Pathetic Prankster

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over the years I've made fun of a lot of YouTube pranksters but the truth is they're risking a lot to make cringe they really are putting their life on the line for the worst content on the site there's already been like five or six major cases where YouTube pranksters have gotten themselves shot and killed so it's like they're soldiers but the only thing they fight for is clout so I'm being genuine when I say that the bravery and commitment to put a smile on the face of absolutely nobody is admirable and let me tell you one thing I've learned about the YouTube prankster douchebags is no price is too high for them in the pursuit of attention because they use mommy and daddy's credit card to buy everything for them for their content all the gear they need but one thing that's always sanded my ass is the fact that the pranksters themselves always seem extremely sensitive so when they're doing their dog [ __ ] pranks and someone responds aggressively to it they immediately fall back onto it's just a prank bro you know we're just goofing why are you getting all mad you're overreacting that kind of [ __ ] they literally become a Pokemon and the only thing they can say is it's just a prank bro and then they start to like try and shame the person for being upset even though some of the pranks are just downright crimes like the fake stabbing prank where they go up to someone with a knife and pretend they're about to kill them literally murder them and then when the person gets like panicked or fights back they're like what are you doing we're just kidding it's just this is so you [ __ ] goofball we were just making a good Tick Tock video it's just so embarrassing then watching the prankster try and play the victim here they get offended that someone got upset at their prank and so today there's a video that's going viral from a prankster where he was doing some stupid [ __ ] on the beach this it's ultimately harmless it's just not entertaining like it's just a lame prank but someone did respond negatively to it and ended up snatching the mic out of his hand and throwing it into the ocean and the prankster got so butt hurt about it that he called the police and then the police took the guy's side who threw the mic so then the prankster and his friend got trespassed and he still won't stop [ __ ] whining about it sorry I just seen you over here and I just I thought I had to stop and just ask you if I could get your phone number oh I'm sorry bro I didn't I didn't realize you were her husband I thought your record gave us friend or something I'm sorry you guys have a good day I'm sorry that's really the gist of this galaxy brain prank here it's just wearing stupid shirts like your man is a [ __ ] or the other one they wear is threesome and then they just go up to random people and say dumb [ __ ] so in this one it was just hitting on this girl in front of her boyfriend slash husband I just seen you over here and I thought you were beautiful I was just wondering if I could have your phone number you want to get smacked right now wait are you with her smacked up bro no why I didn't know I'm sorry can we just shake on it I'm sorry do they just do a whole tour of the beach saying lame [ __ ] to a bunch of different people trick-or-treating with cringe a couple people fake a giggle and then just shoo them away like some kind of stray animal and then a couple people respond negatively like this guy and the previous guy who are pretty tired of them just bothering everyone and being a general nuisance on the beach camera and get the [ __ ] out it was just a joke sir you're bothering people why why yeah you want us to call the cops for what you're harassing dude was it because of my shirt no no dude get out of here hey you you can't you can't [Music] foreign his initial reaction here is a very sad self-defense coping mechanism I know that's some armchair psychologist analysis of this situation but God damn it it's super clear he is upset that his mic just got thrown in the ocean that [ __ ] is expensive and his first response is to try and sarcastically throw a temper tantrum so that way the guy knows it's not bothering him that's why he's super over the talk with that like sophomore year of high school drama club thespian kind of [ __ ] you know screaming which is even more embarrassing because again it's in public there's a lot of people looking at him now it's just so Shameless but anyway a lot of brain rot takes came from this where people are saying well actually the prankster's in the right what just happened there was assault and battery you can't just snatch something out of someone's hands and throw it away that guy should have been arrested getting so upset over words that you'll assault somebody it's sick getting and I've just got to tell you that is some [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna hit you with the cold water that is some bubble blowing double baby Weenie Hut Junior nonsense there he was provoking people on the beach the whole point of the content is to do these lame ass incendiary pranks to try and get a rise out of strangers for the sake of your content to capitalize off the ad Revenue that's the entire gross little machine of clout that they try and pedal so this guy just swooping in and throwing the mic in the ocean I think is a totally fine response again they started this [ __ ] and he just finished it now they're out six hundred dollars he didn't push anything too far he didn't start throwing hands or like trying to poke their eyeballs out Captain insano style he just threw their mic in the ocean you started some [ __ ] and this man came through and he cleaned it all up fed him their vegetables and I understand the prankster's doing his best to mask his hurt feelings but he quickly drops that facade why I'm bleeding this guy assaulted me he took my mice six hundred dollars hey you know okay right now we're either gonna press charges or he has to pay me 600 damn his whole tone and attitude really changed here I think this is footage that you probably should have scrubbed from the video this shouldn't have made the final cut because you're looking like a real whiny [ __ ] right now with this part you're threatening to press charges on this guy the guy that you started bothering and then you're you're asking for 600 to pay for the mic that he just ruined you are the prankster you have to accept some level of responsibility right the whole point of your gag is to make people upset at you so you really can't be acting this way when something like this inevitably does happen so I think that's some real goober [ __ ] but I also want to point out something very important this man's hairline now he himself points this out in the beginning of the beach section so he tries to wear his insecurity on his sleeve but I'd like to really call attention to it real quick thing that I hate about the beach I don't have the best hairline so me and the beach don't always get along but ignore that okay guys how am I supposed to ignore this when I can hear the AG organizing cries from your permed hair screaming out in pain from all the heavy lifting it's doing trying to hide your 40 year old receding hairline especially with this facial hair combo going on here you've got that chin strap beard that [ __ ] toilet seat fuzz going around it does not work well when the wind blows in that's got to be your worst enemy here I can now fully understand why you're not a huge fan of the beach but honestly anywhere the wind blows is pretty much going to be a battle between your hair and nature trying its best to show the public where your hairline actually starts so I I don't know if he treats the outside like a vampire refusing to go out in the sunlight because there might be a gust of wind that blows by but God damn now I know many of you might think I'm being awfully harsh here but I truly think it's an invaluable service to insult people that do this kind of content because it's just lame and unacceptable I hate that public nuisance content is becoming so trendy on Tick Tock in particular that a lot of the these clout obsessed losers feel that the best way to get Fame and money online is by being as disruptive and as douchey as possible to just complete random strangers who's trying to go about their day and enjoy their life I hate that kind of content so I really do think that insulting it is legitimately doing a good deed especially because it's so saturated when it comes to [ __ ] pranks that it's become a bit of an arms race where a lot of people just keep amplifying the danger of the prank which is why people are getting shot doing them in order to stand out they have to be getting more and more extreme which is leading to more and more dangerous pranks so I really think this [ __ ] deserves to be insulted I was just out we ripped the microphone off my camera and threw it into the ocean or more or less promoting somebody to make a move and then you can record it correct actual [ __ ] Giga Chad Beach officer here [ __ ] Paul blunt rolls up and he's just like immediately calling him out on his [ __ ] he's like uh I know what this is you're provoking people to get a rise so you can record it for your Tick Tock right and he's just like immediately hits the nail in the head so much so that the prankster even puts in the uh it was at this moment he knew he [ __ ] up thing because the guy is privy to this kind of content I imagine this isn't his first rodeo with douchebags like this so he's just immediately going in on him [Applause] The Crossings for high damage property okay I want to be a YouTuber if I was a great grandma okay and it got taken too far I guess he got offended you guess he got offended God that's so pathetic yeah I guess he just got offended which is why I called the cops like a little Hall Monitor yeah you lost a 600 mic and it's your own fault so take it on a chin like a man and move on and this isn't your first rodeo with the law enforcement either I've looked at a lot of the content this is actually all him and his friends do they go to places they get trespassed or they just straight up get arrested in one of the videos they got wrestled down by mall security and like roughed up so his whole thing is just being a public nuisance and having situations like this but still has the hutzpah to pretend to be a victim and is actually the one who called the cops that is beyond embarrassing he's having a bad day it doesn't mean you go out I saw people you're both being trespassed from this part have you ever been trespassed before yes [Music] everyone getting trespasser just us just the two ah you can hear the pride in his voice when he mentions they've been banned from every Walmart they have been banned from multiple places and they're so proud of that I think that's so sad the state of the world where that's something to be happy about that you're banned from a lot of places because you're such an insufferable little [ __ ] who's driven by internet brownie points that you're just going to be a disruptive piece of [ __ ] to complete random strangers what the [ __ ] is there to be happy about with that the whole purpose is just sad you exist just to make people around you a little less happy just total strangers going about their day you want to make their day just a little worse because you post it online because you're a little internet clown that like that's just pathetic now I I think he's young he looks young but it's really hard to know for sure with a hairline like that but hopefully there'll be a moment of self-awareness like some self-reflection and he comes to the like this come to Jesus moment where he's like damn all this [ __ ] was so cringe like that'd be the happy ending that'd be the good ending there it completely changes like damn this was [ __ ] stupid what a waste but yeah anyway just wanted to talk about this a little bit that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,367,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fx0d0G-qvYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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