Weirdest Dr Phil Guest Ever

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today I got to thinking about a classic Dr Phil weirdo that went on to his show this was back during the era of Dr Phil being a bit of a king maker for social media Superstars most notably Danielle brioli who got her start by going on Dr Phil with the cash me outside stuff and for a little while we saw a flood of this it became quite the hype trained to go on Dr Phil to act as over the top as possible to try and make a career out of it most of the the time it felt very phony baloney where the individual was just putting on a song and a dance to try and get some kind of social media career out of it and Dr Phil was just the helpful lightning rod saying insightful things like hey come on now that's not good have you ever heard of Farmville when he's plugging his mobile game ads but there was one goofball in particular who back in 2017 kind of took the Internet by storm for a moment his name was the sexy vegan at the time I assumed this was just a load of horseradish with another person going on his show to try and squeeze some juice out of his teets get some followers out of the appearance and the performance and wasn't genuine but it was entertaining and today I started thinking about it again so I went and rewatched the episode and decided to check in to see what the sexy vegan is up to all these years later well it turns out I was a naive fool back then because the sexy vegan is realer than the freckle on my left butt cheek the guy is actually off his gourd so he I'm going to show you clips from the episode here in a moment if you don't remember who he is it actually is just a wild appearance but he got arrested in 2019 for sexually assaulting a pitbull apparently he had recorded an act basically beastiality with a pitbull and got in trouble for it obviously and then announced his presidency in like 2020 and even today well I guess a couple months ago to be exact is still trying to lobby as a presidential candidate and still doing the exact same [ __ ] that he went on Dr Phil for like actually doing all of it from what I can tell so let's go ahead and see the episode to get you all caught up to speed with the sexy vegan Susan says in August of 2016 Hans legally changed his name to sexy vegan I didn't even know you could do that it's a real life mcloven situation here I know people have changed their names to really silly ridiculous things in the past but I thought there were certain guidelines that you had to play by and I thought something like this would be prohibited like no sir you can't change your name to this get out of our office and then they spit on you on your way out or something because I know you can't change your name to a slur or anything like that right so I just assume sexy vegan would also fall into the category of being like an obscenity that they wouldn't legally allow you to change your name to so when this first aired I thought that was a huge red flag that it was all fake like just all bogus but from what I can tell it really is his name and now he walks the streets wearing nothing but a speedo carries a fulllength mirror wherever he goes Susan says son tattooed sexy vegan on his forehead has been arrested 15 times and refuses to get a job because he's quote too talented and beautiful for a 9 to-5 that pretty much sums up sexy vegan in a nutshell here so Dr Phil lays out the lore for you with the cliff notes he then brings on people closest to Mr Mr Sexy and they kind of go through through like the effect that it's had on their family and all of that and how desperately they want it to not be the case the audience can't help but laugh at him because he has fundamentally turned himself into a clown he is disruptive in society and tries to get all eyes on him all the time and people can't help but giggle at the absurdity of him and what he's doing he actually does travel with a fullbody mirror like he some kind of character out of an MMO and the mirror is like his special weapon that he can't leave the house without he actually does that apparently it wasn't just for show on Dr Phil which blows my mind my name is Sexy vegan I'm an legally changed to sexy vegan Hans no longer fits me when people see the tattoos they're shocked I'm a strict vegan I once was down to 1.3% body fat the beautiful vegan M so another thing that jumped out at me when I first watched that was the tattoos looking really cartoonish it looks like he puts them on his face with marker every morning as opposed to being legitimate tattoos but again I was wrong a victim of my own hubris thinking I knew tattoos just because I get some they're real those are actual tattoos I I don't I don't know exactly why he'd get just the word vegan tattooed on himself so much unless he was really trying to take a page out of Suicide Squad Joker's Playbook with like ha haa written all over them I I don't really get it if you want to have vegan tattooed on your body why not choose a better font as opposed to [ __ ] comic Sands or the bubble letters here when I go out everyone stares at me because I wear a Speedo esque outfit and I'm exotic like a Lamborghini SV I love walking around my Speedos because putting clothes on is like putting tarp over a Lamborghini which makes no sense and I get for that all the time when I go into a grocery store I'm followed around by the security which is so annoying if that's annoying then just put on some goddamn clothes it's the simplest solution of all time just tarp up the Lamborghini during the rainstorm right and that rainstorm is called chopping and and being in public and having some decency it's not that difficult it's making a mountain out of a mole hill here it takes 2 seconds to just put on some clothes I'm Dro dead gorgeous and a great singer dancer I can make it on my talents I have several YouTube videos I see myself in 5 to 20 years getting my own reality show segueing that into a high ranking government position either first American king or president I cut out a good chunk of his monologue here he very much dislikes his mother who seems extremely sweet based on what I've seen like she pays for all of his legal fees he leeches off her money because his mother has $1 million as an inheritance so so he does come from money and he tries to suck as much of that out as he can he refuses to get a job because he thinks he's far too talented for it and believes that he will pop off because of his talent his god-given abilities and eventually land a reality TV show which he will then use to get a position in the government and with that whole speech he gave right there back when I first saw it I was convinced that it was pretty obvious this guy wasn't being serious it was all just to promote his YouTube channel and his Instagram I still think that was the primary objective here but it seems like he really is convinced of this it seems he may legitimately be delusional cuz he is still doing this today from what I can tell on his social media uh platforms which is wild you're an enabler but you can't help it yeah why are we here then what what do you what do you want me to you want me to help it what do you want me to do I just had to slide this clip in here from the episode [ __ ] Dr Phil hitting her with the well what do you want me to do about it what what what am I supposed to do about it what do what do you want me to do about it like he looked offended like I I almost expected him to like jump out of his chair and lunge at her what do you want me to do about it huh like what do you mean like why are you confused obvious she wants you to help in some capacity you've convinced an entire generation of Americans that you are extremely effective at solving family disputes and and things that like this that she is taking to you and putting on your plate obviously she wants you to do something to help her why are you acting this way uh maybe he'll come out and talk to us maybe he won't I really don't care one way or the other this train this train is moving on if he jumps on board he does if he doesn't we're moving on we'll be right back the way Dr Phil handles his show is always so fascinating to me how anyone ever bought into the idea that this guy is somehow the authority on matters like this or solving problems really to to be like more broad he treats his show like it's all such a burden to him like it's all just a such a nuisance everyone that comes on he treats like a pest from what I've seen so here he's like H maybe he comes out maybe do doesn't I don't care we're going to get this show on the road maybe he hops aboard maybe he doesn't what do you want me to do about it what am I supposed to do about it who gives a [ __ ] right in front of this family here like right in front of them like to their face like come on like it's ridiculous now of course I'm sure the family did receive some kind of compensation for appearing on the show I don't exactly know how the formula Works maybe they get paid to just appear so it probably isn't the biggest deal in the world maybe they weren't super upset about it or anything but it's just so weird to me because so many people when I was growing up really thought Dr Phil was basically like a saint and really insightful and helpful but every time I've ever watched them even when I was young I was just confused on why anyone ever thought that like it doesn't seem like he does anything besides just be bored by The People's stories my image is very important to me I look at my collection of mirrors all the time to study myself and my beauty when I dance in front of the mirror I can create a really striking image skinny with a butt I got Junk in my trunk but I'm keeping it the mirrors go with me wherever I go because I want to know what I look like to be honest that little jingle that he dropped right there skinny with a big butt junk in the trunk but I'm keeping it I actually think was ahead of its time that would probably do really well in today's modern landscape of pop music like with Tik Tok blowing [ __ ] up he probably would have done really well in 2024 if he dropped that jam but here's him explaining why he carries around a mirror so that we can constantly be reminded of his Beauty people say that I'm narcissistic because I carry around a mirror wherever I go but I don't care because I'm not cuz I have empathy and I'm currently banned from The Beverly Hills Library for bringing the mirror in but I'm looking to get that resolved well there you have it Checkmate he can't be narcissistic because he has empathy and he's also been banned from that Library I don't know if it ever got resolved I couldn't find a followup to it so I guess that's for only the sexy vegan the librarian God to know if that ever got overturned I am the beautiful vegan M get you that water okay it's a song I didn't say I was and she knows it I was just like my dad okay 10 luxury cars my dad told me I had the same name as him until I legally changed it my mom did not bail me out jail when she knew I was innocent I'm liberating over 70 billion pigs and cages so small that cannot move for years okay there's a lot happening right now let's just take a breather together and process let it digest for a moment he comes out guns blazing he comes out with with some steam here you can see the security is like hey come on we'll get you some water and that that water is not coming that water would do nothing to stop this here this fire is burning and it's burning bright so he comes out and he's he's got a lot of scrambled thoughts here that he's trying to convey and it's it's hard to keep track of them so I believe the beautiful vegan Messiah is like his catchphrase or his song I suppose like his his theme song Perhaps like a WWE entrance or something maybe he was expecting pyrot Technics to go off when he walked in not entirely sure I work my mom's a sociopathic piece of I have the highest score in hotter not history I got 9.9 out of 10 after 327 women raided me let's see your talent I love that line right there let's see your talent it reminds reminds me of that amazing trumpet fight video from like five or six years ago where the guy is melting down about a trumpet player in public and then he goes in 1975 I walked Bob Dylan up on stage who the [ __ ] are you you no Talent piece of [ __ ] oh God that's what I get for invoking the the the Wrath of the trumpet player H whoa okay point is great line so I don't know about the whole Hot or Not Pop Quiz right there with the trivia I don't know if that's true or not weird thing to be flexing about two as he's Moon walking on the stage like hey I have the highest score in hot or not history with 300 something women saying I'm goodlooking I'm super hot sounds entirely made up but I have no way of factchecking that I'm just going to assume he pulled it out of his ass that was some of the junk in the trunk just this lie let's your town you ugly piece of okay stop hey hey look at me tal no hey hey hey no you need to look at me I don't have to do okay take him out security get him out of here thank God thank God an incredible finale I like when he gets up to Dr Phil he hits him with like three little pumps right here he just gets him with like a triple tap then it's right back to moonwalking he's just spamming fortnite emotes here while just saying that they don't have talent and that they're ugly pieces of [ __ ] and then Dr Phil finally says enough is enough no more no more fooling around get him out of here so then he he leaves security gets him I appreciate the audience here though like there's some booze and then there's a couple of claps I'd love to know what they were clapping for because I wonder if they're clapping like yeah Dr Phil you you got him the security got him out of here thanks for thanks for that or if they're clapping cuz yeah that was a great performance sexy vegan I imagine it's probably the former but I like to play with the fanfic that it's the latter like there's a couple sexy vegan fans in there they're like yeah sexy vegan yeah you are going to come out here and use that kind of language in front of my audience and audience I apologize that is childish and immature behavior and uh now I get to leave yes you do no don't let the door hit you in the ass that's pretty much where it ends now like I said when I first saw this I really thought it was just another one of those moments where someone goes on there does something really dramatic like this to try and get some attention to their social media presence cuz he does plug it a couple of times really he mentions it throughout the episode like in his uh his intro and stuff but upon further inspection look looking it up [ __ ] 7 years later he really does just act like this this this is his real genuine behavior from what I can tell with all of the charges that he's accured over his life as well as how he continues to post on his social media I I'm pretty confident in saying that this was actually just him being him so yeah I just wanted to revisit this moment here because it's probably like the weirdest guest Dr Phil is head on in terms of how everything played out on on the episode so yeah just wanted to remind everyone of this and that's really about it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,637,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CBteBplrr5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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