Embarrassing Youtuber Drama

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today's story is on a YouTuber that I'm positive no adult knows or cares about but it's just been quite some time since our last meaningless YouTuber beef that I thought this one was at least worth talking about because it's a nice little treat it's beginning to feel a lot like 2016 with this one so to break down the situation briefly two YouTubers were staying at the same haunted hotel that they were using for Content but then it leads to a bit of Confrontation and then eventually just a truly sour relationship between them and there's a lot of big YouTubers involved here and It All Leads to this giant [ __ ] black hole of main character syndrome so they all get aggressive and they all start filming each other so they're saying all their aggressive [ __ ] towards their camera about one another it's it's a big mess it's very goofy the main two players here in this soap opera are Brent Rivera a Channel with 25 million subs and I guarantee you haven't heard of them if you're over the age of 18 unless of course you're suffering from some psychological damage and actually enjoy watching an [ __ ] babysit children like actual kids and for some reason make a lot of content specifically with 10 and 11 year olds his audience is very clearly like actual toddlers like Google gaga here comes the airplane with the vegetables level children and a couple days ago this tough guy puffed out his chest and threw down with another big YouTuber named Tyler Oliveira and man what a disaster that was now I don't want it to get twisted here I'll be very clear I have no problem with people who make content catering to children it's extremely smart to Target that demographic because of how lucrative it is but there has to be some level of self-awareness when you do that like have some shame you're not a tough guy like Brent Rivera pretends to be Brent Rivera got confronted in the real world and I'm using that word Loosely because it wasn't really confronting he got trolled in real life and just for some reason acted far stronger and more badass than he is like bro you make videos eating gum off of a child's shoe like why are you going to try and pretend to be like this [ __ ] man's man when met with controversy or with men when met with conflict in the real world so it ended up being a horrible look for him when Tyler Oliveira accidentally became part of a Brent Rivera video I'll go ahead and show you the video that started all of this Tyler Oliveira was doing a piece of content at a haunted hotel Bert Rivera was doing one as well and the Two Worlds accidentally crossed paths that's Brent Rivera calling security and then the cops on me after I asked him this do you fake your videos no it all started when I was staying at The Shining hotel came out of my room and randomly found these two girls in the hallway what is happening this isn't important by any means but it's always so weird to me why someone like Brent will claim they don't fake their videos like even children don't care man you can just be honest you don't have to lie like that he hired these two women to pretend to be like the little girls from The Shining and he tries to play it off as like legitimate I guess for some reason which makes no [ __ ] sense at all this is just a nitpick it just it doesn't compete with me like why even bother lying about that no one's being fooled not even like an actual glue eating four-year-old like there's no shot you can just be honest plus that kid's also probably not watching a Tyler Oliveira video in the first place anyway your secret's probably still going to be safe foreign [Music] group maybe okay anyways you can immediately see Tyler's being very opportunistic about all of this they just happen to both be on the same floor and they were filming this video and Tyler walked out legitimately right in it like a pedestrian about to get hit by a [ __ ] car on a crosswalk but instead of a car in this situation it's cringe he's getting absolutely blasted by cringe beams from all directions and he tries to make the most out of the situation so he takes advantage of this by directly going to Brent Rivera and his team and busting their balls about the whole thing which leads to everyone's ham getting steamed everyone gets very upset Tyler's like uh what's your name Brent Rivera did he hire you guys is this all fake is this all a sham a ruse a scam and you know I can understand that being a bit of a nuisance from Brent Rivera's perspective like damn this guy is just coming over here like all up in our [ __ ] and just like interrogating us when we're just trying to film this piece of kids content like it can absolutely be a headache but the way Brent handles it is atrocious he starts like shaming him for using an iPhone shaming their equipment at one point someone on his team belittles his subscriber number like he couldn't have looked worse in this situation if he tried so aware that I was in the middle of a fake YouTube prank I wanted to see if Brent would admit it because we all know his videos are fake and he steals everyone's ideas I have a question for you guys hire these people and unsurprisingly they made a cameo in Brent's newest video it's almost like they know each other you have a question yeah do you fake your videos no can you take your videos there's a big who gives a [ __ ] moment as Tyler even mentions everyone knows he fakes his videos steals ideas steals thumbnails like everyone knows that so why do you need to get him to admit it it wouldn't change anything and it's not exactly like a great video either he's just doing this to instigate a conflict obviously and Brent Rivera just keeps escalating it so they both play into each other here like [ __ ] piranhas and they're Sniff and clout in the water uh Brent Rivera though however is a very [ __ ] dumb piranha and it all backfires on him all right all right have fun guys I don't know what's going on here oh God from Affair is right there we get that louder I don't know how people haven't realized that insulting someone's subscriber number Financial well-being and all of that is just an instant L like somehow people will still say some [ __ ] like that guy who said have fun with your 100 subscribers but with their our whole chest like they'll just let that [ __ ] rip not knowing or being completely oblivious to how awful that makes you look you lose the second you go there you look like an insufferable douchebag [ __ ] like just a [ __ ] pure colonostomy bag of a person like it's outrageous that people still do it like shaming him for using an iPhone insulting is uh his mics which they also bring up is everything it's so weird now I want to make it clear Tyler's not even following them around he's on a tour he's on his way to the tour and Brent Rivera's crew just Snipes him on the way by and hits him with like drive-by kindergarten insults hey we're filming I literally walked out of my hotel room and nearly had a heart attack why did you walk up to us like enter our space I've I've paid 400 a night for the hotel what do you mean yes we were normal guests whoa whoa whoa okay Brent Rivera's henchman Sidekicks are already being disrespectful to Tyler as Brent Rivera has also already been and yet he still tries to be like the moral Authority here the girl does make a good point like hey you did come up in our [ __ ] but then she immediately follows it up with if we were normal guests so putting themselves on a higher pedestal than normal people how can people not recognize that you are an [ __ ] for saying [ __ ] like that you're a narcissist like oh if we were normal guests this Behavior would be acceptable for the plebeians which we are not look at the subscriber count that we have normal gas do you think you're elevated Beyond an average human being you've ascended the human obviously who are you you're harassing our tours come on dude get moving have fun guys we're not harassing I want to say hi to my favorite YouTuber Prime Rivera totally doesn't fake his videos and it's totally awesome why why are you having trouble speaking I'm nervous in front of my Idols what do you mean [Music] isn't that so inspiring Brent Rivera is starting to chirp up a little bit now that Security's there to make sure Tyler can't get close enough to Brent so then he starts insulting him for fumbling words I guess even though I didn't notice him fumble any words weird thing to try and stand on but whatever I guess anyways great tour we're back apparently is it true you kiss your sister Brad you're gonna get us kicked out you're that powerful yes he'll let us stay that was nice so I start walking to my room grateful for Brent's Mercy right is that you it was him they were all staring at us and filming us on guess what an iPhone are you recording us did you guys film your video the pettiness just keeps going and going and going it's all so [ __ ] meaningless the kiss your sister comment obviously of course now just taking Jabs at Brent because everything's bubbled over like a bad stew and Brent and his crew are now recording him and saying he's lame and [ __ ] for their own tick tocks or whatever God it's so goofy did you guys finish your video no oh we're not gonna be able to finish it what do you mean I'm sorry they're gonna come and get get you guys they're gonna kick you out what do you mean we paid 375 right I'm sorry I'm not as rich as you bro this is the third time harassing us whoa whoa whoa you recorded me I'm recording you because you guys are coming up to oh okay well we walked in we're on the same floor it's super possible a lot of shit's edited out of Tyler's video but everything that's here is them just literally having crossed paths and then both parties insulting each other like it doesn't seem like Tyler goes out of his way especially here in the hallway they open the door twice as Tyler was going to the room that's entirely Brett Rivera and his crew playing [ __ ] peekaboo like it's a goddamn episode of Scooby-Doo with the door opening and closing and then filming him now maybe they maybe Tyler did go out of his way a couple times elsewhere that's not in the video I guess it's possible but it's also not like he was doing a ton of harassing of them that I've seen here aside from the initial confrontation which Tyler obviously leaned into and walked up to them in order to [ __ ] troll them right to their face like that one Tyler did start for sure but Brent and his crew were the ones that continued it at least from everything that's present here of course it is possible that there's a lot we don't see but there's not like a hero in this story either both parties don't look good but Brit Rivera and his team look significantly worse and I appreciate you being reasonable about it for sure my apologies sorry guys all right it ends as you'd expect Brent does get them kicked out the cops do show up and I'm sure Brent finished that video and it sucks I guarantee that [ __ ] is trash but that's the conclusion here just some petty YouTuber beef that I thought was just at least silly enough to talk about that's about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,580,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oOhQJitx390
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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