Griddled Pizza 3 Ways!! Cheese, Pepperoni and best of all BBQ Chicken Pizza

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hey guys thanks for to our in our fellow grillers we get an interesting cook tonight and made pizza on the griddle this was Jeff's cook we're at Jeff's house he did this while camping a little a little ways back and I hope you guys enjoyed this video because Jeff has been in a Crabby mood today he had to work he yelled at me never yells at me Chris and I showed up on Saturday do a cook that's just been one thing after the other I don't have your ID y'all dad on a Saturday night leave that you get a nice crispy crust Chris yeah we go look at that came look good everything came out great so I don't have a brand then I prefer one over the other as long as you can get a thin crust that's kind of the seems to work best on the griddle otherwise so I tried the thicker crust I was okay Chris is actually I actually like the like I like that's like a crust so it's not not a deal-breaker for me but these came out great I mean I think someone's gonna dive in at some point now taste this up so you might tell us what we got yes we have right here barbecued chicken with red onion yes and butter sauce sweet baby Ray's barbecue sauce these two we duplicated it made it twice that's how good that pizza is you plain cheese pizza jeff has one of those kids just once miserable very simple miserable and then the pepperoni special right here lots of pepperoni he cooked it earlier came out awesome throw it on there so let's get into it let's get into it and show you how it's made well Nate since that exposure rosin I'm gonna prep the chicken as you sorry I already marinated it for a little bit and the barbecue sauce that I thinned out I'm just gonna go ahead and put it down and then after this is done I'm gonna go ahead and slice it up see the vc sensor that keeping the ingredient form when he popped them so I'm gonna be using pins on this side with the heat on look that way when you go to put it on the husk I'll hunt ingredients and the hot sauce that we're gonna walk it's gonna end up melting the cheese a lot easier that way you don't have to cover alright so the chickens almost done you see right there so what we're gonna do is put a little oil down and we're gonna soften the I right onions you don't want to overcook it from you just want to get a little sauce with that up and once that's done and we'll put them right back into the pen as soon as they're done what do you want I got everything I'm low right now just because we don't low ones for those low and slow all right chicken is on cooked still warm we're just gonna slice up chunk it up topping size all right so first each we're gonna do is a snip one cheese I'm just gonna do a cheese pizza what I like to do a little bit of oil stir it around and then actually put a little bit of garlic powder better than oil taste this raw what we're gonna do is cook this up a little bit so that way it gets a little crispy on that side and also carries over the heat when we flip it we're gonna put the warmed up toppings already on it and that way it's gonna help the cheese melt and look like a really good beats and tastes even better all right so this is one like a medium low heat and this is a guys move up for a little while this has only been on there for about a minute or so but as long as there's enough offset when you're cooking you can start a second time that way when you're putting the toppings on this one after you flip it the second one's not gonna be burning and that's kind of really all we're looking for and really only a couple minutes on each side so it's gonna be really quick once we start going this one's almost ready to flip when you feel the heat starting to come through like it is pretty much there all right so it's only been like 2 or 3 minutes you can see right there when I slash to brown up a little bit and you can feel heat through the top that's when it's ready to flip I'm not gonna flip it yet we're gonna put a little more oil down so that way it gets nice and crispy on both sides as you're going pizzas almost here put a little oil down already there do a little more garlic it's good so now well it's nice and warm you're gonna want to do the ingredients this one's just gonna be cheese [Music] Joffre Joffrey's little time Jeff you smile for the camera a real one if Nate will stop yelling it now smile good night Saturday night know that so we do know that this one's gonna be the pepperoni and there's definitely some heat we might have to cook for him time but a pepperoni pizza you know what I put cheese on first you just do the pepperoni first I do the cheese all right ya know a good idea maybe do a little bit of pepper only before and then the cheese there more pepperoni on top next time you cook in your PT all right okay that's there enough then unexpected turn of events Jeff we're getting a good smell right though now you put cheese on so how I put cheese on top Jesus done see underneath when I go for a little bit actually that's pretty good so we're going to pull it now what I'm gonna do is just put the tray down let me take it off and that'll keep melting a little bit more as it goes along extra barbecued chicken barbecue chicken all right this is the wild card pizza this is the one my wife loves the most and and the one that we put the most effort into this is the barbecue chicken barbecued chicken and red onion pizza that's the money shot right there look at that that's good so we're gonna go out the warmed up barbecue sauce not a lot we don't want it too sweet but for anybody that's curious this is a sweet baby Ray's barbecue barbecue you'll see it in the picture that's gonna be floating up above right now at the ingredients list this is the chicken thighs that we cooked earlier now Jeff's using a thin crust tonight that's the preference for him they also have you know the thicker crust you can also use a walker in this is Walmart brand no football Bowie is called like Bowie isn't it boy the biblical biblical crust formerly known as Pahlavi baloney bolli crust which is the same as Boboli crumbly globally yeah tomato tomato tomahto barbecue chicken red onion a little barbecue sauce and it's a mozzarella on top of these with the chicken pot in the barbecue sauce so you can see as soon as you put the cheese down it's fast to settle in and melt you're not gonna get that browning like if you're cooking in the pizza oven what the flavors gonna be alright so this sit tight let that cook to be back might be biased but I really enjoy this pizza this is the red onion barbecue pizza cook perfectly it's nice and crispy wife and kids love it well wife and one kid loves it the other one just likes the regular cheese pizza but uh we're glad to share this with you hopefully you try it out let us know what you think and definitely without a doubt just comment without the comments we don't know what's going on with the comments it's really actually helpful I don't want to waste a little bit we'll take it good in bed thanks for tuning guys cheers Cheers barbecued chicken you
Channel: The Griddle Guys
Views: 98,978
Rating: 4.9340158 out of 5
Keywords: griddle pizza recipe, Blackstone, Griddle, Pizza, bbq pizza, pizza on the griddle, grilled pizza, pepperoni pizza, Campchef, pizza on campchef, blue rhino, pizza on blue rhino, cheese pizza, pizza on flat top, Griddled pepperoni pizza, Griddled Cheese Pizza, Griddled BBQ Pizza
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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