She is Horrible

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a drunk driving lawyer was recently arrested after flipping her car and the footage from the arrest has just been released by a YouTube channel called police watch and I thought it'd be fun to go over it because goodness gracious Heavens de Betsy it is an interesting one this lady is truly horrible hello hello you call um I don't know where the girl is that was driving she's right there whose car is this um that's my grandson's and it was Park right here he hasn't went anywhere all day and is everybody okay yeah everybody's I'll just have you guys hang out over there for now okay now you're all brought up to speed with the lore here the context of the situation an intoxicated woman was driving her vehicle hit a parked car which caused her vehicle to flip and land on its side this actually looks like something out a GTA when you ramp off of a parked tow truck but you don't fully land the stunt hello hi looks like you might have crashed your car huh oh my gosh hi yeah I'm Rachel nice to meet Rachel Eli nice to meet you what's going on how' this happen I don't know almost immediately this officer had me giggling because he's speaking to her like he's speaking to a puppy like oh hello there oh well what's going on you got a toy what's what's happening over here and then we're introduced to our protagonist Rachel and when asked what happened she goes for the tried andrue method a Timeless classic playing dumb uh jeez oh man boy howdy I don't know how this happened what what is the car doing on its side that can't be right what what a confounding mystery we're faced with a officer you're not sure yeah it's your car this is my vehicle yes obviously well how did it end up on its side do you know did it just I mean obviously it's just right myself myself I see a kid seat there wasn't a kid in here when this happened no no no children in here obviously this just happened right that's were you driving it you're going to quickly realize that obviously is Rachel's favorite word in the English language she uses the word obviously more than a teenager uses the word like it started to lose meaning for me with how often she was saying it during this video but she's trying to explain that it is her vehicle that's ended up on its side but she doesn't really understand how it happened obviously something must have happened but what we've got to get to the bottom of this officer we got to figure out how my car ended up like this perhaps a strong gust of wind spontaneous tornado unlikely but what about Godzilla stomping around causing a bit of shaking on the road which caused my car to pop up on two wheels Dukes a hazard style and just flip I don't know officer there's a lot of things that could have led to this obviously I I obviously was driving the vehicle so I mean do you OB always ask your questions or you just ask questions I just ask questions I'm just trying to figure out what's going on that's all it's Rachel right it is Rachel it's nice yeah I was just driving down the road and then on vehicle so were you going were you driving this way yeah obviously that's the way the vehicle's facing so why you keep saying obviously well I mean I think the officer is asking too why do you keep saying obviously he just rolled up to the scene pulling up to a scene with a [ __ ] rolled over car on its side isn't exactly the most normal thing ever that's not something that just spontaneously happens especially on like a not busy residential street with nothing around this is a [ __ ] Barren empty area here it's like she just crashed outside of Courage the Cowardly Dog's House in the middle of no where so clearly the officer doesn't know all of the details around how this could have possibly happened so he's asking you I don't know why she's so combative already I I mean obviously I know why she's so combative because she is annihilated she is extremely drunk there's no telling where the alcohol stops and the Blood starts in her body anymore she is doing her best to try and find some way of weaseling herself out of the situation a car turned on its side here is it just some like random thing that happens so her going obviously I was driving in this direction there was a car and well one thing leads to another and now look at the pickle we're in yeah you know it happens all the time why you making a big deal out of it officer do you always ask such redundant questions um everything with the scene is pretty obvious so okay I don't think there's much left too what how I guess did you just not see the car on the side of the road or how did did there was no car on the side of the road there wasn't not my knowledge no Rachel I am looking at the car on the side of the road that you hit it's still right there it hasn't despawned it's sitting right there you looked at it the officer shined a light at it did she drink herself blind or something what are you what are you talking about the car you hit is still right there staring you in the face staring a hole through your soul I don't know why she's trying to like pretend it's not there there was a car driving this way I was clearly driving in my Lane okay go ahead she's trying to cast like a gin Jutsu on the officer here to convince him that there was another car driving and that's the one that's actually at fault clearly she was in the correct Lane like a good law biting Citizen and a very not drunk good driver and then all of a sudden things went caddy Wampus and it's all that other driver's fault that was driving this way and then the officer goes over to the vehicle that she hit the parked car and then she still tries to continue this ruse that she did everything right and yet can't explain how her car ended up on its side oh my God and the entire time she still stays so condescending so insufferable where you coming from tonight Rachel um I was coming to my friend's house on the south of town on south of town sou yeah okay was there anyone in the vehicle with you when this happened no there was nobody with me and I can tell you like there was obviously a you had anything to drink tonight Rachel um no I hav just be honest with me well I'm convinced she's Stone Cold Sober well now we just got to find the guy who's responsible for flipping her car over that hooligan absolute scoundrel I also don't understand what she started doing with her hands there she just goes like obviously and then starts doing like a John Cena You Can't See Me so I don't know what she was trying to do there it looked like she was about to bust out a [ __ ] anime move with that one or start going into like some crazy dance moves like a body wave or something no it's not going to like it's not going to incriminate you any further anything no I know no no nothing I drink huh not since 600 p.m. 6 p.m. so I would say a few hours yeah like what did you have at six I had a what we considered a be cocktail I guess how much alcohol would you say is in that um it's a 4% 4% and you just had one of them yeah I just did one a beer cocktail Rachel do you think me a fool are you pulling my leg a beer cocktail kind of [ __ ] up Alchemy is that what kind of awful potion you kidding me that's the best you could come up with here you expect anyone in the world to believe that you drank one beer cocktail Jiminy Christmas and you were doing such a great job with your acting performance this display was Immaculate I was almost convinced Rachel I really was if I couldn't hear the video if I played it on mute maybe every single word has said she hasn't been able to get out without it being slurred she is unable to form a coherent sentence she is lost in a [ __ ] Fantasy Land right now stranded in Narnia here doing her absolute best to try and explain away how her car is on her side when I am pretty sure she doesn't even know how it happened because she is so [ __ ] drunk we were at a fantasy football draft tonight that explains the Jersey you yeah in New Jersey yeah I'm a Col fan but yeah I just had one cocktail um it was a um I don't know the brand name um of the cocktail I'm sorry that's okay not bad um but I know it was uh 4% alcohol don't worry Rachel I'll go ahead and dunk this alleyoop you've tossed me I think I know what the brand name was of the cocktail you consumed was it perhaps a liar's light or what about a un untruthful Brew you're liar what what I'm saying Rachel is you are literally lying this is ridiculous you you you make me sick so here's the deal Rachel so here's the deal I won't answer any more of your questions you're not going to answer any more of my questions no well you don't have to answer anything if you'd like to know nope nope actually I'll let you know what's going on from now because you've sueded right your rights of asking me questions oh [ __ ] Rachel's in control now she's taking the helm she's in charge she's got all the power now uh-oh the tables have turned uh nope um and so any more questions you have you can talk to my attorney Case Closed there's nothing they can do anymore Rachel invoked the power of attorney which obviously clears her of any wrongdoing with the drunk driving and hitting a parked car flipping her vehicle on the road here so hey it was a good try from the officers but unfortunately Rachel proved to be too powerful too knowledgeable on the law and that's no doubt because she herself is a lawyer a damn good one at that too up there with the greates like Saul Goodman and Billy Mitchell phone wallet keys anything like that no honey okay all right ready okay you ready let's go Rachel refused to do any of the field sobriety tests they arrested her on suspicion of DWI and Rachel continued to be an insufferable [ __ ] the entire time even dropping one of those Honeys in there so still condescending it's actually pretty impressive how even in the midst of all this she continues to be an absolute [ __ ] it's it's actually kind of wild I wonder what she's like sober I bet this is her tone down I bet when she's sober she's like 10x this like when she goes to a Cowboys game I bet she's like fighting with every single other fan in the stadium like she's going around just starting [ __ ] with everyone spitting on him um I mean did you assume I was operating under alcohol or had you been assured by some sort of test you just assumed right correct and is our conversation being recorded yes it is yes it is correct so you assumed I was operating my vehicle correct is that correct yes or no Rachel we're not going to have this conversation okay so that was correct right that's why you arrested me you assumed I was operating my vehicle correct she spends a considerable amount of time in the back of the police car trying to megga mind her way out of this situation a [ __ ] Jimmy Neutron Brain Blast so she's trying to reverse this like interrogate them oh you assumed I was the one driving the vehicle correct and yeah yes you admitted to that Rachel you yourself confirmed you were the one operating the vehicle but I'm sure she's already forgotten that like the only thing she's remembering consistently is her name so she's already in a rough state but she's trying her absolute best here to try and find the right dialogue tree option to get out of here but it doesn't exist and it is so annoying listening to her try this like you assumed I was under the influence correct you didn't administer any tests correct even though they tried to but she declined to do the tests so yes they're going by the very clear indicators that you are drunk with the way you're speaking as well as the smell of alcohol on her breath now I was honestly expecting her to try some very unhinged tactics here like maybe making a secondhand smoke style argument like okay the smell of alcohol in my breath interesting I only had one beer cocktail perhaps the reason that you're smelling alcohol so strongly from my breath is because all of my friends were drinking so much at the fantasy football party that my proximity to them coated my mouth thus leading to this methodus of alcohol that you're smelling I didn't drink anything more than one beer cocktail I am not drunk I am a victim of secondhand alcohol want talk anymore dear I just you never read me my Miranda rides or told me what I was in the arrest for so so I was looking for some clarification because my Miranda rights were never read and you also never told me what I was under the arrest for do you remember that part it's a [ __ ] when you arrest a lawyer the amount of time she gets us with a bait and switch by saying I'm done talking or you'll just have to speak to my attorney from now on that's it for me only to continue just [ __ ] vomiting a bunch of nonsense is so wild she just has this inability to shut the [ __ ] up she just keeps going and keeps being an insufferable [ __ ] now she drops a bombshell here a plot twist That Game of Thrones could have never even written that has me scratching my head a little bit it's a very interesting claim that I have to call objection on she insinuates that she is a lawyer now I'm not a lawyer I haven't passed the bar which means I can sniff out when other people haven't passed the the bar as well and oh brother does she stink pu she reeks of lying and deception here I don't think she's a lawyer at all I think what likely is the case is that she read a single Twitter thread from some pseudo intellectual that tried to lecture about here's how you get out of any situation involving the authorities and then she's taking it as though she's some kind of knowledgeable lawyer or something now because of it because she is wrong on everything she's saying that they didn't tell her what she's being taken in for even though they explicitly told her that it's going to be for the Ow like they made it very clear she just immediately forgot because she is [ __ ] hammered and then she's talking about the Miranda Rights not being read to her and now I'll take this with a grain of salt cuz like I mentioned I am also not a lawyer but from everything I've read they don't need to read you your Miranda Rights until it is like a complete formal investigation it's just everything you say before those rights are read can't be used by them we just kind of let you like walk into those things but you didn't read me my Miranda rids and you also didn't tell me what I was under arrest for do you remember that and the best part was that was all on dash cam footage I mean it's okay we all learn the worst part is is I'm not in toxic at and I don't think there is anything else to say she tries to give almost like a super villain monologue here you fell for my trap I let you all walk into it it was all designed for my master plan my scheme and you fell hookline and sinker for it but you know the worst part I'm not even in toxicated as she's like Falling In and Out Of Consciousness not even able to remember what has and hasn't been or what's going on she's probably forgotten that she flipped her car but anyway I'll go ahead and stop it here like I always say I have no respect for anyone who drives drunk just like cereal deserves milk I think drunk drivers deserve to be shamed so I'm just doing my due diligence here uh Big L for Rachel and uh that's really about it glad no one was hurt that's it see you
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,062,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 40lb83EVfuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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