Huge Loser

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I've thrown on the formal attire today because we need to discuss something very important a huge loser named bintelect big goofball weirdo lame-o Behemoth creep he is a big Tick Tock Creator and that's a word I'm using very Loosely here with 11 million followers and I'm sure only people under the age of 10 have ever heard of them before what he's become known for over the years is looking at tweets or comments reading them out and then going hey that's literally it but sometimes it's a little hard to even muster a laugh so what he'll do is he'll read one of the comments and then go yeah true and then that's the whole Tick Tock but I'm not here just to give him a little wet willy and laugh at him for all of his cringe I am here to talk about something far more degenerate but before doing that I'd like to give a quick honorable mention to something else this piss stain of a person is notorious for doing threatening legal action against people that make fun of him I've seen a couple videos on bintaluck now after I've been informed of the situation so I did a little digging apparently when people make fun of him he gets super offended and will either try and copyright strike take down the video copyright claim it to make money from it or even go as far as to just threaten to sue the person that made fun of him you disgusting Goblin you make me sick You're a Mean One Mr Grinch now while I do think a legal battle with Benjamin over me making fun of him would be hilarious I still just don't really feel like showing you any of his Clips because it's just going to rot your brain and it's it's yucky it's just trash so no reason for that let's get into what I want to discuss the new information that came out about this weird though so bintelect recently made a podcast I suppose and he invited someone on named Jordan Max and then things got really odd he got super hostile and she ended up posting about it which led to this damn breaking and we were flooded with cringe about bintelex Behavior over the years with women so this horny little Goblin asks her before going on the podcast do you want to make a video for only fans to which she says win he says today and then she's saying no you need to be tested within the last 14 days and having only fans a Creator account but then he says I mean a video for your page oh what a benevolent Saint he was actually just thinking about her the whole time he thought this would be a good opportunity for her to make some only fans content with the Great Big Ben bintelect so she says doing what and he goes I don't know what performs best on your page I can literally see him doing this well I mean I don't know what we do I mean what do you do on only fans maybe we could do that so it's it's become pretty clear that bintelect uses this podcast as a way of just [ __ ] it seems to me like the whole podcast existence is only here is a way of trying to get been collect laid so he tries to leverage his big follower count to then invite on only fans models and then ask if he can make content with them it's pretty pathetic stuff but we're only just beginning he continues by saying I was just thinking you're helping me with doing a video for my YouTube so maybe I could help you with your only fans and she replies I'm good thanks so then he goes no worries and then hey I'm gonna do the pickle video with someone else thanks though to which he asks why so the pickle video he's referring to is the podcast was going to be a pickle tier list mukbang or something like that a pickle mukbang and it was her idea it was Jordan's idea and he's now kicking her out because she declined to do an only fans video with him so his answer to why was to be honest I thought it would just be fun to film and see where things go but I got it so he gets real sad and pitiful like no I I get it I just thought it'd be fun but it clearly it won't be fun I'm gonna do it with someone else then how about that so he goes real Neanderthal mode here my wiener no get wet we know eat pickles together on podcast goodbye how dare you not do only fan video with bintelect so then he says he's doing it with someone else so Jordan of course gets really weirded out by this exchange she posted on Twitter and then bintelect himself the man the myth the legend reaches out in DMS to threaten to sue her if she doesn't take down the post she even did a video proving that the DM is real from the real bintelect account just to 100 silence any possible bout also her response to it is great she said I'll just be waiting to hear from your lawyers then which is Hardcore obviously Ben's not going to sue her I don't think he's ever actually gone through with a lawsuit he uses it to try and bully people to do what he wants to do what he wants them to do rather so I don't think any lawsuit was ever coming this was just a last ditch Hail Mary from a desperate lonely guy to try and get rid of the evidence of him being a creep so that was the whole interaction between bintelect and Jordan but after this tweet started popping off well the series of tweets started popping off she then started getting DMS with more screenshots and more evidence of binge been to like doing this to tons of different women this comes from someone else who had a very similar experience to Jordan so Ben opens with do you work tomorrow they say crazy busy day but I don't work and then Ben goes let's make some content tomorrow not like that but just film a podcast so he immediately alludes to like oh not only fans type content I'm talking about just a wholesome podcast you know one the whole family can enjoy it doesn't get an immediate response so he goes what do you think he then Waits about two hours more and he goes you're killing me gorgeous so [ __ ] embarrassing Jesus Christ that's so [ __ ] awful to read yucky and then he gives her about three more hours and then he goes you know what I've been thinking about this only fans thing and I think I think I could make us a lot of money straight up and then she finally does reply saying that she's just been busy taking a mental health day so he he can't even go more than like three messages without bringing up only fans it seems like the only thing on this guy's mind is sex and how he's never getting it I guess but is very desperate too and will do it by any means necessary to try and Achieve coitus from everything I can tell bintelect has never done any kind of only fans content on his own or like any type of explicit content he's just a professional Tick Tock giggler all he does is giggle at Twitter messages or comments and that's it so clearly he's not wanting to dip his toes into only fans for the sake of becoming like an only Fan's Creator he just wants to have sex with these women and he's using his podcast as a vessel to try and do that it seems after she told him about the mental health thing she was taking he responds with hey thank you and then the following day at 6 52 a.m so this guy must have been up all night masturbating because it seems like that's the only thing on this dude's mind he sends her a message saying do you want to come over night actually are you down to come over tonight or are you just a flake doesn't even give her time to respond just immediately gets combative he immediately just goes into [ __ ] ballistic bin mode so you coming over tonight or are you just a flake huh are you just a [ __ ] succubus is that it huh so you're coming over tonight and then he waits only like an hour and 40 after that and then he's like you know what okay Jesus Christ yeah sorry babe but you're just too much of a flake bye so then obviously she's like alarmed like what the [ __ ] is going on so she says you know if you wouldn't have texted me so rudely calling me a flake after one day of not texting you you might have stood a chance I can see why you're single now goodbye which really just sends Ben off the rails yeah whatever go [ __ ] yourself says the girl who's trying to make an only fans good luck brother all you talk about is trying to do only fans content with them it seems like you're trying desperately to get into only fans but keep getting rejected and can't handle it so how can you have the gall to try and shame them for it when you are desperately trying to do it yourself here's a wacky little Snapchat one do you want to come over here and spend some time with me because on a side note I do think I could probably make us some money on only fans bintelect [ __ ] crazy into Oblivion that that's redacted right there like a CIA document I really wonder what he said I think it's bintelect [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] into Oblivion or something but I'm just going off of what I can see poking out from underneath the the redaction I think that's what it is but this is so goofy he's speaking about himself in the third person in this one and then he even tries bribery if you come over I'll give you a hundred a thousand bucks I just really want you and they respond I'm good right now don't try to bribe me with money that's weird and he's like yeah nope that is weird but I want to see you this one's a lot more vintage been so this was a different kind of relationship these two had as opposed to just the podcast only fans hustle he keeps trying to run so they start by saying I guess it's just not meant to be Ben says facts no hard feelings but yeah it ain't working so then they part ways or so it would seem Ben has a couple of uh parting words here he says for your future self if you're going to turn around on a guy and say hey I'm not down for friends with benefits [ __ ] just say that before go before you go through all the [ __ ] boring as [ __ ] not my problem that you turned around and quit drinking because you're an alcoholic and now pass out at 8pm [ __ ] peace out [ __ ] so Ben really he went he went crazy uh Ben lost it this man he was punching pillows sending these texts with tears in his eyes and he got real nasty they respond to it saying that they're far from an alcoholic and then Ben just keeps going crazy or saying no you're an alcoholic you're an alcoholic and you're full of [ __ ] and then he's like anyway I'm I'm done I just had to say that because you're full of [ __ ] they respond saying that they weren't interested in being with Ben and he should have taken the hint a while ago but then Ben just he goes absolutely berserk again she says that she's wasting people's time and that she needs to just shut up and go to bed and then she says it sounds like you need some anger management help which is a very fair assessment I I think he desperately needs some assistance with this anger management and then Ben tries to flip this [ __ ] around like how dare you are you kidding me so he goes be careful who you say that to Maria because there are people who really need help with that so Ben lets out a gasp that's super disrespectful to say that to somebody and also a very basic ass [ __ ] thing to say Benjamin it's a very fair thing to say here it's not disrespectful you legitimately need some help like it very much seems like you do so then he then goes you know there's a reason you've been single for this many years and because no one wants you and no one cares about you you you're full of [ __ ] basic boring loser he just goes on and on and even has this little monologue here that ends with him saying God help any guy that you gets involved with that loose [ __ ] because you're just lame mic drop hoe this guy just typed out Mike droppo this he just he just typed that out he's he's over 30 years old I think he's like 34 years old or something like that I already forgot this is a 30 this is a 30 something year old man and he just typed out Mike drop hoe to which she responds I'm sure your Tick Tock fans will love the way you talk to women when I post these screenshots and then he's like you know what good luck I stand by every single word that I just said to you so did he stand by every single word that he said let's look at his initial apology which he deleted pretty shortly after posting it and then also hid replies on let's look at his first apology I've recently been accused of some heinous actions and would like the opportunity to share my disgust at these accusations I'm a firm believer in the rights and equality of all humans including women flag immediately I don't know what else is I stand by the rights for all humans and that does include women those creatures I am including them in that statement because that's the kind of angel I am it makes it sound like he's drawing a distinction between women and every other human on the planet like they're a totally separate species that aren't included in humanity what a what an absolute incomprehensible weirdo I grew up in a home with three sisters and no brothers so I learned very early on the importance power love and abilities women have they deserve to be cherished and uplifted and treated with respect and that's how I live my life I do not condone the statements or accusations that have suddenly been hoisted upon me and I hope to speak to anyone who feels they have been wronged he's actually going with the I have sisters I I can't hate women I have sisters no no I have three sisters you guys don't understand I could never do this to women like you're misunderstanding these are all baseless accusations I have three sisters I legitimately cannot be mean to women and not only do I have three sisters but my mother is also a woman so you should see how ridiculous these claims are now knowing this context with my three sisters and mother so that should hopefully clear up all the air here with these accusations like I mentioned he did delete this apology post but today he did release a new apology on Tick Tock he released an apology video so let's take a peek at that also Ben I know you're still watching you probably plan on suing me if I show your apology video because you've employed this tactic before against other YouTubers if they've shown clips of your content to make fun of you you allege that it's stealing your work and you have a legal ground to take it down and come after them you don't that's not how that works Michelle showing this is not any kind of violation in any way shape or form so if you do try and sue me or copyright claim this video copyright strike the video anything like that I will 100 respond with every single option at my disposal in order to follow this legal case through to its fullest conclusion so let's check out your apology brother hey guys there's a lot being said about me on the internet right now and I just wanted to clear the air the first thing I want to say is I'm sorry to anyone that I've made feel uncomfortable I love how nonchalante is about this whole thing just trying to downplay this situation like if I made any of you feel a bit icky a little uncomfy I'm super sorry that wasn't my intention you must have misunderstood it it's not what I it's not what I'm about when in reality he would snap get aggressive hostile combative anytime he was denied sex I want to say to any girl who I've been rude to whether through text or in person that I'm sorry I understand that me being sorry does not excuse that kind of behavior I will continue to work on myself and do better thanks guys behold the first AI chat GPT written apology this just ticked every basic box there's really nothing of value here at all just like the quickest weakest apology and he's just gonna go forward doing his little look at this tweet yeah like nothing ever happened so that's kind of where everything's at dog [ __ ] apology dog [ __ ] situation this guy is a big old loser so let's use this as a learning opportunity for anyone watching don't be like bintelect that's really about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 12,342,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RyWuy_OA288
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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