Chili on the Griddle!

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you hey what's going on guys once again just want to say hi thanks for joining the channel chilly night very excited get some spicy chili tonight meat likes to call it still he's not far off I throw everything in it I'm a little out of this out of the circle with people who cook Joey I like it a lot of different stuff of it but we are doing it on the griddle and we would have started cooking probably about 15-20 minutes ago but we suggest again soccer soccer it already just late so you know well well tune in when it gets here start cooking that's gonna sit tight have a couple more drinks wait for me as we always do we just do it shocker okay guys Jeff this year so we're good to finally most like we'll be cooking in the dark thanks Jeff slate thanks Jeff anyway chilli and we're doing my chili and I call it chili Neelix to call it what do you call it still do and the reason why I need likes to call it stew is because I throw a lot of different stuff in it I'm not prejudiced when it comes to my chili I throw everything that I like and it tastes good we'll give you a quick rundown of the list of ingredients I'm gonna do black beans no I let your them spicy so I don't usually do beans in my chili I don't even like means and chili typically but this one caught my cumin and chili spices looks pretty good so I'll probably put half that can in there petite diced jalapeno and habanero tomatoes a little kick as well as one can of just regular petite cut tomatoes and for spices and this is where I usually typically make a great chili or they can okay chili because they never measured I'll be honest if you guys are looking for how to pin it down it's not gonna happen I'm kind of all over the place with my chili I just throw stuff it never comes all the same way boy so I kind of like it but these are your base ingredients right away basic but for spices chili powder ground cumin Cayenne red pepper and crushed red pepper what I'll do is when we get the meat out there the 80/20 hamburger as well as gonna take the hot sausage the hot sausage but we're actually gonna take it right out of KC and we're gonna cook that up on the griddle now when I got here but what I'm gonna say when I'm when I'm doing me is that's typically when I throw my spices now I throw right on the meat want to stick to that meat I want we'll get right in there and and cook with it and it varies with me again no measurements it's a dash at the acid - here we go pepperoni something a little bit I'm the norm I like to throw peperomia we're gonna dice this up but in there you're not gonna really taste it bite it but it's gonna be in the chili and the juices are gonna come out of that and we got some peppers some habanero jalapeno it means jalapeno criticism for anyone paying attention it's my video this is Tabasco - in case anyone's wondering [Laughter] those are way harder than we thought they were gonna be yeah but it's going into cooking it doesn't make it more mild we're gonna cook it for a little bit on the grill and plus I think we're gonna deceit it okay I'm gonna take you seeds oh no because I think that's what killed us and our kabobs yeah yeah so you get that mushrooms I know Jeff's a fan of much let me see those a little bit bigger so that people who don't like it it'll be fine then we get some cheese to top the French red hot green pepper red pepper and some garlic I'm gonna put these guys to work they're gonna do a lot of dicing and slicing right now and we're gonna cook this all up on the griddle and then just throw it in the crock-pot the bad-word crock-pot it's not a bad word for me you're the one who said no crock pots in the videos typically or because it's your video exactly alright guys so you can see all the ingredients here Chris since it's his video he gets to tell us what to do he put me to work I'm the one that died stir all this up but you know somehow I end up actually he did a great job did a great job but this is gonna be quick and to some degree where Chris wants is to basically brown off everything and then I don't know if you can see over here but we got the crock-pot pre-warmed it's all gonna go in there so we're gonna start with the meat you got the super high because we want Brown edge plus it's a little cold Oh temp your chains are coming there's a good breeze there's a little breeze so for the veggies I'm gonna put down a little bit of oil and dump these guys I'm gonna leave the mushrooms for a minute I want them to get super mushy yet probably put them on a couple minutes from now I'm gonna mix the pepperoni in with the meat help flavor the meat and we got a ton of garlic here so I mean I do probably half that with the vegetables throw half on in a minute want to get good contact with the griddle so these fat to pick up color I smell good already smells really good literally and like what was that garlic the garlic by virtue of the fact that it's sausage it's gonna stay it's gonna want to stay as one clump because it's been bound together to make the sausage so we're gonna get in here and start pulling that apart says Chris told me he doesn't want chunks of sausage she wants a homogeneous meat mixture and I wanted not chunky right so my technique here is the same as when I'm doing steak and cheese you push down on the meat with the long spatula and come in and pull with your scraper all right you'll see in a minute I do this enough so you get a nice breaks it up nicely you don't mind if I start seasoning that while you're cooking chili why would I buy good portion cumin down some red pepper flakes and that start at one and working my way to the other chilli powder there's some cayenne pepper you smell mad already yeah it's in my eyes no I guys smell it and taste it but I can feel it my I'm all good so you can see fairly quickly I made that you know really fine so neat me to have some grill experience earlier nizzle days right all right spent a lot of time is with this a lot of time cooking on a flattop I actually well that's why we have the channel right I enjoy cooking on Black Sea like we got a chunk right here get in there one of the things we should talk about is the reason why we're doing this on the griddle look how much space we're using right now but look how many pans where you think to do this in your kitchen it is a total easier less mess I mean you gotta agree with that right it when you're making a chili in your home you use the three or four different pins just to get this done you gotta drain the hammer you get a pan for that pamper the peppers and onions but you don't get browning like you get on the griddle you don't get the even heat like you have right over here absolutely agreed so the meat is a nice nice fine consistency we're gonna move that over that's ready to go and we're gonna make some room for the tomatoes and the mushrooms you can see on the peppers we pick up some nice color that's going to add a lot of richness to the flavor of the stew / chili sorry Chris Julie gotta dump them on my a little oil daughter yeah let's throw a little oil down go ahead and a couple minutes of cooking these up and we'll be putting it in stock pot you are for the tomatoes on the end yeah like we say guys this was quick one thing to keep in mind you want restrained restrain these a little bit they're very watery out of the cans it may be surprised that we're cooking the tomatoes the reason for that is we want to caramelize some of the sugars which is why I'm platinum out to get maximum contacts between some tomatoes and the grill surface well that's not delicious hey Jeff's here all right so the the meat is nicely browned it's actually everything here smells delicious it really does so good I almost feel bad about making fun of Chris for doing it puts in this chili but it actually smells delicious Chris told me he wants the mushrooms a little bit softer but we're gonna stop moving the meat and it's made is into the crock-pot we did yeah keep it nice and warm on the middle yeah that's the nice thing about griddles too is that you don't have to worry about scratching them when I get there just a little garlic roasted garlic tomato sauce like I said everything goes in my chili he's gonna go grab some of the lands no no come on Jeff you gotta laughs until you brought with you maybe we'll throw that in there all right so we're back in the house as you can see we get that a really nice mix here Chris and I already took a little taste test of it definitely plenty of heat but we don't have a base so chris is rinsing the beans right now we're gonna throw in maybe a quarter of a jar of just regular tomato sauce and we have one can we held back of the petite diced 1/2 a can of beans that Chris rents get the cans for them off them and then all of these ingredients are gonna release a little bit more moisture as they cook looks delicious so we can throw this on high and let it sit how long you want to sickness I mean it's good deed now but I warm it up a little bit cuz just everything we added but I'm gonna give it 20 minutes to a half an hour a little taste up I always taste a little bit of the liquid that rises up the broth to see what kind of flavor I'm gonna get my favorite product so again we're game day right so this is kind of something when you would cooked right before a game have guys come in they can help us up the chili got it girls yeah all right it does hold well I'm yeah how long you leaving in here the better it's gonna get him so we have it on high right now we're gonna let sit well do a taste test a little bit all right guys this taste test time the chili has been sitting in the crock-pot for maybe 25 minutes get a close-up of what we're looking at so we couldn't nate's already dug into his he had cheese on top to begin with but he's already tasted jeff has not tasted yet he's got some corn tortilla chips chips chips and dip criticism to go with them and then Tyler who just walked in the doors being someone's to try it he's all for it I just being the brief we get an audience with us all nobody else wanted the chili look at the most standing on you guys okay over there y'all stand together like you posed it so why don't you guys dig in Nate you've already tasted you don't have to taste again you can talk about how your face I mean so I don't know what you put in for spices but I mean you don't know you cooked it I am working your magic I am sweating I know the flavors like front it's really rich it's like you're definitely cooking on the grill made a big difference but there's something in here and I don't know if it's the jalapeno is the long hard or the seasoning you put on it but something grabs the back you throw it so far yeah is it 200 too much it's not hot it's just it hits the back is roll and just Oh what just happened there I thought that was a reaction because of you because of the taste all right so you know what really makes us mushrooms ha ha ha don't bust my definitely this was my job this is the best stew that I've ever had yeah all right it's all about the stew I mean you really have to consider taper and back to eat okay those too much spice it's okay thank you think it was the peppers itself or the spice that I throw I don't know because I yeah so it might have been this place actually we don't have to go back and look at it I didn't think I was too heavy on the pour on the spices yeah it's got a lot of depth for such a short cook time I think that's the griddle but what do you think Oh Merlin the girlin really makes a difference good well tolerable Tyler you can eat it yeah good what are you 16 yeah yeah you're a bigger man than both of these guys right so you know just so you know you're a bigger man this is really good and I highly recommend trying you know and cooking on the grill first really adds an extra layer which is all well you get the jalapeno tomatoes in habanero hope you know Ian have a narrow know the petite potatoes petite tomatoes and I throw in there out of the can all right sure you a jalapeno end in habanero yes they were hot yeah those highly suggested try it out it's really good right that's what Jeff suggests I said take her back on some of the heat tell me what do you suggest I think it's fine with how hot it is the man right yeah yeah talak be my new best friend cuz I don't like these guys I like you you know what you're more of a man than they are like good job tile up subscribe
Channel: The Griddle Guys
Views: 30,616
Rating: 4.8439307 out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone, Griddle, cooking, griddling, griddle, camp chef, campchef, bbq, outdoor cooking, easy recipe, recipes, Spicy, Red pepper, Cayenne pepper, Cumin, mushrooms, hamburg, hot sausage, red pepper flakes, jalepeno, diced tomatoes, pepperoni, franks red hot sauce, no mess, game day apps, chili
Id: IKPPsuXorQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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