Hibachi Teppanyaki Griddle Top Cooking on a Outdoor Griddle Top

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griddle masters cooking up the good stuff hey Greta Master Jo with you today we are going to do a informational Japanese hibachi cooking like if you go to samurai or Benihana we have a place called blue ginger right close to us that does the fried rice that cooks on the hibachi top that's the most incredible thing about the griddle master griddle top is you could transform your barbecue into your own Japanese restaurant and all you need is a little bit of technique I'm going to try to cover with you I have mrs. little master here with us and I have her just so that you know I have four cameras on I have one right in front of me I have one coming down so you can see the top I have one to the left of me that can see the top and then I have one on this little bastard so she messes up or it looks funny I'm going to go in one more video editing and we're going to show you guys anyway we're going to have a good time this is going to be very informational I'm not promising to know anything of everything about hibachi cooking japanese-style cooking but I do know a lot because I've been all over the country and I really enjoy eating now that the Japanese restaurants and seeing the different techniques that they do so I'm going to try to cover some of them so that when you do it you'll be able to know the difference and be able to do some of the things that they do and have the different styles of flavor and I'm going to cover things that I like and that I don't like about what they do so hopefully I could get this all in and not forget too much and I have mrs. griddle master here with me so that she could help remind me as well because if I've eaten their sheathing there and she has her own flavors and preferences isn't that right mrs. riddle master yes okay so I'm going to go ahead and actually you know I haven't even turned the gas on I'm just so excited to to get started cooking that I forgot to even think about turning the tops on alright so just so you know this might run on a little bit but it's because I have so much to cover for you guys okay so I have eight burners isn't a Japanese restaurant they only cook in the center of their table because they only have flame right there all this over here is just a warmer so if you ever notice when they put stuff on these slide it over but what they're cooking is dead in front of them because this is only to warm things up alright so I'm going to let this get hot in fact right now I'm just going to let it stay you know how I tell you low is the way to go well right now I have a burner on a burner on the burner on and the burner on and they're all on high because I didn't have it on heating up before I got started and I'm going to put my vent on to start sucking this stuff up so um one of the biggest questions asked is you know how when they do the lane what do they use okay what do they use to do it well it's a two-part thing if you ever notice they put oil on their top verse and then they go and they they they start a fire on the side and then they be playing it over and loose it's the collision with the vodka it's vodka eighty proof vodka in with the oil that causes the big flare up all right so you always want to be careful dealing with fire I've never done it before until last night I just tried it because I was like okay I don't want to do something wrong and I still may and I'm still gonna I'm going to show you guys because if you're going to do it at home I'd rather mess up here so you can see and not do it at mess up at home and do a great for for your company because that's the awesome thing about cooking Japanese style is to entertain have people over and have a great time doing it alright so I'm pretty sure this is hot I got a little bit of water let's beat now I want to let it get a little bit hotter you [Music] yes as mrs. Goethe master said it's room-temperature water not cold water all right and here my number one question asked on the phone do you have a drain for the grease or you know you go to the Japanese restaurant so you see different griddles and they have a drain for the oil we do not and we will not we don't want one of those we want we call our tops of Fountain of Youth for your barbecue nothing's dripping down causing my elements to rust and corrode so this grill is actually well over four years old and it's still in in all purposes perfect condition you know you have the weathered on the outside but on the inside where the flame and everything it's perfect is there's nothing wrong more and a half years four plus years later so we keep a bowl a bowl next to us and in this case because you know so many things we got eight shells we got all that I brought out the big bowl so this is about a three gallon bowl and so I'm going to keep this or I can fill and then I could just dump it and now all I'm going to do stick this over to the trash when I'm done cooking and and now I don't have a draw a little contraption to clean later on so I just wanted to cover though I'm going to just put the bowl back right here next to me so I could just goop and into the bowl all right I am sure our top is hot enough I'm going to actually go back down low now I'm actually going to go to a medium for right now just to see how that does so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to use some vegetable oil vegetable oil remember they always do that they do a little actually and I did it upside down the little smiley face and then they do luckily so there's your flame and as you can tell it does a pretty good job you don't need to use much if you see how much I have so so if there's a planer and then it just goes away so after they do that they typically take and they wipe off the top it's like a sanitizing moment alright alright so we're going to get cooking and we're are going to start with our flipper need a flipper to do a lot of stuff you're going to use a pitchfork head so that way you could help control things and they usually have a belt where they put their knife on their hip and that's another question that's usually asked the Gerudo message okay and you cut on the griddle master griddle top yes you can it's going to dull my knife over you know time but that's why you have sharpeners alright so we're going to start with vegetable oil I'm going to put some around and we're going to get our right now right i coat the right the day before and i put it in the refrigerator you do not want to do right that you cook and when it just gets done cooking it's still hot you want the right to be a little dried up and then they do a couple of different things I have carrots and onions that are better diced up that we put in with our fried rice and something they don't tell you about is it's like a seasoning that has seaweed this one has better be seeds seaweed sugar and salt in it and this is like what you don't know and you don't typically see sometimes they put it in the rice already I like to use garlic and I'm going to use garlic throughout the whole time and another thing you don't know typically is they put sake sake in the rice sake only has a low percentage of alcohol and now if you look the right is really breaking up where it was pretty pretty clumpy it already smells amazing there's another thing that they typically will do a lot is they do the joke where they talk about the butterfly now I think they use cold butter where my butter is room temperature right now so therefore it slides right off my hot flipper okay so I'm going to put this off to the side for now and this is where really benefits to have a really big griddle top once you say mrs. little messes yes both when I go to that service okay so now we're going to do get our mixed vegetables on so again start off with some vegetable oil with the Thunder there and so what I have here for you what I have here for you is some cabbage some places do have it some don't I think pretty much they all do zucchini if a remember and actually I'm going to cut up these onions I was playing with the onions for the volcano and something that I learned or realized that's not really mentioned is you want to have a thick slice of onion to do the volcano because you need to you saw how that flame really flared out in planet is flatted and went big because of the vodka mixing with the oil which causes it to to sizzle and flat everywhere so with the volcano we trap all that explosion inside the onion so you need levels that are fairly thick okay all right so I'm going to take the vegetables that I'm going to move them over actually you know what before I do that I want to put some butter in there and garlic everything's getting garlic it's good for you it tastes really good and it makes the girls come home it'll answer there's a good for kisses now we do obviously put soy sauce oh and let's put a little bit of sake sake s a ke they call it rice wine okay all right let's see if I could do this they're upm patted down all the time because they want it to be flat I might have to turn this down even more well you need to stay okay whoo-hoo there we go that's a little hole let's see what we got we got a little bit of vegetable going in then we got our vodka going in and now there we go I don't know it's daylight they usually make it dark and but I did it hopefully you guys are seeing it too and then they slide it over there we go both louder then the other thing that they do that I've seen and if you give that second sometimes this will if you have a good enough feel here comes I see it it's coming it's thinking about it maybe I didn't put enough in just giving it back and see if it will do it it usually will bubble over but I think maybe my field isn't so great let me take this off to tell you yeah my feel was it wasn't great enough but anyway yes so so like business grillmaster say and aside the size of the onion how big it is is important just because it's a video and we have time I'm going to move that soy sauce over there let's try one more time [Music] actually I'm not going to do that big of one I'm gonna do two two rows well okay who rose to more two more maybe okay I put more oil that time see the oil so little practice forgiveness there's only the actually the volcanoes the first time you saw me ever do it and this is the second time right here so now if we slide it over then they usually play it over they and that's why your seal is very very important okay so let's knock this down and let's probably do for the heck of it one more time with the soy sauce yeah see the feel is all going underneath oh well alright let's set up our argue all right hit our vegetables arm this is really really hot I'm going to max low again like you always hear me saying and yeah they'll be good mrs. riddle doctor said it smells amazing yeah I'm moving my vegetable preserve there there now they always do salt pepper and garlic powder so I still need to put garlic on here but I'm not going to do I'll do pepper but not gonna do salt just because it already has enough sodium it hit and and we'll be adding more so I'm going to move this right see how hot the griddle top is and this is what they don't do let's just have rice right there it's crispy I love it that way I don't know about y'all but I like fried rice so anyway alright we're going to do some eggs I'm probably gonna make a fool of myself and I'll probably totally mess up but whatever number one they always make the joke egg roll and they spin it that's not an egg roll I thought that's an egg roll so anyway so I spin it but I'm going to try to okay so it's not do that and then they turn it sideways and break the eight and into the bowl No decoe I miss this griddle dancer saw itself okay so again we don't even have to turn it we can just catch it and or not the whole idea is is to make this thing come to sit down so your tension so y'all heard miss grillmaster about you can have a lot of fun having your guests come up and try to do the flipping of the egg come up with a little oil down now I like I like to have two eggs per two cups of rice so I actually have probably eight cups of rice here oh I just saw so and I have eight eggs out here so I might as well use them I'm right-handed I'm doing this with my left hand so okay you wipe my hands off here let's this is going obviously this is going in the bright right what okay you want two rings to be pretty pretty good oh that way you can nice so there's going to be people that are going to comment here algorithm s are you static at this we're all you have a fun and I'm not getting paid to entertain people at a Japanese restaurant so I am having fun and enjoying this I wanted to have a lot of people over but kill it happen I do this and I have to film for you all and people are talking and then I'm not able to get a clock all the bins let's break it to me you know what I'm going to go to only two burners because I don't think I need so everything is unload so now I only have two burners here on and look even on low and this is all way over here looking good so realistically if I had people here I would serve them I put that on their plate all right so I'm going to get some soy sauce on here all right again you don't need too much because that sodium that salt that flavor goes a really long way so we have our garlic our carrot you can put keys in here if you are mrs. little master a plate so definitely you can I am I'm going to give you I'm gonna give you rice in a rice bowl but you can set it there all right so we have rice bowls I'm going to do just a little bit in inside it and what they do is they go like that and they turn upside down and trap it and squish it in there go around and then serve it I'm going to give one to mrs. Widow Matt's I have four bowls out here so I want the practice so I'm going to go ahead and to cut now we get four yum yum sauce in the refrigerator I'm going to take the rest of the rice I'm just going to put on this plate so if you have a really big top firm or really does a smaller top remember they cook everything individually you can still accomplish this at home I'm doing I'm doing enough food here for probably ten people just so you know okay if I'm cleaning the top off I'm going to get another plate for our vegetables I already put that soy sauce from doing the onions and playing with that I'm just going to mix it up a little bit okay wow this looks amazing and for a quarter of the fight how's that look can you see it how about there like this I think it's amazing look now I love mushrooms and that I turn I turn the flame off or didn't go with all four burners I forgot I was going to do these mushrooms and I would have put these on I want to put these on [Music] probably even before the vegetables because they're going to take a little while to to render down it all depends on how far you like to to make your your mushrooms brown how is it have you had any vegetables they're probably really really really really really hot so I have while mrs. grill masters trying to the vegetables I made if you go to griddle master calm and look all the way at the bottom of the website there is some items and one says recipes and you go there I have the recipe for the white sauce you need to make it 24 hours in advance how's it yeah thumbs up so you want to make it 24 hours in advance oh it can can set up in in the in the refrigerator so I'm going to give it a nice dose of garlic in with my mushrooms just because I love garlic and miss the girl method love kiss it and we'll put some butter in here and mix it all up and typically again they would they would use salt pepper what I am going to put on this just because I like the flavor and and you could do it on your fried rice and your vegetables if you so desire garlic powder [Music] okay so these are rendering down pretty well already [Music] so I'm going to go ahead and I put on the flame over here just so that these can cook down a little more and I'm going to turn this up because now we're getting ready to get into the knee degree our proteins so I'm going to I'm going to clean this off just a little bit okay that's why they put this in the same place at the Japanese restaurant so that they can find it so I'm gonna let the oil get just a little hot and let's see what we want to start with I will start with we have shrimp we have calamari we have scallops we have salmon we have chicken and we have fillets so I'm going to put because the fillets are so thick I'm going to go ahead and put the fillets on okay now one of the things that they do that I cannot spend is they cut the face too fast I want my state to get brown on the bottom and on the other side even though I wanted medium-rare you can still let it brown but they have sets another flavor to it so I'm going to let that I'm gonna let that Brown and I'm gonna put in some more oil let's drop our chicken in there and are famine so again if you ever see that they post things off to the side all the time you know why because if they don't want it to cook that they're just letting it warm up I'll put our scallops in here I'm going to get overloaded if I I think I'm just going to wait there okay for me the mushrooms are good see how the chickens looking yeah and these are thick thick pieces of chicken so I'm gonna turn our flame up I'm going back up the medium so we could start brown and stuff better so in a Japanese restaurant there is a meat market they're just trying to get you in and out when you do this at home have fun with it enjoy what you're doing take your time if you go too fast you're going to have dried out food you know have your party we could be socializing having a good time as I could step back and relax because this is doing so it's all about entertaining having a good time what I'm doing these films for you you know there's such pressure to try to say what you need to hear trying to do things right trying to think of people oh don't touch your hair oh don't touch your dog you know what we'll have a fun this is my backyard and this is a griddle massive griddle top where you can cook everything and anything you want on it I was watching the Food Network and I saw them do it so many in correcting but know what if you think that behind in the kitchen when you go out to a restaurant that they're nailing everything a hundred percent all the time you're they're wrong so anyway have a good time while you're while you're cooking see and this is what I'm talking about right here I want I want that flavor I want that that brown that fear so it looks golden and beautiful look it up salut all right so we're going to go with some lemon juice now another thing that I see that they do they use real lemon well it is real lemon juice and the reason why I'm using that and not real lemons is because I can't tell you how many seeds I have received in my foods at a Japanese restaurant so I'm doing the juice so I know there's no fee but that I do okay so the chicken I'm going to go ahead and cut because it's so thick tonight very very nice how many headed with a little bit of mushrooms some toys and just a little bit of let's pop it in that plate no one would fit them get another bait from here so there's our scallops I believe our salmon is good to go let's do again little fat cells lemon juice little foggy and a little soy sauce da-yoon people all right AIESEC is give it some mushrooms in there I won't love mushrooms and little bit of garlic and we've been to places where they give a little bit about him with everything about sorry a little bit a little bit of mushroom with everything okay boys that's a little bit little garlic powder a little bit of our seaweed and I forgot they do the hardcover there is so much to remember who in this I want to put the petite the sesame seeds roasted sesame seeds on the right how how is that the salmon you like it alright let's go ahead and you know what before I do this fake because I know we have time on the sink because it's so thick I'm going to go ahead and find my vegetable oil okay let's get this we have some calamari and that would not leave the favorite of all shrimp the calamari is going to cook so fast and look like so is the thrip lemon juice garlic powder that's a little bit of garlic unease [Music] all right a little bit of soy sauce pink I'm really disappointed I love these Peas in the fried rice all right calamari doesn't take any time whatsoever payment the shrimp all right here you go we're going to take this and into the bowl there's our garbage we just cleared it out okay take our state get my handy dandy knife yep these are ready get some butter on them better place those 35 little mushrooms [Music] Selecao where you could wipe the edges all right of medieval okay I see no more protein so what I'm going to do for you guys is I'm going to clean my top real quick and then we're going to taste the food but I've been wanting to it's been a long time since I've cleaned my top online where you guys can see how much time it takes or doesn't take all right so I have all my burners are off usually you have to let it cool down but I have my top of lot to my grill it cannot live became that twist it can't do anything so I'm free to squirt it as much water on this as I want and so I think my flipper and I did sleep it so I'm not going to edit this video put right here I'm going to let it run all time so you can see how much time it takes and I use paper towels now instead of a cotton rag because this is griddle master doesn't like putting those in the dish in the clothes washer [Music] as you can see the tops already pretty well off [Music] I rather buy a couple rolls several rolls a whole big thing of paper towels and used as much as I want you see how easy that is okay em one last water down and that says that is the top typically will get as I've used the whole top now I keep simple green with me so I could do right here take my bowl [Music] that's it that's it once it cools I'll get any little news pieces that might be there but now I'll boil it up I'll it and then I'll close it up and I'm done with the griddle top and that's how hard or not to clean the griddle top all right all right so let's give this a taste but I'd like to do is have mrs. little Matson come over you have a fork and a spoon and see there I'm going to turn off this so we could hear ooh I got a food Oh Luke I got a hook in a spoon so we have chicken you like well it's still juicy and you know the temperatures cooled up a little because I clean the top but from steak and mushrooms medium-rare Wow do you have one who is still warm pull a melts in your mouth I like the brown of the meat I like it being seared and have a nice crust on it okay whoo do a little dollop of yum yum sauce oh let me show them this comes with your large kit when you order a griddle massive griddle top accessory kit the large 1p I could turn it upside down then comes out and and it just sets off you love it you can fill it from the bottom or the top with a big opening so these are very very useful so calamari do you want to try I know you know the calamari game yeah that's why you don't see it that often it tastes good but it's a little okay okay shrimp yum yum sauce my queen Oh oh my goodness I can't wait til the camera goes off because we're going to go off on that plate mmm Wow okay we have salmon and scallops we find the biggest scallop you can see ain't even budging that's just wrong oh I like scallops but you know what she loves me and she'll do it what yes who's your daddy good don't you I bought the Viper with somebody would be big was it was okay for you you guys got to do this at home you know how much money I spent doing this we could do this probably two more times and it costs the same as what it costs for her and I to go out one time to the restaurant oh Henry had some see the salmon free okay we have some vegetables I need the pork I'll use a fork so we have broccoli we have cabbage we have carrots we have zucchini okay onion already but I'm going to do a cabbage and uh a broccoli what do you want hmm the broth is still sorry so on top of my mouthful the broccoli still um got a crisp to it that's good there's mushrooms I'll take a big bite of these because we all know what mushrooms help help you do em since I forgot to put them on No nope she tried to put a heart on it I Glynn Oh you know that see that seaweed really that's flavored so anyway come on in here with no messin I think I'm gonna go jump in the pool you'll mind cleaning everything up so it it was a lot of fun umm it's hot this was a lot of food and it came out really really good and you saw there's no messing up you just um the more you do it the better you'll get and obviously I don't do it a lot but I have done it enough with the family I think like I said 25 people on this griddle top the with with this type of food with the fried rice and like the Japanese restaurants so it's a great way to entertain so if you're interested go to Gretel master calm I like this video trying to get missus griddle master to do more videos she doesn't think she's really good at it but I enjoyed it I thought she did a great job when she did the steak so if you want to look back on on a steak that she did she watched her top her watch you know I just wing it she's more got to do it by the numbers so hope you enjoyed it you have anything to say the real message you looking like it sweaty Betty we appreciate you guys watching like this on on Facebook Like us on YouTube it will help you see the new videos that we have coming out we don't hound you we don't spam you it's just there so you guys could check out what we what we have when we release it alright thanks for watching enjoy your summer and look for a new video coming soon great a message L miss this griddle master you you you
Channel: GriddleMaster
Views: 1,503,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Griddle Master, Blackstone, Griddle Top, Griddle Plate, Hibachi, Teppanyaki, volcano trick, hibachi volcano trick, Japanese style cooking, fried rice, camp chef, Hibachi volcano trick, castiron griddle plate, Griddl Pan, outdoor griddle top, outdoor griddle station
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 54sec (4194 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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