Jack Doherty is Horrible

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yeah I'm wrapping up 2023 with the season finale my own little YouTube Rewind where I go back through the internet's most insufferable worms from this year that I haven't previously covered and I make fun of them now yesterday it was Illuminati on The Chopping Block today we're shooting spitballs at Jack dhy Jack dh's infamy online reached its Crescendo about a month ago hitting its peak mainly because he became known as just this punching bag his face was a knuckle sandwich magnet so most of his viral Clips were him getting slapped or being involved in some kind of fight that broke out because he truly is just an insufferable [ __ ] to be around now make no mistake don't misconstrue my words jack dhy isn't the one fighting he's the one getting beat like a drum and I don't think I've ever seen him throw anything beyond one wet noodle punch that didn't connect he usually has his bodyguards fight his battles for him with conflicts that he starts and instigates but he's around fights all the time it's it's just when you get near Jack dhy it immediately it's like a dementor it sucks the fun out of everything and everyone gets uncomfortable and mad at him he just has this Indescribable X-Men mutation about him that makes him impossible to be around while also being in a good mood so I'm going to go ahead and show you his most viral clip that ever came out from him the the Legacy for which he will always be remembered this is his magnum opus go where we at where we at what little what you got to do what you got to do yeah yeah this is Jack's iconic shtick where he walks around causing a ruckus just being this Menace to Society harassing people and then trying to get a rise out of them the second someone looks like they're ready to get confrontational with Jack he has his security guards swoop in and stop it just put the kabash on it immediately he travels with his bodyguards that are basically his babysitters his nannies really his Guardian Angels they're the only thing that's kept them alive this long because he is such a piece of [ __ ] everybody wants to fight him when he does things like this but his bodyguards protect him and he still has the gall the [ __ ] hootspa to stand behind his bodyguards peek his head over and continue to insult the person he actually looks like a cartoon villain out of popey like look at the the way he conducts himself it's so bad this would be the most embarrassing moment to somebody else but for Jack it's his proudest moment now when it comes to insulting Jack dorky here I actually have skin in this game just like an 80s action movie tagline this time it's personal when I say he is insufferable to be around I'm not just basing that off of the videos I see of him I actually know Jack Dy in real life in fact he was in one of my videos for 4 years ago but you probably didn't know that because I did my absolute best to edit him out of it it's from a video 4 years ago when the local Tampa Police Department challenged me to complete their Police Academy this was during the time where I was watching live PD and talking about police activity making jokes about it they invited me out there to try it myself well Jack dhy actually happened to be there on that same day despite my best efforts to rewrite history you can't fully erase the stain you can see the cringe crypted right there in the yellow shirt this is a young Jack Dy spotting at the time of filming that video Jack would have been 16 years old and I know it's not exactly cool to bully a child but this wasn't a child this was a demon it's not just me that had an extremely negative impression of Jack on that day Matt Andrew Tiana and the officers all had nothing good to say about their experience being around Jack dhy for like the 6 hours we were there there he was one of the most disrespectful people I had ever seen in person for some reason he was Extremely Loud most of the day so anytime he tried to talk he'd kind of yell it at the officers or anyone he was talking to I suppose it was like he was trying to get into a screaming match on an Xbox Live Lobby for no reason like I think that was just him trying to be hype for his video or something but man it was extremely annoying but beyond that anytime we were about to do one of the tests or if the officers were trying to tell us something about one of the tests he'd be like interrupting them frequently and the yelling was giving me a goddamn headache like none of us had anything positive to say about Jack the only thing is we all understood that he was a child and he found internet Fame extremely young so clearly that had an poisonous effect on his mind and we had all just kind of expected that he's going through a phase most likely and he'd eventually grow out of this but not only did he not grow height-wise he also didn't grow personality wise his attitude is exactly the same his face looks exactly the same as when he was a 13-year-old boy which is highly unlucky for him and maybe that explains why he lashes out so often but overall over the last four years he's just gotten worse he's gotten more degenerate more aggressive more hostile and he's just a giant piece of [ __ ] now since he's had internet Fame for so long he truly believes that he is some kind of deity this kind of Internet God and everyone is beneath him he thinks he's Superior to just the plebeians around him so he uses all the strangers he comes in contact with on stream as props for his content and his big thing is still basically having his bodyguard protect him all of the time which is so [ __ ] pathetic but anyway let's dive into a bit more of the sack dhy lore so he makes most of his money through only fans he manages a lot of only fans girls as well as having an only fans of his own which I think if you sign up for that you need to be put on some kind of FBI watch list because this looks like a child that is a very [ __ ] awful only fans page to be subscribing to you probably need to be investigated but uh he makes all of his money there basically and he will never let you forget he is making a lot of money through managing these only fans models he frequently posts these flexes talk [ __ ] all you want you wish you could spend this much on your credit card in just two weeks and it's just an absurd amount of money that he's dumping on garbage he posts these at least once a week and it's clearly engagement farming he's just baiting people into getting mad at him and just [ __ ] on him because he's realized that that is his formula to success he'll just cosplay is the communal urinal for the internet to collectively come take a piss in because it gets him a little money off of like the Twitter post but maybe it gets him a couple extra only fan subscribers or a few curious kids that I'll watch his stream to see what kind of degeneracy unfolds he's basically playing the villain he's leaning into the role I always find this to be an extremely sad path to take because he is actually just becoming the clown on purpose and eventually he's going to grow up it's going to happen at some point and it's going to be nothing but shame for him I imagine because who in the world would possibly want the legacy of just being the hated douchebag that's not something to be proud of even if you do have a lot of money in your bank account from it I can't imagine it feels good to explain to your friends and family how you got that money because everyone dislikes you and makes fun of you like there's no way that that's a rewarding experience I don't think there's any reason to show you any more of his Clips they're all just infuriating garbage it's just eye rolling trash like even just yesterday or maybe it was the day before he got into a confrontation with a bouncer over like a fake ID or something according to the headlines and it's once again just sack Doty being the little Goblin that he is just this little douchebag and uh just an entitled [ __ ] so yeah I just wanted to talk about him a little bit since I haven't talked about him all year and I do actually know him I'm using no really Loosely I met him one time but that was enough to get an extremely accurate gauge on the kind of person he was then and all I could do was pray that he wouldn't be that person in the future but he became so much worse down the line which is almost impressive actually so yeah just wanted to talk about him a little bit that's it see yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,489,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DUu3FtInV4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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