Dan Schneider is A Creep

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if you grew up during the 9s or the early 2000s there's an extremely high chance that you watch some of Dan Schneider's shows it was like impossible to avoid him it'd be like trying to dodge raindrops during a thunderstorm Dan Schneider during this period was the king of children's television programs he made some of the most influential Productions like Drake and Josh The Amanda Show I Carly his resume is just stacked with tons of shows that I imagine meant a lot to many of you growing up and make no mistake you meant a lot to the creator of these shows as well well not so much you but your feet certainly did the creator of these shows is a monstrous foot fetishist Dan get in the van Schneider he is a vile creepy disgusting human being and this has been known for years however a new docu series just dropped really diving into this subject matter and putting a spotlight on it in a way that hasn't previously been explored it's called quiet onet now if you don't know what Dan looks like here's a nice picture of him here he looks like he was made in the Dragon Dogma 2 character creator and Dan Schneider has become the face of quiet onset however it actually explores more than that it's like a whole deep look at all of the horrible things that were going on during these Nickelodeon Productions it's more than just Dan but he obviously plays a central role here because he made these shows he was the head hono of most of this and he was well aware of some of these terrible and downright criminal things things that were going on behind the scenes on some of these shows and the reason I mention the foot fetishism off rip here is because that was one of the first things that people really caught on to in the public eye after Dan's Glory Days at Nickelodeon people started to pick up on how odd it was that a lot of these Children's shows had an emphasis on feet pretty frequently it was a Common Thread throughout a lot of these shows like feet humor and having these child actors and actresses displaying their feet and in 2013 one of the shows Dan worked on Sam and Cat actually ran a competition where kids were supposed to submit pictures of their feet to them like that's weird no matter how you spin it that's a really weird thing to request from your audience of children to take pictures of their feet for you that's just downright creepy and wrong I can't believe that tweet is still up by the way over a decade later and no one thought to delete that that is impressive but anyway people started to pick up on Dan's fixation with Stompers and it seemed like his fetish was bleeding into his work and he was having the children unknowingly participate in it by having them display their feet that's what it seemed to a lot of people so it was obviously very concerning so people did more and more digging they found more and more evidence of Dan being an awful piece of [ __ ] behind the scenes with a lot of shady things going on there and it just led to this reputation that people for years have known that Dan blows loads to toes Schneider is not a good person and Now Quiet on the set has released and so much information has come out not just about Dan but about that entire Nickelodeon workplace around these child stars arguably the largest piece of new information that dropped during this docu series was the sexual abuse of Drake Bell by someone named Brian peek so Brian peek was a coach at Nickelodeon whom was sexually abusing Dr Bell and he was actually convicted in 2004 he spent 16 months in The Slammer and then immediately upon release landed a job with Disney if that doesn't show just how rotten to the core this industry is I don't know what will there is deep-seated evil in Hollywood he went to jail for lwd AXS with a minor he is a sex offender a convicted sex offender and he immediately got a Disney Channel job working on the Sweet Life of Zach and Cody what the [ __ ] that's mind-bogglingly evil like like that's not just irresponsible that's malicious it's not like they just made some kind of mistake where they put a sex offender in a role where he works almost exclusively with children like they it's not like they made a whoops of Daisy they just happen to overlook that he's a sex offender they knew they would have to know and they still hired him for that role regardless that's scary that's terrifying they actively enabling a [ __ ] sex offender to potentially prey on more children Drake also described that when he went into court Brian peek had the support of some very powerful and familiar faces there were 41 character letters written to the judge asking for leniency for Brian peek 41 letters of support from industry Personnel that were trying to get a lighter sentence for Brian peek even knowing that he is guilty of the crimes for which he is about to face the punishment asking for a more generous sentence these weren't just 41 pieces of toilet paper with nonsensical scribblings on it from nobody's these were 41 character letters that were submitted by industry Personnel some of whom were high up on the food chain so these things carried weight and they're advocating for someone who is guilty of sexually abusing a child holy [ __ ] they just viewed it as not a big deal I guess uh listen judge I I understand Brian peek diddled a child who Nickelodeon hasn't are you really going to throw him away and or put him away and throw away the key for that what about season 3 of Drake and Josh what actually matters here let's think about that like this is crazy to me it almost stops being surprising learning that Brian pek landed a job at Disney right after his 16 months in prison for this crime because it seems like that entire industry just does not give a [ __ ] about the safety of kids to begin with so like I said quiet onet isn't just about Dan Schneider and all the awful things that he has done it's about how awful that entire industry itself is but once again Dan Schneider does still play a large role in this docu series highlighting the bad workplace and environment that he would cultivate the weird [ __ ] that would go on in like the writer's room and the way he'd treat some people just a whole plethora of different bad stuff and in response to all of this Dan Schneider himself actually stepped out from the Shadows leaving his little gopher's heidy heidy hole and addressing it head-on in one of the most painfully scripted and staged apology video interviews I've ever seen hey it's Boogie I play TBO and Nickelodeon Z Carly I got a chance to watch The Quiet onset program and I reached out to Dan to see if it was something that he'd be willing to discuss I'm pleased to say that he said yes Dan how are you I'm okay I'm okay the interview is not conducted by professional it's conducted by a former actor in one of Dan Schneider's shows and he is not equipped to handle something like this this is the biggest load of baloney like this is just some straight up [ __ ] Malarkey there is no push back from Boogie on anything in this interview at all it's just strategic softballs designed to give Dan Schneider some kind of sympathetic PR win here where he comes out of this looking better where he comes out of this like no not the bad guy it's so deplorable that they'd even try something like this with a straight face I think it is extremely transparent what this is and I'm happy to say pretty much everyone saw straight through this this did not give Dan Schneider the dunk I think he was expecting it to this did not make him look any better in the Public's eye it actually just made it look even more Sinister that he was able to it seems pre-prepare this interview to mitigate the potential fall out from the docu series airing let's talk about the massages okay watching the content yesterday it was disturbing it was wrong it was wrong that I ever put anybody in that position it was a wrong thing to do I'd never do it today I'm embarrassed that I did it then I apologize to anybody that I ever put in that situation Dan talk to me about the writer's room from what I saw not cool no no and I I don't mean to cut you off but if I can cut right to the chase let me just say no writer should ever feel uncomfortable in any writer's room ever period the end no excuses it starts with what's supposed to be this moment of taking accountability Dan Schneider is just point blank apologizing and you know holding himself accountable for the sins of the past type Vibe except he's really not like these aren't things that you just like handwave away with like a simple apology a lot of what was reported is like unforgivable bad bad [ __ ] like there's really no way of apologizing for the things that Dan Schneider has done and also been accused of so it's just it's it feels so [ __ ] insincere and Dan Schneider got away with it and it seems will continue to get away with it so he loses Nothing by doing something like this which just makes it frustrating to see him parade around pretending like he cares now all of a sudden like it's extremely easy for him be like oh yeah that was bad I feel bad for that oh what a regret yep not good like it's just I I want I would have liked if the interviewer was someone that would legitimately dive into a lot of these things and actually press him on a lot of these things this interview never even addresses the things that people want to hear from Dan on such as like the sexualization of the children in those shows even outside of all the foot stuff Dan included some very inappropriate things in his programs such as Ariana Grande milking a potato and then another scene with her getting like splashed with water and [ __ ] like all of it was very unacceptable and seems to sexualize the child actors and actresses in his Productions and that was never even brought up in this interview so this interview just it doesn't have any real substance to it it is legitimately just a scripted PR play from Dan I cut it I want my shows to be popular I want everyone to like the more people who like the shows the happier I am so there's anything in a show that needs to be cut because it's upsetting somebody let's cut it so I think it's big for you to say with your work if it's viewed as that today you don't have a problem cut it cut it I mean that's a solution the the last thing I want to ever do is put any content in a show that's going to upset my audience and make them want to turn off the TV why would I ever want to do that that makes sense this was him addressing a question that Boogie asked about like inappropriate jokes in there without getting too deep into the weeds just a broad of some of these jokes have aged poorly and people look at them as inappropriate for a child audience how do you respond the most softball way of asking this question mind you and his response was cut it just get rid of it I don't want it in the show if it's aged bad and it makes people uncomfortable or you know this and that cut it and Boogie like patting him on the back for it like oh my goodness wow that's so benevolent that what a great solution yeah that makes sense what the [ __ ] it's so easy for him to say that now but it doesn't take away the fact that you filmed it if you cut Ariana Grande milking a potato type [ __ ] if you cut some of the foot stuff that you included in there it doesn't change the fact that you still had the child actors and actresses doing that [ __ ] and were sexualizing them it still happened that's still bad cutting it from the final product doesn't erase what you did it's it's it's so frustrating that there's no push back on any of this in the interview he just gets to let him say his piece and then get applaud Applause for it it's it's so stupid and when Drake and I talked and he told me what had happened I was more devastated by that than anything that ever happened to me in my career thus far 41 of those people wrote letters for Pack character letters praising him for who he was and asking for leniency and they knew that he was guilty they knew he had confessed to some degree and they still did this but Drake's mom a lovely woman who I stay in contact with this day she came to me at the time and she said would you help me with my speech for the judge and I said of course and I did vanners fish in for the Nickelodeon's kid choice award for the best fake crying it feels super forced and super insincere him tearing up while talking about this story this is him talking about the Drake and Brian PE case where he mentions 41 people wrote those letters and it baffled him and then Drake's mom actually asked him to help her write her piece which he did and that leads me to a question of if you knew all this why didn't you back up Drake Bell the way it's described Brian peek had all of these people in his corner but Drake really only had his mom and his brother why weren't you more involved than like I I imagine that could have been extraordinarily helpful but regardless this interview doesn't do anything to change my perception of Dan Schneider or anyone else's really I imagine cuz it's just it's still nothing this isn't really an interview it's just a PR piece disguised as an interview it's just it's just more Despicable garbage here but yeah anyway I wanted to talk about this a little bit again the dony series is called quiet on set it's out now and uh yeah just kind of wanted to go over it a little bit that's it see y
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,125,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GQq08CLsImk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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