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I'm always critical and this is the wired autocomplete interview penguin zero moist critical Charlie big moist huge Charles what is moist critical a five foot six Hawking testosterone Titan who makes a bunch of wacky silly garbage on the internet what does moist critical do for a living I just post really ridiculous things on the internet and got lucky enough that it enables me to survive what did moist critical do before YouTube nothing I was I was 10 before YouTube I didn't have a career or a job I was still just snorting glue and drinking milk I was just a baby boy I used to mow Lawns for money which probably isn't allowed with the child labor laws in America what is moist critical email just criticalcontact at gmail you're gonna have a hard time reaching me there I did meet one of my best friends through email his name's Kaya he reached out a long time ago with a super sad message that really tickled my heartstrings I replied back we became good friends through it but these days most people just sign me up for cult newsletters and a lot of other like really awful WebMD like hypochondriac bait but you're welcome to send me something I probably won't see it though I'll just give it one of these why is moist critical penguin zero the lore is super simple I was actually a child I made the account in 2007 I was 11. I thought Penguins were cool the name penguin was taken not that deep why does moist critical wear white shirts convenience most of everything I have in my life comes from Walmart so I just get big packs of white shirts and that's good enough for me I'm not out here trying to make any kind of fashion statements so it's super simple super easy why does moist critical talk like that that's a question for God not me I couldn't tell you it's just I have very weird vocal cords I have a very monotone voice the best description I've heard of it is that it sounds like an unenthusiastic hand job I've been really gravitating towards the word goofy over the last year or so I like these words that kind of fell out of Grace for a while old expressions like calling someone an old battle ax or a harpy or a harlot goofy silly wacky it's like fetal development where you're in like the zygotic stage all the way till birth right now I'm in like the goofy development why does moist critical look like Jesus I just don't think I do I I really don't I just have long hair and I'm short I don't know if Jesus was short but other than that I think that's where the similarity stop you had like really brown hair mine's more black I don't think I look like him at all but most people seem to think I do is moist critical in a band yeah it's a two-man band it's me and my buddy Troy he's from New Zealand We Are The Gentle men Troy does all of the music I do all the lyrics and vocals that's why a lot of them are very silly like 2019 guy is all about being a cuck and being super happy about it and skynet's all about robots that are powered by human semen from the future he does all the really good music stuff and I do all the super stupid stuff we make a great team is moist critical from Florida I was born in Tampa moved to Orlando moved back to Tampa in sixth grade and I've been here ever since I'm not leaving until Florida is fully underwater and even then I might still stick around I don't think I have very many Florida man qualities other than maybe the way I dress or where I go I guess we went to a club called The Castle last week which is a goth nightclub with a station for paddling and all kinds of like bunk beds but I don't think I have many Florida man qualities myself not that I can think of at least is moist critical jacked not to toot my own horn but I do lift very often I was a human science major with a concentration in exercise physiologies but I'm not really jacked I keep myself lean because I'm five foot six so if I get jacked I look like a meatball and it looks really gross is moist critical scared of cockroaches nope common misconception I scream because I'm trying to scare them away so I'm not afraid of anything except flying this moist critical scared of flying what do you know yeah I am scared of flying it's my main phobia really the only phobia does critical have a world record not anymore every time I get a world record I post about it and some Goblin out there goes and takes it from me most of my previous records were Speed Run related so gaming Mr Krabs overdoses on ketamine and dies it got taken I held a record in House of Caravan got taken I did have a record for a little while kind of not an official one for sex toy collecting but then Bell belfine beat me so right now no world records and probably never will hold one for long but I have had previous records when did critical reveal his face 2015 I think I started posting on Snapchat and doing like recorder covers of popular music and then I eventually posted that Snapchat in a comment on a video called paint the town red and I don't think I started putting it in videos until 2016 or 2017. does critical have Discord I don't go on it super often only to talk to like friends or do voice calls with friends but I do have it foreign that was outrageous sorry about that what is penguin Zero's favorite anime Code Geass it is I think a masterpiece it has one of my favorite endings in all of fiction and I think the whole thing is just beautifully written what this penguin zero drive an SUV I got an SUV a little over a year ago I just like the SUV more because I'm very risk averse so it's a safer vehicle what is penguin zero favorite game City of Heroes it's an old MMO that I think is truly underrated shutdown in 2012 God rested soul but I think it's still an incredible game there's private servers I still play from time to time I guess second to City of Heroes would be Halo 2. does Charles Christopher White Jr have a brother not that I know of I'm pretty sure I'm the only child but I've never really sat my parents down to get to the bottom of it I'm pretty sure it's just me this Charles Christopher White Jr act in Hunger Games don't ask silly questions you know the answer yes I'm the only thing that held that entire franchise together and it's an absolute shame that they didn't call me back for the most recent one I'm very disappointed with their decision but I will never forget the time I spent on that set is Charles Christopher White Jr still alive can moist critical play guitar I tried I played in middle school I dropped it in high school I haven't really touched it since I can do uh Tears Don't Fall intro still I think but other than that nothing else how did moist critical get famous I didn't you've been misled I just post on the internet and some people watch it and that's really about it but I guess maybe the Hunger Games would be the another answer to that when does moist critical stream pretty much every night times vary all very spontaneous sometimes I don't stream every day you never really know you gotta stay on your toes does moist critical use a script nope fire on the camera talk about absolute nonsense and that's about the extent of the effort that goes into that unless we're doing something like wrestling with wrestling we plan out a lot of what goes on beforehand but when it's just a normal video it's super simple I just start talking about some really goofy and that's about it thanks for having me on a big you to the Hunger Games for not bringing me back District 8 Hospital helper is the only glue that held that disheveled franchise together aside from that it was just a lot of fun thank you for putting it together
Channel: WIRED
Views: 6,327,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charles white jr., charlie moistcr1tikal, charlie white, charlie white moistcr1tikal, cr1tikal, cr1tikal interview, moist cr1tikal, moistcr1tikal, moistcr1tikal 2023, moistcr1tikal autocomplete interview, moistcr1tikal band, moistcr1tikal interview, moistcr1tikal penguinz0, moistcr1tikal penguinz0 name, moistcr1tikal streams, moistcr1tikal twitch, moistcr1tikal wired, moistcri1ikal, penguinz0, penguinz0 youtube, wired, wired autocomplete, wired autocomplete interview
Id: 5lEp4djm4s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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