Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 12)

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well done you open the overdress one they don't encourage me to swear yeah but I have to say [ __ ] hell it's been established there are some share fans in the audience [Applause] it's not a competition very diehard people I thought I thought I'd given the opportunity if they had a burning question something it always wants to ask you or indeed you don't yeah then they could do mine sure and you can tell them I'm gonna piss off you want to so if you have a burning well if there's something you always want so I'll share just put up your hand hands up hands up very good way to out there I was even Arafat's yeah you seem an unlikely Sheriff and what your name oh you've got a CD and everything or DVD hard enough just to sign it so thank you very much you're welcome oh you're the one that said you'd see me later I get to fool with you but should I get security is that doggie [Laughter] so what's your name sir it's Luke Luke Luke Luke so here you go there she is what would what would you like to know sure would you tell us what your favorite perfume is please Oh seriously this is [Music] no no fair enough do you have a favorite part it could be her own it is my own and I still wear it you see [Applause] hi use your hand up you know I just share fan user dresses Lady Gaga's in all things it seems counterintuitive who's the chair no no you dress is you alright himself smiling Lady gaga applause do you question yeah I've actually had a long question I'm not gonna read it oh wait long I'm dollar a board what's your name my name is Daria Daria yes name is Daria from small country and which is called latter-day it's far far away you know a lot fears I couldn't show you the map but I know that and basically would you be interested to come to our country like there you can spend a whole day like a normal person like you go to the takeaway that no one will recognize you because no one would imagine that you would come there so would you take this invite you would you like to do this I'm guessing [Applause] knocking oh my name's my name's Graham and and the well yeah and the lady the lady you're talking to I believe you're a fan of the ladies will do is share share the singer yeah yeah no no welcome to all three of you very nice see you all and we're excited to see all three of you but I happen to know that Cameron you were very excited to see Sir David I am so excited I we're making a Sir David Attenborough sandwich by you he's the meat in the middle of our sandwich right [Applause] the slices of bread cheese nice French steak a nominal my o-oversoul so great because you wanted meteorologists that was what I thought that I was going to be my entire life I wanted to study I've learned a lot from you all right I picked up on backstage we're not gonna mention those but I ended up studying the behavior of animals it just happened to be human animals yes you know as an actor that's what I do I study human behavior and not rediscovering yes lots of pigs so many more surprises when I watch your show yes we should see you out do you watch the papers me yeah David our watch for you because I know you share a birthday with Isaac and because this is a talk show Isaac Hayes is here well you know what Graham Norton posse now do you believe me are you very pleased oh man check what'd you say your name was again Graham Norton check this out if you ever on the west coast ooh I'll get you some and here's the thing I know in the films you you are acting I'm aware of that and yet in life and this is pathetic I'm still quite intimidated but is it just me no it's you too - it's nice to see you smiling it's particularly sure you could actually but now here's the thing so both your kids they're grown up now what that yeah but when your daughter was starting to date were you a relaxed father could you imagine ding dog at the door of the big Sean Penn were you nice to the suitors well when my my daughter waited till about I guess it was Shu 16 when the first one came to the door so that was 16 years of waiting I'd been fairly permissive with her she she had a lot to trust you know going out with friends and so on but this was not her night this was my night and so he came to the door she was ready then I had to explain to her before I would answer the door that she was not ready to go upstairs and she tried to you know left that off and I said no her name's Dylan I said Dylan I will not let you go out with him if I don't get this moment so you know what she said oh my god dad and went upstairs with a red face and so then I went to the door and I opened it quickly yeah mr. pen and I said no no call me Shawn that's your car yeah nice you're not gonna drive drunk with my daughter are ya no sir no call me Shawn oh yeah yes sir Shawn no I won't drive good good listen I prefer you get her back early but I want you guys to have a good time you know and but the main thing whatever time you do get her home whatever you do with her while you're out I'm gonna do with you when you get her home when they home quite early well the thing was he he laughed and what I thought was a nervous laughter with me but it was laughing out he was three-time mixed martial arts champion of his age category in California so I'm not trying to be a fashion you know I haven't got time to worry about what I look like all the time but it's just dodging I would like to know how long it took you to get ready tonight because you're immaculate and you're so you know beautiful and the hair and makeup and a half three sets of eyelashes on three hair pieces and boots counter of makeup any anything else you want to know yeah to you I'm straight but I can't take my eyes off her boobs obviously they're in imported home in the drawer well is it true you're selling your old implants on eBay I will do and give the money to charity yet why not they're wasted in my drawer I'm gonna buy them and throw them at burglars I thought this stuff it's it's people sent it to me yes piece of serious people planetary geology group is in the university right what busy lives they lead yes they got to set me a delicious packet of [ __ ] soup buy this in the salt look are you pretending not to know and it goes very well with a gift that have somebody brought us back from Brazil a lovely a lovely tin of Fanny there taste of the sea a wonderful time you are in animals United I am which I'm afraid to say is in competition with burlesque it's out tonight as well City fight so who do you play well who do you think look at that picture again look at the box the hen no no the giraffe no the elephant asked to play the elephant I think she's an alumni because we weren't in the same room at the same time in fact we were it was everything was done very separately I've done a year ago really he was yeah oh I did mine a year ago because you were in a movie called a zookeeper right but what are you playing I play Sylvester Stallone's wife and we're lions lions is it my start as a giraffe and then I got changed to a lion good trivia very good trivia they turned her into a Spanish hooker and so then they decided to make me sli's wife [Applause] and so is Christmas not big in the rivers household that well then was kind of upsetting me step one Christmas Eve my parents came to me and said you know it's Christmas Eve and we just want you to know with all these presents right you're Jewish I don't like I love all the excitement I don't like the three wise men I think they bought shitty gifts sorry you're going to meet the son of God and you bring a frankincense that's a candle that's bold I have a feeling filled with chocolate and myrrh I looked it up it's an anal lubricant that [Applause] which made sense we men long trip [Laughter] congratulations thank you very adore yeah there she is that is so lovely yeah can I just say look at that picture though you have slightly at the housework oh you actually mean the house and not the body we were talking in the office I think it's a really beautiful name it's kind of old classic name it's pure because I think when people are surprised because we've been expecting a bit more rock star storm and on top of that you're doing what a lot of people would find a full-time job you've got twins yeah five year old twins Max and Emmie yes and now I've heard you're talking about that even at five you can see kind of the real difference between like a boy and a girl oh my god from from when they were very very small I could see it I actually understood men and women more I realized that men really do think differently than women from the onset from the go it's just like I'm sorry [Music] but yeah there's definitely you know a different way of thinking so like they're both learning how to walk and my daughter you know my son is like starts two weeks before my daughter I remember it very clearly and he kind of just starts to go down the stairs to talk down the stairs does it every day for two weeks okay my god is like two weeks toe back you know toe foot back and then two weeks later she just walks down the stairs do you know what I mean so I broke it down to which I don't know sometimes sounds good that sounds doesn't sound so good that women think or tend to overthink and men do not think [Applause] they both have pros and cons because I think women tend to overthink so then you kind of forgive guys a little bit for being oh so that's nice yeah yeah what it teaches you it's nice it's a good thing and they because Freddie you've got a daughter who's eight Hoey and the boys are seven five Cory and rocky and very different rock you an accordion rocky I didn't expect a Justin Bieber fan what the hell did you expect he's into singing and dancing he got a drum kit for his fifth birthday actually went to see Justin Bieber in concert and we got a meet-and-greet and it was a most bizarre thing ever was in this big queue and this big American fella give us a briefing he says you can't just ask him for autographs don't kiss him I said man I've been to Buckingham Palace we didn't get this what did you do at bokkeum palace he's a big kiss ready are they so young do they remember you playing cricket I hope yeah the boys they've got no idea they're not quite sure what daddy does I take him to school more stairs knowledge of the parents have got suits on the line to work I go home and watch The History Channel storage was they think I used to work for Morrison supermarket but something another expecting this guy on holy food a fashion designer we Jack the more fun nobody kids do you see the survey this week saying that two-thirds of us regularly break the law here's the survey 11% avoid paying TV licence 34% paid cash to avoid tax forty eight percent said they had taken something from work many people like the zoo worker [Applause] nearly half of you here steal things from work that's incredible half of you of a job seems so unlikely we did ask you on the way in had you broken the law no not you then where's Jim coot that's Jim look at Jim Jim I'm here to tell you he's a thief he stole a gardening magazine from a local WH Smiths dude environmental enforcement officer where's dr. Stacey strong there's dr. Stacey you're only 23 and you're a doctor just yeah that's always encouraging when you see it doc I hope you don't have anything serious now when she was about seven years old to it to Alton tariffs there was a souvenir shop following this I loved these marble eggs but with pocket money if only 50 people week I couldn't afford the bigger 399 ones so I swapped the label for a smaller egg for $2.99 onto the larger one I cried all night and my dad told me if I gave a pound to charity God would forgive me course she did and God forgave you somehow allowed you become a doctor Ben Copeland was Ben oh there's Ben Ben was caught by the police attempting to steal a swan had you thought it through no no it's a crime wave where's Terry chambers Terry chambers Terry oh yeah look shame face now she stole two Disney character racers from WH Smith [Applause] she thought who's been followed home by the store detective off the bus and warped oh now have to say probably because we take this on a Wednesday night they're pretty aren't many sports fans here because there's a you might get a good thing on it yes I see use plans plan for at all play on parole and coin tonight would you like would you prefer to be watching that game rather than sat on that sofa absolutely [Applause] are us what's that I know that they're in my hair but all women know we're not a sports fans at all but if you have a big match on such as the the big one that we're missing women don't know they didn't supply a running commentary we know nothing but you sit there going well he can hardly running campaign mean gold now what is this so sweaty nor that he was the one that was unfaithful to his wife when you did play baseball were you a picture or capture I know it sounds quite sexual you raised her eyebrows no I was with a second baseman that helped me feel no I was now I don't know what our hitches this no one's a switch-hitter I hit left-handed and right-handed I whoa we're gonna follow that along well I tell you I've got some paraphernalia with me so I thought you could show us how to throw a baseball okay so now I've got these these are special but not - they're like soft yeah kill anyone me so we need someone I obviously I can't would anyone here ball oh you right there you dead ball okay put that on cuz Bernie you have to that's the law so now if you come here yeah throw the ball now you've talked it up by Serge Serge and have you ever played baseball never it seems unlikely diverge okay there go so no okay I do a lot of this side you got fat and time okay you ready ready ready ready okay yummy throat you or no no no to him here to him yeah I'm just here for decoration okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so now so now he's got the first base yeah now what is first base holding hands holding first base in a little bit of water that is at first first place first place is kiss yes kissing hand-holding and kissing kissing well Serge bit of hand-holding and kissing go on oh wait a minute [Applause] this is gonna get better fast [Applause] I don't think surges that experience with these bases know what second base [Music] there's a clue it is a bit of I would say second when I search be respectful of the lady but a bit of a bit of you know a bit of bricks action ha we are not [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] we've had first pitch that said what's third base well I'm not gonna say that [Applause] well it's it's not from the waist up I can tell you that Search Search have a bit of a fiddle below [Applause] their full intercourse or oral sex you ready sir there's no such thing as fourth base it's called home your home Serge I'm guessing the performing candy to the paintwork see the video though it's a proper funny video but that picture of you with the old lady shocking image it is isn't it yeah I they wanted me to kick a dog and I'm an animal lover punch a penny I was like yeah I mean could you please address your letters to Robbie Williams must measure your back gigging three nights do two from the 22nd of November I know it's big deal dil to three nights because you've all talked about you can get nervous which seems in seriously do you still get nervous not now not so much because I had to do something about it okay all the way through the career there's been do you get nervous before you go and do IQs I don't get nervous now no I'm pretty much the same but I used to get like there's a time that I turned up to Milton Keynes and there was fifty sixty thousand people waiting for me and I was on the bus I went I'm not doing it turn around seriously I was like I'm not going on turn around and my manager is here today Robert I know you're saying that you can't do this that if you don't it will cost you a million pounds [Applause] but you're 9 but they're not days when you wanted to be a horse I was very focused at a young age I was a little strange that's amazing a nice to go and you did concerts and gigs and things in here yeah we still have fun though we had summer parties we took all the mattresses out of the house and stacked them up and would make slides and swings out of the curtains and we would try to trap little kittens like 20 cats running around house but we were bad little kids but we had fun and we just had the time of our lives there's a story like when you were trying to be really cool and you were doing a gig I don't think it was a theme park or Astroworld guide you know this yeah so you're at Astro world do you have to do Gallois no no I do nobody not me you're talking about the bubble right yeah well embarrassing I was at astral world performing and I was about 10 well you know maybe I was 12 I know that I had my peers out in the audience and it was freezing cold and my face was numb and before you know it I can see something just kind of blowing up nose is really red and it's a huge snack whoa I ran off the stage and I you know tried to fix myself up but all of my fur inside it was terribly and very cute though [ __ ] that I try to be all cool how does it feel you know the whole kind of the seeing yourself everywhere just that kind of do it because again you know you are very young so that's something roll overs your dolls your I mean the I think the brand new L which that I think that's like tomorrow faintly oh okay there you are that will battle me in shops tomorrow Oh a list sexy that's good alright yeah okay but so it does I mean your reaction there I was gonna go are you you copied I know how does it feel no it's exciting you dress up and you get a chance to do these wonderful photo shoots for these great magazines and it's always exciting because it's you always have different looks and you're at the fountain I'm always nervous to see what's gonna happen because any picture can be there and you can be very you know look strange at times I can you know you never know how it's gonna turn out so it's exciting when you like it how many of pictures there lots of pictures before I got a bait I want just a little bit see what's going on in the fashion world group yes [Applause] afraid because I know that on shows you often show yoga but do you ever yoga move you could bust out first week do you have a few yeah what's the most impressive thing you can do be like one but I might want someone to spot me yes okay just put your arm kind of like that put my arm like that ok wait maybe a little bit right this is pretty exciting that's a curtly baby my legs up and then just I'm gonna hit your arm for once I need to catch you or done me from going over that way and then I can balance okay oh this is fantastic this is [Music] Wow [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Denise F
Views: 364,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments (Compilation 12), graham norton, funny graham norton moments, graham norton funniest guests, graham norton funniest episodes, pamela anderson on graham norton, old graham norton episodes, graham norton compilation, graham norton 2017
Id: VsF970cpE20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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