Philly CheatSteaks On The Blackstone Griddle

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[Music] we got a frisky bunch here in Bakersfield don't bother me I'm busy New York New York man how far did you drive today two and a half hours he drove two and a half hours to visit us on the griddle more tour and that's because I didn't want to go to Colorado to see you see I'm trading in my camp shaft for a new black stone yes I love the black stone I came here to get more recipes to try new things for friends and family Victoria is our local brand ambassador this weekend came out to help us and all three stops in Bakersfield she's doing a phenomenal job we have never seen it more clean putting out the blackstone vibe all right so we have we will have I guess black stone griddle with a 36 here today on high heat where's the beef here it is start out we have ground beef so there's a 70/30 ground beef I like to use 70/30 law degrees because you want a little bit of grease dripping into that bun just makes it better I mean you could do ninety ten if you want to keep it lean but 70/30 just really works out well it's gonna give this flavor again very comparable to a traditional Philly cheesesteak it's actually a mixture of olive in canola oil so a little bit of oil down on the griddle contrary to what a lot of people online I'll tell you the griddle doesn't care what kind of oil you want to use some people use avocado some people use sunflower seed canola oil Bethel it's all good I'm we use a tall 18 pounds of Rumsey like garlic and everything saw a little bit of granulated garlic for sure I just love it a little bit of black pepper I mean I put a little salt on there but if you don't want to use salt if you're watching your sodium you don't need to use salt there's a ton of beef I'll just put a little bit of a little bit of sea salt on there all right let's chop this up and make it look a little more palatable here the new spatulas are really good for chopping you know it's easel I like the older ones that I've really weak wrists and arthritis so these are nice using four hours put these new heavy-duty ones they're great if you just want to chop some apart they're so strong and they have that beveled edge on there watch out for flying beef I usually have somebody that complains they're like I can't believe you're throwing off if anybody really wants that grease feel free to come and just take it dump in your pocket so Jeremy just asked me if the Surround table fits with the newer rear grease you know the rear grease griddles came out to two and a half years ago or so and the answer is not original but yes so we have two versions there's the there's the surround table that came out and we could use it on the old front grease so I don't know three or six months ago or so they came out with another version which fits this one as well [Music] how you guys doing well we're just showing up fast over here today start off with New York Strip - doing some filling up in sheets states now we got 18 pounds of even pallet here so I'm cooking this down and then we'll be going Philadelphia cheesesteaks traditionally usually just have onions sometimes people put green pepper in there as well or mushroom and that's fine I like most of the traditional is its onion only so I'm just gonna throw in some diced onion today that we fix up here at Walmart [Music] 18 pounds of beef and a half pound onions they were moved emotionally I could tell the onions in the grease everything's looking good I'm literally just gonna shove this over here in a pile I'll turn these burners down to super law all she turn this burner off altogether so secret for sure is a good role with these my favorites always gonna be Sam's Club if you do have a Sam's in the area Sam's has a white hoagie roll that is phenomenal but these are really good but let's say the Sam's is the number 10 you know these are a good a they're a good role so the secret is a good bakery fresh roll you don't want to use like one of those egg enriched hot dog buns or in look that's so a good bakery roll so we're just going to toast these up again you know the bun will just soak up a little bit of that oil and then we'll kind of roll them a little bit and they'll be nice and soft pull them off then we'll get the cheese in here and serve these puppies up or just kind of getting those warmed up getting a little oil in there we'll pull them off and then we'll just go crazy assembly line here at the end we're done could use Cheez Whiz for this we're gonna use American cheese pretty much same thing and so it is for some American cheese on there we'll put the cheese down put the meat on topping build it up secret is you just want that cheese kind of running throughout the meat so American will work just fine and it'll taste just about the same let's do that and we'll literally just layer a little bit deep on top because we are gonna plate these puppies off how you folks doing today how's the Wolverines yeah oh man does he ever cook for you okay what's that so that cheese as you can see just melting right into that meat I'm just gonna literally flip this on top of there BAM secret is on this again if you go to like a really good cheesesteak shop out east is a lot of meat in there don't go skimpy I mean you want a lotta meat on there so let's just get these ready here I mean it should be a substantial sandwich Jose you sure can't hold a sandwich go ahead you're good oh yeah here we go sorry I'm scared that I was scared that cheesesteak did somebody made now come on Perdition on the beach thinly shaved ribeye or sirloin but 70/30 works phenomenal obviously is going to be 90 percent cheaper and these are just fun to make you can make them at a party make you at home you can make them as little slider version Sam's in while my both sell a little slider hoe your rolls so this want to be like a Philly cheese steak slider delicious I love it how is it doesn't pass the approval anything of a Dodger fan good thank you good I don't want to get hit by that so I'm just trying to see on your good side you might need to do this tonight when a Papa comes over for dinner yeah do it enough for Papa yeah the fun's the secret you don't wanna yeah you want to have a good bakery fresh bun so you can suck get the oil from the meat the cheese melt it in there over here oh yeah the 28th bro nice good move up and just go down a little bit be a Sam's Club yes a Sam's Club griddler all right folks got one more coming up here oh my goodness trying to get a picture of that one hoes they look at that whoo take a look [Music]
Channel: Todd Toven
Views: 1,127,561
Rating: 4.7462335 out of 5
Keywords: blackstone griddle, todd toven, griddle more, griddle more tour, fresno, philly cheesesteaks, cheesesteaks, cheatsteaks, philly cheatsteaks, fresno california, walmart, cooking demo, outdoor cooking, blackstone 36, griddle, backyard cooking, american cheese, ground beef, hoagie roll, recipe cheat
Id: 8e37KCXzhMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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