wall stand-up but that's what's gonna pop up right or show or whatever so yeah I need to do it because there's so many people out there that just don't know that you do stand-up exactly there's layers to it yeah there's layers to it you know it's like you got to find out oh that's to do who did that video oh that's his name that's his Instagram Oh what's the swipe up always in Connecticut for what like there's so many layers to yeah but if you pop on a stand up clip it's there you know it's that first layer when it's on the channel that they already subscribe to exactly because that's what happened with me that's what changed everything that means like I had all these people to listen to idiots mm-hmm and I didn't know that they didn't know that I did stand-up really like I assumed yeah they once you assume it's like the word and you started calling me to stand up again really in the last couple years I used to be a podcaster and I love that because I love doing this but my identity was always hey I'm you know what it is it's like you know like Dominicans they like don't think they're black mmm but like you looking at him like like but that's what it was it was like I saw myself in some way but my audience didn't and I needed to show them who I was and the second I showed them I started selling out the shows right but had I never put out the videos to those people who knew I did stand-up and they never saw me but you like do stand-up dude I was the only thing I did yeah but they didn't know why and why would they know it's like even right now like when I when we go out and we do the tour right I have an hour tour of my material my jokes just the full force flagrancy it's it's crazy but so many people have seen this the the crowd work moments that happen randomly in a show yeah yeah a lot of people come to the shows going you know the whole show it's gonna be crowd because they see what you give them exactly are and then they give them that exactly so it's like pour in that's why I hit too early I was like keep putting a stand-up in be let both of those grow exactly you know cuz it is forever different like I know in probably college markets you're gonna you're gonna murder you doing comedy in colleges they're great and just and I mean just getting the full taste of like cuz you know a lot of times you'll have an opener and it's a student and they're like reading off a note card they're like influence several Wohlers and then the Kazakh she okay oh say this this this this saved me a college shows with the horrible introductions you say I don't care really what to say just say my name last yes worst thing is yeah we've got Trevor Wallace you've seen him on a DD and YouTube and he's an influencer and he has Facebook and Instagram and tick tock on social media and yeah and I'm like what's my cue yeah and audience doesn't know what a clap cuz they go it's your name and that is always far from the mic they're scared of timid I'm like just give me the mic go [ __ ] bring myself a big this next guy and then it is you don't take anyone the road starting to a little about blah Blau yeah we're gonna do some shows coming so so you and Blau do a podcast yeah give socks baby if socks and I have no clue what this [ __ ] podcast is about yeah I just see the Instagram clips which I find very funny uh-huh and blouse time we've spoken about him on the show yeah you the clip yet me send you that no I got to see it the clip so my podcast co-host you guys pulled that prank on where you told nobody to laugh in the audience I need that clip so last times like an old-school like you know he came up with us in stand up in New York and you know to LA to be an actor and [ __ ] and now he's doing podcast like the rest of us which is what he should be doing but yeah why doesn't he just open for you on the road man is there a ego thing with that no we done shows together and he's great cuz he gets the crowd [ __ ] ha oh yeah dude he's gonna rip those oh yeah it's great so ya know it's just our schedules in sick conflicting a little bit and then we want to take a look at podcasts on somewhat of a tour or like do a stand-up and then and then the podcast but we're trying to figure out so what is the podcast we just pretty much riff it's just like top we just riff about whatever's going on yeah and then why does he have a laptop on his laughs understood like yeah no matter what you're talking about it's got nothing to do with that [ __ ] oh the laptop and the glasses is just purely to flex ah no glasses I don't want some glasses every once in a while just to bust him out get that little intelligent intelligence' wait oh look he's wearing yeah okay yeah we do you think glasses on the table yeah Pepsi cans but no he will have people like writing like questions and for advice right oh it's like up front we just riff a little bit and then it's more fan interaction question where people we do uh advice and then we have this one that's called it's like anonymous [ __ ] where people just write in something I want to get off their chest right and so I'm doing was like yo I [ __ ] went on a drug deal and let's just say one person didn't come back and I'm like did this [ __ ] just confess murder on my podcast and it's like well we're not gonna say his name but shout-out to this guy you know so it's cool the slaughter just riff and that's kind of what we found we toyed with like the different ideas that it beforehand like essentially people just like the riff you know right and people say [ __ ] like I thought falling asleep to your podcast like is that a compliment yeah do we need to be louder look at the [ __ ] earth so is it I liked what you guys were doing earlier and I'm surprised you guys went away from it but you would like you would do an activity yeah it was too much time we'd do an activity we kind of vlog style it chop it up then we talked about it and I thought it was great yeah this time consuming yeah but yeah you would eat like a weird like a ice-cream burrito is weird vlog it and we post that in the YouTube episode but we found a lot of people listen on like the Apple or Spotify so yeah you're like we shot all this [ __ ] [ __ ] I edited this all night and then you guys just listen to the audio no yeah yeah so it was a really good idea at first and I think if we ever get back to that or we start traveling with the podcast we want to incorporate that a little bit just because it was fun I mean like going to a different city and being experienced with something like I mean you do that to every time you travel somewhere you know you get that footage of it but yeah you know dropping in that's I mean but how much work is that [ __ ] it's a lot of work yeah it's it's a lot of luckily you got a team around you Mia Michaels me and Michael so yeah you guys are the team mm-hmm well eventually you'll be in the position to like hire guys and bring them on and yeah yeah we just gotta got for social media so it was like thank [ __ ] god yeah yeah okay good forehand we're just putting out an hour every week Billy all right well hopefully people isn't ya know you gotta push yeah I mean you understand that oh you you know so it's like just balancing that between my videos in the podcast and staying up in all that world but that's really the three priorities really it's um somebody is gonna be somebody's gonna figure this out and I wanted to talk to you about this because I thought you might have some perspective on it but mmm someone's gonna figure this [ __ ] thing out and they're gonna make so much goddamn money and I'm gonna be pissed off if it isn't me but uh nobody's figured out really what the live podcast show is yeah I don't know what nobody knows it's okay and we'll talk about now try to figure it out but like everybody tries a live podcast and it's not fun we think it's fun because we're in the same room but for the people listening the only people that I that I've seen do it fun were and it was horrible decisions I thought was fun mmm and I was just in DC at their show and he said it was [ __ ] great incredible I mean a great show yeah but they've structured it they've gamified it and I haven't seen the live show but just from like the imagery that that I'm getting girls got to eat yeah yeah they have a live show but the problem with the podcast is like when you do a live show right when you and I are doing stand-up we're trying to entertain every few seconds right yeah yeah podcasts nobody listens to a podcast staring straight at a scenario for [ __ ] to land right and there's not the pressure of an audience next to us right now so are you that's what but its secondary listening right so when you listen to a podcast you're doing your laundry you're driving your car you're working out the gym you're doing work at work you know the office I'm like that you're doing something right so it's just there and when the funny thing happens you're like oh my god that's hilarious and when it's not funny when it's interesting that's cool because you're doing work right when you get into the live podcast setting and [ __ ] is just talking you're like well I need to do some laundry in the crowd you just turn off emails like I usually do yeah me my go [ __ ] to this yeah think about that it's like do you play to the crowd or do you riff normally and pretend they're not there so that's that that's the tricky thing where the medium is fighting itself right I believe that the live podcast show needs structure and games and usually comedians we hate games because we're like I don't need games yeah I can create the entertainment out of nothing yeah you don't listen to me talk [ __ ] you all right or I'm so good at just talking yeah I'll make it fun for you listening there right all right right but what we do is we think of bits and we structure these bits of a workshop them forever and we'll down a ten-minute idea to three minutes of like just bang bang bang mm-hmm we can't do that in the live podcast format or I don't think we should do in a lot of pockets for views then it's not replicatable right then we're essentially doing stand-up just with a few other people right if you all got beats you're like running or like somebody crowd mention something oh I got a bit from [ __ ] 2013 about that then you're you running bits here cause looking bits right now just doing team standard exactly right yeah yeah and that is one way of doing it I'm sure some people do it that way and work or you say no no I was just gonna introduce a five cell yes oh yeah I feel 85 South it's too much crowd engagement so that's I love those guys these guys are they posted up their clips and they do millions of views and then is riffing but there might be a situation where fans seem to love it right I feel horrible has a good balance of fan engagement and then their own [ __ ] where it's just I'm talking right you are engaged with them their only problem that I saw at the show was horrible decision a horrible decision is that they have to when whenever there's a new segment they need to control the crowd so if they have like a high-energy segment and then they want to like just talk the crowd is still the energy is going so now they start talking and you like that it's it's a tricky thing but I swear to god what is the one thing that's horrible about stand-up its lifespan right you tell a joke that joke is no longer funny to your crowd yeah right and you feel it you feel it when you tell the same joke to the same crowd of the people who have seen it before yeah it's one of actually the great things about like the type of content you're putting out on YouTube is I can watch the dad thing multiple times yeah it has a longer shelf life than a joke yeah but a joke usually because it's it's more relatable and engaging than a joke usually has one big switch you have 10 to 15 to 20 punchlines this tiny little video where the joke is this same length you only set up set up set up set up yeah punch you know where the punches coming yeah right yeah so what I'm trying to think about and maybe we could just brainstorm right here but we have if we could create live podcasts and actual create the show mm-hmm right that's where we become rock stars because we have a replicatable format which we can be funny and entertaining in without losing material yeah it's almost like you'd want to be like then in front of like a double-sided mirror like you don't know they're there but they're on a [ __ ] giant audience behind and we're just doing this right here but there's a there's a that might even be it or and then they're just over there laughing their ass off and we have oh because I mean if you hear laughter that's gonna [ __ ] with your mentality you make a lean into it yeah yeah yeah y'all ever been in Connecticut that's that's realistic right now they're watching and we don't know we're being watched but we are yeah but I think so many of these people come out to show just cuz they want to be in the room with us yeah that's true you listen to someone for you know six hours a week it's like oh you're in my town I gotta see where I gotta adapt you up I gotta do whatever yeah exactly what horrible decisions did when I hosted their show it was really interesting I I went up and I hosted they asked me to play this game called biggest [ __ ] in the room or something because Oh in the room and what happens everybody stands up it's already interesting everybody stands up and then I say [ __ ] things that get increasingly [ __ ] and if you haven't done it oh right and but dude it's hilarious probably murders and this is why it's great I was thinking this why it's great it presents situations where our natural communicability 's get to come in too play yeah so instead of us having to create a premise and execute it and then punch it and then tag it yeah the funnies here here yeah we're responding brah I mean it's the same thing we're like somebody yell something out a dummy to show people how do you do a heckler it's like it's not hard to deal with so because the people that yellow deaf usually aren't the most intelligent yeah they're gonna be the dummy they throw something out right and it's just so wild and dumb and you're just quick on your feet well you're great on your feet so how do you create the right throw outs right that's the structure we need to figure out how do we how do we create the right interactions from the audience not the wrong ones because when we go crowd participation or ask questions yeah everybody starts talking to each other it's to disorganize people are yelling out random [ __ ] but within the games and there could be multiple mm-hmm within the games we could create those moments where our comedic you know what is there are comedic sensibilities will be really flexed yeah what is that when we know what that is we're on tour non-stop yeah and people come back like the [ __ ] Backstreet Boys they go to all three shows yeah Bruce Springsteen they go to all four so that will happen and it's a new show every time when you do it because you're not running [ __ ] know what they gonna say exactly yeah so they drop that on if I've stopped they put it on Spotify and Apple and all this is just like if it's a normal show yeah but they're just riffing in the moment right that's just great and that's awesome that you can do it but it also leaves a situation where like well what if what if that riff isn't what going what's going what if the audience isn't feeling like like there's a way to give a little more structure to it and then control you know the variables yeah I mean I mean they gotta figure it out but but yeah it's I think you're saying like once somebody finds it that perfect like setup the one two three it's I mean yeah it's great everybody's gonna be able to do that right you know like if I got a if I gotta send some podcasts on the road where they're not even comedians and they're not like those guys are genius at riffing really gene oh the shows are [ __ ] like it's hard to see a crowd like go that [ __ ] nuts like you over some like alt guy in Echo Park who's telling like quick one-liners off a haiku poem the crowd loved the level they got is like they're they got it yeah I mean mother DC and Carlos like those [ __ ] got it got it so funny so what about the people that don't they're people that got big followings that don't got it they're like history podcast you gettin standing hoes talking about [ __ ] [ __ ] that already happened yeah do you remember the Civil War no not alive yet how we yes and no bro that's the thing we got to figure out like like david dobrik right if he wants to go on tour he'd sell it out bro he could sneeze in the crowd were [ __ ] just die but what if we gave him structure yeah what if like here's your show yeah and here's how we're gonna do these things and create your show here is this structure here's this platform go on the road we'll just take a cut for building it out oh I see what you're saying yeah I'm saying you fall again you like the showrunner of a podcast a lot Bailey died yeah PT Barnum was Barnum Bailey that's not the circus I think it I don't know what it was a producer something on one of them yes but the point is like I don't know there's something that we're all leaving we're all leaving it out yeah we're leaving meat on the bone yeah I think that's really what it is cuz think about most people listen to podcasts most podcasts cannot tour cuz they don't know what the [ __ ] to do no and once we figure out a way for them to tour why is their TV anymore I mean even like you know Sean Evans found a way to do hot ones live we did yeah he does he did hot ones life is done a few times you did it with the baby at a complex con son do a crab fisherman got a live show yeah I mean it's you know if I figured that is an easy show to execute live what's that the hot ones yeah just like cushion answer and you get their reaction with the hot [ __ ] yeah it's easy because it's not like a funny show it depends on who doesn't have the expectation right but the hotness of the wing creates the tension oh yeah willing to like stay glued in watching that show on like a phone or a laptop because you feel it's close the cameras on you but like imagine be in the [ __ ] nosebleeds being like is that the hot way what show is this hot what winds who's flying here point where like distance matters yeah like with live shows like a hundred zone I've never a show at the garden mm-hmm as a stand-up right but I imagine you have thoughts or Kevin Hart luckily I had good seats so I was close okay that design yeah I know but I'm pretty sure if you're far you're just looking at the jumbotron yeah yeah and it's so like there's nothing there's no closeness about him when you go to a concert son I saw when I was in Buffalo Metallica was performing across the street from a comedy club super white and I went all in that's the city of the city for Metallica the whites of lights are coming in stroud of buffalo wings and Metallica fans that's the two things are known for so I'm on the floor because the guy that was opening for them is a comic okay and he asked if he could like do a little guest spot on my show so he brings me on Metallica is a comic who's [ __ ] doing oh oh oh yes Jim Breuer and then there's another guy that I'm forgetting Stanfill Barry now but he was opening for them as well Wow and Jim has like tons of like heavy metal like oh you like songs like bits and she like that no I'm the heavy-metal people no point is I'm on the floor and what was super cool to get into it it's so vast mmm you're not it doesn't feel like a concert you know what I mean like when you're at a [ __ ] concert where you're like squished in with people yeah that feels like you're in the middle of something yeah yeah it feels like you're part of it you know I wonder if that same thing happens to stand up you're like you're in a [ __ ] booth with a glass thing you've got shrimp cocktail in the back there's no crowd control like like back in the day one of my mom's favorite comics was Amy Schumer right she'd think how you feel you know her son to stand up but she's like I want to see Schumer alright and mark Normand open and he crushed and so um but this was at the FASTA mark man yeah Marc Krauss he's like yeah but these are the Forum and I'm in the way back [ __ ] seats and it's a bomb brought you see Amy Schumer she wanted to go out buy the tickets for a birthday okay this was a yeah this was this wasn't like maybe 2014-2015 purchase Amy Schumer ticket you know you gotta support purchase mark Normand tickets that's uh and Amy Amy dropped in and did an hour with her name on the tour and the ticket but I went from Martin Norman you know about Mark Norman tickets oh yeah yeah I mean look I went in there as a comic being like yeah let me see what you got it's like she doesn't give a [ __ ] what I got she got millions of dollars that night facts like there's no crowd control in an arena like there's people just eating a hotdog drops a hotdog now it hits the back of my neck think like in a club somebody pick the [ __ ] going on here stop but out there is like it's like it's just so much noise when the joke hits like you don't know what the [ __ ] happening yeah think of joke lands but mother it could be some dude she's got his ass be in the corner that's what they're laughing at you know right it's just it's there's no connectivity which is nice about the clubs out here I did a few spots in town right and it's like the club's like 80 people to a hundred people max and it's like it's in there it's packed you if you're funny you're funny if you if if a joke doesn't hit at a New York Club you feel it New York Comedy Club 24th Street location did you perform at that one I did Broadway and ideas Stan of New York so no okay you didn't need a brag New York Comedy Club 24 shoot location small little black box yeah room 80 hundred people fit there I mean a hundred ran packed probably it's my favorite room in the city mm-hmm hands down yeah because you have so much control of the room right nobody feels confident in that room you get in these bigger rooms they start to like be in the back of the crowd and all of a sudden they feel a little confident to like say something or whisper or talk to their friend etc this room you could see everybody in their [ __ ] eyes yeah and they're all around you and because of that that tensions is built up and everybody's super invested in it they're [ __ ] in it yeah I like that yeah and it's it's a it's my favorite my favorite room this week was interesting with the New York Comedy Festival did you do shows for it yeah so my shows a part of I didn't there we go forgetting this [ __ ] and the two shows of grammar see so that that was that was [ __ ] great man but I just did spots around town that weren't a part of the thanks for inviting me bro I appreciate oh I live a block away dude what an [ __ ] I was posting about it uh [ __ ] [ __ ] see those posts I did those shows but from what I was hearing from other New York people who like oh man all these riders are in town this type [ __ ] so I mean I don't know how was on your end but I think all the shows we got impacted by just a bunch of outside people for the festival right what do you mean would you like it was interesting this week with the fest all right I thought crowd sucked this week yes all the casuals come out oh I see casual fans yeah yeah so like a casual comedy fan like they just don't understand what what they're thinking is like you know in like Montreal there's like Jazz Fest so all of a sudden people who have never listened to jazz their entire life or like some Jam yeah got you and since it's New York Comedy Festival there are people like this first of all yeah so every club was sold out gotcha and now you have these people don't truly understand comedy so when you're saying you know me like I like to push right yeah it's a [ __ ] up [ __ ] I got to deal with these [ __ ] cowards groaning you can just feel that it's not like that New York comedy audience that loves comedy you know and it gets it right like it gets what we're doing here like if you had a comic up on a random Tuesday night at 11:30 p.m. like you'd like just bring it you know give you the raw so you felt that would people behind oh yeah just and then I get upset because I find them to be cowards yeah just start calling them coward I just I was Tim Dylan going off on a New York you [ __ ] it all so it was like a mini Philly ran from Bilborough oh my gosh it's like a one-minute clip just shitty haha dude it is yeah yeah check out that clip I think it was so true man it's just like it's just so it's like the things that they'll [ __ ] groan groaning is the most [ __ ] thing do you mean because like what value does that add no I need to know when in life you grown like what have you grown by yourself at home never once a heavy sigh they take too long Starbucks might be like this [ __ ] a girl today on the taxi ride no because I gave the guy the address and he's like sure I just drop you over there and I'm like is that the [ __ ] address I've never been here dude I'm clearly wearing a flannel it's 40 degrees out and freezin I got in this until I could go from door to door and he's trying to avoid the whole bull traffic you know the bull statue [ __ ] yeah and and I wish our cash was here because I only tipped him 30 cents and I was paranoid to do that like Mike my white my white killed did you like round up if it was like you know nine dollars and seventy seven minute ten or were you just like it's ten bucks here's an extra thirty I got actually gave him the change okay I got a quarter in a nickel but if you're just like use 30 cents [ __ ] I broke kill me at that point just tell the sniper on the top of the [ __ ] coward I took a yellow bro like I never said they have like dollar remember goes like what would you like a tip I like to skip on the airport yeah he opens a trunk and he gets out all this bags or anybody is that hop the [ __ ] oh yeah but they try to be a little bit yeah whenever al picks up the camera battle mug you got it you got it friend is moving yo you need help are you good or you good means I'm not gonna help you I'm suggesting how you should feel oh yeah are you good right you good yeah man yeah that's the thing about the the driver like star system is it is gender bias because a woman will never help you with your bags like a woman over driver have you ever know sometimes I'll wait just to see me tell you that's when the grown composer go wrong I'll wait right I'll come from the airport and I'll go I'll see the uber drivers a girl right and I'll go to the back to the trunk and I'll just stand there it's a lock doing oh no this is what she did this was brilliant I'm waiting I'm like I'm gonna make this [ __ ] get out this [ __ ] over and earn her fifth star right she waits for a second right and then all of a sudden the trunk just goes boom and she pops the trunk but doesn't get out so she's basically saying you're gonna put your own [ __ ] luggage cool with that I get it or you like I need hands-on I need the whole service you're not even paid herb or your sake for her to earn the fifth stop Shipman is out of hand now like me to give somebody like three stars if they got the windows down no I see you they see [ __ ] the planet like that you ain't got a phone charger nothing you gotta Android up front I'm like make accommodate I like I like the Chargers I'm in on a charge of always low on batteries so like yeah if you got a charge you back there five stars you totaled the car while a minute but I got 98 percent battery five stars I don't know [ __ ] I'm very easy to work with but you gotta have the Chargers water I don't really care about a lot of the little dudes is weird I don't even take the waters now they're always the tiny little ones - yeah jamming the crevice of a see they're all warm I'm good I don't need hydration yeah I don't [ __ ] with the waters really but you got to open that trunk bro yeah you got to get out yeah get out the car what do you would you would you end up giving a rating say again what what rating did you give I'm the odd situation swimming in the [ __ ] ocean right now with the fish I didn't trade her bro oh yeah I didn't trade her yeah cuz you know what right after the rating comes a tip oh yeah cuz I don't like the guilt to the tip where they're like how much should you and their bold it's like when you were saying it's like $1 $5 $25 Visa gift card it's like bow down stairs at Gregory's coffee they hop the coffee ones this suggested tips arts right 20 yeah it's up to 25 say what happened nothing do your job what happened to do your [ __ ] job job to make the coffee you're making nicer I'm not getting extra milk what what the [ __ ] are you doing for a tip you're getting paid to serve coffee why the [ __ ] why the [ __ ] do I have to tip you do your job but the funniest part is they try to make you feel bad but the no tip button is always off like a little loan or like a kid eating its lunch by itself it's like 15 20 25 then that corners like or you could do no to your jobs got a sign you could do no tip but then I gotta tell my mom I don't have a ween porridge right now Tim but what we got it we got a really look at this tip thing I know I keep coming back to it but it's not much no it's everything is tip right exactly I told you if they don't do any work especially coffee if I get cold brew and all they do is just pouring it out of the base no tip you don't get you know you're not doing it doing nothing you just push the button in the water comes down to now so I'm talk about cold brew it's already prepared the mold already so all they're doing it just pouring it right I didn't ask for the art that's so stupid it's like you're in my foam and then I got a paint you for to pay for this painting I don't even [ __ ] want I don't want to leave I don't want none of that [ __ ] with a little they want the approval from you or there are some a bit on and you like did you like grow what I love you how to use this I don't give a [ __ ] of its fall in [ __ ] Times Square Real Talk I like putting the sugar on top of it without even looking at right I don't do sugar anymore but back when I would do sugar I maintain eye contact with a thanks so much without even looking at their artwork and I pour the sugar on the top and then start mixing and then look like no so you ruined it it was the Star of David you put the foot I noticed the Jewish holidays are coming up and I noticed the new the nose on your bite screaming ah that's so funny that's our Norman is your that's what you're gonna do put your [ __ ] what is it your woken us in your phone yeah bro that's our number in New York they give you nice art you like the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] grown on top of the coffee right don't put nothing on my don't put nothing on my phone don't what are other things that they expect tip set yo can I be honest with you let's talk about this and I know and I got in shouts to my guy cuz I got a great I got a great like bar hairstylist he likes to be called hairstylist and he he hooks it up rode my man is nice he charges I mean he works with like you know like super famous people he hooks it up he's an [ __ ] Alex love you but we gotta stop tipping hair right yeah like think about it I don't tip him we just do a little side deal right but why are we tipping somebody to cut the hair I would just include it in the price I beg once-off you're such a prize yeah why do I need to like shouldn't you be trying your best right like I'm mind ball oh these little things they'll do like if they give me the hot towel or the clean razor on the back I'm like I'm impressed I'm like here's a fun but you're paying for that out yeah oh do you tip the guy you buy a car from do you tip to Avis [ __ ] when you get a [ __ ] hold on a road are you like it'll take you so much for telling me to go to slot 2 6 3 9 no no it's why we tipping for everything I don't know what don't other countries just not tip they get it they get it and you know what the service is a little worse for food I don't mind tipping for food yeah but there's still shitty a service and people are like suggested when I went to brunch out here the other day sorry I went to lunch and I had a t-bone steak tip that she in Copenhagen long cut you know yeah I only need steaks with two in a bag oh my god and give me [ __ ] he's just like he like dropped like literally check drops toss it could have hit my [ __ ] omelet yeah the first suggested tip is 25% well I'm go to math I'm taking the suggestions I'm not sure oh no no we're not 25 we not going 25 what is my limit but even 20 say like twenties like you know one friend that works in the service industry they're like I tip 48 percent always like you don't have to treat how nicely we have to treat those people the service industry that are like yeah I give them a [ __ ] Labradoodle puppy after each meal I've been in the service industry and I know [ __ ] it is okay why it's just mind-boggling to me that it's just getting out of hand it's getting out of hand we need to pull it back don't we need to pull it back it's like no no because I'm on the road and people listen to this [ __ ] so I love all the servers have you woke up black Sun I get the black struggle man I really think I'm a black man I think I'm a black man tip the driver 30 cents this morning that's cause he was brown bro he gets it broke us us black and browns we got come forth to your white [ __ ] tipping 49% on a [ __ ] taxi ride all you did was that you did that for work that's the total work hold on this is that to drive me to my location oh well then sometimes you did move your wrist centimeters I got you don't make this yellow light no chip all right you watch it uber drivers miss the right turn they look at the app then look back like nothing happened I'm in the back like I just see where we got in front of us bro guy said to me is it okay if I drop you off here the balls though both on you to drop me off at not where I exactly do you think I didn't know where I want to go is that you think I'll round up location I was gonna 40th Street but let's go 37 you know I'm trying to walk out that croissant at the art of the deal imagine having 40 sees like what about 38 yeah we got to figure out the tipping man it's getting a little absurd we get a little absurd tip for food tip for food drink is not do we tip bartenders yeah I do dollar per dollar per drink is that makes sense okay here's the thing now drinks are [ __ ] 16 bucks 17 bucks you get your bill for drinks is $80 you can tip four dollars on $80 oh [ __ ] I'm thinking like when I'm at the bar you're just ordering per drink that's why they get you to put the card down because you got a tip based on the bill all right because if it's a one-off and you Scrabble some change like dollar yeah I don't look I don't mind tipping these two guys brought my couch up my [ __ ] stairs eight floors she's $200 $200 way that was the tip when that's how much they charge to do that I think that was it Ted you think well it wasn't it wasn't in the price it wasn't in the price okay right but they were like we'll do it for $200 that's a tip that's outside of it they were they told you they told you they'll do it for $200 so that's how much they charge for doing it so you did not tip that's the tip that's it that's a lot of tip because that's a lot of floors eight floors that's eight floors they were cool you got the forehead you go it's lemonade up here when you get to the top but you're good tell them how many floors were left I assume you know when you're 20 minutes away you know five minutes away you're like yes one more floor we're on the first floor yeah well what more building should I say one more buildings but that's a tip was it is it no because they're laser to bring any labor yeah labor is a tip certain things we what no but you ask them beforehand all the museum and the [ __ ] had a [ __ ] tips are at the Museum oh yeah that was Wow look that jar and [ __ ] empty there on the ground I almost smite that [ __ ] what are you doing you might have visited me in a past life because [ __ ] move here but I still work at a frozen yogurt store in high school every stoner did yeah and there's a tip jar by the counter but it's a self-serve one or you make it and then they way and you pay for it this guy looks at tip jar goes why do people tip you I don't know I just put it there son what do we did what what's going on I don't know what is happening what truly what is happening you can't put a sticker yeah we feel guilty we feel the same way like you know what you've been in Venice Beach right yeah everybody saw mixtapes and you're like no I don't want any guys like $20 you can I'm good he goes okay 15 okay fine it's like a guilt and you die head I never felt that oh I don't know but I got I know people like that they give in across with sign people with a black person they never listen to those people right there you're talking to are from Sweden and they've never met a black person and then a black person comes up to them and goes can I have some money and they go here's yes I know exactly and they got seven these albums are sitting there they never listen to it's probably all just ripped from LimeWire none of its are actual music you know they know but yeah but it's the same pretty it's like a like a guilt type thing so when that giant screen comes up is like tip 30% yeah but I drew a [ __ ] Toronto Maple Leaf on your coffee yeah it's it's you just but now I don't feel guilty anymore now I feel resentment right now I'm angry yeah it's it's gone over mm-hmm it's on the other side so certain jobs I'd rather tip like there's something like if like there's no turbans on a flight here's a five but yeah but if you're like you said porns have cold Brews oh let me do it can we can we actually talk about this do strippers get paid by the club they got to pay the club to work tonight that's right ah that's right that's right that's which is also a little F nog Rafi on it that I do remember okay then we could tip them because I was always about to say if they're on salary oh wow everything is added value what do you got benefits good you think to pay the club which is kind of wild to work yeah that's right it's like their barbers you know how like a barber has been for chair in Wrentham but they're tipping out the 10th rent of the pole but they're tipping out the DJ they're paying the club they do a whole thing that's wild yeah I went out to the steak restaurant last night called Smith & Wollensky have you heard of this and like a good old bastard's Lugar's etc and basically same idea but in Manhattan and we were there for an hour and I had the tip was $40 right and I'm assuming he had four other tables like mine maybe five at the time it's probably a good time yeah yeah yeah so we're talking about $200 an hour he's got a tip out a little bit let's say he walks with low-end fifty percent of his money you guys making $100 an hour I mean people that do work in that industry and we're gonna nice priced on the tips like you or me and it's all cash yeah you got a report any of that you just stash out your house ain't got a tags any of that [ __ ] this is how do you have to report anything [ __ ] what tips here's my thing a little bit you have to report the tips they'll come for you but my thing is working at a cheap restaurant or an expensive restaurant the action of the waiter doesn't change the price of the item changes right and we tip based on the price of the item yeah but we should be tipping based on the action of the waiter oh I'm walking in the kitchen man who's the chef to cook this [ __ ] here's 20 bucks it was amazing we don't even tip in know that I mean what do they see don't even they probably even know tips exist oh you're getting cash for my [ __ ] excellence I said he said medium well what does that even mean and I [ __ ] did it and I don't see a dollar femp we're not even tipping the right person but usually the head chef is probably getting paid more than the manager yet head chefs getting real money I get real money yeah he's making real money true okay but he's got to be hot his whole life it earns every penny that's imagine your whole life 60 hours a week you're [ __ ] standing in front of a stove god bless those men I mean the SOB real talk no Mexicans maybe that's why we make you walk here like get used to the heat by the time you're in the kitchen you're like I've been here before nothing we gotta get you acclimated to what you're about to do dude imagine they have Mexicans in the bottom of Titanic putting a colon so you know fast the Titanic what a blasted iceberg was there a chance you had Javier and Hector [ __ ] it let's go full speed ahead that's the whole movie is five minutes they break through the iceberg just straight through the land I will say you know the salt Bay dude he yes his restaurant he comes out and does this [ __ ] I'll tip for that you know that's extra yeah yo let's got it I mean he probably talked meaning he's doing more than what is provided on the menu he's going above and beyond so we'll tip you right but if yeah I feel my water twice and you want 48% we're not doing that yeah we're not yo you know what's some real [ __ ] like that do you wash your elbows wash my elbow yeah at a restaurant no wait what I mean just in general I've oh not not really right make sure like my man is doing all this with all the cars but he's doing all this with the confidence and all those are clean sense what rolls down the bags I'm like like this all day at the park know what I mean like Robin is food and rubbing his food he's been praying at the mosque his elbows all over a dirty ass carpet you know and then this guy's drop his salt off of his bow and he's all of us again food poisoning from I don't think it's that everybody's like oh my god it's so cool that he's dropping a salt yeah I don't like it hey hey look at you see this look ready ready the grinder my [ __ ] salt okay take your sunglasses so many things wrong with this guy there's so many things why is he making a vlog there are multiple parts of your body touching the salt before it hits my steak right like imagine a random person like we're about the only pepper game and iso-ne peppers it's disgusting away as pure Elam's back pocket to douse off the fingers real clean if he does no I got a epitomize dude imagine imagine sat down with your steak and your waiter came over put his fat [ __ ] fingers in the salt and then spread it all over your steak as weird as [ __ ] I don't know why so normal for him dude I would go crazy you gotta get like a bull chicken wings and picking around for you skittles man I don't you want 20% you hold the wing in front of me so my fingers don't get dirty dude 20% oh yeah that crazy 25% see you at a multimillionaire he scared me 20 20 % rotating the pork begun the halal trucks yet just slowly rotate it so that I can bite everything like that and then I don't want to say I'm done I just want to go like that I want to see it's like a swipe I want to swoon are the only two people that can do that [ __ ] in this world yeah tell me that that's not worth 25 you 25% now your fingers don't smell like Frank's redhot for the next three days now it's like that honestly yo yeah you get all money oh yeah yeah that's 25% they might even get 28 how much are wings 10 bucks right I'm like 25% that's 250 hours ago I might even drop to 80 on my first born child after that they dip it in ranch for me I'm giving them everything but just imagine you could do it like a pitcher that doesn't like the suggestion from Cass urgent no no just keep going like and if you got flats only you idiots actually [ __ ] wait and put out the leg the thigh come on bro I want them flat how you pitching that to the waiter that isn't a custom tool yeah bro yo your arms and my arms and he's like what I just trust me yeah turn up that music in the back what music in the meadow just starts playing yep perfect son that is the restaurant that we got to open where they feed you to chicken they feed you the chicken tenant not chicken wings the future the wings eating it right in front of you swipe to the side if you don't like it if you're done swipe this side and here's the tricky part they gotta help you get the meat in between the bones in a flat Zahara Parker that one there's some more hands on and you know what they got to do they gotta use their pointer finger to poke meat back in your direction otherway to hold another one more comes in she's a jealous guy he uses one pointer finger okay and he pokes the meat and then you just bite it off like a shrimp so that's perfect you got enough listeners make next time you had a wing spar there might be somebody being yo you told me to and then they just get behind you and you're like that's it with a bib that's it like the broil tell me that's not worth twenty twenty eight thirty percent minimum I mean cuz look you do that for ten tables you make five bucks a table that's it's like great money boy that's all fifty dollars boy that's that's enough to pay for the [ __ ] the l-train all right you good 50 bucks bro think about that 50 bucks all you got to do is hold chicken Wang's bro we is better than a hard-on my latte I'll tell you that much sometimes we call Asians Asian chicks chicken wings right because this old Asian chicken we Airbnb dydt said chicken wing what we're asking for things like like she was like son they everything black people do Koreans do it better it is unbelievable the fried chicken breakdance and all the things that like you traditionally know as black I don't know why black people worried about white cultural appropriation when Koreans are really the ones that are killing y'all so the is true right okay so small though we don't on three you're not poor mighty hear the groaning [ __ ] your day so we wait so this lady was like she was suggested food she was like oh there's some Mexican there's some blah blah blah and there's also a place that sells chicken wing so we miss a chicken wing from net for like the last like months about this we're in we're in LA downtown LA and there's this Korean rap group that's going up and there's this line of chicks going to see the Korean rap group and these girls had body there was some real thick and wing Oh Alex feed me when I'm 25% right there you heard you're live live in in full effect yo Trev tell us where we can find you anything else that yeah I mean I'm currently going around the country got Boston coming up in December I'm gonna be at the house of comedy in Phoenix in November the weekend before Thanksgiving December 19th to 21st is Boston and then Janie where I'm gonna be in Rochester out here so might happen swinging my Buffalo touch a Metallica concert while I'm out yeah yeah well yeah Trevor walls comedy calm 4chan you too or yeah the YouTube Trevor Wallace Instagram Trevor Wallace all that [ __ ] but yeah I post videos and I got a podcast called stiff socks check out that with my boy blouse 9 we got to get blouse 9 on here when he comes back alright guys we're gonna take a break for a second pay these bills we got something cool right here now college basketball is back you know that and all roads are leading to the final for the NCAA championship in where Atlanta baby that's right follow the conference tournament play with March Madness 365 the college hoops podcast that covers the game all year long you got joint NC double-a comm correspondent and the cats each week as he speaks with some of the biggest names in college basketball from the power five conferences to the smaller schools creating waves in the game Andy talks to coaches players making headlines as well as reporters on the ground with your favorite teams to offer a kind of in-depth analysis insight and coverage that you can only get with March Madness access get top performances highlights recaps exclusive interviews along with cats ranks and ease weekly power 365 and of course his bracket picks come tournament time she'd do a bracket finally we should 100% listen and subscribe to March Madness 365 with Andy cast new episodes drop every Tuesday wherever you get podcasts also also today's episode is brought to you by Morgan and Morgan the only law form that supports and hires and comes through with the flagrancy damn right getting buckets is hard 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a free call for a sorry for a free case review you just visit for the people con that's fo r-the people calm forward-slash flagrant or dial pound law on your cell phone pound 529 that's for the people calm for / flagrant for a free no obligation consultation there's only one Morgan and Morgan now let's get back to the show tick tock you have you used tick tock do you use yes so I pretty much just upload a lot of my old stuff on there like Instagram clips that I already put and I [ __ ] around and now there's one of my biggest platforms I got a mill on there and I don't know what the [ __ ] to do with this audience so I like I don't know if that ain't contributes to ticket sales because [ __ ] on there are like 12 years old yeah so I think I'm for it because if you I mean a lot of people in this world like you and I got this whole like we got so much [ __ ] out there already yep if you could just you know throw some [ __ ] out there yard I'm not making content for Tech Talk per se you're just giving which is great because it's already shot edited stuff that I already approved yellow and I'm such a shitty content on there already that if there's some well shot what good comedy or in it yeah what is this genius stuff yeah you know so I was able to grow on there really quick just post an old [ __ ] because it might have been an audience that didn't see my Instagram on YouTube before this right I mean are you on there what do you thought we're dabbling it's I think it is a brilliant platform man like it solved the one problem with Instagram and that is people don't watch Instagram with their sound sound that's the biggest thing I like about tick tock you go there to logy videos but listen - yeah it's not just watch you are listening right to that [ __ ] and that's the thing that Instagram faces is people are on Instagram just to see what the [ __ ] their friends are doing you know on Saturday at noon but it's also like here's a video I care a lot about yeah I get yeah you know subtitles well [ __ ] good luck I might not by might not have my phones in also Instagram the feed is drowned out by pictures everything on tick-tock is content and that is something yes it is a huge difference right you don't post just a picture with you and your dog a picture you your boys a picture of corn stage you don't post enough tick-tock every piece of tick-tock content video content is but it is like with the purpose to entertain yes not to flex yes I meditate now it's sometimes dumb girls just you know lip synching to a song or like idiot model guy who's like look at my abs but he's at least trying or she's least trying to create content yeah that was the great thing about mine is used as though they're Ohana presenter you go there to watch with the with the intent to enjoy content yes Instagram is periodically somebody tags you in are you gotta check this out okay I'll watch this video right like tick tock you're like I'm going to be entertained it's so easy to scroll and spend hours on it it is as interesting so how did you build up you just had some videos go you had like a strategy but I really kind of just saw what people were already posting on there uh-huh and you can do some trend stuff so you can hop on trends and it's kind of like you know at midnight they like throw out like there's a trend that'll be going on and then you put your rendition on it you know right I'm making something with my take which is kind of cool but you were using old stuff though both so I upload a bunch of old stuff that got a little bit of traction cuz people like oh I've seen this card for that so whatever so I built like you know a couple maybe like 50k on that and then I did a couple trend type things and then I just kind of like it what's great about it is there's also not a lot of expectations for like really really good content on there so if I throw something up there and it's a bomb like it's trash they swipe right through exactly it's not like on Instagram somebody's like I want that minute of my life bag nobody they just scroll so right you can try [ __ ] I'll delete it if it's you know whatever but for the most part I leaned to the trends I made some random [ __ ] that I wrote down on my notes for a video concept that maybe wasn't flushed out or I needed 20 people for it but they don't expect high quality you could play seven different characters in that [ __ ] you could be Tyler Perry in that [ __ ] happen nobody's gonna be like who's that the same actor yeah nobody's expectations and then when you give them the tick tock [ __ ] and well-produced [ __ ] like they just flock to it you know right yeah so it's I think he's exactly what you said people go on then to be entertained and there's not a high standard so if your funniest [ __ ] you can Excel it's very fast but certain things work certain things don't work it's just yeah fascinate you gotta catch them quick yeah and that's the music component right exactly our first stimulus is is auditory so if I swipe to something and then the song that comes on is the catchiest part of that song I'm gonna give it a second yeah now I'm invested in the good build-up but in this day and age I'm like bro if I don't hear a producer tag within three seconds I don't want it ya know yeah so I I think it trains you to kind of just be quick with it but also I mean the weirdest part is people's to figure out what to do with that audience because people got millions of people on there but it's like now not what I've had people come out to you on the street value I love your tick-tock you know I like it's almost I feel disrespected in a sense yeah but in a sense it's like that's a whole new platform that saw me that might not have seen me before on a demo of people exactly yeah so in a sense you know if I mean I was gonna try to do this for like upcoming tours I had but just use that app somehow to be like what's up I'm Santa comic these are the dates I'm going to and then try to make it fit that demo somehow yeah I don't know how the [ __ ] I do that you know just put Kidz Bop in the background or some [ __ ] yeah just see if that helps with tickets like yeah I also want I kind of want to put out before I announce on any other social media be like I'm gonna be in New Haven tonight and how many take a cell just based off tick-tock that's smart just to see it seen sales yeah off just posting on there does it help yeah you know because it's got two features you post your video and then you can go live which I don't know what that does yeah so maybe you go live and be like what's up guys want to announce my tour date so it's 18 and up you know I just want to see if that hasn't influenced because now I got his audience and I just don't know what to do with it right so it's great that I can just dish my content on there but like I really utilization on it I think that it's a long play yeah I remember when I first started getting into Chris Rock I was probably 12 years old 11 years old I don't know I was pretty young and but he groomed me into like what type of stand-up I like and then the type of stand-up I turned into being yeah in a lot of ways right so I think that you look at that tick tock audience not in terms of selling tickets but in terms of this is the next generation of fans that are gonna grow into me yeah a hundred reason so it's acquisition and it's like setting a standard of your type of comedy in your content and then when they're old enough or they go to school then they go oh my god I'm on the board for the you know school events yeah oh my colleges came through this years the people like because they loved you in high school they finally go to college they get a little flash it's a wariness at this point that's what happened with guy code with me right and it was like okay I see how that's going I think my demos gotten a little bit older now though YouTube changes things like you can like broaden it weirdly like old and young but but yeah I think there's something there to it one concern is someone told me that the Chinese government is awesome about that and two things about that that they're using it as a profiling strategy for the parents not the kids huh so like when kids will post like super liberal stuff the back okay those are democratic parents when the kids will post like super Trump stuff the back oh those are the Republican parents I mean and then they use that data to like target them and you know push ads to like those regions etc I mean we're already all exposed it's like the [ __ ] that put the little dot over the laptop screen I'm like you're not doing [ __ ] bro you think you're stopping CIA I mean all of our shit's already out there so at this point I mean I heard that too yeah it is insane to me but like out of all the app marketing use you know I mean that's what Facebook was right right Facebook was as yet came up social network the whole world got on it and then all of a sudden the whole world was in some way controlled by one guy in California yeah I mean the biggest thing about any social media platform comedy is comedy funny is funny it's just finding out how to apply it to like certain [ __ ] will pop off on Twitter for me that won't pop up on Facebook right where there's more current and then had I posted that video on Facebook three weeks later they're catching wave about it then it hits so you just alter all your [ __ ] you know like for every video I post I make sure it starts on my face because I know that people are gonna be like what is that the you know yes I love as a cinematic shot of [ __ ] the Sun rising with a slum he's got time for that so yeah like there's like little things that like I don't make content for tik-tok but I might edit something in Alice if equate be like okay already got this video let me chop up the quick [ __ ] up front yeah get the first few beat oh yeah and then it can you know jog on just because people scroll like this bro just watch I ran a person scroll it's so quick if you don't catch like that you got to get them quick where's like YouTube it's okay I'm gonna hang out for a second yeah yeah but you're greater than you put that you put that meat of of like whatever the [ __ ] you know like dumbass audience member ever yeah that meat part yeah then the title then you're in yeah instead of being like wait till four minutes in you won't believe it brother saying a [ __ ] BuzzFeed article alright you won't believe what happens next but you get it you understand the Internet and yeah so many people will be like have you seen this guy you know this guy so like yeah you're ahead of that so you I mean you get the Internet and if there's a platform out there that everybody's going to I mean try some [ __ ] where you post a stand-up clips on Tech Talk we posted a few another thing I was concerned about is someone told me that in the User Agreement tick tock owns everything that you get old like the IP or something like that so I'm a little concerned about putting Stan up there because what if I want to use that stand up in a special or something like that randomly and they're like yeah really that that's what someone told me so I don't know and I doubt that they're just go out and do a cease and desist [ __ ] but like cuz you imagine it's some like 15 year old big mr. Schultz yeah right here that's [ __ ] nuts yeah I don't know I mean we all fly through the terms of conditioning they could literally own all of my future children I've never read terms of conditional or a contract sign here oh yeah I'd rather get [ __ ] over by a contract and read a contract or five minutes my time you already know real talk like I get why people get screwed on yes and they use big ass words and legalese bro and sometimes they break the page up in half like a Bible and you're just yeah yeah you know font and the font just makes me want to go to prison it's not good it's just yeah [ __ ] man yeah it's bad it is bad but hey man I love what you're doing bro I wish you were in New York I really do wish you in New York man it's like coming out here a lot more than you should matter yeah yeah I mean I I guess I hope you know I'm sure you're gonna be getting a lot of opportunities and deals and these things in the near future and I hope that you I hope that you keep doing what you are doing you can do them alongside grab the money yeah but do not transfer your [ __ ] you bet for certain reason that's your power that's your leverage Jack don't that over to anywhere right you know Spotify asked for it series XM asked for it comedy so don't brick I continue doing this [ __ ] and I'll do that stuff with you because I think in the next like maybe five years but even less when the business organizes itself a little bit more when everybody's fully streaming then you make that purchase or actually you get purchased right you know I mean like you have 10 15 million people and you say hey the only place I can be seen now is on Disney Plus subscribe and then you charge Disney plus 2 or 50 million for everything that you do yeah instead of charging Comedy Central a million yeah you know what I'm saying like if as long as you can eat as long as everything's good now is the time to own everything yeah and also like the people follow you for a certain reason so build up that audience and don't like jump ship yeah well peace I'm going in [ __ ] sequel movie people get so excited like you know what the idea cuz you know you're a little bit younger how old you 26 so you're 26 so like you're at the end of the generation that actually had traditional media yeah you know I'm I may be at the end of the generation that didn't I'm 36 yeah right so like I got social media in college so I was like huh you grew up with social media right so it's like I think I think what's happening now is you see this complete transition in in in media but we still go you see I see guys in my generation all the time they're like they validate themselves with like these antiquated methods like they're like I need to do late night do you I need have a sitcom do you I need it like like your videos my videos get more views than any sitcom on TV not nuts so why the [ __ ] yeah and like you have all that connectivism are my channel that's it you own it if you're as a million viewers they're like where do I go to this not wait till it credits who is that guy that play this actor oh it's Andrew so this is literally like yeah this video is this many views here subscribe now I'm part of this guy's world it's like it's chronic crazy like just keep it's a threat to you know all that stuff's and I'm sure they're asking you right yeah and so it's just like don't don't give that up no no no it's just not worth it and I see guys give it up yeah I mean fine if I guess I'm sure I'll hear you a milli no not not for five years cuz I promise you and this is the way I see media and this is why I want us all to really connect is like if you were in New York I would be trying my hardest to have all of us partner up into this thing and maybe we can do a cross coast but it's different you know we have some things cooking we can't exactly talk about yet but we'll get there but like but I would want us all to concrete you like to create this like conglomerate because there's so much media influence that can happen like I've seen like the LA youtuber guys they do they all kind of know each other hang out pollinate builds each other up it's really amazing influence had like we were just talking about the chaos i logan paul thing they had a major boxing match two guys that don't even really box they don't box at the Staples Center mm-hmm most heavyweight boxers cannot fill out the Staples Center stable Center is insane like that was even an option like what do you wanna do is fight a park Kimbo Slice do it backyard Florida let's do it but like that's the power of new media right and as long as we harness that and we own everything we are the new version of newspapers yeah you know like it was a heavyweight UFC fight they had real they had real boxers boxing on undercard yeah like the mercy event and that base off internet influence [ __ ] so that's it so it's like this is the way media operates now this is where we got to control it and then what's gonna happen is once the streaming wars end you're gonna have these different companies you know Netflix Disney all these types of places HBO the Warner all that kind of stuff they're all gonna be settled we're gonna know who their audiences are and then we're gonna go hey now that all TV has shifted into streaming there's no real you know issue here everybody's just watching streaming stuff we have our different platforms Apple plus etc then you get the Howard Stern deal yeah then you get the five hundred million then you get the two hundred fifty million and then you and you're actually in a place where people can watch you go to Comedy Central now nobody's watching it but if you go to Apple Plus everybody already got Apple Plus yeah sure I'm saying yeah yeah yeah we just gotta wait to see where all the streams end up yeah so it's like it even doing like I told my agent sounds like we're not doing any shows now we're not doing anything scripted we're not dead like we'll do one offs on them I'll do a movie if they give it to me yeah but like creating something in this environment is worthless these nothing can succeed everybody's too fractured everybody's in a million different places eventually we're gonna be dude eventually there's gonna be one service that packages all the streaming services and we're back at cable yeah right oh it's gonna come for lupus critical and then once it's full loop the people with the most personal influence and biggest followings have all the leverage yeah we make them bid on again like who's got the best jawline they're like this [ __ ] who'll be mocking the zoomies employees the best or whatever we need bills out there yeah so it's like the holdout for that take the money on the side just don't leave yeah don't leave anything right cuz the real money really is everybody every string platform is just sitting there with guns at each other like who and but you I mean I mean even Netflix like when they first started they didn't know they'd be as busy I mean they probably had intention but nobody knows like who's gonna be the next big thing Netflix was the restaurant you know when they're like small towns that have one restaurant yeah and it's like the food ain't amazing but is packed cuz that's the only [ __ ] restaurant yeah so if you want to eat out you got to eat there right now restaurants that moved in the neighborhood yeah yeah right so now the level of food got to step up uh-huh and I think the next few years are gonna decide what that looks like and we just keep stacking keeps yeah because it's not like we're in a spot where yeah good right you know like life is fine yeah and then once once all those things are settled and they need the content creators with actual influence mm-hmm because we will become the next quote/unquote movie stars yeah I mean I only reason movie stars get paid money's because they can get people to go watch the movie mm-hmm well we'll be the only people that can get people to go to things yeah there'll be radio DJs because everybody's loves them wake up every morning or podcast guys etc and then it'll be the YouTube creators yeah [ __ ] three five years I'd say so yeah I mean it's it's a weird world but when it's gonna settle out a little yeah like you said 3.5 years and then it'll be like very clear and then I'm like oh I should have seen that coming or like yep I predicted that [ __ ] and then we can sell the script of [ __ ] because now people will know where the [ __ ] to go for content and it's not obscene to be like download these seven apps and Fahmy here and then it's exactly even Apple TV you got all these shows out with the [ __ ] Aquaman and it's like but do I want to go there yeah like it was Amazon Prime I am gonna buy eventually it's going to be in one thing is where we yeah yeah now we just build now we're farming exactly exactly each each platform is like a different City it's like a I got tick-tock I got people in DC Instagram I got people in [ __ ] Arizona it's just like you're just building up that repertoire yeah and you're no elevator and you got the youth that's gonna grow into so it's like you are gonna teach them what type of comedy they like you're gonna teach them what type of comedy they're into yeah you know and I think that's why it's so important because you have stand-up chops I mean you open for me I thought you were [ __ ] great thanks we're in Oxnard it was great and I think it's important that you start setting a tone especially with like the younger folks like this is what stand-up looks like this is what my YouTube content looks like this is what my Twitter stuff let's separate lands this is what stand-up is for me and then you create that expectation for the show and then they're like oh hell yeah those bits and this is what I'm coming for right it does that way they come out to the show knowing what to expect instead of waiting for you to go you know say something about white cloth yeah yeah I got you and it's I'm telling you something that's happened with me it's like I put out loud crowd works so they created this expectation of crowd work before the crowd work I was just being like flagrant with the jokes they came out for the flagrancy do you have to say anything be like listen don't yell [ __ ] out but if you do you might make it on the channel no it's smart enough to be like we get it I see people like wearing [ __ ] sometimes too like they look to be like I think they're just trying to make it into a video and I'll avoid them usually yeah I mean there was this albino guy in the front row I had to [ __ ] talk to him but like he's not wearing that you know what I mean [ __ ] albino right like that was nuts black Nigerian out vinyl front row it was insane right on same thing all right yeah dog I didn't even notice him at first cuz he looked like a regular white guy yeah but that's something well obviously we got to put out put it's something I've been I've been cognizant of which is like you know it's constantly reminding like the flagrancy is what we're doing this is what we're fighting back against this is the type of comedy that's so rare out there in the world that's the type of comedy that I love to do and that's what you're gonna see when you come out to the tour and then there's gonna be these moments obviously that will happen etc and I think you you have to curate that for the stand apart yeah I feel that for sure because you body all these videos yeah but the other day your stand-up you exactly before all of it yeah so like started exactly so all these people got to know right even in has to get out because maybe somebody watching my stand because my Sam is very different from the videos ever be like you know I like these videos but stand that taste is like it's a little bit edgy a little it's not art but they know that before going to show now the people at the shows are the people that are like we saw this clip this is what we want do that type stuff hundred percent oh I think early 2020 i'ma shoot something what you did and just dice it up yeah and just be and then I don't know if it's weekly or bi-weekly whatever put it put out a stamp clip but definitely get the awareness out need any help will help you man yeah more than happy to help you guys but yeah dude it'll be I think you'll find it I think you'll find it's just gonna be next level yeah that's definitely plan I mean I got bits is early yeah you still doing your like it's I need to and your bits actually are similar in terms of the way you punch it yeah it's like I think what really works when you're mocking is that you're like understated about your lines you're not going here is the line it's almost right you know like what you want it's not like heavy emphasis yeah you know yeah so it seems really authentic and like even though you're making fun of a character and I think that you act that way in your standup yeah exactly so I think they will find connectivity yeah if you show it to them yeah I mean yeah I'm starting to find that to where people are picking out lines from that or even though you just say something you laughing like I was in ok yeah it's funny you know I'm just gonna have the way I would talk yeah so yeah I'm so proud of you Matt it's awesome to see what you're doing they just broke in murdering it go check them out everybody again it's giving your socials just Trevor Wallace on Instagram and [ __ ] me on tick-tock Trevor Wallace new view to YouTube yeah YouTube I got a bunch of stuff on I mean I got so many videos out there just type in Trevor walls and then four tickets for any towards Trevor walls calm be calm yeah all right [Music]
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 134,223
Rating: 4.8600745 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, kazeem famuyide, real life kaz, kaz, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 30sec (10170 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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