Fried Potatoes and Sausage on the Blackstone Griddle

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hey what's up everybody hungry huh see here and I got a Saturday treat for you hmm are you ready I know you are what I want to do for you today is I got a little smoked sausage potato peppers and the onions dish for you makes a great weekday night this is gonna go together really fast I'm talking like maybe 15 minute dish or under you can cook it on a Sunday for through the week you'll warm it up you know you kind of want to go and a lot of people are there at home but still we still got to make life a little easier so it's got potatoes smoked sausage whatever smoked sausage you like I got onions and peppers so we're gonna put all that together we're gonna eat it and also put some cheese on top which we do sometimes sometimes we don't most the time we don't but you can't put cheese on it for those that there's cheese lovers out there in the world so what I'm gonna do for you now let's uh let's get to the ingredients and then get to cooking all right let's get back all right ingredients got a smoked sausage this is just one package of smoked sausage this is actually Turkey we actually like the turkey I got this is three potatoes that I have cubed one quick note is i microwave these first okay I washed them microwave them on three minutes high on them on the microwave and then I'll just cube those up makes it really easy you don't have to cook them quite as long on the black stone I got one Vidalia onion and I got probably half a cup of pepper each so cup total of yellow and then that's red pepper I got some butter I got some butter and pepper salt and potatoes on the blackstone gotta have that Mike Lowrey all right Mike yeah Rees that's what you got so we're gonna put that on the blackstone air for our unit right there yeah it's gonna be some good groceries all right let's get to it y'all all right hey pretty simple ingredients right we got the black stone I got it on about a medium heat right now and I haven't I haven't pretty warmed it so I need to warm it up a little bit longer little tip here little tip this morning I'm actually shooting this on Sunday today's 16th May 16th and this would probably I'll probably air it next Saturday I don't know what date that is but it'd be next Saturday a little tip we cook bacon and a little bit of breakfast on this this morning don't do anything with that grease I knew I was going to do this video and so I just kind of left it not dirty this is bacon grease it's just flavor that's all it is so put a little bit of oil just just be thinking about stuff you got going on like I knew I was I knew I was wanting to do this video potatoes are lovely in bacon grease okay so just just think about that all right so we're gonna get the potatoes down they do take the longest so just gonna get those down first we're gonna get them cooking and once they get all happy then we'll we'll get you know everything else kind of going in the same manner okay Beto's you go there okay go there taters we're gonna do our onions yeah peppers sir okay need a little bit of butter well butter sometimes I wonder if butter loves me as much as I love butter you ever think that will salt even though I'm gonna put that mic Lowery's on those taters we still gonna salt them a little bit salt and pepper salt and pepper and then my I get so excited to say Mike Lowrey alright peppers beautiful Peppa's hangul me very long I'll stick them over here are they gonna know jeah okay here's our this is our smoked sausage again we use turkey food we like it just something we've always done but we'll buy the other you know smoked sausage - but wait us for some reason like the turkey I guess it's Tim I don't know a long time ago whenever I was trying to be a some kind of super stud in the weight room I was trying to you know watch my fat and all that kind of stuff decided on Turkey and and it was good I've since done another thing differently okay it'll all get a little bit of a little char on that come back here yes all right come here selfish I said it's pretty much just waiting on the potatoes to kind of get done but since we park cook those in the microwave they all need that long okay won't hurry these up this a little bit more I put a little bit a little bit of steam on them while that's going we want to kind of combine the that person the meat over here smells lovely smells absolutely lovely okay y'all get happy won't cut this burner off actually just nice just nice they'll be warm all right say those been going for a minute or so see where they're at they have all the steam has been gone so it's time for another steam treatment where y'all hmm I'm ready for this we're gonna let these go for two or three minutes and we'll come right back right all right it's been two three minutes and let's see what we got hello taters hello titers [Music] [Music] let's see see what we got here for our potatoes a little bit longer a little more seasoning a little more my Lowery's potatoes require a lot of seasoning you know what I am going to do is I'm going to bring everything together we're gonna bring everybody in and a little happy family okay well happy family come on y'all that'll finish cooking all together in the lights a little happy family we're like family you and me all right it's a beautiful thing right there so gonna play the happiness what am I gonna do we'll stick a cover over it I'll let those taters go for another two or three minutes might do a little more steam okay we'll stay you ain't gonna hurt nobody all right two three minutes come my back all right don't you go anywhere roll in down the streets of Thomas view sipping on some cheer or while how to get a plate let's see where we're at with our potatoes are you ready it's been about two minutes man I just love how everything have a nice little whoa mahogany color to it oh good oh it's all sassy see you all right here say those can still use just a little bit seasoning is there okay plus I get a little bit of the smoked sausage in that too so I think maybe one more little water treatment will steam treatment I think that I'll do it I'm actually going to close the lid on this two to three minutes that's gonna be done okay are you ready here we go ready what do you think hello stragglers back here yeah [Music] even better color now all right tater you better be done done do and you need done hmm all right y'all well hey let's get this off of a black storm and get this onto our plate I see up tater chips look at that would you look at that look dang it boy it's gonna be some good groceries mmm all right folks hey I'm ready to give this thing a try what I also did at the end I'm sprinkling a little bit of that Mike Lowrey is on top just to finish it off okay I want to get a little bit of everything I want to pepper want to onion come here onion my pepper fell off come here onion come here buddy there we go it's a perfect one right there the potato adds that creamy feel like I'm echoed a potato adds a little creamy to it soft texture and then the smoked sausage has a meaty smoky flavor and then the sweetness of those peppers is a it's just an all-around good flavor going on and picky eaters picky eaters we even eat this too not to pick out the onion the peppers or whatever but let's hear why well y'all hey I appreciate you watching this video I hope you enjoyed it it's this is just a simple dish that you could throw together I mean this videos taking me literally 15 minutes video and I've had to do this do that set up this set up that if you just come out here with your heart set just to cook I mean you're talking 10 10 15 minutes easy so y'all hope everybody's safe I love each and every one of you and until next time folks hunger hussy is [Music]
Channel: The Hungry Hussey
Views: 47,461
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: The Hungry Hussey, Hungry Hussey, Blackstone Griddle, Outside Cooking, southern fried potatoes, simple cooking, easy cooking, southern cooking, fried potatoes, smoked sausage, southern recipe, simple recipe, smoked sausage and potatoes, smoked sausage and potatoes skillet, smoked sausage and potatoes recipe, sausage, potatoes, recipe, cooking, dinner, smothered potatoes, meal, smoked sausage and potatoes blackstone griddle, griddle recipe, meal ideas, easy recipe
Id: AgDabiYD2Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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